The Monroe advertiser. (Forsyth, Ga.) 1856-1974, November 18, 1910, Image 2

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ODonroe Hbvcrtisct ESTABLISHED 1855. .1 A. BAGWELL. FB j r t ' « a n i> Publisher OFFICIAL ORGAN OF CITY OF FORSYTH OFFICIAL ORGAN OF MONROE COINTY Subscription, Per Year . $ 1.00 Published weekly and entered at Post office at Forsyth, Ga., as 2nd, class matter All Obituaries, Resolute ris of Re¬ spect, etc., exeunt such reading notices as thepaper freely gives, willbe charged for at the rate of one cent a word. 'Jhiunt the words and make enclosure. 'Vefore sending in these communica jions, otherwise tiiey will receive no ittention. Manuscripts will not he wturned. OFFM E PHONE NT». 0. RESIDENCE PHONE NO. 90. Alexander Stephens Clay. President Roosevelt once said that he thought mote ot Senator Clay than any Democrat in Dixie and there are many in the north and throughout the whole country that thiuk about him as Roosevelt thought. In Georgia, he was the idol of the people and, for over a quarter of a century, was given every honor and preferment that he sought. He never met defeat, nor was ever rebuked by the'" peo¬ ple. If clean hands, a pure heart and a strong mind make true great¬ ness, Senator Clay was truly a great man, for he possessed them all. It is a fact, and it will not he denied, that many of our Geor gia congressmen and senators be eoine more or less dissipated in Washington Not, so with Clay. No living man can lay his bunds on a single indiscreet act of his during his long service in the greatest law making body of the world. If lie thought a thing right, he did it regardless of consequences Governor Brown lives in Marietta hut Senator Clay. honestly believed Hoke Smith the right man to he governor and he worked for Smith. Just so in all his other political acts or otherwise. In Marietta and in Cobh county he will be missed the more, for it was here, where his acquaintances knew him best and loved him most. Some one may .fill his place in the Senate, but there is no one to take his place 111 Cobb county. He Needs Bread (-Copied from a lending North Dakota newspaper ) “It is reported that one of the fastidious newly married ladies of this town kneads bread with her gloves on This incident may be Bomewhat peculiar—but there are others. The editor needs bread with his shoes on ; he needs bread with his shirt on; he need bread with his pants on ; and unless some of the delinquent subscribers of this “Old Rag of Freedom” pony up before long, he will need bread without a d—n thing on—and North Dakota is no Garden of Eden in the winter time.” Forsyth Real Estate. The first lot of the Cabaniss place. 55 ft front, next to Dr. Elrod, live blocks from the public square, has b a en sold to Judge Fletcher for $1000. The Advertiser has been telling you that Forsyth property is ad¬ vancing. Here is the proof. And what’s more, Judge Fletcher has gotten a bargain. Mr. B. Luutz has bought the corner lot facing the Barnesville road. CHENEY’S ' EXPECTORANT The Great Cough Cure For Children and Adults. a Ac. sjmi hok. W e are glad to know the county I board of education intends to build a school house for Forsy th. Every , other school district in Monroe this j county has a school house hut city audit is indeed surpiisngi tbut Lius important matter has so long been neglected. Every district in the county gets back in school m^uey its own taxes and a part of Forsyth’s taxes, whil e the folks get back in school money less than they pay in taxes and besides have been content to send our children to an old abau doued depot, used as a school house and rented at that and for which good rent is paid. It isn’t right, and the city of Forsyth ought not longer to stand for it. We have been informed that a certain citizen is seeking to be a member of the county hoard of education at hands ot February grand jury on the ground that he opposes a school house for Forsyth My 1 My! How can a good citizen (and he is a good citizen) aspire to office a platform like this one? What would Georgia think of Monroe county, it the county authorities had erected nice milit a court houses iu every district in Hie county and, during all these years, been content to rent an old depot for our county court house? That’s just how Forsyth’s been treated about a school house. Rent an old depot for a school house in a district, with approxi¬ mately $1,000,000 taxable proper tv while good school buildings have been built in every other district. Is this fair? If this is wlittt the McMichael bill means, it would be a good plan to abolish this law and give us cheap taxes Give Forsyth justice. That’e all that any good citizen of the town claims. We simply don’t like it that this beautfful city with its fine ar¬ tesian water electric lights, water works and sewerage, good churches superb public school system, the home of Bessse Tift and the finest climate on earth, should have to depend on an old depot for a school house. Not Sorry For Blunder. “If my friends hadn’t blundered in thinking I was a doomed victim of con¬ sumption, I might not be alive now,” writes I). T. Sanders, of Harrodsburg, Ky., but for years they saw every at¬ tempt to cure a lung-racking cough fail. At last I tried Dr. King’s New Discovery. .The effect was wonderful. It soon stopped the cough and I am now in better health than I have had for years. This wonderful life-saver is an unrivaled reined v for coughs, eolds, lagrippe, asthma, croup, hemorrhages, whooping cough or weak lungs.5CK', $1 Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Lan¬ casters Drug Store. We are receiving a fresh new stock olives, pimentos, dill pickles, peanut butter, salad dressings, and pure jellies, T preserves. ry some, they are deli¬ cious. W. B. Thweatt & Bro. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. quickly Anyone sending n .ketch and description whether may ascertain our opinion free an inrentlon invention Is is probably probably patentable. patentable. Communica- Communica¬ tions free. strictly Oldest confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent* sent agency through for securing patents. Patent* taken Muim * i Kxcial notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. culation A handsomely of illustrated Journal. weekly. J,arrest cir¬ any seiontitJe Terms, $3 a year; (mr months, $1 Soul by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co. 36,BfMd "*»' New York Branch Office. 63S F St. Washington, D. U _ Christmas Cards Free N ot Cheap J ras h, But 10 Beautiful Ones j ___ I want to send every reader of; the Monroe Advertiser 10 beautiful j imported, embossed, colored Christmas postcards, all different, without any advertising on them whatever. I do this because I want people to know of the high grade cards I carry at manufacturers’ prices. If you prefer beautiful New Year’s cards say so when you write. All I ask is that you send me 4 cents in stamps to cover postage. Ad¬ dress, C. T. Johnstone, Pres., Dep’t 621 Rochester, N. Y. Now is the time to sow wheat and oats. Buy your fertilizer from B. F. Hill. Women as Well as Men are Made Miserable by Kidney and Bladd er Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, h um} ‘4': @123; A ' ‘ INF kidneys. If the child urinates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wet¬ ting, depend upon it, the cause of the diffi¬ culty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made miser¬ able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold in fifty cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also a pamphlet telling all «om. 01 sw.n.p-R,*,,. including many of the thousands of testi¬ monial letters received from sufferers W’ho found Swamp-Root to be just the remedy needed. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don’t make any mistake, but remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-ROot, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. : ’ -.' rt - GET OUR PRICES ©n Sash, Doors and Blinds Before You Buy Es we biw In car loab lots anb can Save you Money We not only guarantee our price But we guarantee our quality Bennett Lumber Co. Phone 140 Yard and Office near Passenger Depot. vigor and cheerful¬ ness when soon the kidneys disappear are out of order or dis¬ eased. become Kidney trouble has that it is so prevalent not uncom¬ mon for a child to be born afflicted with Ffififiwruu I .. . n‘vi‘ui . 1.. .} {2911755355 I ; I "1"“ ‘13—‘31"??? . :— *— l-"- nml L Q75; ~. Everett Shoe Co. Everett Shoe Co. Best Place in Macon ^ FOR SHOES 458 Third St. For Ladies, at $150 Pair •‘Southland Belle” —Shapey, durable and full value for Price. For Ladies, at $2.00 Pair “Southern Girl” —Not “as good,” but the best sold for $2,00. For Ladies, at $2.50 and $3. Pair “The Autograph,” sold at above prices, compares most favorably with many shoes sold for $1.00 per pair higher. FAMOUS REGAL SHOES Known the world over for their superiority of fit, comfort, style and wear—the perfection of footwear. “Regals,” for Men........... $4,00 to $5.00 “Regals,” for Ladies...... $3.50 and $4.00 $3.50—-Craddock’s for Men-$3.00 The “CRADDOCK,” for men, has every qualification of most $4.00 Shoes ; built especially for the man “from Missouri he’ll “know” once he buys and wears a Craddock. Boys, Girls and Children Our large stock of Shoes for the little folks is carefully chosen from makers who specialize on this line and we guarantee satisfaction in every in¬ stance. Come to 458 Third Street. 1 EVERETT SHOE CO.]