The Eastman times. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1873-1888, January 23, 1879, Image 3

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THE EASTMAN TIMES THUBMPAY, JANUARY 23, 1879. TERMS, SS.OQ A YEAR. jtA'IUS OF ADVERTISING, first insertion SIOO Each HnliHeq'iwit iiwrition - so. r ” < “'T- 1 “t bs 2 S £ do 12 do . 35 00 Hlfcolumn, 3 months ... 20 Of, do 6 do oo wo Sc 12 do COCO Oac column, 3 month• 3o (K) G do CO 00 jo 12 do 100 00 LEGAL ADVERTISING, drift's Sides, each levy, per square.... $3 50 ( , 0 Mortgage ft fa sales o 00 - lttt tion for Letters of Administration.. 450 L t j o do Guardianship... 450 DisnuHsiou tv -m Administration 510 do do Guardianship 00 Application for Homestead j W Notice to Debtors and Creditors 4 00 Kales of l>nd, etc., per squaw 4 00 do Perishable property, 10 days... 1 foreclosure of Mortgage, each time.... 100 Kstr.y Notice, 30 days.... 3 .>0 Divorces, in to perfect service 8 ( KJ Published every Thursday morning at East man, Georg**, where all communications iliould lie addressed. rime of lloldiiic Court In Oco nee Circuit. TWIGGS COUNT?. First Mondays iu March and September. DOOLY COUNTY. Secoun Mondays in March and September, rith terms of two weeks. WTL< OX COUNTY. Fo<’rth Mondays iu March and September. IRWIN COUNTY. Monday after the fourth Mondays in March nd September. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Wednesday after the fourth Mondays iu tpril and October. LAUP.ENS COUNTY. Second Mondays in April and October. TELFAIR COUNTY. Tuesday after -the third Mondays iu April ml Octoiu r. DODGE COUNTY. First Mondays iu May and November. rULASKI COUNTY. Second Mondays in May and NoroUber. rith terms of two weeks. Local News. Gardening hhs commenced. Chew Jackson's Rest Sweet Navy Tobacco, uov2 w ’B7-ly The tin roofing is being put on the new jai by Couse A Arthur. Preaching next Sabbath by Rev, Win. Mc- Kay. pastor of the Presbyterian church. Farmers are slow to invest iu guano on ac count of the advance in pi ice. Sensible. Mrs. G. Coleman of our place left on Wed nesday morning for a visit to Columbus. We are pleased to see Mr. E. E. Wilkins again at his post after several and ivs illness. The authorities of the A. fc G. R. R. will again accept our thinks for courtesies. Judge J. J. ltozer and W. W. Humphreys, esq., left Eastman tor Dublin on Tuesday last. business in Eastman is only moderate.— Some days being cpiite lively, and others dull. Judge Clifford Anderson, ol the firm of La nier A Anderson, was in Eastman on Monday. And now the smoke continues to ascend from the huge pile of sawdust near the depot. Mrs. Raiford and Miss Kate Goeltz of Macon are on a visit to Mrs. Armstrong of our town. Mr. Reuben Burch opened a school at Mill Branch Academy iu this eeunty on Monday morning last. Now is the time to plant out shade trees. Our sidewalks might be greatly improved at a very small cost. We should bo pleased to hear the sound of the hammer on the erection ot a church edi fice in our towu. Cotton is selling iu Eastman at 7@Bi cents j I* r pound; Bacon at 7 cents; Flour, $7@57.50 I Itr barrel; Salt, $1.25 per sack. Henry Sauls, who has been engaged ns clerk in the store of Mr. L. M. Peacock of this place, returned to his home in Laurens county on Toesdty last Hon. K. C.Fate sirer.t Monday and Tues dny in Eastman, hearing motions, passing or durs, etc. He returned to Hawkinsville Wed nesday morning. A. O. Williamson of our town has re moved to a place in the country about two and a half uillos from town. Mr. W. was one of * J<? ot aldermen last year. Heavy complaints are being made about '!*> filthy cond tion of the ditch running through t"\\n. Ourrewly elected City Fathers, we rm*liet will remedy this evil at an early day. Onr office was honored ou Monday afternoou ust ih call from Mrs. Ilaiford and Miss 'te (joeltz, ot Macon, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. eGrmt, Miss Viuing and Miss Royal, of Eastraau. ( Irank Tliomsou, Geueral Manager Pennsylvania R. R, i s kept very busy, owing . . 0 A. Scott, President of this line, in Europe. Col. Thomson is a very a< *e man. of eßße ‘* to see Hon. John Wilcox c Uir 3 H reseut Representative of that j I' Hiistman on Tuesday last. “Uncle celW**’-.-" 8 he ls fftmilar, y called, is an ex -11 1 itueu md a worthy legislator. On Tuesday night of week the lock, a Rogers 11 Padlock, on the crib door of Mr. Jesse ten v,! v, t i*y sof ccrn hto leu. Someone else ‘ ‘die training under Grant k Go. fcterv iff RnJ> ' a^“nts Rt Ibis place are using lent to pL a 0 86t , Ue com P' lUies the y re Pre ,he Among the recent arrivals at the Uplands are Dr. S. C. Buney, Washington, D. C.; Miss Dunlap, Georgetown, D. C.; J. J- Myers and family, Cleveland, Ohio; Y. M. Gillingham, Miss Nnton, Philadelphia; Mi. Addoras, Brook lyn, N. Y.; Judgt! Pate, Hawkinsville, Ga. All persons indebted to the uudersigned are hereby requested to cotne forward and settle up without delay’. ALL notes and accounts dne me and unpaid, will be placed in the hands of an officer for collection on the fin f of February next. J. M. Buchan, M. D. Eastman, Ga., Jau. 23, 1879. 2t We hope that ALL who are indebted to us in Laurens iu ANY WAY, will meet us in Dublin next week and seit’e up. With many we have waited long, and now we again ask you to avail yourselves ol this opportunity to redeem your “promise to pay.” We will jheerfully turn over your notes, receipt your accounts, etc. We learn from Mr. P. H. Coffee, sr., who was in our office on Monday last, that hauds iu his neighborhood are rather slow about con tracting. Similar complaints reach us from oiher quarters, and we think this state of af fairs is greatly to be deplored. The country is very ill able to lose a mouth or two in this way from hei farm operations. On Monday last Mr. Jacob M. Clements brought to our office a few samples of bricks manufactured in Savannah from clay sent trom Eastman by Messrs. McArthur & Griffin, who propose to establish a brick yard at this place at an eer'y day. The samples are perfect in every respect, and as good as any brick man ufactured in Macon or Atlanta. The manu facturers pronounce the clay good—A 1. Divine Services. Owing partly to iuclemency of the weather and partly to other causes, there was a small turnout at church on Saturday, and in conse quence a prayer meeting, conducted by the pastor, Rev. James Williamson, was substitu. ted for preiching. The services on Sal'bath were well attended, although the Gay was quite cold and windy. Sudden Death. On Friday last Air. Johu McKinnon of Tel fair county returned home from his work, and found his wile dead in the yard. It appears that she hail been sweeping in front of the door, and had started to replace the yard broom, and when withiu a few feet of its ac customed place she fell dead in the yard with the broom in her hand, and thus sue was fouud by her husband upon his return after a few hours absence, stiff and cold iu death. A physician was called in, but all that was mor tal of Mrs. McKinnon had passed beyond the power of restoratives. We heard no suggestion as to the probable cause ol this sudden death. Big Hogs. Mr. J. R. Coley, of this county, killed a few days ago the two largest hogs we have heard of this winter. One weighed 5G2 and the oth er 4.52 pounds—the aggregate weight 994 pounds. Our Western friends might as well make tlieir calculations to raise cheap meat hereafter, lor the farmers of Georgia can not only raise cotton, but big hogs and plenty of corn, and prices have leached the point now when cotton will be the surplus crop.— Hate* kins utile Dispatch. Adjourned Term of Laurens Su perior Court. Hon. T. J. Simmons, Judge of the Macon circuit, will not hold the adjourned term of I aureus Superior Court which convenes next Monday. Judge Fate will be there in the event he shall fail to get semj other Judge '.o hold the court is his place. This he is very anxious to do. however, as there are some cases pendiug in which ho is disqualified from presiding and which should be disposed of. The Social Beading Club. The meeting on Friday evening last at Mr. Coleman’s was as usual pleasant and enter taining. To-morrow eyeuisjg the meeting will be held at the Court House, and will be one of unusu al interest, it being the first anniversary. Dr. 11 Fisher has consented and will deliv er an address upon some subject of his own selection. Those who have heard the Doctor upon former occasions, look forward to this part of the programme with eousiderable in terest. Other improuptu speeches may be called for. The election of officers will also constitute a part of the programme. A full attendance is expected. All are in vited to attend. Hawkinsville Preparing to En tertain the State Agricultu ral Convention. [Hawkinsville Dispatch.] Haweinsyille, Ga., Jan. 7, 1879. Meeting called to order by President R. W. Anderson. On motion, J. B. Mitchell was appointed to act as Secretary. Ou motion, it was ordered that the Presi dent, Vice-President and Secretary he author ized to appoint a committee to co-operate with the Mayor and Council of Hawkinsville, Ga., in making suitable arrangements for the re ception and accommodation ot delegates at tending the meeting ot the State Agricultural Society to be held iu Hawkinsville in February next. Ou motion, meeting adjourned. R. W. Anderson, President. J. B. Mitchell, Sec’y. pro tern. A Liberal Proposition. The Southern Planter and Grange of Atlan ta, that large and excellent eight-page agricul tural and family newspaper, proposes, tor 75 cents and two letter stamps tor postage, to forward to any address the Weekly Piauter and Grange tor three mouths, together with a book containing the old and new constitutions ot the State of Georgia, with supplemental matter —of value to every citizen of the State — and one of Scribuer’s 1< g books, containing measurements of all kinds of timber, calcula tions of iuterest aud wages, for any length of time, at any given price—all made out iu per fect form, so that it is only necessary to reter to the index aud page. The last nann and book will prove an invalu aid to those having any kind of calculations to make. The otter is bona fide, and presents an excellent opportunity of securing a first class paper and two valuable premiums for a mere pittance. Address (enclosing 75 cents and two letter postage stamps), Frank Gordon, Publisher, Atlanta, Ga. An Astonishing Fact. A large proportion of the American people are dying from the effects ot Dyspepsia or dis ordered liver. The result of these diseases upon the masses of intelligent, and valuable people is most alarming, making life actually a burden instead of a pleasant existence ol en joyment and uselulness as it ought to be.There is no good reason for this, if you will only throw aside preju ice and skepticism, take the advice of Druggists aud your lrieuds, and try one bottle of Green’s August Flower, your speedy relief is certain. M'llious of bottles of his medicine have been given away to try its virtues, with satisfactory results iu every case. You can buy a sample bottle to try for 10 cts. Three doses will relieve the worst case Posi tively sold by all Druggists on the Western Continent. febl4yeow List of Jurors. For the benefit of our readers, and all parties concerned, we herewith publish a list of the names of the persons drawn to serve as grand and traverse jurors at the tnsuiug Miy term of Dodge Superior Court, GRAND JURORS: J M Sapp James Bohauuau D A McAilister James Bishop J L Evans C It Armstrong • ; D Parkerson W W Harrell Nicholas ltawlins Kerry Hobbs K A Harrell M A* Walker T W Weeks W P Hartman G W Powell Joseph Graham sr M Cooper T J Dempsey II Fisher J A Coleman A Edwards Elijah Cook M C Sikes H J Sapp J J Rozar J L Thompson Hamilton Clark Arthur Walker Jno R Giddiugs J W Joftee TRAVERSE JURORS: J It Peacock Malta Yearly W P Eastman \V A Morgan W T Coleman Jno W Lovett A G Williamson Hamilton Helms BEL Giddiugs G J Trippe J K P Mull is J W i'ozir J A Harrell jr W G Phillips Robert Rogers sr L C Burnham II M Giddiugs J C Thomson J L Harrell. C it Rozar W J Simmons Jno L Livingston W J Trippe K II Trippe J D Fosett L L Hargroves A C Jones J J Harrison A B ltoquemore G W Rawlins R C Keen D J McCranie J W Jones J W Phillips Jno Rogers Philip Reaves 1 certity that the above is a true copy. J. (J. Rawlins, C. S. C. Fish Brine for Turkeys. A neighbor informs as that a few days ago he threw out some bran, upon which had been poured some brine from a maokeie’. kit for his hogs. Their sw’ineship, finding it rather salty, did not partake of it with that greediness char acteristic ol their kind, aud a considerable por tion was left, which was subsequently found by the turkeys. They, too, proceeded to gob ble up the briuy brau, and the next morning, to the surprise of our informant, he discovered that at least one of the turkeys, a favorite gob bler, had not, some time after suurise, vacated Ins roost, but was still sitting on ais perch with his neck stretched to its last extremity and head hanging downward. After being scared oft, he reeled and staggered, and jumped around like a chicken with his head cut off, and finally died, t Ithers were quite sick, but recovered. Our informant tbiuks the brine did it, and we give this information that others may guard against a similar fate, as fish brine lor turkeys does not seem to be wholesome. MARRIED. LEWIS—CALHOON.—On the Bth inst., at the residence of itr. B. H. Caihoou of Lau rens coun y, by Rev. N. F. Gay. Mr. Sam.- son Lewis and Miss Sarah Calhoon. CAD WELL—LOWREY.—On the 9th inst., at the rtsidence of the bride’s father, Mr. J. M. Lowrey, by Rev. X. F. Gay, Mr, Matthew Cadwell aud Mtss Rebecca Lowret, all of Laurens county, Ga, GRINSTEAD—CURRIE —On the 15th inst., at the residence of the brides father, Rev. Malcolm Currie, by Rev. N. F. Gay, Mr. Jxo. F. Grinstead, of Laurens coirnty, and Miss Mary S. Currie, of Montgomery coun ty, Ga. Iu our search for locals we find nothiug more that araouuts to news. We find there are no deaths no sickness, no accidents Nothiug tending to a disturbance of our do mestic or public peace. Is it not well that it is so? Ought not our community be thankful? The fact that we have been spired the ills that beset our sister towns and couuties, admonish es us to reflect that there is something in ad dition to the foregoing locals that requires our notice aud attention. Is it due to our superior care and circumspection that we have escaped with heahh, limb, reputation, and life, iutact during the past week, month, or year? The answer will suggest itself. Have others with in our circle, iu our community, had the .same measure of happiness? And if not, have yon done anything to alleviate the want, hunger, cold, and distress that it was in vour power to relieve? W e trust no unpleasant reflections w ill follow this. W hat we would impress, is the golden maxim, “Love thy neighbor as thyself." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. \wmsmammsamßßmaaamßmmm BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS. Choice Seed*, &c., By Mail. For SI.OO we mail postpaid, either of follow ng collections, all choice varieties. ’ 20 Verbenas, or 8 Heliotropes, 8 Geraniums, or 9 Fuchsias, 8 Coleus, or 6 Roses, 4 Ivies, or 8 Chrysanthemums * or l(1 ass- irte.l Green H- use Plants. |j 8 Gladiolus. or 8 Double Tub-rose, or 24-sc, or 12-10 e. pkis Garden Seeds I or 24 packets choice Flower Seeds. Circular, with additional collections. mailed to applicants. Edvv'd. J. Evans & Cos., (Local Agents Wan ed.) York, Pa. FARMERS, READ! FORTY IONS NATIONAL SOLUBLE BONE Just received. Prices as list season. Now Is your time to get a cheap fertilizer. Chas. R. Armstrong, Agent. Eastman, Ga., Jau. 14, 1879-lm TROUP HOUSE, DUBLIN, GA. E. J. TABPLEY r , - Proprietor. Situated in the business part of the town, aud only 100 yards from the Court House. Table supplied with the b. st the market af fords. janl6-ly Dodge Sheriff Sales. "WSTILL be sold before the Court House door ’ * iu the town of Eastman, ou first Tues day in FEBRUARY next, within the legal hours of sale, the tollowmg property to wit: Lots Nos. 8. 9, 10 and parts of Nos. 11 and 12, iu section 30 of the towu of Eastman, at the corner ot Fifth Avenue and School street, and two-story building thtvcon, levied on as the pioperty of the Trustees of the Eastman Academy, to satisfy two Justice court li las in favor ol the National School Furniture Com pany, aud one iu favor ot L. A. Hall vs. Trus tees of Eastman Academy. Levy made by constable and notice served ou Trustees. A LSI), at same time and place: Lot ol laud number 15, in the 19th district, levied on as the property of B. F. Harvey, to satisfy tax li ia issued bv H. J. Sapp, tax collect! v for State and county taxes lor the year 1878. Property pointed out by tax col lector, and levied ou and l. turned to me by c. unstable, A LSO, at the same time and place: Lot ol land number 232. in 14th district, lev ied on as the property of Dr. Absalom John son, to satisfy a tax ti fa issued by H. J. Sapp, tax collector, for State and county taxes for the year 1873. Property pointed out by tp x collector, aud levied on and returned to me by constable. W. B. SAPP, nov2itdslah Sheriff. GEORGIA, DODGE COUNTY. Whereas, John A. Harrell, administrator on the estate of James H, (Indwell, late ot said county, deceased, has applied to me for letters of dismission from his .said trust. These are thereto.e, to cite and admonish all persons con cerned obe and at the Court of Ordi nary of said countj on or before the first Mon day in March, 1879, to show cause, it auy they can, why ietttrs of dismiseiou should not be granted the applicant as prayed for. Given under mv hand officially this Nov. 4, )078. " J. J. ROZAR, nG\'l4td* Ordinary D. C. GEORGIA, DODGE COUNT V. Whereas, Lovett Brown, executor on the es tate of Alfred Mnllis, late of “aid county, de ceased, has applied to me tor letters of dismis sion from his said trust. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per.-.ons concerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county on or betore the first Monday in Feb ruary. 1879, to show cause, if any they can, why letters of dismission should not be grant ed the applicant as prayed for. Given under inj hand officially this Nov. 4, 1878. J. J. ROZAR, novtd Ordinary D. C. GEORGIA —Dodge County. Whereas. W. J. Tripp, administrator of the estate of James Tri; p deceased, with will an nexed. hits applied to me lor letters of dismis sion from his said trust, these are therefore to cite aud admonish all persons concerned to be aud appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county on or before the first Monday in April. 1879, to show cause, if any they can, why let ters of dismission should not be granted the applicant as prayed for. Given under my hand officials this Jan. 7, 1879. J. J. KOZAK, Ordinary, D. C. a GENTS WANTED / TOR THE L & YOUNG PEOPLE’S JL JL. ILLUST RAT EI) BIBLE HISTORY. Over 14,000 copies ordered in advance of publication. Ike best and easiest book to seil. This work contains an interesting account of the great events mentioned iu the Old and New Testaments, the lives of the Patriarchs, Judges, Kings and Prophets, CHRIST AND HiS APOSTLES, and of the remarkable women aud children mentioned iu the Sacred Volume. Illustrated with Elegant Steel En gravings. For terms and territory, apply to The Hen ry Publishing Co.~ Norwich, Conn., or Geo. W. Collins, Macon, Ga. j in9-3m J. FITTCII’S BLACKSMITH SHOP, at his old stand near HARRELL’S LIVERY STABLE, Kastman, Ga. It you want your work well done and at reasonable rales, carry it to old nun Futeh. July 11, 1878.-tf* CITY HOTEIT COCHRAN, GA. Mbs. Annie Rinaldi, > j B. G. Lee. Esq , Proprietress. ( ] Manager 'i his house has been thoroughly renovated aud the rooms furulshed with new furniture aud beddiug, the tables are supplied with all the markets afford; and the house be lound first-class in every respect. Cochran, Ga . Mm, a, Rinaldi, Nov t Ist, 1878. Propri*trr. Great Bargains for the Cash,in Winter Goods, For the next Thirty Days, in BLANKETS, FLANNELS, LINDSEYS, DRESS GOODS, CLOTHINj, &C„ &C. At L. C. FERRY & CO.’S D IT B fI X , o A . A large stock on liaml and m-ist be sol!. GIVE US A CALL. nov2Blß-tf The Grand Fashion Palace of Eastman! !{■* A.T KELLER’S IT IS THE ONLY PLACE WHERE YOU CAN BUY GOODS AT PANIC PRICES! Wc have just opened our Winter s l .oek of STAPLE FANCY DRY 0001>f REYDY MADE CLOTHING, GENTS* FURNISHING GOOD.-, Indies’, Misses’, tients’ ami Cliilitreu’s Siiacs, Notions, HATS, TRUNKS, VALISES, LADIES’ SATCHELS, HARDWARE, CUTLERY CROUKGIIV, (iI.ASSWABE. ETC., ETC,, Which you cun at less prices than ever before offend iu the town of Eastman. CROCKERY and GLASSWARE a Speciality! IF YOU DISBELIEVE WHAT WE SAY, O X-. Xj and sesks xj s TIIE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF jr* L 3VE XXj Y C3r XX O O 3E3 XX. X X3i Consisting of MEAT. MEAL, FLOUR, SUG YR, COFFEE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, an 1 everything usually kept iu a first class Gr icery Store, ou hand and lor s ale at loss prices-than ever before offered at any other estibbshment. Thanking our many friends for the liberal share of patronage they liave bestowed npon ws> we respect 1 ally solicit a coutinuanee ot the same, assuring you the very bol tom prices. Guaranteeing all goods us represented, we endeavor by strictly lair and legitimate dealing to gain your tavor, and thus far, we are proud to say, our efforts h rve been attended with unbounded suecew. Eastman, Ga., April 4th, 1878-y 98 CHERRY STREET, MACON, Ga., Manufacturers of and Dealers in Carriages, juggles, agons, Agents for the Celebrated JACKSON WAGONS, lie wagon made. Every one guaranteed to give perfect satisd'action Also the TENNESSEE WAGON —A lmr-priced, durable wagon. H VRNIiSS, SADDLES, AVIIIPS, VALISES, TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, CHIL DREN’S CARRIAGES, LAP ROBES, HORSE BLAN KETS, SOLE, UPPER AND HARNESS LEATHER SKINS, SHOE FINDINGS. Call and examine our slock, or write for prices, before purchasing. REPOSITORIES—9B Cherry S, Macon, and 208 Broad Street, Augusta. seplO 6m SCHOFIELDS IRON WORKS, MACON, - GEORGIA MANUFACTURERS OF STEAM ENGINES FROM FOUR TO FORTY HORSE POWER Ais, wheat threshing engines Prepared to mount on any ordinaly farm v.ugou. GRIST MILLS* Cotton Presses, Cane Mills and Syrup Boilers, Slt ifting*, PalL* And all kiuda of CASTINGS Prompt attention paid to Repairing MILLS AND MACHINERY. to. Circular j. §, SCHOFIELD & SON. Jan 31 1171*1* Awarded the Highest Medal at Henna and Philadelphia• E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO,, 591 Broadway, New York. Manufacturers, Importers nud Dealers in Y elvetF rames AlbumsOraphoscopes STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS, ENGRAVINGS, CIIKOMOS, PHOTOGRAPHS, and kindred goods -celebrities, actresses, A c PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS, We are headquarters for everything in the way of BTKKEOPTIOOX3 AND MAGIC LANTERN’S, Each style being the best of its class in the market. Beautiful photographic tnuisjiaren* cies ol statuary and engravings for the window. Convex-glass; manufacturers of velvet lrallies for niiuiatures and convex glass pictures. Cat alogues ol lanterns and slides, with directions for using, sent on receipt ol ten cents. 28ti4iu THE WELLS TEA COMPANY, Importers of Pure China A Japan Teas. Supply teas to storekeepers, in origbul pack ages, at lowest import prices. Supply teas to druggists, general dealers and others, packed in handsome sealed packages ot one pound each, in canisters of the same capacity, and 5 lbs, 10 lbs and 20 lbs boxes. Supply teas to peddlers in half pound and one pound bags, plain or printed, at a more liberal discount than is given elsewhere. Supply teas for club orders, and allow n larger commission than usual, and in all cases guarantee the quality oi their goods. Tlio Wells Tea Cos,, is one of the largest nud most reliable houses in the trade, and all par ties requiring Teas should send for a circular. The Wells Tea Company, 201 Fulton Street, NEW YORK. 1\ O. Box 156(1. 28u2m BlffiDß. BUTTS Wimfm No - 12 n * E, ghth st. St. Louis, Mo. Who has had greater cxperlenea In the treatment of th aexufu troirbles of both malt* and female* than any physician hi tlie West, gives the resiilu of his long and aiio'oeaaftji practice iu his twe new works- just published, entitled The PHYSIOLOGY OF MARRIAGE The PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER Books that are realty Outdo, and O.lMastrucUra in all mat ttT* |K-rtaining to Manhood and Wonmitkood. and atipply Mailt loiih They are beaulihilly Illustrated, and in plain easily understood. The txro books embrace 545 and contain tain Hide lion for botb marrWd and •inyle, witJi all the recent improvement* in medical treatment Iv’ad whatour homepapers say : “The knowledge imparted in l)r. ItiiU. DOW works is In no way of quortuMiable char aitrr but Is something thut .very ou. kLonld ksuw. Tb. *°" u ’‘he victim of early indiscrttion; tt ■.K.tattcr* is. pcrfottly healthy maybe, bt with waningvigor ratltenrim. Of lite, ami the Homnr, in iniser\B>*^p i y i,l V a N|^ q V^v aH 'a fToin the many ills her bcx is Leu* j Jfi fpiS ■* to."~-St. Louis Journal. IwX I w I ■ POPULAR PUKES —6O cts. J 1 both in one volume, *1; in clofh gilt, 25 ets. extra. Sent uTvler m-nl, oijjS fatf B ’ran receipt of price in money or stamps. Hr "m April 18. 1878. IVly pateittsT In connection wills ISse publication of tlio Scientijh■ American, we continue to act as So licitors- tor Cbpyrijgiits, etc,, for the United States, Cana da, Cuba, England, France, Germany, etc. Tn this line of business we have Lari thirty live veais’ experience. Patents obtained through us tire noticed in the Scientific American. This large and splen di lly illustrated weekly paper shows the cur rent progress of Science, is very interesting, and has an enormous circulation. Subscrip cents. Sold at all Book stores an I News offices Cai 1 Obtain a Paten# ? The quickest and b >st way to obtain a satisfactory answer, without expense, is to write to us (jfrmn A Cos.), describing the invention, with a small sketch. All we need is to- get tine vita. We will immediately answer, and give- the necessary instructions. For this axlvice wo make no charge We also send free our Hand Book about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trade-Marks, their costs, and how procured, with hints for procuring advances ou inventions. Address MUNN & Cf>., Publishers of the Scientific Am-erusatkr 37 Park Row, New York. FITS EPILEPSY,. OB FALLING SICKNESS, Permanently cured no humbug—by ono month’s usage of Dr. Goulard’s Celebrated In fallible Fit Powders. To conviuce sufferers that these powders will do all that we claim for them we will stud them by mail, post paid, a Iree trial box. As I)r. Goulard is the only physician tuat has made this disease a special. study, and as to our knowledge thousands have been permanently cured by the use of these powders, we will guarantee a permanent cure in every case, or refund you all money expen ded. AH sufferers should give these powders an early trial, and be convinced of their cura tive powers. Price, for large box, $3, or four boxes for §lO, sent by mail to any part of the United States or Canada on receipt of price, or by express. C. O. D. Address, ASH <fc ROBBINS, 360 Fulton st., Brooklyn, N. Y. 41 SEARCY’S LESSONS IN SHORT HAND WRITING. ONLY TWO DOLLARS. These lessons ar>; complete in every particu lar, and bv their aid any one of moderate abil ity may in a few months, without the addition al aid of a teacher, acquire a knowledge of this useful and beautiful art. They have heretofore been written out in long hand and furnished by mail to students at from ten to tweuty dol lars. I now propose to have them printed, and as the labor of production is removed, I will sell them at only two dollars for the full course. Application should be made at once, as the lessons are about to lie put to press and only a limited number will be printed. They will be ready for delivering to subscribers in thirty days, neatly printed and illustiated with beautiful engravings, and bound iu tine cloth. The book has been set up in type and the en graver is finishing up the plates. Act prompt ly if you wish to take advantage of the oppor tunity to add to your attainments this greatest accomplishment of the age. Address, W. E. H. Seabcy, Official Reporter, Flint Circuit, Griffin, Ga. octlOml CONSUMPTION POSI riVELY CURED. All suflems from this disease that are anx ious to be cured should iry Dr. Kissuer’s Cele brated Consumptive Powders. These powders are the only preparation known that will euro Consumption and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs Indeed, so strong is our faith iu them, and to convince you that they are no humbug, we will forward to every sufferer by mail, post-paid, a tree trial box. We don’t want your money until 3 our are perfectly sat-, islied of their curat-ve powers. It your life is worth saving, don’t delay iu giving these pow ders a trial, as they will surely cure you. Price, for large box, $3, sent to any part of vhe United States oi Canada, by mail, on re ceipt of price. Address, ASH A ROBBINS, 360 Fulton st., Brooklyn, N. Y. octlO-y r5Wn (flies fa to $7. ItcTolvm— 9’J. 50. Over 1 0o! atest NoveKite IP ,4b Af'uwauu-i. ao.£ urpiyOc sa*kt lUa.T(ua Afril 19. 1&78, 15-dy