The Monroe advertiser. (Forsyth, Ga.) 1856-1974, December 03, 1889, Image 1

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% » THE MONROE a ADVERTISER. VOL XXXIV. EDGAK L. ROGERS; barnesyille, CtA. 1 hnnkin all my friends and customers, for iheir very liberal patronage ♦ be present year, and I wish to say that 1 am now ready for the BIGGEST r A BE TAL>E ever done in DKY GOOI S in BAUNESVILLE I have two la»ge store rooms packed full of all the latest novelties, in every line, and biiin^ content at all times with short profits 1 intend to make the next via month an era of unprecedented low prices CLOTHING. f lothiis now, and has always boon my pet bobby. 1 have the exclu¬ sive control of VOOKII EES, M 1 LEEK & RUPEE'SalsoSTOUSE & BROS. ni'e ( iothing. Besides this 1 havo a full stock ot medium and low priced ifoc.ds, so it you want a suit 1 am more than sure I can suit you. DRESS GOODS. I s n prepared to eater to iho taste of the most fastideous in all styles, innd pi ices, in Dress Goods and 1 rimming'. The markets are full of some very rare beauties this season, and relying on my past trade, I have been 'bold enough to buy the largest assortment I have ever bad. BOOTS AND SHOES. »»<ii l, T’ l ^H n Ao , yo« » £Tu ? 0 "*7.wl| and pledge a saving of 2.> per cent, on every pair. As to, Hats, Caps, Gents Furnishings, Flannels Tioknevs Table Tdiion Jeans, ( lasnimcroH Notions d Trunks .Vu.l.m.V Vnli«.»< IT, n h,. «1 n> ’ r n a,tnd‘ <r ’ >’™'» "•« *" -'I ...... eye,, w»o tooklo* DOMESTIC GOODS. = Domestics at strictly factory prices and till best brands of Calico at 6 3 ’ H “ pte " b0r 15tl ‘ Yu«™“,‘ K °° d9 “ m8rgin f cash ° r EDGAR L. ROGERS, N. B. Messrs. J. F. Howard, L. A. Collier and Edgar Cook are with me and invite their friends to call. THE SILVER QUESTION. SOME OF TDK RESOLUTIONS I’R KSKNTKD UY THE CONVENTION. The National Silver convention w is called to order by the chairman Wednes- •fay morning at St. Louis. Delegate 1 Monte, of (j.ilorado, introduced tho tol 1 iowing resolution; Resolved, That 1 ■Senators and Representatives *n j i io Cougie-s of tUc United Stales ; Ik; and arc hereby requested to es Ubli'll.* urnt for 1 *^ the tU( ‘ coinage r:ca:i States of silver that shall make silver j, coin pass current on pai uvith gold in all the Anuricns of the 'western hemisphere, and that they also tie requested to open negotiations with 'the Congress of nil Americas now in ses •ion in V <\*hington for the building ol a rail read from the United States to and • iroHgu the States ot South America, ter a lively di <cussion the resolution was xrefwrred to tho committee on resolutions, lac following resolution offered by Mr. .lacks, of California, was received with cheers and referred under tbe rules; Whereas, A all street and eastern bondholders are now actually at work striving to elect a speaker for 'he ap preaching congress, whose record is en tirely opposed to silver interests; an I, should Whereas, Representatives iu congress be the servants of the people; and Whereas, I his great convention shows the unanimity of public opinion iu south* •ra aud western state* and teiritories in Ikvor of more coinage of silver; therefore, «e It resolved, I hat western and southern representatives ni e ingress bo requested to support some friend of silver for the speakership of the present house of rep o Will be the betrayal of the people, their poliuculdeatli. Tho circulation of the blood— quickened - . . and , enriched— . , bears life , , : and energy to every portion of the body; appeUte returns; the hour ot ’Yost This brings with it sound repose. can he secured by taking Dr. J II McUcnn’ft Surmnarilln THAT HACKING COUGH can be sc quickly cured by Shiloh’s cure. We. guaranteeit. B. D. Smith, Druggist. A WIDOW'S REWARD A ... dupatcli . , from , M .... llkesbarre, . Pa., says; A few m nths ago, Chief of Police Wat kins, o U-rsons, while under the influ ence of liquor, was kil,ed by being struck by an engine while sitting on the platform of the Delaware and Hudson railroad. His w:dc x filed a elaim in court for $10,000 damages against John echumacher. a very wealthy saloon keep er, who had *old her husband liquor \ while he was visib y affectel by it. The ease was up before three arbitrators, who, on Wednesday afternoon, ' awarded the widow $2 500. BOYAL RAKING POWUXKS. - *.v> ROYAL foffiSl « 1 ’'io ^AKlH^ POWDER Absolutely Pure. ttm nttpowdrr t»powdri gti aaU wlioiesupiece**. mvax varies. varies. A A marvel Mere ot parity, tbe ordtsjarj’ econosiiaa! liaa t Siudf-. #n4 tan not bo sa)8 io vvornpenilac Vritn tbe ultlsuCe of tow •kdrr oRivttRfiVAX we,sht. siun'.crphos>h.u L .wa-,. HfwWflr'VJ, h*«vl«c$, re>, FORSYTH. MONROE COUNTY. GA. TUESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 8. 1889- CONDITION OF TRADE. R. O. DUN * CO.*8 REPORT FOR W EEK END¬ ING 30. 1L G. Dun & Co.’s weekly review of trade says; The two heavy fires, with aggregate losses estitfiated at $15,000,000 or more, may have an influence upon ievefai branches of trade which cannot yet be estimated. Prior to tbe Boston fire the boot and shoe tirade there had been quite pnfalized by the fire at Lynn, ami nh to tho leather trade a little ud vanee York it was anticipated, while in New was by many expected that the temporary withdrawal of the demand would cause some fall in leather. The Boston fire of Thursday destroyed heavy stocks of goods, and will doubt'ess af feet cities tho demands Rebuilding in both will create a sudden demand for materials and labor. Heavy concurrent tosses may shake some insurance compa nies, and affect the finances of riim burned out. But general prosperity and large accumulation of available -capital will probably rendfcr the influence of these disasters comparatively narrow and brief. lu other respects the situation is quite as encouraging as it has been for some weeks past; the volume of business is unsurpassed aud pressure in money inmkels, though not ended at New York, has seemed to benbating elsewhere Reports from other sections are without exception, favorable ou the whole. Western cities, without exception, find trade good. Money is fairly active, but nowhere stringeut, at the western points reporting, and the accounts regarding collections arc better than usual. Cotton is unchanged, though receipts the p st exports by 49,100 bales, U and sales l ave been ? T8 (W.,. no, n.ovocl, though 290,000 bags have boon sold. Su gar is stronger with more active distribu ,ion, but Spreekies again announces that his war with the trust is to lhc death, and his work is about to begin. The shoe towns have all been shipping more largely than usual and the demand con timies exceptionally good, fer the sea sonTn leather products generally with a prospect of some increase because of the Lynn tire. The great boom in iron.abroad with spe <u ;;ti\< ixeiten tut rarly wit nessed and rapid fluctuations in prices, causes some apprehension, because < vpe rience tenches that such rapid and ex cited movements are usually followed by ugly | react .• mis. Unparalleled produc- . Don in this country still continues and other turn aces ot large production arc to go into operation and yet V} arc f rm h .l V f \ ’ ce “ l l uot ed V' a little tower at New "iorkthe t demaud for nti’mi'acture., forms, continuing urge at 1 here ha s b een n0 :m P ortant in nninces, . , but f mercnandise ports, though small for the week, have been nearly eight per cent, larger than * ,,s ^ f°r the month. The value ol exports iu October was not only greatei tban iu any previous October, but has never been exceeded in any m »nth, e\ cept With slightly in one, December, 1879. imports, an unprecedented excess of exports over 000 that amounting to over 29.000, in mouth, and another heavy excess assured for November, the r oe ol forcigu exchange has scarcely altered lor two weeks. The reporied decision that treasury deposits with banks shall be gradualiy withdrawn, 10 per cent, ot them by the end of January, has beer expected, becaus these deposits wher made w, re in-ended to R only tempo rarv. and will pffiT give the treasurer am pie'time circuU to au equal amount ictc ion in other ways. The treasury paid out during last week more thm it had taken in. ;nl the rate for money has u<>t changed. Businesi failures occurring throughout the coun trv last week number for the United State- 210; Canada, 39: t•>ad 246 ngam-t 277 List week The iiit to blood a must unit be oe - f -Ul« ure for lot the <-u J. b,>dv.obe,operfroloo„dmon. H. McLean Hr s Narsap&nlla makes jmre blood and imparts the rich biootn of heulb and vigor to the whole bodv. ~ ■*> CATARRH CURED, he dth and s»ve: breath gp.urca. by Shiloh's Crarrh Remedy. Pact 50 oects. Nasal Iajec tor free g p. Phith, Pruggist. ALLIANCE STORE ? m --(O) The Monroe Farmers Alliance Store is now open for business and will keep con c 4- oll 4l,r .... Il<t I III it GENERAL MERCHAND SE StOCK, comprising everything needed by Farmers. The trading public invited to inspect our STOCK f fw,!- t.j.cHEi-M.Njj. GEORGIA SEED CO., Macon, Ga • (SUCCESSORS TO SOUTHERN SE*D COMPANY), WHOLESALE AND retail dealers ih farm andgarden seed VV o are strictly in the seed business and nothing else. We handle only the best Seed Gan furnish Oats, California any quantity Burr South Clover, Georgia, New live, Turnip Barley, Soad Cabbage, Wheat Spinach, Red Rust-proof Crop Seed. nnd all .R™ jot \^^ GENERAL NEWS. OOjmtJIBATIM Of curious , AND EXCITING EVENTS. : NEWS IROM EVERYWHERE—ACCIDENTS, STRIKES, PIRES, AND HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST. * The government of Brazil has re I id opted the old flag, is dead; ft artin far.pihar Tupper, the author, aged 79 years. rved Thanksgiving elay was generally ob -< throughout I he country. A heavy snow storm prevails in the midland counties of England. White’s drapery establi-hment at Al¬ dershot, Emr., was burned Thursday. Loss is £190,000. There are 7,500 dnekmen and lighter¬ men on a strike at Bristol, Eng. The trade of the port is paralyzed. One of the buildings of the Hartford, Conn., carpet woiks was burned Friday Loss $180,000; insurance $175,000. Frederick Douglas has arrived at Hayti, presented his credentials, and has ten tendered a re option by the presi¬ dent. An ekplosie n took place in a colliery at Bochum, Prussia, Thursday, in which fourteen persons were killed and four in¬ jured. The Duke of Cumberland will insti¬ tute suits in French c- urts to nullify the will of the Duke of Brunswick on the ground of insanity. The Truth building, owned by Frank Wilson, proprietor of Truth , at Toronto, i Canada, w as gutted by fire Friday. Less estimated at $9o,000. The chamber of deputies at Home, Italy, on Saturday, voted urgency for the consideration of the bill to abolish anti-French differential duties. The Portugese steamer Alegoas, with cx-Emperor board, Dorn Pedro and his party on arrive 1 at St. Vincent Saturdav. i All members of the party are well, | t u c u r tmW Anderson | *1°^“ Mormons who have ,0 dlllens^ taken endowment ‘ i ! ... K,n Leopold, T ,. of c Belgium, has sent, | S a telegrarn to Henry M. btauley, congrat “Kting him upon the completion of his tas E> an d inviting him to visit Brussels. The strike . among .he employes of the Western Railroad company, at Paris, France, has ended by the men yielding terms of tue company. The strikers resumed work. An official statenlen f by the assessors, | places the assessed valuation this year of i burned property at Lvnn, ftfass., at $1,009,500, and the number of buildings burned 330. Ihe Andrew Jackson league, of Chi- I cago, have taken measures to aid the I i adie8 0 f Nashville Hermit 8 c asmc ; a j ; tion in preserving the home of Andrew Jackson. ' i | While the collector of the G nnmrdal National bank was counting $2,800 in the ) „ eneral 0 flice of the German- imerican ! j ! bank at Cleveland. O., SaiurVvaftr noon, a thief snatched $2,000 'and cs p pd ; The $5,000,000 world's fair guarantee | fund at New York, was more than com- : I j?‘ 0lC *-H-urday. the grand total is . now i ?■*,028.942. . Ihe woild s fair commit cc has decided to continue to rtceive-sub j scr ipt.ons. Secretary Kretner, of the flood relief j commission, at Johnstown, Pa., practi caliy finished, iu connection with ific ; local board of inquiry, the distribution ' ! ,.f $1,600,000 in Johnstown The hist ! check left his office Saturdav. ! ! c atMr j QT J three . \ boilers, «.f r “f. fuming v^’^t W ‘ tb a i Jreaker Vi p‘ pfl’ n f 4 Haydon at Joan-vi!<•, & Co. . j;‘- e a George Peacock, agea twenty ; f'®’: in ^ 1S W 3 * 8 , totai burntd w reck. * cri M>. The build A Leechburg, Pa., dispatch says that 1 estimat es of conservative citizen' place i0SS b ^ ^jduesday nighi’s fire at j $150,000 to $175,000, with about $75,000 ln ? u f ance ; The fire is supposed to have , originated from natural gas The popn iation of Leechburg is about 3.500. Fire started in Kcvport. N. J Fri day morning | iu Leyrers :f baken. which destroved ve b u d in.,« jLi Llr V.l r! loss burned to dea.h, and Mr- Le'vrer nd ! Jacob Lsyrer, Jr , were terribiv burned "die. ‘ ^ * and may ’--*---- i • lF you are all run down-—have no strength, no energy, and feel vbi y tired all the time-take Dr J". H Me r can’s Sa^ans-illa It wiH part part siren"'h sutp,.., V - ; fa)p- -- to vL - uU - 8 st y ^ ^ w The Chicago Tifnes says that Maggie Schreiner, who poured kerosene oif " on her husband on June 25, 1888, and then set tire to it, burning him fatally, is suing the order of Fore.-tera for $2,000 , interest and principle, on a death benefit of $1,000, which she c’aims as ben <ficiary of the dead man’s estate. President W. W. Young, who, with Cashier John iloerr, both of the Law¬ rence, Mass., bank, were charged with embezzlement and accepting money from depositors after the bank was insolvent, surrendered himself Thursday night and .ave bail in the sum of $2,500 for hear¬ ing next Wednesday. Fire broke rut in the gas house at Albany, N. Y Saturday morning, and the flames, gaining head¬ way, communicated to the paper house of Jacob Leonard <fc Sou, nnd the Albany Casket company. Both were a total loss. Several other buildings were dam¬ aged, aud the loss will reach $75,000. Corvillain, proprietor of the cartridge factory at Antwerp, which blew up in September and killed so many people, and his engineer, have been convicted of homicide by imprudence. Corvillain was sentenced to four years nnd six months, arid the engineer to one year and one month’s imprisonment, arid to pav a fine of 2,500 francs each. Arrangements nave oeen made by all the coal operators Of the Monongahela Valley, to close down thffir mines indefinitely, as. the few works in operation have demonstrated that the demand of the miners can not b; con¬ ceded, with the price of coal as low as it is at present. The suspension will effect 5,000 men. Exports of specie from the port ol New York for the week ended, Novem b r 30th, amounted to $319,110,of which $8,047 was in gold, and $311,167 in sil¬ ver. All the silver and $2,800 in gold went to Euro,.e, and $5,257 in gold went to South America. Imports of specie for the week amounted to $195,605, of which $109,485 was gold arid $86,120 silver. I fie day , alter ... Dom .. T Pe . , Iro sailed , lrom , Rio Janeiro, the provisional government of Brazil telegraphed to the Brazilian minister, at Lisbon, directing him upon ike ex-emperor’s arrival to tendtr him a general reception. The Brazilian colony 1 1 here regarded this action as dictated by . delicate consideration on the part of the \ \ provisional government toward Dom Pedro. Thursday forenoon John Chana, a ! hopeless paralytic, aged 35, was found dead on the floor of his hovel at Potts town, Pa., with a leather strap loosely fastened around his neck. Some m tin tain that it was suicide, while others say that it is a case of foul play, though sui cide is the generally accepted theory. Until recently Chana was a line related specimen 0 f physical m-nhood It is that one ckv he curse! his creator in a terri b!e dlTLid manner J?a,Td when he f/om fell over struck head to foot He remained in this condition until his death, Beggs’Chei- 1 -y Cough srrup . D giving splendid . .. satisfaction . ( . to . the trade and the sales are positively marvelous, which can be accounted for in no other way except that it is without doubt the best ou the mar ket. Ask for and be sure you get the genuine. We keep it. B. D. Smith Druggist. *04 SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miser - .. , nbie tiiat terrible ,, cougii. , a SfiUofis . , Cure is the Remedy for you. D. Smith, Druggist. _ B. ALDERMEN SENT UP - SEVE eal prominent citizens of Pitts burg, Pa., will go to jail. - Aldermen Callan, Dougherty and Mancese, and Detectives Bauder, Doyle. Nagle and Bender, convicted of'conspiracy settle to defraud illegal bquor in accepting selling bribes to cases, were sentenced Friday morning by Judge White, of the criminal court of Pittsbuig. Pa. Callan got three vetrs in the woikhouse, and Doughty one year and Mancese six months in jail. Binder and hia chief detective »orkho»V each ^ot three rears m the o.e yearWrd aldermen B Sn 4« all six months in jail. The are quite prominent and wealthy, and alwayi stood'high in tbe ccmmuniiy. detectivrs Theii entei method was to have the suit against unlicensed liquc consideration r dealers apd than settle the case for a without' renortiag the matter to the court.' For -e nr lame CoV cide side or or ches^ ches., use-^hi- a.e — foh’6 Prirous Hatter. Price 25 cents. B '3- Druggist. OUR STOCK OF DRY GOODS, HATS, SHOES AND NOTIONS IS ARRIVING AND IS COMPLETE. stock of groceries ALWAYS ON HAND. j gsf ^Prices LOWER Than Ever.*^f YOUR TRADE MOST RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED Money on Accounts Thankfully Received. J. H. HUDDLESTON & BRO. FORSYTH, GEORGIA. . SOUTHERN NEWS. • ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM VA R10 US POINTS IN THE SOU TIL A CONDENSED ACCOUNT OF WHAT IS GOING ON OF IMPORTANCE IN THE SOUTHERN STATES. Granville Young, postmaster at Rugby, Tenn., of has been arrested ou tho charge rifling letters. The Debardaleben Coal and Iron com pany, of , D Birmingham, . . , Ala., ,, , has increased . _ the pay of miners, at Blue creek mines, from 40 to 42* cents per ton, commenc ing December 1st. Six cars loaded with 275 negroes passed through Anniston, Ala., on the Georgia Pacific railroad, on Sunday night. The negroes were from North Carolina, on their way to Mississippi. The will of the late Mrs. Charles Crocker, Of San Francisco, was filed foi piobate Tuesday. She bequeathed hei entire estate, valued at about $11,000, 000, to her four Children. The committee which has been inves¬ tigating late A. the affairs of the office of tht R. Woodson, city collector of Richmond, Va., have found a shortage in his accounts of about $45,000. A furnace company with a capital stock of $30,000, all held by locil capi¬ talists, was organize ! at Birmingham ou Friday. The company will build a oue hundred ton furnace at once. A conflict between the States of Vir¬ ginia and Maryland seems imminent iu consequence of the proclamation of Governor Jackson throwing open the waters of Hog Island fiats to oyster drede ® er« ' Bishop . Keener, of the Southern Meta church, at Columbia, S. C., ou Sat urday delivered an official utterance con detuning the peculiar doctrine of “holi ness"’ which has many adherents in both Northern and Southern churches. Peter McLaren, of Canad*, purchased on Friday the Doutha survey, contain ing 84,000 acres, lying iu Allegheny county, Virginia, $300,000. from Philadelphia parties for The property has on ft fine timber and valuable minerals, McLeod & Anderson, tobacco ware housemen, - of Louisville, Ky., failed Wednesday, Tbe firm con nists of Dr. George W. McLeod and James A. Anderson, both of Versailles. r ihey assigned all property belonging t< them, not subject to homestead exemp¬ tion. ivi„r4’bj Sheffield Ala ^dl„g celebrated riTer Lute Thanks K hundred b .c St. Louis, three tons of pi ^ iron. The 3 hinmeut was the first iron ever sent by river. It was the virtual opening of | of the new route, and a matter gre t consequence to Sheffield, and proport ioUa t <-ly to the entire mineral district of Alabama. A dispatch from Nashville, Tenn., gays: Miss Emma Abbott sent for secretary of the Ladies’Hermitage ciation on Saturday, and after mg her admiration of the character ot Andrew Jackson, and wishing the ladms success in their efforts to beautify Mid preserve ihe hermitage, she * them with a check for $100. Near Hunting 4 . .on, W. Va , , GO Wednesday, the Caesapeake and Omo . railroad bridge crossing Guyandotte nver ’ fcl1 ^ h,le a frei - ,ht tr an wa ' crossing it, precipitating the entire train into the river. Engineer R. V. Free man was killed. The rest of the crew had a mir -culous escape, sustaining only slight bruises. The wreck was complete. The bridge has been condemned for some time. ^ dispatch from Aspen. Col., o.. Wednesday says: The heaviest snow in vears has fallen during the past three dav9 . Manv snowslides have occurred. loss of humau life is reported vet. though several parties are known to have bc-en in the neighborhood of slides. Two men were caught in Lincoln Sir gulch and lut with Mam W agon. The men were slightly injured, and the horses were killed. ’ ir too use suffering with weak 0 r inflamed eves or granulated eyo >11 .. . 7 can n^ he cured bv usino- ° Dr. . J. H. McLean Mol or s Strene-in btrengthening Eve Lye ____ --*•’ - for this paper by hi. it . Mil - p*v you. BOSTON’S BLAZE. A HURRICANE 0:fi FLAME DEVASTATING BLOCKS OF HANDSOME 3UILDINOB. Fire started shortly before 8 o’clock Thursday morning on the upper floor of the si.t-story granite block, Nos. 09 to 87 Bedford street, Boston, Mass., owned by Jordon Marsh & Co and occupied by the Shoe and Leather exchange Brown Darrell & Co., Woonsocket Rubber company, Solomon, Hebert & Rapp, John' S. Fogg & Co., an( j tbe ], ran cb 0 ffj ce ( ,f em pj u i on Telegraph Company on tbe ground floor) and about fifty offices of , out-of-town boot and shoe and leather j manufacturers on the upper floor. The fire evidently had complete possession of the upper floors before it was discovered, j In a short time the flames had leaped | across Bedford, Kingston and Columbus streets, and by 9 ;15 the handsome brown j stone Ames building, on the opposite j eornef of Bedford and Kingston street!, j was atnass of fire. An half hour later the rear of all the buildings on Chauncey j street, on either side of Bedford street, were on fire, and the tire department was apparently unable to cope with it. Out of-town fire apparatus were sent for and there were probably seventy-five steam- ! ers surrounding the fire by noon, and by the combined efforts of the^ vast ; army of firemen and subdued! the fire was finally In a three o’clock extra the Globe gives! the following estimate of the loss: L< sa : on buildings destroyed, as per assessor’s ! valuation, about $000,000; estimated ! damages to other buildings, not destroyed i $200,000. A careful estimate of the loss on merchandise, $1,700,000. Total loss, i careful estimate of an old assessor, i $2,550,000. ; THE BURNED DISTRICT begins at Columbia street on the east and extends , ^ two , blocks , , westward, . , along , Bed- „ j i : ford street to Chauncey street on the east j On the south side of Bedford street ; the fire consumed the entire block bounded by Bedford, Kingston. Es 9e x and Columbia streets. Westward 0 f this, the entire block bounded by Bedford. Kingston and Chauncey stieets and the Rowe place, and westward of these 1 uildings, on Chauncey street,from Bedfor to Exeter place. There are about ) firms burned out and 100 agents N'ew York and western firms have t! r headquarters destroyed. The seventy-nine insurance companies known to be interested, carry an aggregate in surance of $2,600,000 on the burned property. keha.Ist The total loss, 4tim.tos according to c,.u„rv a ,iv» reach $4,000,000. Two firemen-Damel Buckley, unmarried, and Frank P. Loker, who has a wife and child, are missing and are supposed good to have per ished in the flames. A many peo P le w ' ere injured, several of them se riously. ' ' " The quality of tbe blood depends j muc h upon good or bad digestion an( j a8 *d m ji at jon. To make the blood ch in li<e and strength giving Faean ! Dr j H M c ; s mnsinuuus use ui. o. u. *»vumi e Sarsaparilla. It will nourish the properties of the blood, from which the eleraen ts of vitality are drawn SHILOH’S COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Consumption. Smith, Druggist. B. D. A CELEBRATED CASE. - the question of the validity of an assignment settled. __ , r.our. •*. . in; ‘ lk y^v^-- 1 ’ ^ 1 *• - j decided to be valid the ce.ebrated as s gnm ut of Remsdopr * Lm, clothing 1884, ! to. lD j. t’ v’* Mack, \r!! -F with t" "l l.abi.ities -! of f o 000 Eleven suits on behalf one hundredl creditors were brought to set > the assignment. 1 no court ae ended that the preferences which were attached were bona hue and correct in - fcVer 7 H rtic u ‘ ar -. A - e ueul&lot * affects yj^tions . m vamo. . s sta-es where , attaching creditors have attacheu mrge sums Oi money owing to debtors, a-d a .-rge amount of money locked up for j five years past, will now be distributed smoag the preferred sreditori, — 1 *. Dj < — WASHINGTON, D. G. MO VEMENTS OF THE PRESIDENT AND HIS ADVISERS. APPOINTMENTS, DECISIONS, AND OTHER MATTERS OF INTEREST FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITA!.. It js e9timated at tbe treasury depart me „ t that there has b«en a decrease of * ’ 4 ' 0 00,000 ' in the public 1 debt since No vc “ Der .. i8t - The secretary of treasury has decided .. . to reduce the number of national bank depositories and the amount of public m( >nies kept therewith. The attorney-general at Washington is informed that the (rial of the cases of alleged frauds in Florida, at resulted the last in presidential three convictions. election,lias already Secretary Tracy has made is arrange ments by which the navy to bo furn ished brown prismatic powder for large guns and the new smokeless powder I ot smaller arms. R D Armour, before the dressed beef committee £ deuied the existence of a Cr . mbinati n to ruise prices. He claimed that the herding J of immense numbers of catt]e 0Q the overnm6nt lands, and rUB b 1D „ them half grown into market depre ° ed prices . Secretary of State is engaged in negotiations for an international copy treaty with ranee. OUD IV eratr y has b ? 0 n at Washington some Bme as a special , representative of the French republic and voices the views of literary men of that nation, Senator Vest’s committee, which has been investigating the dressed beef busi cess of the country for some months, having visited the centers of that busi¬ ness, in tbe course of their inquiry, dur ing « the recess of congress, has resumed th ex6mination of witnesses iu the room of tbe Benate committee on commerce. A , letter , ,, read tbe imernationa, ,. , was in American conference on Wednesday from LaFayette Rodrigues Pereira, one of the delegates from Brazil, announcing, . ™ lth re ^ ret > that be f f lt; unubie to c ‘ )a ' tmue to act as delegate, owing to the t:han ^ condition ot affairs m his coun ^V. 1 he day was devoted to discussing the proposed rules of procedure, The first thanksgiving day of the new administration was generally celebrated in Washington. The president carried out the letter of his thanksgiving proe lamation by attending services at the Church of ihe Covenant in tue morning. In rhanksgivingdinnerat tb. evening be ate t^ewitehouse, surr ounded by members of his family. Colonel Ernst, of the army the new commissioner o pu j ic m i c grounds, was the only guest. TVhat A Fornnif - Is a good healthy, pearly skin, Few are aware of the short time it takes for a disordered liver to enuso blotches on the face, and a dark greasy skin. One bottle of Beggs’ Blood Purifler and Blood Maker will * t estore t ns oigan * 1 s 11 l J-‘ ‘ ‘ healthy state, and cleanse toe t uiood of all impurities, it is meeting with wonderful success. We guarantee every bottle. B. D. Smith, Druggist. TRAIN ROBBERS AHMED TO THE TEETH, CAPTURE AN EN¬ GINE, MAIL AND EXPRESS CAR. A dispatch from Fort Worth, Texas, gavs; Six’een mounted and heavily armed m e n boar led the south bound Santa Fe passenger train Iuesday night at Ber wvn, a small station in ihe bhickasaw nat i on? Indian terntorj, and cut the en gine and mail and express loose from the ’coaches. They then ran the train tw0 m ,i es and threw the fireman off the locomotive. T-. mile, furt h er on the engineer was thrown off. and after running four miles f ur t’ner, steam was turned off and the en gine killed. Then the robbers began an attack on the express car. The guard and the messenger fired twenty shots, but finally gave in after the robbers had Utera ii y riddled the car. The money ato i en i 3 between twenty and thirty thousand doliais. Tho passengers and ma il were not-moisted. United State* 1 i pursuit of the robbers. m D