North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, November 17, 1921, Image 2

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THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1921. Creek, Tenn.; Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Jones, Miss Sallie and Miss Ida Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Riley Jones, Misses Mamie, Mand, Oween, Comer Mabel, Carter, Schooner and Ruth Joues, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Jones And Man, How I Did Eat Real Food!” Announcement. To the Voters of the City of Dalton: I announce myself for the office of recorder of the city of Dalton subject to the election to be held on the 14th of December, 1921. Your vote and in fluence will be greatly appreciated. If elected, promise to conduct the affairs of said office to the best of my ability. Thanking you for any consideration you may give me, I am, Yours very sincerely, W. A. (Olie) Leslie. Messrs. Jim, Guy and Geneva Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Earl ~Cavender and Annie Ruth Cavender. Mr. J. C. Jones, of McGhee, Ark., and his brother, Mr. R. O. Jones, .of Sale Creek, Tenn., hadn’t seen each other for 49 years until they met at Phelps Saturday morning; but they soon recog nized each other. Both Sunday schools were largely at tended at this place. Each school has purchased a new organ, so let every body come out to Sunday school. Those spending Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Keen and family were Mr. and _Mrs. Earl Keen and children, Mr. and Mrs. Vic tor Keen and Miss Bertie Lee Phipps, all of Dalton. Mr. and Mrs=s. J. C. 'Jones, of McGhee, Ark., are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. S.' J. Jones. Mrs. Clara King, Miss Mamie Jones and Mr. Dennis Bailey spent Wednes day of last week in Chattanooga. Miss Mattie and Mr. John Black spent Sunday in Dalton with relatives. Miss Nell Lewallen< spent Saturday and Sunday at Sugar Valley. ! Mr. R. O. Jones, of Sale Creek, Tenn., spent the week-end with Mr. S. J. Jones and other relatives. Miss Fannie Mae Godfrey is at home after spending a month with relatives at Jasper. Mr. Bob Godfrey visited relatives at Jasper a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Buell Stark announce the birth of a son, bom October 31. ■ There are uncounted dollars out of a job—dollars that ought to be working day and night drawing interest for their owners. Business needs these idle dol lars to help bring back Prosperity and Looking back, now, to those vacation days,, there’s a lively kindling of joy—even in the memory of appetite at camp-fire meals. Real food—and real hunger! That’s the year-around relationship between appetite and Grape-Nuts—that' crisp and whole some gift from the great out-of-doors—the per-* fected goodness of Nature’s best food grains. There’s a flavor and charm to Grape-Nuts that appeal to the appetite like the tang of the summer camp, and there’s a scientific balance of nutrition and a readiness of digestion that make Grape-Nuts a wonderful aid to health and vigor. “Real food!” is the verdict of enthusiastic thousands who find a daily delight in the unique sweetness and crispness of Grape-Nuts, and who “carry on” splendidly with its body-building nourishment. Let the zest of appetite be a companion of your indoor meals, too. Grape-Nuts is sold and served wherever good food is sold and served. m, VIRGINIA if r f e y 7 BURLEY Notables TURKISH The three greatest cigarette tobaccos, blending MILDNESS- MELLOWNESS-AROMA For Recorder. Dalton, Ga., Nov. 1st, 1921. To the Voters of the City of Dalton: I am in the race to succeed myself as recorder of. the city of Dalton. I was elected to the position I now hold by the city authorities, and since entering upon the 'discharge of the duties of that office, I have endeavored to dis charge those duties to the very best of I my ability. _ I assure you that if I am elected, it will be my sole purpose to continue to discharge the duties of that office with out favor or affection to any party, and that I will dispense justice equally I alike to the rich and the poor, and 11 appeal to all the voters for their sup-j port, and ask your endorsement of my record on December 14th, 1921. I have the honor to be, Very respectfully yours, v John W. Ray. I rut every idle dollc bank. If you haven’t START ONE HERE to work in your bank account, FIRST NATIONAL BANK ★iii^mAVE. DALTON, GEORGIA PLEASANT GROVE. Gardner. Talk by Miss Campbell, director of vocational home economics of Georgia, under the Smith-Hughes bill. Discussions of benefits derived from community exhibits. Adjourned at the usual hour. Ladies and Gentlemen: I announce myself a candidate for notice chief and will greatly appreciate your vote and support. Sincerely your friend, Jap N. Leonard. J Several droves of wild geese were I seen going sohthward Sunday, and this j indicates winter wjill soon be here I with all of its might, and therefore I the farmers are very busy—sdme gath ering corn, some getting up wood* some I digging potatoes and others gathering their peanuts and popcorn, getting ready for Mr. Winter. Mr.' and Mrs. Roy Chapman and lit- I tie daughter, Dessie Lou, are spend ing this week with relatives at Grays- I ville. Mr. Paulie Schmitt, of Pleasant J Valley, was calling on relatives here one day last week. Several from this place attended the I revival services at Pleasant Valley last week and reported hearing some ex cellent preaching by Rev. W. C. Tal lent. • Mr. and Mrs. Will Corneilison and little daughter, Willie Mae, spent Sun-' day with Mr. and Mrs. John Hnllender, near Lee’s Chapel. I Misses. Margaret and Cecile Chap man and little brother, Howard, spent | Saturday night and Sunday with rel atives in Pleasant Valley. Mr. E. B. Chapman had the “good luck” to lose a wagon wheel Saturday night on his way home from church, and he and his - family had to walk home. We are having some rough weather. Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Tallent, of Ringgold, spent several days last week here, where Rev. Mr. Tallent has /been teaching a Bible training class. There were a good many attended. Rev. Mr. Tallent is a fine instructor, and the school was of great benefit to all who attended. Rev. Mr. Oscar Smith, of Gordon county, preached here Saturday night. Rev. Darnell will preach here - next Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. Every body, come out. The prayer services are well attend ed every Sunday night. Mr. W. M. Babb, of Mill Creek, called on his son, L.-M. Babb, Satur day. Mrs. Bell Thomas, Mrs. Smith and Miss Bailey, of Five Springs, visited our Sewing club last Thursday. Miss Campbell, director of vocational home economics of Georgia, under the Smith- Hughes Act, visited our club and made a very Interesting talk which was en joyed by all present. Miss Gardner presented the library and made a talk , on relation of library to school, as to care and development of reading good books, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Smith and Mrs. ^Elizabeth Moore were present at .the club meeting. , Mrs. Nora Babb and Miss Effie Gil- ; lean went to Rocky Face Saturday, j '»»/ Tnere’a CSV . r.o wanta W In this rseth- M od of Emoking meat—no shrink- age of 10% to 20% as there is In the eld Smoke house method. F Gives r Delicious Flavor Wright’s Condensed Smoke sires • delicious appetizing flavor to an meats and fish. Made of smoke from best grade of select ed hickory it la always the same. ^The Old Fashioned Flavor in the NewFashioned Way” with- k out the waste and uncertain- ty of the old method. I^KCsed Everywhere Thousands of people have been using Wright’s Condensed k. Smoke with ab- solute saffsfee- tionforoTcr J twenty- [ For Police Chief. To the. Voters of Dalton: I respectfully announce my candi dacy for police chief, and, if elected, will give the city my very best serv ices. I will appreciate your vote and influence in my behalf on Wednesday, Dee. 14. Respectfully, Rembert Kettles. Alabama Lady War Sick For Threa Year*, Suffering Pain, Nervous and Depressed—Read Her . Own Story o! Recovery. WRIGHTS ^ Condensed Smoke easily applied with brush or cloth* fgnnVea meat perfectly and does away with the old, expensive nn- Banitary smoke house method. In thirty minutes, with ao fuss and trouble of building a fire, you , ran rnnnTca a season’s supply Of A wonderfully flavored meat. Make Money by smoking meat for A LIQUID SMOKE Paint Rock, Ala.—Mrs. C. M, Stegall, Of near here, recently related the fol lowing interesting account of her re covery: “I was In a weakened con dition. 1 was sick three years in bed. Buffering a great deal of pain, weak; nervous, depressed. 2 was so weak, I couldn’t walk across the floor; just had to lay and my little ones do the work. I was almost d?ad.’ I tried every thing I heard of, and a number of doctors. Still l didn’t get any relief. I couldn’t eat, and slept poorly. I believe if I hadn’t heard of and taken Cardui I would have died. I bought For Police Chief. To the Voters of Dalton: I am a candidate for- police ohiof city election December 14. * Respectfully, A. E. White. ImSHr We Carry Elr The Genuine Guaranteed r Wright’s Smoke^ and Wright’s Ham Pickle CITY DRUG STORE K you have the above-mentioned symptoms, you should profit by Mrs. Soward’s advice, and get the “Prescrip tion” from ^our druggist at once. To be had in tablets or liquid; or write Dr. For Recorder. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of City Recorder, election to he held December 14, t<wi Dennis Barrett. six bottles, after a neighbor told me what it did for her. "I began to eat and sleep, began to gain my strength and am now well and strong: I haven’t had any trou ble since ... I sure can testify to the good that Cardui did me. I don’t think there is a better tonic made and I believe It saved my life.” For over 40 years, thousands of wo men have used Cardui successfully, in the treatment of many womanly ailments. If yon suffer as these women did# take Cardui. It may help you, too. At all druggists, E 85 # kinds ofWftrcg MEIGS. For Recorder. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Recorder of the City of Dalton, Ga., at the next mu nicipal election. If elected I shall exert my faculties to their utmost to promote the civic, moral and general welfare of all the people of onr beautiful city. Your sup port and influence will be greatly ap preciated. Respectfully submitted, J. A. Longley. _ We all have arrived in South Geor gia and find the people making that good old syrup; but, oh NOTICE. Tax books for the collec tion of city taxes for 1921 are open, and early payment of your taxes will be appreci ated. Also, the registration books for the city election are also open. Those who did not register for last year’s election, can do so now and qualify for the coming elec- fiOOflNG fiOOnNOj the price. It is worth 25 cents per gallon. Sweet potatoes are worth 40 .cents per bushel. That is flying, is it not? The people don’t know what they will, plant for a money crop next' year. Good pinder hay is worth $8.00 per ton. Mr. J. L. Rains and Rev. Mr. Legg, of Monticello, Fla., spent the night Monday with the writer, en route to Butler, Ga., home seeking. Mr. Lee Thomas, of Dalton, has been spending a few days in South Geor gia with his brother, Will, and friends. The wells-are getting lo,w here. We surely do need rain. We had a small rain tonight. There is some difference in the roads in South Georgia and North The writer was in Pelham BETTER DEAD In Love Again. “You know, every time a man falls in love he feels like a new man.” “Whereas he’s simply the old one revamped!”—Wayside Tales. . Life is a burden when the body is racked with pain. Everything worries and the victim becomes despondent and downhearted. To bring hack the sunshine taka GOLD MEDAL tion. If you registered last year, you don’t have to reg ister this year. W. M. CARROLL, Clerk, City of Dalton. ♦ ROSTER, WHITFIELD COUN- ♦ ♦ TY SUNDAY SCHOOL ♦ ♦ CONEVNTION ♦ Ready to Substitute! She: I’m just going to hU|f the fire place tfhen we get in,the parlor! - He: Why do that? I’m a brick!— Wayside Tales. You may want five years or ten years or twenty years of service. We have light weight roofing for short term buildings and heavier weights for permanent buildings. You can have your choice of red or green crushed slate sur face, grapevine talc surface, smooth mica surface, or sand finish surface. v Each kind is sold in three or four different weights and is priced according to its weight. Thus Carey Roll Roofings protect every type of building for the term of service required and give you the biggest value in each weight—and in the long run the lowest cost per year of service. J. A. Carter, president; W. L. Mc Williams, vice-president; C. O. Smith, secretary. Non-sectarian. Non-denominational. Division presidents: First, H. J. Smith; second, R. A. Williams;' third, W. H. Westbrook; fourth, Frank Rol lins; fifth, W. F. Huffaker. Mrs. W. L. McWilliams, chairman Children’s Work. Mrs. L. B. Hubbs, Chairman Young People’s Work. Lee Routh, Chairman Adult’s Work. H. L. Smith, W. E. Nants, Sam Has- sler, Executive Committee. I Any one or more of the above are subject to call for service by any Sun day school in the connty at any time. Next annual meeting, Mt. Vernon church 1922. Georgia. last Saturday and made from Pelham to Meigs, 5 miles,'in 8 minutes with my- Ford, so you know we have good roads. \ I am glad to learn Mr. Nelson is to stay on as warden. I Hi PROFESSIONAL CARDS * Hi ffi h; h; u; Hi a h; if; a; Hi Hi ffi a; h; Hi h; The national remedy of Holland for ovet- 200 years; it is an enemy of all pains re sulting from kidney, liver and uric arid troubles. All druggists, three sizes. Look for the name Gold Medal on ever? box and accept no imitation DR. F. L. TEALL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN First Nat’l Bank Bldg. Dalton, Office Phone 233-10 Hours 9-12; Residence Phone 233-20. Tomorrow Alright Night’s Tonics — fresh air, a good sleep and an TO Tablet to make your I days’better. Nature’s Remedy (Kl Tablets) exerts a beneficial influence on the digestive and eliminative system the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Tonight—take an TO Tablet—Its action is so different you will be de lightfully surprised. ffc r over going think there is not another man in Whitfield can take the place of Mr. Nelson-—that he is the right mai^ for CLUB NOTES. THE JAMES SUPPLY CO., DISTRIBUTORS The Cherokee Mfg. Company Dealer DALTON, GEORGIA F. E. BANKS Center Point. Last Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 9, the Sewing club met with Mrs. Clara King. The meeting was called tif order by the president. The minutes of last meeting were read, by the sec retary and adopted by class. The girls made hats, dresses, coat, table cloth and napkins. After work, sandwiches, cake and •hot cocoa were served. Mrs. W. J. Ford and Mrs. Riley Jones were welcome visitors, and late in the -aftemeton, Miss Campbell, of Athens, the state supervisor of home economics, and Mrs. Moore visited us. After refreshments, the alass adjourn ed until .Saturday, Nov. 12. May me Jones, Sec. Sheet Metal Works Furnace and Stovepipe work, Roofing and Guttering, Painting and Repairing. Makers of anything in Sheet Metal. \ Estimates cheerfully given. How Miserable This Woman Was Until She Took Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound Use It—Then Decide that place. Mr. George Rogers and Mr. Ware, of Howardsville, Tenn., are visiting at Meigs this week. We like to see North Georgia people come down here. We are still making that good old syrup. Do you all know the difference between South Georgia syrup and North Georgia sorghum? It is this: yon “sop” your biscuit in the South Georgia syrup, and you take your knife and dip the sorghum up and put it on your biscuit TO JUNIORS—Little TOs .One-third the regular dose. • Made of same ingredi- J ents. then candy coated. ~ For -children and adults. Toomsboro, Ga.—‘T suffered terribly with backacheand headache all the time, \fras so weak and ner- lUllIf vous I didn’t know HHsj l what to do, and could If! s not do my work. My Jp I jaajHirs^what Lydia * table Compound had p|H decided^ to give it a results from its use so that I am now able to do my work. I recommend your Vegetable Compound to my friends who have troubleSSimilar to mine and you may use these facts as a testimonial.”—Mrs. C.F. Phillips, Toomsboro, Ga. Weak, nervous women mnlro unhappy homes, their condition irritates both husband and children. It has been said that nine-tenths of the nervous prostration, nervous despondency, “the blues,” irritability and backache arise from some displacement or derange ment of a woman’s system. Mrs. Phil lips’ letter clearly shows that no otner remedy is so successful in overcoming fnlQ nn T 12* TIT 1-1 » CITY DRUG STORE. The Old Chestnut Tree. . Where is the poet who used to rave About my lady’s eyebrow? O, he still raves, But the eyebrow shaves, . For he’s a barber now. —Wayside Tales. CENTER POINT. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ (Last week’s letter.) .' You Pay Nothing to Try This Razor Sunday all the relative^ of Mr. S. J. Jones, on the Valet AntoStrop Razor Is'Complete in Itself It is more than a razor—mote, than a safety device. It is stropped, it shaves and is cleaned without taking apart; without even removing the blade. And like a perfectly stropped ordinary razor, the blade im proves with use. And it doesn’t cost you a cent to prove all this to your own satisfaction. , CITY DRUG STORE J. W. Crawford, Prop. Ptone 210 ♦ L. G. C. JUDD SEWING CLUB. ♦ ‘Jones side,” who live j around here met at his home and spent the day, there being 25 present. They all talked and laughed, had a good time and at the noon hoar, the women had prepared a nice dinner which they all enjoyed. After dinner Mr. Victor Keen and Miss Pauline Keen came in, and brought a kodak, so all had their pictures made several times. By this time it was getting late, so all parted and went to their homes saying they had enjoyed the day. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Jones, of Mc Ghee, Ark. ; Mr. R. O. Jones, Sale Any responsible party can ar range at our Cutlery counter for this Free Trial. If you have a charge account, write to us and we ■wifi mail rite razor to you. You are given the opportunity of trying thin wonderful Razor, without any kind of risk. F or a month your shaving will cost you nothing—you may return the razor if you can get along without A TEXAS WONDER For kidney and bladder trouble*, gravel, weak and lame back, rheumatism and irreg ularities of the kidneys and bladder. At your druggist’s or by mail, 91.25. Small bottle often cures- 8end for a worn testi monials. Dr. E. W. Hail. 2928 Olire 8t„ St.. Louis Ho.—Adr. CARD OF thanks: I wish to express my most sincere thanks to those who comforted my mother during her last hours here on earth. It is very sad for one to lose his mother, and only those who have experienced such fully realize just hOw sad it is. The word mother carries with it its own plain significance, and means in reality all that it implies. Sincerely, J. M. Stanfield, Houston, Texas. ' Club met on last Thursday, Ncrv. 10, with a large attendance. Club was called to order by the president. Song, “America.” Prayer, by Mr. Chas. O. Smith. Report on work, Mrs. Clara King. Minutes of last meeting read and broil called. .Presentation of library and relation library to school, Miss Blanche Reasonable Telephone 70-L J. T. WILLS Public Car DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE. DALTON,-GA” i 1 1 i iy ♦ i 1 I