The Monroe advertiser. (Forsyth, Ga.) 1856-1974, August 14, 1888, Image 1

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^ Ph | VOL. XXXIiI EDGAR L. _ TO my n-u-M.. Hiid J neiumoeni \b emmtv. nnd .Lcwhcre, T desire to ^.y th.i, >“ th« I.....I’l" I «.» 7iv................... fr.-li K...P, Hr ,Lr .l«i4n 5s .r »I.V mail ................ .“ x„ „1,| .1,..,, w.’.n, ............. stock. but Hll fr.-li, new K , H *U in the v.-rv h.i«>t novelti.^ I take -pvcial care in . aelet-tioiiH, mid mw nwry effort to get just riuch ^tylv- a* will pleu.-u- my trade. ' 1V MV A I T FAnPRQ-^PI HTUTNir IHilNU! I I Mill curry the fiAtnouH Y<k rhi Miller & RupU*’* fine clothing, us well nil . grades in cheaper goods, and I claim that I wil sell you u suit, 10 to 20 per cent than Macon or Atlanta. DRESS GOODS! Without premipmtion 1 my that I carry the best assorted Mock of Dress Good and rimming', in the country, 1 have a’l the newest shades in Plain mid Fancy Suiting-’ with Trimmings to match in Velvets, Braids, .Moire ,><i!ks, Ac,. WHITE GOODS, H A MBERGS & LACES. La-l summer I made for myself a reputation oil these goods ami being inspired to greater efforts by my last year's success i have now a stock of White Good Laces and II am bergs, that are the admiration and wonder of all the ladies. SHOES AND SLIPPERS! Shoe* and clippers are a big factor in my stock, and I can tit thc largest or .small¬ est foot, and also the largeat or smallest purse. It is too much of an undertaking to try to tell the people ot everything I have but Niitliee it to say that I hare got everything kept in a DRY GOODS STORE! Thnt you need and will *r|| them cheaper than you ever thought, you could buy them. Gome in and take a look through, I will take great pleasure in showing you. Yours truly, EDGAR L. ROGERS. Harnesville, (in., March 22nd, 1888. N. B. MR. .KillN F. HOY\ A III) is still with me, to help extend vou a corlial welcome. T A R I F F Oil NO TARIFF! i lie public is notified that I have this day purchased the entire stock ol Groceries, Provisions, Ect. Of Messrs. PON DKU & FLETCIIEU, And have moved my Hh»•«•<* and complete stock of GliuCEUl F.s to f! stand formerly occupied by PONDER & FLE TCHER on the North side Public Square, next door to Bramblett A Bro. The public are invited to call and examine my STOCK and PRICES, and you will find the BEST AND FRESHEST --STOCK OF PROVISIONS -IN THE CITY. Compare my PRICES and you will conclude that it matters not whether (ho Tariff or no Tariff laws are in force. I CHALLENGE all competitors to undersell me. 1 UNDERSELL the Cheapest. S. B. HEAD, Agent. FORSYTH. GA., Jan. 2. 1888. For Mrs. W. II. Head. AYCOCK-- Ilanufacturing I T i Company, -MA N U FACT V RERS OF-- DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, Mantels, Moldings, Ballusters, Newels, WINDOW AND D OORFRAMES DEALERS IN ■*-* TTMRFR lTi L) J- 4 1 \ O l II i’t CJ LilliO, 1 LrV A TRR I IIO A NR 1N U OIAlL/fv. RPTfY j •ALSO, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. AVo now linvf «mr Factorv in operation and will be glad b> sce all wanting Building Material and give prices. AYe feel confident we can please b >th in price and quality our work. Call before making your purchase# and get prie Factory 13th Street, Opposite Cotton Factory. OFFICE PLANTERS' WAREHOUSE. GRIfFIN, GEORGIA. N. B.—Our Blind- are wired with Patent Clincher Machines, and will not loose, thus preventing the unsightly appearance that most others do. SMITH & MALLARY j MACON. GEORGIA. STATE MANAGERS OF THE Watertown Steam Go. -AGENTS FOR BROWN’S COTTON GIN8, LUMMU8 COTTON GINS, FINDLAY COTTON GINS, SCIENTIFIC MILLS, NORDYKE A MARMON'S CELE¬ BRATED GRIST MILLS. WE GTJARA3ffTEE TTIE WATERTOWN STEAM ENGINES To be the Safe st, Strongest, Most Reliuble and Efficient Engines in Market. $eudJor Circulars. J* .* 1 t .. -DEALERS IN ENGINES AND BOILERS, SAW MILLS. BELTING, LUBRICATING OILS, IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS, BRASS FITTINGS. iS I . x \ St k'.M\ FORSYTH, .MONROE COUNTY. GEORGIA. TUESDAY MORNING. AUGUST 14 1888. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL, And Some Points ot Interest to be seen From It. Emmas \dvkrtisek —DearSirs- 1 If you will „m,.t me a little .*,V space j jn ‘ , (>v nt ! llio lH.y» an.I girts nffWvtl. ; and t|„. Minvuin.lin.r communities a short hLlorv of U ishimMmi-ind th«> national capital which I have been contemplating for several months since my return frmn that city. The first point of interest to stran*' er.s who visit Washington is the capital, which is built upon a hill and the dome of which is visible for miles in the surrounding counties of Maryland and Virginia first Wjjon the city was laid out in 179a,by Major L Enfant a Frencii of fleer it was intended that the enni tol should be in the center of the city, and for that reason be formed eight broad and mavi.ifleent ave nues, which, if extended would cross each other in the center of the buihlinw JilmpTre but “westward the course of takes it way ” and -it the present time both fashion and busi ness have deserted its immediate vicinity for the more beautiful lubrious north west section. The ctipitol itself consists of a main building of free stone, sur¬ mounted by a great and wonderful iron dome, both of which are painted white, and two wings of marble. The main building contains the United States supreme court, the congressional library and the statu¬ ary ball, while the wings are occu¬ pied respectively by the house of representatives and the senate and offices connected with the legislative branch of the government. It was burnt down in 1814 by the english, when they captured the city of Washington, but shortly afterwards it was rebuilt and in 1851 the corner stones of the wings were laid, Mr. Webster officiating as orator of the day. From wing to wing the length of the building is eight hundred feet and the dome is two hundred and eighty foot high. . . . description . . of this " a magn.ficent aiul wonderful structure Is nil describe, asMho Chinese build, first the top and then thc bottom. Lpon the dome and surmounting the \\ hole building is placed a stat uo of liberty, twenty feet high, rep resenting that am-aule goddess as an Indian sqi a;,;, with a headdress f ance that she appears to bo some what less than usual bight. Under this statue is the Tholus, which, during the night sessions of con gross, is brilliantly lighted up and can be seen from any part of the city. Below, this again, and around tho outside of the dome, is placed a colonnade, two hundred feet from thc ground, from which a view can be iiad of Alexandria, a little, but historic town, some five or six miles down the beautiful Potomac river, and on a very clear day one may even sec Mount Vernon, the home and burial place ot General \\ ash ington, which is seven miles still further on, and concerning which, I may have something to say in the future, having visited it during my stay at Washington. But the most magnificent view is of the city itself, with its broad avenues and public buildings. Looking toward west, can be seen a long stretch of beautitul parking, called the Mall, dotted here with Botanical Gardens and the conservatories belonging to them, and there, by the Smithsonian Institute and the National Musium, and terminating in the White Dot, in the center of which is the Wash¬ ington monument, the tallest shaft in the world, the top of which rises five hundred and fifty-five feet in in the air. By moving around the dome a little, so as to have a view of thc north west, Pensylvania Avenue, the prineipai business street of the city, is seen, one hundred aim sixty feet broad, leading away from the base of the building for over a mile when i j a is sto PP etl the l) .y tiie of treasury which depart ment, over roof ma% be seen the white house, where the President lives, and the buildings of state, war and navy departments, are visible. Beyond these, the ave nuo again makes its appearance aud stretches away without a curve or obstruction of any sort, to George town, four miles distant. Further still may be seen the Potomac, as it glides between the bills of Virginia on the one side and those of Alary land on the other, like a huge scr pent and. perhaps, if it is a fine the falls of the Potomac may be tected by the mist that arises arises from from them. them. To To the the north north the city the soldier's home is wbich is lot-ated on a high hill looking the city and country. The passage in de vending the dome, twists and twines itself and between the two iron of which it is composed, and it has by many steps reached masonry part of the building, dives into the thickness cf ihe and lands the astonished before he knows it. upon the j of the rotunda. This room, ■ is an immense and interesting ! is one hundred ieet in diameter nearly twice as high, for, from ! ca,lo py floor which serves as its : to lira i, i, -Od j' l! ’’ 1 ’ dncct.j the statue ot nterty above oil and has its walls covered with eight artists, enormous representing paintings|Jby different noted ; scenes from the settlement of America to thc Kevoluntionary war. One him dred and twent v ^et above the floor - « Land of frescoing surrounds the !', eal,9tl ° 89 a|.pvur fi-°m Wow as 11 11 " er0 ,llc fln ? st s l»™"ons of statuar Y- There are many other P ,,ints of interest to be seen hero ' vhidl 1 wiil "<>t now speak of, and hurry on t«> others. fhc nortl ‘ of the capitol is Occu » ,lod a8 1 mid befwre » b v thc >>iUee - scmito a ' ,( 1 Us •‘>'» 1 rooms, ^mo of 1 winch . , are marvels of beauty, espemally the .Marble Room, which 18 tvmshocl entirely in white aud va ,-i ^ ated ,aai-b,es > lhe combination of ' vhid ‘ » ivt:s il »» appearance of 8 P len(Joi ‘ 1,0 vvhei ‘° equaled in Araer U:a ' the senate chamber . is . a room sl,rrolind **< 1 by gailenes, and which 11,0 ,na T be compared to an ainpithcator, ai ‘ ona of wl,ich is su PP l »ed with chai, ' s and dosks * Ordinarily the AP llle, ' u>s > which are intended for s Pcclators are deserted, but when an ""P«rtant bill is to come up or a 1,vel >’ bcbate bs expected they be come crowded and present quite an animated sight. To the aotiih of the rotifhda is the “statuary hall,” once the house of representatives, but when that body moved to their present quarters, in the south wing, which corresponds to those of the senate in the north one, it was devoted to its present use. Here are statues of the most fa mo u s men America has ever pro¬ duced.. This hall is also ehiefly no ted for twenty-two columns of'Poto¬ mac marble, which supports the roof, the quarries of which are now ex¬ hausted. I might go on and tell many other points of interest, but lost 1 might prove to be tedious, and impose upon the liberality of thc editor in taking more space than perhaps I am here entitled to, 1 will close booing in the near future to again toll something of the many things 1 saw during my travels of the last llu>ec years . Very truly V yours, -----‘ w Thurmond ‘ ' They Could Have Been Saved. -- Wo can not but notice how nutov.. of the citisen of T • > y g — u.b 'ap J -..-ently being taken away before their time. One of Georgia’s most honored sons—her gifted silver-toned orator, not male" long since fell a victim to frightful dy. Gen. Grant was another victim; and the dispatches from the world across the Atlantic tcli us that Germany's new cm pc ran* will very soon follow bis honored father, Many others, scores and hundreds, unknown to greatness, but very dear to those around them, are perishing every year from the same scon rage. It is unnecessary to tell you that this terrible, repulsive and loathsome disease is—cancer. Can it be cured? Medical skill has ap parontly exhausted itself, and the surgeon’s knife has cut in vain to root it out. Now Seemingly, cancer is incurable, what is to be done? If you wait until the disease is upon you it is too late. Then why not antioi pate the monster and use the prevent alive. In order to avoid this and an innumerable number of other blood troubles, you must keep the blood pure and healthful—and the one great remedy for this is, that King of all Purifiers—“Guinn’s Pioneer Blood Benevver.” It extracts the virus from the blood and keeps it in a pure and excellent condition. Don’t delay until it is too late. Call at the druggists for an almanac, and you will find that this celebrated medicine has cured, right here in your own country, about every dis ease emenating from a depraved condition of the blood, -A few bottles taken in the spring and fall will be all that you will need. An old adage, but a very good one. that “an ounce of preventive is better than a pound of cure is very appli cable here. -Ask for “Guinn’s Pioneer Blood Kcnewer ^ the druggists all sell it. For Boys to uonsidor. - Lat kind of a boy does a busi ness man want?” repeated a shrewd, Practical man of many concerns, the other day. “Well, I will tell you. In the first place, be wants a boy who doesn’t know too much; business mea generally like to run their own business, and prefer some one who ' «tneu vdd H^ten to their way. wuj.iamci rather than man fry to teach them new kinds; soeond LVi they want a prompt boy—one w ' iir> understands seven o’clock as exactly seven, not ten minutes past; third, an industrious boy, who is not afraid to put in a little extra work in case ofneed; fourth, an honest boy in his set vice, as well as in the mat ters of dollars and cents; and fifth, a good-natured boy, who will keep his temper even if his employer loses his own, now mid thou ? —Kx. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for cuts, rheum, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt fever sores, Tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin g, wuCl.' satisfaction, V T»i^SMi5i to ve . ... r f +,-1 or money refunded. 1’iiee 25 cents per box. irw’ii HH GO o Geoigia Credit. The recent sale of Georgia has attracted attention all over country and is everywhere the jeet of flattering comment on Nates credit. The Financier Jf'oial Georgias columns hnancial to condition. a diwomon 1 he financier says : The state of Georgia owns public property than is sufficient pay her pubbe debt. Ihe rental of fe300,000, derived from ^.'“road W ester., which and atlantic the state from owns, sufficient to Chattanooga) would bo to pay ful interest on "'hole debt, founded on the basis of tlu ^ §1,900,000 loan, and that road won!d sell for enough almost to pay off her entire debt, it being estimated at a VaIae 0< and 13S miles ., in length . -ppai't from this is the fact that «341,o()4,921,00 of her citizens’ prop erty is chargeable with this debt ^ dollars 8 ' ab ' , > 5d0 for - overy in short ono that she owns she forty owes, farther, she cannot increase her bonded debt except to save the state from invasion, defend it in war and U) provide tor casual deficiencies in her state revenues not exceeding the limited amount of* §200,000. This reference is made to the re Ck ' 1 ^ ifssuo of bonds: The state of Georgia, having §2,- 141,000 of bonds bearing six per cent, intorst. falling due January 1st, 1889, and not being in a position to pay off" the whole amount, desired to extend a portion b}- a new loan at a lower rate of interest and by author¬ ity of an act of her legislature, ap¬ proved .September 5th, 1887, invited bids by r public advertisement for 81 900,000 of four and one half per cent, bonds, dated January 1st, 1889, and maturing in series of' §100.000 each from January 1st, 1898 to 1920 in¬ clusive. After due publication the offers wero opened, and it was found that Lbo b>an had been bid for several Gmes over and that the bid of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of ^ ew York, the largest insurance company and one of the strongest financial institutions in the world, f'»r the whole issue of §1,900,000 of bonds at 104 |, was the highest and it was accepted Those bonds of Georgia bear the face of Alexander II. Stepena ’ her ,j e . u j nU(i lll0 sign manua'. t . H •* • *> foremost in the work of state and the impersonation ol re union and national restoration, No trust to faith was ever deeply founded. No trust to faith will ever bo more inviolate. Mutuul Lifenevermadeabelterin vestment; in all .substantial it is as good as governments, which are rating 20 per cent, higher. gia never negotiated her credit to better advantage. She could have a more powerful and useful friend in all the world of one able to stand by her while pillars of state, “Wisdom Justice and Moderation” last, Wonderful Lures. W. I). Ilovt & Co., Wholesale and Retail Druggists of Romo Ga., say: We have been selling Dr. King’s New Discovery, Electric Bitters and Bucklen’s Arnica Salve for four years. Have never handled reme¬ dies that sell as well, or give such universal satisfaction. There have been some wonderful cures effected bj' these medicines in this city. Several cases of pronounced Con¬ sumption have been entire!}- cured by use of a few bottles of Dr. King’s New Discovery, taken in connection with Electric Bitters. We guarantee them always. Don’t be Editors. Col. Donan, in his address before the Arkansas press association, said : “Boys of ray aodieneo. bright IUce.1, aspiring yonth. longing fbr tho shortest and quickest road fortune, hear a solemn adjuration, and he warned in time. iS ever be editors— everybody’s packing block,creation’s scape goafs and sway-backed pack imiles ‘Dead-head tickets to circuses, dog shows and festivals-(paid to - at the rale of a twentv-rive dollar notice fora twontyfivc cent ticket) all very well in their way ; and daily bouquets from thc girls who want to sce their names in the papers, with the “beautiful and accomplished” formula swung to them are “just too charming for anything.” Be mud clerks on a coal barge, deck-hands in a tripe factory, brakemen on canal boats, engineer of a one-donkey power canal boat, dairymen with an aged ox and two lie goats as your stock in trade, railroad directors, presidents of sausage stuffiing tna chines, rag venders, charcoal braw I fors, chambermaids in a livery sta j Lie, or policy-spouting senators—but never, no never, be editors, for half ;l one is three-quarters too much ; for any well regulated family to have about the honse.” ———- byrup ot ^ ^Seituio T . s ow n true jcixnti^c. . It is tne most easily taken, and the most effective remedy known to Cleanse the System when Bilious or Costive; to dispel Headaches, Colds, and 1- ev ; ers ; to Cure Habitual Constipation, Indigestion, Piles, etc. Manufactur I e ,j on ] y bv the California Fig dl.’ Syrup i Company, I*°r -ale 8»n by Alexaiider FWti**., & Son, for syth, Ga. The Coming State Fair. The coming fair of the Georgia State Agricultural Society to To held at Macon, commencing October 10th, promises to be the grandest ever held by this now famous society known energy, encouraged by the unequalled success of lust year, has not permitted interest in the affairs of the society to fag for one moment Not a day has passed but some work has been done, and not one point has been overlooked that would add interest or conduce to the success of this year’s undertaking, We are informed that Polk county will contend for the §150 premium for best and largest display of min erals. The county will also fail into line with an agricultural exhibit, and as the work of collecting and arranging JohnO. Waddell, is in the bands of Col. of Cedartown, hirst Vice-President of the society, and Maj. S. M. Jl. Byrd and Mr. 11. T. Pool, of the executive committee, it is safe to say that the resources of old Polk will be well shown, and other counties may look to their laurels. From Carroll county will go the county exhibit, besides several indi vidual exhibits of more than ordi nary merit. At a recent mooting of the farmers much enthusiasm was shown and all the details completed for collecting and arranging their exhibits, In addition to the one cent p ei mile in our own and contiguous states, excursion rates from Cincin¬ nati, Louisville, Evansville and Chi¬ cago have already been arranged, and negotiations (with every hope of success) arc in progress to secure these rates from all the pricipal east¬ ern and western cities. 't hus it will be seen that while thc visitor will bo entertained with one of thc finest displays ever seen in the state, the exhibitor will catch the eye of representative men from all parts of the country. To enlist the offices of our ladies in any enterprise is to insure its SllC cess, and with this view we call es¬ pecial attention to the departments wherein woman is supremo sover¬ eign. Let our ladies take hold of the matter, and, our word for it, they will be fully repaid for their trouble. Premium lists and full infoination cheerfully furnished on application to Clark Grier, Secretary, Macon, 4 r. From The Parsonage. Bkownwood, Ga. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen—This past summer my wife was away on a two month’s visit. On her return home she had a wretched cold, which, growing worse, caused me to call in a physi¬ cian. lie attended her several weeks without benefiting her. She, know¬ ing the splendid effect S. S. S. had on me, determined to test it in her case. At that time she had copious and disagreeable discharges from the left nostril. Before thc first bottle of S. S. S. was used up she was much better, and a few addi¬ tional bottles set her all right. It is remarkable that S. S. S. is good for colds and sore throats. A few months ago, I was troubled oc¬ cassional ly with my throat from preaching. I carried a bottle of Swift’s Specific with me on the cir¬ cuit. Whenever my throat became irritated and annoyed me I would take a dose of S. S. S. just before re¬ tiring, aud on awakening l would be well. Rev. Joseph O. Langston. Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis eases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3 Atlanta, Ga. Low Country Malana Ousted. " ,. r »Srnoroland . , ,, * Galisaya r , .. tonic . . n and F undoubtediv the Phys>; best S al ’?’ mUI 11 P. rev6nl9 -nalana, and dyspojwia : and curoa geneiuite 'it), ^ C., May 22 188a. M ‘f sr6 ’ "ytmoreland Bros. .. ll aT,n " J ” 9C ; A 001 L m>a Jon,e . . «**. Q *«'"»• <»l>y recommend ot .t ,0 »nd those suffering f? jj ra “ loss Lid »PPotito "'one 'dozen’’bottles' dyspepsia; 'in’ ‘ w, °V f a U A ia ^, 10 (11 °, n } jo?, ’ ‘ r r r iwTp J ° 0 ^ ' Take Dr. Dukes Anti Billious Wafer with Tonic if your 1 iver is out order. The Governor drew h is warrant on the treasurer last week for §5,000 in favor of the treasurer of the board of trustees of the Uni¬ versity of Georgia, said amount to be used in repairing the dormitories of that institution under special act. ——---- Personal, Mr. .. V -u- H. I rohhehstem of Mobile, . recommending *» wrlto8: f. tok Dr. ® ^ 1 ' Kings 0at P lea New ® ure tn Discovery for Consumption, having used it for a severe attack of Bron chitis unci Csturrh. It ^uyg mo 1 instant relief arid entirely cured me and I have not been afflicted since, j j other I also remedies beg to state with that I bad tried Have also no good result, used Electric Bitters and | I Dr. King’s New Life Pills ’ both of which 1 can recommend j Consmnplion, Dr. King’s Coughs Now Discovery anti Coitla, for is sold on a positive guarantee. NUMBER 31 W USA-? ROYAL fow'oll p\J* • ~fo; I* -sfir! *4 »^TS V ^ ** |i •A m p BB Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies A marvel iff purity, strength and wholesomeness. Mora economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the mul¬ titude of low tost, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in C07IS . Royai, Raking Powder Co., 100 Wall street, New York. I.W. ENSIGN, DEALER IN BOOKS AND STATIONERY A full line of the SCHOOL ROOKS ordered by the Hoard of education, Can furnish dealers in the county with SCHOOL BOOKS o pell at introductory prices as agent of R. K, Parks. A good stock of miscellaneous and standard literary books for sale at low prices. Sheriffs Sales. IXPILL he sold before the Court House YV door in the town of Forsyth, Monroe county, (in., on the first Tuesday in Septi mi her, 1888, the following property, to-wit: One House and Lot of Land containing three acres, more or less, lying in the in¬ corporate limits of Forsyth, bounded mi the north by colored parsonage lot, east by public street, south by C. A. King, west by colored Methodist church lot and Institute. Levied on as the property of A. \V. L. Ly¬ tle to satisfy a tax ii. fa. for his state aiid county tax for 1887. Levy made by U. W. Green, L. C. Also, at the same time and place, Six Railroad dump-carts and two sets of harness, thirty-live wheelbarrows, thirty one shovels, sixteen picks, two road serin .OH. Levied on as tin# properlv of fa, issued from Monroe Superior court m favor len. of Turpin <fc Ogden vs. Irwin Oast Aug. Gth, C A KING, Sheriff. 1888. ■ ||| SJ and 'WhleUey E?aT>« ! to cured at home with HP& out pain. Book of par « *5 SBP Oculars B. M.WOOLLEY, aont FREE. M.D. f .*TtimrrssFvwmjumta Atiaatu, a?i. Office (A'A: WLitobaU St. OtftiAWKEi fm ^staU?|Slebse^ Most Brilliant, Pure and Perfect Lenses in the World Combined With Great Refracting Power. They are as transparent and colorless as light itself, and for softness of endurance to the eye can not be excelled, enabling the wearer to read for hours without fatigue. In fact, they are PERFECT SIGHT PRESERVERS. Testimonials from the leading physicians in the United States, governors, senators, legislators, stockmen, men of note in alf professions and in different branches of trade, bankers, mechanics, etc., can be given, their who have hud their sight improved by use. All eyes fitted and the fit guaranteed by Wholesale Depot: Atlanta, Ga: Austin Texas. „ Extract Dr. KE:EVjLE Y'S a"? C Til A Most Effective Camhlnation. The v.'fll known Tonic sad inc ie Rairnn? great reputation rv> a cure for I*cl>i!i(y. I>vsi>< •I sin, and NKKVOUS disorders. Ir relieves ull languid and <Icl.iHfa.fc<l trinilitions of fnndiou ihe sv« tem ; rtreugtiien^ the intellect, end bodily 1 *; builds up worn out Serves : aids<ligeslion : r Hort-s impaired or loo Vitaliiv. and brines hack youtliful streneOi and vi?or. It ie plea'aut to the taste, and used regularly Lraces tlie System against the depressing influence of Malaria. » 1 ' 1 -ice —% 1.00 per llotile of 21 ounces. FOIi SAT E BY AT T, Dl'TOGTSTS. -SL^^TTrST <2z COST, Prop’r., BAM.T1M.0KE, .Ml). Deep Sea Wonders Exist in thousands of forms, but are sur¬ passed by the marvels of invention. Those who are" in need of profitable work that can be done while living at ho tie should at once send their address to Hallett & Go., Portland, Maine, and receive free, full in¬ formation how either sex, of all ages, can earn from $5 to $25 per day and upwards wherever they live. You are started free. Capital not required. Some have made over $50 in a single day at this work. All succeed.