North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, November 03, 1921, Image 3

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THE DALTON CITIZEN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1921. PAGE THREE HUNDREDS OF NEW SUDSCRIDERS been added to our list as a result of the September and October “bargain sale” of The Citizen. Fact is that Dollar offer has proved more than the people could resist, and as a result, the subscriptions have poured into our office in a most satisfactory rate. - - $1.00 For The Citizen That is the price that will prevail during November. The results have been so good we have been tempted to leave the price at a Dollar, and we may, do so oft yearly j subscriptions only. The old rates for six months and three months will probably be I retained. • We want to put The Citizen into every home in the county, and while conditions don’t warrant the reduction we have made the past two months in the price, we have adopted that $1.00 yearly subscription rate in order to increase our subscription list to where it should be. SEND US YOUR DOLLAR and we will enter your name on our list to receive The Citizen for one year. Don’t put it off till tomorrow, but send it now. THE CITIZEN . . Dalton, Ga. o Legal Notices CONFISCATION PETITION^ Dalton, Ga., Oct. 20, 1921. to Charley Stansell, Greeting: You are hereby notified that on this ite Joe M. Lang, Solicitor General, ias filed a petition in this office seek- lg to confiscate a certain Maxwell car seized hy the sheriff on October 22, 1021, as having been used by you in the transportation of intoxicating liquors in said county. You are hereby required to appear and make defense within the time pro rated by law. This Oct. 20, 1921. C. L. ISBILL. Clerk Superior Court. YEAR’S SUPPORT, pleorgia, Whitfield County. The appraisers appointed to set a- |art - a year’s support for the widow . G. Caldwell, deceased, have filed heir report with me and I will pass |)on said report on the first Monday November, 1921. II. J. WOuD, Ordinary. iLETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION, eorgia, Whitfield County. .Tames Wells has applied for Letters |f Administration on the estate of dm Wells, deceased, and 1 will [ass upon said application on the first Monday in November. 1021. H. J. WOOD, Ordinary. .ETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. Beorgia, Whitfield County. •T. J. Whitten has applied for Letters Administration on the estate of Mrs. I. G. Wilson, deceased, and I will pass lion said application on the first Mon- fay in November, 1921. H. J. WOOD. Ordinary. said report on the first Monday in November, 1921. H. J. WOOD, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. ton, D. C. PROBATE OF WILL. Court of Ordinary of Whitfield Co., Ga. Petition for probate of will in solemn form. In Re: Probate Will of Frank T. Hardwick. To Johnnie Hardwick Hogshead and Frances Hardwick Newton, heirs at law: W. M. Hardwick, a resident' of said state and county, and The First Trust and, Saving Bank of Chatta nooga, Tennessee, having applied, as executors, for probate in solemn form of the last will and testament of Frank T. Hardwick, late of said coun ty, you, as one of the heirs at law of said Frank T. Hardwick being a non resident of this state, are hereby; re quired to be and appear at the court of ordinary for said county on the first Monday in November, 1921, when said application for probate will be heard and show cause, if any you have or can, why-the prayer of the petition should not be allowed. This the 10th day of October, 1921. Tl. J. WOOD, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Whitfield County. All creditors of the estate of E. H. Goad, late of Whitfield county, de ceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons in debted to said estate are required to make immediate payment. This No vember 1st, 1921. Jno. A. Shope. Administrator of E. H. Goad, deceased. 10-27-2tpd. | FARM LOAN APPRAISER ARRIVED THIS WEEK FOR SALE—One twenty-horsepower engine, one twenty-five . horsepower boiler, one saw mill with belt and -saws. Will be sold cheap for cash or lumber. Apply Duane Chair Co., Dalton, Ga. 10-27-3t Classified Ads One Cent A Word ' 18 WANTED—Green beef hides, price paid. Barrett Produce Co. When you have saved up fifty pre mium coupons from Octagon Soap, Octagon Powder and Octagon White Floating Soap, take them to City Drug Store and receive free a set ol six dainty water glasses. It pays to save the premium coupons. LEAVE TO SELL, eorgia, Whitfield County. [J. T. Tsbill. administrator estate of N. Dantzler, deceased, has applied |r leave to sell the lands belonging said estate and 1 will pass upon Jid application on the first Monday in ivember, 1921. H. J. WOOD. Ordinary. LETTERS OF DISMISSION, argia, Whitfield County. [Mrs. Amanda Talley, administratrix jtate of William S. Talley, deceased, is applied for Letters of Dismission, nd I will pass upon said application the first Monday in November, 1921. H. J. WOOD, Ordinary. e YEAR’S SUPPORT, orgia, Whitfield County, fhe appraisers appointed to set Efcrt a year’s support for the widow EfiR Robert H. Baker have filed their Hgport with me and I will pass upon NOTICE OF LETTING BRIDGE CONTRACT ON COUNTY LINE, state of Georgia. Whitfield County. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of the county of Whitfield and the Board of Com missioners of the county of Murray, •date of Georgia, will receive at the ordinary's, office, at Dalton, Ga., at 11 !o'clock A. M. on the 12th day of No vember, 1921, sealed proposals for the erection of a bridge over Sugar Creek between the two counties above named. For details, plans and specifications, see same on fee in the office of the or dinaries of Whitfield and Murray counties. Certified checks with bid in the sum of $200 payments to be made upon com pletion and acceptance with county warrants, each of said counties to pay fifty per cent of contract price. Board serves right to reject any and eli bids. This the Sth day of October, 1921. H. J.< WOOD, Chairman Whitfield Co. Board; W. D. WILBANKS, Chairman Murray Co. Board. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. Georgia, Whitfield County. S. N. McWilliams has applied for letters of administration on the estate of W. F. Jones, deceased, and I will pass upon said application on the first Monday in November, 1921.. H. J. WOOD, Ordinary. FOR SALE—Eight-room house, elec tric lights, hot and cold water, corner iot, good garage. Apply Julian Mc- Camy. tf. FOR SALE—Six-room bungalow, close in; $1,000 down, balance on easy terms. W. E. Stroup. FOR SALE OR RENT—Store house and three acres of land, on East Mor ris street. Apply Mrs. Mary Brooke. 10-20-4L Beginning January 15th want 200 dozen eggs per week. Barred Rocks, R. I. Reds and Wyandottes combined. Need not be fancy hut must he pure blood and good laying strain. Prefer farm flocks. Will pay 10c dozen above market price. Write fully state how many yon can furnish. J. I. Hosford. 73 Peachtree St,, Atlanta, Ga. ll-3-4tpd. FOR SALE—My home on Crawford street. Terms easy. B. F. Hunt. 11-3-4 t.pd. FOR SALE—Two good mules, five and eight years old; will work any where. Apply to G. S. Mullins, at Farrar Lumber Co. 10-20-4t pd. FOR RENT—My house two miles west of Dalton. B. F. Smith, Phone 912-30. 10-27-4t WANTED: Experienced hardware man with executive ability to take act ive position with old established hard ware firm in Southern city of about 20,000 population, and to purchase lim ited amount'of stock in the firm, to he paid for part cash and balance from profits of the business. Wonderful op portunity for right man. Answer with references to: Hugh Richardson, 66% North Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga. 10-27-3t Civil Service examinations Novem ber. Positions $1400-$1600. Age, 18 upward. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars, instruction, write R. Terry (former Civil Service examin er), 1016 Continental Bldg., Washlng- JUST RECEIVED—Shipment Army field and russet shoes, blankets and other army goods. Come and see us. Dalton Army Store. ltpd. LOST—At county fair, large dinner plate decorated in pink roses. Please notify Citizen office. FOR SALE—Nicely located 5-room house in the e^ge of city limits with all kinds of fruit, fine well of water .(tiled) on back porch, good pasture with running water, 13 acres of land in all, dandy place for dairy or trucking. Onr reasons for slling is that we are disabled to run the place. Apply to Mrs. B. F. Perry, No. 2‘McCamy St., Dalton, Ga., across the street from Looper’s warehouse . STOLEN—Last Wednesday night in front of the Crescent Theatre, a bicycle, Pathfinder make, bine frame-faith white center; sprocket No. 27192, Record tires almost new, low handle bars, Morrow brake. Will appreciate any informa tion. See Earl Bishop or Emmett TTiii at Showalter’s. Money Will Soon Be Available for Farmers Says Mr. Shattuck WANTED—Man with car to sell low priced GRAHAM TIRES. $130.00 per week and commissions; GRAHAM TIRE CO., 639 Boulevard, Benton Harbor, Mich. FOR RENT—Seven-room cottage, 57 South Thornton avenue, November 1st. Phone 368. Carrie W. Green. WANTED—A few Liberty bonds at market prices. J. A. Crawford. FOR SALE—7-room house and lot in center of business district of Dalton, Ga. Reason—owner non-resident Mrs. J. C. Brownlee, Calhoun. Ga. ll-3-2tpd. Federal Farm Loan Appraiser Shat tuck arrived here this week to investi gate the values of the farms on which about 40 of the farmers of the county are seeking federal farm loans. Mr. J. J. Copeland, secretary-treasurer of the local farm loan organization, has charge of the business here. Mr. Shattuck states that the money will he available within 6Q days after he makes'his report. The applications for loans total about $120,000. * J 111 I Whftt FOR: $ *Hiat depends entirely upon its appearapee and the condition it is in. Pee Gee paint will prove the most important factor in its economic upkeep. Watch the surfaces of your property—inside and out—and see that they are well protected—“Save the Surface and You Save All” wit!* n ^fWrr.iBgu ' Varnishes—Stains—Enamels For more than 50 years they have been carefully guarding homes and maintaining property values. Use Pee Gee Mastic tor outside surfaces, it is a strictly pure paint, containing a high per centage of ZINC—Pee Gee Flatkoatt for inside walls—Pee Gee Floor Paints and. Palladium Floor Varnish for floors—Pee Gee Lly stain sand Enamels for woodwork and Pee Gee Invincible spar tor outside woodwork. Ask for Free Paint Books and Color Cards Peaslee-Gaulbert Co* Inc* Mfgrs* Louisville, Ky« CITY DRUG STORE J. W. CRAWFORD, Prop. Phone 210 r