North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, October 06, 1921, Image 7

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to Dalton to ome We want to urge upon those living in the surrounding ■v V ' ‘ ‘ . ' • section, the advantages of trading in Dalton, with your friends and “homefolks,” where you will get a square deal, with courteous service. Dalton business houses are now filled with new fall merchandise, seasonable goods that can be purchased at prices in keeping with present conditions. Dalton deserves the patronage of the people of Whit field county, for Dalton pays over half the taxes, and the money is used toward meeting the expenses of the In addition to that, Dalton merchants can supply your wants just as cheaply as can the stores of any other town or the mail order houses. Dalton merchants invite a comparison of their prices Wil(. YOU 1 &IV6, MS A piece of yo 7 ctanov? J uieu, vo u <— ARC A LIT7T.6 GSNTCS MAN a.rsn'tYOU? I T HIS TASr&T ‘—j QueSR. OOHAT L Oil) You HAV6 Tinyour. pocKenri The Worm Will Turn Every body ’cepting Buddie I By f PERCY L. CROSBY ^ by the McClure Newspaper 'Syndicate Pencil No. 174 EAGLE“MKADO ! Made in five grades YELLOW PENCIL WITH THE RED BAND EAGLE MIKADO EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK BARGAIN LETTER SEPTEMBER 28 GOOD FOR 10 DAYS Best School JTablet, Ten-Cent Tablet, Ten-Cent Pencil Box, . Ten-Cent School Ruler, Five School Pencils for 30-Cent International Stock Food, 30-Cent Iternational Poultry Food, Three 25c Rat Poison, for . . . Pee-Gee Double-Thick House Paint, Ready for the brush, . . . ... CITY DRUG STORE Phone 210 J. W. Crawford, Prop. Dalton, Ga, THE DALTON CITIZEN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1921 ■ PAGE SEVEN dition of the track and the equipment for the care of race horses are con siderations of value in the sight of the horsemen. H. C. Beatty of Carrolton, Illinois, is to be the starting judge at the race meet. Mr. Beatty is a well known starting judge having recently com pleted some fine work in the grand circuit races throughout the north as well as a number in the Iowa circuits. The race meet program for the North Georgia Fair follows: Tuesday, Oct. 11th. BIG TIRE SALE Saving secured the exclusive agency for the well-known Lion Tubes and Tires, we are instructed to sell at the following low irices for a limited time. Compare our prices with others. 10x3 . . . . ! 10x3 N. S. . . [ 12x3 1-2, N.S. Jlx4N. S. . $9.85 $11.85 $12.95 $14.60 32x4 N. S. 33x4 N. S. 34x4 N. S. $15.50 $16.75 $18.25 Tubes at Like Saving Jon Tires and Tubes are hand-built of all first-lira !e material Wrapped serial numbers—all new Ires -took. Come in, let is show you these tires and tubes We h ve a large stock of jjoodrich, Goodyear, and Firestone tires and tubts. We have a tire for your car. DALTON AUTO SUPPLY CO. iPhone 89 DALTON, GA. Hamilton St. In Interests of United States Public Health Service Dr. Elizabeth Bass Reed of the Unit ed States Public Health service, was a visitor here last week. Dr. Reed is making a tour lecturing on social hy giene. She is working in connection with the state Board of Health. Dr. Reed was in France for IS months during the world war, and was ai relief work in Palestine for six months. She was commended by the nued States Public Health Service ,'or services with women in .industry .nd high school girls. While here she made a iflsit to the manufacturing industries that employ l umen and girls. Health Br gs Beauty gather their crops; but on .account of the rainy weather they are not mak ing a success. Sunday school was largely attended at this place Sunday afternoon; also prayer meeting Sunday night Several from here attended the sing ing at the court house at Dalton Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Barton, of near Mt. Zion, were the guests of Mrs. Bar ton’s mother, Mrs. A. J. Hayes, Sun day; also Mrs. R. B. Davis and little daughters, Virgie and Gladys. Mr. Paul King, who has been at work at Bolton, Ga., was at home Sat urday and Sunday. As this Is court week at Dalton, several from in and around Tilton have been attending court. Everybody, remember Saturday night and Sunday are our regular preaching CALOMEL MAY TURN ON YOU NEXT TIME Wrinkle Bros. Foundry & Machine Works General Repair Work, Castings Depot Street :: Dalton, Ga. Every Woman Should Read This Bankston, Ala.— ‘I had been down with trouble of a feminine character for a good many years. 1 took medicine from different doctors, but it aid not do me any good. Then I beard of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription and I ordered some of this medicine. I took six dollars worth of it and I would not take sixty for the good it did me. I surely can praise Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. I don’t intend to be without it in my home as long as I can get it. I would advise every woman that is bothered with trouble from which women suffer, to use this Prescription.”—Mrs. Williamson, Route 2. Get this Prescription of Dr. Pierce’s in tablets or liquid and see how quickly you will have sparkling eyes, a clear skin and vim, vigor, vitality. Write Dr. Pierce’s Invalids’ Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for free 'medical advice. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ TILTON. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Everybody of this community Is very busy picking cotton and trying to Next Dose You Take May Salivate and Start World of Trouble days; also singing Sunday afternoon. Everybody is invited to come and bring someone with you, also your song books. GREAT RACING PROGRAM AT NORTH GEORGIA FAIR Thoroughbreds From - All Sections Will Be in Rome One hundred race horses and |4,100 in purses! That’s what the North Georgia Fair racing committee, of Rome, Georgia, A TEXAS WONDER For kidney ind bladder troubles, grave], weak and lame back, rheumatism and irreg ularities ot the kidneys and bladder. At yonr druggist’s or by mail, $1.26. 8mal! bottle often cures- Send for sworn testi monials. Dr. E. W. Hail. 2026 Olive St. St. Loai* Mo.—Adv. offers as an added attraction to North Georgia Fair visitors during the week of October 10th to 15th inclusive, this year. It has been necessary for Chairman John M. Berry, of the racing commit tee, and Secretary Lester C. Bush, of the fair, to exert themselves mightily to interest so many horsemen in the races at Borne daring fair week, but the impossible has been accomplished. More than twice as many horses as have ever appeared at Rome—that is the promise of the racing committee— and the entries already received justi fy the above statements. Horses are coming to the Rome races from Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee, Alabama, South Carolina, Oklahoma, and other states. The at traction at Rome this year is the purses offered. In addition the con- 2:24 Pace §300 and added 2:25 Trot 300 and added 2:13 Pace 400 and added Wiednesday, Oct. 12th. 2:19-Trot $300 and added 2:18 Pace 400 and added 2:23 Trot 300 and added Thursday, Oct. 13th. Free for all pace, $400 and added 2:15 Trot 300 and added money money money money money money money money Friday, Oct. 14th. Free for all trot, $400 and added money 2:16 Pace 300 and added money 2:21 Trot 300 and added money FOR INDIGESTION, GAS, SOUR, ACID STOMACH, TAKE “DIAPEPSIN” “Pape’s Diapepsin” is the quickest, surest relief for Indigestion, Gases, Flatulence, Heartburn, Sourness, Fer mentation or Stomach Distress caused by acidity. A few tablets give almost immediate stomach relief and shortly the stomach is corrected so yon can eat favorite foods without fear. Large case costs only few cents at drug store. Millions helped annually.—Arif. Calomel is mercury; quicksilver. It crashes into sour bile like dynamite, cramping and sickening you. Calomel attacks the bones and shonld never be pat into yoar system. If yon feel bilious, headachy, consti pated and all knocked out, jnst go to yonr druggist and get a bottle of Dod son’s Liver Tone for a few cents which is a harmless vegetable substitute for dangerous calomel. Take a spoonful and if it doesn’t start your liver and straighten you up better and quicker then nasty calomel and without making yon sick, yon just go back and get your money. Don’t take calomel! It makes yon sick tiie next day; it loses yon a day’s work. Dodson’s Liver Tone straightens yon right up and you feel great. No salts necessary. Give it to the children because it is perfectly harmless and can not salivate.—Adv. - gp-’isSgf!! ■■