North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, October 13, 1921, Image 8

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Tine DALTON CITIZEN*, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1921 PAGE EIGHT At Fair Grounds Fine Exhibits—Great Live Stock and Poultry Shows Plenty to Instruct You—Plenty to Amuse You % .. * - _ • ■ * - . , Gigantic Fireworks Displays Lively, Bustling Midway FOR A GREAT BIG TIME COME TO THE FAIR / . ■ ' - ' October 17-22--Dalton becca Brewer, 50 years old, who twice before has been Taylor* s wife. Twice Divorced, He Weds Woman Third Time. Blackey, Ky.—That love springs eternal in the human breast is a para phrase of an old saying that is proved true by the third marriage of J. M. Taylor, 65 years old, wealthy farmer of Letcher county, and one-time Re- be deported for being in this country without proper authority will start from New York, Los Angeles and other cities during the next few days for New Orleans and San Francisco, from where they will be sent to their owd countries, it was'announced today at the department of labor. (Continued from page one). We have examined Sheriff Peeples in regard to effecting capture of Odus Parsons, and he assures this body he is exerting every effort possible to cap ture this party. We have investigated the action of the board of tax equalizers regarding Hamilton Memorial hospital assess ment for 1921 taxes and find their as sessment was only on land, building not having been completed and turned over. We have investigated the action of our county board of roads and revenue regarding letting of contract for bridges to Luten Bridge Co. and feel they made a mistake in not re-adver tising for bids and recommended if the board of roads and revenue can, with out involving the county in litigation, they re-advertised for bids on these con tracts. We recommend that our clerks of grand jury be paid $10.00 each extra compensation for very efficient services rendered. We recommend the same appropria tion to Georgia Industrial Home for inmates from this county be continued by our board of roads and revenues. From inquiry and information fur nished us by our county school com missioners, we find the compulsory school law of our county being pretty generally complied with. We wish to commend our judge, so licitor, clerk, sheriff and our bailifi for services rendered us. We recommend these presentments be published and the usual fee paid. Respectfully submitted, Paul B. Trammell, Foreman, Green Oarlock. Jacob B. Loner. Wm. A. Caylor, Geo. L. Carpenter, Wm. D. Elrod, Henry T. Lynch, Thos. B. Wright. Jos. E. Whitson. Alfred B. Hill, Luke Kennemer. Wm. M. Manis. Jas. W. N. Bray, Boone Bowers, Wm. H. Pitner, Bartley C. Wilson, Chas. A. Connally, Henry J. Head, Jefferson D. Brackett, Giddeon R. A. Coker. Thaddis G. Babb, Chas. L. Foster, Clerk: Jno. C. Black, Clerk. Whereupon it is considered ordered and adjudged by the court that these general presentments be spread upon the minutes of the court and published as recommended. Done in open court this 8th day of October, 1921. M. C. Tarver, J. S. C. C. C. 1 The next time you buy calomel ask for Many Asiatics to Be Imported in Few Days. Washington, D. C.—Groups of Chi nese, Mexicans and Hindus who are f o To any Engineer, Fireman or Workingman who can find a better Overall or Jacket than Finck’s “DETROIT SPECIAL” brand. “They wear like a pig’s nose.” Mr. Finck’s 20 years experience as ia#manu- facturer of union-made garments has made Detroit famous for high-grade Overalls. Making Extraordinary Mileage a Certainty- The purified and refined calomel tablets that are nausealess, safe and sure. Medicinal virtues retain ed and improved. Sold only in sealed packages. DALTON POTATO COMPANY TO MANAGE CURING-HOUSE PRINCE YAMASHINO filed by Whitfield county farmers, ar rived in the city Monday and is spend ing this week in the county appraising the volues of the farms on which loans are desired. These applications will aggregate about $80,000 according to Mr. Hen son’s statement to a representative of The Citizen, “and Mr. Sears made the statement that the money would be available after he bad made his re port. • While here, Mr. Sears talked of the work of the boll weevil, and stated that the farmers in general were not hurt by the weevil anything like they thought they were. Company Plans Later to Care for All Perishable Vegetables The potato curing house on the cor ner of Hamilton and Morris streets will be operated this year by the Dal ton Potato company. Mr. II. Clark Smith will be in charge as manager, and potatoes will be stored for the growers of this section. A new method of handling the pota toes will be put into practice to insure -a minimum loss this year. The company plans later to store perishable farm truck of all kinds, in cluding cabbage, turnips, etc., but this ■will not be undertaken this year. Another matter the company is plan ning is the purchase of a carload of Nancy Hall seed potatoes for next year’s planting, this being probably the best potato for marketing purposes, and will develop a real potato indus try in this section. MOTHER, QUICK! GIVE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP FOR CHILD’S BOWELS Prince Takehiko Yamashino has graduated from the Japanese naval aviation school at Oppana, near Tokyo, with the rank of second lieutenant. Although but twenty-three years old, the prince is the head of the imperial family of Yamashino, one of the five Go-Seki, or families that have the right to supply an heir to the imperial throne in the event of no issue in the direct line. Even a sick child loves the “fruity” taste of “California Fig Syrup.” . If the little tongue is coated, or if your child is listless, cross, feverish, full of cold, or has colic, a teaspoonful will never fail to open the bowels. In a few hours you can see for yourself how thoroughly it works all the constipa tion poison, sour bile and waste from the tender, little bowels and gives you a well, playful child again. Millions of mothers keep “California Fig Syrup” handy. They know a tea- spoonful-'today saves a sick child to morrow. Ask your druggist for gen uine “California Fig Syrup” which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! Yon must say “California” or yon may get an imitation fig sprup.—Adv. $5,000 COTTON FIRE AT CROWN COTTON MILLS Cotton in Warehouse Caught Fire Friday Night FARM LOAN APPRAISER IN COUNTY THIS WEEK Last Friday night, cotton in the warehouse of the Crown Cotton mills caught fire, and 175 bales were dam aged by fire, smoke and water. The loss is estimated at between $5,000 and $6,000. The sprinkler heads blew out from the heat, and the water prevented a spread of the fame. f The loss was covered by insurance. J. H. Sears, of Raleigh, N. C., Inves tigating for Loans- PAUL B. FITE, DALTON, GA J. H. Sears, of Raleigh, N. O, who is connected with the Federal Farm Loan bank, accompanied by Mr. A. L. Henson, through whom about 30 ap plications for farm loans have been -) --a