North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, June 16, 1921, Image 6

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»• PAGE SIX THE DALTON CITIZEN. THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1921. ^[6u Pay No More But you. get better com flakes when you specify" by name, and make sure that the grocer gives them to you. Never were such flavor and crisp ness sealed up in corn flakes as you obtain from every package of Post Toasties Sold by grocers everywhere! Made by Postum Cereal Co. Inc., Battle Creek,Mich. A Correction. In last week's issue of The Citizen, the statement was made that the coun ty teachers' examinations would he held the 29th and 30th of this month. This was an error, as the examinations are scheduled for July 29-30. We are glad to make the correction. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ MORTUARY. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ MRS. ORA STACY DIED AT HOME NEAR DALTON Deceased Was Aged and Beloved Matron of This County LUMPKIN HARDWARE CO. cupied by the McArthur company on TO OPEN STORE HERE Cartersville Firm Will Open Busi ness July First McArthur Auto company has leased to the Lumpkin Hardware company, of Cartersville. a part of the building oc- Kamilton street, the lease becoming ef fective July 1. The Lumpkin Hardware company is one of Cartersville’s big business firms, and will enter the local business field with the best wishes of Dalton people for their success. Mrs. Ora Stacy, wife of Mr. Henry P. Stacy, died Wednesday of last week at her home a few miles south of the city, her death causing genuine sor row throughout the county where she had many friends and admirers. Mrs. Stacy was an excellent woman, and in her death, the county has sus tained a genuine loss. 1 The body was taken to the Stewart cemetery near the Stacy home for in terment Thursday. Mrs. Belle Ward. Mrs. Belle Ward, aged SO years, died Thursday of last week at her home at Tunnel Hill, interment being made Fri day in Tnnnel Hill cemetery. Mrs. J. M. Reeves, of this city. She is survived by three daughters and two sons. The body was brought here Fri day and taken from here to Villanow for interment. Mrs. W. V. Wolverton. Mrs. Eleanor Kenny Wolvertop, wife of Mr. W. V. Wolverton. Chattanooga representative of the Graham Paper company who is well known here, died Friday morning at a hospital in .Chat tanooga, following a long illness. The body was taken to her former home, Lexington, Ky.. for interment. Mr. Wolverton’s many local friends will sympathize with him in his bereave ment NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. The Service Garage, formerly operat ed by Carney & Gordon, has changed hands. Will now be known as The Dalton Garage and will he operated by M. "Westbrook, manager; Foster Moul ton and John Daniels, mechanics.—Adv. WOODMEN TO UNVEIL LEONARD MONUMENT Virginia Anderson Virginia, the little 6-months-old daughter of Mr. Paul Anderson, of this city, died last Thursday. The funeral service was conducted Friday by Rev. C. H. Williams, interment being made in Bethel cemetery. Mrs. A. C. Clements. Mrs. A. C. Clements died Wednes day night at her home. 40 Brooks avenue. Atlanta, in the seventy-ninth year of her age. She was a sister of Laurel Camp No. 24. Woodmen of tlfe World, will unveil the monument to W. B. Leonard Sunday. June 19th, at 4 p. m. All Sovereigns are requested to meet at the W. O. W. hall at 2 o’clock. The monument is about two miles north of Spring Place. Respectfully, II. R. Davis, Consul Commander, It. E. Smith. Clerk. Goodrich Tire Prices reduced per cent The last word in Quality The best word in Price Card of Thanks. I wish to thank each one for their kindness during the sickness and death of my aunt. Mrs. M. Ward. May God bless each one., Mrs. Tyson Griffin. Carter & Sons Furniture & Undertaking Co. 34 Hamilton St.—in show window See the Cook in our Window this Week. J A ('L FLORENCE OIL COOK STOVES More Heat Less Care Have you seen our wmdow this week? Hurry and look! A real kitchen. An expert cook who is cooking’ food. She will answer any question you want to ask about the fluffy biscuits and other goodies being cooked that day. And she will show you why she is so successful. She is using the Florence Oil Cook Stove. She demonstrates how light your work can ba ynadp, and how good your food will taste. The Florence Oil Cook Stove cooks everything to a turn. It is simple to regulate and is so easy to keep dean. The Florence bums kerosene, the cheapest of fuel. Don’t put it oft Come in today and see this wonderful demonstration of the Florence Oil Stove. SILVERTOWN CORDS SIZE Anti* Skid Safety Tread "tubes" 30*3% *24.50 *255 32-3*1 *32.90 *290 32*4 *41.85 *355 33*4 *43.10 *320 32*4% *47.30 *450 33*4‘i *48.40 *455 34*4% *49.65 *4.75 33*5 *58.90 *555 35*5 *61.90 *550 Goodrich 30*3k—jwe Toints of‘Excellence 1. One quality 2. Extra size 3. Specially designed 4. oAnti-skid 5. Fair price The name of Goodrich on a tire means one quality only. Like all other Goodrich tires this 30x3| is one quality. This stand ard is a fixed principle, and that quality must be the best our resources, skill and experience can produce. THE B. F. GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY oAkron, Ohio DALTON AUTO & MACHINERY CO. Goodrich Tire Dealers Phone 107 Dalton, Ga. OFFSPRING OF TWO FLIES WOULD COVER EARTH 47 FEET DEEP. This is the time of year when the breeding places of flies should be looked after. Mr. C. F. Hodge in ‘Nature and Culture” makes the fol lowing statement which is based on a well known law of heredity: “A pair of flies begining operations in April may be progenitors if all were to live, of 191,010,000,000,000,000,000 flies by August. This number would cover the earth 47 feet deep:” We are indeed thankful for the ‘Law of Diminishing Returns.’ Let us swat the fly now, and better still is to swat the places where he breeds.— W. J. Scott. SWAT THE FLY, “Oh, every fly that skips our swat ters, will have five million sons and daughters, and countless first and second cousins; of aunts and uncles, scores and dozens; and fifty-seven billion nieces; so knock the whole thing all to pieces!” An officer was inspecting at one of the camps, a daily paper tells us, when he came upon a big, round- eyed private doing sentry duty with a gun that he held in anything but the approved manner. “Don’t you know better than to point an empty gun at me?” demand ed the officer. “But it ain’t empty, sir,” protest ed the private. “It’s loaded!”— Youth’s Companion. Cooking Demonstration and Sale Friday acd Saturday, June 17th and 18th 10 a.m. to 12 m. and 3 to 5 p.m. in our window. Everybody invited to attend. Take a Look at our Baldwin Piano Department, Brunswick and Claxtonola Talking Machines. Take a stroll through our first and second floors and see our great stock of Furniture and House Furnishings at greatly revised prices downward in keepmg with conditions. FREE! FREE!! A new Cook Book Free to everyone buying a Florence during the two days. Kitchen will be kept in window all next week. Respectfully, Garter & Sons Furniture & Undertaking Co. 34 Hamilton St. DALTON, GEORGIA. 17 King St. “Jack Rose handed in his resigna tion as a bluff to make the firm raise his salary.” “Did they raise it?” “Yes, but another man is drawing it.”—Exchange. ORCHARDISTS SHOULD BE ALERT TO DANGER OF LEAF-ROLLER. The Fruit-tree leaf-roller has be come a very serious pest in many orchards of the country during the past few years. Whenever the worms were at all abundant last year, they may be ex pected again the coming summer. The eggs were laid in small, gray patches on the smooth bark of the trunks or limbs of the trees last sum mer, where they remain over winter to hatch in the spring. These, eggs begin hatching just as the leaf buds on the apple trees begin to burst and show their green color. After the worms hatch, it is very difficult to successfully destroy them. They are best controlled by thorough spraying early in the spring, before buds be gin to open, with a good grade of miscible oil, such as “Scalecide” or “Target Brand.” Use these oils in the proportion of one gallon to twenty gallons of water. Use water as free from alkali as possible in order to secure a thorough emulsion. It will require from eight to ten or twelve gallons of this emulsion to thoroughly treat a full-grown ap ple tree. Thorough work is abso lutely essential if good results are to be secured.—C. P. Gillette. SUFFERED AL A WOMAN ID Mrs. Meyer Finally Found Relief "and Health in Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Orange, Cal. —“1 always feei very grateful e, Cal.— 1 always ieei >«; to von, as some twenty years uu nui n- »i ago three doctors said I had to have a serious operation- 1 had a tumor, and ul cers which would gather and break. 1 had displacement so badlv that I could hardly sit down at times, and it seemed as if I sufferedeverv- thing that 3 woman could suffer. Then some one advised me v.i-Cnm'c Vpcretable Smoke Stachelberg’s WHITE SEAL 10c. Compound, and I took it untu . cured and saved from the opcrabOj have told women of your wont• medicine times without number, am willing that you should use facts and my name if you hKe. and during the Change, mv own work but tn —•— - — - ovprv heavy —Mrs. J. H. Meyer, 412 St., Orange, California. ,, 33 It is quite true that such trouble Mrs. Meyer had may reach asta,. ^ an operation is the only resour the other hand, a great, many g. have been restored to health by y Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. BEAUTIFUL BATHING CAP These are caps which usually sell for 50 cents and they are worth it, but we have just made a deal with the factory and will sell the entire lot for TWENTY-FIVE CENTS * you wi W) II th be PHONE 210 cut out this ad and bring it to our store you. Better come early as this offer will withdrawn after ten days. Wie Guarantee Everything We Sell and Out Service Must Please You. CITY DRUG STORE J. W. CRAWFORD, Prop. DALTON, GA