The Eastman times. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1873-1888, January 02, 1879, Image 3

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the EASTMAN TIMES THURSDAY. JANUARY 2, 1879. TERMS. ga.OO a YEAR. IIA '/ FS OF AD I r FA\ 7 I&TNG, Ono wjurtre, first insertion t Each subsequent iuseition lioeul notices, per me * ,1° 12 do IHO Quarter column, 3 months >" .i„ do 6 do 2U u(l j 0 do 12 do . • 35 00 Hull column, 3 months .. 20 0() do 6 do 3o 00 d t 12 do 00 CO Ouo column, 3 months 35 00 and„ 0 do 60 60 do 12 do 100 00 UJOA.L ADVERTISING. Vrift’* Sales, each levy, per square $3 50 do Moitgage tifn sales. . . 500 Citation for Letters of Administration.. 450 do do Guardianship... 450 Dismission from Administration 5 00 do do Guardianship 500 to sell Land 4 50 Application for Homestead ... 2 00 Notice to Debtors and Creditors 4 00 Hales of Lind, etc., per square 4 00 do Perishable property, 10 days... 175 Foreclosure ot Mortgage, each time... 1 00 Kntr*y Notice, 30 days 3 50 Divorces, r n to perfect service 8 00 Published every Thursday morning at Kast man, Georgia, where all communications jliould he addressed. mwarnwm (linage of Schedule on tlie ill, K 11. M. K. Eastman, Ga., March 1, 1878. HI OUT pome EXPRESS PAKHENOER AND MAIL. laaivn Macon < ; 30 l‘ M Arrive at Kastman 10:51 i“ ji Arrive at Jesup 3:55 a ai Arrive a. Brunswick 0:45 a m Ni<rr ur expbess passenger and mail. Leave Trunswick 7:00 pm Arrive at Jemp .... 9:50 r m Aniw ut Eastman 3:0- a m Arriv? at Macon 6:35 a m DOWN DAT FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION. fjwivc Macon (Sundays excepted).. 7:30 a m Arrive at Eastman 11 7pm Airiie at Jesup li'3i r n lip DAT FREIGHT AKI) ACCOMMODATION. [jeave Jesup (Sundaysexcepted). .. . 6:00 a m Arrive at Kastman 12:13 p m AxiiM at Macon 5:10 pm Pine of llutd'ins Court in Oco nee Circuit. TWIGGS COUNTY. Fifit Mondays in March and September. DOOLY COUNTY. Secouc Mondays in March and Septembei, vith .erms of two weeks. WILCOX COUNTY. Fourth Mondays lu March and September. IRWIN COUNTY. Friday al'Lr the fouith Mondays ill March gid September. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Wemesday alter the fourth Mondays in tpril aid October. LAURENS COUNTY. Second Momiajs in April and October. "V - • *>' Tnj.Ult COUNTY. Tueiday after the third Mondays in April jnl Otto her, DODGE COUNTY. First Mondays yr May and November. PULASKI COUNTY. Second Mondays in May and November, rith terms of two weeks. DODGE COUNTY DIRECTORY. County onicials. Ormnary -J. J. Rozar. Gi/.rk or Uourt—J. C. Rawlins. sTnir \V. B. Sapp. 'Fax Ueceivbr -John \V. Bolmnnan. Ta Collector Hiiuni J. Sapp. Tikasurer - J. J. HamiUon. Sirtkyor James llaitley. Cchonkb -Luke Sapp. Seciot Societies.. MASONIC LODGE. A Eastman Lodge, No. ‘270, holds its kfjjT regular Communication the Second find Fourth Saturday iu each month 2 o'clock p. in. C. It. Aemstrono, Jonathan W. Noles, W. M. Secretary. PATRONS OF UUSBANDBT. Foster Grange, No. 279, holds regular '.nrtiugs the Second Sutunlay iu each month it ID o’clock a. in. James Bohannon, L'eaa. It. Armstrong, T <ft S. Master. TOWN OF EASTMAN. Town Officials. Mayor—L. M. Peacock. Clkuk A Treasurer— W. W. Humphreys. Aldermen —J. M. Arthur. W. W. Harrell, k. (1. Williamson, P. M. Roberts. Marshal -James M. Sapp. Divine Worship. METHODIST. Preaching' on the first Sunday of every •nonth. Rev. E. M. Whiting, pastor. KASTMAN BAPTIST CHUCH. l'reaching on the third Sunday ai.d Saturday lafore of each month, Rev. J imes William sev, pastor. PRESBYTERIAN. Preaching on the fourth Sunday of every month. ltev. Wm. McKay, pastor. I'nion Sabbatli School E T cry Suudav morning at ID o’clock. Educational. EASTMAN HIGH SCHOOL. Prof. G. A. Harrson. principal. ’M'fiiins and Closing of Mails ar Kadmuii. Opens Bam 1 h**oß G P M - J. M. BUCHAN, P. M. DIRECTORY OF COCHRAN. Town Officials. Mayor -l) r . Walker, Marshal—Charles Pennick. Secret Societies. MASONIC. Cocln an Lodge, No. 217, holds its regular communications ou the second and fourth ednemlny nights in each month. T. F. Walkeb, \V. M. ODD FELLOWS. Pulask; Ijodge. No. 85, meets every Monday u, S ht - M. M. Willis, N. G. Difine Worship. I Baptist.—First Sabbath in each ltev. A. Harris, pastor. missionary Baptists. —Third Sabluth in | month, ltev. G. it. McCall, pastor. ir Jra HOl ' IBT .’ ~ l,,()n *ih S durday nd Sunday i p ’ biuouth. ltev. A. M. Williams, pastor I mou “ Brr ' KBIAN ''~ Secoua Silbb:Uh > u each dvScbool meets every Sun ln g at 10 o clock. P E.Stanley, Supt Day Schools. u CADBMY - D - c - Walker. Prin. Hall. C. W. M. Wynne,Teacher News. V ’•— 1879. Happy New Year. Tuesday next is Sh> rift’s S de day. Chew Jackson’s Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. nov2’B7-ly Mr. Carr, of the firm of Belingruth & Carr, has been in town several days. Mr. T. R. Peters, cashier of the Brown House, Macon, is registered at the Uplands. FOUND —ln the court house, a brass shoe but toner. Can be had by calling at this office. We were pleased to see Mr. S. C. Sutton in Eastman on Saturday last, after an absence of several weeks. Read the sheriff's sales for February. Notice also wlmt Prof. G. A. Harrison and John McCranie have to say. Hon. Phil Cook, our able representative in Congress, will please accept our thanks for Congressional Record, volume 7, parts 1 to 5. We are sorry to learn through Mr. John Lovett of the death of Mrs. S L. Weaver, which occurred at her home iu Dublin on the ‘2sth ult The election for municipal officers for the town of Eastman will be held at the office of \V. W. Humphrey’s, Esq , on Saturday, Jan uary lltb, 1879. Rev. Wm. McKav, pastor of the Presbyte rian church, will preich at this place every second and fourth Lord’s day. instead of only every fourth as heretofore. Persons going to Boston will find the Fall River Line a good one to go by from New York. 'The palatial steamers Bristol and Prov idence run on this line. 'The Jury Commissioners, together with the Ordinary, met at the court house yesterday, revised the jury box, and drew the new juries according to the new jury law. The Times will be sent to subscribers, pos tage free, one year for two dollars; six months for one dollar; three months lor lift}' cents. Payments invariably iu advance. Persons going to Montreal will find the Cen tral Vermont railroad a good line to take from New York. Wagner’s drawing room sleeping cars attached to all train o Mrs. W. N. Ijoitcli uml little daughter Flora returned from Orangeburg, 8. C., on Friday last, alter an absence of several days visiting relatives and friends at that place. Mr. W. 8. Waite left for Byron, Houston county, on Thursday last to spend Christmas holid ij's with relatives aud irieuds at home. He will be absent about a week or ten days. Mrs. C. N. Armstrong will please accept our thanks for a plate of nice cake—fruit, jelly aud pound, and ambrosia—received on new year’s day with compliments of the sea son. We were pleased to see, for a few moments, on Christmas day out friend Dr. A. A. Smith, of llawkinsville, while on his way to Telfair, whither he was going to spend a few days with relatives and friends. The turpentiu ■ farm of Messrs. Coleman it Bessons of this place has changed hands and Mr, E. W. Autrey is proprietor. We are sor ry to lose Messrs. C Lilian t Bessons, but we wish Mr Autrey abundant success. i Mis* Georgia Viniug returned ou Friday night last, from Senoia, Ga., whither she had been spending a few days, with her parents and friends at home. She resumes the exer cises of her school at Mr. Grimsley’s on Mon day next. We accepted an invitation on Tuesday las* to take a plate of oysters at the Restauraut. — The oysters were served in first-rate style, and we think we done ample justice to the occa sion. We wish the new pioprietors abundant success in their enterprise. Among the ladies that kept the old custom of receiving their gentlemen friends ou New Year’s day, at the Uplands Hotel, were Mrs. Palmer, wi e ot Hon. .A. W, Palmer, of New York, and Mrs. Haller, wife ot Dr. Arnold Haller, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Masters John H. Ogden and Julian William son of Macon spent Christmas iu Eastman, and returned on Saturday, carrying some sixty birds and two rabbits as the result of a few days gunning. The game was all killed in side the field surrounding the residence of Mr. Eastman. Mr. Clark N. Scofield, of the Uplands Hotel, at Eastman, is iu the city. Mr. Scofield is lately of the Windsor Hotel, sit Schroou Lake, New York, and is a hotel nun of great experi ence. He expects to keep the Uplands up to the best possible style riming the winter season. Telegraph and Messenger. Messrs. Rawlins & Sapp have sold their Restaurant to Raiford & Woodard, who will continue the business at the old stand. They also propose to keep constantly on hand a full supply of family groceries, and tobacco and cigars a speciality. Good meals furnished for only 40 cents. Mr. J. J. Harrison hai bought the store of Mr. George W. Powell, and will continue the business at the old stand. Mr. Harrison is well kuvnvu as a fair and honest dealer, and those tavoriug him with their patronage wil 1 always find his heart in the right place, and his goods at as reasonable prices as can be had elsewhere iu town. We wish him success. Mr. L. BjUngrath arrived iu Eastman yes tcr. ay with his family. They occupy the cot tage mar the hotel. Messrs. Belingrath A Carr having bought out Mr. W. P. Hartman’s turpentine firm a tew miles below Eastman, will continue the business at that place. Iu behalf ot the citizens of Eistmau we extend to Mr. Belingrath and family a cordial welcome > to our towL. All persons ndebtod to me are hereoy noti fied to come forward and pay up. Many have gone long over the time agreed upon to settle, and others are following in footsteps. Simply because you consider yourselt good, and icorth your debts, is no reason at all why you should not come forward and pay me what you owe. >iy liabilities have to be met. and to do this I need and must have money. Then, instead ot the old song, “it’s good and you shall have your money,” walk up like a man ami baud over the cash. John McChanie, Jr. Eastman, Jan, Ist, 187‘J. Though cold and rainy on Christmas eve. our streets presented quite a lively appearance. A goodly number ot our country liiends had come to town to make some purchases for Christinas, and together with the town people who were similarly engaged, all tended to give quite a business aspect to our town. Candidates, too, were not scarce, and occasion might be heard amidst the roar ot lire crackers and other combustibles the loud shout ot hurrah for such and such a candidate (gene rally supposed to be the last one who treat.d , proceed from the stentorian voice of some top. heavy darkev. Chtistmas day the weather was still cold and cloudy in the forenoon. About noon the suu shone out and the prospects for a pleasant evening were more favorable. The temperature, however, did not materially change, but remained quite cold and the wind seemed to proceed from a genuine ice bank. Comparatively few came to towu that day a> doubtless ail wanted to enjoy a good dim er at home quietly with their families. The anvils were brought out aud frequently charged and touched off during the day, producing a heavy cannon-like noise. Fire works were also used in sufficient quantities so that one needed not an additional reminder that Christ mas had come at last. And be it said to the credit ot our town that although “John Barleycorn,’’ with his demon-like face, put in his appear ance and of course claimed some victims, yet we failed to hear of a single disturbance iu the town. Aud long may the white-winged angel of peace hover over and around the citizens of this town and community, and protect and shield them from broils aud disturdunc. s, and from strifes and divisions. Supper at 31 rs. Armstrong’s. By the united effort of a few of the ladies of our town we are told th A a magnificent sup per was spread at Mrs, Armstrong’s Christmas evening. Several friends were iu attendance, and a most delighful evening was spent We kuow whereof we speak when we say the la dies engaged in this entertainment kuow how to get up a first-class supper. Eastman Literary Club. On Monday evening text at the comt house the gre..t question now agitated in Georgia, “Should the agricultural bureau of the relate be abolished," will be thoroughly ventilated by the Eastman Literary Club. The debate will be public, and all are invited to attend. The New Jail. The work continues on this bnildiug though the weather for several days has been very uu lavorable. The four iron cells, sxß feet and 8 leet high, together with all the iron \v< rk, have just been completed. The contract for the iron work was made with Mr. M. Clements, manufacturer, Cincinnati, Ohio. The work was examined on Monday la-t by the jail com mittee, and we loam was satisfactory. It re mains no* lor Mr. Woodruff, the architect, to pass upon, and if it comes up to the contract, the money will be paid at cnca to the o-der of Mr. Clements. The balance of the work re mains tor Messrs. Sheldon A DeGr >at con tractors, and wiil no doubt receive the finish ing touch in a few weeks. The Social Heatliug Club. The meeting on Frid ty evening l ist at Mr Newm -n’s was not largely attended, owing to inclemency of the weather. But tor tlmse who did attend, it was among the most pleasant meetings ever held. Miss Royal read a very in teresting paper ou ‘‘H tppiness,” as well as a good collections of locals. After '.he literary exercises were over refreshments were served by Mr. and Mrs. Newman, consisting of cake, lemonade, fruits, confectionaries, etc. The meeting to-monow evening will be held at Mr. C. R. Murrell’s. The Election. The election yesterday paesed off quietly at nil the products in this county so far as we have been nloimed. The day was wet and disagreeably consequently a atteud ance at the polls than doubtless would have been, if the weather had been more favorable. The following is the official vote of the county: FOR CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT: J. C. Rawlins 620 FOB sheriff: W. B. Sapp 580 FOR TAX collector: J. M Woodard 396 A. N. Cowell 222 FOR TAX RECEIVER: J. W. Bohanon 381 J. R. Gid.lings 4 233 fob treasurer: \V. W, Ashburu.. _ 458 J. L. Evan-’ 162 for surveyor: Jaifles Hartley COB for coroner: 8. B. Goody 276 11. M. Gid.liugs 220 J. D. Horn. luß Macen and Brunswick Kailruad Complimentary Tickets to Legislators “>Ve have received the following from Genenl Superintendent Adams/’ say* the Idegraph and Messenger. “Wilt the editors of the Telegraph oblige me by stating through tlieir editorial columns (and request papers in the St ate to notice) that complimentary ti kets of this road issued to Bern tors, Seprescutatives and officers of each House, in 1878, will remain in force until the holders return to their homes from the July l session of the Legislature iu 1879. I Respectfully, Geo. W. Adams, Election Fights. A difficulty occurred on Wednesday night after the election, iu town, between two negro boys—Andrew Whitehead aud Jeff' G’Neat —in which the humor shot the latter in the side with a small cartridge. The wound is not considered dangerous. Another difficulty occurred the same night, in which Tom Yarbrough, col’d, was slightly cut by another negro. Anoth r in which Kiuch Burch, col’d, shot Ashwood, eol’d, four tunes, but without effect. Kiuch was promptly arrest, and by the Bherift' and pl aced iu the guard-house No other ar rests. Whiskey! Urauine. This is the most teooi tly discovered, and per haps the most remat liable, ot all the coil tar or aniline group of coloring substances, now so extensively used tor the adornment of the finest fabiics. Urauine is said, by chemists, to be the most Highly fluorescent body known to science. Its coloring power is a touishing; a single grain will impart a.marked Color to nearly live hundred gallons of* water. A most in teres'ing experiment, which any body may tty, consists in sprinkling a few at oms of Urauine upon the surface of water iu a glass tumbler. Each atom immediately sends down through the Water what appears to be a bright green rootlet; and the tumbler soon looks as if it were crowded full of baoiuti fnl plants. The v ootkts now begin to enlarge spread and combine, until we have a mass of soft green-colored liquid. Viewed by trans mitted tight, the color chapges to a bright gol den or amber hue; while a combination ot green aud gold will be realized, according to the position in which the glass is held. For day or evening experiment nothing can be prettier than these trials of Urauii e, which are especially entertaining for the young folks. We are indebted for examples of the color to the editors of the Scientific Ann rican, who are sending out speciui ns, free of charge, to all their readers. The subscription to the pa per is $3.20 tor a year, or $1.60 half year; aud a better investment for the money could hard ly bo named. Fifteen Dollars Reward. I will pay fifteen dollars reward fora certain double-case Elgin lady’s gold watch, which I lost ou Christinas day iu E istmaii. Ou out side of case are initials E. M. L. B. All per sons are forewarned not to trade tor said watch, as the same is doubtless illegally held by someone. Robert Gary. Notic.e All parties indebted to m: fire requested to come forward and FAY ME. After the 15th inst. my notes ami accounts wil lie placed iu the hands ot proper officers, with instructions to collect without delay. Thus notice is mean! for all—NQ EXCEPTIONS. With thanks lor past lave rs, I mil, Very lespe tfully, J. W:- TUCKER, M. D. Cl auueev, Ga., Jan. Ist, 1879. To Whom It May Concern : Notice is Iu reby given that Joseph It. Osborn is under contract with the undersigned tor the present, as Well as for the year 1579, and all persons are warned not to hire or give employ ment to said Osburn under penalty of the law. Eastman, Dec. 4, 18V8. -T. D. Harrell. A Remarkable Result. It makes no difference how mauy Physicians or how much medicine you have tried, it is now an established fact that German Syrup is the only remedy which has given complete satisfaction iu severe cases of Lung Diseases. It is tr ie, there are yet thousands of persons who are predisposed to Throat and Lung Af fections, Consumption, Hemorrhages. Asthma. Severe l olds settled on the breast. Pneumonia, W hooping Cough, Ac., who have no personal know ledge of Boschee’s German Syrup. To .such we would say that 50,000 dozen were sold last year without one complaint. Consump tive's try just oue bottle. Regular size 75 cents' Sold bv ail druggists in America. febl4yeo . min i in j Dissolution of Co-Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Hunt & Woodard is this day dissolved by mutual consent, 'i he business will be continued by Hunt & Wiges. who assume all li ibilities of the late firm of Hunt fc Woodard. Djbois, Ga., J. W. HUNT. Noy. 20, 1878-It C, D. WOODARD. A N \ OU ACo 'I iVN I S. 3liiniciiul election. We tire authorized to announce the follow ing named gentlemen, tvs the People's Ticket, for Mayor and Aldermen for the town of East man, at the ensuing election on the second Saturday in January 1879. For Mayor—lx M. Peacock. For Aldermen — I F. l>eLa v. I>r. J. 11. Bnclun. Dr. Harris Fisher, D. M Roberts. For Town Attorney —W. W. -Humphreys. Dodge Sheriff Sales. XI7TLL be sold before the Court House door ** in the town of Eastman,'during the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in JAN UARY rc-xt, the following property, to wit: One two-storv building and lots, stiid build ing situated on lots numbers 8,9, 10,and parts of numbers 11 and 12. situated at the corner of School str.'et ami Fifth avenue, in the town of East mar, t>ing apart of lot number 9, in the lotu district of Dodge county, seventy-five feet by. one hundred and fifty leet, levied on as the* property ot the Trustees of the Eastman Academy, to satisfy a lien fi la issued from the Superior court of Dodge county upou fore closure of lien m favor of \A. N la-itch, sur vivor of Uusscll A Leitch, vs. said property and the Trustees of the Eastman Academy. ALSO, at same time and place: bo; bi land No-17, m the 19th district o Dodge couuty, levied on as the property of A. J. Thompson, guardian of the minor h--irs ot Jesse Davis, to satisfy a tax ti fa, issued by 11. J. Sapp, tax colletor, for State and county taxes for the year 1878 P'onerty pointed out by tax collector, and Ivy made and returned to me by constable. A LSI t at same time and place: Lot of laud number 312, in the 14th district ot Dodge comity, as the property of S. W. Burch, to satisfy a Superior court fi fain favor of H. A. Dowdy vs S. W. Burch, the same being a fi fa with lien upon the land by decree of c6iut. A uSO. at the same time and place: Lots of land numbers 303, 301, 328, and one-half of lot number 210. all iu the 14th district of Dodge comity, levied on as the prop erty of John L. Dowdy, to satisfy a mortgage fi la in favor of Josiah Reaves for lire of L. A. Hall vs John L. Dowdy; proper y pointed out in fi fa. ALSO. at the same time and place : Lots numbers 13, 14, 15, i6, 17, 18, 19; and part of 20 in section 35. of the town of East man, Dodge county; levied on as the properly ot Alary E. and Wiliiatn S. DeGroate to satis fy a fi. fa issued from tie Superior Court in favor of Joseph \V. Sheldon vs William S, and Alary E. DeGroate; property pointed out by plaintiff's attorney. \ LSO, at the same time and place: L< its numbers 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. 19: and 1 art of lot number 20, in section 35; in the town of Eastman, Dodge couuty; levied on as the property of William S. DeGroate to satisfy a Superior Court ti la in iavor of John S. De- Groate vs William S. DeGroa e; property pointed out by pi untiff's attorney. A I.SO. at the same tune and place: Lots of land numb -rs 33, 304, 328, and one-half of lot number 246, all iu the 14tn dis trict ot Dodge county, levied on as tne prop erty of Joliu L. Dhwdy, to satisfy a Justice court fi la, in favor of Allies Burnham vs John L. Dowdy; levy made and returned to me i>y coustabl i. IM7ILL be sold before the Court House door * in the town of Eastman, on first Tues day in FEBRUARY’ next, within the legal hours of sile. the following property to wit : Lots Nos. 8. 9, 10 and parts of Nos. 11 and 12, in -ection 30 of the town of Eastman, at the corner ot Fifth Avenue and School street, and two-story building tin n on, levied bn as the property of the Trustees of the Eastman Academy, to satisfy two Justice court fi fas iu favor of the National School Furniture Com pany, and one in lavor ot L. A. Hall vs. Trus tees of Eastman Academy. Levy made by constable and notice served on Trustees. ALSO, at same time and place: Lot ot land number 15, in the 19th district, lcaied on as the property cf B, F. llmay, to satisfy i tax fi la issued by 11. J. Sapp, tax collect' r f"r State and county taxes lor the year 178. Property pointed out by tax c >l -and levied on and r turned to me l>y constable, A LSO. at the same time and place: Lot ot land number 232, in 14th district, 'lev ied on as the property of Dr. Absalom John son, to satisfy a tux fi fa issued by H. J. Sapp, tax collector, for State and county taxes for tire year 1878. Property pointed out by trx collector, and levied on and returned to me by constable. W. B. SAPP, nov2itdslah Sheriff. GEORGIA, DODGE COUNTY. Whereas, John A. Harrell, administrator on Ibe estate of James 11, Gad well, late of said county, deceased, has applied to me for letters of dismission from his said trust. These are thereto.e, to cite and admonish all persons con cerned '.o be and appear at the Court of Ordi niy of sai l count) on hr before the first Mon day in March, 1879, to show cause, it any they can, why letters of dismiseion should not be granted the applicant as prayed for. Given under my hand officially this Nov. 4, ).V7B. J. J. ROZAII. uovlltd* Ordinary D. C. GEORGIA, DODGE COUNTV. Whereas, Lovett Drown, executor on the es tate of Alfred Mullis, late of said county, de ceased, has applied to me for letters ot dismis sion from his said trust. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county on or before the first Monday in Feb ruary, 1879, to show cause, if anv they can, why letters of dismission should not be grant ed the applicant as prayed for. Given under my hand officially this Nov. 4, 1878. J. J. IiUZAE, novt.l Ordinary I). C. SCHOOLJTOriC THIRTIES indebted to me for Tuition for ■- the years 1875, ’76, ’77 and ’7B, are re quested to make payment V f Once. After the first day of-January my accounts will be found with -J. F. DeLacv, Esq . for collection. G. A. HARRISON. Dec. 23. 1878. 2t CTMfIMBB. BUTTS No. 12 N. Eighth St. fijL-jfL&s-.ffr .act St. Louis, Mo. Who has had greater experience in the treatment of the aexual troubles < f both male and female than anv physician in the West, gives the results of his lone ana successful practice m his two new work*, just published, entitled The PHYSIOLOGY OF MARRIAGE The PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER Books that are really (.aides sad to-IT-Tnstruetor, in all mat* ters pertaining to ifanhocd and It omanhwnd, and supply want long felt. They are b.-’tuiifully illusirnii-d, and in piaia language, easily-understood. The’ two books embraces4s pages, and contain vain able Inform .lion for both married and single, with a: lthe recent improvements in medicaltreatment Head whatour homepapers say: “The knowledge imparted in ir. Batts* iuw works is in no way of questionable char-, aeter, but is something that cwrj one should kacw. Tk Vocth. the victim of early indiscretion; the Stan, otherwise perfectly healthy maybe, but with waningvigor intheprims of life, and the Wutuar, in aaieervpr n Srtfu from the many ills her sex is heir £ 1 | *J 9 ■ to. "—St. Louis Journal. I l ! |Tg S J. VOi'tlkß iWifU—flO ets. each: .J SS, a t " both tn one volume, 81 -, in cloth and ‘ gilt. 25 cts. extra. Scut under seal, on 8 SS n| receipt of price in money or ctampt, tm tk? Vgg *yc April 18, 1878. 154 .1. FITTCI I’*S BLACKSMITH SHOP, at bis old stand near HARREiL’3 LIVELY STABLE, l/ldlll 111, Gil. Ii you want your work well done and at reason ible van s, carry it to oi i m in Futch. July 11. 1878.-tf BURNHAM’S di&SSk WARRANTED BEST Anl) CHEAPEST. Jjga§gS§j| Prices reduce vV Pamphlet/ree. 3ILLM SUPPLIED Wohks : wbi-istiaod, Lmicaste Cos., Pa. Office : 23 8. Re. v t St., Y'ork. Pa. Dec. 25, 1878. ly Great Bargains far the Cash,in Winter Goods, •For the next Thirty Days, in BLANKETS, FLANNELS, LINDSEYS, DRESS GOODS, CL3THIN3, AC., AC. At L. C. PERRY A CO.’S T> I T B BIX, A . A lar<;c stock on hand and must be gold. GIVE US A CALL. n0v2878-U‘ - ■ ■ - ■ .M The Grand Fashion Palace of Eastman t 18 AT KELLERS IT IS THE ONLY PLACE WHERE YOU CAN BUY GOODS AT PANIC PRICES! Wc have just opened our Winter stock of STAPLE & FANCY l>HYj CK>OD# READY MADE CLOTHING, GENTS* FURNISHING (1001)8, - bailies’, Misses’, tiiuib’ and Children’* Shoes, Notloni, HATS, TRUNKS, VALISES, LADIES’ SATCHELS, HARDWARE, CUTLERY CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, ETC., ETC., Which you can purchase at less prices than ever before offend in the town of Eastnitui. CROCKERY and GLASSWARE a Speciality! IF YOU DISBELIEVE WHAT WE SAY, OAIiL AMD S EUS US THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF FA-MILY GROCBRIHS Consisting of MEAT, MEAL, FLOUR, SUG VR, COFFEE, TOBACCO. CIGARS, an 1 everything usually kept in a first class Grocery Stoic, on hand and lor sale at less prices than ever before offered at any other establishment. Thanking our many friends for the liberal share of patronage they have bestowed upon w® respectfully solicit a continuance ot the same, assuring you the very bottom pnues. Guaranteeing all goods t.s represented, we endeavor by strictly lair and legitimate dealing to gain your favor, aud thus far, we are proud to say, our efforts have been attended with unbounded euoecw. Eastman, Ga., April 4tdi, 1878-y m a idL Ma I m Ip 98 CHERRY STREET, MACON, Ga., Manufacturers of and Dealers in Uarriagss, agons,. Agents for the Celebrated JACKSON WAGONS, fie be;t wagon made. Every one guaranteed to giva perfect *atiaf*cti i&- Also the TENNESSEE WAGON - al nr priced, durable wagon. H VIINIiSS, SAIjDLES, WHIPS, lllßili* CNlliAfti, AWB HA* 19, VALISES, TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, CEIL DRENS CARRIAGES, LAP ROBES, HORSE BLAN KETS, SOLE, UPPER AND HARNESS LEATHER CALF SKIMS-, SHOE FINDINGS. CstrCull and examine our stock, or write for prices, before purchasing, REPOSITORIES —93 Cherry Street, Macon, and 208 Broad Street, Augngta. scpl9-(bn SCHOFIELDS IRON WORKS, WAOOX, ... - - OEOBGIA MANUFACTURER.! OF i STEAM ENGINE Si A FROM FOUR TO FORTY HORSE POWER Also, WHEaT THRESHING ENGINES Fv pared to mount eu any ordinaly farm wagon. GRIST MTLI& Cotton Preass, Cane Wills ainl Syrup Unilers, Slutting, Pfille. And all kinds of CASTINGS Prompt attention paid to Repairing MILLS AND MACHINERY. for C r uar J. S, SCHOFIELD 4 SOh^ Jan. oi 18T3-ty