North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, October 27, 1921, Image 6

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THE DALTON CITIZEN. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1921, PAGE SIX guest of relatives here and at Phelps. Rev. Allen, of Tilton, spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Houston Love. Quite a number from here attended the fair in Dalton last week. Mr. Charley^Jones spent the latter part of last week with his uncle, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cavender, of, Phelps, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Jones. Workers Sick and Weak from Exertion Take Gude’s Pepto-Mangan Men and women who toil, either physically or mentally, use up energy. When they overwork they use up more energy, and sometimes the blood gets in a run-down condition. Without rest the blood cannot get back to normal, so that it becomes clogged with waste matter from over-exertion. The clogged blood virtually withers the body. The strained looks, on pale faces, the thin, bloodless arms, the sunken cheeks and necks, the dead-' tired feeling, are the results of stale blood depriving the system of life- giving oxygen. Workers go to the drug store and get Gude’s Pepto-Mangan when they feel weak and run down. They take it in either the liquid or the tablet form. That makes the blood rich and red and drives out the poisons.. Life-giving oxygen, .parried by the little red cells. MADAME KOO COMING FOR RENT—I have on my list an references to attractive home, furnished or unfur- North Forsytl nished, for rent. Will D. Wailes. WOMAN GOLF CHAMPION Civil Service examinations Xove; ber. Positions $1400-$1600. Age, • upward. Experience unnecessary. F, free particulars, instruction, write I Terry (former Civil Service examfc er), 1016 Continental Bldg., Wash® ton, D. C. 10-27-% FOR SALE—A good cow at the. Rich ardson Farm. Phone 130-20. When you have saved up fifty pre mium coupons from Octagon Soap, Octagon Powder and Octagon White Floating Soap, take them to City Preserving her beauty FOR SALE—Dodge Touring o Good running order, good tires, vi£ cared for. Bargain. Would consids good Ford Touring Car as part pa; Call 106 for further information Drug Store and receive free a set of six dainty water glasses. It pays to save the premium coupons. A recent portrait of Madame Koo wife of Dr. Wellington Koo, who for merly was minister from China al Washington, and has more lately beer Chinese ambassador to the court ol St. James. She will accompany hei husband to Washington next month when he comes as delegate to the conference on arms limitations and Far Eastern problems. Madame Ko< •is the doctor’s second wife. It is re ported from London that she has hat a brilliant social career In that city FOR SALE—Eight-room house, elec tric lights, hot and cold water, corner lot, good garage. Apply "Julian Mc- Camy. «> FOR SALE—SI acres of level Ian; 7 miles south of Dalton, 1 mile t, school. R. T. Jones, Route 1, Daltoi Ga. ltji Copyright 1921 Hart Schaffner & Marx We’re selling our goods at a small margin of profit; it’s a way of giv ing you greater value. We give your money back if you’re not satisfied FOR SALE—One twenty-horsepowe engine, one twenty-five horsepowe boiler, one saw mill with belt and sar L Will be sold cheap for cash or lumte Apply Duane Chair Co., Dalton, G: 10-214 Dress-making, and all kinds of sew- g. ’Phone 236-J. 10-6-4t2pd. Emphatic overcoat values FOR SALE—Six-room bi close in; $1,000 down, balance terms. W. E. Stroup. More Serious. Mrs. Murphy—Only think, Mrs Brady, that great pianist down oui street has practiced so hard during the last six months that he has par alyzed two fingers! Mrs. Brady (proudly) — That’s pothin’. Me daughter Bridget has practiced so hard for the last six months that she’s paralyzed two pianos.—London Tit-Bits. Miss Marion Hollins of New York, with the women’s national golf cham pionship cup, which she won in the tournament at the Hollywood club, Deal, N. J. FOR RENT- -Six-room house win large basement, close in. Apply t George W. White, 35 E. Morris stres or call telephone No. 400-J. ltpi FOR-J3ALE OR RENT—Store house and three acres of land, on East Mor ris street. Apply Mrs. ■ Mary Brooke. 10-20-4t. FOUND—Ladies’ black knit shat Owner can get same by calling at r home and paying for this ad. Ed Pt ion, 59 E. Morris street, Dalton, Ga. PRINTING 2LS not the cheap kind but the good kind done here. You’ll find Hart Schaffner & Marx finest overcoats here; priced one-third lower than a year ago; exceptional val ues for all men; the prices are $35.00 $40.00 $45.00 Styleplus Overcoats at $25. $30 $35 Harlan & Neal The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx and Styleplus clothes. • FOR SALE—Two good mules, five and eight years old; will work any where. Apply to G. S. Mullins, at Farrar Lumber Co. 10-2(Mt pd. ♦ ROSTER, WHITFIELD COUN-t ♦ TY SUNDAY SCHOOL » ♦ CONEVNTION ♦ Is it on our subscrip tion list? We will guarantee WANTED—To rent a good ; two-hprse crop. Want stock and tools furnished. Want about two-thirds crop In cotton. Would prefer renting where I could keep stock and do my own managing. Can give reference regarding my char acter, etc. R. G. Moore, .Resaca, Ga., Route 1. itnd. , Miss Caroline Valentine does not jcare how ugly she looks when she is J. A Carter, president; W. L. Mc Williams, vice-president; C. O. Smite, secretary. Non-sectarian. Non-denominational Division presidents: First, H. J Smith; second, R. A. Williams; third. W. H. Westbrook; fourth, Frank Bo!- lins; fifth, W. F. Huffaker. Mrs. W. L. McWilliams, Children’s Work. Mrs. L. B. Hubbs, Chairman Yous People’s Work. Lee Routh, Chairman Adult’s Wort H. L. Smith, W. E. Nants, Sam Ha.-’ sler, Executive Committee. Any one or more of the above " subject to call for service by any Sc day school in the county at any time. Next Meeting: Mt. Vernon chure- 1922. PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA 'engaged in playing hockey on the .field. She disguises herself with this grotesque makeup which prevents her from having her beauty marred, should she be struck by the ball during th^ jheat of the play. At the Philadelphia jCricket club grounds she was in the jline-up when the All-Philadelphia La dles’ hockey team met the British ichampion hockey players. you full value FOR YOUR MONEY FOR RENT—My hoHse two miles west of Dalton. B. F. Smith, Phone 912-30. 10-27-4t ehairms: GEORGE KIRSCH People Read This Newspaper WANTED: Experienced hardware man with executive ability to take act ive position with old established hard ware ^firm in Southern city of about 20,000 population, and to purchase lim ited amount of stock in the firm, to he paid for part cash and balance from profits of the business. Wonderful op portunity for right man. Answer with ^ That’s why it would be Stetson and Noname Hats profitable for you to advertise in it Michael. Kalenin, president of the Russian soviet republic, delivering an address to peasants and-soldiers dur ing one of his many tours of the 'provinces. Kalenin was a fanner and •tool maker before the revolution. He .has long been associated with the radical movement in Russia. If you want a job If you want to hire somebody If you want to sett something If you want to buy something If you want to rent your house If you want to sell your house If you want to sell your farm If you want to buy property If there is anything that you want the quickest and best way to supply that want is by placing an advertisement in this paper The Balkan States. The Balkan states are ^Albania, Bul garia, Greece, Montenegro, Rumania, Serbia and Turkey. Albania has main tained an independent government at Tirana since September 2, 1914! Boris IIII is king of Bulgaria, Constantine of Greece, Nicholas I of Montenegro, Fer dinand of Rumania and Mohammed VI is sultan of Turkey. In Decem ber, 1318, Serbia was proclaimed a part of Jugo-Slavia, new unitary state of the Serbs, Croat* and Slovenes. iu Atlanta last week. ■ Misses Lizzie Bell and Johnnie King spent Sunday with Misses Mamie and Maud Jones, of Route 1. Mr. J. M. Caveuder is visiting his father, Mr. D. L. Cavender, of Atlanta, for a few days. Mrs. Minerva Jones, of Dalton, is the Bud Jones, near Sale Creek, Tenn. Mrs. Clara King and small children The great covering ca pacity and long years of service of Pee Gee Mastic Paint are due to its 50% Zinc content, ground in pure Linseed Oil and White Lead, making it a Double Pigment Paint. Pee Gee Mastic Paint is guaran teed to be absolutely pure and must give entire satisfaction. No better or more economical paint Is made at any price. ( The cost of using Pee Gee Mas tic Paint is small compared with the value and appearance it adds to your property. For every surface that needs protection against wear and weather use CENTER POINT The results will surprise and please you George Kirsch, French aviator, pho tographed after landing from a height of 34,776 feet, or over 6/ 2 miles. Kirsch claims this is a world record for alti tude. . Rev. Allen delivered an interesting sermon Sunday to an attentive con- greation. , Miss Pauline Keen attended the fair BBBBi painT SILVER GRAY The next time you buy calomel ask foir in New York City-alone from kid ney trouble last year. Don’t allow yourself to become a victim by neglecting pains and aches. Guard against this trouble by taking COLD MEDAL Name “Bayer” on Genuine ’ There?s a Pee Gee Paint Product for Every Purpose.” To any Engineer, Fireman or Workingman who can find a better Overall or Jacket than Finck’s “DETROIT SPECIAL” brand. “They wear like a pig’s nose.” Mr. Finck’s 20 years experience as a manu facturer of union-made garments has made Detroit famous for high-grade Overalls. W. M. FINCK & CO. DETROIT, ST. LOUIS, DALTON, GA. Full stock carried at each place. Order from nearest point The world’s standard remedy for kidney, Over, bladder and uric acid troubles. 'Holland’s national remedy since 1696. All druggists, three sizes. Guaranteed. Look for tlio name Gold Medal on every box and accept no imitation Beware I Unless you see the name “Bayer”, on package or on tablets you are not getting genuine Aspirin pre scribed by physicians for twenty-one ears-and proved safe by millions. Take Aspirin only as told in the Bayer pack age for Colds, Headach , Ask us for FREE Paint Book and Color Cards. Classified Ads The purified etna; refined calomel tablets that are nausealess, safe and sure. Medicinal virtues retain ed and improved. Sold only in sealed packages. Price 35c. CITY DRUG J. W. CRAWFORD, Prop. One Cent A Wont Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache^ Lum bago, and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of welve Bayer Tablets of Aspirin cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger pack ages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetieaeid- ester of Salicylicacid. FOR RENT—An apartment, newly worked over. Will D. Wailes. jNTERNATtONA!