North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, November 03, 1921, Image 6

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THURSDAYrNOVEMBER 3, 19ZT THE DALTON CITIZEN PAGE SIX Announcing Our Tenth Annual Clean Sweep Sale BEGINNING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5th, AND LASTING TWO WEEKS. n j.1 j , .. , i D , pi ,i . itt > Wnmpn’<; and Children’s Footwear, and hundreds of other items too numerous to mention. Greatly reduced prices on Mens and Boys Clothing, Women s Coats, Men s, Womens ana 'um nrrCD rIn twit prnPI F OF DAI TON AND THIS VIPINITv BE HERE SATURDAY PREPARED TO SEE THE GREATEST DAY OF VALUE GIVING EVER OFFERED THE PEOPLE OF DALION AND 1 HIS VICINITY. In Men’s Suits, we have “stouts” and “slims,” extra Men’s and Young Men’s Overcoats, worth $30, Men s, Boys and Children s Suits and odd Coats at size 44 to 46, fine worsteds, worth $40 at .- . $25 at ; ...$17.50 Our Shoe stock is'large and must be reduced regard- MAC CANNON, Prop A good turnout is urgently requested at this time, as matters of importance are to come up. J. H. Smith, Pres., * H. H. Ezzard, Sec., Chas. O. Smith," County Agent. ^or Every Field Ust YEARS and y EARS to develop CAMEL QUAUTV Gude’s Pepto - Mangan Makes Red Blood; Liqid and Tablet Form Pumps Water Golden Opportunities POWER MACHINERY We worked on Camels for years before we put them on the market. Years of testing—blending—experi menting" with the world’s choicest tobaccos. And now, EVERY DAY, all our skill, manufactur ing experience and lifelong knowledge of fine tobaccos are concentrated on making Camel the best cigarette that can be produced. There’s nothing else like Camel QUALITY. And there’s nothing else like Camels wonderful smoothness, fine tobacco flavor and FREEDOM FROM CXGA- RETTY AFTERTASTE. That’s why Camel popularity is growing faster than ever. « ' A better cigarette cannot be made. 1 . .PtrjjGbj. We put the utmost quality into ■1 LfxlIfitM’ THIS ONE BRAND. When blood becomes thin and weak it is due to a falling off in the number of red blood cells. It is easily recog nized by pallid skin or a blemished complexion, loss of appetite or unnat ural irritability and a sensation of weakness. It is not dangerous at first. In fact, many people scarcely notice it and go on for days thinking they will be better the next day. The great danger is in the possibility of becoming seriously ill from disease, which can work havoc in a body that lacks the endurance and resistance in rich, red blood. Taken in time and steadily, o few bottles of Gude’s Pepto-Mangan are a great help. It improves the quality of the blood by adding red blood cells They check the weakness, improve the appetite, and clear the complexion You can get Gude’s Pepto-Mangan in liquid and tablet form at your drug gist’s. Get the genuine with the name “Gude’s Pepto-Mangan” on the ^pack age. Advertisement. Conserving Man Power ' is one of the vital needs of Southern Agriculture The farmer has now arrived at a point where he, like all other businesses do, must take advant age of advanced and improved machinery. The one and two horse turners and the single-foot plow with the old twister and scooter with about seven or eight furrows to a com row has gone, and in its place we have the advanced machinery, such as that will plow to a sufficient depth in our soil, the new harrows and sub-soilers that follow these 'Washing Machines BILL BURCH NARROWLY ESCAPED ASPHYXIATION POWERFUL TRACTORS completing the job as they go, making ready for 'the usual planting. Then comes the splendidly equipped Cultivators, that finish the crops. These POWERFUL TRACTORS make power for mills, both cane and corn, saw wood, rake hay, etc. H. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Wi»toa-&d«, N. C We want to be of service to the farmer in his real needs of farm ing, and our record of assistance to our depositors who sell the farmer is one of which we are proud. The board adjourned to meet here on Saturday, Nov. 12, for the purpose of receiving, with the Murray county board, the bids for the Sugar Creek county line bridge. Friday at the store of the president. Mr. Paul B. Fite, and a large attend ance is desired, ofr business of impor tance will come up. The ladies of the First Bafds church will serve the luncheon to tie Civitans. and it is being anticipate! with "pleasure. D. B. CARSON H AS been respon sible for thousands of business successes throughout the country. Everybody in town may know you but they don't know what you have to sell. €. L Hardwick & Company BANKERS CIVITAN CLUB MEETS FRIDAY AT FITE’S STORE Men’s 35c sox, all colors and sizes, on sale at special price per pair 19c. Cannon’s on the Corner. Important Meeting to Be Held and Large Attendance Is Desired The Dalton Civitan club will meet Advertising Will Help Yon NEW HOLDER INSTALLED AT LOCAL GAS PLANT Service Will Be Materially Improved Is Belief The second holder at the Dalton Gas plant was put in service last Saturday, and will materially improve the situ ation, according to a statement made by Superintendent McCamy. Operating with one holder, the plant has always been at the disadvantage of not having a reserve supply of gas when things went wrong with the hold er. The new arrangement will keep a good supply of gas available at all times. PROMINENT BUSINESS MAN LOSES PATIENCE D. B. Carson <JT Tennessee is the new commissigner of the bureau of navigation. Mr. Carson has been gen eral manager of the Nashville, Chat tanooga & St. Louis railroad for 30 years. debility, when he began taking Dr. Richards’ Famous Prescription (for merly called' Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Blood Remedy) and is“now full of ambition and feeling fine. He writes: “I was in a very nervous condition, well, in fact all run down. I was dis gusted and stopped doctoring. I read of Dr. Richards’ Stomach", Liver, Kid ney and Blood Remedy ftnd tohk that as directed and must say that now I have a good appetite and ambition to wofk and attend to business. In fact I feel like a new mam” Dr. Richards’ Famous Prescription (formerly called Stomach, Liver, Kid ney and Blood Remedy) Is especially good: for nervousness and general de bility. It is guaranteed fpr rheuma tism, appendicitis, and all ♦ FARM DEMONSTRATION ♦ ♦» NOTES. ♦ No More Fire Building Night-Mares The cheese factory is in readiness to begin work; but on accounf of the ill ness of Mr. Marlott, the government cheese? specialist, the work will have to wait until he is able to be'back in Dal ton. In the meantime, anyone who wishes to learn how to make cheese and wants to become one of the class (instructions absolutely free) would do well to see the county agent. We will be glad to get all the'milk you have to spare now in a few days. Pine Grove Meeting. T'he regular monthly meeting of the Pine Grove community Farm Bureau, which was to have been held Monday night, November 7, is postponed till the following Monday night on account of the free farm picture that is to be put on at, the court house Monday night, November 7. County Farm Bureau Meeting. A meeting of the county Farm Bu reau is called for Saturday, November 5, at 2 p.m. WANTED! OWN Your Job Printing Business If We Can't Please You Don’t Come Again The illustration above is the most convincing proof that in. the long fire travel, the heat units j are fully extracted and utilized from the fuel. We also have the Supreme Down Draft Heaters. When in need t)f either, call at No more worry—simply turn over in bed and leave it to the trusty Vortex Heater. Why build fires at 5 a. m? Why be a slave to a heating plant that eats fuel like a demon? Cut your fuel bill in half with a COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO GET BRIDGE BIDS stomach, liver, kidney and blood disorders. This prescription has been used in Dr. Rich ards’ private practice for over half a century and brought relief to thousands Qf sufferers. It must please you or yon get your money back. Dr. ‘Rich ards’ complete line of remedies is sold and recommended by druggists every where. VORTEX The Double D&vm Draft Gives Double Fuel Saving Will Meet Here November 12—Little Business at Meeting The monthly meeting of the county commissioners was held Tuesday morn ing at the court house, with only rou tine work to engage the board’s atten tion. 'M Leonard-McGhee Furniture Co In Dalton hy Fincher & Nich ols. Don't fall to get a bottle t>f this wonderful medicine today.—Adv.