North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, July 21, 1921, Image 10

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THE DALTON CITIZEN, . THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1921. . We Appreciate Very Much Indeed the Kind Reception Given Our New Self Rising Flour Since putting it on the market it has had a wonderful sale, and its popularity i s already assured. - We want it so that when you think of Self Rising Flour' you will say “MISS BILLY” just as when you think of Plain Flour you naturally say . . . ACME PATEN? These flours are made for you in your own home town, by your own home people, and every sack guaranteed. Our Motto: “Once Used Always Used’ Barrett, Denton & Lynn Co. Proprietors Dalton Flour Mills 9E3S39B 'JorEveryPield Us< $625 F.O.B. Detroit PETITION FOR CHARTER. You can plow, disk, harrow, harvest, thresh, bale hay, grind feed, fill the silo, saw wood, pump water, pull stumps, do road work or any other power job around 1 the farm quicker, easier and at less cost toyouwith the Forcson Tractor. Twenty-four hours each day, every working day in the year it will give maxi mum service. Light but powerful it gets from job to job quickly. Easy to operate and control—effi- cient, economical and above all DEPENDABLE. Get in the power-farming frame of mind now. Call, phone or drop us a card for facts. See the Fordson in practical operation. PAUL B. FITE State of Georgia, Whitfield County. To the Superior Court of said County: The'petition of J. C. Henderson, of said state and county; R. E. Ferrell, T. S. Ferrell, Fred A. Noll and E. Tal lent, of the county of Hamilton, state of Tennessee, respectfully shows to the Court: (D That they desire for themselves, their associates and successors, to be incorporated and mode a body politic, under the name and style of COCA-COLA BOTTLING WORKS OF DALTON. GEORGIA, for the period of twenty (20) years, with the right of renewal at the expi ration of that time, as provided by law. (2) The principal office of said company shall be at Daltoii, Whitfield County. Georgia. ' / (3) The object of said corporation is pecuniary gain and profit to itself and its .stockholders. » (4) The business to be carried on by said Corporation is the manufacturing, buying, selling, bottling, handling, dis tributing and otherwise dealing in Coca-Cola and other beverages com monly known as soft drinks. (5) The capital stock of said Corpora tion shall be Fourteen Thousand Dol lars ($14,000.00), which has been fully subscribed. All of the capital stock to be divided into shares of One Hun dred Dollars ($100.00) each. (6) Petitioners desire to have the right to have the subscriptions to said cap ital stock either paid in money, or property to be taken at a fair valna ition. (6) Petitioners desire the right to sue and be sued, to plead and be implead- de, to have and use a common seal, to moke all necessary by-laws and regu lations, and to do all other things that may be necessary for the successful carrying on of said business, includ ing the right to buy, hold and sell Teal estate and personal property suitable to the purposes of the Corporation. Wherefore, petitioners pray to he in corporated under the name and style aforesaid, with the privileges and im munities herein set forth, and as are now or may hereafter be allowed a Corporation of similar character un der the laws of Georgia. Fred A. NOLL, W. M. SAPP, Attorneys for Petitioner. Georgia, Whitfield County. Office of Clerk of Superior Court'“of Whitfield County. I, C. L. Isbill, Clerk of the Superior Court of Whitfield County, hereby cer tify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the application for charter, as the same appears of file in this office. This 14th day of July, 1921. C. L. ISBILL, Clerk of Superior Court. Filed in office, this 14th day of July, 1921. C. L. ISBILL. F. & A. M. A regular communication of Dalton Lodge No. 105, F. & A. M., Monday evening. July 25th, at S o’clock. Work in Master’s degree. All members are urged to be present. Visiting breth ren cordially invited. J. E. Whitson; W. M. T. D. Ridley, See. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting of Dalton Lodge No. 72, I. O. q. F., Friday evening, July 22nd, at S o’clock. Work in in itiatory degree. All members are ur gently requested to attend. Visiting brothers cordially invited. M. F. Caldwell, N. G G. W. Keister, Sec. Dry Clean—Dye at the Capital City Progress WE RENEW Women’s Suits Evening Gowns Evening Wraps Fancy Blouses The beautiful results in Dry Clean ing and Dyeing we get at the Capital City have won the friendship and patronage of thousands of loyal cus tomers throughout the South. “Parcel Post Your Package- Look■ To Us For Results.” Capital City Dry Cleaning & Dye Works ATLANTA, GA. * FOR SALE—Blacksmith’s portable forge, also blower. Will sell cheap. Call Ault & Edwards. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION'S for vacancies in Postoffice, Railway Mail, Government Departments. Men, women, over 17. $120 monthly. El perience unnecessary. For free par ticulars, write Raymond Terry (for mer Civil Service examiner), 1016 Con tinental Bldg., Washington, D. C. 7-1412t pd. fhree-game series with the Business Men’s, team, and some excellent games are in prospect. The visiting team is said to be a fast one. capable of giving any team a run for its money, and the games should draw large crowds to the fair grounds where they will be played. The games start at four o’clock each afternoon through Friday. Men’s Dress Shirts at 90c, Men’s Summer weight Un- ionsuits, 75c at John D. An derson Co. When He Quit—“I haven’t tried to sing,” remarked the Man on the Car, “since the children were help less babies.”—Toledo Blade. Reduced prices on Pana ma Hats, Palm Beach Suits at John D. Anderson Co. Silver Linings. — April showers bring May double-headers.—Boston Herlad. Classified Ads One Cent A Wore m 18 ■ CHURCH NOTES Hamilton Street M. E. Church, South Rev. Chas. Williams, Pastor. Sunday school—9:45 a. m. Sundays. Preaching—11:00 a. m. and 7:00 p m. Sundays. Epworth League—6:00 p. m. Sun days. Prayer meeting—Wednesday, 7:00 p. m. Preaching every Saturday 7:00 p. m. Bethel—Chas. H. Williams, Pastor Preaching—2nd and 4th Sunday fternoons, 2:30. Mineral Springs—Chas. H. Williams, pastor. Preaching, 1st and 3rd Sunday after- 'oons, 2:30. FOR RENT — Three unfurnished rooms. Apply 11 Waugh street. 6-30-4t pd. LOST—Gold, knife-blade bar pin. with small cluster setting, engraved “Mary Louise.’’ Finder will receive substantial reward for its return to Citizen Office. FOR SALE—Horse, rubber-tired buggy and good harness. ’Phone 9b- 40. It pi WANTED—Three or four rWlE with bath, for light housekeeping Close in. J. L. Eslinger, care >e* Hotel Horan. FOR SALE—Registered na Pigs. $10.00 and $12.00 each. ‘ • July 20th. E. L. Miller. Route 4. ton, Ga. ltpi WANTED—To audit books an counts. Am prepared to do :1U . I for individuals, firms and wri, *‘ and assist in preparing income turns. Prompt and ^iicient^-^ j Prices reasonable. J- 0 lie Accountant. Rome. (,il - THREE GOOD BASEBALL GAMES PROMISED FANS Acme Furniture Company Team of Chattanooga Here Three Days The fast baseball team of the Acme Furniture company of Chattanooga is here today (Wednesday) to start a When some one of the family is ill you want your physician- When he comes and looks the patient over he decides medicines are needed for the case at hand. He writes the names cf these remedies into a prescription together with full directions fo* administering the same. NOW COMES THE RUB. mere shall you have that prescription filled? That is an importan question. . t We will give you a few simple suggestions. Find a druggis whose experience is broad enough to enable him to understand ju what the doctor means in each instance. Search out a druggist. w , ^ honestly applies his knowledge in filling your prescription. U n ^ drug store where all the latest remedies are kept, as well as the o stand-by’s. Look for a druggist who will constantly try to to reduce prices for you without sacrificing quality. THEN hit HE W][LL MARE y YOU A^GOOD TO THAT DRUGGIST. FRIEND. THE CITY DRUG STORE IS PLACE. JUST THE CITY DRUG STORE, J w crawford, p**- Phone 210