The Greensboro herald. (Greensboro, Ga.) 1866-1886, July 06, 1867, Image 3

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Tj O O AJt. ’1 1 ERSRS. L P. W ALKER a (':) . Louisville jL'i. Ky., arc autlioi iiscd Agents for ilie Unit ai.o. Itaamen' transacted by them will be duly acknowledged by me. Train Hours. Day Passenger Arrive in Greeusboro from Augusta 12 01 p m Leave ” for ” 11 10 a in Arrive tn “ from Atlanta 11 Oo am L. ave “ for “ 12 05 pm Night Passenger Arrive iu Greenesboro from Augusta 11 24 pm Leave “ for “ 12 53 am Arrive in “ from Atlanta 12 48 a m Leave “ for *• 11 20 p m JOHN F. ZIMMERMAN Depot Agent. The sketch of lion, TANARUS, U, R. (Jebh lus been deferred to a future issue. Capt. Daniel B. Sanford, of this county, was admitted to praetite in the Supreme Court of the State, on the 21st up. Examination at White PI ins. i.t was our good fortune to le present at Examination and Concert at White Plains, qd the 3rd iiist., and believing a notice thereof may be interesting to the friends and patrons of this highly pufu'ar institution, ve sub - .: it a short sketch, We always eetcem it a pleasure to meet the k:nd and hospitable citizens of White Plains and especially on an occasion so r rplete with joy and gladness. Tee examination of the students cosunied jdl of the forenoon and the evening wa& occupied in reading of compositions by ti e ymng ladies and dcclamath ns by the young gentlemen. The compositions were well written and the wit and humor connected with some of the in excited the risibility of the audience. They also evinced that thought which is characteristic of well di: ciplined minds. yVfiss Nuna Jeruigan, a bright little girl, won the prze. for the best read composition. All of the young men seeme 1 to | osscss talents for spt aking. They were perfectly familiar with tin ip speeches, and their cf forts at elocution wire well reciived and highly cotnincndat le. Mr. Julian J, Swann b re ( ft’ 'lie prize for declamation, Subject of speed’, ‘ Downfall of Southern Confed eracy,Where a'l acted their parts so well, wc consider it unjust to discriminate The Conceit was the next thing in nr\ der, which < poned at 8 o’clock, under the superintendence of Misss Minnie Evans, the sci’Omf lislied instructress in luu-ic. Tills portion of the exercises passed oft very pi a. a fitly, and judging fiom the sweet strains that fell upon our ears, w opine that this department lias been well conducted. The Dialogues, Farces, etc., wct acted to perfection. Wc would like to speak of the and ll' rent diameters represented, but our limited space forbid', Tb<’. White FI .ins Academy under the auspices of sin h thorough scholars, and clever genth men as Pro felt rs Forrcston and Thornton is destined to flourish. Our Lest wishes for its future prosperity. [Communicated. J Mr. Editor :—lt is generally believed that Congress will again be convened in July.for the purpose, among other things, of correcting any defects in their tyrannical bills, passed at the last session. The opinion of Mr. Stanberry, lately published, makes this course absolutely necessary, in their opinion, in order to rivet the chains on the limbs of the Southern people, and to make the yoke a little more galling to their necks, than it was before; and also to im peach the President, and turn him out of office on some frivolous pretence, &e., &c. If Andrew Jackson wore living, and Presi dent of the United States, as lie once was, such a State of affairs, as now exist, would not be tolerated even for a season. Methinks the peo ple would bear him say, “By the Eternal the Constitution must, and shall be preserved/’ Nor would this lie all, lie would call upon those who love the principles for which the he roes of 1770 fought, to sustain him, and lie would restore to them that form of Government handed down to them from the men of that day uncontaminated, hut which is now about to bo wrested from them by the hands of vio lence, and another form of Government substi tuted in its stead. And if Andrew Johnson can lay claim to a little of the nerve which 'Old Iliekury’ possess ed, he too can cause aggression to cease, and can restore the old ship of State to her origi sas.l moorings. A large majority of the people arc vet in favor of the old form of government, and vhc con doubt, that they would sustain Uiim, if ealied upon, in plocing it once more on the pillars, on which their ancestors, after an eight years struggle, founded it ? tether he possess the nerve to take a bold iinll defiant stand, or whether he will tamely submit to whatever action Congress may think fit to impose, tin.e will disclose. One thing is .certain-the hearts of the true lovers of Con jtjtutßOftal liberty and freedom ere with him, And it is a conceded fact, ti at such are yet in a large atajoj-j-ty. And there is not much risk in saying, .that ihe .people know tt. e>r rights, and dgr,e maintain thefla, if an opportunity should fee given thci# to do so, BELLATOIL Secretary Wells inforgie the country that the Navy Department has not men or officers enough to man a single gun<- boat. A gitng of scap fishermen at News port, R. 1., just through with their seas son’s work, have taken $18,500 worth of fish, one day’s fares realizing $ : J,000. OBITUARY. Died at Rrulgeville, Die tens county Ala., in June 1867, Mrs, Mattie V. Gardener. She lias gone to that Paradise above to re-u nt te with her angel babes who have proceeded her. Farewell dear Cousin ! Never having met ou < arth, may we meet in heaven. “What deep distress overwhelms the breast, When near relatives die— How hard it is tor us to part. With those that are so nigh.” EDITOR Slate Tax Notice! \ LL persons concerned will take notice that tY I will attend at Ihe following places, in ti ls county, on the days mmtioned below lor the purpose of Vfeceiving Tax /iVturns; Union Point, Thursday, July 11th. White Plains, Friday. “ “ 12th. Long Shoals, Wednesday, “ 17th. Greensboro’. Wednesday, “ 24th. These are my last appointments in the county, and that fail to make tlieir Returns on cr before the 2411i of July, will undoubledly be Dubdle Taxed, ns lain compelled to send the Rooks off the lirst of August. Fail not, JIION E. F/NCH, Jr., Tax yftceiver Greene county, jttly2dlß67—it, NOTICE! Application will be made to the court of Ordi nary of Grce.ic county, Ga.. at the Brstregu tar term after the expiration of two months from this notice, for leave to sell Ihe land belorging. to the estate of Archibald Tarplcy, lato of said county deceased, for the purposes ofdis ributjon. i ii,C Ju iy 3'u '867 WILLIAM BRYAN, Adm’r of Estate of Archibald Tarpley dec’d fulyfi—GOd GEORGIA, Greene County. TTyiTEARAS, Valentine D. Gresham and Mar* V\ shal K. Stovall, Executors of the last wil' asd testament of William D. Maddox, deceased, petitions the Court of Ordinary of said county for letiers of dismission : These and therefore Incite and require nil persons concerne i to show cause against the granting of the discharge of said Executors, and issuing to them Letters Disraissory, at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county, on the first Monday in September next. Given under mv hand at office in Greensboro, February 11th, 1867. EUGENICS L. KING, Feb. 15 wtd. Ordinary. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of Richchard J. Willis, late of said County. Deed, are hereby notified and required to make immediate payment to us. And all persous having demands against rnd Estate, will pre sent them to us duly made out, within the time presribed by law. STEPHEN D. HEARD, LA’WIN B. WILLIS JAMAS 11. W/LI./S. Executors of R. J. W/LL/S, July Ist 1867—1d. GEORGIA, Greene Count}’.—- \t JUIKIIEAS. Wiliam Bryan applies for v V Peters of A ministration on the estate ol Jesse Bryan, late of said county, dec'd. These are therefore to cite ar.d require all personsconcet tied to if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted at the Court of Ordinary lo be held in-and tor said county on 111 lirst Monday in .luglist nozt. Given un lev my hand at office in Greenesboro. July 3rd ISG7. EU JENIU3 L. KING, Ordinary julyf—st. Georgia, Greene County,— A \7ll7vdE.. , Jam -s L, Blown applies fm > V Letters of Admin itiatiou on the Estate ol Solomon I*. Arnold, lute of said connty deceased. These are therefore to cite and require ail person-concerned to show cause if any they fan why raid Letters sb ukl not be granted, at th Court of Ordinary to bo held in and for said county, o-i the first in unlay in August To zt. Given under my hand at office in Gt'icusbo o June 24th 1867, EUGZNIUS a, king, Ordinary, jidy6—it, GEORGIA, (Jr t ette County.— TWO months after date, to, wit ; at ,he nezt August. Term of the Court of Ordinary of said county, application wWI be made to said Court for leave to soli alt the Land belonging to tin est teof George W. Hunt, fate of Alabama dec’d., for (lie purpose of paying the debts and for distribution. Naid Land L'situated iu Greene County, Ga, This 18th day of May, 1867. .. william morris ufyG—tl Adm’r of Gtorge W.'Hunt. Notice to Debtors and- Creditors. ,4 LL persons having demands against th e es- XX tate of Sarah Asbury. (ate of Greene Coun ty; Ga.‘ deceased, are hereby notified to render into me an account of said demandsjiccordlng to law, and all persons indebted to said estate wilt make immediate payment. June Ist, 1867. SI MEON T. PEEK. je2—w7 Adm'rof Sarah Asbury, dec'd, MCTICEI i \ pplication will be made to to 'the Court ot Ordinary of Greene county, Georgia, at the first regular term after the expiration of two months from this notice, for loaye to seff the Laud betonging to the estate of Archibald 11, Perkins, tate of said county dec’d for the pur pose of paying the debts of said estate. This Jaiy Ist 1867, Maktha A, Feukins, Adm’x, //amilton TANARUS, Perkins, Adm’r. of Estato of Archibald 11. Perkins dec’d. jufy6— 6od AGENTS WANTED.—S2SO per Enoutli, The Year Round, or 900 Per Cent Profit ox Commission. We guaranty the above salary or commission to active industrious agents at their own homes, to introduce an a fide of indispensable utility in every household. For full particulars call on, or address G. W. JACKSON k CO., m*lß 4w ll'Nouth St., Baltimore, Md. J&- 3SILL saac R Halt, Adrar's of ] Bill for Discovery James M. Cartwright , nd Relief in Green VS f Super i o r Court Adaline Cartwright J March Term 1867. IT appearing to t e Court that the Defendant in slid case has not been served with a copy of the Bill Ac. and it also appearing by tho affi davit of complainant that said Defendant is ab sent from the State of Georgia. On motion of Complainant's Solicitors, it is ordeiedby the '■Court tnat the Defendant appear and answer complainant's said Bill on or before the first day o i the nezt Term of th is Court. And it is fur ther ordered that this order be published in the Green-boro Herald, ouce a month for four mouths mmediately succeeding the adjournment of the Court, March 14th 1867, A nue extract from the Minutes of the Supe rior Court, this 23d day of March 1867. S j,7—-tum ISAAC K. HALL, Clerk NOTICE TO DEBTORS AMI UREHITURS, 4 LL persons having demand,. against the A estate ot Win. Rowland, dec'd, are hereby notified to rended iu an account of said demands, according to law. and all persons Indebted to said dec'd, will make immediate payment to the undersigned Jas. J. Rowuxd A. W. Rowi.and Junelsth, 18G7—40ds Executors. Medical JX'olice ! Dll. JOHN E. WALKER, hereby gives notice to his friends und the -public, that lie lias not rflirtd from practice, but will attend calls in town or country (for all those who are willing to pay for his services), lie will give special attention to Olistt trie and Surgical practice, and to the treatment ot chronic diseases, Dropsy «tc. He will be found, when not professionally en gaged. at the Drug .Store of J. E. Walkei A. Cos., where ho \\ ill be pleased to wait on all those who wishpure medicines, prrrfterly compounded, or uny tl ing else in the Drug line. Greensboro, April 20—ti Carriage SBiop. milE Subscribers having permanently located 1 iu Greenesboro, Ga., is prepared to do all kinds of Carriage, Buggy and Wagon Work, in the neatest and best style. Also all kinds of BLACKSM I T H I N G . attention given to Horse ■''hoeing and Repairing old Axes. A liberal patronage is earnestly solicited. Wia 11. G riffles S, Cos Photogaphio Photographic. MORGAN A JONES have opened over the store of Elsas & Adler a IHiotogialiic Gallery, whore they are prepared to take Photographs. Ambrotypes, Porcelain and Gem Pictures, .fcc, Ac. Pictures taken to fit Lockets, Breastpins, etc, Persons need nos wait for clear weather to have their Pictures taken. Their chemicals are new and reliable and pic tures taken by them will nut be soiled by mois ture aug3o—tf Improved Billiard Tables, With his PATENT CUSHIONS, _ Well known to be superior to any now in use. Manufactory, 43 Metccr St., X. Y riPHE great popularity of SIIARP’N IM -1 PROVED BILLIARD TABLES has render ed it necessary to make extensive arrangements, in order to supply the increasing demand, and he is now prepared to till any order with which his patrons, or the pub’ic generally, may tavor him. W. J. Sharp having had practical experience for nearly twenty years, in the manufacture of Hilliard Tables, and having made a number of valuable improvements, he guarantees a Table, which for elasticity of touch, mechanical con struction on scientific orinciples, and elegance of appearance* will challenge competition. His newly invnded patent Cushions having been pronounced by the most competent judges to superior to any now in use, a is enabled to furnish the best Hillard Table manufactured in the United States, and sustain the name which .Sharps Tables so justly have acquired. Balls, Cues and Trimings constantly on hand. Old Cushions repair dat short Orders by mail punctually attend and to. Scud for descriptive circular and pricelist. \V. J. SHARP. maylß—tf. 43 Mercer Street. New York. GREENSBORO MALE ACADEMY, YOUNG ME.Vmay bo prepared at this Insti tution for the advanced classes of College, or be carried to anv degree of advancement. RATES OF TUITIO.V. First Class, embracing Heading, Writing, Gram mar. Geography, Arithmetic, Ac.. $4 per month id ( las#, higher English Blanches and Ancient-Glassies S', per month junß ts 0. XY.VA EUR !!’, I‘rincpal. FODTZ’S CILIBRATED Horsß anfl Cattle Powders. nT \ J stomach ami intes this animal, such as GLANDERS, miserable skeleton into a fine-looking and Spirited horse. To keepers of Cows this preparation is invaluable. It increases the quantity and improves the quality id appttffee, tootto* much faster. In all diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcers in or entirely prevented. If given in time, a certain preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera. Price 25 Cents per Paper, or 5 Papers for 81. PREPARED by S. A.. FOUTZ & BRO., AT THEIR WHOLESALE DRl'fi AND MEDICINE DEPOT. Ho. 110 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. For Sale by Druggists a»4 Storekeeper* througW •ut Hie United States. For sale by W. GRIFFIN, Greensboro, Ga, ’ SPERRY, SAW RIB & CO. Wholesale Grocers —AND— Genera! Commissin Merchants, Corner C hurch & Market fc?ts. Ai'tlnille, Tenn. Edward Wilder’s [Fctm Oils Stomach Hitters Will cure Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint and all speciee of In digestion, lulerinittent Fever. Fever aid Ague and all Periodical Disorders /twill give immediate relief iu Colic and Flux. It will cure Costiveneea. It is a mild and delightful /iivlgorant for deli cate Females. It, is a safe .Intl-Bilions \lterativc and Tonic foe al, Family purposes. It is a powerful Recupermit after the frame has been debilitated nr reduced by sickness It is an cxcelent Appetiser as well as strengtli onor of the digestive force*. It is desirable alike as a Conective and mild Cathartic. For th3 Cure of ihe above Diseases this preparation stands unrivaled, and its good and permanent < ff, cts are attested by Hums ,nc v and it is recommended aline not only by the ablest medical men; hut also by the ministry, Try It, all yon that are afflicted, and ha convinced of its w onderful power and beneficial effect*. Edward Wilder’s Sarsapari I Ia km H** €X» HH7 JWI. Sm ■ K - An unfaili g and rapid cure tor Scrofula In all its forms’ every known variety o Constitutional Syphilis or Veneuial Disease. Neuralgia. .Skin Diseases—no matter how old or invefrate— Chronic Rheumatism, Schrofulous Sore Eyes, Glandular Swellings of the n»ck or elsewhere. Chronic Chills and Fever. Weeping Sore Leg, Ulcers of <*very kind, r* on the fact ringworm, scald heajj. falling of Ihe hair or allopccia, white swelling, hip-joint Di ease [or Morbus Co“arius]' chronic erysipelas, dropsy Ague-cake. Ac* the rapid and permanent cure of the above Diseases this preparation stand unrivaled. A cure is guaranteed in every case where it is used accorping to directions. Edward Wilder’s COMPOUND FX'YhACT WILD CHERRY. This preparation is specially recommended as affording certain and p ompt relief in Coughs, Colds, ana Catarrhs of every desefipt'on, In Bronchitis, Laringytls, and Asthma nr Phthisic it gives immediate comfort and relief, /t is also admirably adapt and in relief of the cough and difficulty of breathing in Consuption. It is in ispensnble in Pneutno da or Winter Fever, Pleurisy, mid every conceivable form of Pulmo nary Disease at tended with cough, difficulty of breathi' g, or pain. Fcr ta-te, efficiency, and jiowcr this medicine lias no equal, and when used in any of the above diseases has never been kn wn to fail to give almost instant relief fol lowed by certain and perm ment cure. Edward Wilder’s FAMILY PILLS For the cure of Constipated and B!uggis,h Bowels. In these conditions of the a inventory canal they are Guaranteed to he perfectly 7n fallible. Asa Purgative in all Fevers and In flammation of tht Liver, brain, kidneys, and bladdej, in erysipelas, fever and ague, acute Opthalmia or sore eyes, fullness of the head, vertigo, dizziness, blindness, Ac., they cannot be e“ceCd. These Pills wifi tie found, on trial, to be far superi r to any other combination of medicines in the rapid and certain cure of all th ; above diseases. They should be taken with Edward Wilder's Sarsaparilla and Potash in the dis ases in which that remedy is recommended , and with Edward Wilder’s Compound Extract of wild cherry in coughs, colds, etc., and with Edward Wilder’s Stomach Bitters for chills and fever and fever and ague. EDWARD WILDER & CO.. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS 215 Marble Front Main street LOUISVILLE KY. For sale iu GreensborolGa, by J K \YALK.BR AGO Nmv Spring an tl Summer 000 0 0 2 THANTEVER.* HAVE just received Spring Prints in new and beautiful styles, at from 1 2 to 20 cents. Beautiful Mozambique* for spring dresses, at 25 cents per yd Dress Goods in Silks. .flpaccas, Lcnos, Embroidered Poplins, Plain Poplins, Poil IJrodcs, Grenadines, (silk and ootton) Chambrays, Gioghams Ac. White Tron Berege. French and Irish. Swiss, Silks (white and col’d) Tarltons, White stripe ar j” checked Swiss, all kinds of Domestic Goods in bleached and un bleaehed Shirtings, Sheetings. Plaids, Stripes, Tickings, Denims <fcc. Hr 7/andkorchiefs! Linen Cambric, Embroidered Lawn, cotton and silk, Hosiery and Gloves for ladies gentlemen and children, Parasols and nun Umbrellas from 75 cents (cotton) toss beaded silk, ladies misses’ childrens and youths Hats and Bonnets —latest -Ivies and at very low prices, Flowers, Wreaths, lions and s!raw Trimmings, Notions, <fcc. As we receive Goods every week T p x*oixi Ne\y ~^siT ozrlsi we can give our customers the boneiit iu prices, styles and fashions. We sell at a small advance on New York cost. Samples given and goods shown with pleasure. Goods ordered can be returned if they arc not as represented in price and quality. /n addition to the above, the subscribers offer to their friends and th° pub_ lie, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Provis ions, Meal, Ac. &c. Having agon’s in Charleston, Savannah and New York, they wil! furnish Goods as cheap as they can bo bought at those points—freight added. 100 Hogsheads Muscfvado Molasses, at 75 cents per gallon, or 70 cotrts by the hogshead. Country produce taken in exchange for goods. [Greensboro’, Ga.. May 11th ts Iff 1 w SW E 11! t DRV MODS, niUMiiii «««*«» OULD respectfully inform their friends.and the public generally that they are now receiving their ususually Large and Elegant stmiMt iiitmiii «(> Hals, Caps, Boots and Shoes Selected with the utmost care, and purchased withall'the advantages that any merchant in the trade can posses, and which they will dispose of Cheaper than the Cheapest for cash. Then motto is : “Quick sales and, Small Profits'’ They would respectfully invito an examination of their assortment and prices ]>c r ore’ buying elsewhere. They feel safe in guarranteing to all who will favor them with (heir patronage. tfcA-,. Store at Griffins o'd stand near the court bouse Greensboro’ Go., April 27—ts M. A. PARRISH it CO., DKAT.KKS IN COR BACON & HAY. COTTON FACTORS, . Produce, Commission & Forwarding M E R C 11 A NTS, Fronting on College & Market Sts, (south of bboad.) Nashville, Term. Jso: lx srEltay. w. s. sawrie. on SAPONACEOUS Do you want tin article for the to: let Try tho Saponica. Do you want Grease removed irom Floor's Try the Saponica. Do you want Dandruff rrmoved ? Try the Saponica, Do you want Grease removed from Clothing ? Try the Saponica. Do you want a Washing Fluid ? Try the Saponica, Do you want Grease removed from your Hat? Try the Saponica. Do you want cleanse Laces ? ..... Try the Saponica. Do -you want the best Detergent known ! '1 ry the Saponica. Do you want a* article that ha« the recommen dation of all who have tried it? Tty the Saponica. Do van want to know what S. S. means * Cal Tat J. E. WALKER k Cos. Greensboro Ga, —ok — Taylor & Sisson, Manufacturers, LA FAYTTE, A LA. TELEGRAPH • —AND — Express Office. 14 .1 R. H. T.CASHIN, Telegraph Operator and xYI Southern Express Agent, has removed hix office to BOON & PEEK’ S Store ; and will give prompt attention to business connected with ei ther office. Greensboro’, March 30, 1837. THE SOUTHERN JIITQL IXSUUME COMPANY ATimys GEoß 'jla C CONTINUES to iusare against Loss jy aw _ lagu by Eire at the usual rates, Apply at Greentboro Ga. 4 0 R. HOWELL, Age i f«r Gmeuc. county • SASHVILLE& CJATTAIfIOBA BAILBOAD CHANGE OF TIME. Two Dally Trains leave Nashville lor Washington, New York, and all points East and South. Close connection made at Chattanooga morningand evening lor all Eastern and Southern cities. Office General SuPEßixTExttfext,) N. &G. Railroad, > Nashville. Texx., Jan. 27. 1567. j ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, JANUARY W, 1867. and until further notice, Passenger trains will run as follows ; Leave Nashville for Wasington, New York, Atlanta, Macon, Montgomery, Aagusta, Savan nah. New Orleans and Mobile, at 5:00 a. m. and 6.-00 |> m. arriving at Chattanooga at 2:00 a. m. Mid 2joo p. m. : both trains making close connec , tinnsat Chattanooga with E. T. &Ga and We&t trn and Atlantic railroad trains: Returning leave Ghattanooga at 7:40 a.m. and 7 -40 nt<> upon arrival of E. T & Ga. and W. k A. trains, arriving in Nashville at 4-30 a. m. and 4:30 p. ni. Elegant Palace Sleeping Cars on all Night Passenger Trains. BiißAßyvn.LE Accommodation.— Leave Shelby - ville at 5-20 a. m. and 12tli0 p. m. arriving in Nashville at 11:10 a. m. r.nd 4:30 p. m. Leave Nashville for Shelbyvillr, 5;00a. m. ands,-00 p m* i arriving in Shelbyvillc 9.00 a m. and 9.05 p. n». ! Nahville'and Jiorthwesterh R, R. PASNF.NGER TRAIN. Leaves Nashville 4:40 p. m. ; arrives Jobnson- I vilie 10:36 p. m, Leav es Jchmsoavlllc 3.00 a. bu arrives Nashville 8-50 a. m, WM. I>, INNER Gen. Sup’t, N &G. and A’, kN. W. R J. D, MANCE. Gen’l Pass; Agent LIFF AND CAMPAIGNS —OF— Gil ROBERT E, LEE —BY— AIMES 1> MctVBU, Jr.. —OK— VIRGINIA. THE work is printed a beautiful,clear new type, on tine calend ere( i paper, made ezpresNly for tnis work, to in one large volume of over 700 pag ..mbcliished with asplendfd life like steel P r^ r crait of General Lee, and also illustrate j a scries of carefully prepared maps. the mos t of which were made from surveys lor (General Lee’s especial use. They am so numerous and complete that the movements of J the armies are rendered poifectly intelligible. II will I"' furnished to subscribers in neat and ,'substaatial Binding at tho following Prices, payable 03 delivery. In Extra English Cloth Fcur Dollars | In Half Calf, Library style Siz “ JNO. ij. FINCH. Jr, ju •>ls4f Agent Grvese Cenuiy,