North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, November 03, 1921, Image 8

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MRS. MABEL WILLEBRANDT CRUSHED SLATE ' ASPHALT- WOOLFELT % <-ySy£%;. t ♦ » is a feature of our monuments. No matter what their character and size may be, we rigidly adhere to the bounds of good taste. There is dis tinction in every line, impressive so lidity to every stone we turn out Buy Direct and Save Agents? Commission. ?ies Engines Mascot Ranges eys Mills Maytag Washers Make Our Store Your Headquarters H? JUNIORS— 9] Little ffis One-third the regu- jNJHlar dose. Made of gSr same ingredients, then candy coated. For children and adults. We Sell You What We Tell You. Miss Madeline Starhill, who Judged the mos.t beautiful girl adelphia, the Quaker City. Telephone 71 CITY DRUG STORE. THE DALTON CITIZEN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1921. CITY RAGES OPEN UP m FAGS BIGHT —’ The full bodied Carey Shingle is stiff The skimped shingle bends WHAT BUILDING OWNERS OUGHT TO KNOW ABOUT SHINGLES "XT’OU will readily understand why Carey jL Shingles are your best buy if you will con sider these facts. Crushed slate makes a shingle sparkproof and beautiful. But it is the stuff underneath the slate that makes it waterproof. Carey Shingles are not overweighted with surfac ing and skimped in body. Quite the contrary. Seventy-eight per cent of the weight of Carey Asfaltslate Shingles is made up of materials that are much more costly than slate. First—a heavier felt which prevents the shingle from splitting and tearing. Second—a larger body of asphalt saturant, in creasing the waterproofing material in the shingle and lengthening its life. Third—a heavier coating of specially tempered asphalt compound that stiffens the shingle, that will not dry out, and that makes this shingle non-curling under all conditions. Carey Shingles come in fadeless colors—Indian Red or Sage Green. They rtever need painting yet are permanently beautiful. Carey Shingle prices are back to pre-war levels. That brings this safer, more enduring and beauti ful roofing within the reach of all. Call on us now, and we Will estimate on roofing your old or new house, bam or garage. Cherokee Manufacturing Co. Dalton y Georgia Secretary Fall Inspects Buffalo Secretary of the Interior Fall, during his trip through the West, inspect ing a herd of buffalo, in one of the national parks. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 4 ♦ ♦ PERSONAL MENTION ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Tanlac, the celebrated medicine, makes you eat better, feel better, sleep better and work better. Sold by Finch er & Nichols.—Adv. IIS Mrs. Van F. Kettles underwent a suc cessful operation Tuesday morning at the Hamilton Memorial hospital, and her many friends hope for her early recovery. Hi Hi Hi Mrs. A. W. McCormick and children left the last of the week for Atlanta, after an extended visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Hamilton, on Chattanooga avenue. • a Hi Hi Tanlac has the largest sale of any medicine in the world. Over Twenty Million bottles have been sold in six years. No other medicine has ever Approached it as a seller. Fincher & Nichols.—Adv. a a a GOOD TASTE Hill Bros. Marble & Granite Co. North Hamilton St, Dalton, Ga. Miss Carrie W. Green has gone to Savannah to remain until after the Christmas holidays as the guest of her sister, Mrs. It. L. Cooper, No. 1004 Park Avenue, East a a a Mr. T. D. Bard, custodian of the capitol of Oklahoma, was a prominent visitor here last week, coming to Dal ton, his old home, after attending the Confederate veterans’ reunion in Chat tanooga. a a a Mr. L. P. Logan, of Prospect, Tenn., spent part of last week as the guest of the family of Mr. J. A. Carter, on Sel vidge street.. Mr. Logan is a brother of Mrs. Carter, and came here after attending the Confederate Veterans’ reunion in Chattanooga. a a a Mrs. C. F. Berry and little son, Ralph, and Mr. H. E. Thompson, of*Dallas, Tex., and Mrs. V. H. Wood, of Atlanta, spent part of last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. S."Thompson. Mrs. Berry and son spent the week-end with Mrs. T. M. Berry. (Continued tfrom page one), of December, 1921. Your vote and in fluence will he greatly appreciated. If elected, promise to,conduct the affairs of said office to the best of my ability. Thanking you for any consideration you may give me, i ajn, Yours very sincerely, W. A. (Olie) Leslie. Ray for Recorder. John W. Ray, who was elbeted by city council to fill the vacancy in the office of recorder following Judge Tar ver’s death, is a candidate bfore the people in the December elections. Judge Ray has looked after the office in an acceptable manner since becoming recorder, and, having many friends throughout the citvj will make a strong bid for the office. . His announcement follows: ■ For Recorder. Dalton, Ga., Nov. 1st, 1921. To the Voters of the City of Dalton: I am in the race fo succeed myself as recorder of the city of Dalton. I was elected to the position I now hold by the city authorities, and since entering upon the discharge of ■the duties of that office, I have endeavored to dis charge those duties to the very best of my ability. I assure you that.if I am elected, it will be piy sole purpose to continue to discharge the duties of that office with out favor or affection to any party, and that I will dispense justice equally alike to the rich and the poor, and I appeal to all the voters for their sup port, and ask your ^endorsement of my record on December 14th, 1921. I have the honor-'to be, Very respectfully yours, f •- John W. Ray. Many, Candidates Mentioned- In the race for recorder, many candi dates are mentioned. It is practically certain that Judge J. A. Longley and Mr. J. M. Cash will he candidates for the office, both of thein having $£ated to The Citizen their-intention to offer for the office. Many others are being dis cussed by the people, Chief’s: Race. While there is nib formal announce ment yet for police5 chi,ef. it is certain that the present chief, Rember Kettles, will offer for election. Jap Leonard has also stated his intention to run, and A. E. White is being mentioned. Mayor’s Race Not Developed. The race for mayor has hot yet de veloped; but it is rumored that the race will be like it was two years ago— between Mayor W. E. Wood and Dr. J, Mrs. Mabel Walker Willebrandt of Los Angeles has been,appointed assist ant attorney general of the United States. She succeeds Mrs. Annette Abbott Adams and will be in charge of matters relating to customs and in- One for mildness,VIRGINIA One for mellowness, BURLEY One for aroma, TURKISH # The finest tobaccos perfectly aged and blended G. McAfee. Mr. W. C. Bowen, who has been prominently mentioned in this connection, will not be a candidate. The election will be held Wednesday, Dec. 14, and there’s plenty of time for the candidates to get into the field. PRINTING "" Kinds not the cheap kind but the good kind done here. ternal revenue. MISS MADELINE STARHILL will be used, ifisuring each one present of hearing every word that is spoken. Popular musical selections will also be rendered through the use of this won derful instrument. This feature will prove of unusual interest as it will afford the majority of those present the opportunity of hearing the Magnavox Telemegaphone for the first time. An unusually large attendance is ex pected and a cordial invitation is ex tended to everyone by Mr. Fite who will cheerfully furnish any additional information. Among the Dalton club women who will attend the State Federation meet ing next week in Savannah are Mrs. TV. C. Martin, president of the Seventh District Federation of Women’s clubs; Miss Marcia Buchholz, chairman of the Art Department of the State Federa tion; Miss Carrie Green, president of the Lesche club, and Miss Elizabeth I >enton. was ad- in Phij- How To Keep Your Blood Pure and Wholesome It Is the Person With Rich, Red, Normal Blood—The Person of Health and Energy—That Meets With Busi ness and Social Success. A Lowered Vitality Is Usually Due to Waste Products in the Blood When your blood is impoverished and loaded with waste products, you don’t get the full strength out of your rood, and as a consequence, you be come weak, nervous, and easily upset. Waste products get into the blood mainly through the intestines, but there are other sources—for instance, the glands. Some glands secrete di gestive juices, while others excrete waste products. If they fail to prop erly function, waste products accu mulate. As a result, nature strives to cast off the poisons. It may be through the skin in the form of some skin dis order, but it is not infrequent for it to settle in the muscles and joints apd cause rheumatism. For over 50 years, thousands and thousands of men and women have relied on S. S. S. to clear their blood of waste products. S. S. S. will im prove the quality of your blood by re lieving you of the waste pros® which cause impoverished bloc-i and its allied troubles — skin disotte, rheumatism and a lowered vitalS;. ' The same qualities which m S. S. S. its beneficial effect in clearing your blood of waste products make it extremely desirable for keeping you blood in good condition. Get S. S. S. at your druggist. F-:e it strictly according to directions and write Chief Medical Director, Swift Specific Co., D-718 S. S. S. Labora tory, Atlanta, Ga. for special medical advice (without charge). He is help ing people every day to regain their health and strength. Ask him to send you his illustrated booklet, “Facts About the Blood”—free; S. S. S. is sold by all drug stores. No Matter Where You Are Going With A Load You will feel better with a FLORENCE WAGON under you. When loaded they cluck just right, and your team will tell you they pull just right. Fact is, every body knows they ARE RIGHT. And another thing, we want to ask you to come in and look over our Western Electric light and power plant. It puts light in the dark corners and takes the load off your wife’s shoulders. V . j . •