North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, October 06, 1921, Image 8

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OPENING Special Discount to Early Buyers f NOW IS THE TIME TO SELECT YOUR FALL AND WINTER GOODS. OUR STOCK IS OVERFLOWING with THE SEASON’S MOST ARTISTIC FASHIONS. Finest tailor-made suits for men and young men, high grade goods, all wool, tailoring the best. Prices moderate, wear guaranteed- They range from $10.00 to $32.50 a suit. <]f A large line of boys’ suits, all wool, ranging in price from $5.00 £o $15.00 suit* €JfMen’s and young men’s pants, the fabrics all wool, in flannels, worsteds, serges and cassjmeres. All sizes up to 48 waist in men’s. Young men’s pants run in sizes 29 to 32 waist; 30, 31, 32 length. Prices range from $3.75 to $5.00 a pair. BARGAINS! (jfThe largest line of ladies’, misses’ and children’s coats in the city; all colors. The best make and trim, all-wool material, at attractive prices. Coats worthy of your at tention. Cf Large stock of men’s odd coats in serges, cassimeres and worsteds, ranging in price from $2.50 to $10.00. Cjf Youths’ coats and vests, 14 to 18 years, all wool, heavy winter goods at $2.50. Also boys’ odd coats at $3.00 to $5.00* tme goods, all sizes* WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR SHOES. CfLadies’, misses’ and children’s shoes, all leathers, all prices. In men’s shoes, we have all leathers in black and chocolate colors. Keith’s fine viei and calf shoes, former price $7.50, now $4.25. Men’s fine English lasts and bluch ers in tan, viei and velour calf at $3.50 pair. <jf Emerson finest viei blucher, was $15.00, now $7 JO pair. Emerson’s fine English lasts, chocolate color shoes, were $12.50, now $6.00. Men’s heavy work shoes, worth $4.oU, now $2.50. Men’s elk Scout shoes, were $3.75, now $2.35. Call and see us and save money. We have shoes for the family. , tjj Big stock men’s, ladies’ and children’s underwear. La dies’ heavy ribbed vests and pants nt 50 cents.. Men’s heavy unionsuits, $1.00 suit, worth 50% more. (f Children’s and misses’ unionsuits at greatly reduced prices. \ * Cf Remember we are headquarters for men’s, boys’ and children’s hats and caps* SHIRTS. We have them in all sizes and in all colors for dress, in wo ven madras, crepes, oxfords and silk, with or without col lars. Also good line men’s woolen overshirts—the regular army shirt. Also blue ehambray work shirts. All the above shirts ranging in price from 85c to $3.00 each. Cf Our stock is too large and varied to quote prices on all. We will simply say we can supply your wants at bottom prices. Full line of dry goods, furnishings and notions at greatly reduced prices. French serges in black and blue, worth $2.00 yard, at $1.15. All-wool serges at 85c, worth $1.50. Same reduction through the dry goods line. THE GL MACK CANNON Proprietor PROSPEROUS FARMER'S WIFE NEARLY STARVED Declaring she was actually starving to keep from suffering awful misery, Mrs. Amy Peterson, wife of a pros perous farmer of Lakeville, Mass., gave out a remarkable statement, recently, in connection with her relief through the use of Tanlac. “Sometimes I wonder how I lived through it all.” she said. “I would have attacks of acute indigestion near ly every time I ate anything. Those terrible cramping pains and the dis tress from gas and bloating were al most unbearable and I just thought there was no hope for me. “But now I’m eating anything and i feel as strong and well as I ever felt in my life. I’ve gained back all the weight I lost and six pounds besides and I know from my experience what Tanlac will do. It’s the best medicine in the world.” Tanlac is' sold by leading druggists everywhere.—Adv. COURT MET ON MONDAY (Continued from page one.) DYED CHILD’S COAT AND HER OLD SKIRT / Buy “Diamond Dyes’’ and follow the simple directions in every package. Don’t wonder whether you can dye or tint sucessfully, because perfect home dyeing is guaranteed with Diamond Dyes even if yon have never dyed be fore. Worn, faded dresses, skirts, waists, coats, sweaters, stockings, drap eries, hangings, everything, become like new again. Just tell your druggist whether the material you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton, or mixed goods. Diamond Dyes never streak, spot, fade, or run.—Adv. J. D. Davis vs. W. A. Taylor et al; settled. M. C. Kiser Co. vs. W. A. West & Son; dismissed. The State vs. P. R. Roberts; proper ty not subject to confiscation. J. J. Vaughn vs. H. C. Bran; dis ■missed. T. P. Long vs. T. M. Carter & Son; verdict for plaintiff for $27.00. J. L. Deforr vs. Madison L. Pinson; verdict for defendant. Lee Wesley Cooley vs. Southern Railway Co.; dismissed.’ Mrs. Emma Watkins vs. A. C. John son; settled. Ernest Watkins vs. A. C. Johnson: settled. Stanton Gay vs. Mrs. Nannie Ham ilton et al; suit withdrawn. Herndon Sales Stables Co. vs. R. T. Miller and G. A. Miller; verdict for plaintiff for $110, interest and attor neys’ fees. Dalton Fruit & Produce Co. vs. Hol land & Evans; verdict for plaintiff. American Oil Pump & Tank Co. vs. Hopkins & Felker; verdict for plain tiff for .$17S.OO, interest and attorneys’ fees. he is survived by three brothers. Messrs. J. H. and G. L. Hardwick, of Cleveland, Tenn., and J. O. Hardwick, of Atlanta, and two sisters, Mrs. John C. Ramsey, of Cleveland, and Mrs. Reeves Brown, of Macon. Patronize MR. F. T. HARDWICK DEAD (Continued from page one.) ilton Memorial hospital was built as a monument to the late lamented George W. Hamilton, hig friend of long-stand ing. Prominent Mason. • Mr. Hardwick was prominent in Ma sonry, being a member of the various branches of the order here. He became a member of Yaarab Temple, Mystic Shrine, of Atlanta, and later transfer red his membership, to Alhambra Tem ple in Chattanooga, when his brother, Mr. G. L. Hardwick, of Cleveland, Tenn., became its potentate. In addition to his immediate family, the merchants who aa vertise in this paper They will treat ycu righ ? 25c This Coupon is Worth 25C With 75 cents it will buy a Dollar Bottle-ofour 1 RON TONIC PILLS 'which bring rosy cheeks to pale people CITY DRUG STORE, Dalton, Ga. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ~ ¥ < ROSTER, WHITFIELD COUN- ♦ ♦ TY SUNDAY SCHOOL ♦ ♦ CONEVNTION ♦ ♦ ♦ J. A. Carter, president; W. L. Mc Williams, vice-president; C. O. Smith, secretary. Non-sectarian. Non-denominational. Division presidents: First, H. J. Smith; second. R. A. Williams; third, W. H. Westbrook; fourth, Frank Rol lins ; fifth, W. F. Huffaker. Me-o-my, how you’ll take to a pipe—and P. A.! Before you’re a day older you want to let the idea slip under your hat that this is the open season to start something with a joy’us jimmy pipe — and some Prince Albert! Mrs. W. L. McWilliams, chairman Children’s Work. Mrs. L. B. Hubbs, Chairman Young People’s Work. Lee Routh. Chairman Adult's Work. H. L. Smith, W. E. Nants, Sam Has- sler. Executive Committee. Any one or more of the above are subject to call for service by any Sun day school-in the county at any time. Next Meeting: Mt. Vernon church, 1922. f Let Us Print 1 * Your Sale Bills j. WOMEN OF MIDDLE LIFE I A Dangerous Period Through Which Every Woman Must Pass Practical Suggestions Given by the Women Whose Letters Follow Dry Clean—Dye at the Capital City THE PEOPLE of the SOUTHERN STATES WE RENEW Women’s Suits Evening Gowns know from experience the, perfect service of the Capital City. The rest of the country knows us by reputa tion. From as far away as Wisconsin come orders. Because, a pipe packed with Prince Albert satisfies a man as he was never satis fied before—and keeps him satisfied! And, you can prove it! Why — P. A.’s flavor and fragrance and coolness and its freedom from bite and parch (cut out by our exclusive pat ented process) are a reve lation to the man who never could get acquainted with a pipe! P. A. has made a pipe a thing of joy to four men where one was smoked before! Ever roll up a cigarette with Prince Albert? Man, man — but you’ve got a party coming your way! Talk about a cigarette smoke; we tell you it’s a peach! Afton, Tenn. 1 —"I want other suffering women to know what Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound has done for me. During the Change of Life I was in bed for eight months and had two good doctors treating me but they did me no good. A friend advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound, which I did, and in a short time I felt better. I had all kinds of had ells, but they all left me. Now when I feel weak.and nervous I take the Vegetable Compound and it always does me good. I wish all women would ' '* J Change will do them good. If yon think it will induce some one to try the Vegetable Com pound you may publish this letter.”—Mrs. A. Keller, Afton, Tenn. Mrs. Mary Iiister of Adrian, Micb.,adds her testimony to the value of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound to carry women safely through the Change of Life. She says: you for what your 1 Prince Albert is sold in toppy red bags, tidy red tins, handsome pound and half pound tin humidors and in the pound crystal glass humid or with sponge moistener top. Copyright 1921 by R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Winston-Salem. N. C. “It is with pleasure that I write to you thanking you tor wnat your wonderful medicine has done for me. I was passing through the Change of Life and had a displacement and weakness so that I could not stand on_my feet and other annoying symptoms. A friend told me about Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound and the first bottle helped me, so I got more. It cured me and I am now doing my housework. Your medicine is certainly woman’s friend and you may use t.b?g testimonial as you choose.”—Mrs. Mary Lister, 608 Frank Street, Adrian, Mich. It is said that middle age is the most trying period in a woman’s life, and owing to modern methods of living not one woman in a thousand passes through this perfectly natural change without exp eriencing very annoying symptoms. Those smothering spells, the dreadful hot flashes that send the blood rushing to the head until it seems as though it would burst, and the faint feeling that ■follows, as if the heart were going to stop, those sinking or dizzy spells are all symptoms of a nervous condition, and indicate the need for a special medicine. . Lydia EL Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound is a root and herb medicine espe cially adapted to act upon the feminine system. It acts in such a manner 83. tobuild up the weakened nervous system and enables a woman to pass this trying period .with the least possible annoying- symptoms. Women everywhere should remember that most of the commoner ailments of woman are not the surgical ones—they are not caused by serious displace ments or growths, although the symptoms may be the same, and that is why so many apparently serious ailments readily yield to Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, as it acts as a naturaLrestorative and often prevents - serious troubles. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Private Text-Book upon “Ailments Pecu liar to Women” will he sent to you free upon request. Write to The Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Massachusetts. This hook contains valuable information.