The Eastman times. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1873-1888, April 16, 1874, Image 2

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fHE EASTMAN TIMES. THURSDAY, APRIL, IG, 1874. and County. res f sVi U be held regularly twice each month m Court House, by the following ministers : ihrrHODisT.— Rev. D. G. Pope preaches Ist ;a jaY and Saturday before. 'b.vptwt.—Rev. J. ,s. Thompson preaches Sunday and Saturd iy before, i. irregular appointments will be given pub (.;v through the Times, provided we are put of them ; and we will be under ' v obligations to anyone who will inform ' any such. To secure an insertion, they 1 t be handed in on Mondays. Our Agents. v' a e following named gentl'emen are autUor (j t 0 represent the Times in their respective *dities: . CY — A. P. SURREXCY, , ; , IXU .;v _J. 11. Patterson, iiUiiAM— John F. Delacey, H.uEuroiwT-J°HN F. llall. City—Walter T. McArthur, ItTHANY —Capt. Eli McCroan, Burrow— Walter T. Cook. ill communications should be addressed to | vjitor Times.” •uoiCno 3mna jo oinsuapl oqj ioj j| gnupil si oq.w loogjo oflqtid otuos / V o]tds oi osju inq/sAunop oa\; iqio.w xv no.C pup spnoiij .mo.C pun sn o) .uold.ClUO jou.Cq.uoippmi ‘aoitopi jnnouni a[pq Sutpuj aqi pmaj pne Toun:qs ‘no.C ojo.w oay jj .&£ rt aopduosqns .moC prod j.uaAuq no.C n jq.vv ‘sprowdu-spaq lodud spopiud j&£ Summi— sonopndait' (ood jo ,v < w ! (l Vl li 1!0 P. BAV P !T I AV h J I! TI <MO N f!ie American Sardine Co.’s Boneless Sar s ;l jc much better, and less than half the st of imported Sardines. feb2s-ly Mr. J. T. Waite is erecting a carriage shop tijs place which lie hopes to soon have com- M • The Tliomasville Times reports crops good iThomas county. Bud Shipper robbed bis employer, Anthony 'irpby of Atlanta, of S2OO and a check lor all recovered. Hie enterprising citizens ol Valdosta are Mooring to establish a warehouse and sink in that burg. ffe learn that Mr. Daniel McKinnis came liisdeathon last Friday near Browns’ M ills, . full from his buggy which fractured his k Our fellow-townsinan, Col. L. A. llall. has . uni a limoasly ele *‘o l to hone r iry member f. „ u th“ Phi Delta Literary Soeiityof Mer rfr fniversity. By ri'f.Micc elsewhere it will be seen that ■ dioistl advertising of Montgomery county, 1 t: i.'orc published in the Sunrtorsvillo He - ■l. will licrcaft* r be found in the ci lrumis ol j L s'.iuau Times. IV. 1,-arn that a W li.iu.son county jury, at lust tei m of ti e Superior Court, decided y is worthless and that a farmer . aid not pay for ifi lb paid a flying visit toTatnall county week -fore last, by a special invitation irom our ml, S. P. Smith, and had intended writing sum‘thing of the county Ac., but was pi\- -ated by pressing duties until so late an hour .Ho render anything we might say devoid of lews. Drs. J. C. ano 11. C. Hyals. —See the ad* rtisoinent of these gentleman for whom, in i count of their exieiieme, lr'gh character, Jiil application to business, we bespeak j access. Hava you renewed your subscription ? It my be a small matter to each tme of our sub rribers, but in th • aggro {ate, it is a great deal us. Come up gentlemen and renew for 1 1874. Editing a newspaper is very much like rak- n K a fire every one thinks he can perform he operation Letter than the man who has hold of the poker. He learn from a friend who has recently tfavi Ud around in the county that the corn 'lop is gi oil, Fni imrs lave nearly finished !'. ntii g cotton some are chopping cotton, and oat crop is lot king well. Upon tl e whole, crops are promising. Hi' are in receipt of a notice that Mr. Yeo ‘!UllS, celebrated travelling artist will be about the first of May. He proposes : t r.i ish y< u photographs, fereotypes, and on lass ot any size to suit the taste, at prices Ml ‘ t *l |e times. We have examined his - r * and advise all parties wishing a likeness f themselves or friends to await his arrival. H' notice that t-o.nothing of the genus “° m °, ;vll o has no respect for himself or any ■i lose, deems it necessary to display his tusography upon tne walls of the court house, 'his, we understand, is done on Sundays dur- exercises, and unless the matter v am s, the Ordinary will certainly be compell ‘ close the doors against religious worship. ‘ or young man who makes it liisbusiuess 1 -< crate public property, will soon contract ;ll,r fingt ring proclivities for taking that 'hc’u dues not belong to him, and will find a ~"Uie in State’s prison. Hie Danbury philosopher observes ,iat tplacidity of expression worn y a man who is “next'’ in a full bar -1 f> shop cannot be counterfeited. Hie election for town officers in wstrhester county, X. Y„ held on ‘"■"'lay, resulted in a Democratic tri lnll, electing: a majority of the su s'lvlßors ai 'd wresting' two towns Ilo ‘ the liepiiblicans. s h>ck-keeper says he has never “I'd to relieve a choked animal by r j ts head as jj j ol . d rC ncliing 5111,1 Growing down its throat u bro hen’s egg, shell and aJL w President ofCornellTh.iversity ’p the young women there average !• 1 c ‘‘nt. better on the examination 1 ‘1” is than the young men. Kind words are the bright flowers of earthly existence ; use them, and especially around the fireside circle. They are jewels beyond price, and powerful to heal the wounded heart and make the weighed down spirit glad Bishop llall said : “I would rather sutler a thousand wrongs than offer one. I have always found that to strive with a superior is injurious ; with an equal doubtful ; with an in ferior sordid and base ; with any, full of unquietness.” A sensation preacher, assuming a drama ic attitude, exclaimed in a start ling, agonising tone. “What is that I see there ?’ Here a little wo—man in black cried out in a shrill tretone, ‘lt’s nothing but my black dog ; lie won’t bite nobody.’ Well, neighbor, what is the most Christian news this morning V said a gentleman to a friend. “I have just bought a ban el of flour for a poor wo man. “Just like you ! Who is it you have made happy with your charity t is time V “My w fe.’ A Nebraska Journal invitingly says: Who says farmers cannot get rich in this State? Fifteen years a young man came to this State with out a dollar in the world. Last week he went out of the Ststo, carrying with him the sum of one dollar and thirty-eight cents the saving of fifteen years of frugal life. Come west, young man, come west. dhe Louisville Library Lottery, lately drawn, shows the fondness for gambling which still exists in the American breast. St Louis purchased $1*15,000 worth of tickets and drew nothing. Chicago invested freely in tickets, but failed to secure a single prize. All over the country small sums were spent in the desperate hope of reaping large returns, and in nearly all the cases disappointment followed the venture. A little girl, playing in a field near Westminister, Mass., was attacked by a savage bull. Her brother, aged 15, climbed over the fence, and bravelv fought the bull with a stick. “Run, s : ssy ! run quick !” shouted the boy, and she saved herself by obeying.— The boy, however, was gored so terri bly that veiy likely he will die of the hurt. A shoemaker nut West, with a litc-j rarv turn of mind, has the following poerieal'gem attached to his shingle : “Here lives a man who never refuses, To mend all sorts of boots and sliooses” An absent-minded professor, in going out the gate-way of his college ran against a now. In the con fusion of the moment he raised his hat and exclaimed: ‘I beg your par don madam.’ Soon after he stumbled against a lady in the street; in sudden recollection of his former mishap, he called out: Is that you again you brute. Don’t Advertise.— There is a Dan bury legend to the effect that a party desiring to transact some private business with another, was invited to step into a neighboring store. But we will bo disturbed there,’ said the first party. ‘Oh, no, said the other 'they don’t advertise. 1 If you don’t want to be interrupted don't step into a store that advertises. A country without fair women would simply be a stag-nation. Queen Victoria, noticing Sir Charles Dilke’s criticisms of her civil list, re_ marked : “It is strange, for I remem. her, having him, as a boy, on my knee and stroking his hair. I suppose,’’ added her Majesty, “I must have stroked it the wrong way.” At the cartridge works in Lowell, Mass., the other day, Susan Gilder was putting cartriges into a large box, when they exploded; and, though she was hit by over a hundred bullets, not one of them made a mortal wound; and, what is just and singular, though others were in the room at tlie time, no one else was even “barked” by a passing ball, but the windows were blown out. The girl was badly burn ed, but will recover. Geological.— A remarkable frag ment ot stone was recently taken from the ruins of an ancient structure, on Observation Island, in Lake Okce ahobee. It is of immense weight and solidity, and what is most remarkable, unlike any rock on this continent. It resembles granite nearly than any other, and is of a remarkably beautiful appearance in its structure. It looks like granite, granulated with innumerable particles of a glittering substance resembling gold. This fragment may develop something startling in the history of that part of tins continent. The Indians have re ported frequently that there were ruins of an ancient building on one of the Islands of that lake, and this confirms it. A couple were recently married in Hardin County, lowa, and after the ceremonies the bride asked the bus band his name. They had been ac quainted only a few hours when he proposed and she accepted. This frankness on the part of the bride, showing a desire to know her hus band’s name, is auspices of a happy future. If you wish to drown yourself kick and splash about as violently as you can, and you will soon go to the bot tom. But if you remember that you are lighter than water, and if you calmly and steadily refrain from draw ing your breath while under the wa ter, keep your head raised and your arms under, you will soon learn to float and swim like a duck. Court Calendar. Dooly Court, .3d Monday March and Sept. Wilcox “ 4th “ “ “ “ Irwin “ Eiiday after 4tli Monday in March and September. Montgomery Court, Wednesday after Ist Mon day in April and October. Laurens Court, 2d Monday in April and Oct. Telfair “ Tuesday alter 3d Monday in April and October. Dodge Court, 4th Monday in April and Oc\ Pulaski “ Ist Monday in May and Nov. ———————e— Married On the 2nd inst, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. S. P. Smith, by the Rev. Mr Andrews, Mr. Harrison Clifton, and Miss Fannie Smith, all of Tatnall county. And when the coming snows are spread. May their mutual hopes still grow forth, May Hymen bless them, now they're wed, Increase their joys, Ac. ADVERTISEMENTS. GEORGlA— Montgomery County. Notice is hereby given that thirty days after date the official printing of Montgomery county M ill be found in the Eastman Times, publish ed at Eastman, Ga. John A, McMhj.ah, Ordinary. Martin Couey. Sheriff. * ' Alex. McArthur, Clerk. Dr. J. C. Ryals. Dr. H. C. Kyals. Drs J. 0. AND H. 0. EYALS Having located near Lumber City, and having asssociated themselves m the practice ot Pi.ysic and Surgery, offer theft services to the citi zens around for cash or by the. year upon con tract. The Senior with fifteen yours experi ence, proposes to treat suceessiully all diseases of this climate. April 15th, 1874 IV OTIC IS. . I] $ W TJ RUM PFJF'WT* SPKOIAL T A May 1. 1874, to April 30. 1875, The LAW of December 24, 1872, requires every person engaged in any business, avoca tion, or employment which renders him liable to a special tax, to procure and place C INSPICUOUSLY IN HIS ESTABLISHMENT OR PI A ']■• of business a stamp denoting the payment of said special tax lor the Special Tax year be ginning May 1, 1874; before commencing or (ontinuing business after April 30, 1874. The taxes embraced within the provisions of the law abovejquoled are the following, viz: Rectifiers $200,00 Dealers, r iu :< r 25;' 0 Dealers, wholesale liquor 100,00 Dealers in malt liquors, wholesale.... 50,00 Dealers iu malt liquors, retail 20,00 Dealers in leaf tobacco 25,C0 Retail dealers iu leaf tobacco 500,00 And on sales of ever SLO JO, fifty cents for every dollar iu excess of SI,OOO Dealers in manufactured tobacco.... 5,00 .Manufacturers of stills 50,00 Aid fore’.cli stiil manufacture 1...: 20,00 And tor each worm manufared. .. . 20,00 Manufacturers of tobacco 10,00 Manufacturers of cigars ••*•.... 10,00 Peddlers of tobacco, first class) more than two horses) 50,00 Peddlers of tobacco, second class (two horses) 25,00 Peddlers of tobacco, tnird class (one horse) 15,00 Peddlers of tobacco, fourth classs (on or loot public conveyance)..', 10,00 Brewers of less than 500 barrels 50,00 Brewers of 500 barrels or more.... 100,00 Any person, so liable, who shall fail to com ply with the foregoing requirements will be subject to severe penalties. Persons or firms liable to pay any of the Special Taxes named above must apply to Alvin B. Clark, Coltector of Internal Revenue at Macon, or to tlie Deputy Collector of the division in which they do business, and pay for and procure the Special Tax Stamp or Stamps; they need, prior to May 1, 1874, and WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE. J. W. DOUGLASS, Commissioner Internal Revenue. Office of Internal Revenue, Washington. D. C. Feb 1(5, 1874, npr!6-4t Macon tV Brunswick It AIL ROAD COMP AN V. DOUBLE DAILY PASSENGER lIIAIX> TO AND FROM JACKSONVILLE And all Points isi East Florida SHORT 3L.INE TO FLORIDA! SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, ) Macon, Ga., Mar. 12, 1873. j On and after Thursday, 12tli inst., passen ger trains on this Road will ran as follows : DAY PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY (SUNDAYS EXC’t’d. ) Leave Macon, 8:00 a. m Arrive at Jessup 6:15 p. m Arrive at Brunswick 10:30 p. m Leave Brunswick 4:15 i>. m Arrive at Jessup 6:45 r. m Arrive at Macon 5:50 a. m HAWKINSVILLE ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave Macon passenger shed 3:30 p. m Arrive at Hawkinsville 7:05 p. m Leave Hawkinsville 6:45 a. m Arrive r.t Macon 10:30 a. m This change is made in order to make close connections, coming this way, with the trams over the A. A U. R. R. Passengers ieavine Jacksonville ou the morning train will makg close connections at Jesup, and reroh Macon the next morning. JAS. W ROBERSON, General Superintendent. W. J. JARVIS, Master Transportation. DOD3E SHERIFF’S SALES. Will be sold before the court house door in the town of Eastman, of Dodge county, on the first Tuesday in May next, the following property to wit: Lot of land No, 225 in loth district ot said co” - levied on us the prop erty ot John A. J. Ro craft, to satisfy a justice Court fi fa. in lavo. of G. W. Yancey vs, said Roycraft, ana i’hos. Roycral't security! Levy made and returned to me by Joseph Graham, Constable, this April Ist, 1874. Jordan Brown, Sheriff NOTICE, An election for Alderman of the town of Eastman Will beheld on Monday the 20tk inst. to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Alderman. Asa Harrel. April 7,, 1874. L. A. Hall, Mayor. Change of Schedule. GEN’L SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE ) Atlantic & Gulf Railroad, [ Savannah, Oct. 11th, 1873. ) ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, OCTOBFI 12th. Passenger Trains on this road will run a follows: EXPRESS PASSENGER. Leave Savannah daily at 4,30 p. rr Arrive at Jesup “ 8:15 p. ir Arrive at Bainbridge 8.15 a. ip Arrive at Albany “ 9.50 a. ir at Live Oak’ 4 3.55 a. n ‘Arrive at Jacksonville 10:12 a. ir Arrive at Tallahassee 10:55 a. n Leave Tallahassee “ * 2:30 p. n Leave Jacksonville “ 2.40 p. i Leave Live Oak “ 9.05 p. t Leave Albany “ 3.40 p. I t Leave Bainbridge “ 4:30 p. i 1 LeaveJesup “ 5:00 a. i’ Arrive at Savannah at 8.20 a. i Sleeping car runs through to Jacksonvilk Passengers for Brunswick take this trail : Arrive at Brunswick daily at 10:30 n. m. Leave Brunswick 2:30 a, m. , arriving at Si vannah at 8:20 a. m. Passengers from Macon by Macon an C Brunswick 8:30 a. m. train connect at Jest; with train for Florida. Passengers irom Florida connect at Jesuj with train arriving in Macon 4:30 i>. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN —EASTERN DIVISION. Leave Savannah Monday, Wednesday in Friday at 6:50 a. m. Arrive at Jesup at 12:30 p. m. ; Lawton 7 fit p. M. Leave Lawton Tuesdays, Thursday ar i Suturda y- at 5 :40 a. m. LeaveJesup 12:40 p. m. Arrive at Savannah at 5:45 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN —WESTERN DIVISION. Leave Lawton (Sundays excepted). . 7:25 an- Arrive at Valdosta “ .. 9.33 a n* Arrive at Quitman “ ..10.54 ail Arrive at Tliomasville “ .. 2.40 p n Arrive at Albany “ .. 7.00 pn Leave Albany “ .. 8.15 pir Leave Thomasville “ - 2.10 pn Leave Quitman “ 4.15 p n Leave Valdosta “ 5.38 p n Arrive at Lawton “ .. 8.05 pn Connect at Albany with night train on Soutl western Railroad, leaving Albany Sunday.- i’uesdays,and Thursdays, and arriving at A bany Monday.-, Wednesdays and Fridays. Train on Brunswick A Albany Itailroo leaves junction (Xo. 9 Atlantic A Gulf ltui road) lor Albany, Tuesday, Thursday and Sa urday, at 11.00 a. m., and arrives from Alban Monuay, NW-dnesday and Friday, at 2.49 p. j: Mail oteam -r leaves Bainbridge, for Apaiacf ice-la, every Tiiurselay, at 8-00 a. m. 11. HAINES, Gen’l Sup’t Worth am! Beaut) ’.* i! *TS-?" 83 7- S’ -.3* t *7a ~ AND THE C -IRO.MO iro a:aMirg Having control of the magnificent oil chir mo, \ (j SEMITE, we are able to ottei ; combination oi' literature and artistic of gti uine worth, and at prices unprecedented. This fine copy ot a piece of Mature s grander work, is not presented in the usual style,— it dimensions, i4x2o, making a picture of vei) desirable size, in itself AN ORNAMENT TO THE ROOM raced by its presence. But few copies of this beautiful Ckromo wi be allowed to go to the retail stores, and the? will be sold at their Actual Retail Price, $G GO, while if ordered in connection with our J/ag; zine, both will be furnished for $1.50. Asa Premium the picture may be obtainc bysending us two subscriptions for the Maq zine .cd SI.UO each, or by subscribing for F J/agazine two years in advance, at SI.OO ] annum. Address, M’OOD’s HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE Ne.vburg, 1! F. E. Set;te: , Publisher. THE -SILVER TONGUE” ORGANS, The best ORGANS of the Reed class in the World. The Best ior uniu'ciies and Lodges. The Best for Sunday Schools. The Best for Pallors and Vestries. The Best for Academies and Colleges. The Best tor Public Halls. The Best lor Orchestra and Stage. These instruments, which for sweetness of tone and elegance of appointment stand unri valled, have met with unprecedented success in this country and abroad. "MANUFACTURED BY E. P. ftEEDHAM AND SON. ESTABLISHED IN 18415. Nos. 143, 145 & 147 East 23d St,, I\M W YORK. Responsible } arties applying for agencies in sections still unsupplied, will receive prompt attention and liberal inducements. Parties residing at a distance from our authorized agents, may order irom our factory. Seud for illustr ited price list. I H. P. BICEPORD, | ffi SUCCESSOR TO ® <s| BLAIB & HICKFOKD W ® DEALER IX P I j •^ | Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Mouldings, |j| 1 BALUSTERS, NEWEL POSTS, HAND RAILINSS, i| | SASH WEIGHTS, BLIND TRIMMINGS, &C., 1 sjp 39 t® 169 and 171 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA. p JBsy 1 * A Large Stock on hand at lowest price. fjf^ ® seplO 6m. ® ' ~ T iy zirz&- v v pry -•<£?•. 125,G00 IN' T USE ! 0 THE NEW IMPROVED FLORENCE IfjiSltiillf SEWING 3IACIII;IVK - The latest improved and the only Machine that will saw in more than one direction, and make more than one stitch, being the only Machine having a Heversable Feed. The FLORENCE, for Simplicity and Durability, is excelled by none. All person" desiring to buy a first-class Sewing Machine, and get the jail value for their money, will do wel to examine the Florence before purchasing elsewhere. Agents wanted in every Own and county in the Shite. Liberal commission and terms given. FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, 3Xiill>ei*i* ) y Street, Macon, Georgia. October 29, ’73-6m. ROWE, PRACTICAL PLUMBER and GAS FITTER NO. o HOLLINGSWORTH BLOCK, Macon, - - - - - Greorgia. - Steam and Gas Fittings always on Hand. IP XT 3MI jF £3 ! SUITABLE FOR WELLS FROM THIRTY TO ONE HUNDRED FEET DEEP. HYDRAULIC HAMS, RUBBER HOSE. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OF ALL KINDS AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES. THE BEST TIUXa KNOWN—ENTIRELY NEW! pS" All work WARRANTED, and personal atton given to all orders. [Oct 8-3 m KKAKJS 1m Y. FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU!! The only known remedy for BRIGHT'S DISEASE, And a positive remedy for GOUT, GRAVEL, STRICTURES, DIA BETES, DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUS, DEBILITY, DROPSY, Non-retention or Incontinence of Urine, Irrita tiition, Inflamation or Ulceration of the 11LADER AND KIDNEYS, SPERMATORRHOEA, Lencorxhoee or White, Disease of the Prostate Gland Stone in the Bladder, Colculus Gravel or Brickdnst Deposit and Lin ens or Milky Discharges. i vie a 21;% ey’s* EXTRACT BUCHU Permananently Cures all Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. Existing in Men, Women and Children. NO MATTER WHAT THE AGE ! Prof. Steele says : “‘One UatUe of Kearney’s Fluid Extract Bnchn is worth more than all other Bnclnis combined.” Price One Dollar per Bottle or Six Bottles for Five Dollars,* Depot, 104 D/ane St,, New York. A Physician in attendance to answer cor respondence and give advice gratis. jXH" Send stamp for Phamphlets, free TO THE Sorvous and Debilitated OF BOTH SEXES. Charge JorAdvice and Consultation. Dr. I. B. Dyott, graduate of Jefferson Medi cal College, Philadelphia, author of several valuable works, can be consulted on all disea ses of the Sexual or Urinary Organs, (which he has made an especial study) either in male or female, no matter from what cause originat ing or oi how long standing. A practice of JO years enables him to treat diseases with suc cess. Cures guaranteed. Charges reason rule. Those at a distance can forward letter de scribing symptoms and enclosing stamp to prepay postage. Scud lot the Guide to Health, Price 10c. J. B. DYOTT, LI. D., Physicland Surgeon, 101 Duane t. N, Y DR. HOLLO WAY Has permanently located Xu tlie City of Macon, For the treatment and cure of Invalids SUFFERING WITH CHRONIC DISEASES I He makes Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago, Hemorrhoids, and all Nervous Diseases, Dys pepsia, Liver Complaint, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all diseases of a Pulmonary nature, Drop sy, Jaundice, Catarrh, and all secret diseases of no matter how long standing, Old Ulcers, Old Sore Legs, (chronic or acute,) and ah Fe male Diseases, SPECIALTIES, and treat; Thm With Success. He can and will treat patients at a distance on their giving a history of their disease by letter; the medicine w ill Ik sent by express to suit the case, with full di rections. fiis charges will be reasonable am srtisfactory. Rheumatism Cured in from Five tc Thirty Minutes. He refers to the following persons whon he has treated : Isaiaii Walton's family, Byion’s Post Office Houston Cos., Ga. C. B. Marshall, and V. Montgomery Reynolds, Taylor County, Ga. Wiley Newberry, and W. N. Dixon Bibb County, Ga. John Strickland aud Thomas Cox, Te beauville, Pierce County, Ga. Dr. A. A. Smith; C. Avert, Quitmau, Ga. J. Brown, Brouson, Florida. Sherod Grimsley, Twiggs County, Ga. H. Kent and Mrs. L. T. -Jones, Macon, Ga, and others. Address, Dr. D. J. HOLLOWAY, Macon, Ga. CRIPPLE JONES AND HIS WIFE. This is to certify that I have been severcl afflicted with Catarrh and Neuralgia of tb head, face and side for nine years, also a si vt-re cough, which reduced me to a skeleton.- I was pronounced by some*©! the best physi eians, as some of the most skillful treated no ease, as a confirmed consumptive. In Septeir ber, 1b72, 1 called in Dr. Holloway, oi Mr con, and lie only prescribed me two bottles ci Medicine that cured me. lam now in as gooc health as 1 ever was, and have entirely abac done ! the use ot opiates, that it seemed I conk nit live without beiore. I live on Troup liill : in this city, and enjoy myself as well as most of poor people. It any person wishes to k relieved from taking opi ites, he can do it, at j well as cure the diseases. Mrs. L T Jones. : febl9-3m J T Jones. “DRAKE’S MAGIC LINIMENT” Is known by MI who have tried it properly, | to be the best and quickest remedy ever known fox Croup, Colic, m man or oetisi, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Toothache, Headache, Dysentery, Dinrrhcoa, Spinal disorders, Suras, oid and new, Chills and lever, Typhoid f ever, Ac., Ac., Ac. Try it. For sale by James LI. Buchan, Eastman, Ga. AjenU to ant.d. W. C. llauser, Gen’l Agent, Bartow, W. W. ASHBURN Has just received his Spring Stock of Dry- Goods and Clothing, and would respectfully solicit a call from his old friends and former patrons, js he PROPOSES To sell them on his old “Live and Let Live” principle, thereby making it to the pubiic’s in terest to trade with him. To better enable him TO BUILD Up a permanent trade in this section, he has" taken especial pains in the select of his en tire Stock of Groceries and Family Supplies the which he receives by advantages of A RAILROAD Daily ere they may have time to become dam aged by delays and exposure enroute from market. Parties desiring to favor him with their patronage, residing a distance FROM EASTMAN, Gan have the advantage of receiving their sup plies new and fresh by leaving their orders \ i a i;im ; and to such as may reside on the punlic s.age road from this point TO DUBLIN We would suggest the propriety of transmit ting their orders to him, it otherwise inconven ient, via the hack, as they will receive due at tention and held AT HIS Store, ’when purchased, subject to the con signee’s order, when the same will be prompt ly delivered at said purchaser’s OWN EXPENSE. r^roTiCEs. DRS. J. M. BUCH AN & W. IL MITCHELL, having associated themselves in the practice of Medicine and Surgery, offer their professional services to the citizens of Eastman and sur rounding country. Cancers and Chronic Diseases made special ties. Parties at a distance can procure treat ment by sending us their age, sex and descrip tion of disease and live dollars. All calls and orders promptly attended to at any time. Bills due when patients are dis charged. Jas. M. Buchan, M. D. W. IL Mitchel, M. D. Eastman, March 15th, 1874. Yol. IV.] THE [1874. SCIENCE OF HEALTH. And-independent Journal, not the organ of any person or institution, but an earnest teach er ot the Laws of Life and Health, which in cludes all that relates to the Art of Recovering and Preserving Health. To Retain Health —lt is better to preserve health by obeying the Laws of Life than to re gain it when once lost. Learn to avoid the causes of disease. Disease and its Treatment. —The theory ot disease will be considered by competent writers, and philosophical and practical meth ods of treatment be given. Invalids should read the Science of Health regularly, and learn the nature of their disea ses, and the methods prescribed for Seif-Treat ment and Cure. * ‘Doctors’ Bill.,” can easily be saved in many families ; enough to pay tor ten times the sub tion price every year, by simply following its plain trackings. Women and Children. —Every number is devoted largely to domestic interests, consider ing tiie bealtn and needs of women, and espe tell how to iced, clothe and care for the young, Household Department Healthful Cookery. —We shall publish a series of articles on “Seasonable Dishes,” written expressly lor this Magazine. In tiie same department will be given an amount of information in short, brief paragraphs, worth in themselves the price ot the Science of Health. Terms. —$2 a year, in advance; sample num bers 20 cents ; ten copies sls, and an extra copy to agent. A List of Premiums sent on application Cash Commissions given. - Local Agents Wanted. Address S. R. WELLS, 389 Broadway N. Y. PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL, A First-Class Illustrated Mag azine, Devoted to Science, Literature and General Intelligence. PHRENOLOGY —The Brain and its Func tions ; the Location and Nature ot all of the Organs, with directions for cultivating, devel oping, improving and restraining them. PHYSIOGNOMY—“Signs of CharacteFand how to read them,” at a glance, in the Human Face, on Scientific Principals. ETHNOLOGY—Or, the Natural History of Man ; Origin, Manners, Customs and Modes of Life in different Tribes and Nations, with •different Temperaments and pictorial illustra tions. PHYSIOLOGY—The Laws of Life, includ ing the Education, Training and Discipline of Chiklieu, and the Right Management of Luna tics, the Insane, Prisoners and others. 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