The Monroe advertiser. (Forsyth, Ga.) 1856-1974, June 04, 1897, Image 7

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FIGURE THIS + OUT J. F. LANCASTER, HEARD ON THE SQUARE Sunday ice hours from !) to 10 o’clock. .J. W. Toland. Big( 'nt prices in all lines at Sharp’s. < hoeolnb- ice """"'.lav ai 1 >»-• .TV gem I •I'rt tin,g store • ■ -zt-tr Sick headache can lie quickly and completely fainouH overcome by using those little pills known as “Dewitt's Little Early Risers.” Dr. W. P. Ponder. Remember that J. J. Cater <& Co. guarantee their prices to be as low as the lowest and give von a nice bar of soap for every cash purchase that amounts to one dollar. 22-1 f Grand selling out Sab' in many lilies, this week at Sharp's. Don’t, neglect a '•ou'gli because the weather is pleasant; before the next storm rolls around it may develop into a serious difficulty beyond re¬ pair. take One Minute Cough (hire is easy to and will d< what its name implies. Dr. W. P. Ponder. 1 lave your ordered your spring *11111 ? Hardin is the man to order from. Don’t fail to go to the Logwall bar beetle Saturday. W. T. Lawson & Co. keep Post-ell's Elegant and Pilsbury ' patent flour for sale. 1H—tf lee cream every day at Dr. P 011 - der’s. 23-tf Don’t thin your blood with sassafras or poisin it with bluemass; hut aid Nature by using DeWitt’s Little fairly Risers, the famous little pills for constipation, biliousness and stomach and liver troubles. They are purely vegetable. Dr. W. P. Ponder. A good time is in store for all xvho attend the Logwall barbecue Satur¬ day. Be sure to see our large stock ol‘ new Summer shoes, in all the latest shapes and colors, at Sharp’s Whittemore’s Oxhlood, Chocolate and (iilt Edge polishes T»r ija le at T. Hardin’s. going Only follow the crowu, they are to the Big Bargain Dry Goods Sales at Sharp’s. Genuine Cuba and Port! Rico Molasses for sale at W. T. Lawson & Co’s. IS-tf “They are dandies” said Thus. Bowers, of the Crocket, Texas, En¬ terprise,while writingabout DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the famous pills, for sick headache and disorders of the stomach and liver.- Dr. \V. P. Ponder. 100 piece dinner set to be given away o’clock. next The Wednesday, drawing the 9th, at 10 will positively take place at that time. W. P. Clements, Mgr. 1 am fixed up for the ice cream busines and you can get the best creams and ices every day for only .0 cents. 23-tf You can order your clothes from Hardin, get them to tit you, at prices much cheaper tailor than any Atlanta or Macon will make them. Per¬ fect (it guaranteed. Ice cream soda at Dr. Ponder's. Don't forget the barbecue at Log wall Saturday. NOTIC . I will bo in Forsyth every Monday until further notice, and can be found at my old stand, next to the express office, where I am better prepared than ever to take first class photographs. It. \V„ Grice. Woman of Note Always intellects. endeavor Sickly to have vigorous women never amount to much in the world of Don’t letters, industry, or as housekeepers let your vitality run down if you want to make your mark in the world. Dr. Bellamy’s Gossy¬ pium is your best friend. It regu¬ lates and builds up after all else hasfciled. t^M^send <u per bottle by drug gist to the Bellamy Mfg. Co. 199, Atlanta, Ga. Crockery am. glassware a, eos, for only a few days longer. Come while it lasts and secure bargains. iv. P. elements. Mgr. CASTORIA. 1 fie- yf It n any uiirsi. Which is the cheapest, the BEST paint at cheap paint price or cheap paint at the BEST price? We sell the BEST paint at the price of cheap paint and give you a guar antee with it. r.- It you expect .. to . J r paint your house this spring it will pay you to get our prices on everything in the paint line. Eet us make you a price when you get ready to paint. Our prices on everything in the Drug line you will find right. Druggist * - PERSONAL. Mrs. J. E. Maddox, nee Hooks, is in the citv on a visit to her parents. Mr. H. B. Evans and wife, of Ma con, spent three or four days *«* wttli his brother. the ail,or of till, paper, family. G. B. McGinty, of Crichton's school of stenography, Atlanta, is at home for a few davs. * r 1 , friends . of Mrs. R. P. Brooks " 1m? delighted to know that she !, ‘tui ned home 1 hursday, after an extended visit to Atlanta friends. Mr. Willie Hill, nephew of School Commissioner Hill, is here on a visit to his uncle. His home is in Shreve I ,01 't. Miss Jan in Napier has returned from Belmont College at Nashville. She took first honor in music over a class of six hundred, w hich is an honor that speaks louder than words, Miss Birdie Steward, of Decatur is in the city, the guest of her brother, Mr. A. H. Steward. Do you love barbecue ? If so go to Logwall Saturday. First class livery at H. J. Carson’s. 23-41 A Pleasant Party. Last Sunday there assembled at the beautiful home of H 011 . T. B. ahil,HsS ’ th .1; is city, Mr. , r George ,, A. ( , aoamss and wife, and Mr. H. H. Cabaniss of Athuit-a; Air. .J. \V. Cab anis, and All's. F. J. Colledge and son, of Macon, and Miss Emma Howard, of Blakely, who is tin* guest of Aliss Lois Cabaniss. it has only been a short time since (’apt. Cabaniss eom pleted his residence and moved in ), u t it is one of the most elegant and beautiful country homes to be found in the south. The house has all the modern conveniences and i* a model home in every particular. It is a great pleasure to know that Captain Cabaniss has again engaged in the practice of law here, for he is one of the best lawyers in the state. Arcadian Ginger Ale, Healthful, pleasant, delicious. Sold by Dr. Ponder and Alexander Bros. A nice lot of new buggy harness all grades, for sale. H. J. Carson. 23-4t Subscribe for the Adverstiser at the Logwall barbecue Saturday. If you want a gem just step in at Ponder’s and try one of his straw¬ berry gems. 23-tf Just Arrived. A , new , lot ^ of white chip , . dress hats, , also black chip hats, leghorn and fancy straw hats for ladies, misses and children. Please give me your orders for these and for new style dress goods, etc. 20-tf Airs. AI. M. Anthony. Tanglefoot at C. J Zellner’s. New buggies and several good horses always on hand for sale. 23-41 H. J. Carson. i Airs. FT. (’ox, who lives in the Cox district, has been quite sick. Commencement at the Institute begins on the 11th of this month. A splendid program has been arranged and the exercises throughout will be very interesting. Our grape sherbet is delicious, sold at oc. 23-tf Dr. Ponder. Straw, hats from 10 cents up, at about half price, at Sharp’s. For Sale. : 500 pounds new honey, comb and extracted. Frank Wilder. Fresh lot Heinz, sweet and sour **“ yOU , W. B. Thweatt & Bro. v n . opened . up th.s .. Japan. Shipment of fine tea. Uncolored blended English Breakfast and best grades, just received. 1 '.v. B. Th w«,»t * Bro. ICOLLEGE COMMENCEMENT. Monroe Female College s Gala Day —Splendid Entertainment. One of the most successful and in teresting commencements ever .held in Forsyth by this very popular in¬ stitution of learning closed Thursday night, l>eingpostponed from A\ ednes day , night • , account of , the , . on rain. Dr. Lane and his able corps of co-la¬ borers have reason to feel amply repaid for the past year's work, for every hour of these closing exercises demonstrated that they are teachers that have not only done their duty but have earned a position that they can well feel proud of. The commencement throughout was pronounced by all who attended th • best that Forsyth has ever had. We would like to give a detailed account of every feature but our space and time do not permit. The graduating class. Misses Kath¬ leen Adell Banks, Mamie Neal Cole i man, Bessie Paramore Pardee, Fine B n Frances Ponder, and Frances Katharine -Smith, formed a most beautiful group of young ladies and they acquitted themselves in a man I"" llr ,ru y admirable. They ware all | f’ ,s « l "> "Inte, waring the class colors, and carried carnations, tlie class flower. There are other institutions of . , learning but with | none a more thorough course, and Forsyth can j well she lias feel gratified in knowing that such a college. I--♦•*-- Something to Know. It may be worth something to j know for restoring that the the very tired best out medicine , nervous I system Bitters, to a healthy vigor is Electric This medicine is purely I vegetable, act by giving tone to the nerve centres’in the stomach, gent My stimulates the the Liver and ! Kidneys, and aids these oigans in i throwing off impurites in the blood. 1 Electric Bitters improves the ap¬ petite, aids digestion, and is pro¬ nounced by those who have tried it as the very best blood purefier and nerve tonic. Try it Sold for 50c or $1.00 per bottle at all Drug Stores. W. B. Johnston, Newark, ()., says, “One Minute Cough Cure saved rny only has child from dying by croup. ”It saved thousands of others suffer¬ ing from croup, pneumonia, bronchi¬ tis and other serious throat and lung troubles. Dr. W. P. Ponder. Don’t fail to sen our attractions in dress goods just received, at Sharp’s Drink Arcadian Ginger Ale. 20—tf - Notice Housewives. Antibrule cures scalds and burns instantly. You should have a bottle in your kitchen. For sale by A . B. Thweatt & Bro. See the bright new spring dress goods just received at Miss Ella Turner’s. Tanglefoot at C. J. Zellner’s. Not only piles of the very worst kind kind can lie cured by DeWitt’s I Witch Hazel Salve, but eczema, scalds, burns, bruises, boils, ulcers and all other skin troubles can be in¬ stantly relieved by the same remedy. Dr. W. P. Ponder. - PERSONAL. FREE—Our 04 Page Medical reference book for men anti women afflicted with an v form of private diseases pecular to their sex, errors of youth, contagious diseases female troubles etc. Send two cent stamp to pay postage to the leading specialists and physicians of this country Dr. Hathaway & Co. 22U So. Broad St., Atlanta, Ga. tf The colored baptizing Sunday, at I Cabaniss’ pond, was largely attended and over thirty were immersed. ** Once Tried, Always Used. If we sell one bottle of Cham¬ berlain’s Cough Remedy, we seldom fail to sell the same person more when it is again needed. In¬ deed, it has become the family medicine of this town, for coughs and colds, and we recommend it . of . its established merits because —Jos. E. Harxed, Prop. Oakland Pharmacy, Oakland, Aid. Sold by Alexander Bros. Burned to Death. Earl Jones and wife, colored, who live on Charles Hardin’s place, near Russellville, left home one day last week to attend church find locked two of their children in the house. Jones put out the fire before leaving j j matches home but and the in children got some placing with them «•» «« #« to its clothing and was burned to death. The young child was not badlv burned and “J will recovcr . ad(litlon „ h< ? USe was set on fire, but two who were passing seeing the flames j bursting from the roof forced an entrance and put out the fire. A warned Highest Honors—World's F •DF. ' ' A A CREAM k? j BAKING i vmm ; I MOST PERFECT M 1 >tf j A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powi’r. Frei 1 f om Ammonia, Alum o: anv othc- ailuli 40 Years fhr StancYm JACKSON ACADEMY. j Closing Exercises of This School ! Tuesday Night. I 1 he school year of Jackson Aca-de ! ^‘niy closed I uesday evening, and was 1 nndoubtedlyjthe best in its existence, ! To s - Harr - V Blocker is due the great success of this school. His efforts have been untiring in its behalf and it is no doubt a pleasure to know that his work has been in a measure re¬ warded. The sermon was preached Sunday by Prof. Holmes, president of the State Teachers' Association,(colored) and was a very able effort. Col. O. H. B. Bloodworth, who lias been a great friend of tlwis school, gave two scholarships, and they were won by Sarah Gordon and Lizzie Davis. The medals were won by Lizzie Davis, Lillie Dewberry, Mos sey Gordon and Julia Napier. Other prizes were awarded to Emma Mitch¬ ell, Burmah Gordon, Clifford Brown and Susie Bell. The average daily attendance has been in excess of seventy-five and and great interest has been mani¬ fested throughout the term. The exercises were attended by a number of strangers in addition to many Forsyth people. - HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours ;a sediment or settling indicates a diseased condition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is positive evidence of kidney trouble. Too fre¬ quent desire to urinate or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. There is comfort, in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great kidney rem¬ edy fulfills every wish in relieving pain in the back, kidneys, liver, blad¬ der and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in pass¬ ing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar. For a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by mail, mention The Alox roe Advertiser, and send your full postoffice address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. The propri¬ etors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. Some for ten, some for twenty and some piles for thirty years have suffered from and then have been quickly and permanently cured by using De¬ Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve, the great¬ est remedy for piles and all forms of skin diseases. Dr. W. P. Ponder. Drink Arcadian Ginger Ale. 20-tf Tanglefoot at C. J. Zellner’s. Beautiful Women. Are those that have all the func¬ tions of their sex regularly per formed. Sallow women and those with poor complexions need a genuine female tonic and regulator like women’s Dr. Bellamy's Gossypium. It is best friend and most reliable beautifier. Try it. For sale by Druggists at $1 per bottle, or send to Bellamy Mfg. Co., Box 199, Atlanta, Ga. fS A CTO | D|A I l» Por Inflate and* Children. t iaiU //1TZ -T“"* i£ « | J* J- J*** ALEXANDER BROS.. ■ ■ ! make a specialty of Pure Fresh Drugs, Hawkes’ Spectacles, Mastic Mixed Paint I Fine Cigars and Tobacco i Excellent Toilet Soap and ’Kerchief Extracts. The Social Fabric” of their store is those Latest Soda Water Drinks Gus makes. Try them. oooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo Heard of them, Haven’t You? Of course you have and the next thing is to see them, and after seeing them of course you will buy them. WHAT ARE THEY? Why, those beautiful Wash Dress Goods which we are selling for your spring and sum merwear. Etamine’s Fancy Suitings, Canvass and doz¬ ens of other kinds, all at prices so low that they will surprise you. Our stock of Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Shoes and Slippers is full and complete. Come and see us and save money. J. J. CATER &C0. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ooooooooooooooooooo ESTABLISHED 1865 . ONE PRICE m j Clothiers Kr\ TAILORS, m HATTERS, PI FURNISHERS P > EisemanBros., m & W " HUIOTOW - BALTIMORE, MD. : AA Cor. 7th & E. Sts. N. W. Factory 213 W. German, r A <»LY manufacturers of clothing IN THE t Swvuvyuvytjy Wc SOUTH DEALING DIRECT WITH CONSUMER y r/ mam