North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, July 21, 1921, Image 9

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PAGE NINE THE DALTON CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1921. '/\Uj • lit BLOkJ YA To A C0UPC6 00YA WANTA CHIP ■‘lisren.TiMMie 1 — WE CAN ONLY RAISE 4- CEDAR VALLEY CLUB you se.£ rms guy OVER HERE? Weu_His FAtHER'V A MI(.(J0NAlR6 • MAyge He'a chip in fora OF DOCCAR'N HALF {LOCUS'- | nouj* ARC YA FixeowrrH] -==-\ RATS'hi rsnvFK 9 \ [ IN WITH os So's [vC t—; ICA N 60/A QUARTER ffAtt; | HORACE U) Aft RICH J RlNCCENTj fRON THE TCAM.WHAT'tcj we oo for a , > \ GAT'S N CEOVgS The regular meeting of the Cedar Valley clnb was held Monday, July 11. The meeting was called to order by Mrs. F. J. Dantzler. After a short business meeting, Mrs. Moore gave a demonstration in how to preserve eggs in water glass. At the next meeting, Mrs. McCamy will give a demonstration in rag mak ing. We hope all the ladies of the community will be present. Frankie Cline. Certain Cure. — Patient — “What shall I take to remove the redness from my nose?” Doctor—“Take nothing—especial ly between meals.”—The Bulletin (Sydney). UcClure Newspaper Syndicate terested in the Baptist cause. This call is made in the name of Him who doeth all things well. Uncle Joe Loses the Domino Cup A Tonic For Women Wrinkle Bros. Foundry & Machine Works General Repair Work, Castings Depot Street :: Dalton, Ga. ROBBER DROPPED CASE AND ESCAPED OFFICER “I was hardly able to drag, 1 was so weakened,” writes Aire. W. F. Ray, of Easley, S. C. “The doctor treated me for about two months, still I didn’t get any better. I had a large fam ily and felt I surely must do something to enable me to take care of my little ones. I bad heard of XPECTaH 'MOTHER! A robber last Thursday night enteerd the office of Dr. Sam Easley and pro ceeded to help himself. He filled a suitcase with articles and then started to travel. Dr. Easley, with Policeman Bates, found the man at the depot, and when they approached and asked him If the suitcase belonged to 'him, he ran, making his escape. For Three Generations Have Made Child-Birth Easier By Using —— WaiTEFoa BOOKLET ON MOTHERHOOD MOTHt BABY, Fata* Braofield Regulator Co.. Dept. 9-D. Atlanta. GaJ SOUTHERN NORMAL MUSIC SCHOOL McD. WEAMS, Calhoun, Ga., PRINCIPAL “I decided to try it,” con tinues Mrs. Ray . . . *‘I took eight bottles in all... I re gained my strength and have had no more troubte with wo manly weakness. I have ten children and am able to do all my housework and a lot out doors ... I can sure recom mend Cardin.” Take Cardui today. It oqr be Just what you need. At all druggists. AT CALHOUN, GA., beginning August 1, 1921, and lasting 12 day*. C. P. Reeve, Calhoun, Georgia, Secretary. AT DALTON, GA., beginning Avgust 15, 1921, and lasting 18 days. Dr. E. Jackson, Dalton, Georgia, Secretary. Each of the above schools will be taught in the high school audito rium. Our methods are simple, practical, standard and progressive. The beginner, as well as the advanced, will each have a class, and receive careful attention. Mr. Weams number* his pupils by the thousand, which is all the recommendation he needs. Make your plans to attend one or both of these schools add be on hand the first day. For further information, write the secretary of the school you want to attend, or the principal. Sold only give tire mileage at the lowest cost in history Uncle Joe Cannon Is no longer domino champion of the National Press club. He held out to the last In the r ^ent annual tournament held in Wash ington, but the silver cup was won by Harvey Cobb, newspaper man. Cobb is shown receiving the trophy from the hands of the veteran member of con gress. Snake Charmers of Ceylon at Work report on the first Monday in August, 1921. H. J. WOOD, Ordinary. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. GEORGIA, Whitfield County. B. N. McHan has applied for Let ters of Administration on the estate of L. T. McHan, ■ im.—."’ NON-SKID RED-TOP CORD deceased, and I will pass upon said application on the first Monday in August, 1921. H. J. WOOD, Ordinary. Reduction on all styles and sizes LEAVE TO SELL. GEORGIA, Whitfield County. Cal Workman and Ola Calhoun, ex ecutors of the will of M. Q. Workman, deceased, have applied for leave.lo sell the lands belonging to said estate and I will pass upon said appfcation on the first Monday in August, 1921. H. J. WOOD, Ordinary. A New Low Price on a Known and Honest Product • NOTICE. . We regret to say that there is a number of cases of Para-Ty phoid fever in Dalton. Vacci nation is as much a specific against typhoid and para-ty- phoid as vaccination is against small pox. We advise that our people be inoculated at once against these two ^fevers. J. H. STEED, City Physician. W. E. WOOD, Mayor. Unwarranted and needless are the sacrifices that keep millions of wives and mothers prisoners in their own homes fighting dust and dirt. The way to freedom and the enjoyment of frequent periods of leisure is opened to every housekeeper by the APEX Electric Suction Cleaner. for the construction of bridges at crossings as follows: Chickamauga Creek, near Freeman’s Spring; Mill Creek at Daves and Bitting places; Little Swamp Creek, just south of Cen ter Point in Carbondale Dist.; Coa- liulla creek at Anderson crossing on Beaverdale and Cohutta road. Plans and specifications for said bridges on file in the office of Ordinary, said county. Bidders will be required to deposit certified checks to the amount of $200 for each bridge as per specifications. Payments to be made in county war rants to be due and payable Dec. 31, 1921, from money derived from the levy of the year 1921. If said bridges are not completed and accepted by said board by Dec. 31, 1921, county warrants to he issued when said bridge or bridges are completed and accepted by said Board of Commissioners. This the 23 day of June, 1921. H. J. WOOD, Clerk, Board of Comm, of Roads & Revenue, Whitfield County. Here is an unusually interesting photograph of three snake charmers of Ceylon at their charming. The snakes standing erect are the fumous cobras of India and Ceylon. The large one lying at full length is a Ceylon python. nabbed another still near McCutelfen. In addition the officers arrested a man giving his name as Bob Holton, and his home as Chattanooga, and a man named Towers, and secured 20 gallons of whiskey. welcome, by W. M. Hammontree. Song. I Devotional exercises, led by H. Douglas. Bible institute, conducted by Dr. O’Hara and Dr. Cradup. 11:00 A.M.—Sermon, by Dr. J. W. O’Hara. 12:00 noon—Adjourn for lunch. 2:00 P,M.—Bible institute. Second day: 9:00"to 10:00 A.M.— Children’s hour. 10:00 to 11:00 A.M.—Sunday school work, discussed by C. C. Bass. P. Jack- son and others. 11:00 A.M.—Sermon. 12:00 noon—Dinner on the ground. 2:00 P.M.—30-minute song service, led by Frank Hall and Prof. Duncan, of LaFayette. 2:30 PjM.—Devotional exercises, led by Rev. Sam H^jr. 2:4a P.M.—B. Y. P. U. work, dis cussed by J. A*. Sartrain and Ohas. P. Jones. 3:00 P.M.—Keeping the Sabbath Day, Rev. J. H. Cargal. 3:15 P.M.—Supporting the Minister, Rev. Leonard. Song. 3:30 P.M.—Baptists working togeth er. An improvement not found in any other cleaner is its famous inclined, twin nozzle. Ask our dealer to explain its, big advantages. DEACONS ORDAINED BROAD ACRE AT MADDOX CHAPEL Important Meeting Held There Last Saturday Night Our literary school began Monday, with Mrs. Frank Dantzler and Miss Leo Wheeler as teachers. The singing given by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dantzler Friday night was en joyed by a large crowd. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Caldwell have returned from Oklahoma, after spend ing several months with their chil dren there. v Mr. Clarence Farrar, of Chattanoo ga. visited homefolks recently. Miss Annie Felker gave a singing Sunday afternoon which was enjoyed by a large crowd. Mr. Tom Helton and Mr. Henry Ballew, of Ebenezer, spent Friday night with Mr. Boh Foster. Miss Bessie Caldwell, of Pine Grove, is visiting her cousin, Miss* Rnth Calf well. Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Isbill, of Dalton, called on friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Lacewell, of Dal ton. called on Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Lace- well Sunday. Misses Fannie and Ethel Thogmartin visited friends at Cleveland, Tenn., Sunday. A meeting of more than ordinary interest and importance was held at Maddox Chapel Saturday night, July 16. it being the regular conference and time set for ordaining two deacons. Brother Robert Raper and several members of his singing class from Bethel directed and assisted in the music. Rev. J. O. Dantzler led the opening devotions, using the third chapter of First Timothy, which gives qualifica tions of bishops and deacons, for a scripture lesson. Rev. T. P. Thornton then called the church in conference and the follow ing business was transacted: Deacon N. W. Sims and Brother S. D. Dillard were received as members by letter. Sister Dolly Dillingham was dismissed by letter. Brethren W. H. Westmoreland and F. M. Henry had been previously elect ed by the church for deacons. W. A. Henry preached from Luke 22:27. T. P. Thornton prayed the or dination prayer which was followed by the laying on of hands by the presby tery. , W. A. Henry. ELECTRIC SUCTION CLEANER in Your Own Homs NOTICE. Pursuant to a resolution adopted at a meeting of citizens of Dalton on Friday night, June 17th, 1921, notice is hereby given that there will be in troduced at the present session of the General Assembly of Georgia a bill having the following caption: “A bill to be entitled an act to pro vide a new form of government for the City of Dalton; to provide a body for the performance of legislative func tions of said government, and to exer cise or delegate to employees the dis charge of executive powers; to pre scribe the powers and duties of such body, and of all other officials or em ployees of such city government; to re peal previous acts incorporating said city, in so far as they conflict here with ; and for other puijposes.” with hid in the sum •'-teptance with county war- 16 !>ec - 31, 1921, each of said l0 Pay 50 per cent of con tract cards reserve right to reject all bids. t °- the Boards of each coun- - :he 28 day of June, 1921. h . H. J. WOOD, a >rmau Whitfield Co. Board. b J - M. CAMPBELL, 11111 • Board of Supervisors, Murray County. OFFICERS GRAB STILLS IN RAIDS NEAR HERE Thing of it! Not a cent to pay. Don’t even consider Ae purchase of any other vacuum cleaner till you have bene- fitted by this Special Offer and compared the APEX with all others. Prove by test the wonderful advantages of its patented inclined and divided nozzle. Easy Monthly Payments More than 350,000 already sold. Ask us for the names of delighted owners right in your own neighborhood. Remem ber the APEX actually pays for itself while you use it if you take advantage of our easy monthly payment terms. Tell us where you live. Call, write or use the telephone. MURPHY ELECTRIC CO., lOBe117 * * - Dalton Ga Men and Liquor Also Rounded Up by the Officers Last Thursday, Deputy Collector Camp, with other officers, nabbed a still over the line in Murray county, a short distance from the Mitchell bridge. On Friday. Mr. Camp, with Sheriff Peeples and others, found a still in the ridges east of. the Brown farm, and about 1.000 gallons of beer were poured out Saturday, Sheriff Peeples and Mr. Camp got another still on the Kennon branch east of the old Horne farm, and on Tuesday, Sheriff Peeples FIFTH SUNDAY MEETING AT FRIENDSHIP CHURCH BAPTISTS, TAKE NOTICE Each and every member of the Bap tist church, is requested to meet at the Baptist church next Thursday even ing at 8 o’clock. Business of very great importance to each member will he presented, and your presence is very urgently requested. Fail not to be there if you are a Baptist and in- interesting Services Being Planned for July 30-31 YEAR’S SUPPORT. GEORGIA, Whitfield County. The appraisers appointed to set apart a year’s support for the widow of S. J. Clark, deceased, have filed their re port with, me and I will pass upon said F °R bridges. ^Whitfield County: wil1 be received by the - O ‘'imissioners of Roads and of Whitfield county, Georgia, ' ° clock P. m. July 23, 1921, A fifth Sunday meeting will be held at Friendship Baptist church on July 30 and 31, and the following program has been arranged: First day: 10:00. A.M.—Address of TIRES