North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, June 23, 1921, Image 6

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PAGE SIX THE DALTON CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1921. TOP WORKING SEEDLING PE- l CANS. The middle of june is the time to begin preliminary work in the work ing seedling pecans,” says A. C. Dibble, assistant Extension horti culturist. The actual budding should not be done, however, until late July and August. Successful top working of pecans depend on preparatory treatment previous to the budding season. The time for this preparatory treatment to begin is in the dormant season, preferably February. If this work was properly done all limbs were cut back to stubs 8 to 12 inches long. Limbs ever 3 inches in diameter should have been cut back at a place where the diameter was not over S inches. In cutting back limbs 4 inches and above in diameter some of the smaller branches and several larger ones should be left to furnish leaf surface until shoots come out. Topping should be done at a place where several branches are well placed to form a good head. The top should be removed with a slop* ing cut just above one of the stubs, this promotes healing. A coat of white lead and linseed oil to all cut surfaces will help to prevent rotting. About the middle of June thin out some of the numerous shoots, leav ing 2 or 3 well placed vigorous shoots to each stub. This will de velop to sufficient size for budding by late July and August. Ring budding is the’most success ful method of budding. A knife constructed especially for the pur pose must be obtained, and waxed cloth prepared. Budding knives may be made at home, or obtained from nursery companies. For bud ding cloth tear ordinary bleaching into 12-inch strips. Tie to prevent unrolling, and submerge in hot graft ing wax for a half hour. Budwood should be selected from good shoots of the present season’s growth from trees of known variety, or it may be bought from nursery men. It can be kept a week or ten days when necessary by wrapping in moist burlap and keeping in a cool SIR FREDERICK SYKES Magic! Drop a little “Freezone” on an aebing com, instantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with fingers. Doesn’t hurt a bit. Tour druggist sells a tiny bottle of “Freezone” for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard com, soft com, or corn between the toes, and calluses. —Adv. shady place. Stuart, Schley, Money maker, and Curtis are the varieties suggested. The actual operation of budding is simple but requires carefulness and practice. The buds are usually set 6 to 12 inches from the base of the limb, and on top of it in a smooth round place. Ring the limb with the knife so as to make the cuts coincide when they meet. Se lect a good bud from the stick and ring it likewise. Remove the bark from the limb by slitting it dowr the back and prizing it up with the point of the knife. Then remove the bud likewise and insert it into cut made on the limb. Wrap this firmly with waxed cloth torn in strips half inch wide, leaving only the tip of the bud out. If the bud ring will not meet around the limb it is all right to leave a small open place between the edges of the bud- ring. In fact some budders prefer this, but it is essential that the cuts of the bud ring come in close contact with the bark of the tree. After 21 days the wraps are re moved and it can be seen whether the bud has set or not.—Clemson College News Notes. Smoke Stachelberg’s WHITE SEAL 10c. Maj. Gen. Sir Frederick Skyes, con troller general of civil aviation of Great Britain predicts gas attacks from the air and says that torpedo-carrying planes will make the dreadnaught ob solete in the next war. As soon as the young plants come up the first application is made- During fair weather two applica tions per week are adequate, but during rainy seasons dusting after each rain is necessary. Usually ten to twelve applications per season are required. The dust adheres best, however, when the plants are wet with dew or rain. SHE MAY GO TO LONDON FIND GOOD REMEDY FOR CU CUMBER BEETLE. Through tests for the control of the stripped cucumber beetle, made by the department of entomology, Ohio Experiment Station, in its field laboratory at Marietta, a material that acts as a poison, repellent and fertilizer has been developed. This mixture is composed of one part of calcium arsenate and twenty parts of land plaster. This was found to be superior to twenty-five different materials and compounds tested for controlling the striped cu cumber beetle. The dust may be applied with a simple shaker, made by punching a score of holes with an eight-penny nail into the bottbm of a half-gallon tin can. Miss Dorothy Thompson, grand- daughter of Col. George Harvey, who may accompany her grandfather when he goes to London as the ambassador to Great Britain. 300 MODERN EVES GET AWAY BACK TO NATURE Paris.—“The year one of the second heathen era” was ushered in by Latin quarter students Friday night with the annual four arts ball. Five thousand artists and many persons prominent in the social world went back to savagery and Carthage with one leap. The scene rivaled, if it did not surpass, the famed bacchanalian orgies of Salammbo. THE U. S. USCO TREAD Here is the U. S. Usco Tread, with a long - established standard of service among motorists who have an eye to value, as well as to price. While sell ing for less than the other tires in the U. S. Fabric line, the Usco has earned a reputation for quality and depend able economy which is not exceeded by any tire in its class. "Fresh, live U. S. Tires come direct to the dealer from his neighboring Fac tory Branch." Which one of your neighbors gets the best mileage out of his tires ? E VERY once in a while you hear a motorist say as he kicks a rear tire with an admiring foot, “there’s a lucky tire! ” Give him a chance and he’ll tell you all about it. And then you’ll find that what he calls “luck” is simply his first experience with a quality standard tire. It all comes to this—buy a U. S. Tire anywhere in this country and you get definite, predictable value for your money no matter what weight car you drive. The man who has been guessing his way through “overstocks,” “discontinued lines,” “job lots” and the like, will find it refreshing to talk with the local U. S. Tire dealer who is concentrating on a full, com pletely sized line of U. S. Tires. For the first time he will hear some straight quality tire facts—and get the difference between chance and certainty in tire buying. The U. S. Tires he sees in stock are fresh, live tires. They come direct to the dealer from his neighboring Factory Branch. There are 92 of these Branches estab lished and maintained by the U. S. Tire makers. Giving your dealer a continuous moving stock of new, fresh tires built on the certainty of quality first every time His first experienoo with U- S. quality standard Tires.” United States Tines United States ® Rubber Company HILL’S GARAGE - - SMITH MANUFACTURING CO. DALTON, GA. DALTON, GA. While all were supposed to be cos tumed in the “Carthaginian style,” hun dreds solved the problem of “-what t* wear” by wearing nothing at all. Eye witnesses to the scene of revelry at 4 o’clock in the morning counted no fewer than three hundred women, chiefly models, clad in the famed garb of Trilby. MISS ALICE ROBERTSON New York. X. Y.—Tile period of “ag ricultural exploitation” in the United States is practically ended, Secretary Wallace said in an address at a dinner given by the Standard Farm Papers Publishing Association. If production is to be maintained, he declared, efforts must be made to put agriculture on a sound business basis, in order that “the farmer may get prices for his products which will give him a fair rate of in terest ou the money he has invested and a fair labor wage.” IDAHO TOWN WILL BE GIVEN NEW LOCATION Pocatello. Idaho.—Removal of the en tire town of American Falls, Idaho, with its population of 2,000, two or three miles to a new .site higher than its present location, is to be attempted within a few months by engineers work ing on a huge irrigation project. VOLIVA THREATENS TO PUT WOMEN IN ROAD GANGS Zion. Ill.—Zion’s road repair force soon may he augmented by women if Overseer Wilbur Glenn Voliva keeps his latest pronouncement against wo men who wear dresses which expose more than their necks to the "juncture of the collar hone.” Three women al ready have been warned by police and presented with printed notices giving them a “reasonable time to retire from public view.” SWEET POTATO SYRUP MADE AT FITZGERALD Fitzgerald. Ga.—The first stage of the T’nited ^States government’s sweet potato experiment has been completed and Dr. -H. C. Gore, discoverer of the formula, has returned to Washington after having produced about thirty bar rels of the new syrup in the experi ment station built here by the govern ment. J. O. Reed, government construc tion engineer in the bureau of chem istry. is in charge of the plant and the syrup. CUCUMBERS BY CARLOAD SHIPPED TO NEW YORK Tifton.—Local growers shipped their sixth carload of cucumbers to New York by prepaid express, which amount ed to $7.20. There were 400 crates in the car an ordinary express car.not iced, tli« express charge running nearly $22 a crate. The other five care were shipped by freight, the freight charges averag ing about 95 cents a crate. The last shipment was made by express in order to reach New York before the end of the week, the mid-week market being best. ACCIDENTS!! OCCUR EVERY MINUTE “The man who doesn’t provide ahead for funds in case of his death or disability by accident, unintentionally commits an un forgettable crime against his loved ones and himself.” DONT BE THAT MAN! F urnishes pure protection rank iJ. i i ruder! Phones 49 and 407. New Washington photograph of Mlsa Mice Robertson, Oklahoma representa tive, the only woman in congress. SUICIDE INCREASE IS BLAMED ON DRYS CUT SOME SPECULATION OUT OF U. S. FARMING New York, N. Y.—Divorces, congested living conditions and enactment of the eighteenth amendment are given as probable causes for the alarming in crease in the number of suicides in 1920, according to reports received by officers of the Save-a-Life League, with offices in this city. Dr. F. L. Hoffman, statistician of the organization, esti mates the number at not less than 12.000. Of these reported casees 707 were children, he said; the boys aver aging 15 years, the girls, 16. Always at Your Service for Printing Needs! Is there something you need in the follow ing listT Bbtk Announcements Wagging Stationery Envelope In cl on men Sale Bills Hand Bills Price Lists Admission Tickets Business Cards Window Cards Time Cards Letter Heads Note Hands BUI Heads Envelopes Calling Cards Leaflets Statements Hilk Tickets Heal Tickets Shipping Tags Announcements Briefs Notes Coupons Pamphlets Catalogue# Blotters Clrsnlars Invitations Postars Folders Checks Blanks Notices Labels Legal Blanks Henn Cards Placards Dodgers Post Cards Programs Receipts Prompt, careful and effi cient attention given to every detail Don’t Send Your Order Out of Town UntQ Yon See What We Can Do ; FOR IMPROVED SPEECH Miss Dagmar Perkins is president the National Association for the Im provement of Speech. The present aim of the association, she says, is to endow an institute in New York, which will uphold the standards oi American speech as the French acad emy has clone for the French lan? Miss Dagmar is a special lecturer at Harvard and a faculty member of the Universite Nnrmale at I’aris. Her studio is in New York. Another Ballon Cm It Proves That There’s A Way Out for Many Suffering Dalton Folks. Smoke Stachelberg’s WHITE SEAL 10c. Just another report of a case ll Dal ton. Another typical case. Kidney ail ments relieved in Dalton with Doan’t Kidney Pills. Mrs. D. E. Counts, 17 W. Morris St, Dalton, says: “My kidneys began to trouble me last winter causing a lot o> pain in the small of my back. I was so bad I couldn’t do any housework aid my hack was sore and stiff. I was vous and couldn’t stand the least noise and was often dizzy. My greatest trou ble was the way my kidneys acted, was in misery. A friend gave me a box of Doan’s Kidney Pills, to try, and they did me so much good, I continued usius them. I got my supply at Finch Nichols’ Drug Store, and took theffl^ cording to directions. D° an 3 en ^ cured me, and made me feel like a ferent person.” mba ra 60c, at all dealer?, fosterju Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.-Adv, BEAUTIFUL BATHING CAP These are caps which usually sell for 50 cent and they are worth it, but we have just made a deal with the factory and will sell the entir lot for TWENTY-FIVE CENTS if you win cut out this ad and bring it to our store with you. Better come early as this offer will be withdrawn after ten days. We Guarantee Everything We Sell and Our Service Must Please You. PHONE 210 CITY DRUG STORE J. W. CRAWFORD, Prop. PALTON,^