North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, December 15, 1921, Image 2

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THE DALTON CITIZEN. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15. 1921. votes polled and 32 of the voters were women—I guess the largest number of votes ever polled at a trustee’s elec tion. The race was a pretty close one, there being 40 votes for Fred Hix and 36 for Joe Cavender. The pound supper and singing given by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cavender Sat urday nfght was enjoyed by all pres ent. There were about 50 present. Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith, of Dalton, spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. John and Miss Mattie Black. Misses Jewel and Ila Ford, of Route one, spent Saturday night with Miss Pauline Keen. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nuchols visit ed Mr. Johnnie Masters and family at Mill Creek Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Roach and chil dren, of Five Springs, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Nuchols Sunday even- ' Rates Reasonable Telephone 70-L J. T. WILLS Public Car DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE. DALTON, GA. Small Leak Will k a Great Ship” MOTHER! OPEN CHILD’S BOWELS WITH CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP maxims Half a loaf is better than none, but a whole loaf is twice as good as half a loaf. And when there are plenty of whole loaves it is rather foolish to keep on taking halves and saying, “Well, I was smart and successful that time.” Vital elements, without which bodily organs and tissues are starved, often are omitted from food, and people go on accepting and depending on deficient food for complete nourishment, as though half a loaf were as good as the whole. Grape-Nuts—ready-to-eat and- served with milk or cream (fresh or tinned)—is a complete food. It is the perfected goodness of those best of the food grains, wheat and malted barley, developed through 20 hours of skilful baking. It contains all the nourishment provided by Nature in these grains, including the vital mineral salts so necessary for bone structure and red blood corpuscles—together with phosphates for the brain. As a breakfast or lunch-time cereal, Grape-Nuts delights the taste and satisfies the appetite, while giving important aid to the di gestion. There is a particular charm to Grape-Nuts when made into a pudding for dinner (Recipe orT package). Grape-Nuts is instantly ready to serve from the package Sold by grocers everywherel Your little one will love the “fruity” taste of “California Fig Syrup” even if constipated, bilious, irritable, feverish, or full of cold. A teaspoonful never fails to cleanse the liver and bowels. In a few hours you can see for yourself how thoroughly' it works all the sour bile, and undigested food out of the bowels and you nave a well, playful child again. Millions of mothers keep “California Fig Syrup” handy. They -know a tea spoonful today saves a sick child to morrow. Ask your druggist for genuine “California Fig Syrup” which has direc tions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. 'Mother! You mils' say “California” or yon may get an imi tation fig svrup. SLOW DEATH There is a constant drip, drip, drip of pennies, nickels of most and dimes people’s pockets for need less trifles. The year’s total of this is appalling. For Your Own Security Put All You Can Spare Into the Bank Every Week Aches, pains, nervousness, diffi culty in urinating, often mean serious disorders. The world’s standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric add troubles— COLD MEDAL Mr. Mi E. Caldwell made a trip to Dalton Saturday. Miss Lizzie Foster and Mi*. Bob Foster, of Dogwood Valley, spent Sat urday night with friends here. Miss Maggie Hinkle spent several days recently with friends near Co- hutta. Sir. John Ford had the misfortune of getting his shoulder broken a few bring: quick relief and often ward off deadly diseases. Known as the national remedy of Holland for more than 200 years. All druggists, in three sizes. Loefc for the name Gold Modal on mv*ry box And accept no imitation with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cavender and daughter, Annie Ruth. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Keen, of Dal ton, were guests of Mr. Tom Keen and family Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. Melvin Whit% Misses Mamie Jones and Lizzie Bell King attended church in Dalton Sunday morning. Mrs. SalJijj and Miss Ida Jones, of Route one, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charley Jones. Four Per Cent Interest On Savings Accounts. BETHEL. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ed with him at Mr. Craig’s saw mill. The candy breaking given by Miss Ethel Powell Saturday night was- en joyed by all present. Mr. George Thompson, of Dalton, called on friends here Saturday even ing. Mr. Clifford Powell, of Fort Ogle thorpe, is visiting homefolks. Misses Ramie Teasley, Lizzie Fos ter and Louise Thogmartin called on Miss Violet Hinkle near Varbell Sun day afternoon. - We are sorry to say that Mr. Grant’s baby is very sick at this writing. Mr. M. W. Shields, of Eton, was in our community Monday. Mrs. C. M. Keister is visiting rel atives in South Carolina this week. Mr. Asa Grant and family, of Sugar Valley, have moved into our commu nity- . . Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Raper and chil dren spent Sunday with -Mr. John Mc Curdy and family. Mr. J. A. McGhee, of Spring Place, passed through our burg last week. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Thompson and family into our com munity. Mrs. Lizzie Smith, of Murray coun ty, passed through our burg last week. Mr. Elmer Edwards, of Spring Place, called on Mr. W. P. Edwards last week. Theer will be a box supper at Har mony school house Saturday night, Dec. 17, the proceeds to go for the benefit of the school house. There will be a Christmas tree at Bethel Saturday, Dec. 24, in the after noon, beginning at one o’clock. GEORGIA DALTON, ‘Bank With Us and You Can Bank On Us. T HE pain and torture of -rheu matism can be quickly relieved by an application of Sloan’s Liniment. It brings warmth, ease and comfort and lets you sleep soundly. Always have a bottle handy and apply when you feel the first twinge. It penetrates without rubbing. It's splendid to take the pain out of tired, aching muscles, sprains and .strains, stiff joints, <nd lame backs. For forty years pain’s enemy. Ask your neighbor. “COLD IN THE HEAD” is an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. Those subject to frequent “colds in the head’.’ will find that the use of HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE will build up the System and render them less liable to colds. Repeated attacks of Acute Ca tarrh may lead to Chronic Catarrh. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous surfaces of the System, thus reducing the inflammation and assisting Nature in restoring normal conditions. All Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. For Constipated Bowels, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Bilious Liver bowels completely by morning, and will feel splendid. “They work v There is nothing more appropriate as a Christmas Gift than jewelry. It is something that will be in use year after year, and is always a pleasant reminder of the donor. Our stock cannot be surpassed in quality and designs, our prices are as low as the lowest. We name some The nicest cathartic-laxative in the world to physic your liver and bowels when you have Dizzy Headache, Colds, Biliousness, Indigestion, or Upset, Acid Stomach is candy-like “Cascarets.” One or two tonight will empty your liniment WONDERFUL RECORD OF SERVICE. physician, they all got over it 'in a day or two. They are all right now. The L. G. C. Judd Sewing club is going to have a picnic the first Thurs day in January, 1922. Everybody is invited. DAWNVILLE. We have had some beautiful weath er of late. Mrs. Elizabeth Moore, of Dalton, visited the club last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hix, of Phelps, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Gilbert. Mr. L.’’ O. Babb and family spent Sunday at Mill Creek. Miss Beatrice Williams has taken up her school at Keith’s in Catoosa county. Mrs. W. D. Hunsucker has been on the sick list but is better at this writ ing. On last Monday, Mr. L: 0. Babb and family were poisoned from eating pressed meat They were in a critical condition, but with the aid of a skilled “GIFTS THAT LAST” Bracelet watches, Men’s watches, Diamond rings, diamond bar and brooch pins, Cufflinks, Stick Pins, Pearl beads, Signet rings, Parasols, Hand-painted China, Silver hollowware, Sil ver flatware, Mesh bags, Silver card cases, Ivory manicure set, toilet sets, and single pieces, Corona Typewriter, Leather purses, Gentleman’s leather card cases. Let us help you make this the happi est Christmas ever, by selling you to be out. We are glad she is well again. Services were well tfttenSed last Sunday at the Baptist church. Rev. J. O. Dantzler left an appointment for Saturday night before the second Sun day in January. Let ns all try to re member the appointment. Mr. Haven Lents, of Murray coun ty, attended prayer meeting at this place Sunday night. One of the panpers at the county farm happened to a serious accident Sunday afternoon by failing from the- front porch and breaking her leg. The little tot not having very good use of herself, became overbalanced Mrs. Donald- DALTON, ROUTE 4. Very Next Dose of Treacherous Drug may Start Trouble Mr. W. A. Moulton and daughter. Miss Maude Moulton, of Dalton, spent Saturday night with Mr. J. E. Mor gan. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Caylor announce Mrs, Maybelle King. Mrs. Maybelle King, of Reno City, Tenn., daughter of W. B. Cargal, of this, city, will return to Dalton Christ mas, together with her husband and family to make her future home here. Prior to her marriage, Mrs. King, at the age of seventeen years, was super intendent of the Sunday school at Elk Mills, and at the same time made an unbroken record of seven years’ at tendance at the First Baptist Sunday school, without missing a Sunday, for which she received five gold medals. Calomel is dangerous. It may salivate you and make you suffer fearfully from soreness of gums, tenderness of jaws and teeth, swollen tongue, and excessive saliva dribbling^ from the mouth. Don’t trust calomel. It is mercury; quicksilver. If you feel bilious, headachy, consti pated and all knocked out, just go to your druggist and get a bottle of Dod son’s Liver Tone for a few cents which is a harmless vegetable substitute for dangerous calomel. Take a spoonful and if it doesn’t start your liver and straighten you up better and quicker than nasty calomel and without making you sick, you just go hack and get your money. If you take calomel today you’ll be flick and nauseated tomorrow; besides, it may salivate you, while if you take Dodson’s Liver Tone you will wake up feeling great. No salts necessary. Give it to the children because it is perfectly and fell to the ground, son and Dr. Broaddrick took her to Dalton to the hospital to have her leg set. We hope she will soon be well again. Mrs. J. S. Rollins is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. W. C. Crow. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bryant spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fraker. Christmas is almost Jiere. See the' little folks try to he good, for they are expecting Santa Claus to visit them. How many little hearts will he made happy by the many little toys that Santa will bring them. Then think how many hearts will be made sad by their poverty. Santa can’t bring them much. They will see all the other little ones with their toys, and it will make them wish they had some beautiful toys, too, but the poor we have with us always. Christ said, “As you .have done to the least of -these, you have done it to me,” so let us be ready to do good deeds to the poor, “For Glod so loved the world that he gave His only begotten son that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish but have everlast ing life.” - “The Store of Dependability” Diamond and Platinum Jewelry From ‘Darts & Freemans May Be Inspected in Your Own Home Any person, in the city ox out, who furnishes commercial references, or who is known to ns, may hive an assortment ot Diamonds sent to their home for inspection. If you find what you want, keep it and return the rest. There is no obli gation to buy. Davis & Freeman Diamonds are sold for cash or on terms; the price being the same either way. Every Davis & Free man Diamond is guaranteed to he in every detail just exactly what it is represented. GIFTS THAT LAST Godwin OPTICIAN JEWELER Profits* are found only in V Healthy Livestock Old Reliable Mustang Liniment stops lossesbykeepingstockhealthy. SOOTHES while CURING No Alcohol — No Sting — No Torture Mustang Liniment is made of pure; healing oils. When rubbed freely into the hide, it penetrates muscle and tissue to the bone, thereby over coming the ills of cattle; hogs, sheep; mules, horses, etc. Julia Lester, Jacksonville, Ga.— used your Mexican Liniment on a cow of mine that was suffering from a caked udder. She was relieved in 1 day from suffering and completely cured m about 5 to 6 days.” John H. Fisher, New Berne, N. C.—“Our delivery horse was so badly stove up In Ids fore leg and shoulderthat we could not use him. By using Mexican Mustang Liniment on him he was completely cured and re stored to the best of condition.” TOFF WITH 25c TRIAL BOTTLE * IVEjEs -a solid brass “Put-and- TakeV TODDLE TOP. Latest craze—set onel Send 25 cents in stamps or coin for Trial Bottle (Household Size) Mustang Lin iment and get Toddle Top, absotuttly firm. Lyon Mfg. Co.. 41 So. Fifth St, B‘klyn.N.Y. 25c—50c—$ 1 .OO Sold by Drug and General Store# "The Good Old Standby Since 184ST MEXICAN DOGWOOD VALLEY. but to enjoy them. Gee! but doesn’t time roll by. When I was but a wee child I thought Christmas would never come; but now as I have grown up into manhood the years roll by so fast that it seems old Santa goes out at the back door and in again at the front. Better be good, little ones, for I see old Santa skipping around in the stores filling his pack for Christmas eve night’s sleigh-ride. Sunday school was well attended Sunday at this place. Come back again next Sunday and let’s make our plans for the Christmas tree. Mr. R. L. Phillips and family, of Rome, spent Saturday night and Sun day with J. C. Jay and family. A large crowd of young people were entertained Saturday night at a candy breaking given by Miss Bessie Barnes. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Stanfield, of Trickum, spentt Saturday night and Sunday with R. H, Stanfield. Mr. Lynn Calhoun, of Rocky Face, spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. Will Calhoun. Mrs. Jesse Whitmire, of Rocky Face, spent a few days with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Roberson. Davis & Freeman, Inc. DIAMONDS AND PLATINUMSMITHS 47 Whitehall, Atlanta, Ga. MaU Orders Filled Same Day They Are Received rubb£R ROOFINGS THIN, FLAT HAIR GROWS LONG, THICK AND ABUNDANT We Erect Monuments of various designs, but all of dignity and beauty. We shall be pleased to submit designs, either at your home or at your office. We also have on hand finished memorial stones ex cept for the lettering. They are truly artistic. Buy Direct and Save Agents’ Commission. Hill Bros. Marble & Granite Co. |HE name Carey on the package indicates that the ■made of Carey Asphalt by the I roofing or shingle is made of Carey Asphalt by the JL oldest and most experienced makers of roll roofings in the country. Th i Underwriters’ label is a guarantee that a represen tative of the associated fire insurance companies has in spected the material and pronounced it to be fire-resisting and spark-proof. Our own name signed to this advertisement means that we know the endurance and quality of this roofing from our own observation, and believe it to be the best ready roof ing and the best value for the money that has ever been put on the market. Anyone can apply Carey Roofing or Shingles and no painting or up-keep expense is necessary afterward. Call on us. “Danderine” c o s t s-_jfgj|fcs only 35 cents a bottle. One application ends all dandruff, stops itching and falling hair, and, l&gWSs in a 'few moments, .W NK you have doubled the tf beauty of your hair. It will appear a mass, so rMP. soft, lustrous, and easy T K w^jMg to do up. But what will please you most will be after a few weeks use, s when you see new hair— ^ | d fine and downy at first—Wtmi yes—but really new liair MB. WNfm growing all ‘ over the ’ scalp. “Danderine” is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, invigorates and strengthens them. This delightful, stimulating tonic helps thin, lifeless, faded hair t- _ — — -—thick, heavy and luxuria* n .'° £ row ' long, Vocational Training. I am glad to inform the sympa thizers, friends and relatives of Miss Ethel Frost that through investiga tion I have found that there is voca tional training for her. The state of Georgia has made provision to give’ training to those who are vocationally handicapped. T fee! sure the other expenses will be provided. Dora Suttle Tittle. CENTER POINT. THE JAMES SUPPLY CO, DISTRIBUTORS The Cherokee Mfg. Company Dealer DALTON, GEORGIA Wrinkle Bros. Foundry & Machine Works General Repair Work, Castings Depot Street :: Dalton, Ga. There was quite a show at this place last Wednesday afternoon. The people In this school district met to elect a trustee for the school. There were 76 MUSTANG LINIMENT