The Monroe advertiser. (Forsyth, Ga.) 1856-1974, July 21, 1899, Image 4

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dill Of GEORGIA NEWS Happenings In the State of Inter¬ esting Import, t Will ft* New Oil T,nt.r. The oil investigation rase is now the oil companies doing business in the state, take exceptions to the rul ings made by the department of agri culture, the friction recently existing between the state and the companies is a thing of the past. One of the results of the agitaticn will be the use of a new tester after Heptember 15th. It will be the one now used in New York state. Commissioner O. B. Stevens, after a consultation with Attorney General J. M. Terrell, issued three seperate and distinct orders to the oil inspec tors throughout the state instructing them as to the agUfin to be taken in the future. Klb«rton*a Carnival It has been decided by the people of Elberton to have a carnival August 2l»t to 25th. Many attractions have been determined upon, and it is the intention of all to see just how well the Granite City can handle and enter¬ tain those who attend. Distinguished orators from Georgia and other states will be present. Many of the leading lecturers of the United Htates have already accepted invitations. Music will be furnished by half a dozen dif¬ ferent bands. The opening parade will be all that ingenuity can make it. Hetinlon of Forty-Second Georgia. The reunion of the Forty-Hecond Georgia regiment, of the Confederate army, to he held at Bocial Circle July 22d, will be one of the largest aud most interesting reunions the regiment has ever bad. Great preparations are being made for the event, nnd tho cit¬ izens of the town will receive the vet¬ erans of tho gallant regiment nnd turn the town over to them for the day. Injunction Cana Pontponcil. Judgn Candler did not hear tho street car iujunction suit at Atlanta Saturday. Tho case was set for 9 o'clock on that day and all the attor¬ neys for the state aud the defense Were preaeut. The state announced ready, but tho defense moved a continuance on the grounds it had not had time to prepare its case. The state made ho objection to postponement, aud Judge Candler set. the hearing for August 2d. Snvnnnnli t«> Aid S\iffi»ri>r», Havannah is to lend n helping hand to the sufferers from the terrible floods in the Brazos vulley of Texas. The Savannah Benevolent Association has taken tho first step iu this direction, nnd within a few days it is prob¬ able that a check for a substantial amount will be sent to the governor of the Lone Star Hlatc, to tie used as he sees best in providing for the wants of those whose homes and property have been swept away by tho waters of the Brazos river. Nmr Hank For Kllnvllle. The Bank of Southwestern Georgia, located in Americas, will shortly es tabbsh a branch bank at Alonzo Walters will be manager ot the braiiclt institution which will do a largo bu. mess. SPECIAL COMMITTEE UEPORTS It« Inrowtiffiition On Iho 24x54 Stamlnrd llalo of (’otton. Savannah Cotton Exchange, ) Savannah, Ga., July 8, 1899. j Your committee, after n careful in¬ vestigation ot tho 24x54 standard bale movement, beg leave to report: That we find, by recent practical ex¬ periments, that an alteration of the cotton press boxes to tho measure¬ ment of 24x54 inches, n degree of density can he Recured in compressing cotton, which will greatly reduce the size of the bale for shipment on rail and ocean carriers. That the country press boxes, with the exception of a few that have been changed to the 24x54 standard dimen¬ sions, range in measurement ns fol¬ lows; 28x58, 30x66 nnd 33x72. That the average thickness of a 500 ponml uncompressed hale of cotton is 43 inches; the average space occupied by a bale of cotton based upon these dimensions would be 85,713 cubic in¬ ches, against 55,728 cubic inches, for the same amount of cotton packed in a 24x54 standard press box—a saving in space of 35 per cent in favor of the standard bale, which is nn important item in storage. That the bale, as it leaves the gin, is a neater package, better covered with bagging, therefore better pro¬ tected against damage by exposure, and is more easily handled. That two bales can be loaded flat into nn ordi¬ nary two-horse wagon body, which ounbles the carryiug of the cotton to market without damage by rubbing of the w heels. That the ordinary bagging when the standard bale lias been compressed, entirely covers it. which makes it a neat nnd well protected package for shipmeut. That the larger the bale is in excess of the 24x54 standard dimensions, the less density per cubic foot can be se¬ cured in compression. The least of the above mentioned three irregular size bales, namely, 28x58 inches, averages, after ordinary compression, 38,016 cubic inches, ngaiust 20,736 cubic inches, for the same amount of cotton packed iu a standard press box of 24x54 inches—a saving in space of 45 per cent in favor of the 24x54 stand¬ ard bale o f cotton; which reduces ocean rates proportionated. That ocean rates on cotton are based upon the number of pounds that the bale contains to the cubic foot. A saving in space of 45 per cent, on Av' count of increased density in compres¬ sion, which can be secured by packing the cotton iu standard press boxes, will result in a reduction of at least *0 per cent iu the ocean cotton rates. For example: Take irregular size bales— 1,000 hales. Savannah to Liver¬ pool, 500,000 pounds, at 45c.$2,250 Against staudard bates— 1,000 bales, Savaunah to Liver¬ pool, 500,000 {rounds at 45c., “ALABAMA RKI M TO HA\G. Pfo?rti|o«» Xt*gro .\lurdi r«r t»* Fay Fenalt' On Gallows “Alabama Retl." .oloreo. was con¬ victed of murder at Perry last Tues¬ day morning aad immediately Judge Felton sentenced him to be hanged or April 0 i t* j 1 y remwitkl out all tught, there bein* eleven for coavic* tion an»! on ■ fk.r ttal. Ad nu -a '•'■Yd of nesrot-:* ii Otlkc i UK- street - al day and mart fmaujedali nigi.t, n-iiiiu^ the vti’- 4 iot of tie jury. BRYAN I As to How He Stands in Reear* to the Philippines j Question. The following telegram from Hon. W. J. Bryan explaining his views on the Philippine question was sent to ! ; e ’l **> ‘Sunday's issue of that paper: I Hcmphbet, Neb., Jaly 15.—Editor 'Constitution: My views np*m the j Philippine question nnd have been made i pnbltc owr over again. The ' tresty should have provided for the islands, Independence it did.for of the the Philippine Cuba, as but I thought independence It better I to ratify the treaty and declare the na *’ oue policy by resolution than reject treaty. I favored the Bacon resolution, : w hieh promised the Filipinos inde pendence as soon as a stable govera men ^ could be established. I believe, further, that our nation should pro¬ tect the Filipino republic from outside interference while it works out its own destination; in other Words, 1 believe j we should treat the Filipinos as vre have promised to treat the Cubans, and as we have treated the people of j Mexico and the people of South and Central America. Monarchies are founded upon force, but republics are founded upon consent. r i he declaration of independence as¬ serts that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. If the declaration is sound, we cannot rightfully acquire title by conquest or by purchase from An alien monarch, whose title we disputed when we furnished arms to the FilipinoB. If the administration had given to the Filipinos the assurance of inde¬ pendence which was given to the Cu¬ bans there would hitVe Leen no blood¬ shed. If that assurance is given now hostilities will cease. No one proposes to withdraw the soldiers until a stable government is established, but it will he easy to establish a stable govern¬ ment when it is known that our occu¬ pation of the Philippine islands is only temporary. “Forcible annexation would be criminal and contrary to our node of morality.” W. £. Bryan. THOtl.EV I.IN'ES TIES UP. AIi»torroen ami Conductom Inn ngtifutfe 15iq; Strike In Brooklyn Another trolley strike 16 bn in Brook¬ lyn, N, Y. So lir it has uot been as elTeetiVb as the strike of 1895, but there is no telling how long or far reaching it may become. For some weeks past the employes of tlm several lines controlled by the Brooklyn Bapid Transit company have been complain¬ ing that the management did not live up to the ten-hour law. The men de¬ mand a revision of the time tables at the different barns, and also claim that they should be paid 20 cents an hour for overtime, which is equivalent to @2 a day, the price which they set for a working day of ten hours. General Master Workman ParsAns and District Master Worhtna'A Pines had charge of the tbon's affairs and a strike was called at half-past 4 o’clock Snuday morning. At this hour most of the motormen and conductors on »h 0 Brooklyn Traction Company’s ^jn iiMii#s e s had completed dialed their night trips most that this was the opportune moment to begin what was expected to be a subborn fight with the traction company. NEGROES AGAINST NEGROES. Colorml Mlncrn In Alabama In Desperate On<*-SId«*<l Buttle. A special to The Birmingham Age Herahl from Ishkooda, Ala., says: Two negroes were killed outright and another fatally shot in a terrific one-sided battle which look place Fri¬ day night nt Ishkooda, between the striking miners and tho negroes who have been imported to take their places From all indications the killing was the result of a deep-laid plot. For four weeks tho miners, composed in the main of blacks and belonging to the Knights of Labor, have been on a strike. During the past week negroes have been imported from Georgia and other southern states to take their places engendering bad feeling and re¬ sulting iu the opeti conflict. All was quiet Sunday at tho scene of tho tragedy and Coroner Dallas com¬ menced an investigation into the kill¬ ing. The dead negro is Richard Cobb aiul he came from Atlanta. DISSENSIONS IN ILLINOIS Among; imcrntic Followers of Harrison anil Those of Altgehl. A Chicago dispatch says: The fight between the regular democratic organ¬ ization of Cook county and the state of Illinois, represented by Mayor Har¬ rison nnd National Committeeman Gnban, ou the one side and the Alt geld wiug of democracy, which sup¬ ported ex-Governor Altgeld as an in¬ dependent candidate for mayor at the last election ou the other, has reached nn acute stage, and threatens to in¬ volve the national committee in spite of the strenuous attempts being made to keep local quarrels down. ATLANTA MARKETS. COBRECTEO WEEKI.T. — 29 Grocorieft. Itoasted eoff. »o, Arbuckle and Leverin ‘g *11.R0. Lion vl0.SU, less 50c per 100 lb ms eft. Green coffee choice lie: fair 9c: prime 7 York : , (ffSVc. sugar standard granulated, Sew 5 .£ 0 . Sew Orleans 5.75. New Orleans white 5,4£@53 Je ; do yellow 5% by nip, New Orleans open kettl e 25<n 40e. mixed 12 ; 4 ® 20 c: sugar bouse 28<®35c. Teas, black 50®65e ; green 50@65’. Uiee, bead 7 1 g*e: choice fs^fiTes Salt, dai rv sacks $1.25 ); do bbls. bulk S'2.00; 100 ) 3s $2. 75; ice cream $1.25; common 65/®7 70 c. Ghee f»se, full cream 11c. Matches, dos 45c ; 200s $1.30(5} 1.75: SCOs $2.75. Soda, hoxe- 6c. Crackers, soda 5<®6.4'c; crenm 6*. gingersnaps 6^. Candy, common stick ,; V’: fancy 12® 13c. Oysters, F. \Y. §1.85® $1.75; L. W. $1.10. Flour, Grain and Meal. Flout, all wheat fir?t patent, $5.00; second patent. $4.40; straight, $4.00 extra fancy $3.90; fancy. $3.^0; extra family, $2.85. Corn, white. 54c: mixed, 53c. Oats, white 45c; ; mixed 39c; Texas ru stp roof 40c. Rye. Geo rgla 8*c. Hay No. timothy lari?*? hales 80c; Meal, plain 52 c; bolted 46\ Wheat bra in. larce sacks 82c: small sack? 82c. Shorts 95c. Stock meal • \ Cotton seed meal fOc per 100 bushels white crowders $1.60 (S' $1.75: co mm on white $1.25<S} 1.40 Lady $1.25(51.50. Grits $2.90 per bbl; $1.40 per bag. Country Proilnce. Fggs k' . fS 9c. But ter. Finer Georgia, 15 @17V':<*hot co 10.® 1 2 ‘. dull; fancy icy Tennes see 15 e 17- c; enoi ice 12-vC. Liv e uonl try, ehiekens, bens C5$ 27-^0; spr inc chiek eas. large 14 i§ 15 •: small 9® llkj'C; Ducks, puddle, 13®20.'; Peking 25® T2S* bushel. r. Irish potatoes, 70® 90e per Honey. strained A® 7c: :n •he eomb SYIO-: Onions. ?9t.os 31.00 ner hu.: >2.c0®2.75 eer bM. Cabbage. 2®25^e lb. Beeswav £0 ® 20. Dried fruit, apples 7§ So; peaebes lits'g 14c. P rorlsious. Clear riM boxed sides f.A*; clear sid~- 55-S*: be’lie* SA -•. Suarar-cur*.* ams lP'N' 75-13;: CaNfonua v *r*akfas ' R 'on *0 s 12If \ T.ard, best qua* itv 6^0: sec •mU quad:* CVs'S.H’: ecapouaA 3-;. kwkat Cottsn, ttaadjq atiddU&g 6 9*15- That vv ears a Crown. Bat such ar „not theonly uneasy heads. Overworked, fwissed, anxious people of a “ Y ges &nJ boi ^ sexes *' e uneAs ^ 3.c in, pacts, impure blood, disordered stommehs. ^ ch. deranged Hood's kidneys Sarsaparilla an d liver. or su is the ft (nfus^S JfbccCd Sa Uapwiilta mmmmm . __ Bg gf g?9 81 I® ||[ M j|j| J3 gTi p Pw HNS §f“ §3 Bfl g & B &a “Ooth my wife ajid myself have been Ciediclne using CASCAKETS and tliey are the beet we have ever hah in the honse. Last week my trite was frantic with headache for two day*, she trie! some of yourCASCAKETS, sed they relieved 'he pain in her head almost Iran: cdlatcly. We both recommend GMcarcte." Cll/iS. STEt.EroEl'i Pittsburg Safe e. Deposit Co , Piusburg, Pa (f^cSSne TRA05 MARK »tOIST£RCO g£>S*S% Patotat.te. CONSTIPATION^ Potent. ^Tastc^Gosa. t)o CUKE ... Bterliug h-mrS? Cftraparr- VSiense, fvntrtal. Sev Y&rX. S17 ko-to-sao sa iPicrlc Acid Fonnd the Thief. ’George’s A rich American residing iu the St. j quarter of Paris, France, had been for some little time past the vie tim of systematic thefts, Banknotes and money not left under lock and key disappeared reglllarlv of'l’obce, M Cornotte in! the Commissary formed of the robberies lie found it would be impossible to keep an offec- I five watcll on the bedroom where the thefts occurred, but he adopted « stratagem which turned out sunecss fully. A small vial containing a mix ture of picric acid and fuschilie was placed in a metal case for holding gold, 1 and a few Napoleons tVfere placed oil! top. In order to get out the gold, llffi ! x.sw «=•'*'•* uietal base had to he ilold upslafe down, aiul then, Of course, the ehemi- j preparation Mould run out and stain Lt „. the . thief . . ... s hands . , a , bright , . and _ . in delible yellow . As soon as some of the gold was missed M. Cornette sum lflonca , fill the scrvflnts to Ills presence, The valet’s lingers betrayed him. Beal lZlllg 1 110 usefulness ot denying When caught yellow-handed, he confessed, and was duly locked np. ---------------- I’njileasant Familiarity. “Here’s au example of how familiar¬ ity breeds contempt,” he said, as he looked over the top of his paper at the rest of the family. "What is it?” "This is a Kansas paper, and under the head of ‘Local Jottings’ it says: ‘Three or fuurcyclohcs ripped through "thfe village Finch out; lust issue. ”— Chi'cng'o Tiihfcs-Ili ibid. Are You Using Allen's Foot Ease? It is the only cure for Swollen, Smarting, Tired, Aching, Burning, Sweating Feet, Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen’s Foot Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes. Sold by all Druggists. Grocers and Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Leltoy, N. Y. It is notjiglps, but obstacles, not facilities’ (luF'bfft- u i ties, UrnUniikc. UKU l. Beauty Is Blood Deep. Clem Llood means a clean ekin, No beauty tic without blood.and it, Ctwcnrets, Candy Cathar¬ olettn yoltr keep it clean, by silt-ring hUlHIes Up the lazy JiVer and driving all irn bui from tm* body- Begin tb-ilny to Uii ;i>!i } irnples, boils, blotches, blackheads, niul that sickly bilious complexion by taking gists, Cnscnrets,—beauty satisfaction for ten cents. All drug guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c L i nds in nedS’Stiri^emed: buthone9ty once paw ' / I Sl}p g/« p ' ^ ^ llillp: W r a* ! An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial : effects of the well known remedy. Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the ^i? — ^"ant^known Kt T r'°-; ilil ' s to^be | r: ‘t f! tivc principles of medicinally them in form laxative and presenting the most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, gmiUy'yet^moniptlv^mid^nabHng’one to overcome habitual constipation per maneutly. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub T S ffl n ^i° n t the ki , dne = ? rs ’ In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy other are obtained from senna and aromatic plants, by a method effects and SoSS'St.SnS avoid imitations, to please remember tlie full name of the Company printed on the front of every package, CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. EY. NEW YOKE, N. Y. For sale by ail Druggists.—Price £0c. perbottle. Cyclonic Changes. Subscribers to this paper who may be carried to a different location by one of the frequent suburban cyclones can have their favorite paper follow ta 1 ' ^ n a ''' af ’ re - 0 le subscription , department. I A Victim of Heredity. Philanthropist—Poor fellow’ You are doubtless a victim of heredity. Convict—Yes, lady! I fell over six new ancestors dat Mrs. Astorbilt had ~T* i i jist had painted, an’ dat woke Up de hull house, and dey piDehed me'. Why I)o You Scratch? If you have itch, tetter, eczema, rfngwor m or ether her skin disease, you can cure yourself with Tette •rine >on- edo! a doctor. *Sold by drug cists for 50 cts * a box.or sent by mail prepaid for LDc.t n stamp stay J. 1. shuj-triue, Savannah. &a. If a good face i> a l-t *er of recommenda tion, a good heart is a letter of credit. Frtncatf 7 Bowels With Cascarets. Candy Cat ha; tic. constipation for rever. lCc. 25c. IfC. C. C. la il, druggiits refund in oner. Ma- k#» n-^tthy friends too cheap to thee, nor thys elf to thy friends —Fuller. t m isMta analmi 814 IR mm mm * m 8«8« II : e m. mMAM. |9.. . _________ Xo m cure, or money refuiul by your merchant, so why not try it? iTice tIOe. The Coming Census. ^ onr population. From 80,000,006 to pneTses "are" '.loubtle^^ejaggerateJ Those persons who by experience ought to know can at best give only approximations. The highest estimate f rom nn expert, Mr. McCoy, govern meat 7ti472;000; actUar y. is Dr. 77,670,0001 the by Pritchett, superin¬ tendent of the coast and geodetic sur vey, while Dr. Wines, assistant direc tor of the census,. contents himself with au even 77,OO0iOO6i Thesh guesses, founded on the experience and investigation of these scholarly officials, probably are near the mark, and it will be interesting to see which one comes nearest to the actual pop ulation Perfectly Consistent. She—When are you going to give ffle the money to buy that new dress? He—Next week. “That’s what you said last week.” “Yes, and that’s what I say now and am going to say pext week. I ain’t the kind ot a man who rays one thing Sue week and another thing next week.”— Tid-Bits. Whom To Avoid. The Old One—My boy, now that you are starting out, remember there are two kinds of women in the world to avoid—the married and the married. The Young One How abotit the widows; governor? r I he Old One—Don’t try. It would be useless.—Town Topics. De:*utifiil Women. F ™rr vomn should hav« tho beauiy. ^$$2^ t^auty in cither man or woman. Nine-tenths of ¥^£5^$! Ilcstet- SS vear!i - discouragement, have tried stomach troubles. Sie that a private Revenuo ^amp cover s the neck of the bottle. Truth makes the f ace of that person shine wh0 SJ,oaks a,!a '*• Tcn’t TcLacco Spit and Smoke Yciir Life AWay. To i;ult tobacco Easily ahd vigo forever, take be mag net'.c, full of life, berve and -- , No-To Bac, the wonder- worker, that make s w eak men stroiig. All dtuggiats,50cor $1. Ciire iiro giiarnn teed. Booklet and skin pie free. Address ^telling Remedy Co., Chicago or New xork. vv ''aafce „ o . of , time ..-r~; is the most ;—: extravagant . and , costly of all exp uses, M “ ta -smith’s) F Famous ' , oiith American Mosquito Perfume is a wonderful perfume used by South Americans face nnd ft or mailed to any addiess <.11 receipt of retail price, Peteft^o'"iTui ° ' r ’ ° ’ - o u a viii^K ' Le ’ 8- Addre “ Arthur Incredulity robs us of many pleasures and u-ves u- nothing in return. CAR LOADS OF Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic Shipped Annually to the Malarial sections ol the United States TITTTT f ri 7fq Tmiaww^ ttfflaj mu m | 1 CBl’ifSflR msnifih |i(«1 ipJ IB imiTOHC TT Tf 1 -—m Jw» m i i: I ] ^lgjIw j rL mm largest Jobbers report that their sales on GROVE’S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC is three times more than all other Chill Tonics combined. What MEYER BROS. DRUG CO,, of St. Louis, write about GROVE'S: PARIS MEDICINE CO., St. Louis, Mo., Gentlemen:—We wish to congratulate you on the increased sales we are having on your Gf'OVo's Tasteless Chili ToniCm Ou examining our record of inventory under date order of enclosed Jan. ist, we find that we sold during the chill season of 1898, 2660 dozen GvO' , C , fi Tonic* Please rush down herewith, and oblige, Yours truly, MEYER BROS. DRUG CO. Blinded I,y s« K ar Fnmes. Several members of the crew of the ritish ship Aladdin, which arrived Tagal and Chcribou with 7,458 ,)a !?s of sugar, in command of Captain Gutter, are affected with a peculiar blindness at night, which is thought td have been caused by the fumes arising 10m 111 i,u„n. ' n n in the tioplcs under the powered rays of heat the sugar steamed considerably, and to tllis is ascribed the peculiar affection. This, however, is not Captain Rutter’s opinion, as ho claims it to be the re suit of the excessive use of strong to- 1,a< l 0 ' 1,0 ns it: nla v if is never - theless a fact, that physicians are puz ^Jed over the cases, which are the first that have been brought to their atten (ion. In the daytime the affected sail ors can see perfectly but nt nleht everything is shut off from tl^eir vision nn ' 1 thp v a* helpless in the way of - handling the ship. It was when In the vicinity of the 0( l uator ‘hat the eyesight of several of a*7^ST2«1S2S ilaro since spent many days of ex treme anxiety in fear that all hands would become similarly stricken. These men when walking about at night would stumble over hatch comb ««<«»«<.» Uloir w!ly - RO blind had they become. tlio Instant the sun arose their sight was restored. Those familiar with the subject of deep sea ships say that while the ex perienee of the crew of the Aladdin is somewhat novel, it is not without precedent, and that it is due wholly to the poisonous fumes that arise from the sugar when the vessels carrying it are in the heat of the tropics.—Phila delphia Press.: So -T„-B a c fo, Fifty Cents. Gtiaranteeii tobacco cure, makes weak men strong, Wood pure, soc, si. All druggists. twines* is not the end of life: charac Winslow’? Soot.hine Srrupforchil dren cet.hinsr.sonpns the gums, reduces inflamina •ioE.aiiars pain.cures wind coiic. 25c. a bottle. f,t e pennanently cured. iSo C?8 or nerr ness after first day s use o f Dr. Kline's G ? Nerxe Restorer. trial bot tie a nd treatise fr<= L*r. 11. H. Kline. Ltd.. 931 Arch St.. Phila.. 1 Piso’s Cure cured me of a Throat a and T nne trouble of three rears’ stanning.— E. Cady. Huntington, Ind.. Nov, 12 , 1894. Albert Burch. West Toledo, Ohio, * sav-: ‘’Hall's Catarrh Cure saved my life.*’ Write him for particulars. Sold by Druggists, 75c. The kind of mar. who gets off a train 1 nna C d leaves his valise think’ as is indis peesa ble. To Care Constipation Forever. Take Cascar ets Ca: ndx Calbartic. 30c or 25c If C. C- C. fail to cur e. drugglstEre'undmoney Never make ! a fool of yourself by znfring ing on some o :her foo.’s patent. Are Ever X * 00 «j j ; j Depressed l j j exhaustion? And Is it not Things due to nervous always ' look so much brighter when we are in good health. How can you have courage when suffer¬ ing with headache, nervous prostration and great physical weakness? ! Would you not like to be rid bf this depression hf spirits? ! How? By removing the cause. By taking ! '£jr. 1 j ^ mm It gives activity to all parts that carry away useless and poisonous , materials . from your j ^ iTT-lT \°J A >our c suiTtnn u9 Decause u re ZZ* m i oioou. ocr.a lur our cooti on "ro^ta 10 L--P in ,ood gt oa Pe.lth l.eaiut vo« you must have perfect action of the j abpst.on owes. «tid b.l.ousness. -iscurecoa- 3 tVWtfo i& ©jlv Doc/ore* ® $ome Perhaps eminent eminent yon would physicians physicians, like about about to Consult youl 1 ome your Condition. Then write us fraely all thB ceive partienlars a prompt rorapt In your reply, case. without without You cost. cost. will re¬ Addre S3. DU 1. J. 0. AYER, Lowell. Mass'. OB. MOFFETT’S Aids Digestion, Regulates the Bowels, J S SB Makes Teaihlng Easy; babV f £ ' TEETH1NA Relieves thfi *r 5 Bowel Troubles of E Children of Any Ago. •s-flea* jsttBfjil TEETHING POWDERS Only25c. If not, mall At 25 ail cents drugsiats. to l>r. C. J. Mokkktt, St-. Louis, Mo. tSeRFECT womanhood depends on perfect health. £ Nature's rarest gifts of physical beauty vanish before pain. Sweet ^ dispositions turn morbid and fretful. The possessions that win good hus hands and keep their love should be guard- PERFECT ed by women every moment of their lives, The grea test menace to woman’s per- W&MMN rnanent happiness in life is the suffering * ... hat from derangement of ^ the comes feminine . organs Many thousands of women have realized this too late to save their beauty, barely in time to save their lives. Many other thousands have availed of the generous in vitation of Mrs. Pinkham to counsel all suffering women free of charge. Mrs. H. ' j. GARRETSON, Bound Brook, N. J., writes: “Dear Mrs Mdo Pis KHAM—I „ r have been t.„„„ ,„i tak . ing Lydia E. Pinkham S Vegetable Compound with the best results and can f rom my heart that 'dWrsZPsm your medicines are wonderful, physician called my trouble chronic inflammation of the left &% * 81 bS£ £Sg T &' \ * -Jy> -3, Pinkbam's Vegetable d ~ Com. ~ fijy , , , kina advice, I W \ am toda >' a wel1 w °- 3&>- vjf man. I would say to all —---J . Lydia L. Piukham's ^.^ ****&$ medicine and your suf» &Y~Q) J ennts ‘mhs. will vanish ” ;zrkr V Maggie Phil c ygfy If, U\ ( f Lip] . ^ E Cl c Lacioga t a Ind, t , ’ ’ > dvl )]st V \ \ -er } J wntes: “Dear Mrs. Pink / /1 I \ \ v-—c ,f Ry j ej Ey// HAM—For four years I I ga suffered from ulcera I ' tion of the womb, * \ ' I became so weak I ^ could not walk across the room without help. After giving up all hopes of recoverv, Com! j was adviged to us « Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable pound and wrote for special information. I began to improva from the first bottle, and am now fully restored to health.” GOLDEN CROWN LAMP CHIMNEYS Are the best. A«k for them. Cost no more than common chimneys. All dealers. PITTSBURG GLASS CO., Allegheny, Pa. _ Co., NewYork, for 10 samples and 10oo test imonials. USE CERTAIN CORN CURE. I & 1« in Cough Syrup. Tastes Good, Uso time. Sold by druggists. I felLPlfiAJi sk ai t»J ;■ j» PITTS’ ANTISEPTIC INVIGORATOR. iScfit eminent tdiTsician* of tbi? nnd other countries bfxic^e the existence of bac¬ teria (or germs In the hums? Ptffte'flt. #hpdtit Any remedy that will destroy this poison viaxt%. lb jury to the patient will meet a long felt ANTISEPTIC INVIGORATOR not only ellml nates ail bacteria poisons from the diseased system i, but is a fine tonic also. It cures All STOMACH AND BOWEL TROUBLES, Kidney Troubles, fcnd Bladder Disease". Blood Id and * Skin Nervousness. Ac.. A \ fact. It la » SdentlOe Combination of medicines, each of which doe* fiffs'petdfltf woTX on each separate or¬ gan of the body. It fie to* fa*19 tb reach the dl» eased organ and always does fr5 trofrk **l\. A Safe and Reliable Household For Sale by Druggists Everywhere. CIS Mi lli REPAIRS SAWS, RIBS/ BRISTLE TWINE, BABBIT, &o., FOR ANY MAKE OF OtN. ENGINES. BOILERS AND PRESSES Ana Repair* for same. Shutting. Pulleys, Belting, Injectors. Pipes. Valves and Fittings. LOMBARD IRON MS i SUPPLY CO., AUGUSTA, GA. TAL-LU-LAH LODGE. viify . Tallulah Falla Reservation opens for guests I l*t Directly on Grnud Ctiaam, 2,000 feet | above and bolls, bpS Ie ^*L fcvvtthicg piviiiitiTg, new. hot electric ml cold lights I : sanitary flfihlrf£. af050 n por- feet c«laln baths, music. veranda space, specially fine cai§ln4. Thred hours from Atlanta. Tallulah Fall! rfcllwaf j fr<*#fles rebuilt and road In splendid condltloir, Both midday and late dinners. For special rates, Mackiernan. plans, views, etc ■., add rees J. II. Mai nager , Tallulah Falls, Ga. M THE ATLANTA iurncdd of/eae Offers thorough practical cbtirSes Ih fiookkeep ing, placed and Shorthand and Typewriting. Sttldefctrt duced In positions without extra school charge. Re¬ Call rates to all THE entering ATLANTA this BUSINESS month. on or address, COLLEGE, liS, 130 Whitehall St., Atlanta,TJ*. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Tulnne university of Louisiana. It B s advantages for practical instruction, beth In ample laboratories and Free abundant hbepltAl glveil materials, are unequnlled. access Is to the great Charity Hospital Special with 900 beds and 30,000 patients annually. Instruc¬ tion is given daily at the bedside of the sick, For 'the next session begins October 19th, 18119. catalogue ami Information address Prof. S, 15. CBAILT.E, M. !>.. bean, t\ O. Drawer 2C1. NEW ORLEANS, LA. SSSss Fr<*e. Dr. H. H GREEN’S SONS, Bol P, Atlanta, Oa. If affile £«, Thompson’s Eye Water ; mention this psperjssisi-ss College of Dentistry. DENTAL DEPARTMENT Atlanta College of o Physicians and Surge ons Oldest College in State. Thirteenth An nual S ession c pen s Oct. 3; closes April 80th. 7 hose conte niplating the study of Dentistry should write for catalogue. Address S. W. FOSTER, Dean. 62-63 Inman B • ldg., Atlanta, Ga. Over sasam Remlnzton and erttaler type¬ writers. 354 rMdents last year from 7 State*. : %th year. Send for catalogue. Address, STBAYER’S BUSINESS CQL’GE, Baitifr.ore.Md. WE MANUFACTURE AND SELL Engines, Saw Mills, Boilers, . .and . . Cotton dins, everything i in the Cotton Machinery Presses, ...Line... Seed Cotton Y^Y get our Elevators, prices before Qriss Miffs, buying. S&SKS&S Machine Shops and Foundry. 000 oob' Ha ndle . Full Line Machinists’ Supplies. MALLARY BROS. & CO MACON, GEORGIA. FLETCHER & FLETCHER, UNDERTAKERS. Caskets, Cases, Coffins and Ifiirial Robes; Hearse and Carriages f rnished for funeral occasions in and out of the city. -----WS ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF BESTZMAKES.OF Wagons, Barnesville Buggies, Harness, Etc. Don’t Fail to See Vs Before You Buy. F W. GOETTE, THE LEADING TAILOR IN CENTRAL CITYas%~~ Largest Line of Latest Suitings and Trimmings at Lowest Prices. Pants from $4.00 up............... Write for Samples. FIT (lUARANTEBp.. /- • • - - GANT'S IMPROVED GIN, Feeders and Condencers, Is Superior to Many and Excelled by None. Carries a perfect roll, runs light gins the seed clean, and makes :i good sample, hits swinging front- ill making it easily adjusted, to empty the roll. The seed board is hinged mm and especially adapted for ginning the seed clean. Itepaire, work on all makes Gins, Feeders and Con¬ '' of dencers at lowest prices that will ehable me to give you first class work. mi My Improved Feeder and Conden- ‘ , SJ cer can be attached to any make of fffm GANT’S IMPROVED GIN.' J. T. GANTT. Macon, Ga. 6 a r I eton’s T reasu ry. Valuable HancLBook of ^ General Information, A Condensed Encyclopedia 02 ? Universal Knowledge, Being a Reference Book Upon Nearly Every Subject That Can be Thought Of. Containing, in a Condensed Form, What Can Otherwise be Learned Only From a Great Many Large Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Etc. Including, Among Other Important Subjects, Whole Chapters Upon ASTRONOM Y, | P FINK ARTS. | MEDIEVAL LEARNING, GEOLOGY, JURISPRUDENCE, I GEOGRAPHY. MINERALOGY, | ANCIENT HISTORY, I I ENGLISH LITER ATI JKE, CHEMISTRY, | AMlfAL CREATION, MEDIEVAL HISTOR electricity, I CHRONOLOGY, I BRITISH HISTORY, VEGETABLE C HE ATION, I LITERATURE, I MODERN HISTORY, rsIVrirH A COM I* J.KTJ5 ANALVT1C.1 1, IS I>KX FOP. HEADY BKFEllKNCK.fvJ Edited by the Ablest Talent the World Affords, aud Profusely Illustrated. 18®“>Sent to any Address, Postpaid, for SIXTY CENTS by the Atlanta Publishing House, 116-118 LOYD STREET, ATLANTA, BA. Our Job Printing Department Is complete and up-to-date. We are prepared, therefore, to till your order with promptness, assuring satisfaction hy doing good work at such prices as WILL SAVE YOU EISEMAN BEOS.* * w The largest stock of Clothing, Hats \rt and Furnishings in the South. Thousands vt> of styles for you to select from aud prices here are from 25 to 50 per cent, cheaper than anywhere else, that’s because we are manufacturers and do not pay a profit to middlemen. V v • • • • • \lt r •D Men’s Boy’s Long Nobby Trouser Suits, Suits, $5-oo S4.50 up to $25.00 $15.00 Mj y|j up to It Boys’ Knee Trouser Suits, $1.50 up to $10.00 We buy the best fabrics and choose the newest and Sli handsomest patterns and coloring that are produced. vli Buy here once in person or through our mail if order department, and the satisfaction you’ll receive will make you a permanent customer of . \ l EISEMAN BROS. ( At!an ’ a - «5‘»7 Whitehall Street, 510KLb r,,-ft- < Washington, Cor. Seventh K ( and Streets. Baltimore, 213 W. German Street. 15-1? WHITEHALL ST.—Our Only Slors in Mila. \