North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, October 13, 1921, Image 3

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The Dalton Citizen Dalton, Ga Legal Notices pass upon said application on the first pass upon said application on the first | ( motorcycle to give a girl a ride. Pistol Saves Him. Monday in November, 1921. H. J. WOOD, Ordinary. Now Heads Bed Qoss (g) uMoeawood s, uMOOttSbo*- Succeeding former President Wilson, President Harding was recently elected president of the American Red Cross. He is here seen accepting the office. From left to right: Maj. ,Gen. Merritte W. Ireland, Surgeon General, U. S. A.; Dr. Livingston Farrand, chairman Central Committee of the Red Cross; the President; Asst Secretary of the Treasury Eliot Wadsworth; Rear Admiral Edward R. Stitt, Surgeon General, U. S. N. Any responsible party can ar range at our Cutlery counter for this Free Trial. If you have a charge account write to us and we will mail the razor to you. At the September session. Septem ber 6. 1921. The Tax Rate for 1921 Digest was fixed and levied by the Board of Com missioners of Roads and Revenue as follows: On each one hundred dollars of property. For bridges and public works 61% For court expense, jurors, bailiffs. non-resident witnesses, etc 6% For sheriff, coroner and other offi cers’ fees 10 For the poor 8 For fuel, water, lights, record books, stationery, etc 4 [For roads _40 deed given by E. H. Goad to Dalton Building & Loan Association as re corded in Book “O,” page 600, in the clerk’s office, Whitfield County, Ga. One city lot front on west side of Glenn street 60 feet and running back a like width to the Southern Railway right of way. bounded on the east by Glenn street, on the north by property of S .R. Smith, on west by Southern Railway right of way. and on the south by property of Wright. This lot contains one house having three rooms. The above lot is described in a deed given by S. A. Frazier to E. H. Goad as recorded in Book “I,” page 21, in the clerk’s office, "Whitfield Connty, Ga. Sold as the property of. E. H. Goad, deceased, estate, and for the pur- YEAR’S SUPPORT. Georgia, Whitfield County. The appraisers appointed to set a- part a year’s support for the widow of C. G. Caldwell, deceased, have filed their report with me and I will pass upon said report on the first Monday in November, 1921. H. J. WOOD, Ordinary. heard and show cause, if any yon have or can, why the prayer of the petition should not he allowed. This the 10th day of October, 1921. H. J. WOOD, Ordinary. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. Georgia, Whitfield Connty. S. N. McWilliams has applied for letters of administration on the estate of W. F. Jones, deceased, and I will Total \ $1.30 On each one hundred dollars - of property- or thirteen mills on each $1.00 >f property in Whitfield County, Geor- fia, which added to the State Rate of LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. Georgia, Whitfield Connty. James Wells has applied for Letters of Administration on the estate of John Wells, deceased, and I will ^ - — THE DALTON CITIZEN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1921. PAGBTHRBK SCHOOL TAX NOTICE. GEORGIA, Whitfield County. Board of Roads & Revenue of Whitfield County, at the September session. Sept. 6th, 1921. On recommendation of J. D. Field, school superintendentt, the following amounts are levied for Local School Tax: Antioch, li^ mills, or 15 cents on $100. Bunker Hill, 2y. 2 mills, or 25 cents on $100. Broad Acre, 2y 2 mills, or 25 cents on $100. Center Point, 3 mills, or 30 cents on $100. Cohutta, 3 mills, or 30 cents on $100. Cove City. 4 mills, or 40 cents on $100. Dawnville, 3 mills, or 30 cents on $100. Deep Spring, 2 mills, or 20 cents on $100. Dug Gap, 5 mills, or 50 cents on $100. Five Springs. 5 mills, or 50 cents on $100. v Good Hope, H/ 2 mills ,or. 15 cents on $100. Howell. 3 mills, or 30 cents on $100. New Hope, 5 mills, or 50 cents on $100. * Oak Grove. 4 mills, or 40 cents on $100. Fine Grove, nothing. Temperance Hill, 2' .', mills, or 25 cents on $100, Tunnel Hill, 3 mills, or 30 cents on $100. ■ Vamells. 5 mills, or 50 cents on $100. Waring. 3 mills, or 30' cents on $100. Pleasant Grove. 4 mills, or 40 cents on $100. If. .7. WOOD. Ordinary. Clerk and Chairman, Board of Com missioners of Roads and Revenue, Whitfield County, Georgia. five mills, br fifty cents on each one hundred dollars of property, making r total for state and county of $1.80 on each one hundred dollars of property. H. J. WOOD, Ordinary. Clerk and Chairman, Board of Com missioners of Roads & Revenue, Whitfield County, Georgia. It is further ordered that there be, and is hereby levied a School Tax of twenty cents on the one hundred dol lars, on all taxable property in Whit field county, except that situated with in the corporate limits of the City of Dalton for school purposes as author ized by an amendment to the constitu tion of the State of Georgia and as recommended by the Board of Educa tion of Whitfield county. Said sums so levied by this order to be collected by the Tax Collector of Whitfield coun ty, as provided by law in such cases and paid to the proper authorities as provided by law. 4t. H. J. WOOD, Ordinary. Clerk and Chairman. Board of Com missioners of Roads and Revenue, Whitfield • County, Georgia. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. NOTICE. GEORGIA, Whitfield County: At GEORGIA. Whitfield County. Pursuant to an order from the Court of Ordinary of said county, heretofore j granted will be sold at public outcry before the court house door, said coun ty. on the first Tuesday in November, 1531. between the legal hours of sale, one city lot fronting 75 ft. on North Depot street.- and running l ack east 102 ft., on Matilda street, the same be ing a corner lot at the intersection of mid streets. This ot contains one four-rooni dwelling house. The above properiy as described in deed given v E. II. Goad to Dalton Building & Loan Association as recorded in Book ■•<)." page 000, in the clerk’s office, Whitfield county, Georgia. One city lot immediately east of the above described property fronting 102 feet on the north side of Matilda street and running back north a like width 75 feet, on which is a three-room house. Tho filinvA nronorir ic ilACAriliArl in n pose of paying debts and for distribu tion to the heirs at law. Terms cash. J. A. SHOPE, Administrator estate of E. H. Goad, deceased. * EXECUTORS’ SALE. State of Georgia, Whitfield County. By authority vested in me as the executor of the last will and testa ment of John T. Jones, late of said county, deceased, will be sold before the court house door in Dalton, said state and county, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest and best bidder, terms to be made known on date of sale, on the first Tuesday in November, 1921, all of the real estate belonging to said deceased, located at Waring, described as follows: Commencing on west line, Dalton and Yarnell public road, at Wolfe southeast corner, in lot No. 47, 12th district and 3rd section of Whitfield Co* Ga., thence west to original line of said lot; thence south to Poplar Spring road: thence east to first men tioned road; thence north to begin ning, containing twenty-five acres, more or less, on which is located house, larn and spring; Also, commencing on south side of said Poplar Springs road, where same crosses west line of said lot No. 47, thence south about twenty rods to southwest comer; thence east a short distance; thence south into lot No. 6S, in said district and section a short dis tance; thence east to Southern Rail way right-of-way; thence up said right- of-way, north, to branch; thence west erly across south sides of Long and Ilight tracts; thence north to said Poplar Springs road; thence west with said, road, to beginning, containing about seventy acres. Said tracts to be first sold separate ly then collectively. Sold for the payment of the debts of said estate, and/for distribution among the heirs of said deceased, as provided in said will. All persons owing said deceased are requested to make pay ment to the undersigned, and all per- ■ sons to whom said estate is indebted (are requested to file their accounts, as [provided by law. This the 3rd day of October, 1921. ' W. M. SAPP, Executor, estate of John T. Jones. Monday in November, 1921. H. J. WOOD, Ordinary. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. Georgia, Whitfield County. J. J. Whitten has applied.for Letters of Administration on the estate of Mrs. L. C. Wilson, deceased, and I will pass upon said application on the first Mon day in November, 1921. H. J. WOOD, Ordinary. LEAVE TO SELL. Georgia, Whitfield County. J. T. Isbill. administrator estate of L. N. Dantzler, deceased, has applied for leave to sell the lands belonging to said estate and I will pass upon said application on the first Monday in November, 1921. H. J. WOOD, Ordinary. LETTERS OF DISMISSION. Georgia, Whitfield Connty. Mrs. Amanda Talley, administratrix estate of William S. Talley, deceased, has applied for Letters of Dismission, and I will pass upon said application n the first Monday in November, 1921. H. J. WOOD, Ordinary. YEAR’S SUPPORT. Georgia, Whitfield County. The appraisers appointed to set apart a year’s support for the widow of Robert H. Baker have filed their report with me and I will pass upon said report on f the first Monday in November. 1921. *< H. J. WOOD, Ordinary. PROBATE OF WILL. Court of Ordinary of Whitfield Co., Ga. Petition for probate of will in solemn form. In Re: Probate Will of Frank T. Hardwick. To Johnnie Hardwick Hogshead and Frances Hardwick Newton, heirs at law: W. M. Hardwick, a resident of said state and county, and The First Trust and Saving Bank of Chatta nooga, Tennessee, having applied, as executors, for probate in solemn form of the last will and testament of Frank T. Hardwick, late of said coun ty. you, as one of the heirs at law of said Frank T. Hardwick being a non resident of this state, are hereby re quired to be and appear at the court of ordinary for said county on the first Monday in November, 1921, when said application for probate will be have MANY COURT CASES DECIDED (Continued from page one). The State vs. Terrell Towers; fine of $50 and costs, and sentence of three months in one case, and fine of $50 and costs and sentence of six months in another. The State vs. Tillman Davis and Jim Sissom; mistrial. The State vs. Tillman Davis; verdict of guilty; sentence of 12 months on chaingang. "" The State vs. Jim Sissom; verdict of guilty; sentence of 12 months on chaingang. The State vs. Jim Maples; verdict of guilty; fine, $50 and costs, and sent ence of six months on state farm. The State vs. Arthur Jackson; guil ty; fine, $25 and costs. The State vs. Buster Gilbert; plea of guilty; sent to Georgia Training School for Boys. The State vs. Joe Robinson; plea of guilty; fine, $25 and costs. • The State vs. Sant Whitmire; ver dict of guilty; sentence, 12 months on chaingang. The State vs. Grady Nunn; plea of guilty; fine, $50 and costs, and sent ence of six months on chaingang. The State vs. Robert Redmon; plea of guilty; fine of $50 and costs, and sentence of six months on chaingang. The State vs. George Grant; nol prossed. The State vs. Claud Ridley; verdict of not guilty. The State vs. Boh Powell and Ida Powell; verdict of not guilty. The State vs. Mack Crane, Lide Crane, Jud Brewer, Fred Ledford and Charles Ledford; nol prossed. The State vs. Tennle Nash; verdict of guilty with recommendation; sent ence of six months on state farm. The State vs. Andy Hash and Lewis Jones; verdict of not guilty. The State vs. Bill White; verdict of guilty; fine, $100 and costs, and sent ence of 12 months on probation. New York.—Norman Rogers was ar rested here for stealing a motorcycle and wearing in his belt an automatic pistol and dagger. His counsel pleaded that the boy was romantic and took the court dismissed the theft charge, hold ing that the carrying of the pistol was a more serious offense. For this the lad was fined $10. Use It—Then Decide 25c This Coupon is Worth 25c With 75 cents it will buy a Dollar Bottle of our IRON TONIC PIL S which bring rosy cheeks to pale people CITY DRUG STORE, Dalton, Ga. We Will Lend You A Valet AntaStrop Razor for a fall thirty day trial. If you then decide to keep k, pay us $5.00 for it—if not, return it without further obligation. Valet AutoStrop Razor You Pay Nothing to Try This Razor Is Complete in Itself It is more than a razor - than a safety device. It is stropped, it shaves and is cleaned without taking apart; without even removing the blade. And like a perfectly stropped ordinary razor, the blade im proves with use. And it doesn't cost you a cent to prove all th»« to satisfaction. You are given the opportunity of trying this wonderful Razor, without any kind of risk. Foe a month your shaving wdl co** .y>*u nothing—then you roay rttyi r- ". razor if you can get along wI k. CITY DRUG STORE J. W, Crawford, Prop, Phone 21Q .. U £2si&, 4 i ‘J&Mi :$£ifeasts* ■ ■ i ki Send it in and we’ll swap you a years subscription to - THE CITIZEN Our September bargain offer brought such fine results, adding so many new subscribers to THE CITIZEN, that we have decided to keep it open during October. Many of the farmers have not sold their cotton, and we want them to get the benefit of the reduced rate. With cotton over 20 cents, THE CITIZEN at $1.00 per year is a fine buy. That the people appreciate this is shown by the many who have come in on our September proposition. Send that dollar—if you’re already a subscriber, we’ll mark your paper up one year from it’s expiration date; if you don’t get THE CITIZEN, we’ll send it to you. Send your name and address with $1.00 in check, money order or stamps to GOT DOLLAR?