The Greensboro herald. (Greensboro, Ga.) 1866-1886, July 20, 1867, Image 4

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Truth and Falsehood, List to a tale well worth the ear Os all who wit aud sense admire— Indented—it is very cleat — Some ages prior to Matthew Prior. Falsehood and Truth, “ upon a time,” One day in Juno’s delicious weather, (’TVas in a distant age and clime,) Like sisters, took a walk together. On, on their merry way they took. Through fragrant wood and verdant meadow, To where a beech beside a brook, Invited rest beneath its shadow. There, silting in the pleasant shade, Upon the margin’s grassy matting, (A velvet cushion ready-made) The young champions fell to chatting. Now, whilo in voluble discourse, On this and that their tongues wero running, As habit bids each speaks—perforce, The one is frank ; the other cunning. Falsehood, at length, impatient grown With scandals of her own creation, Said, ‘‘Since we two are quite alone, And nicely screened from observation, Suppose in this delightful rill, While all around is so propitious, We take a bath ?”—and said Truth, “ I will— A bath, I’m sure, will be delicious.” At this her robe she cast aside, And in the stream that ran before her She plunged—like Ocean’s happy brido— As naked as her mother bore her 1 Falsehood at leisure now undressed, Put off the robes her limbs that hamper, And haring dunned Truth's snowy vest, Ran off as fast as she could scamper. Since then the subtle maid, in sooth, Expert in lies and shrewd evasions, Has homo tho honest name of Truth, And wears her clothes on all occasions— While Truth, disdaining to appear In Falsehood’s petticoat and boddice, Still braves all eyes from year to year, As naked as a marblo goddess 1 The Chignon; Oh 1 bury me deep with my waterfall on, And my bonnet so tiny and gay ; Wrap all my fashionablo gewgaws around This form when it turneth to clay. Fori would astonish, long centuries licnco, The learned explorers of tombs ; I would rivul the mummy in interest when Some future Agassiz comes. To explain to tho wondering children of Then The puzzling marvels of now; Oh ! I’ll bother their heads with what’s on my own If they over should find mo. I vow. “There, John, you’ve come home and for gotten that lard." “La, mother, it was so greasy it actually sliypcd my mind." Josh Lilling says there is “one cold, Lluo, lean kiss that always makes him shiver to see. Two persons (ov the fc>- male persuasion) who have witness! a great menny more younger and more pulpy daze, meat in some public place, and not having' sav; each other for 24 hours, tha kiss immegiately—then tha talk about the weather and the man who preached yestarday, and then tha kiss immegiately, and then tha blush and lass at what they say to each other, anil kiss again immegiately. This kind of kissing always put me in mine of tew old Hints trieing to strike fire.’’ MONTVALE SPRINGS, 1 O G 7- fTVIIIS popular Summer Resort having been l placed in thorough repair, and furnished with new furniture, will be opened tor visitors on the Ist of June, under the direction and control of the undersigned, proprietors of tho American Hotel, Atlanta, Ga, Moktvai.e presents the strongest attractions to both the invalid ami pleasure seeker, nolets on account of it* retirement and beautiful surround ing scenery, than of the restorative powers of its waters. We have reduced the price of board to tlie Lowest Figures consistent with a proper provision for the entertainment of our guests. Board per day, $3; per week, S2O; per month, S6O, with an allowance lor families. Travelers by rail, reach the Springs by special conveyances from Loudon, oi by regular daily mail coaches from Knoxville, Tern. May 8 WHITE & WHITLOCK. Holmes & calde Formerly Holmes A Cos. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Paints, Oils. Glass, Varnishes, BRUSHES, ETC. Nob. 120 Meeting, and 65 Basel Streets CHARLESTON, S. C. W. E: nOLMrs, w. on or a Reference — Andrew Pimonds, Tres. Ist Na tional Bank. Wm. C. Dukes $ Cos., L. W Spratt, Esq., Gen. Johnson Hngood, Cel. Chas H. Simonton, Cajd. James M. Carson.—aitOlyaS . m WILLIAM L. WEBB, (Formerly Webb <i Page,) {IMPORTER Of} CHINA, GLASS AND E a r t h o n w ni’o , NO. 5 IIA YNE STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. Will supply Country Merchants with Goods ia their line at as low rates ns they can bay in KewTork or elsewhere.—«B6o-ly*S THE GEORGIA FURNITURE FACTORY. I AM happy to announce to the people of th’s and neighboring States, that 1 am Agent for the Georgia Furniture Factory, erect ed at this place, which is now In full opeiation, and prepared to fill orders for Cottage Chaifs and all kinds of Commox Fi'k.viture. Prompt attention given to all orders and none but good work supplied. Address. CEO. P. FRAZER, Ag’t, Georgia Furniture Factory, je22—2m Atlanta, Ga. ■ HEPOSITOIIY | JAVIXG Establish*'! » Reliable Repository EMPIRE BLOCK, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA., I vfill keep constantly on hand a full and com plete assortment of COACHES, CA lililA GUS, HOC KAW AYS (]'t i cm ai.d two horses,) BUGGIES, SPRING WACCNS, & As Agent of several first-class Northern and Western Houses, 1 am enabled to supply all persons with anything Urey may wish from a Baby Carriage, to a Coach and Four. at Manufacturers’ prices, with freight added. I am nlso Agent for the sale of the celebrated WOODRUFF WAGON, which Las given such universal satisfHO t i The Ladies are especially invited to call and make arrangements for riding. ANDREW DUNN. 6n26 Empire Block, Whitehall St. J. E. GULL ATT, brass foundry AND machine shop, Atlanta, Georgia. REPAIRS Saw Mills, Grist Mills and Cotton Gins JiOILBRS MADS AND REPAIRED. fjJy-Smoks Starks and all other Fhest-Iroa and Blacksmith Work executed. Will fill all Order* fer Quage, Steam and Water CocJcs. Also Manufacturer of a Superior article of ANTI-FRICTION METAL. 3m26 Shop opposite Qa. R. It, Shop. ATLANTA nmn works AND IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY ! PORTER & BUTLER I’IIOIMUETOItS. We are prepared to manufacture and repair M aoL. lnory, Such as Portable and Stationary Steam Engines and Boilers, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, Ac House & Brown’s Horse Power, Wrighfc’s Patent Cotton Screw, (fins. Fans, Bark Mills. Also Building Fronti, Iron Bailings, Sugar Mills, and Boilers, Pipes, Pulleys, Car Wheels and Railroad Castings of every description. made without extra charge for patterns when in regular line of work."©# JfcaY'Saws Ke-Toothcd and Gummed in the best mnnuer,“Xi3a TERMS CASH! Jas. H. Porter, 1 Old Staud of J. L. Dunning, R. 11. Butler, } (im2C Atlanta, Ga. New LIQUOR House! j;> M. HOSE, & CO., No. 2, Granite Block, Broad Street, ATLANTA, - - GEOItGIA. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BRANDIES. WINES, WHISKIES, GINS, RUMS, Ac IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS Os every grade, offered at Low I’i ices Those in want of Pure Liquors, For Medical and other purposes, will alwnys find cur Foreign Liquors ns wc represent them, and we furthermore Warrant and Guarantee them to Re Genuine nml Unadulterated. 7m26 CARRIAGE R, ROCK A WAYS, ftfljpaMfe Bugciss and Plantation Wagons The Manufactory of A. T. Finney, on Forsyth street, Atlanta, Ga„ is daily turning out substantially finished and fashionable work, to which the attention of all wishing to purchase, is respectfully invited. Several Pleasure Yehi cles and a number of Plantation Wagoas are completed, and will b« disposed of at reasonable figures. Orders will be promptly filled, and are respectfully solicited. Charges moderate, and all work wart anted. Manufactory and Warerootns on Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga., nearly opposite the Opera Hall, 1y26 A. T. FINNEY, Atlanta, Ga, JOMMEY & STEWART. DEALERS IN Hardware, Iron & Steel, Cutlery. TOOLS OF ALL KINDS, HARNESS, BRIPLFS, COLLARS, Leather, Buggy Materials, Ac. At the Sign of the Mill Saw, and Game Cock Whitehall Street, : : ATLANTA. GA jan.4e6Ty ATLANTA MARBLE WORKS. B . OATM AN, Agent, And business Manager, W JVC. GRAY PROP’R, Importer and Dealer in ITALIAN, BLOCK ADI LLE, AND WHITE RUTLAND STATUARY MARBLE. Wc are now receiving and have in store, a large and desirable stock of finished and roulig Marble, which we offer to the public on the most Reasonable Terms. Owing to tlie liigli price of Marble at this time, many persons are kept from purchasing, I propose to reduce prices so that all can buy.— M.y facilities are sucli for purchasing the materi al, that 1 will be satisfied with sma 1 profits and quick sales—such is my motto. Wfl arc prepared to furnish, in tliebest style, Monuments, curved and plain. Box Tombs, Tab lets, carved and plain, Head-Stones, Urns, Vases, Mantles, &c., and furnishing Marble of all de scriptions. With good and experienced workmen in all departments of the business, we hope to merit a share of public patronage. Designs of Monu ments and other work in Marble, furnished gratis. Orders solicited and promptly filled. Office and Yard adjoining Belltue Hotel, and opposite Georgia Railroad Depot—3m26 A. J. liollEUT. V. W. ho BERT. A J. ROBERT & CO., 1 \ • Gn'l Commission Merchants, A ISO AGENTS FOE IJanufaclurers and Producers. At tli• south end of the Bridge, on Broad Street ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Keeps constantly on hand CORN, LARD. BACON. SALT, ROPE. In large Quantities. Salt, Lime, Plaster, Lumber, &c., &c. They have also a large qunntllv of & &©a ib wmus. Such as Buckets, Keelers, and Clothes Chests. (Moth Proof,) made at the Stone’s River Utility Works, at Murfreesboro, Tcnn., all of which can b* bought at Manufacturers' l’rites, with freight added,—May 8, 3m19, T 11. 13 0S T W IC K, WHOLESALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No.‘l, Granite Block, Broad str’t, (Adjoining the A'ailroad.] AT LAN IA , GA. WHOLESALE DEALER IN Flour, Grain, Hay, anil all WESTERN PRODUCE. Orders for any dcscrip.ion of Merchandise promptly filled, and consignments solicited. B. F, MOOIIE. T. P. FLEMING. IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE : 6000 bushels Corn, 600 reams Wraping paper, 10000 pounds Bacon, 600 pounds Snutl, 2500 pounds Lard, 15 halt barrels Mackerel, 100 barrels Sugar, 15 i barrels Mackerel, 20 barrels Syrup, 15 half barrels Shad, 25 keg' Syrup, 25 kits Mackerel, 75 bag* Coffee, 20 kegs Cider Vinegar, 20 kegs £odu, 10 barrels Cider Vinegar, 60 kegs Nails, 50 boxes Candy—assorted 50 boxes Candles, 60 boxes Crackers— asst, 50 b>s Rabbi's 3oap 50 boxes Colgate's Soap, 60 boxes Ilering 50 gross Mason’s Blaek’g 600 bags Table Salt, 10 dozen Well Buckets, 30 dozen Buckets 20 nests Tubs, 20 caseß Petroleum, 50 cases Cliampag’e Chlei oo case, / icE/es, 10 cases O'. A. Cider, 25 ease* Preservers, 26 cases Imp. Ale, 25 cases Jelly, 25 cases Brown Nlou 20 cases Oysters, 6 cases Prunes, 10 cases Sardines, 6 cases Olive Oil, 10 cases Lobsters, 100 cases As -t. Liquors, 10 cases .Salmons, 20 cases Cod Fish, Fish, Raisins, Citron, Currants Almonds, Walnuts, Filberts; Rope, Twine, Chewing Tobacco. Ac. apr27—tf WHOA JANUAKY, 1867. CODER & McCALLA ATLANTA, G-LCHGIA Beg leave to call the attention of the Trade and the Public generally, to their Stock of Merchandize, consisting in part of 1000 Bushels White Corn, 50()0 lbs Bacon, 100 Bbl’s Flour, Various Brands.) 50 Sacks, ‘ * * 1 100 Dozen Oysters, (1 i 2 lb. Cans.) 10 Cases Sardines, 1000 Cans Fresh Fruit, (Warranted good.) 10000 lbs Sole Leather, 600 Sides Baltimore Upper Leather, 100 Kip Skins, (Philadelphia.) 60 Dozen French Calf Skins, 10 “ American * ‘ * 60 “ Linings A Toppings, st)o Pair Lasts 100 Straight Lasts, (Ladies and Gents.) 10 Bbl’s Tanners Oil, Workers, Fleshers, Currying Knives & Blades, Tanners and Shoe Makers Furnishing Goods generally. Give us a call. No Trouble to Show Goods COFER &McCALLA. Decatur it Line Streets, ATLANTA GA, PAUL JONES, Jr., Wholesale Dealer in Imported Brandies, Wines, BOURBON AND RYE WHISKIES, CIGARS and TOBACCO Atlanta, Georgia, I have on hand a very extensive stock es Foreign and Domestic Liquors, WINES, CIGARS A TOBACCO, Which I offer at very reduced Prices for Cash. Kelley’s Old Bourbon, Woodward’s Robinson County, Millwood Bye, reaeli and Apple Brandies, Jamaica and N, C., Rum, Rectified M hiskies of ail grades, Madera, Port, and Sherry Wines, Irish and Scotch Whiskies, Imported & Domestic Brandies. All grades of TOBACCO. Longworth’s Wines, Wedding Catawba, &c. 3m2C PAUL JONES, JR. r.n IT RFf LS ANDREW DUN N, E. T. GLENN, DR U> Present, Secretary, Treasurer. LOOM & MANUFACTURING CO., MANUFACTURERS AND PLANTERS x. Oo UL to Yoxxr Ixxtoxrost. AND DON'T FAIL TO CALL AT OUR OFFICE IN umpire block, Whitehall street, Atlanta, ga. AND SEE IN OPERATION MEKDEHHALL’S IMPROVED SELFACTING I-IAISTD A-NIV POWEE LOOM. PLANTERS CAN BE INDEPENDENT Bv Weaving all their Goods for Home W T ear on the MENDENHALL IMPROVED HAND LOOM! IPx’om IB to CO yards CAN BE WOVEN ON THIS LOOM IN ONE DAY. It Weaves as Fast as any Factory Loom. Half the Cost of the Clothing of a Family can be saved by its use. From £5 to §lO a day can be made by it. Its Parts are SelDchanging, By the turning of an easy crank it lota the Warp off, winds up the Cloth, treads the Treadles, and throws the Shuttle. It weaves Jean*, Satinets, Linsey, Blanket Twill, Double- Plain Clotb, various kinds of Ribbed Goods, Fencing r I wills of all kinds, Hax Cotton, low, or All-Wool Cloth, Bagging, Toweling, Table Linen, Balmoral Skirts, Woolen, Linen and Hemp Carpets—in fact anything from a handsome Silk to a Rag Carpet. It is small, neat and light—not larger than a common breakfast table. It is made in the most woikiuau ; like manner, of good material and handsomely varnished. IT IS VERY SIMPLE, AND EASILY UNDERSTOOD is performed by Turning a Crank.“s4)l LOOMS & COUNTY RI GUTS FOR SALE. For further particulars, Descriptive Circulars, and Samples of Weaving, Address RUSH PRATT, Gen’l Ag’t, 23-ly ATLANTA, GA. BARRETT, CARTER & CO-, WHOLESALE DILTJ(TGTISTS. At their Old Stand, No. 291 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA . V\ here they have been ior (he past TWENTY-FIVE YEARS, are constantly receiving a Large ami complete assortment of Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Dye Stuff ami Oils. The latter article we are dealing in very largely, particularly such ns are suitable for Factorin' and fine Machinery, giving, it our careful aUntian. All order* promptly executed and satisfaction gnu rant ceil in every particular. Our prices for anything in our lino will le found to liE Art LOW AS ANY HOUSE SOUTH OF BALTIMORE.—IOicOui II AT S. HAT S. II AT S. 3 T Efl 8 0 003. S T E EVJ ® 0 © ®S- An endless variety of Hats, Cap*, and Straw Goods. Also Ladies’ trimmed and untrimmed Hats, of the Latest Styles. All of which we are offering at such prices, as to render it an extraordinary inducement, for Country Buyers. defy competition in our lint, and would invite pur chasers to call and satisfy themselves. JJLAUYELT & KINO. 268 Broad Street, at old stand of Cont.fy, Force it Cos., lOtcCm AUGUSTA, GA J. D. A. Murphy, of So. Cn. r * Geo. H. Hope, of Va. Storing nub Shimmer (6oobs * CIIEAI’En JZ3"'VS3XI. ! Just Received at the Old Southern House of J. I). A. MUII P BY, & C <|T.. No. 314. Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA Spring Trints. in New anil beautiful styles, at from 124 to 22) cents. Beautiful Mozambique* for Spring Dresses, at 25 cents per yard. Dress Goods in Silks, Alpaecas, (black and colored) Lenos, Embioidered Poplins, Plain Poplins, Poil Brodes, &<•., &o„ AVhite Iron Berege, French Swi-s, Irish Swiss, bilks. White and Colored Tarlton, White Striped and Checked Swiss, all suitable for Party Dresses. All kinds of Domestic Goods, in Bleached and Brown Shirtings and Sheetings, Plaids, Stripes, Tickings, Denims &c., <tc. Handkerchiefs, in Linen, Cambric, plain, hemstitched, and embroidered in Lawn, Colton, and Silk. Hosiery and Gloves for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. Parasols, and Sun Umbrellas, from 75 cents in Cotton, to $8 in Silk. Ladies’ Misses’, Children’s and Youth’s HATS. Latest styles Ladies’ BONNETS, in plain and fancy, and at very low prices. All kinds of Flowers, Rib bons, and Trimmings. We keep on hand a regular line of NOTIONS. As we receive Goods every week, we arc able to give our customers the benefit of all changes in prices, styles, and fashions. We sell for CASH, and at a very small advance on New York cost. No charge for showing Goods or giving samples. Orders from our country friends will receive prompt attention by one of the firm. Any Goods ordered can be returned, if they are not as represented in price and quality.—lOtcCm J. D. A, MURPHY & CO. E. E. EEOEGrETT & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN BOOT SAND SILOES, 279 BROAD STREET, A U G U S T A, :::::::::: G E O £ G I A Will Keep a Large and Well Selected Stock of BOOTS and. @ II O E IS From some es the PRINCIPAL MANUFACTORIES North and East, and some experience at our command, we feel warranted in guaranteeing to all who may favor us with their patronage, entire satisfaction. Wc are constantly in receipt of as tine an assortment of L&iDUiSs3‘’ ALL EiaaSiSS* SEISgg, selyla As ean be bad in this Market. Give uscnll at 279 BROAD STREET. I>. r. FLEMING. Sam’l A. NF.LSON Ja’s M. WILSON E. FLEMING, & CO. Wholesale Dealers in Bo ots, Slices, & T run ks, No. 2. Ilayne street, Corner Church street, 903*13 CHARLESTON, S. C. ' POLLARD, COX & C 0. Cotton TP actors WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS C nur of Reynolds and Campl ell Streets AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Agents rou Reels Pros™arl.3m 40 l)R 11, A. lIOHTOVS MIASMA ANTIDOTE A Speedy and Permanent Cure for CHILLS AND FEVER,' Bilious and Liver Complaints. MRS. P. A. BEEBE having purchased of Dr Hol ton’s widow, the sole right to make and vein! tins valuable medicine, will keep a supply constantly on hand; ready to fill all orders. LJRICE, —Single Bottles 2 ; Single Bottles pu in Tin liases anil sent by mail $2,50; the extra Fifty Bents being required to pre-pay post age. Onedozen HottLsseourely packed and sent by express, for $20,00 —exclusive of expressage. A liberal discount will he ma le to those who purchase by tho quantity to sell again. ( #TPrinted directions Tor using this mediein* will accompany each bottle. Address MRS. P. A. liEKBE, Signs of (he Times Office, Middletown, Orange Cos., N. V. Read the Following Testimonials. Panola, Woodford Cos., 111., ,lar.. 22, 1860. Mas. I’. A. Beebs : —I fed it due to you to say that I think Dr. Horton’s Aliasina Antidoteis the most valuable medicine in use, and the onlv per manent cure for Ague. S. R. PATTON. Middle'nwn, N. V., Jan. 1866. Mas. T. A. BeebE :—My family were all doWw w th Fever and Ague ; when I obtained some of Dr. Horton’s Miasma Antidote, and we are all cured; and I am satisfied Hint it is ns good «* stated. 1 use it w ith success in bilious ca*«s r uud can recommend it to all. L. BRINK. Middletown, N. Y , Jan. 1806. 51as. P. A. Beebe:—During the last summer was attacked with the Fever and Ague, and purchased a bottle of your medicine, wlii.h cured me immediately, and 1 have not had it since, 1 have also sent a number to you, among whom I do not know of a case where it failed !• cure. A. 11. COliW IN Middletown, N. Y., Jan. 18C6- Mbs. P. A. Beebe : While traveling in tho western part of this State, last summer, I was taken with Chills and Fever, and suffered fret* them until hearing Dr. Horton’s medicine re commended, I purchased a bottle, which eared me, and have been perfectly fiee from it ever since. JOSEPH KIRKPATRICK. 0. S. BROPIIITT, Agent, feV 8 11 ts. Covington, 6a. j; J . B H O W N E , O I Li D E DE3L Looking Glass i & Picture Frame MAKER. Old Frames Rcyill to Look Equal to Next. Old Paintings Carefully Cleaned, Lined and Varnished. jrjf* All Work Warranted and Dene as Cheap as at the North. 1 ytc 13 135 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. O. V. WAI.KEIt, W. M, GAKUSHR TCT. WALKER TcoT 273 Broad Slrrcf, Augusta, Georgia. Auction and General r (Pc 1111 n u civ Q'{(l eVe(i an l Will give prompt and personal attention te ail Histn'kss Entkusted to Them. F A V-0 R S SOLICITED We refer to the Merchants generally of lh* city of Augusta. We will give particular nltenlion to Forward ing my Good* vm signed to our care, and liafe at our command facilities that variant u* il promising the utmost uL; atcli in this matter. ■Special attention given to tlie Sale of Kes. Estate, cither at Private or Public Sale. Cotton Sill s or Purchases will be carefully made, and wc hope to be able to give entire eat isfaction in this branch of our business. Partic ular attention given to the Sale of (train con signed to us. Wcltave ample Ffte-I'ktof Storage Room for Cotton and Merchandise.—*eoin4sa. STOVES] STOVES! We have in Store a great variety of excel!** Cooking - and Heating Stoves, G RATE RANGES, * Ami House Funnslsi!!" Goods of every description. Our COOKING STOVES consist of the Olive Branch, Empire State, ITcnry Clny, At. A* wc her e no Clerk Hire to pay, we can sell as Cheap ns any one in the South. Call and ex amine before purchasing elsewhere SCOFIELD, WILLIAMS & CC Jackson Street, near Belt Towel AUGUSTA, «a SOUTHERN BRANCH OF TITK NATIONAL STOVE WORKS. NEW rOR K . RICHARDSON & SANFORD, H holesalc and Retail Dealers ire STOVES, HOLLOW-WARE, BLOCK-TIN TIN-WARE, SHEET ARON, and Tinner’s Finding# Lamps, Cutlery, II OUSEF UUN I S 111 N G GOODS Os every Description, FLA TED, cC- BRIT TANIA WARE Key stone Block, Whitehall street, F. M. Richaedsos, ATLANTA, GA. L. V. Sasfobp. 29tf