North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, June 02, 1921, Image 7

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PAGE SEVEN [he Clancy Kids It’s Just Their Sway PERCY L. CROSBY w r( t M, 1>J lhB McClurg Newspaper Syndicate Be Sure to Keep Blood Pure Nature intended all creatures to withstand the normal changes of the seasons- You never saw a wild animal collapse from heat, did you ? People wouldn’t get “knocked out” either, if they had the vitality animals get from their blood. Kick, wholesome blood gives bodily vigor, and if hot weather lays you low, start now to fortify your vitality with a good tonic SED 50 yEARS S.S.S. FOR THE BLOOD AT ACL DRUGGISTS In Summer that will drive the impurities out and leave your blood stream nour ishing and robust. S.S.S., the well known herb alter ative, is fine for this; get it from your druggist today. Then write us about your condition, addressing Chief , Medical Advisor, 843 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. We will send you free medical advice suited to your in dividual case. Wrinkle Bros. Foundry & Machine Works General Repair Work, Castings Depot Street :: Dalton, Ga. ‘tixyissxsyisxiiiyissifiifis s a * PROFESSIONAL CARDS » ffi a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa John R. Humphries PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR P. O. Box 145 CHATTANOOGA, TENN. W. U. GORDON, V. S. VETERINARY SURGEON Office: SERVICE GARAGE Phones: Day 89 Night 277-L DR. H. L. JARVIS DENTIST Office Over Eaton & Coffey Store, Hamilton Street. Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 12 m. 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. DR. F.L. TEALL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN First Nat’l Bank Bldg. Dalton, Ga. Office Phone 233-10 Hours 9-12 2-5 Residence Phone 233-20. T HE slate surface gives you a spark-proof surface. It gives you a beautiful shingle in the natural, fadeless red or green slate color. The asphalt in Carey Shingles is the best quality nature affords, and is refined and tempered to make a water-proof body by the oldest and most expe rienced makers of asphalt roofings. The wool felt too is made in the Carey mills further to assure the supe rior quality of Carey Shingles. THE JAMES SUPPLY CO., DISTRIBUTORS The Cherokee Mfg. Company Dealer DALTON, GEORGIA NOTICE! When you want fresh sweet milk, cream, but ter, buttermilk— 917-10. Wm. Brown, Dairy, East Dalton. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ w BROAD ACRE. A most pleasant event of the week- 011,1 was the singing given by Mr. and J hs. Frank Dantzler Saturday night. Ihmv was quite a number of good •masers from Cohutta, Dalton, Deep ^ )r his and Dawnville. Iwii-e recently the people of this Community has been shocked and sad- deneil upon learning of the deaths of -'h\ ( (>ot Anderson, of Cohutta, and ^lr. t oiumiius Broadrick, of Cedar Val- e - V- t)ur sympathy goes out to their ones in their bereavement. J- O. Dantzelr, of Dalton, 1'teached a good and helpful sermon a large crowd at Grove Level Sun- % ui>4fc ■" • f, aul Ilinkle, of near Varnell, cal- tsl -u friends here Sunday. Jlr - and Mrs. Henry Caylor called 0R fiends near Deep Spring Sunday. -hisses Janie and Maud Corley, of Eear Cohutta, spent Saturday night " lil! AIjss Louise Thogmartin. and Mrs. Waymon Deveral, of level and, Tenn., spent Saturday night " itl1 -Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Caldwell. DR. E. D. ANDERSON DENTIST Office Over Fincher & Nichols Drug Store Office Hours: 8 a.m to 12 m. 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Smoke Stachelberg’s WHITE SEAL 10c. U. Sunday afternoon, and told us lots about the people and their customs. She also spoke of the famine and how the people were starving in China. We were glad to have her with us and hope she will come again. Several young people of this place attended the fifth Sunday meeting at Mill Creek. Mrs. W. W. Calloway and daughter, Gussie, and Mrs. Dunn motored to Adairsville Sunday evening. The B. Y. P. U. of this place has changed the hour of meeting from 2:30 in the afternoon to 7:30 in the even ing. We needed them Sunday, for it was certainly a warm day. The wedding hells rang in our com munity Wednesday night, the 25th, when Mr. Goodwin Hollins and Miss Kuby Turner were united in the holy bofids of matrimoney, Mr. Sam King performing the ceremony. This was a surprise to their many friends, but they have our |ejt congratulations!, and we wish for both of them a long and happy life together. Mrs. P. J. Vining. Mr. and Mrs. Coy Lotspeich and Mr. Joe Vining spent last Sunday with Mrs. Mary Waten- barger near Tennessee. Mrs. George. Hair, of Tunnel Hill, is spending this week with her daugh ter, Mrs. J. L. Randolph. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hair an nounce the birth of a son who has been named Clarence Milburn. Mr. Bill Kirby, of Murray county, attended praye* services here Sun day night. Mrs. T. R. Glenn, Mrs. Nannie Felk- George Freylach, Mrs. Nora Long, Mrs. Clee Combee and Mrs. Alice Warmack, of Dalton, spent one even- of last week with Mrs. J. S. Rol lins. Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Richardson spent last Sunday with relatives' near Grove Level. We were so sorry to hear of Mr. Lum Broadrick’s death. It was a shock to this community. The bereav ed ones have our tenderest sympathy. Mrs. Virdie Robertson, Miss Mattie Robinson and Miss Jewie spent last Sunday with Mr. Joe Robinson near Ringgold. Mr. and Mrs. Harris Coffee have returned to their home in Chattanooga after visiting Mrs. Coffee’s parents, Mr. and Mrs F. L. Lane. Saturday night. June 11, we will have' a play at this place. A small admission fee will be charged each one, the proceeds to go for getting lights for the church. Look for the program in next week’s. Citizen. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ COHUTTA. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ er, Mrs. ASPIRIN Name “Bayer” on Genuine ♦ ♦ DAWNVILLE ♦ * ♦ w, but are still havihg fine weather; "'e are needing a good rain. Our Sunday school was good last Sunday, and we were glad to get the nie e fans Mr. Crawford sent out to us. Take Aspirin only as told in each package of genuine Bayer Tablets, of Aspirin. Then you will be following the directions and dosage worked out bv physicians during 21 years, and proved safe by millions. Take no chances with substitutes. If you see th Bayer Cross on tablets, you can take them without fear for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve tab lets cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Mon- oaceticacidester of Salicylicacid.-Ad. WATCH THE BIG 4 Stomach-Kidneys-He art-Liver Keep the vital organs healthy by regularly taking the world's stand ard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles— GOLD MEDAL The National Remedy of Holland for centuries and endorsed by Queen Wilhel- mina. At all druggists, three sizes. Look for the name Gold Modal on every boy end accept no imitation ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ DOGWOOD VALLEY. ♦ ♦ ♦ Cotton chopping and com thinning is the order of the day. The weather has been very good this spring, and the farmers are getting along nicely with their crops. Mrs. Augustus Dunn, of Coleman, Tex., is spending a few weeks with her sister-in-law, Mrs. W. W. Calla way. Mr. A. J. Roberson and family, of Mt. Vernon, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Jay. Miss Gussie Calloway, who has spent the past four months in Florida, is at home visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Anderson and daughter, Vesta, of Trickum, were cal ling on Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Augustus Dunn, who has recent ly made a tour through Japan and China, made ns a talk at onr B. Y. P. ANOTHER WOMAN ESCAPES Mrs. McCnmber Avoided a Serious Operation by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound in Time Georgetown, HI.—“After my first baby was bom I suffered so with my left side that I could not walk across the floor unless I was all humped over, hold ing to my side. I doc tored with several doctors but found no relief and they said I would have to have an operation. My mother insisted on my taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta ble Compound and I soon found relief. Now I can do all my own work and it is the Vegetable Com pound that has saved me from an opera tion. I cannot praise your medicine too highly and I tell all of my friends and neighbors what the Compound did for me.” —Mrs. Margaret McCumber, 27 S. Frazier St., Georgetown, Illinois. Mrs. McCumber is one of the unnum bered thousands of housewives who struggle to keep about their daily tasks, wnile suffering from ailments peculiar to women with backache, sideaches, headaches, bearing-down pains and ner vousness,—and if every such woman should profit by her experience and give Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound a trial they would get well. The Cohutta bail team played an other close game with Ooltewah Dec oration day at Cohutta, Cohutta win ning by a score of twelve to eight. The, hard hitting of Sims and Nance was the feature of Cohutta’s game. Winston and Miss “Billy” Groover were in Chattanooga several days last week as the guests of Miss Frances Denham. Miss Eloise Castle and grandmother were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pease Decoration day. We are very well pleased to learn that Mrs. Fannie Boyd is recovering from her recent serious illness as fast as could be expected. From all reports she will soon be out among friends again. Miss Maude Story, of Chattanooga, was the guest of Mrs. John Shugart last week-end. Mr. R. O. Kimsey and family were in Cedar Creek, Tenn., last Sunday for their annual family reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Feagans were visiting home folks last week-end. One of the Cohutta district farmers, Mr. G. M. Tatum, fiinished sowing 130 acres of soya beans this week. Who says Cohutta isn’t a coming farming country? Don’t forget the Rally Day at Cohut ta next Sunday, June 5th, nor the Children’s day at Mt. Olivet the Sun day following. MUNICIPAL SWIMMING POOL OPEN FOR SEASON Offers Cool Place for These Hot Afternoons and Nights The swimming^ pool of the Dalton Athletic club is ready for the swim mers, and many are taking advantage of the opportunity to take a refresh ing dip these hot days. The season tickets this year cost $4, and many have purchased them. In addition to the pool, a tennis court is being laid off just south of the pool. GENERAD WEYGAND BRITISH ARMY PETS These two huge geese are the offi cial pets of the British Royal Corps of Signals training center, at Mare- rieitl Park Camp, Sussex. “Joe” and “Billy,” as they are named, original ly were bought to be fattened for the Christmas dinner last year. But the soldiers grew so fond of the birds that they were unable to sacrifice them. lidtarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion ot the ear. watarrhal Deafness requires constitu tional treatment. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entire ly closed, Deafness is the result. Unless the inflammation can be reduced, your hearing may be destroyed forever. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE acts through the blood on the mucous sur faces of the system, thus reducing the In flammation and restoring normal condi tions. Circulars free. All Druggists. P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. General Weygand, aid to Marshall Foch during the great war, will aid Marshal Foch in drecting the allied occupation of German cities. PRESBYTERIANS PLAN FOR BIG CONFERENCE Prominent Ministers and Laymen to Meet at Nacoochee Preparations for the annual gather ing of the Presbyterians of Georgia at Nacoochee Institute. Sautee. Ga., are practically complete. This is in no sense a law-making body but is large ly attended by those who are interest ed in Bible study and church activ ities. Prof. S. G. Stukes of Agnes Scott College will deliver the opening ad dress on Tuesday evening, June 14th, and the conference will continue daily until June 26th. Prominent among the speakers and leaders present will be Rev. Neal L. Anderson, of Savan nah ; Dr. Wm. Ray Dobyns, of Birm ingham; Dr. W. S. Dendy, All iSouth Secretary of Christian Endeavor; Prof. I. M. Ellis. Music Director, of Macon; Dr. I. S. McElroy, of Colum bus ; Dr. R. O. Flinn. of Atlanta; Miss Yena McGaughey, White’s Bible School. New Yofk City; Mrs. W. M. Rowland, of Augusta, and Capt. F. L. Slaymaker, of Athens. The conference closes with a spe cial gathering of laymen from June 25th to June 26th, and it is expected that the capacity of the buildings will be taxed to_ accommodate those who attend. Dodson's Liver Tone Killing Calomel Sale Don’t sicken or salivate yourself or paralyze your sensitive liver by taking calomel which is quicksilver. Your dealer sells each bottle of pleasant, harmless “Dodson’s Liver Tone” under an ironclad, money-back guarantee that it regulates the liver, stomach and bowels better than calomel without mak ing you sick—15 million bottles sold. SMALLEST OF MEXICANS Daniel and Virginia, the smallest midgets In Mexico, are expected to visit this country soon. They were born at Guanajuato. Daniel is thirty- three years old and is just 3 feet in height. Virginia is twenty-eight, and measures 2 feet, 11 inches. Always at Yonr Service for Printing Needs! Is there something you need in the follow ing listT Wadding Stationery Envelope Incloam ee Sale Bills Hand Bills Price Lists Admission Tickets Business Cards Window Cards Time Cards Letter Heads Note Heads BUI Heads CalUnd Cards Statements Hlllc Tickets Heel Tickets Shipping Tads Asnouncejnai Briefs Notes Pamphlets Blotters Circulars Invitations Paotars Poldars Chacks Blanks Notices Labels Legal Blanks Henn Cards Placards Dodders Post Cards Prodrama Receipts Prompt, careful and effi cient attention given to every detail Don’t Send Yonr Order Out of Town Until You See What We Can Do "IT ISN'T THE TOWN—ITS YOU.' If you want to live in the kind of a town Like the kind of a town you like, You needn't slip your clothes in a grip And start on a long, long hike. You'll only find what you left behind For there's nothing that's really new, It's a knock at yourself when you knock your town, It isn't the town—it's you. Real towns are not made by men afraid, Lest somebody else gets ahead. When everyone works and nobody shirks You can raise a town from the dead. And if while you make your personal stake,. Your neighbor can make one, too, Your town will be what you want to see, It isn't your town—it's you. —Anonymous. All right, this applies to a county as well as a town. Now let’s all get busy and make Whit field county the best county in Georgia and Dalton the best town. We are trying to make our business the best of its kind on earth, and if you can use anything we sell, come in and let us prove to you that we are building that kind of a business. Make our store your headquarters We Sell You What We Tell You The Dalton Buggy Co. Tel. 71.