North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, October 20, 1921, Image 6

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PAGE SIX THE DALTON CITIZEN. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1921. Always at Your Service for Printing Needs! $19,361,657 Allotted for Cur rent Program of Relief and Service. Our Exhibit! See ’Em Both! MILLIONS FOR VETERAN AID BMk Aiionemdi Watdlat Stationary Bmnlope ladaMM Sal* Bills Band Bills Price Lists Admission Tlcfcate BdsIbsss Cards Window Cards Tina Cards Lettar Haads Nota Haads BUI Haads EirtUfM Calllad Cards Laaflats Statements Milk Tickets Heal Tickets Shipping Tads Medical Aid for European Chil dren Will Cost $6,000,- 000 This Year. Prince Alberts a new note in the joys of rolling ’em worth the Washington.—Expenditures totalling $19,861,657 for carrying through Its program of relief and services In the United States and overseas are out lined in the budget of the American Red Cross for the current fiscal year. This total is more than $5,000,000 low er than the expenditure during the last fiscal year, when the disburse ments reached $24,492,741, it is an nounced at National Headquarters in a statement calling attention to the necessity of continued support of the organization by response to the An nual Roll Call, November 11 to 24, if the vital work of the society Is to be effectively carried on. Outstanding among the. Items of the domestic budget is the appropriation of $3,669,256 for work in behalf of the disabled ex-service man and his family. This appropriation represents the amount alloted to this work from National Headquarters only and does not take into consideration the mil lions being spent in chapters for re lief of the World War veteran. It is in the chapter that the greater amount is spent in meeting this obli gation of the Red Cross, the announce ment continues, as manifested by fig ures of the fiscal year 1920-1921 when the total was approximately $9,000,- 000, of which $2,692,094 represented the disbursement of National Head quarters while the remainder was the chapters' contribution to this field of Red Cross service. Vast Work for Disabled Chief among the sub-divisions of the appropriation for work with vet erans is that which concerns itself with assistance to disabled men and women in government hospitals. This Item of $1,790,000, an increase of more than $500,000 over the appropriation for the same work in last year’s bud get, .will provide those personal serv ices for the disabled and their families which are indispensable to supplement those provided by the government The director of the Veterans’ Bureau has recently expressed his desire that the Red Cross should continue and extend these .“humanizing services.” Other items of the appropriation for veterans’ relief are proportionately in creased. An additional appropriation of $469,600 has been made for Red Cross .work in. connection with regu lar Army and Navy hospitals and with the regular Army and Navy. For disaster relief, the Red Cross has set aside for the current twelve months an appropriation of $543,976, virtually doubling the appropriation for the same purpose for the fiscal year 1920-1921. More than $2,000,000 is provided for service and assistance to the 3,600 Red Cross chapters by the national organization. Helping Destitute Children Other items of the domestic budget include $498,546 for miscellaneous ac tivities, including contributions re stricted for special purposes and $768,- 600 for management. Each of these items represents large reductions over similar appropriations of the previous year. From a fund of $10,000,000, $5,000,- 000 of which was contributed through ‘ the European Relief Council campaign and $5,000,000 allotted by the Red Cross for child welfare work in Europe, there remains $8,765,108. still available, of which it is estimated that $6,000,000 will be required for this work during the current year. For Red Cross participation in the joint effort to relieve famine condi tions in Russia, for final work In the China famine, for Junior Red Cross and other overseas activities including the closing of the old general relief program in Europe $4,978,000 is made available. In announcing the national budget, the Red Cross makes It clear that the figures do not include chapter ex penditures or place any cash estimate on the invaluable service of volun teers in chapters. Brlefa OUR TENT! anything we sell, 7ou don’t need it. Notes hapUdi Catelodne* Blotters Ortolan Invl tattoos Factor* Foldara Ckacka Blanks Notices Labels Ledal Blanks Mean Cards Placards Dodders Post Cards Programs Bscelpfa Prompt, careful and effi cient attention given to every detail Talking about rolling your own cigarettes, we’ll tell you right here that Prince Albert tobacco has ’em all lashed to the mast! You’ve got a handful-of- happiness coming your di rection when you pal it with P. A. and the makin’s papers! For Prince Albert is not only delightful to your taste and pleasing in its refreshing aroma, but our exclusive patented process frees it from bite and parch! And, for a fact, rolling up Prince Albert is mighty easy! P. A. is crimp cut and stays put and you whisk it into shape before you can Count three! And, the next instant you’re puffing away to beat the band! Prince Albert is so good that it has led four men to smoke jimmy pipes where one was smoked before! It’s •the greatest old buddy- smoke that ever found its way into a pipe or cigarette! If you need BUY IT. If look it over. Prince Albert is sold in toppy red bags, tidy red tins, handsome pound and half pound tin humidors and in the pound crystal glass humidor with sponge moistener top• - . Make our store your headquarters down town, 20c. for Cotton.—During this week we will take cotton on your notes, allowing you 20 cents a pound. Don’t Send Your Order Out of Town Until Yon See What We Gan Do We Sell Yon What We Tell You. Telephone 71 Mrs. 11. B. Hubbs, Chairman Young People’s Work. Lee Routh, Chairman Adolfs Wort. H. L. Smith, W. E. Nants, San Ho sier, Executive Committee. Any one or more of the abort lx subject to call for service by sag 8m- day school in the county at any time, Next Meeting: ML Vernon chuth, 1922. Maternal Method. When little Percival arrived at school on the opening day, he carried the following note to the teacher: “Dear Teacher: Our sweet little Per cival is a very delicate, nervous child, and if he is naughty—and he is apt to be naughty at times—just punish the boy next to Mm and that will frighten him so he’ll be good.”—Way- side Tales. 0U READ the Other Fellow’s Ad the national joy smoke You are reading this one. That should convince you that advertising in these columns is a profitable proposition; that it will bring business to your store. The fact that the other fellow advertises is probalJlv the reason he is getting more business than is falling to you. Would It not be well to give the other fellow a chance Use It—Then Decide We WiU Lend You A Valet AntoStrop Razor for a full thirty day trial. If you then decide to keep it, pay us $5.00 for it if not. return it without further obligation. You Pay Nothing to Try This Razor Any responsible party cad ar range at our Cutlery counter for this Free Trial. If you have a charge account, write to us and we will mail the razor to you. You are given the 'opportunity of trying this wonderful Razor, without any kind of risk. For a month your shaving will cost you nothing—then you may return the razor if you can get along without Name “Bayer” on Genuine Spent $1,200,000 for Relief of Famine Sufferers in China Last Year. To Read Your Ad in These Columns? To help overcome conditions of acute distress in five; famine stricken prov inces of Northern China, where mil lions of persons were affected by an unprecedented shortage of food, the American Red Cross during the last fiscal year spent more than $1,200,000, $1,000,000 of wMch was contributed di- recty by National Headquarters and the remainder by various groups *n- terested in the welfare of China. Through the wide relief operations thus made possible it is estimated that more than 600,000 faminp sufferers were saved from starvation. To the end that similar prompt re lief measures by the organization may always be possible the Red Cross is asking continued support by the Amer ican people by universal renewal‘of membership at the Annual Red Cross Roll Call, November 11 to 24! The method of relief employed by the American Red Cross in its opera tions in China was particularly effec tive, for In addition to saving hundreds of thousands of lives it provided China with more than 900 miles of permanent roads that are sorely heeded to pre vent a recurrence of famine. At one time the Red Cross employed 74,000 Chinese workmen, paying them in food £$r themselves and dependents, this food being brought in from Manchuria and elsewhere. Yalet AutoStrop Razor Is Complete in Itself It, is more than a razor—more than a safety device. it is stropped, it shaves and is cleaned without taking apart; without even removing the blade. And like a : perfectly stropped ordinary razor, the blade im proves with use. And it doesn't cost you a cent to prove all this to yotar own satisfaction. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ROSTER, WHITFIELD COUN- ♦ ♦ TY SUNDAY SCHOOL ♦ ♦ CONEVNTION ♦ Warning! Unless you see the name “Bayer” oh package or on tablets you are not getting genuine Aspirin pre scribed by physicians for twenty-one years and proved safe by millions. Take Aspirin only as told in the Bay er package for Colds, Headache, Neu ralgia, Rheumatism, Earache, Tooth ache, Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin boxes "of twelve Bayer Tablets of Aspirin cost few cents. Druggests also sell larger packages. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ J. A. Carter, president; W. L. Mc Williams, vice-president; C. O. Smith, secretary. Non-seetarian. Non-denominational. Division presidents: First, H. J. Smith; second, R. A. Williams; third, W. H. Westbrook; fourth, Frank Rol lins; fifth, W. F. Huffaker. Mrs. W. L. McWilliams, chairman Children’s Work. The purified and refined calomel tablets that are nausealess, safe and sure. Medicinal virtues retain ed and improved. ’Sold only in sealed packages. Price 35c. CITY DRUG STORE 1. W. Crawford, Prop. Phone 210 NEW MEAT MARKET IS OPENED IN THIS CITY A Slight Difference. Jones’ wife went to a party, So he toog out the car And. had a little joy ride With a moving-picture star. W. H. Love & Son Have Nice Place on Hamilton Street But when he called for wifey And saw her knowing smile, He said, “’Twill be a jaw ride For the last, long mile !” . —Wayside Tales. W. H. Xpyg ,& Son is the style of the new meafc-market firm, that has opened business in ..the Freylach building on Hamilton street. The firm has opened a modem meat market and. is handling excellent meats, Mr. Love worked for a number of years with Swift & Co. at the Chatta nooga branch. The firm has opened with good pat ronage and will doubtless be one of the city’s successful firms. ONE DOLLAR ANNUAL DUES IN THE AMERICAN RED CROSS MAKES YOU A PARTICIPANT IN RELIEF WORK FOR THE HELPLESS THAT GIRDLES THE GLOBE. ANSWER THE ANNUAL RED CROSS ROLL CALL NOVEMBER 11-24, 1921. to keep in mind the fact that m addition to printing this news paper we do job work of any kind. When in need of anything in this line be sure To See Us The Family Tree. Jones: Hello, old chap. Where’ve you been? Bones: Just returned from my va cation! While there I looked up my family tree and— Jones: Get Mt with any coeoanuts? —Wayside Tales. 36u Make it CARRYING ON SERVICE FOR DISABLED VETERANS OF THE WORLD WAR THAT IS COSTING $10,000,000 A YEAR, THE. AMERICAN RED CROSS IS HELPING FULFILL THIS NATION’S OBLIGATION TO ITS DEFENDERS. HELP THE RED CROSS CONTINUE THIS WORK BY ANSWERING THE ANNUAL ROLL CALL NOVEMBER 11-24, 1921. *T*HE chief consideration in the creation of a cozy, artistic home is the way you paint and decorate it— Let your home reflect your own taste by the choice of correct and harmonious color effects. But whatever your needs, be sure to specify Paints that have proven their worth, because you paint to protect as well as to beautify. Truth Shall Rise Again! “Nope, George Washington never told a lie and never went up in an airship.” “Yes, and there are a lot of other people who have never gone up in an airship.”—Wayside Tales. •Ask For These Free— Paint Books “Homes and How to Paint Them"— Contains many beautiful illustrations of attractively painted homes, shows floor plans, gives specifications and tells how. to select the right “The Modern Method of Decorating" This beautifully illustrated book gives the latest and best ideas oe the decoration of interior walls ceilings. It shows a number .of rooms designed by leading artists, giving exact specifications for ob taining harmonious color ejects with Pee Gee FLATKOATT. “The Modern Method of Finishing Wood”—If you intend to build or refinish your home, this illustrated booklet will be of gTeat help to you. It contains 20 color plates of <ini«in»i wood panels, and gives practical advice how to take case of your floors and woodwork. Peaalee-Gaulbert Cow, toe. LOUISVILLB. KY. ~ To Change Her Name. First Girl: So you are going to change your name? Married, eh? Second Girl: No; going on the- stage.—Wayside Tales. To any Engineer, Fireman or Workingman who can find a better Overall or Jacket than Finck’s “DETROIT SPECIAL” brand. “They wear like a pig’s nose.” Mr. Finck’s 20 years experience as a manu facturer of union-made garments has made Detroit famous for high-grade Overalls. Evaporated. “What’s the matter?” “Why, I sold an article on ‘Fresh Milk’ and the editor condensed it!”— Wayside Tales. in a nutshell.” “Forgetting that the truth in a nut shell is sometimes hard to crack.”— Wayside Tales. Have stood the test of time for more than fifty years and will give you longest service at lowest cost. No matter the surface—there is a Pee Gee Paint Product tor Every Purpose, a number of them you can easily and economically use yourself. Woo’s Who? Though he who woos and runs away May be a knavish churl— Still, he may woo another day, And woo another girl. —Wayside Tales. All the Wrinkle. Young Son: Father, is there any difference between a new fad and a new wrinkle? Father: Certainly, my son. Young women have fads; older women have wrinkles.—Wayside Tales. THE CITY DRUG STORE J. W. CRAWFORD, Proprietor. Phone 210 A Nut Note. “The speaker certainly put the truth jpf