The Monroe advertiser. (Forsyth, Ga.) 1856-1974, December 31, 1889, Image 1

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THE MONROE -A $fi} ADVERTISER. VOL XXXIV. * C > -> A a £ i re I . m 5I-* II Mm PClgyi ^akik c POWDER Absolutely Pure. £r», ssssssia A FATAL RIOT CONFLICT BETWEEN WHITE MEN AM) NE OROKH AT .11-1' I*, ti A. four white men lying in (lie rtild cm brace of death and two more so desper¬ ately wounded that they ean'l recover, is Jesup' record for Christinas lay o 1889. A telegram from that place on Wednesday morning says: A riot, 011 c >f (lie most den pc a ; and south, on I unprovoked ever known 3 the ha east a gloom over tl place and thrown the people of thi^ se< 3- B into a nervous excitement never known hen before. In that not two men of worth were killed, and two 'j valuable to any A community Inter were ritieally wounded. Bix dead, report says: and several wounded men, and a jail broken open and riddled with bullets, were among the most attractive features of the situation. The dead were: Mr. W. M. Barnhill, deputy marshal; Mr. N. (Wood, a visitor from North Caro¬ lina; Mr, Henry Anderson, a member of the guard from McRae; William Fluid, a "egro man; Pete Jackson, an unknown mulatto; William llopps, a negro boy living in the town. Of the dead, the deputy marshal was at his homo at dawn; Woods was on the train, on route to his home in North Carolina; and Anderson v, as in the union depot, Fluid was found : iu the street in front of his home, an! Jackson and llopps were in their cells in the W ayne county jail, < >1 her dead and wounded may yet be anind. when the excitement subsides suffi¬ ciently to allow a thorough investigation. '1 he town is yet under military rule, and the swamps are still infested by a lawless mob of armed negroes, who, defying the officers, are inviting an attack. The gang is variously e-innated at from the original dozen to a hundred well armed, reckless negroes. The circulation of tho blood— quickened ami enriched—bears iile nnd energy to every portion of tho body; appetite returns; the hour qf rest This brings with it sound repose. can bo secured by taking Dr. J. H. McLean’s Sarsaparilla. SHILOH’S COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Consumption. B. I). Smith, Druggist. WILL NOT BE NATURALIZED 1 OUEtoNKR 1\ ItltAZU. Wilt KM tot! \TB r, vtii i i: til v n nv.coMi: ( rnzt.Ns. A vast number ot ioreign silents of Brazil have prote-Ud the against provisional .e natural iz.atiou seheme of govern mont. A nutnber of French. Portugese, German n< 1 Italian merchants residing and tlon IUS11 n Brazil, have applied to their respecti\ e governments for pro eetien. I’hev say they do not wish to mteriei ■ with Brazilian polities, and they \ ill not submit to the h>ss of their na i- 1 right Sh 1 lie )*r< n isionai governmeni dispute those riglqs, they xvill leave (he country after deposing of r \ ir busb^*ss, to the detriment of Brazil. ■rUe Uenedo. late imperial minister Tton?H England, is pi a pam t in w h h I. will reveal the intrigues is prior to the overthrow of 1'riE blood must be puro for the body to bo in perfect condition. Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsaparilla makes pure blood and iipparts the rioh bloom of hotvlh and vigor to t*he whole body. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miser able by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the Remedy for you. B. D. Smith, Druggist. NEGROES FOR CONGO. . t ONUO IHEK ST V ASKINU FOB COL¬ Pit ED PROFt ORS VNO MEUUMrs. At Shaw university, Raleigh. N. C\, which is ouc of the ; -gost colored insti¬ tutions in the country, tin ‘XT are several students from the Cor.go free state. Or Sutun lay Rev. Dr. H. M. Tapper, presi¬ dent of the university, received from the kin f the Belgians immediately a request to furnish the Congo free state twenty for profcssional men and mechanics, lured. Of these, twelve are to be e*r , three engineers, one < t • and two black smith an d others of different triu Dr. Tap per will secure the peopit lit* led. If you feel “out of sorts,” cross and peevish—take Dr. J. McLean s Sar saparilla; cheerfulness will returi and life will acquire new zest. THAT HACKING COUGH can be sc quickly cured by Shiloh’s cure. We guaranteed. B. D. Smith, Druggist, FORSYTH, MONROE COUNTY, GA, TUESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 31, 1889 CTIiliKNT .NEWS. CONDENSED FROM THE TELE GRACH AND CARLE. IHINOS THAT HAFPEX FROM DAY TO DAY THKOlNilfOl T THE WOK II. ( 1 I I.K1) FROM VARlort) SOCR< ES. A revolution has brfiken out iu the de¬ partment of Cuscattan, San Salvador. \ disease resembling epizootic is prev dent in Chicago, A number of horses have died. The m iin building of the Western col lege, in Toledo, Iowa, burned Thursday Loss $150,000. A terrible thunderstorm passed ovei New York state Thursday and considera¬ ble damage done. France, acting in accordance with Eng¬ land, is about to recognize Hypolite as President of Hayti. The Pope has sent an autograph lettei to Don Carlos, congratulating him upon liis accession to the throne. The citizens' warehouse at Ynsoo City, Mass., with six thousand bales of cotton, burned Saturday afternoon. Carnegie’s lower unit n iron mills at [‘ittsliurg, Pn.. are closed down on ac count of a strike of the puddlers. themselves, Two old ladies, who were living bj near (Syracuse, N. Y.. were found asphyxiated by coal gas Thursday. The Daily News, of London, Eng., says that Germany will send an ironclad to Brazil to protect German colonists on the Rio Grande. The town of Heal, in Si cel v, was shaker In an earthquake Thursday, Several houses collapsed and many persons were buried under the ruins. During the past ten jnonths the imports *f woolen goods amounted in value tc VII, 107,123, against $44,010,890 Muring the same months of 1889, Two young men blew out the gas in their room at the Pacific hotel, Bethle¬ hem, Pn., Wednesday night, and were found dead Thursday morning. The Philadelphia Typographical union has voted to insist on their demand foi increased wages, and the matter has been referred to the executive council. The Wabash Manufacturing Company, statiouers, of ( hicago. made an assign¬ ment Thursday. • Inabilities $200,000. It is claimed that the assets will reach the same figure. Edward P. Babst, general delivery clerk in the Buffalo, N. Y., post office, has been arrested on the charge of stealing from the United States mails, lie con¬ fessed liis crime. The steamer City of Berlin, from New A'ork for Liverpo >1, which arrived at Queenstown Saturday morning, reports passing two large icebergs in the track of trans Atlantic steamers. \ report comes from St. Petersburg that there is some disaffection in the army, and that several arrests have been made of officers who have given too free vent to their opinions. The first of the series of the tariff hear¬ ings mapped out by the house committee >n w ays and means was held on Thursday. Gentlemen interested in metals, ores and ,'oal being permitted to give their views. General Boulanger has sent a message from Pari, France, to General Do For ticsa, Chief of the Provisional Govern r.ent of Brazil, congratulating him upon •‘Theoverthrow of a despised monarchy." Alexander Beck «S: Son, carpet manu¬ facturers of Philadelphia, made an as¬ signment Saturday for the benefit of their •reditoi The assignee estimates the iabilitios at $13fl,0()() and assets at barely [400.000. The New York grand in jury, on Friday, mule a presentment regard to electric ight wires. It says the business of gener¬ ating and distributing electric currents should be investigated by the next legis¬ late re. Mr. Gladstone has received two hun Irecl telegrams and five hundred letters ongratulating him upon' liis eightieth birthday, which was Sunday, the 29th. The earliest telegram to arrive was from the Prince and Princess of AYales. The secretary of the navy has adopted a new design for the flag of the navy to lake effect July 1st. 1891. It will be ipplied to both the flag and the union jack of the navy, and consists of a rec latigular arrangement of forty-two stars. Details have been received of the se rious ravages of scarlet fever and diphthe ria in Campbell county, South Dakota. fort'. eases being 'reported, Other twenty -ix of which proved fatal. adja cut counties also report several deaths from these diseases. \ terrible accident ocuurred on the Frazier River road at Yatu ouver. British olumbia, Saturdav. Six young men. out ffeigh riding, were driving- Ynishinir along the •O I when a tree fell. the -M-h. killing four of the occupants and io r- t-s. The other two escaped with se •ere brui At the last annual meeting of fhe American Public Association, at Brook !’ il N. Y., a resolution United was adopted allino' unon officers of the States Marine Hospital Service to exercise the same watchful vigilance to prevent the introduction into the Un$ed States of persons suffering with leprosy, as it does to prevent the introduction of yellow fever. cholera, etc. In accordance with the tenor of this resolution. Surgeon-Gen¬ eral Hamilton has prepared a series of resolutions having this end iu view, which will be sent to the proper officials for their guidance iu dealing with persons suffering from this disease. Tlie regulations have been approved by the President. It goes right to the “spot,” said an old man, who was rubbing in Dr. J. H. .McLean’s Y’olcauic Oil Lini ment to relieve rheumatism. ------ CATARRH CURED, health and sweet Rejuedv torTe d /‘ T^' P 50 50 ^ D f“ ,O N.sanr N 113 B D Smith. Drusreist. A SWEET REFRAIN. She (at the piano? —Listen ! How do yon enjoy this refiaiu ? refrain Ho—Yury much! The more yon the better I like it.—[Chicago Globe. ' ALLIANCE STORE f • -(o) The Monroe Farmers Alliance Store is now open for business and Avill keep con¬ stantly on hand a GENERAL MERCHANDISE Stock, comprising’ everything needed by Farmers. The trading public invited to inspect our stock T. J. CHEYES, Supt. GEORGIA SEED CO., Macon, Ga. (SUCCESSORS TO SOUTHERN SEED COMPANY), WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FARM AND GARDEN SEED We are strictly in the seed business and nothing else. We handle only th* b«st Can furnish any quantity South Georgia, Rye, Barley, Seed Wheat Red Rust-proof Seed Oats, California Burr Clover, New Crop Turnip Seed, Cabbage, Spinach, und all varieties Clover and grasses*, Onion Sets, etc. We pay strict attention to freight rates. Write for price list. Wo advertise no goods which we do net keep in stock. SOUTHERN NOTES. INTERESTING NEWS FROM ALL POINTS IN THE SOUTH. GENERAL PROGRESS AND OCCURRENCES *W111< II ARE HAPPENING BELOW MA¬ SON's and dixon’s line. The Times-Democrat pronounces the gram I roads of New Orleans a success, md far preferable to the shell roads which were first tried. Judge Kit Warren, one of Georgia’s most excellent and well-known journal¬ ists, after a long and eventful life, died in Atlanta on Saturday. Mr. \\ m. Watson, of Jackson, Miss., Inis closed a trade with a Memphis, Tenn., syndicate, selling ninety-three thousand acres of land in Sunflower countv for $197,5UT>. A mould for a heavy casting, in the Masher Machine company. Dallas, Texas, while being tilled with molten metal, on Saturday, exploded, and nine men were badly burned; three fatally. branch Saturday night, in Augusta, Ga., the of Commercial Travelers, reorgan¬ ized under a new <1 artcr of the Southern Travelers' asst fiat if ii. The meeting was very large and enthusiastic. A full set of officers were elected. Mrs. Robert Tyler died in Montgomery, Ala., Sunday morning in the seventy fourth year of her age. In 1840 she mar¬ ried Robert Tyler, eldest sou of President Tyler, and upon special request of the President and his wife, who was an in¬ valid, she presided as “lady of the white house" during the first three years of President Tyler's administration. The large saw and grist mills and dry kilns, belonging to the Greenleaf Johnson Lumber Company, of Norfolk. A'a.. and Baltimore. Maryland, situated at How¬ ards. in Bertie county, N. C., were en¬ tirely destroyed by fire Saturday, together with large quantities of sawed lumber. The property was worth about $75,000. The origin of the tire is supposed to be incendiary. Among tlie 200 acts passed at the recent session of the legislature of South Caro¬ lina, was one to prevent and punish the sale of cigarettes to minors. The gover¬ nor has signed the bill, and the 300 cigar manufacturers and dealers in Charleston are now very much excited. It is proba¬ ble that all the dealers will adopt the “drop a nickel in the slot" machine, for the disposition of their cigarette Christmas was observed in Alempliis. Tenn.. in a manner, accompanied by two atrocious murders. Early iu the morn¬ ing the dead body of a negro, supposed to be Dan Hawkins, was found under the bayou bridge, with a bullet wound iu the head. At eight o'clock at night, Emmett Pinkston, driver of a Alain street car, was stabbed to the heart by an unknown | negro m vaeh and case instantly escaped, killed. The murderer ; ! A dispatch of Saturday from Needles, Cal., says: On account of washouts on other railroads west of here, the Atlantic and Pacific officials have been compelled j to return all Los Angeles passengers to Albuqueiquc, whence the\ >'.iil be taken b . Y th ” S;m fa ™ t€ to Gemin.g. and ! thence to Los T Angc.e- , •} t:. Southern - ! Facthc. 4\ashouts on the Alojave river I w » 11 ^ rep^red m two days, therefore. j passengers for San Irancisco are held here 1 md at Ban-tow. A sensation is brewing in railroad cir ' c 'h' F at Chattanooga, Ienn.. and a general strike on the Cincinnati Southern railroad is threatened by the , conductors and engineers. There lias j been a local organization of the Brother : hood of Railway conductors formed there j lately, and the Cincinnati Southern rail "av company has discharged twenty of their conductors on the charges of ueg l e( t °f duty and insubordination. The conductors claim that their discharge is due to their action having joined the brother¬ hood. No has yet been taken. What A Fortune j Is a good healthy, pearly skin. Few are aware of the short time it takes for a disordered liver to cause \ blotches on the face, and a dark greasy skin. One bottle of Beggs Blood Purifier and Blood Maker will 1 restore this organ to its natural and healthy state, and cleanso the blood wonderfnl success. \\ e guarantee every bottle^ B. D. ^ ...... mith, D ruggist. s ‘ SHILOH’S VIVALIZEU is wnat vou j need for Constipation, all Loss of Appetite, Dizziness and symptoms of Dyspep tia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. B^D. Smith. Druggist. A TERRIBLF WRECK ON THE C URSA PE A K E AND OHIO. IN WHICH TEN ARE KILLED AND MANY INJURED. A dispatch terrible frpm accident Charleston. AY. A'a., says: A occurred Sat¬ urday Ohio road, morning White on the Chesapeake and miles at this Sulphur Springs, 125 east of place. R- ports have been very hard to get. One o these from an eye witness says: Vestibu ‘train No. 8, westward on the Chesapeake and Ohio, left the track, demolishing injuring six about ears, killing ten persons and twenty five. The accident was earned by the rails spreading. The complet list of the killed is: Hale Morrison, Charleston, mail agent; J. AY. Thomas newsboy, Lexington. Ky.; O. B. Bark dale. Prof lift, \a., baggage master: J B. ¥«• est. Ilowardsville, Ya.. engineer; E. AYiIson, Caldwell. Kansas; Nelson He: h, colored, Claremont, W . \ a-.; II. Fal ka, Grand county, South Dakota; Edw rd Brown, colored, Alleghany, \ a.; K Ider Kidd, Hannibal, Mo., had his mouth tilled with mud, and died of strangulatio ; unknown man, described as white, tall <ul slender, fair complexion, gray eyes, Inf" udv incus tuelie, dressed in dark pic ;d. Aniong the injured arc: J. j i-.iiv- sell, Blackstone, Ks.: Conduct.•. wh-ked, Fafmerville, Huntington. \V. Va!‘; TU '*TV t Ya.; C. H. Cline. Chicago; William Dell, New York: A\ . Clarke, Clifton Forge, Ya.: P. P. Burch, M. M. Dell, New York: J. AY. Clarke, train dis patcher, Clifton Forge. A a.; John AYood folk, Alleghany. Cliff A a., section hand: A\ . I). Clark, county, A a.: Louis Karztli, Blackstone, Ivy.: H. 0. Gregory, (Tiff T’oj). \ a. Many of the injured will probably die. fearful wreck, and the damage It was a to the railroad at this time cannot be even estimated. The engine did not leave the rails, but the tender was without any trucks. The rear sleeper had its front trucks on the ground and remained on the rails. The train which was wrecked, was the west bound vestibule which left New York Saturday, and was due at Cincinnati Sunday. The train was behind time, and running forty or fifty miles per hour. The conductor says it was only running thir¬ ty-live miles, but others say forty or fifty. T he wreck occurred on a fill over Jary’s run, which is 100 feet high—said to be tlu highest fill in the United States. All of the killed were in the smoking car, which was telescoped by another car. Every person in the car was killed except the conductor, who liad his leg broken and seriously injured. The dead were taken to Ronceverte, eleven miles distant from the scene of the wreck. Another wreck was reported Sunday on the Chesapeake and Ohio road, at Fort Guy. Greenbrier county. Thirteen freight cars out of a freight train of sev¬ enteen cars, were broken up. Fireman Leighton was killed, and Engineer Murray seriously injured. A Uood CoughSyrup. There is nothing parents should be so careful about as selecting a cough syrup. Beggs’ Cherry Cough Syrup costs no more than the cheap and inferior nostrums thrown on the market. The best is none to good, be sure and get Beggs’ Cherry Cough Syrup. YVe keep it on hand at all times. B. D. Smith, Druggists. CROUP, tynOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shi¬ loh’s Cure. B. D. Smith, Druggist. CARLOS CROWNED, PORTUGAL DOE"- HONOR TO HER NEW KING ENTHUSIASM AMONG THE PEOPLE. The ceremony of proclaiming Portugal his ma- and jesty, C’arlos J. as king of Algavares. took place at Lisbon Saturday. The streets through which the king passed on hi- way to the palace of Necessidadcs. were thronged with enthusiastic people. The king left the castle at Belem at 11 o'clock, and the journey to the place where the king took the oath of office before the eortes, was made without the occurrence of any incident of an unfavor¬ able character. Beggs’ Cherry Cough Symp Is giving splendid satisfaction to the trade and the sales are positively marvelous which can be accounted that it is without doubt the best on the mar ket. Ask for and be sure you get the genuine. We keep it. B. D. Smith Diuggist. _ WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh’s Yitaii ter is guaranteed to cure you. B. D. Smhh, Druggist, THE ”I.A G111PPK.” IN VI. I ENZA RAC IDLY SPREAD IXG OVER THE COUNTRY. MANY NORTHERN <11 IKS INYADKl*- ONI THllil) OK ti K foPl 1, AT ION OF l’Altl'i DOWN \\ I ! 11 Tl E n. UH F.. The Russian influenza, the gcUUHU ble ■'l.aGrippe." lias shown itself already and juoba head in Chicago, and a largt number of cases have been reported, Ail of these eases have shown uninistakabii signs of Russian infiu n/.a, and souk* ot them have developed into very serious ones. The ’ Grippe," i- officially ignored at the sanitary headquarters in New York City. Unofficially, the reprt K' litatives of the health department -ay that probably ■>0,000 people in New York are suffering from more or less severe atta< ks of infin euza, but they refuse to give it official recognition. The disease seems to have found a goodly number of victims among the employes of the New York postoftice. Saturday's absentees in the general office numbered sixty-five, and in many instan¬ ces persons on the sick li-t were letter assorters. Brooklyn police Eighty-one members of the suffering force aie reported to be w ith the giippc. The recent mortality in Paris, from the ravages of the influenza, is a< follows: Wednesday, 318; Thur-alay, 303: Friday, 344. The sudden drop from the figures of Thursday- to those of Friday is taken as an evidence that the dreaded epidemic is. on tlie wane. A prominent physician of Philadelphia says: “There are fully 25,000 persons now in this city being treated for influenza in some form or other. All classes of citi¬ zens are numbered among its victims, and some of the leading business men of the city have been compelled to absent them¬ selves from their places of business on ac¬ count of the grippe.” The disease has also made its appear¬ ance in Detroit, Boston, Baltimore, New Brunswick, N. J., and Kansas City. At Detroit over five thousand are down with the disease. Fifty policemen, more than half the city's officers and their assistants, are laid up, and there is hardly a store or factory in the city whose clerical and working force is not seriously crippled. DIAGNOSIS OF THE INFLEENZA. The Medical News, of Philadelphia, says Influenza comes suddenly: goes as quick; least robust at any age and'women seem to be its first victims. It is here a ques tion of condition not of sex. The large numbers simultaneously attacked attracts general attention and thus those most im pressionable are seized, the onset living facilitated by any depressing emotion, like fear or illness. There is no rigor, prop erlv to be thus designated, but rather a series of chills and a feeling of heat there with, sometimes malaise of a general kind is experienced, but, lik - rhe at: ick itself. of short (tfirafio;i,' tasting-bm a few hours. AYith the first access of nasal and facial irritation, come a chilliness, which is followed by some feverishness with more headache, pronounced malaise, and in a gen eral weakness and soreness of the members, and especially of the larger joints. AYith the progress of the'ease in some epidemic, there is considerable gen eral weakness, even a marked depression of the vital powers. The pulse becomes small, and the mind gloomy and rest lessness ensues. When a fatal termina¬ tion is to occur, as a rule, an extension downward into the trachea and bronchi takes place. Don’t irritate your lungs with a stubborn cough when a pleasant and effective remedy may be found iu Dr. J. H. McLean’s Tar Win« Lung Balm. MONUMENT FOR GRADY. THE PEOPLE DETERMINED THAT IT SHALL P.E BUILT. Graay's Cjose upon death, the announcement of Air. Atlahta a number of prominent a Grady gentlemen Monument set Association, to -work to organize A com mittce was appointed and went to work at once. Subscriptions were called for. and the spontauietv with which responses were made to the call from all sections of the country has been unprecedented, and is a touching tribute to the man whose death is deplored more than any other that could have occurred in the South. It is the desire of the committee to pro¬ ceed as soon as possible with the arrange¬ ments for the erection of the monument, but will not do anything on this line un¬ til every subscription that will be made has been received. There are hundreds whose names will be added to this roll of honor who would not have them omitted. Children who are troubled with worms may be quickly relieved by giving them Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liquid Vermifuge. It kills and ex¬ pels worms. BANK STATEMENT. The following is a statement of the as sociated banks for the week ended Sat¬ urday. December 28tli: Reserve decrease...... .$1,372,050 Loans increase........ . 2,217,500 Specie decrease----- . 1.226,000 Legal tenders decrease. 60,030 Deposits increase...... . 344 200 Circulation decrease... . 115,000 Banks now hold $2,021,375 in excess of the 25 per cent. rule. For rheumatic and neuralgic pains rub in Dr. J. H. McLean's Y'olcanic Oil Liniment, and take Dr. J. 1L McLean’s Sarsaparilla. You will not suffer long, blit will be gratified with a speedy and effective cure. A MINNESOTA BLIZZARD. A Pioneer Pres special from St Cloud sa > >: Tae first genuine blizzard ,f tlw season struck the city.aturrlaiaf Mu( . h sn0 w has already fallen, and trains will undoubtedly be blocked. If you a»e all ran down-,bav« no strength, no energy, and foe 1 veiw feme—lake * , Or. n J. T 0 MoLe an s yarsaparnia. It wjil im part StWbgth and vitality to your system. RIDDLED WITH BULLETS iT.Kiam.! tragedy enacted at bakn WKl.l., sol TH CAROLINA. A special dispatch from Augusta, Ga., ty': Judge Lynch held high in Mm newel!. S. C.. Saturday morning just before daylight, and when the sun ; r«’ m‘ over the little town it shone on eight s riddled with bullets, by the road ■do. ju-t outside the town limits. The ( £H!St s \.! ii led up to the enactment of ibis tre o\, briefly told, areas follows; ibi the »Otli of October last. John,!. Ib lTernan. a prominent young merchant and brave, public spirited citizen, was shut down and killed in Barnewall by negroes. Public indignation ran very high. Threat - of lynching were lreely made. bill diverted by cooler counsel. On the tilth of December. Mr. James S. Brown, a prominent planter and leading citizen of Fish Pond township, was shot to death on his own premises by negroes, without the slightest justification or ex¬ cuse. On the 18th ot December, while going from his store, at Martin’s Station, to his. house, a mile away. Mr. Robert Martin, a young man of exemplary character and of the highest standing as a man and citizen, was followed by a negro and s!» it in tlie back with a gun loaded with slugs, lug-lit men w ere arrested and held as the murderer^ and accessories, and lodged m the Barnwell jail. Ai the last term of court, the grand jury found true bills against the murderers and against tlie fiie accessories, but the cases were continued, white people were disappointed, and fearing that justice might be defeated, took the law into their own hands. On Saturday morning a body of masked men visited the jail, overpowered the jailer, secured the prisoners, and marching them to the outskirts of the town, hung them to trees and riddled their bodies with bullets. None of the lynchers have a yet been apprehended. The quality of the blood depends much upon good or bad digestion and assimilation. To make the blood rich in life and strength-giving constituents use Dr. J. H. MoLean's Sarsaparilla. It will nourish the properties of the blood, from which the elements of vitality are drawn it wasn’t the principle. A young man with excited step and flushed face hailed an officer in front of the City Hall the other day and stated that he had been robbed. “When and where?” naturally in¬ quired the officer. “Out ou the exposition grounds this forenoon.” “How much ?” “Well, as near as I can figure it,there was about forty cents in the portmon naie.” “ “Have any suspicions “No. I missed it after coming out of the snake show.” “Isn’t it a pretty small matter to make complaint about queried the off'c r, “or is it the principle of the thing which actuates ynu ?” “Principle of the thing lie han-.ed hotly exclaimed 1 lie young man “ \V at I’m after is my forty cents, and if I don’t get. it I’ll have to walk thirteen miles on the railroad track! Principle is a'l light when you have a big boodle, but I’d see a ton of it blowed high-sky before I’d walk thirteen miles !”—[De¬ troit Free Press. The Women Praiae 11. It I* The suffering of women certainly awakens the sympathy of every friend true philanthropist. Their best however is B. 13. 13. (Botanic Blood Balm.) Send to Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, (iu., for proofs. H. L. Cassidy, Kennesaw, Ga., writes r “Three bottles of B. B. B. cured ray wife of Scrofula.” Mrs. ii. M. Daws, Zalaba, Fla., writes: “I have never used any thing'to equal B. B. B.” Mns. C. ii. Gay, liocky Mount, N. C., writes: “Not a day for 10 years was I free from headache. B B. B. entirely releived me. I feel like another person.” Lancaster, Hawkins James W. ville, Ga., writes: “My.wife was in bad health for eight years. Five doctors and many patent medicines had done her no good. Six bottles ot B. B. B. cured her.’*’ M iss S. Tomlinson, Atlanta, Ga says. ‘Tor years I suffered With rheumatism, caused by kidney trou bio and indigestion, 1 also was feeble and nervous B. B. B. relieved me at onte although several other med lcines hqd failed. Ii6\. J. M. liicbardson, Ciaikston Ark., writes: “My wife suffered twelve years with rheumatism and female complaint. A lady member of my church had been cured by B. B. B, She persuaded ray wife to try it, who now says there is nothing like B. B. B. as it quickly gave her relief.” Tobacco Made By Assassins. Latakia, wind: gives its name to the famous tobacco, is n small feapoit in no:them Syria, which occupies the site of the ancient Daotiieeu, but the pod 1 as been blocked no with sand, so ti at niy small, light laden boats can < ntor. Beliind the town extends a vast plain to the so ith beyond Jirleh as far as the rang of hills in winch live the Ansa ieh, the descendants of the se -t of as assists so famous in the time of the Crus ad s. j his trib ■ is specially engaged in the •ultnation of Latakia t banco. At the and of Do--end er t ;e ground is irrigated, •uid ten o-twelve the ow ing seeds tikes place in Junua-v! singe ho’e made with being placed in "a a stick. As so ill as the spouts appear above the ground If you are suffering with weak or inflamed eyes, or granulated eye lids, you can be cured by using Dr J. H. McLean’s Strengthening Eye g j ” & u a ve ft wil] pay you to advertise with us. NUMBER SI. SMALL TALK WITH A SMALL FLOWER. “Art thou crazy Little daisy, Blooming out so late':’’ Dost thou know That the snow Soon will seal thy fate?” “I am not crazy ,' 1 Said the daisy. “Blooming out so late. \ Well I know That the snow (■ Soon will seal my fate. “But I care not. And I fear not. For I'vo tried to do All my duty AVell and truly With my end in view “Ho who gave me Vouth and beauty Would not have me lie All inactive, Unattractive, Fearing lest I die. ’ “Then I’ll praise thee, vi- ; " Little daisy. But I’ve learned of you A good lesson; Still to press on. Whatever may ensue." -The Little Giant. HUMOR OF THE HAY. 4 Very showy—I*. T. Barnum. On the fence—The circus poster. “Hands off” is a poor sign for costly watches. Every fish woman should have her scale of prices. ‘ ‘Time flies. ” 1J e should get a bicycle, and be in style. Nothing will so soon make a person hot as cold treatment. The statesman in his eagle flights of oratory simply spreads liis opinions. As a general thing the best mathema¬ tician of the class is selected for its figure head. First Old Shoe—“I am completely worn out.” Second Old Shoe—“You do look run down.” Collar—“How do you feel after the handling you’ve had?” Shirt—“Badly done up.”— Time. Y’oudon’t have to speak very loud ton. corn crib, for it’s all cars at this time of year. —Merck ant Traveler. Two editors of Mexico recently threat¬ ened to fight a duel; but as nothing came of it the pen is still mightier than the sword.— Judge. “What! You have moved again? .You find it cheaper to move than to pay rent:.” “I dvn’t know, I’m sure. T never pay any rent.”— fudge. Annie—“Oh, Charley, 1 found' out something to-day that I promised never, never to tell.” Charley (settling back) -—“Well, I’m ready.”— Life. Lightning never strikes twice in tho same place, principally because the place isn’t there the second time the lightning comes around .—Frank Leslie's. When the boarder wakes from slumber now a smile his visage wears. For the smell of steak and onions from below ascends the stairs. — Boston Courier. j “Isn’t it sad, Angie? of his mind.” Poor Mr. “I Little • wit has gone out won i der lie’s stood it as long as he has. Aw¬ fully cramped quarters, you know.”— Time. The little girl who wrote on her exam ination paper: “The interior of Africa is principally used for purposes of explo¬ ration,” was wiser than she thought.— Baltimore American. “What is the best time to travel,” asks a morning paper. When you hear her father’s footsteps on the stairs, young man. Don’t wait until lie gets into the parlor .—New York. New*. “1 wish I had a million dollars,” said a little girl to a little boy she greatly admired; “I would give it all to you. ’ “Then why don’t you give me that ap¬ ple you’ve got ?”—Atchison Globe. Beacon Street—“Y'aas,my tailor wanid \ to I S et Hall me U P “And a small mine check, wants y know. to ’ owne me g et him up a aige c ec^ a jus ‘ >C °‘ There's a matter that's troubled us greatly And m nera . Mttled „ yet . We should like to have some one inform u.3 j Whether Eve was a blonde " or brunette? ! , . “' to’ Jar!,c 1 "'' j. , ""DIj ama hope run for office without being held up before world as a, scoundrel. —DansviKe I Breeze. ■ A Man of Mark. . Prince Mailetunka, of the Friendly Islands, in the Pacific Ocean, is, by all accounts, the most elaborately decorated potentate in the world. His body is tattooed from top to toe, and bears over 13,000 different signs and emblems ou its surface. Although hitherto unknown to fame, either as a warrior or diplomat, the hereditary ruler of the Friendly group must be admitted to be a man of mark. His only rival, as far as history records it, is the Hon. Phineas T. BarnumA once widely renowned star attraction, the Tattooed Greek. And the Tattooed Greek was only a pirate, not a prince. A Family of Governors, The late Governor John L. Manning sprang from families whose sons wer# prominent in the executive history of South Carolina. His father, Richard I,. Manning: his grand uncle, James B. Richardson; his uncle, John Pete*’ Richardson, and he himself all occupi; l the Gubernatorial chair of the Common j wealth. The present chief executive, j John_ Peter Richardson, was his tir.-s 1 r ’ ousin Beskles thf;S0 a relative by mar £ a " e aIso this honored position. ruat la General Made Hampton, a nephew of his first wife .—Charleston (8. C.) Neies.