North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, December 01, 1921, Image 2

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abiding faith in the power of the blood ed and as provided by the laws to save from sin, and the presence of the Holy Spirit to prserve blameless the redeemed sinner. Sixth, That a copy of these resolu tions be" furnished, one to the family of our deceased friend, one to the one to the Dal- “Thatch your roof before rainy weather; dig your well before you become parched with thirst.” (Ancient Proverb of China) Foresight is better than hindsight in money matters. Deposit money regularly when you have it and you’ll have it when you need it. We Invite Thrift Accounts bonds to be placed for expenditure, ror the purposes hereinbefore enumerated and specified, in 'the hands of a Bond Commission of five composed of the Board of Trustees of the Dalton Pub lic Schools composed of Frank Manly, Paul B. Fite, T. S. Shope, W. C. Mc Ghee and Frank S. Pruden or their successors on said school board. W. E. Wood, Mayor; Ben Staten, Alderman 1st Ward; Jud Williams, Alderman 2nd Ward; J. N. Caylor, Alderman 3rd Ward; C. L. Stacy, Alderman 4th Ward; Van F. Kettles, Alderman 5th Ward; W. T. Kenner, Alderman 6th Ward; F. D. Percy, Alderman 7th Ward; K. N. Robertson Alderman Sfh Ward. I certify that the above and forego- of the resolution as secretary for record ton Citizen for publication, and one to the Christian Index for publication. ' Respectfully submitted, (Mrs. L. J. Allyn, airs. G. M. Cannon, Sr., Mr. F. F. Farrar, Com. First Baptist Church. Pepto-Mangan in Liquid Or Tablets---a Blood Purifier Never say “Aspirin” without saying “Bayer.” WARNING! Unless you see name “Bayer” on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians over 21 years and proved safe by milions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain in blood and give it its color. Without red corpuscles blood would be white. When overwork, or straining, or illness weakens the blood, it diminishes the number of red cells. Without a suffi cient number of red cells the blood be comes watery, the body weak. Vigor and strength fall off, so that physical life diminishes like a fading plant. The physical pleasure of eating and sleep ing and exercise lose all attraction. There is no' zest in living. After Gude’s Pepto-Mangan has been taken for a while the blood becomes rich with red cells. They help to nourish the entire system. With good ing is a true copy passed by City Council, as it appears on file in my office. W. M. CARROLL, Clerk, City of Dalton. Instant Relief from Scalds, Burns, Cuts, Wounds, etc. Contains No Alcohol, Acid, °r Pepper, therefore DOES NOT SMART. IT SOOTHES Painful injuries often result from accidents. Mustang Liniment kept always at hand is cheapest and best insurance. Made of purest oils, it penetrates quickly, soothing and healing the affected parts. C Rev. A. S. Singleton, Danville, VS Va.—“IhaveusedyourMexican ■ ^ Mustang Liniment for 30 years and find it the very best remedy mease of a cut, a bum, a bruise—m fact, almost any ailment that can be cured by a hnunent. In using I think it quite |]apOTtaiit|gtablt well into the pores and repeat the operation at frequent intervals.” rnrr WITH 25c TRIAL BOTTLE V IvLEj —a solid brass “Pot-and-Take" TnnDLE TOP. Hilarious fun! Sena Z& cents inin for Trial Bottle (Household Size) 2Sc - SOc - 31.00 Sold by Drug and General Stores “The Good Old Standby Since 1848“ MEXICAN It solves your gift problem Our Portrait Gift Certificates T HE IDEA is this—you buy from us a PORTRAIT GIFT CERTIFICATE (we have them at all prices.) This CERTIFICATE entitles the recipient to one dozen or so of portraits in the styles as you select. ’Tis a worth-while gift—not one of those “one day” gifts—welcomed only when received and forgotten tomorrow. For portraits grow more and more welcome and treasured as time goes by. Come in and let us show you the PORTRAIT GIFT CERTIFICATE and let us answer any further questions about them. * Very truly yours, FIRST NATIONAL BANK Are You in Need of Gude’s Pepto-Mangan. DALTON. Cards Blanks folders Dodgers Receipts Envelopes Statements ‘Bank With Us and Yoii Can Bank On Us. TAKES 100 SHOTS TO KILL CIRCUS ELEPHANT Beaumont, Tex.—A circus elephant was killed by Sheriff Hilton, of Orange, on Saturday after the animal went on a rampage. Frightening hundreds in the community, the animal was pur sued by horsemen' and motorists and over a hundred shots were fired before it was brought down. TRION. Invitations Packet Heads Letter Heads Call at this office I thought I would write to the dear old paper from Walker county, as I have moved away from Dalton. I like this country fine. Mr. W. E. King and Mr. J. R. Tudor have been busy the last week working in their new shop. Glad to report Mr. Burgess, of our neighborhood, some better, as he has been sick some time. Mrs. Georgia Little left our commu nity for LaFayette Thursday afternoon to join her husband. The people of our neighborhood would enjoy some cold weather for hog killing, as we haven’t had any cold weather yet. FIN LETS STUDIO H Ab been respon sible for thousands of business successes throughout the country. Everybody in town may know you but they don't know what you have to sell. Good Work Is Our Specialty Resolution. State of Georgia, Whitfield County, , ss. City of Dalton. At a meeting of the Mayor and' Councilmen of the said city of Dalton, held in the Council Chamber Novem ber 21st, 1921, the following resolntion was duly passed and adopted: Whereas, it has been made to ap pear that the school buildings and the equipment of such buildings now in the City of Dalton, said State and County, are inadequate to meet the demands necessary to furnish reason able facilities for those attending such schools at the present, and the need for more school buildings and equip ment for the same is becoming more urgent and necessary each day; there fore Be it resolved as follows: (a) That school bonds be issued by the City of Dalton, said State and County, as pro vided in paragraphs I and II, Section of the Constitution of Advertising Will Help Yon Fo*- Constipated Bowels, Sick Headache Sour Stomach, Bilious Liver PIE SUPPER. Therp will be a pie supper at New Hope church Saturday night, Dec. 3. All girls are invited to bring pies, and, boys, come and buy them. The pro ceeds will go for the benefit of New Hope church. The nicest cathartic-laxative in the world to physic your liver and bowels when you have Dizzy Headache, Colds, Biliousness, Indigestion, or Upset, Acid Stomach is c^ndy-like “Cascarets.” One or two tonight will empty your bowels completely by morning, and you will feel splendid. “They work while you sleep.” Cascarets never stir you up or gripe like Salts, Pills, Calomel, or Oil and they cost only ten cents a box. Children love Cascarets too. A TRIBUTE AND RESOLUTION. ITHACASWIN THIN, FLAT HAIR GROWS LONG, THICK AND ABUNDANT -> 5 OUT OF 6 Paal Earl jtut won the South Caroline ChaMpiotuhip with an Ithaca. An Ithaca has waa the South Carolina championship S times in 6 year,. That’s another world’s record for Ithacas. Any man can break more .targets with an Ithaca CATALOGUE FREE Singles, $7$ oo up. Doubles, $45-°° “P- ITHACA GUN CO., ITHACA, N. Y. BOX 54 LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. GEORGIA, Whitfield County. To the Sheriff of said County and his Lawful Deputies—Greetings: Mary Lucile Patrick vs. D. L. Patrick. Complaint The defendant, D. L. Patrick, here by required personally or by attorney to be and appear at the Superior Court, to be held in and for said coun ty on the first Monday in January next, then and there to answer the plaintiff’s demand in an action of com plaint as In default thereof the Court will proceed as to justice shall apper tain. Witness The passing of Mrs. Josiah Crudup November 4th, 1921, removes from Dal ton one of its most lovable women. She belonged to that rare mother-type to whom childhood, innocence, hopeless ness and suffering make a constant appeal; she won lasting friends by her cheerful disposition, which was always one of brightness and filled with the calm content of sincere Christianity, which she most truly lived. When her word was given it was depended on; when her friendship was given, it was genuine. It was a pleasure to note the conge niality and partnership of husband and wife. There is only one who can under stand and sympathize in such deep af fliction—“the great Comforter of all hearts.” The Master said, “I will not leave you comfortless;” our consolation is that “she is not dead but sleepeth.” you have doubled the lli beauty of your hair. // i WgjfJS It will appear a mass, so ' MBSs soft, lustrous, and, easy * * iWi to do up. But what will ||pi||| please you most will be Mmmy after a few weeks use, : W* g|Ei|g when you see new hair—111111 -fine a-;<i downy at first—' f 'M. li§pll yes—hut really new hairylpll _growi:. _' all over • tae" scalp. *l)anderine” is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to veg ration. It goes right to the roots*, invigorates and strengthens them. This <lelightful, stimulating tonic helps thin, lifeles: , faded hair to grow long, thick, heavy and luxuriant. HERE’S HAPPY VILLAGE; ALL BELONG TO CHURCH County Tax Books * close December 20th. All taxes not paid by the 20th will be subject to interest. 7, Article 7, 1877, of the State of Georgia; (b) That an called and held as provided in Section 440, of Park’s Code of Georgia, such an elec tion to be held on the 6th day of Jan uary, 1922, for the purpose of allow ing the qualified voter sof the said City of Dalton, said State and Coun ty, the privilege of voting on the ques tion of issuing, or not issuing of such bonds; at which election those favor ing the issue of said bonds shall have inscribe don their votes the words, “For Bonds”; those opposing such is sue shall have inscribed on their votes the words, “Against Bonds.” (c) That the amount of such bonds be Ninety Thousand ($90,000) Dollars; the bonds to be in denomination of Dollars each, M. C. Tarver. the .Hon. Judge of said Court, this 26th day of November, 1921. r / C. L. ISBILL, Clerk el ind contented town. There are in the village just 35 families, with an average of four members, who Wn their own homes, and seven other fam ilies who pay the landlord. Of the 35 home owners but one has an encum brance on his property, and that is small and will be cleared off within 60 days. A fine undenominational church is presided over by a clergyman who believes and t a ! ches that the world was made for the “Son of Man, A TEXAS WONDER For kidney and bladder troubles, gravel, weak and lame back, rheumatism and irreg ularities of the kidneys and bladder. At your druggist’s or by mail, $1.25. Small bottle often' cures- Send for sworn testi monials. Dr. E. W. Hail. 2926 Olive St., St. Louis Mo.—Adv. “Soon we shall stand on the brink, See the dark shadows, and feel ,the death dew; _ Earth will grow silent as we enter the valley; But beyond the gloom, we will find Heaven and you.” ♦ MORTUARY. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ w ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ regardless of his creed, and whose daily unction to his parishioners is to practice the Golden Rule. Every resident of the town is a member of the church and attends services whenever scheduled. There are no poor in Stony Bottom, neither are there any who claim to be rich iA this world’s goods. Twelve au tomobiles are owned by residents, there is no record of any debt, and everybody appears happy and content ed with life. In the town school the pupils are taught to believe that hon esty, straightforward dealing and so briety are foundations upon which hap piness of the human race depends. It has been years since a crime wor thy of the name was commiteed in Stony Bottom, and the last jail prison er is not in the memory of the young er generation. The leading citizens, at a meeting in the church recently, in discussing the evil times that have fallen on the world, reached the con clusion that the “greed of man and commercialism” were responsible. Telephone 70-L J. T. WILLS Public. Car DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE. DALTON, GA. Rates Reasonable Andrew Harris. Andrew Harris, aged 37 years, died Thursday at his home at Carbondale, interment being made Friday in the Cove cemetery. Five Hundred ($500) and all to bear date of January 15th, 1922 v and all to bear interest at the rate of six (6) per centum, per annum, such, interest payable semi-annually, on July 15th, and January 15th of each year. (d) That said /bonds shall mature, Four Thousand Five Hundred ($4,500) Dollars on January 15th, 1923, and Four Thousand Five Hundred ($4,500) Dollars mature each follow ing January 15th, until all are matured and finally paid off January 15th, 1942. (e) That the money received from the sale of said bonds shall be used in repairing, enlarging, and equipping the present school buildings in the said City of Dalton, and in buying land, erecting buildings and putting in equipment as the proper authorities of said City may determine will best serve the educational interests of the said City of Dalton, in giving to it a high school. (f) That the proper officers of the said City of Dalton proceed at once to give notice of the aforesaid elec tion, and hold said election, and if the same results in favor of the issuance of said bonds, to proceed as soon as practicable with the issue and sale of said bonds, and the expenditure of the money for the purposes above set out. In all suiffi.things the Mayor and Council of such City to proceed as provided by the Constitution and Stat utes of the State of Georgia, in such cases as becoming all such matters. (g) Said bonds, if issued, to be signed by the Mayor and Clerk of the Council of said City, and validated, as prescribed by the laws of said State. (h) In the event said bonds are is sued and sold, as hereinbefore provld- Therefore, be is resolved: First, We feel the family has lost for awhile, the body of a most dev„oted loving and careful L. H. CRAWFORD TO GET FINE GOVERNMENT JOB Mrs. Martha M. Nelson. -Mrs. Martha M. Nelson, aged S7 years, died Saturday at her home on Route 1, Dalton, the body being taken Sunday to Tilton cemetery for inter ment. wife and most mother. We feel that her precious in fluence and watchful spirit will ever abide in the home; Second, That we mourn a heavy loss iu our church, but we recognize the, wisdom of the divine One, and that we hereby renew our vows to our heaven ly Father, begging for grace to keep Dalton Man Will.Be Chief Field Dep uty in Collector’s Office The many local friends of Mr. L- H. Crawford of this city will be interested in the following which appeared in last night’s Atlanta Journal: L. H. Crawford, a well-known Re publican of Dalton, is the choice of Josiah T. Rose, newly-appointed col lector of internal revenue for Georgia, for the position of chief field' deputy in the collector’s office, it was learned on reliable authority Tuesday. Mr. Crawford will succeed L. N. Trammell, of Marietta, who has held the office of chief field deputy for the last eight years. Mr.—Rose has not yet received his commission frmq, Washington but is expected to take office about December 1. ft'is under stood he will appoint Mr. Crawford soon after assuming the duties of of fice. Mr. Crawford is a 'member of the Republican' state committee and for several years he has been prominently identified with the affairs of the Re publican party in this state. David Baggett. David Baggett, 14-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Baggett, died Satur day at the home on Jones street, in terment being made Sunday in West Trill cemetery. the faith and fight the good fight. Third, That the First Baptist church choir is conscious of a seat made va cant by the passing of their organist, who filled , her place with a loyalty and love of the church and the cause of the Master, that will ever endear her mem ory to those who are left behind; Fourth, That the Sunday school feels the distinctive loss of a member whose presence, sweet influence, and Godly council were always a means of grace and help to the Sunday school, and all the causes fostered by her; Fifth. That the Baraca and Phila- thea classes will ever cherish the mem ory of her as a teacher; her presence in the class as one who always had an THESE DARK NIGHTS YOU NEED LIGHT Come in and see u about putting in a high grade power and ligh system. Price low terms right. DOG STEPS ON TRIGGER OF GUN; HUNTER KILLED Sunday school at this place is pro gressing very nicely. We want every body to come out and help for a bet ter Sunday school. If there is any thing that helps a community it is a good Sunday school. Mrs. Oscar Tatum is on the sick list this week. We hope, she wi^, be out again soon. 7 Mr. 'and Mrs- T. H. Tatum have a yeiy sick boy with typhoid fever, but WC Hms-i-’fbr him a speedy recovery. We are glad to say we have some hew neighbors in our burg. Mr. Clifford Barnett, of Dalton, is visiting his brother, Mr. H. P. Bar nett We would like to see some of the road machinery up in this district Wfe are having plenty of rain this week. It keeps a fellow busy hunting shelter. Mobile, Ala.—Thomas M. Watt, of Birmingham, died on Friday as the result of a shotgun wound sustained when the gun was discharged by a dog. While hunting, one of, Mr. Watt’s dogs became tangled in a vine. He inifl his shotgun on the ground while free ing the animal, when a second dog rushed up and evidently stepped on the trigger. He was director of the census for the Seventh congressional district in 1920. His father is now postmaster at Dalton. Other choices of the Republican party for federal positions in Georgia are expected to be announced within the next few days, following a conference The Better the Printing jf your stationery the better be impression it will create. Moral* Have your print ing done here. Make Our Store Your Headquarters AVERAGE LIFE OF MAN TO BE A HUNDRED YEARS New York, N. Y.—One hundred and fifty-three years from now, or in the year 2074, health conditions In this country will be so good that the aver age person will live 100 years—accord ing to several Red Cross statistical ex perts. of state leaders which is scheduled to be held after the | return of J. L. Phil lips, state We Sell You What We Tell You. from Washing ton. Mr. PhillipA is expected Wednes day. 5233 MUSTANG liniment