North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, October 20, 1921, Image 3

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THE DALTON CITIZEN. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1921. OLLAR Send it in and we’ll swap you a year’s subscription to THE CITIZEN Our September bargain offer brought such fine results, adding so many new subscribers to THE CITIZEN, that we have decided to keep it open during October. Many of the farmers have not sold their cotton, and we want them to get the benefit of the reduced rate. With cotton over 20 cents, THE CITIZEN at $1.00 per year is a fine buy. That the people appreciate this is shown by the many who have come Dalton, .la n the^rst Monday in November, 1921. H. J. WOOD, Ordinary. pass npon said application on the first Monday in November, 1921. H. J. WOOD, Ordinary. more or less, on which is located house, bam and spring; Also, commencing on south side of said Poplar Springs road, where same crosses west line of said lot No. 47, thence south about twenty rods to southwest comer; thence east a short distance; thence south into lot No. 68, in said district and section a short dis tance ; thence east to Southern Rail way right-of-way; thence up said right- of-way, north, to branch; thence west erly across south sides of Long and night tracts; thence north to said Poplar Springs road; thence west with said road, to beginning, containing about seventy acres. Said tracts to be first sold separate ly then collectively. Sold for the payment of the debts of said estate, and for distribution among the heirs of said deceased, as provided in said will. All persons owing said deceased ■ are requested to make pay ment to the undersigned, and all per sons to whom said estate is indebted re requested to file their accounts, as rovided by law. This the 3rd day of October, 1921. W. M. SAPP, Executor, estate of John T. Jones. - When you have' saved up fifty pre mium coupons from Octagon Soap, Octagon Powder and Octagon White Floating Soap, take them to City Drug Store and receive free a set of six dainty water glasses. It pays to save the premium coupons. YEAR’S SUPPORT. Georgia, Whitfield County. The appraisers appointed to set apart a year’s support for the widow of Robert H. Baker have filed their report with me and I.'will pass upon said report on the first Monday in November, 1921. H. J. WOOD, Ordinary. Classified Ads One Cent A Won \ PROBATE OF WILL. Court of Ordinary of Whitfield Co., Ga. Petition for probate of will in solemn form. In Re: Probate Will of Frank T. Hardwick. To Johnnie Hardwick Hogshead and Frances Hardwick Newton, heirs at law: W. M. Hardwick, a resident of said state and county, and The First Trust and Saving Bank of Chatta nooga, Tennessee, having applied, as executors, for probate in solemn form of the last will and testament of Frank T. Hardwick, late of said coun ty, you, as one of the heirs at law of said Frank T. Hardwick being a non resident of this state, are hereby re quired to be and appear at the court of ordinary for said county on the first Monday in November, 1921, when said application for probate will be heard and show cause, if any you have or can, why the prayer of the petition should not be allowed. This the 10th day of October, 1921. H. J. WOOD, Ordinary. FOR RENT—November 1st, seven- room cottage on Thornton avenue. Ap- ply to Miss Carrie W. Green, 67 Thorn- ton ave. Timothy Red Clover Sapling Clover Crimson Clover Alfalfa Clover Blue Grass Orchard Grass Bermuda Grass Onion Sets Narcissus Bulbs Hyacinth Bulbs -Photo by Francis Price. A section of the Cattle Barn at the Southeastern Fair, Atlanta, where the National Hog and Cattle Show will be held October 13th to 22nd. YEAR’S SUPPORT. Georgia, Whitfield County. The appraisers appointed to set a- part a year’s support for the widow of C. G. Caldwell, deceased, have filed their report with me and I will pass upon said report on the first Monday in November, 1921. H. J. WOOD, Ordinary. NATIONAL HOG AND CATTLE pavilions are equipped with everj modem convenience and the side tracks which have been constructed by the. Southeastern Fair permit tht exhibitors to unload the animals along side the pens where they will bf Will Again Feature Southeastern Fair, Atlanta, Oct. 13-22. NOTICE OF LETTING BRIDGE CONTRACT ON COUNTY LINK State of Georgia, Whitfield County. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of the county of Whitfield and the Board of Com missioners of the county of Murray, state of Georgia, will receive at the ordinary’s office, at Dalton, Ga., at 11 o’clock A. M. on the 12th day of No vember, 1921, sealed proposals for the erection of a bridge over Sugar Creek between the two counties above named. For details, plans and specifications, see same on file in the office of the or dinaries of Whitfield and Murray counties. Certified checks with bid in the sum of 8200 payments to be made npon com pletion and acceptance with county warrants, each of said counties to pay fifty per cent of contract price. Board serves right to reject any and oil bids. This the 3th day of October, 1921. H. J. WOOD, Chairman Whitfield Co. Board; W. D. WILBANKS, Chairman Murray Co. Board. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. Georgia, Whitfield County. James Wells has applied for Letters of Administration on the estate of John Wells, deceased, and I will pass npon said application on the first Monday in November, 1921. H. J. WOOD, Ordinary. Atlanta, Ga.—The arrangement with the Southern Cattlemen’s Association and the Southern Swine Growers’ As sociation to again stage the National Ho;- and Cattle Show at the South eastern Fair has resulted in the great est demand for exhibit space in the stock bams, that the fair has ever had. The first show which was held last year at the Atlanta Fair was a tre mendous success, and drew entries from all parts of the country. The^- terest which the great enterprise has already drawn gives assurance of a livestock show this year which has never before been equaled. The accommodations which will be provided for this show will be such as to meet with the approval of the exhibitors in every way. The mammoth Premiums for cattle and swine amount to $31,500.00, and this amoun: is scattered throughout all classes. Be cause of the early interest shown bj prospective exhibitors in flooding the fair offices with inquiries and requests for entry blanks, Secretary R. M Striplin is looking forward to the largest list of entries ever received foi the fair. The cattle classes are: Herefords, Shorthorns, Jerseys, Guernseys, Hot stein-Friesians, /Aherdeen-Angus, Poll ed Shorthorns and Ayshires. The na tional roundup of swine will Include the following breeds: Durocs, Hampshires, Poland Chinas, Spotted Poland Chinas, Berkshires, Chester Whites and Tam- worths. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. Georgia, Whitfield County. J. J. Whitten has applied for Letters of Administration on the estate of Mrs. L. C. Wilson, deceased, and I will pass npon said application oh the first Mon day in November, 1921. H. J. WOOD, Ordinary. EXECUTORS’ SALE. State of Georgia, Whitfield County. By authority vested in me as the executor of the last will and testa ment of John T. Jones* late of said county, deceased, will be sold before the court house door in Dalton, said state and county, within the legal hours of sale, to .the highest and best bidder, terms to be made known on date of sale, on the first Tuesday in November, 1921, all of the real estate belonging to said deceased, located at Waring, described as follows: Commencing .on west line. Dalton and Yamell public road, at Wolfe .southeast corner, in lot No. 47, 12th district and 3rd section of Whitfield Co., Ga., thence west to original line of .said lot; thence south to Poplar Spring road; thence east to first men- :t!oned road; thence north to begin- jning, containing twenty-five acres. LEAVE TO SELL. Georgia, Whitfield County. J. T. Isbill, administrator estate of L. N. Dantzler, deceased, has applied for leave to sell the lands belonging to said estate and I will pass npon said application on the first Monday in November, 1921. H. J. WOOD, Ordinary. WANTED—Jersey cows, fresh or ry, and a few choice Jersey heifers. r ill be m Dalton all this week. H. J. ernon. It pd.. Has Your Subscription Cxpired? Come in and renew it next time you are in town. LETTERS OF DISMISSION. Georgia,, Whitfield County. Mrs. Amanda Talley, administratrix estate of William S. Talley, deceased, has applied for Letters of Dismission, and I will pass npon said application Too Bad. “He makes his living by poetry.” “Too bad the poor fellow doesn’t make his poetry by living.”—Wayside LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. Georgia, "Whitfield County. S. N. McWilliams has applied for letters of administration on the estate of W. F. Jones, deceased, and I will WANTED—Hens, frying chickens and ducks. Can pay good price now: Market higher than for some time. Top price paid for green beef hides. Bar rett Produce Co. tf. FOR SALE—Eight-room house, elec tric lights, hot and cold water, comer lot good garage. Apply Julian Mc- Oamy. tf. Dress-making, and all kinds of sew- ing. ’Phone 236-J. 10-6-4t2pd. FOR SALE—Six-room bungalow, close in; $1,000 down, balance on easy terms. W. E. Stroup. LOST—Saturday, Oct. 8th, between Mrs. Cal Patterson’s Store and the Flour Mills, a hand-saw. Finder please notify Tom Patterson, Dalton, Route 5, or leave at Mrs. ,Patterson’s store. . it pd. LOST—Brooch, with three enamel ed leaves, red and green, brooch being set In pearls. Reward for return to Citizen office. FOR SALE—Second-hand Chevrolet car in good condition. . Will sell cheap for cash or good note. B. C. Bivings. It pd. FOR SALE—Two lots on Crawford street, $1,250 each; two lost on Gordon street, $750 each. Apply S. W. Looper. FOR SALE OR RENT—Store house and three -acres of land, on East Mor ris street. Apply Mrs. Mary Brooke. 10-20-4t. FOR RENT—Six-room house with large basement. Close in. Apply to George W. White, 35 E. Morris street, or call telephone No. 400-J. It pd. FOR SALE—-Two good mnles, five and eight years old; will work any where. Apply to G. S. Mullins, at Farrar Lumber Co. 10-20-4tpd. 25C This Coupon u Worth 25c With 75 cents it will buy a Dollar. Bottle of our IRON T NIC PILS which bring rosy cheeks to pale people CITY DRUG STORE, Dalton, Ga.