North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, November 03, 1921, Image 7

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THE DALTON CITIZEN. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8,-1921, 6000 TO H£fcR H6R VOIC6 A6A1N. OOM. Keue C0MG5 p£CC<e Heccoj pecQ ie “Only a man who has to work for a living knows what it means to get back on the job after not hitting a lick of I lost twelve work for a whole year, months straight time on account of stomach trouble. One of the worst cases I guess any man ever had. Tanlac not only made me a well man again but built me up 19 pounds in weight. I am writing all my friends in other cities to tell them of the wonderful news.” The above statement was made by George B. Lowe, well-known employee of the-Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., living at 451 McGowan St., 1 Akron, Ohio. Tanlac is sold in Dalton by Fincher & Nichols and by leading druggists everywhere.—Adv. Every Cloud Has a Silver ✓ Lining J By PERCY L. CROSBY Cop^xlj(tat.b7 the McClurg Newspaper Sjnd.cate Sylvia, spent Sunday with Mrs. Jewel body was taken Saturday to Poplar Chastain, of Pine Grove. Mrs. spent Sunday with Mrs. J. L. Edwards, of Spring Place. . Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hill and children, of Dalton, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Edwards. Several from here attended .singing at Grove Level Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Marian Hopkins is very sick at this writing. We hope she will soon be out again. Mrs. Lizzie Smith, of Eton, visited relatives in our burg last week. Mr. Wallace Teasley, of Grove Level, passed through our.burg Sunday. Mrs. Lee Dillard and Miss Jessie Fincher spent Saturday in Dalton. Springs cemetery for interment. Ida Greeson and son, Lewin, family has the sympathy of friends in their bereavement. CENTER POINT Don’t worry and complain about a bad back. Get rid of it! For weak kidneys, lame and achy backs, your neighbors recommend Doan’s Kidney Pills. Ask your neighbor! A. W. Hill, watchmaker, 45 N. Ham ilton St., Dalton^ says: I suffered from dull pains across the small of my back. My kidneys didn’t act as they should, either. On hearing of Doan’s Kidney Pills, I began taking them, get ting my supply at Fincher &'Nichols’ Drug Store. I noticed great improve ment in a short time and continued use regulated my kidneys.” TEN YEARS LATER, Mr. Hill said: “I haven’t had any return of kidney complaint for many years as Doan’s Kidney Pills cured me.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Hill had. Foster-MUburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.—Adv. Has Your Subscription Cxpired? Come in and renew it next time you are in town. here Sunday morning. Let’s everybody come out every Sunday morning at 10 o’clock and have a good Sunday school. Most of the armers around here are done gathering. AH made fairly good crops if Mr. Boll Weevil was here by the hundreds. Mrs. W. J. Ford was the week-end guest of her brother. Mr. Prior Stark, in Chattanooga. Mrs. J. M. Cavender spent an evening last week with Mrs. Mattie Kerr, near High Point. Those spending Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cavender were Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Jones, Mrs. : Sallie and Miss Ida Jones, Mrs. Clara King, Lizzie Bell, Johnnie'. Ford and Morris King, Gus- sie Cavender, Geneva Jones and Mr. Dennis Bailey. Mrs. Clara King, Misses Lizzie Bell King and Ila Ford spent a few days last week in Chattanooga. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thompson and daughter, Ava Nell, of Cartersville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Keen and family. Mr. Lum Quinn, of Calhoun, is the guest of relatives here and at Phelps. Mr. Tom Keen attended the old sol diers’ .reunion in Chattanooga last week. «^Rev. Allen, of Tilton, spent Friday night of last week with Mr. F. W. Hix. fl?he singing given by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cavender Sunday afternoon was enjoyed by all present. NatonalCarbon Co. I When . 0 Comp’ny Comes —what new airs of busy impor tance the old doorbell puts on! Take home a Columbia “Bell Ringer” Dry Battery and give your doorbell a chance. A single package of double power—solid as a brick— no connectors to fuss with. For all bells, buzzers, alarms, heat regulators, etc. One Columbia “Bell Ringer” works better and lasts longer than the wired-up group of ordinary cells. Sold by electricians, auto accessory shops and garages, hardware and general stores. You cannot mistake the package. MORTUARY I. O. Ot F. Encampment. Dalton Encampment No. 37, I. O. O. F.^ will meet in regular session Tues day evening, November 8, at 7:30 o’clock. Work in Royal Purple degree. The presence of all members is urgently requested. J. H. McCoy, C. P. M. A. Keister, Scribe. FORMER DALTON MAN DIED IN BIRMINGHAM . Announcement. The Eata-Bita-Pie dub will meet at the Gordon Springs school house Sat urday night, Nov. 5. Everybody is in vited. Death of Bert Haggard Occurred Monday Night Bert Haggard, former trainmaster of the Southern road here, died suddenly Monday in Birmingham. He was a brother of Ed Haggard, whose sudden death occurred about a year ago at Varnell. Mr. Haggard had hosts of friends here who will be sorry to learn of his death. He was a brother-in-law of Mr. John Springfield, of this city. Mr. Springfield and daughter, Mrs. Bob Hurt, left here yesterday to attend the funeral in Birmingham, Ala. Daughters of America, Dalton Council No. 15, D. of A., will meet in regular session Friday evening, November 4, at 7 o’clock. All members are urgently requested to be present and assist in conferring degrees. Addie Brown, Councilor. May Combee. Rec. Sec. The purified and refined calomel tablets that are nausealess, safe and sure. Medicinal virtues retain ed and improved. Sold only in sealed packages. Price 35c. The farmers are just about done gathering crops in this section. Miss Jessie Fincher spent Sunday with relatives at Pine Grove. Mr. Lee Terry, of Oklahoma, visited his niece, Mrs. Charlie Kistner, last week. — Mr. Amos Hopkins made a business trip to Murray county last week. Mrs. W. P. Edwards and daughter, Wrinkle Bros. Foundry & Machine Works General Repair Work, Castings Depot Street :t‘ Dalton, Ga. Edna Eva Long. Edna Eva, the 1-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.- P. Long, died Fri day at the home on Route 4, and the Club House Cofefe, lb. - -40c Maxwell House Coffee - 40c Maxwell House Coffee, 3 lbs. - - $1.15 Chickamauga Blend 'Coffee, lb. . - - - 40c Chickamauga Blend Coffee. 3 lbs - - $1.15 Empire Coffee, lb. - - 40c Empire Coffee, 3 lbs. $1.10 Good Roasted Coffee, 10 lbs - - $1.50 Beechnut Pork and Beans Doz. cans - $1.50 Campbell’s Soups,dox.cans $1.35 Swansdown Cake Flour - 50c Price’s Vanilla Extract 1- 35c Sauer’s Vanilla Extract,2 for 25c Scudder’s Maple Syrup, qt., 75c New Sorghum, qt. - - 20c Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour 20c Large Octagon Soap, doz 90c D O YOU wish to know how thousands and thousands of women have gone thru motherhood without knowing some of the pains and -discomforts incident to childbirth? Listen to this: Motherhood creates almost a new state of being for a woman. Mother’s Friend is used externally as a massage; and its purpose, thru daily use, is to gradually, gently and effectively relax the muscles and nerves involved in the function of child-bearing; to make the skin soft, pliable and elastic so that it may expand easily and naturally as the abdomihal parts enlarge—thereby re lieving the tension and strain on these muscles and nerves of the otherwise severe distension before delivery. Mrs. C. J. Hartman. 515 Palm St., Scranton, Pa., says: “I am willing and anxious to tell any mother about Mother's Friend. It did me so much good that I wouldn’t be without it it it cost $5.00 a bottle. With my first two children I had a doctor and a nurse and then they had to use instru ments. but with my last two children I only had a nurse; we had no time to get a doctor because I wasn’t very sick—only about ten or fifteen min utes.” Many doctors and nurses recommend Mother’s Friend. It contains no narcotics, or habit-forming drugs and is perfectly harmless. All drug stores carry Mother’s Friend. The network of nerves across the abdomen, the loins, the back and other parts now become super-sensi tive. All these nerves are being called on to perform unusual duties. These nerves must be pacified and comforted; must be put in condition for the crisis that is pending. If these nerves are not soothed and quieted, they may set up aggravated nerve tension, increasing in severity from month to month, sometimes even culminating in a nervous paraly sis of the back and limbs. This leaves the mother-to-be in a condition where she is unable, fully, to meet the test when the climax of maternity arrives. WARNING: Avoid using plain oils, greases and substitutes— they act only on the skin and may cause harm without doing good. Fordson Tractor Demonstration On the Smith Farm One Mile North of Dalton on Cleveland Road Tuesday. Nov. 8th We have arranged to have with us representatives from the Ford Motor Company, David T. Bussey and Implement Manufacturers who will assist us in giving A TRACTOR DEMONSTRATION OF ALL KINDS OF PLOWING-,' HARROWING AND SEED BED PREPARATION AND BELT DRIVEN MACHINERY. „ This demonstration is under the direction of the Ford Motor Co., and the manufacturers who manufacture plows and other implements to he used with the Fordson tractor and their represent atives will be in the field to give you any information that you may want regarding the Fordson tractor or implements. AN ILLUSTRATED LECTURE On Correct Seed Preparation and a FREE MOVING PICTURE SHOW At the Court House in Dalton, Monday Evening, Nov. 7th, 7 O’Clock. Do not miss this lecture and pictures as they are very interesting and contain valuable and instructive information on better fanning. This demonstration will be the biggest one of its kind ever held in this part of the country. These pictures and lecture will be very interesting and instructive. • - Don’t for get the dates—lecture and pictures Monday evening Nov. 7th, seven o’clock—Field demonstration Tuesday Nov. 8th, at Horace Smith’s farm on Cleveland road one mile north of Dal ton. EVERYBODY INVITED. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BETTER FARMING DO NOT FAIL TO ATTEND BOTH THE FIELD DEMON STATION AND THE PICTURES. Used by Expectant Mothers for Three Generations BROAD ACRE Little Miss Sadie Caylor, who has been suffering for several days with a bad sore on her arm, was taken to the Hamilton Memorial hospital for treat ment Monday. We hope she will soon be able to retnm home. Misses Violet, Maggie and Beulah Hinkle gave a pound sapper Saturday night Those present to enjoy the occa sion were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hackney, Mrs. and Mrs. Forrest King; Misses Ida Morgan, Katie Lou Caylor, Lizzie Foster, Minnie Elledge and Mary Nell Caylor; Messrs. Charlie Reed, Bob Fos ter, Frank Hammontree and »Oliver Hammontree. All report a jolly good time. Mr. Will Thogmartin, of Athens, spent Saturday night with homefolks. Mr. George Thompson, of Dalton, called on friends here Sunday. . Miss Fannie Thogmartin is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Nell Kirk, at Dogwood Valley. They cost more hut are more than worth it. UNION MADE WT Wear Like A Pig's ASK YOUR DEALER W. M. FINCK & CO, Detroit, Mich. Dallas, Texas. Dalton, Ga. Wp ! DETR0iT S?£C!A!- . i Name i i j St,R.F.D. s S S Town. i I