North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, July 14, 1921, Image 7

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THE DALTON CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1921. attended the singing at Mt., Vernon Sunday and heard some good singing. Mr. Monroe Bearden and family, of this place, and Mr. Albert Templeton spent the day near Ringgold Sunday. Miss Mary Callaway has left here to begin her school at Carbondale. We will miss her in our Sunday school. Mr. Jesse Lingerfelt, of Dalton, and Miss. Susie Davis were married the fourth of July and are' visiting his brother, Mr. Luther Lingerfelt, of this place. 'Misses Ruth and Grace Wood, of Mt. Vernon, spent a few days last week with their sister, Mrs. Harry Baxter, of Rocky Face. Miss Mary Roberson spent Satur day night and Sunday with Miss Bessie Roberson, of Mt. Vernon. There will be a singing at Rocky Face next Sunday ■'afternoon, July 17. Everybody is invited to come and help sing. Those who can’t sing can listen. Everybody, remember our Sunday school at 10 o’clock. Everybody come. THE CLANCY KIDS ^ THAT GSOUtrO S, ^ Idas S0LD,TlMMie] Anothc erccesr ni, Mouse IN honcy- 1 PAUL 15 GOING OP vfVJTHeae • \'U aye y YOU ANOTHER / -T Case (3au pjamono J ANO IPROMUe i UJILC Not TAKE IT \ FROM YOU {—"T~ UN 1655 ( 56cc 6f?0UND- TlMMlt* THEYRE DlUiN UPOUR I3A5C 6Acc DIAMONO ) Wonder Who’s Going to Live in This Big House 4 lu see MR. PARK - Ae OoT THIJ -7 NOW’ (he McClure Naw.p.p»r Syndlcat. ROCKY FACE Wrinkle Bros. Foundry & Machine Works General Repair Work, Castings Depot Street Our Sunday school at this place is progressing nicely. We have some new members W. U. GORDON, V. S VETERINARY SURGEON Dalton, Ga, but we still have room, for more. Mr. John Barnett and family have moved from Carbondale to Rocky Face and have joined our Sunday school, and we certainly do appreciate their help. It seems as if we needed some rain. The crops are almost burned up. School began here Monday, and we are looking to have a large school and a good one. There were several from this place xpeciai 'MOTHER! DR. H. L. JARVIS DENTIST SOLD BY ALL DRUG STORES Hamilton Street. Office Hours: Write FOR BOOKLET OR MOTHERHOOD ARDTHI BABY, FREE' Brad field Regulator Co.. Dept. 9-D. Atlanta. GaJ C OWS that get only enough pro tein and calcium from grass to make 20 lbs. of milk may make 30 lbs. for a time' on grass alone. They do it by drawing upon their bodily tissues for the other 10 lbs. But their milk will suddenly fall off unless a concentrate is fed. * DR.F.L.TEALL SOUTHERN NORMAL MUSIC SCHOOL McD. WEAMS, Calhoun, Ga., PRINCIPAL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN First Nat’l Bank Bldg. Dalton, Office Phone 233-10 Hours 9-12 Residence Phone 233-20. AT CALHOUN, GA., beginning August 1, 1921, and lasting 12 days. C. P. Reeve, Calhoun, Georgia, Secretary. AT DALTON, GA., beginning. August 15, 1921, and lasting 18 days. Dr. E. Jackson, Dalton, Georgia, Secretary. Each of the above schools will be taught in the high school audito rium. Our methods are simple, practical, standard and progressive. The beginner, as well as the advanced, will each have a class, and receive careful attention. Mr. Weams numbers his pupils by the thousand, which is all the recommendation he needs. Make your plans to attend one or both of'these schools and be on hand the first day. For further information, write by dealers DR. E. D. ANDERSON Don’t let cows “run down”— Feed Purina Cow Chow Now DENTIST Office Over Fincher & Nichols Drug Store Office Hours: •m to 12 m. 1 p.m. to 5 p The best fabric tire made for heavy service or rough roads — You can get about 314 lbs. more milk per day from each cow on pasture, for every pound of Purina Cow Chow you feed. Cows keep in better condition for winter pro duction,' and you can milk them longer. Call us up. We put the proof in your milk pail. > COW CHOW J. T. Richardson & Son, Dalton, Ga. thedfcrd’s Black-Draught Highly Recommended by a Tennessee Grocer lor Troubles Re sulting from Torpid Liver. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Those who are in a “run down” condi tion will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are in good “health. This Tact proves that while every Sunday morning and preaching services every 4th Sunday. Those on the sick list this Week are Mrs. Elizabeth Stinson; “ Grandma” Henderson and Mr. Arch Howell? We hope they will all be feeling better teal soon. Mr. Hill Ellis has returned to his home in Atlanta, after joining his wife in the family reunion of her father, Rev. J. T. Nichols, July 4th. Mr. Paul Henderson, of Chattanooga, spent a few days here last week hvith his mother.^ Mrs. Sam Crow, of Tracy City, Tenn., is with her brother, Mr. Archie Howell, this week. Mr. Huggins and family, of Tunnel Hill, spent Sunday with Mr. White, of this place. Some of the young folks from here have been attending revival services at Mt. ^Rachel church in Dalton. Rev. J. T. Nichols and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Shultes spent Wednes day at Cohutta Springs. There will be a graveyard cleaning at Poplar Springs Friday, July 15th. Anyone having loved ones buried here will please come and bring mattocks, shovels and hoes, so you can help. Mrs. Moore will meet with her dub members at Waring school next Wed nesday, July 20th, and has matters of vital importance to discuss; so let everyone be sure to come out. Mr. W. F. Hyatt and family, Mrs. Prudence Ellis and Rev. J. T. Nichols and wife attended revival services at Antioch Friday. - Ada and Ruby White, of Chatta nooga, are spending a few days this week with relatives here. East Nashville, Tenn.— The effic iency of Thedford’s Black-Draught, the medicine, Is Reduction on all styles and sizes genuine, herb, liver vouched for by Mr. W. N. Parsons, a grocer of this city. "It Is without doubt the best liver medicine, and I don't believe I could get along without it I take it for sour stomach, head ache, had liver, indigestion, and ail other troubles that are the result of a torpid liver. “I have known and used It for years, and can and do highly recommend it to every one. I won’t go to bed with out It in the house. It will do all It claims to do. I can’t say enough for should not be granted. O. C. FULLER, Clerk; J. C. PRINTUP, Deputy Clerk. A New Low Price on a Known and Honest Product YEAR’S SUPPORT. GEORGIA, Whitfield County. The appraisers appointed to set apart a year’s support for the widow of S. J. Clark, deceased, have filed their re port with me and I will pass upon said report on the first Monday in August, 1921. H. J. WOOD, Ordinary. By saving an hour of her time each day, the APEX. Electric Suction Cleaner gives its owner opportunities for health-preserving, beauty-building rest and recreation. Thousands- of APEX Cleaners have been purchased by over worked housekeepers on the advice and recommendation of their physicians. Another powerful argument for the APEX is the longevity insured to carpets* rugs and home furnishings by its harm less, wearless method for cleaning them and keeping them free from dust and dirt. This the 28 day of June, 1921. H. J. WOOD, Chairman Whitfield Co. Board. J. M. CAMPBELL, Chrmn. Board of Supervisors, Murray County. FREEZ0NE Corns Lift Off with Fingers LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. GEORGIA, Whitfield County. B. N. MeHan has applied for Let ters of Administration on the estate of L. T. MeHan, deceased, and I will pass upon said application on the first Monday in August, 1921. H. J. WOOD, Ordinary. body, and of all other officials or em ployees of such city government; to re peal previous acts incorporating said city, in so far as they conflict here with; and for other purposes.” for the construction of bridges at crossings as’follows: Chickamauga Creek, near Freeman’s Spring; Mill Creek at Daves and Bitting places; Little Swamp Creek, just south of Cen ter Point in Carbondale Disk; Coa- hulla creek at Anderson crossing on Beaverdale and Cohutta road. Plans and specifications for said bridges on file in the office of Ordinary, said county. Bidders will be required to deposit certified checks to the amount of 8200 for each bridge as per specifications. Payments to be made in county war rants to he due and payable Dec. 31, 1921, from money derived from the levy of the year 1921. If said bridges are not completed and accepted by said board by Dec. 31,1921, county warrants to be issued when said bridge or •bridges are completed and accepted by 1 swer said complaint, said Board of Commissioners. Witness the Honorable M. C. Tarver, This the 23 day of June, 192L Judge of said Court, this 4th day of H. J. WOOD, Clerk, JuDe > 1921 ’ Hoard of Comm of Roads & Revenue, £ ^ ^ ^ ^ vu ^ ' LEAVE TO SELL. GEORGIA, Whitfield County. Cal Workman and Ola Calhoun, ex ecutors of the will of M. Q. Workman, deceased, have applied for leave to sell the lands belonging to said estate and I will pass upon said app^cation on the first Monday in August, 1921. K. J. WOOD, Ordinary. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. Georgia, Whitfield County. Henrietta Wood Thomas has- ap plied for Letters of Administration w Hli win annexed on the estate of Frances J. Thomas, deceased, and I w Ul pass upon said application on the first Monday in August, 1921. H. J. WOOD, Ordinary. ELECTRIC SUCTION CLEANER Don’t neglect a constant backache, sharp, darting pains or urinary dis orders. The danger of dropsy or bright’s disease is too serious to ignore. Use friends and neighbors. Ask your neigb- borbor! A Dalton case: Mrs. J. H. D. Lauford, 12 Waugh St., says: “Several years ago I had kid ney complaint, and it'caused me ter rible pains. My body swelled so I was twice my natural size, and If I would touch by finger on my sldn, it would leave a mark. I was confined to my bed and was so had, I didn’t know what to do, I heard a great deal about Doan’s Kidney Pills, and began taking them. A few greatly relieved me and continued use entirely cured me.” • Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simp ly ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Land- ford had. Foster-Milbum Co., Mfra, Buffalo, N. Y. Adv. The next time you buy calomel ask for Notice of letting bridge CONTRACT. GEORGIA, Whitfield County: A'otice is hereby' given that the B°ar l of Commissioners of the County L\ j i t field and the Board of Supervi- Sors of Murray County, State of Geor- will receive at Jhe office of the Loan] of Commissioners of Whitfield County, at Dalton, Ga., at 3 o’clock p - on the 23rd day of July, 1921, se aled bids for the erection of a bridge acr oss and over Sugar Creek between tte two counties above named. L° r details, plans and specifications, See sa me on file in the office of the Or-- fiLiaries of Whitfield and Murray coun ties. Certified check with bid in the sum °f $200. Payments to be made upon comple- 011 ar >d acceptance with county war- ra ats due Dec. 31, 1921, each of said counties to pay 50 per cent of contract PHce. Boards reserve right to reject an ? and all bids. Hy order of the Boards of each coun- Only two out of every five APEX ELECTRIC SUCTION CLEANERS purchasers pay cash for them. The other three prefer to take advant age of our easy payment terms. Why not get one NOW — - J ~*- -* ' on this plan ? PETITION FOR DISCHARGE. In the District Court of the United States, for the Northern District of Georgia. In re: C. H. Thompson, bankrupt. No. 1246—In Bankruptcy. , A petition for discharge having been filed in conformity with law by above named bankrupt and the Court having ordered that the hearing upon said petition be had on July 30, 1921, at ten o’clock A. M. at the United States Dis trict Court room, in the city of Atlanta, Georgia, notice is hereby given to all creditors and other persons in interest to appear at said time and place and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the bankrupt for discharge NOTICK Pursuant to a resolution adopted at a meeting of citizens of Dalton on Friday night, June 17th, _1921, notice is hereby given that there will he in troduced at the present session of the General Assembly of Georgia a bill having the following caption: “A bill to be entitled an act to pro vide a new form' of government for the City of Dalton; to provide a body for the performance of legislative func tions of said government, and to exer cise or delegate to employees the dis charge of executive powers; to pre scribe the powers and duties of such M ELECTRIC sueT !QN CLKANEFb Two Exclusive Features j ^ f. Inclined Xazxte - *• molded, •'Twin” Ifoxxt*. Five Days Free Trial Remember this great Advertising Offer must soon be withdrawn. No obligations to pur- j chase. No money in advance. ’Phone us \ to aay and get your APEX tomorrow. J MURPHY ELECTRIC CO. *h onell7 - . .. Dalton, Ga The purified and refined calomel tablets that are nausealess, safe and sure. Medicinal virtues retain ed and improved. Sold only in sealed packages. Price 35c. WARING. Our Sunday «chool at Poplar Springs is still progressing nicely. Let every body remember they have a cordial welcome—Sunday school at 10 o’clock _