North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, September 01, 1921, Image 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE DALTON CITIZEN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1921. BUSINESS MAN IN FINE CONDITION Little Rock Grocer Restored to Health Four Years Ago Is Still Feeling Fine “Tanlac is my stand-by, for it re stored me to bealth four years ago and I have kept in the pink of condition ever since by taking an occasional dose,” said Paul Snodgrass, $29 West Capital St., Little Rock, Ark. Mr. Snodgrass has been in the fancy gro cery business for thirty years and is known as a man whose word is as good as his bond. “In all my life I have never known a medicine like Tanlac. When I be gan taking it I was in such an awfully weak, run-down condition I was hard ly able to attend to business. I had had no appetite for a long time and the little I managed to eat did not digest properly and caused me no end of trouble. I was nervous in the day time and restless at night, and I felt so miserable in the mornings it was all I could do to force myself to get up and go to the store. “I began to improve almost from the first dose of Tanlac and it was not long before I was my old self again and feeling just fine. It built me up wonderfully;, why, in a few weeks’ time I gained fourteen pounds weight. There is no doubt about it, Tanlac certainly delivers the goods.”— Adv. To Fit the Times.. “Yo, ho,, ho, and a bottle of rum; is now amended to “Yo, h2o, h2o.”— Lincoln Star. Cheerful Thought. Somebody must always be putting joy in life, or there would not be so much for other people to take out.— Indianapolis News. The Stamp of Learning. “Pa, what’s a postgraduate?” “A fellow who graduates from one of these correspondence schools, I sup pose.”—Boston Transcript. Good Substitute. “I’d like to take a Turkish bath but I haven’t the price.” “Don’t spend money. Just step into this phone booth and wait until Cen tral gets your .number.”—The Amer ican Legion Weekly. Great Exposition. “1 hear that Jubb’s prodigal son came home and said he would he con tented to be treated like one of the servants.” “He had all the nerve in the world, didn’t he?”—The American Legion Weekly. Self-Evident. .. A small boy was scrubbing the front porch of his house the other day when a lady called. “Is your mother in?” she inquired. “Do you think I’d be scrubbing the porch if she wasn’t?” was the rather curt reply.—0. E’. R. Bulletin. The Course of True Love. Ethel—What’s the matter, dear? You look unhappy.”, Edith—“Oh, such hard luck! I mar ried Dick for alimony, and then I had to go and fall in love with him, and now I know it will just break my heart to divorce him.”—The American Le gion Weekly. Cheering Her Up. To a priest came a young woman one day, who had an exaggerated idea of her charms and who confessed she feared she had a besetting sin. “And what is it?” asked the priest, kindly. “It is this,” she replied, her eyes cast down. “Every time I pass a mir ror I think of my beauty.” “Faith, daughter,” said the priest. “That’s no sin, no sin at alfc Just a slight mistake, daughter, just a trifling error in judgment.”—The American Legion Weekly. . Passing the Buck. Axel, a Swede in an outfit at Fort Jay, woke up one morning with a de sire to loaf. He got put on sick-call, thinking it was worth trying, anyway. At the dispensary the doc looked him over, felt his pulse, and took his tem perature. Then he said: » “I can’t find anything wrong with you.” No answer. “See here, what’s wrong with you anyway?” • “Doc,” replied Axel, “that bane your yob.”—The American Legion Weekly. A Word for the General. Wood Fitted for Post in Philippines. —Head-line in The Sioux City (Iowa) Journal. , Three Rousing Squawks. “Yes, I graduated from an automo le school.” “What is your class honk?”—Judge. Knocking the Board. The Parson (at table, to fellow boarder)—“My dear sir, theology does not teach the existence of a literal hell, but merely that a potential hell lies within each one of ns at this moment.” The Landlady (overhearing)—“You force me to remind you, Mr. Smith, that you may leave at once if you are dissatisfied!”—Passing Show (ion- don. New Arrivals New fall dresses \ ' New sweaters (both wool and silk) r New coat suits New brogue oxfords New silks New corsets \ • . . New gingham New hand bags New infant’s novelties New gloves FOR MEN New fall clothing N ew bats New shirts New shoes / ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW AT CANNON’S on the Corner PIEDMONT COLLEGE, Demorest, Ga. Standard Four Years Senior College for men and women. N versity in Georgia with higher standards. Large outside colle ge or supplies reduce Board, Tuition and Fees to $259 for nine COIn f ®>>d it. logue and information, write “ e moat W Fo" Dean J. C. Rogers, Piedmont College D Next week see announcement of High School of Piedmont p*™ 0 ’ 6 **’ C°!leg e dances on the reservation and is al ways present at these dances, especial ly the so-called “squad dances,” and is quite a husky dancer notwithstanding his extreme age. He is likewise a lead ing man at the medicine dance and communicates with the spirit at these dances. He also congers the degrees of the dance on the younger members of the tribe in order that the secret of the dance cap be handed down to future generations. Cause for Pride. Besides being rather a wild youth, Sam Smithers was exceedingly egotis tical. A couple of days after he re turned from overseas he strolled into a grocery-story where the prohibition amendment was under discussion. “How about it, Sam?” asked a friend. “Are you peeved because they made the country dry while you were gone?” Sam drew himself up proudly and gazed at the group of loafers. ‘Teeved, nothing!” he ejaculated. “I’m proud of it. Why, they had to amend the Constitution of the United States of America to reform me, and they knew it had to he done when I To Be Done wiht Discretion. “If you want to be really popular with men,” says Mr. Arthur Pendeny’s, “become a widow.” This of course may be all right, but few husbands can really learn to love a wife who makes wasn’t here to prevent it.”—American a practice of this sort of thing.—Punch Legion Weekly. (London). A Big Demonstration WILLIAMS & SMITH Invites you to attend a Demonstration of Tennessee Biscuit Co. high grade Cakes and Crackers at their store on Saturday, Sept. 31921. A treat— don't forget it “Eat the best, forget the rest ” Dalton Fruit & Produce Company, Wholesale Distributors. “I don’t see why you call your place a bungalow,’’ said Smith to his neigh bor. “Well, if it isn’t a bungalow, what is it? The job was a bungle and 1 still owe for it!”—Pearson’s Weekly. Higher Mathematics. The teacher had been explaining fractions to her class. When she had discussed the subject at length, wishing to see how much light had been shed, she inquired: “Now, Bobby, which would you rath er have, one apple or two halves?” The little chap promptly replied: “Two halves.” “Oh, Bobby,” exclaimed the young woman, a little disappointedly, “why would yo,u prefer two halves?” “Because then I could see if it was bad inside.”—Queenslander (Brisbane, Australia). 85 YEAR OLD CHIEF STILL LEADS DANCE ASHLAND, Wis.—If Ponce de Leon had come to America in the 20th cen tury''in quest of the fountain of youth he might have received some valuable information from George Comingo, chief of. the Lac Oreille reservation in Sawyer counry. Chief George, known among his tribesmen as Be Bwe Ni (meaning a 'bird which flys 'and alights in several places) is 85 years old, but, according to the younger braves about the res ervation he acts like a youth in his “teens.” George is a leader of the Tn^Htm ARE YOU } GUILTY • A FARMER, carrying an ** express package from a big mail-order house was accosted by a local dealer. "Why Ain’t you buy that bill of goods from me? I could hast saved you the expressend besides you would have been patronising a home store, tchich helps pay the taxes and builds up tiUs locality." The farmer looked at the mer chant a moment and then said: ",Why don’t you patronise your home paper and advertise? I read it anddtdn’tknoathatyoahadthestaff I have hffte 99 MORAL—ADVERTISE LIGHTNING SHAVED THE SIDE OF MAN’S HEAD Lightning shaved - all the hair off the right side of Steven O’Donnell’s head. Mr. O'Donnell, a rancher, living near Bozeman, Mont, was stunned bnt re covered consciousness and went unaid ed to bis home. WOMEN ADD INCH AND A HALF TO AVERAGE STATURE Philadelphia, Pa.—They’re building ’em bigger. Dressmakers say so, corse- tires agree there’s something in it and now along comes cold, calculating sci ence to explain why women weigh more than they ever did before. Women are no fatter, say the physi cal culture experts. They’re simply larger, and here’s the reason: The wo men of today are one and half inches taller as a class than forty years ago. Their chests are larger, their waist ines have widened. Their muscles have hardened. All this makes them weigh more. i Y OU READ the Other Fellow’s Ad * Record Bad Luck. “What is sadder than a man wjio loses his last friend?” “A man who works for his board and loses his appetite.”—Stanford Chap arral. Automatic Evidence. Multi Millions—“Is your son home from college?” - i - Well Thye—“I presume so. I haven’t seen my car for a week.”—The Orange Owl. Fair Warning. The Sultan of Zanzibar and his wives have landed at Durban. We under stand that the captain asked him to count them carefully, as mistakes could not be rectified after leaving the ship. —Punch (London). Diplomatic Willy. “Didn’t you know it was against the law to beg for money?” “I wasn’t goin’ to beg for no money, ma’am.” “It’s just as bad to beg for bread.” “I wasn’t goin’ to beg for no bread, ma’am.” ‘What were you going to beg for then, pray?” “Only for one o’ your photographs, ma’am.—London Opinion. JOB LOT OF SECOND SHEETS While they last will be sold at $1,00 per Thousand The A. J. Showaiter Co. Dalton, Georgia You are reading this one. That should convince you that advertising in thsee columns is a profitable proposition; that it will bring business to your store. The fact that the other fellow advertises is probafilv the reason he is getting more business than is falling to you. Would it not be well to give the other fellow a chance To Read Your Ad in These Columns? I- o. o. p. — Dalton Lodge N 0 . 72' j meets Friday evening, Sent ? °' * o’clock. Work in First degr**!* presence is earnestly desirS^ brothers cordially invited. ^ -M- F. Caldwell v Guy W. Keister, Sec. ’ G ' Our Hobby Is Good Printing a&s our busi- n«ss cards; visiting cards, . . . . .wedding pntets, folders, letter Heads, statements, shipping tags envelopes, etc., constant^ earned in stock for y 0U r accommodation. Get our figures on that printing you have been flunking of. New Type, Latest Style Faces Classified Ads One Cent A Wore FOR QUICK SALE— High-class movie machine. Suitable for theatre or road show, mechanically perfect, al so films and posters. Will sell for $200 or $150 for machine only. Stewart Marshall, Jr., Rome, Ga. FOR RENT—House with all con veniences, on. South Spencer street. Apply to Mrs. Swift R. Maddox. LOST—Lady’s navy blue raincoat, with name, L. A Harris, inside col lar. Reward for return to The Bank of Dalton. HEMSTITCHING and picoting at tachment works on any sewing mach ine, easily adjusted. Price $2.30 with full instructions. Oriental Novelty Co., Box 11, Corpus Christ!, Texas, lt-pd. BEAUTY DOCTORS ARE DOING BIG BUSINESS PARIS.—>Beards and mustaches are increasing alarmingly among women and doctors are blaming cigaret smok ing and alcohol drinking principaHy for this phenomenon. Statistics at the hospital show 11 per cent of the women inmates have an abnormal growth of hair on the up- FARM WANTED—Wanted to hear from owner of a farm or good land for sale, price reasonable. L Jones, Box 551, Olney, Ill. I It pi FOR SALE—27 acres good level land, just ontside city limits, on Cleve land pike; six-room residence, barn and other outbuildings; plenty fruit and timber; also good pasture with spring branch; ideal fob truck or dairy. If taken before rented for 1922, $4,500. See Ed Pinion, 59 East Morris street. 8-25-21 FOR RENT—One 3-horse crop: two 2-horse crops, good land and water, good place for man that will work. 9 mjles southeast Dalton, Route 2. T. McCune. 8 - 254t FOR SALE—Good government col lars, cheap; also, good set wagon springs. Apply at Robert Deck’s Har ness Shop. No. 8 King street. When you have saved up fifty P re " mium coupons from Octagon Soap, Octagon Powder and Octagon White Floating Soap, take them to City Drug Store and receive free a set 0 six dainty water glasses. It P a -' s 0 save the premium coupons. fries: and per lips ahd chins, and 27 per cent of I WANTED—Fresn eg- s eisC her the women inmates in the insane asy- ■ highest market prices paid.— asy lums are bearded or have mustaches. CATTLE GONE WILD THRIVE IN THE WEST SEATTLE, Wash.—To hunt down a herd of wild cattle reported to have been seen on the Ozette Indian reser vation in the Olympic Peninsula an ex pedition headed by C. J. Albrecht, tax idermist of the state museum, is soon to leave for the mountain wilds. The herd are the descendants of a tame herd abondoned by a settler twenty years ago and are said to be more dangerous than bear, cougar or wild cat. The Ozette Indians report many long-haired, wild-eyed cattle are living in the foot hills and venturing- down the river courses in mid-summer. ‘ In these grazing lands the cattle can never be exterminated, as the country is too rough for the average hunter and can be entered only on horseback. It is now fifty miles from a white settlement and in winter is snowbound. The natives of that region state that on the sight of human beings the hulls •become enraged and rush, often tree- ingv hunters and trappers. When ques tioned as to why they did not shoot the cows or calves 'for meat the In dians replied that it was tongh and tasted like cedar oil. & Graves. People Read This Newspaper p That’s why it would be profitable for you to advertise in it If you want a job If you want to hire somebody If you •want to sell something If you want to buy somei ing If you want to rent your bouse If you want to sell your house If you want io sell your farm If you want to buy p rC P ert ^ If there is anything tt* ** want the quickest andbest The results will surprise and please you