The Monroe advertiser. (Forsyth, Ga.) 1856-1974, June 04, 1897, Image 5

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<j VERONICA THE ^ ? heautifiek. "> > ? > i i VERONICA”! I j TOILET * POWDER, ! ? IS A 105T SANITARY AND DELIGHT- i~ ? FI I. PREPARATION. IT PLRIFIES a < AS WELL AS > I BEA UTIFIE S % ; s' > % THE SKIN. i Guaranteed perfectly harmless, m commended sed by people by of refinement all who .have and ste<i its merits. IMtlCH, - 50 CeutK. By Mail or at Druggists. d idc. for sample and circular.) > CHEMICAL MTG GQ., £ > E;ikt?ville, X. A' s ir‘'‘.'VY*i'Sr 'YYWY-Yv There’s o* u* <0 e* a AXidjtnoiio C ! | > IN TIIEf FIELD. ■ CTfSEiail ’‘ w ‘' f iz anx •A ! /. V |A \ t \m m i mu "Cbe g^icljittost n R ' . CUSHION FRAME BICYCLE ! , ■■ revert? jolts, jar Rigid and Frame, strains. , ; f -vhy ride a effects, j whii its injurious when ; ’ you can buy a wheel giving ’ l EASE AND COMFORT! Lines oi Wheel Unchanged. <: f > s' Durability Increased. Cushion y nd for catalogue Bicycles. of our Rigid :i:>l |l 1 Frame ij R1GMM0ND BICYCLE C0., I RlCHTlOND, 1ND. ( Eastern Branch, I New York. 97 Chambers St., j DcWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve Cures Plica, Scalds, Burns. -ON Cumberland Mountain For the Summer In nil my rnmbliiifts over tlm curtli for rim j' ast 25 years In search of health and rest •oin an overworked frame ami brain, 1 can say l ru l li fully that notnmeof these summei outint;s can at all eomp to tlm one \\ ii r luxuriating now enjoyilm at Monteatth now amid eoul breeze those around us are sweltering from t nnddy North ing by the Northwest, score from sunstrok e in the ami we art wrapped in our woolens, njo.vlng the comforts of oak ami htckoiw tires when evening's shades force us to our rooms."—.J. O. Jelks, Ga. Dis¬ patch News. i Keached via w. & A. R. R. Supct •b through trains. Leave Atlanta s a. m wm* U Moixteagle same day at 5 . m. Hide is through a picturesque ml hlstori region in day time. l'ennessee Daily excursions from Montongle to tli Centennial Kxposit ion. t)i World’s Fair of the year—low rates. Send for Assembly Programs; they wil interest you Vddrcss li. It. liKim v k i). Trust* for Ga., Savannah, (In K. 1 i v it mon. (i. P. A., At I taut Ga Mrs..]. 15. O = V.-Pres.. Mac on. t V. P. Hoc iu /- Mg'r, Montcaglc. 'i’en ](im; I am prepared to bottom chans with cane, and solicit work of that kind, work i done promptly snd satisfactory. Mrs. M. A. Laseter. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, The famous little pills. dts —Sgtaeafyat & ■ (-3XMA - »rt» niiiini if I T"" TI . . I 0- DbIsQA r j I Variable Friction Feed Saw Mills, ■i Planers and Matchers, ‘A M>; ** A DeLoach Com and Flour Mills, Turbine Water Wheels, * *' Hungry Elephant " Baling Press, Engines and Boilers. AS \ILL Si f) !** MaCHV/ERY AltD QEARINQ CP ALL KIXDS. SA W REPAIRING i, V a specialty. v~ K5 WORK Q L A RA STEED. Wm> ITION in causes machinery. nearly all Our the VARIABLE trouble in life, FRICTIOS art n re as especially applied to ^ Saw Mills and Planers enables the operator to take just what he need S and no more. Warranted to y--1d a capacity twenty per Nt -c> cer.t. preater than the o!d stvle with same power /A 97 5a*v Mills sold In one month pr. :s its w :ierfik popularity, ; ar.d thry go to a.! parts ot the worid. msc Ar /: The DeLoach \ triable Friction Feed Planer, J - Matcher and Moulder beats them a.k ; f-r lir-e it! -a:?d catalogue. CeLoach Mill Alfg. Co., Atlanta, Ga iL iMl • '^ -* ■ ' ; ' «'—- - - . ZaUB :c c f.svr York CL}, pad Vi i. Uih St, Si. LvjE, - -- ?! i , ■M? SS: THE HOLLENBECK SADDLE. X 'X? ti ♦ if. ♦. . ♦ Hfci LiiShVr OK ITS KIND. Fills the Demand for a soft and EASY RIDING SADDLE. HAS ALL THE IMPROVEMENTS. NEEDS NO BREAKING IN. . . . THOROUGHLY H\ UIENIC. . . . MADE OF THE FINEST MATERIALS. Steel Frame entirely covered with Leather. Made in two widths, ioj and 8j inches. FOR SALE BY DEALERS. MANUFACTURED BY F. A. Hollenbeck & Co. SYRACUSE, N. Y. A FR1CANA will cure Rheumatism and * \ Scrofula to Stay Cured. Wanted—An Idea “ Protect vour ideas; they mav bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDEKBURN & CO.. Patent Attor- offer nevs, Washington, 1> c., for their $1,800 wanted. prize and new list of one thousand Inventions If you have a farm, a house or a vacant lot for sale bring iy to us and we will make it to your interest to ]>ut it in our hands. If no sale is made we charge you nothing. Sanders <fc Kvan- et DON’T SACRIFICE (•j tw . © © M $ # Future Comfort for present seeming Economy, but BUY W the Sewing Machine with an established reputation that ® I guarantees you long and satisfactory service; W S w /ft ••ft m IHiWHITE. ^ ip /ft ITS BEAUTIFULLY FIGURED WOODWORK, w] DURABLE CONSTRUCTION, v? FINE MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENT, ^ t}\ TV M P vi/ f l coupled makes with the it the Finest Set of Steel Attach- ^ t ments, ■jfr 4 m MOST DESIRABLE MACHINE IN THE MARKET. 'jtf vw i ’'i Dealers White Wanted where SewLao; v/e ara Machine not represented. Co. w ^ , v -----*" J, «* *' *i ^ 5 iV t Send for cor keotrilSd f*a:f-tor.e catalogue. CLEVELAND, OHIO. ■ —— 1 AFRIGRflA 9 The Blood Wonderful Purifier.... Cures absolutely Rheumatism, Scrofula, Syphilis, Old Sores, Constipation, Gout, and All Diseases caused by impure Blood .... TO STAY CURED........ Afncana Has Never Failed In a single instance with out of the hundreds treated. Therefore, we offer i*. to the public entire confidence, and are willing to undertakv the most failed. desperate Africana case ou which other so-called infallible cures have is made altogether from herbs, is perfectly harmless and yet is the most powerful and surest remedy ever dif' covered for the above named diseases. Write for further particulars, testimonials, etc. Africana Co •5 63% Atlanta, S. BROAD Ga. ST. 5 WWUVAAAa x- t i RIDE? v WELL! YES. t 5 Nearly everyone rides; < | and to ride with ease use 1 a pedal that’s right. ? } ROCHESTER gT 7 PEDALS urn V : ARE RIGHT 1 ii ■^3 j> } ( and every pail* is guar t .) anteed. Two styles, O g j Small Barrel Barrel Hub f i t," "edffls. i i : ufactnred "t>^ L. i. r r 11 1 : KOCIIE8TEB PFDAI, <‘0., li«oli«ifttc-r,TV. Y. y Scrofula Is a deep-seated blood disease which all the mineral mixtures in the world cannot cure S.S.S. (guaranteedpurely remedy for vegetable ) is a real blood blood diseases and has no equal. Mrs. Y. T. Buck, of Delaney, Ark., had Scrofula for twenty-five years and most of the time was under the care of the doctors who could not relieve her. A specialist said he could cure her, but he filled her with arsenic and potash wtiicli almost mined her constitution. She ^ then took nearly blood ■*- ’ ASgiY every so-called . medicine and drank them by the wholesale, ^ ^ one advised her totrv S.S.S. and she very soon found that she had a real blood remedy ing at dozen last. She says: “After tak one bottles of S.S.S. I am and perfectly well, my skin is clear healthy and I would not be in my former condition for two thousand dollars. Instead of drying upthepoison in my system, like the potash and arsenic, S.S.S. drove the disease out through the skin, and I was perma¬ nently rid of it.” A Real Blood Remedy ♦ S.S.S. never fails to cure Scrofula, ! Eczema, Rheumatism Contagious Blood Poison, or any disorder of the blood. Do not rely upon a simple tome to cure a deep-seated blood blood disease, but take a real remedy. Our books i I 1 cation. Specific free Atlanta, upon Swift Ga appli- Co. s s A GREAT CONTRALTO. A LtTTLE STORY OF MISS CCL3Y, JEN¬ NY LIND AND MENDELSSOHN. ’ n ’ e Composer, Urged Not to Give the So¬ pranos All the Advantage. Made ami Kept a Promise That Music Lovers the World Over Have Applauded. Miss Dolby, when Jenny Lind came to England in 1S47, was a slim waisted, tall, dark girl, well proportioned, quite solid and uuethereal, but a most earnest and conscientious student, gifted with superb deep eoiitralto aiiil bouhoniie , , • ^ a and homely grace of her own that won, without exactly fascinating, tlio public at first. She was equally good at a rous ing Scotch song or a fireside domestic bflllai ] (Jo hn Hullah wrote the famous “Three Fishers” fa lin ta hi. da vs >> but m oratorio, and in her own - way, Miss Dolny was supreme- not sec one! even to Jenny. Certainly she never had that extraordinary and weird mag netism which made unmusical people ukc Stanley, afterward the celebrated (lean of Westminster, rave about her great soprano rival, Jenny. But the j Dolby was better looking- than Jenny, though never downright pretty—very dark and handsome one might call her, j with a certain embonpoint after BO I which she bore gracefully, but which j did not add to her grace. Miss Dolby’s moment came. When Jenny Lind retired from the stage, the pr ima at once shone out as an oratorio star of tho lirst magnitude. She thus directly invaded a sphere iu which Clara j Novello, soprano, and Miss Dolby, con- 1 tralto, reigned supreme. Jenny Lind did not apparently am pt the situation quite as gracefully as she could wei. have afforded to do. It was to her a ne eessity to outshine every one. Mendels Bohn was doubtless ft good deal smitten with the Swedish nightingale. He not unnaturally wrote his great soprano , ; parts with her in his eye—or rather his I ear Many - remember her entrancing can singing cf “Jerusalem” in “St. Paul’ and the seraphic way m which her divine voice—spirit, I had almost said—would soar above the rest iu the great double quartet iu “Elijah,” “He Shall Give j His Angels Charge Over Thee.” But Miss Dolby was not happy. She felt j quite aggrieved nt the music of “St. Paul.” That the first contralto singer in | England, who had scored even in Ger many against Jenny Lind, should have so little to do in “St. Paul” was too ' bud. The following episode has, I believe, never been printed. I lmd it from the j lips of Miss Dolby’s sister, afterward j Mine. Sainton, now in Australia. “Dr. Mendelssohn, ” says Miss Dolby, then at the height of her popularity, “I | do hope you won’t treat the contraltos | so badly in your next oratorio. ” i “Badly?” savs Mendelssohn “My j dear Miss Dolby, what do you mean? I | always trt at every one as fairly as pcs f sible. ’ ’ “Not at all,” says Miss Dolby * * Yv e i have next to nothing to do in “bit. j Paul”—nothing to show us off to ad¬ vantage, I mean.” Mendelssohn was then writing his “Elijah. ” “Well, Miss Dolby-, what do you want?” “I want two good solos ami some nice little bits.” “Stay!” says the amiable composer, taking out his notebook. “ ‘Two good solos and some nice little bits,’ ” and lie wrote it down, with that well known, i ! most fascinating smile which, once seen, could never be forgotten. When “Elijah” | J came bits, ’ ’ out, Miss in Dolby, addition her to the delight, “nice found little to ! the two immortal songs which she sub | | sequently made almost her own—“Woe, Woe Unto Them!” and “Oh, Rest In j the Lord!” ! Dr. Mendelssohn sent for her, and at 1 Exeter hall, in a room down stairs, he j tried over the two songs, accompanying ; them himself. When she had sung “Wee, Woe!” | Mendelssohn turned round and said, “That will be the favorite contralto song. ” < Miss Dolby replied: “I differ with you, Dr. Mendelssohn. ‘Oh, Rest In the Lord!’ will be the favorite. It will Like the public far more than ‘Woe, woe!’ ” She then sang it, Mendelssohn acconi panying in a sort of listening trance, with his his head on one side, a way he had, and at the end he seemed quite overcome, a* tens of millions have been since by her rendering of that inspired melody. “You are right, Miss Dolby, That will- be the success. ” And so it was.—Rev. H. R. Haweis, M. A., • 9Tf, St- f; w tk /I I believe in protecting infant indus tries, but when the infants get to be six feet high and grow whiskers, and when they threaten to kick the end out of the cradle if they don’t get more pap, I think it’s about time to take the bot tie away from them.—Colonel R. G Ingersoll (Rep). -H DR. PETES FLUCK'SK ' Great German Remedy, IIIEAOINE I VA/ '**■ : 5 * 'r i ( I ; IIJ , , J ^ 3 > 4 *' ^ ear J r - — S'. V * I For the Immediate Relief i l and Positive Cure oi and NEUR'RLGIFl. Indorsed by physicians of the highest standing. S5o. per box. For Sale sy all Druggists. R. H. HUNSTOCK CHEMICAL CO., HA^ftilBAL, MO. s r t t ) t BICYCLES V CATALOGUE ON APPLICATION. ^BUFFALO , Reliable Agents Wanted. ^ WHEEL CO J BUFFALO, N. Y. o YOUR STOMACH If not your conscience demands that you feed bogs with DR. JOS. HAAS’ Hog and Poultry i . . Remedy. (20 years success) It Only the healthy hogs Make healthy feeding. pork. is key to economical It makes food to be converted into flesh with the least waste. ORDER MOW If you want to Save Feed, Prevent Disease Destroy Worms, Arrest Disease, Hasten Maturity, Stop Coug-h, Increase Pork. Indoised by the great breeders & feeders Beware of Substitutes and Imita¬ tions. For Sale by 3RAMBLETT&BR0., FORSk TH, GA. 13nrl r LA TULIP «• «• RAWFIIT D c r* ycle SatT ? U PAT. APPLIED FOR. iftfN .....NN • i i;.. i They will not stretch or sag, and we ;rh complete but T 6 ozs. his saddle is recommended by physicians. l ! fry cne and you will use no other. j , ,♦* ,g..y..y..jts t | i r ?.00 for sample by express prepaic. ■ ; T : S-J*-Jt -T Fayetteville Glove Go., I r a Fayetteville, New York. I » » » . ♦ « f l : s S Q I 1 Sy ♦ CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. i THE^' o i “HUMMING BIRD” I 11 IICYCLKSi £ .. * 01 l HIGHEST EASY RUNNING, GRADE ^ SERVICEABLE , Ari Exceedingly . _ BEAUTIFUL BICYCLE. Every Wheel ij t Guaranteed, ^SoitcI For CV* ti tlofcjiic*. i Manufactuhcd By ! SiJvs & Mabbett Co., ; Rochester, N. Y. 4 NOTICE. We can negotiate two, three and five year loans upon city and county real estate upon very short notice and upon reasonable terms. Borrowers can liquidate at any time and stop interest. All prop¬ erties, both of the Georgia Loan and Trust Company and the New England Mortgage Security Co. have been placed in our hands for sale, rental, &c. Bloodworth & Rutherford, Berner Bld’g, Forsyth, Ga. THE OLD RELIABLE BARBER Moses Gibson SAME OLD STAND, Clean, Quiet, Comfortable For the neatest shave and .latest style hair cut and hair dress call on me. Ladies waited on at their'honies Razors and Scissors sharpened Death FOR FIRST CLASS BAEBEE 'WOEK •VISIT HILL WALKER’S “BARBER SHOP, SECONDJDOOR ITO.NEW BANK Julius Wright makes a specialty of Singeing. Ladies waited on at heir homes. I. W. ENSIGN, BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, NEWS DEALER. I am still at the old stand with a good assortment of School Book* and Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books, standard .zincs and Stationery. Call Unu plxamine. Subscriptions received for all Magazines and Newspapers at low¬ est prices. ONE GIVES RELIEF. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ■ Patents ‘ TRADE MARKS, DESIGNS, COPYRICHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may probably quickly ascertain, free, whether a/i invention ia confidential. patentable. Oldest Communications strictly agency for securing patents in America. We have a Washington office. Patents taken through klunn d Co. receive jpeciul notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautiful ly illustrated, largest circulation of H.50 mys( Cientiffc fournai, weekiy, terms (S.Vi a year; s ix months. Specimen copies and dlAA'D Book on Patexts sent free. Address re 83 MUNN & CO., 361 Broadway, New York. RI-P-A-N-S The modern stand¬ ard Family Medi¬ cine: Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. TRADE MARK