North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, August 11, 1921, Image 8

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g&y ^ ■ r : THE DALTON CITIZEN, THURSDAY, AUGUST ll, 1921. PAGE EIGHT A sale sensational, almost to recklessness, a regular challenge sale. Come to this sacri fice sale of all summer goods. We always sell as we advertise. No fake about BIG BARGAIN-GIVING SALE. The sale-event of North Georgia. DON’T MISS IT! WATCH FOR IT!! WAIT FOR IT!! ■> : - - t. V • v -- • ~ - ' - - • • ' - ' * **;:. / \ . ■ . Buy your cotton goods now. They will be higher. The 1921 cotton will be the smallest crop raised in nearly twenty-five years. Cotton should and will go higher. Buy your cotton goods and save money. ON SATURDAY, AUGUST I3TH, AND LASTING FOR TEN DAYS ONLY THIS ENORMOUS VALUE GIVING SALE BEGINS- CASH TO ONE AND ALL. POSITIVELY NO GOODS WILL BE CHARGED. < ! ■■■=== 1 ■■■■■•* :i = Good serviceable Ginghams, per yd., only 10c White Oilcloth, value 50c, now only, per yd.. . . 35c Best colored Oilcloth, cheap at 50c, per yd. .•. . . 30c Best heavy Outing, was 40c, now, per yd 20c Best heavy dark Cheviot, for shirts, value 45c, sale price* per yd 17£c Best Sea Island, value 35c, now, per yd . 10c DON’T MISS THIS—BEST 10/4 brown sheet ing, cheap at 65c, sale price 49c 9/4 brown Sheeting 48c Wide Sheetings are advancing. SUMMER GOODS MUST GO. GOOD-BYE TO OUR STOCKS OF VOILES and ORGANDIES. ALL solid colored Voiles, cheap at 50c, now. . . 30c Beautiful, light-figured Voiles, value 85c and 75c, sale price .^. . . . .45c Solid colored Organdies, nearly all colors, value 85c and $1.00, to close out, per yd 55c Silk Mull, solf and silky, in nearly all shades, value 65c, no\fr, per yd., to close out. 1 38c Fine quality Longcloth, cheap at 25c, sale price, now, per yd 15c Coats’ Spool Cotton, spool ...... .5c (Four spools to a customer.) Men’s work Sox, in mixed brown and grey, per pair . . 10c Ladies’ Hose, in black and brown, per pair, only 10c Great value in Hand Towels, plain white, value 20c* sale price, each 10c BEST YET—One pieye of black and white Shep herd Checks, 42 inches wide, cheap at $1.00, sale price only 39c Best black Taffeta Silk, value $2.00 per yd., now per yd. $1.39 Shirtings, nearly all Silk, value $2.25 per yd., to close out per yd., only $1.25 White Lawn, suitable for inner linings and slips,. sale price, per yd 10c LOOK AT THIS-r-Best Mohawk 81 x90 Sheets, value $2.00 per sheet, sale price per sheet. . $1.48 SEE THIS—Pillow cases, value 50c, sale price, each £ 25c One piece of Belfast Union Linen Sheeting, value $1.75 per yd., sale price, per yd $1.25 DON’T MISS OUR BARGAINS IN MEN’S AND ' LADIES’ SLIPPERS. 60 pairs Regal low-cut Shoes for men, value $9.00 to $ 1 1.00 per pr., sale price, per pr.. . $6.00 Come quick. \ 24 pairs of gun njetal slippers for men, cheap at $5.50 per pair, down to, per pair. . ^ . . . . $3.25 18 pairs of men’s White Canvas Slippers, value $2.50 and $3.00, to close out, per pair. . . .$1.60 Men’s White Tennis Slippers, value $1.00, now, per pair . . ...55 c Men’s Hats at replacement value. $6.50 Hats for .$4.00 $5.50 Hats for . $3.50 $4.50 Hats for . . .$3.00 30 pairs of small sizes in Slippers for Ladies, sizes 2j to 4,value from $4.00 to $6.00, choice, per pair $1.50 One lot of small sizes in Button Shoes for La dies, sizes 3 to 4, value $4.00 to $5.00, sale price a pair $1.00 Heavy Blue Denim, value 45c, sale price only, per yd 25c All Trunks and Suitcases must go. Bargains in Trunks and Suit Cases. Look at this! All-leather, gun-metal blucher Shoes, for men, value $5.50, sale price, while we have them $2.95 Don’t overlook this. People who are making spreads, Dexter’s Knitting Cotton in white only, per box (20 balls to a box) $1*59 Bargains in Ribbons, 60 and 80, in nearly all col ors, values 40c to 50c, sale price, a yard 20c Children’s Wash Hats, pink and white, blue and white, value 75c to $1.00, sale price. 50c 12 yards of best brown Sheeting for $1.00 Black Sateen Bloomers, for children, value 50c, sale price 25c THIS SALE BEGINS SATURDAY, AT 8 A. M., and lasts TEN DAYS No goods charged, and no sale goods will be shown to any one before Saturday morning, as the sale starts on SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 13th. THOMAS DRY GOODS CO. DALTON, GEORGIA THOMAS DRY GOODS CO ^^■NOW FOR A GOOD-BYE SUMMER SALE