Newspaper Page Text
I> O <J /V 3L.
Arrival of Trains in Greensboro
Day Passenger.
Arrive from Atlanta „ 10.51 n.m
*' “ Augusta.. .12.3ujV,n
Night Passenger.
rrivc from Atlanta 10."3 p m
“ “ Augusta 1.14 a m
Way Freight.
Arrive from Atlanta .5.20 a m
“ “ Augusta 4,05 pm
The Passenger Trains remain in Greens
boro 5 minutes; the Freight Trains 10 minutes.
School Notice.
MitsO W. Lank will resume the exercises of
Her School, at the Anna Cunningham Institute,
on Tuesday Octoberßth. sepl7thtf
T\ c w Art vvvtl s m cuts.
Stovall Butler have formed a
copartnership in the Warehouse and
General Commission Business Augus
ta, Ga.
Col. Butler, is well and favorable
known to our citizens, as strictly an
honest aud reliable man.
M. P. Stovall is one of the oldest
and most successful Merchants of
Augusta, and business entrusted to
them will receive prompt attention.
J. Sibley <fc Sons, This staunch and
popular firm have a card inthis issue.—
They are among the best merchants of
Augusta and the trading public will
find it to their interest to favor them
with their pationage.
Messrs. Brown, Jackson and Wal
ker, Commissioners, will sell a tract of
land situated in this county, belonging
to the Orphans of Richard S. Park
dee’d., ou the Ist Tuesday in October.
The large and valuable plantation
belonging to the late Major George 0.
Dawson lying near Albany in Dougher
ty will be sold by E. W, Seabrook, the
administrator, on the Ist Tuesday in
November. This is a rare cliane# for
apitalists to iuvr st.
Court.—The Superior Court for
Caeter.e county will be to se-s’on next week,
Soujc important cases ivill be tried.
Petersons Magazine for October is on our
tap'e ladeneil with a variety of choice
tending, aud is beautifully illustrated.
Mirror of Life. —This is the title of
f. fit tie sheet published by J. F. G.iecut in
A'lauta, Ir is devoted to Romance, Wit
aid Amusrmonf, and is tbc only paper of
its, kind published in (lie South, Mr. P,
offers preiuiuun to getter-up of clubs
i ■ rtns ohe dollar
Fall Trade.—Several of our mer
chants h iV" left for A w York to lay in
I heir F ill and W liter Supplies. From
present indications there will boa heavy
trade done in this place daring the cone
ing season,
U' V. W. II Branham will preach at the
Methodist Church to-morrow at the usual
The Mass Meeting
Pursuant to a call through the pub
lic prints, a large and respectable hum
iter of the citizens of this county, as*
semibled bt the Court House ou Satur*
day ias;, the 31st tilt.
(Jit motion, Judge L. B. Jackson
was called to the Chair, and Jno. K.
Spence, Esq., was requested to act as
According to announcement, Hon.
J. H. Seals was present and addressed
the meeting at some length, advising
the peop eto vote against a Convens
tion, and to organize a party in opposi
tiou to the radicals. At the conclusion
of his speech he offered, the following
resolutions which were unanimously
Whereas, The people of Georgia hav
ing accepted in good faith the results
of the late war & having evinced their
sincerity by promptly abolishing sla
very ; by repudiating their war debt J
by passing the Civil Rights Bill ; by
taking and observing an oath of loyal -
ty to the Constitution of the United
States ; and having for more than two
years obeyed a:I laws, proclamations
and orders, and done all and sin
gular, that has been required of them—
maintaining peace and good order a
mid heavy and cruel, and unjust exac
tions, having been illegally and unjust
ly restrained of personal rights, and de
prived of property by seizure under
false pretences, and having readily re
sponded to heavy and specific sectional
taxation without representation, in di
rect violation of a fundamental princi
ple in ail just Governments ; ana
Whereas, These ready concessions
and the extreme humility to which
they have prostrated themselves, has
failed to win the confidence or com
mand the respect and protection of
those who now control the Legislative
power of the Government :
Therefore be it Resolved
By tho citizens of Greene county, in
Mass Mectirg Assembled .
Ist. Thai further concessions by the
people of Georgia to the unconstitution
al demands of the Radical party is, in
the o tinion of til’s meeting, incompat
ible with their own safety and utterly
destructive of true liberty—the perma
nance of Free Republican Govern
ment and the peace and prosperity of
the nation.
2nd. That the people of this county
entertaining no feeling of hostility or
revenge toward the Government of the
United States, earnestly desire the
perfect reconstruction of the Union up
on the basis of Constitutional liberty
guarteeing to the citizens of each and
every State protection in person aud
3d That the Constitution, as adopt
ed atul construed by the fathers of the
Republic, is the palladium of American
liberty, and that no party or organiza*.
tion which seeks to destroy or subvert
it is worthy the confidence or respect
of the people.
4th. That firmly helicvintr there
is yet sufficient patriotism and
Conservative strength in the country to
defeat and destroy the Radical party,
wo earnestly invite the citizens of the
other counties of this State (or terri
tory!. a »d the oitizens of all live States,
to unite with us in one combined effort
to accomplish that object.
sth. Being wholly aud bitterly op
posed to all schemes designed to per
petuate Radical power in this State, and
believing the Convention, as now
called under the Reconstruction Mili
tary Bills, has none other than party
purposes in view, we are opposed to
said Covrntion.
6th. That the right of each State
to determine the status of its own
citizens, has been carefully reserved to
the States in the formation of the
General Government, and has never
since been delegated ; that the elective
franchise is not a natural right but
has always been regulated and control
led by State legislation.
7th. That tree speed) and a free
press are inalienable rights under a re
publican government, and all attempts
to interdict the one or destroy the
other are antagonistic to the principles
of a free government.
Sth. That the efforts of the Radical
party to use the colored population as
tools for effecting party purposes by,
misrepresentations and impositions
upon their ignoranco, should receive
universal and unqua ified condemna
9th, That the Southern people are
the only true friends to the colored
race, and that they feel tmder the most
solemn obligations to instruct them and
to accord them all the civil rights to
which they arc entitled under the law,
and Since they &to amenable to the
same laws which control the white race
we cordially invite them to unite with
us to defeat the Radical party, which
taxes their labor and whose entire
creed is rt war with every interest of
both races.
10th. That all papers, North and
South favorable to organizing the
conservative strength of tho whole
country in opposition to the Radicals,
lie r< quested to publish these proceed
ings to induce if possible, similar
mcet’ngs, and rouse the people to ac
On motion of Dr. Parks, it was
Resolved, That the proceedings of
this meeting be published in the
Greensboro’ Ilcrahl and the Augusta
Chronicle 6f Sentinel, and the Hon. J.
11. Seals be requested to furnish a
copy of his speech for publication.
The meeting then adjourned.
L. B. Jackson, Cli’n.
J. K. Spence, Sccj.
Greensboro’ Aug. 31, 1867.
M. P. stovall, and. e. butler,
Ot Augusta Ga. Os Madison Morgan co
Cotton Warehouse
Augusta, Ga.
HAVE formed a Partnership for tlie purpose
of conducting tilt above Misiiyss, Tl ej
will deVot. their best energies to advance tti •
interests of their customers in the
Storage and Sale of Cotton and other
M. P. Stovall is well known as having been
successfully engaged for many years m this
D. E. Butler is also favorably know n as long
connected with Ike Planting interest and public
enterprise of the /State.
Office and Sales Room corner of Jackson and
Reynold -Streets, now occupied by M. P. Ntovoll.
Commissioners Sale !
Georgia, Greene County.—
IN puisuance ot an order of the Superior Court
of siad County, will be sold at public outcry
on the
Ist Tuesday in October
next before the Court House of said county be
tween the usual hours of sale the tract of land
U!cm"ins to the Orphan s of Richard S. Park
situated in saidcotmly, and adjoining lands of
Feiborn Lawrence, Augustus L. Kimbrough and
otlie; s, containing Nine Hundred »fc ninety two
acres, more or less. Sold for partition. Terms
cash on the day of sale.
Jas. L. Brown.
L. B. Jackson.
Jno. E. Walker.
J. Sibley & Sons.
Gen’ral Commission Merchants
No 6 Warren Block,
WILL give their personal attention to the
c .le and storage of Cotton and other Mer
chandise. Consignments solicited.
Cash advances on Cotton or Merchandise in
Also keep on hand Bagging, Rope and Salt
general grocqr t
JJo. 29 7, Broad Street,
A few doors below Planters Hotel.
octl2 3m40 AUGUSTA GA,
Administrator’s Sale.
BY virtue ot an order from the Honorable
Court of Ordinary of Greene County;
Georgia, will be sold on the
Ist Tuesday in Novcmbernext,
in front ot the Court House in the city of Albany
Dougherty County, between the ureal hours of
sale, the tine Cotton P ilation of the late -Ma
jor George (). Dawson, lying in Dougherty Coun
ty about 12 miles from the city oi .Albany con lain
ing about ,f even Hundred Acres (Oak nod
Hickory) La A, of which almut 630 ore cleared,
adjoining lam: of Peter McLaren. George Wal
ker. John ii. Jones ami land lormerly owued by
Jeren.' > Beall.
Also will he soB on the 2"th of December
next, on the Placlaron, between the usual hours
of sale all the personal property pertaining to the
said Plantation. Terms cash. Plantation to be
delivered on the Ist of January next, aud per
sona! property on the day of sale.
sept"—tds .Administrator.
“WANTED to make an arrangement” with a
” live man in every county, who wishes to
make money, and can give good references, No
capital required. Will sell a business now pay
ing $1,500 per month, and rely otf the profit*
for my pay. Address J. C. TILTON,
4t Pittsburg, Ta.
A HOME FOR $1.00!
Gr. M, Gulleft’s Raffle.
no failure this time
To Take Place in Macon, Ga.
OCT. ISth, 1857.
My only object in offering this
scheme lor public patrouage, is prompt
ed by a desire to sell my Real Estate
all at, once, or lose it in the attempt. I
have reduced the price of tickets in
the reach of all, and have placed every
thing on the list at a fair valuation.
Every Fourth Ticket takes a
■ - SS.D a 3
Nu Ptize IVoilli Less Thau $1.25
All the Plated-ware, <fcc., we offer,
is put down at the lowest retail price
for such goods. You stand a chance
of getting the best prize on the list for
The price asked for tickets is ex
ceedingly small, in view of the gain
in prospect. If you should miss the
first, second or third prizes, there are
many others which are worth two hun
dred fold the amount subscribed.
Those who prefer, can adopt this
plan in ordering tickets: When the
ainouut they wish to invest amounts
to as mnch as |2\ they esn deposit the
amount they wislt to invest in the
hands of some gentleman who will in
form me of such deposit, and i will
send the tickets ; provided I am ac
quainted with him, or lie can give tne
good references as to his honesty, Ac.,
He can hold the money subject to ray
order after the Raffle lias taken place.
One 't icket, $1 ft)
Five “ 4 s'>
Ten *« 9 00
Eleven “ 1000
Twenty" 18 00
Fifty “ 44 00
Below will be found a list of the prizes :
1 Cotton riantati'Mi, 1200 acres. $15,000
1 Eight room bouse & 2 acre lot
in the city of Griffin 4.0 0
200 acre* La a in Macon county 1,200
150 do do do do 1,000
150 do do do do 1,00"
100 do do do do 800
100 do do do do 800
50 dO do do do 300
50 do do do do ~300
50 do do do do 300
. f 0 do do do do 300
1 Half Acre Lot and Uvo room House,
in the city of Atlanta, 800
1 Quarter Acre Lot and two room House,
1 in the city of Atlanta, 300
15 Quarter Acre Lo t in suburbs of
the city of Atlanta sllO each...... 1,650
I splendid sett China 250
6 Woodruffs Concord Buggies/
$225 each. i -.. .1,350
1 fine eighteen carat Watch, ...150
5 Ladies fine enameld Watches,
$125 each 625
6 Ladies line enameled Watches,
SIOO each .500
10 Tea/Setts, six pieces each, 87 each.... 750
10 do do four do do 40 do.. .400
250 Fifty picture Alliums, 5 each, 1,250
10 Elaborate Ice Pictures, 25 each, 250
1C Cake Baskets, heavy plated, 15 each,. .150
10 Ladies’ Work Boxes, 20 eeacb, 200
20 setts double plated Cstors, 30 each 800
sooGold Pens, in cases, 2 5o each
200 setts heavy plated Castors. 6 ooi da
2000 heavy plated Fruit Knives, 2 oo do
15c Butter Dishes, 5 oo do
000 Chased Cups, heavy plated,.. 2 oo do
150 Card Stands, do do 500 do
1800 Butter Knives, do do 1 25 to 3 oo do
100 sets Dining Forks, heavy plated, 5 oo do
2ooo’/S'teel Engravings, 1 25 do
500 setts Tea /Spoons, 3 oo do
500 do Gold-lined Salt Castors, 350 do
800 do do Goblets, 3 oo do
550 do Desert Spoons, 5 oo do
A duplicate number for each tickets
will be placed in a round box, on
small pieces of card, and mixed indis
criminately. 7’hc first nnmber drawn
takes the first prize, the second the
second prize* Every fourth ticket
takes a prize. The drawing will take
place in public, and conducted by dis
interested meu, under oatb.
For full desrieptious of property and
my references, send for a circular, as
tax is so heavy I will have only oue
place to sell tickets.
Those who wsih to buy tickets in
this Special Plan, can do as follows - -
1 will sell a one dollar ticket for fifty
cents ; if it draWs a prize vou pay $2
for the prize or not take it. 1 will
sella one dollar ticket for twenty-five
cents ; if it draws a prize you pay $4
fqr the prize or not take it. Oiie ad~
vantage ia investing in this way is
this : IfyDU should pay twenty-five or
fifty cents for a ticket aad it should bo
a blank, you are out only so mecn ;
whereas if it wasoue dollar, you would
be out fifty or seventy-five cents more..
M GIJLIiEII Griffin Ga
Edward Wilders
Stomach B i tters
Will cure Dyspepsia, Liver Com
plaint and all species of In
digestion, luiermittent
Fever. Fever nr tl
Ague and all Periodical Dioorders.
It will give immediate relief in Colic and Flux.
It will cunt Cosllveut-re.
It ia i' mild aud delightful /uvignrant for deli
cate Females.
It is a sale .Dili-Bilious Alterative aud Tonic
foe ali Family purposes.
It is a powerful Reeuperant after the frame
has been debilitated or reduced by richness
It, is an cxeeleut Appetiser as well as strength
etier of the digestive force”.
It is desirable alike as a Corrective and mild
the Core of the above Diseases this
preparation stands unrivaled, and its good and
permanent effects are attested by thousand*, and
it is recommended aline not only bv the ablest
medical men; but also by the ministry,
Try It. alj yon that are afflicted, and be
convinced of its wonderful power ami beneficial
Edward Wilders
■— am t jm. mm xx•
An Hitfaili' g and rapid cure lor Scrofulain all
its forms* every known variety o Constitutional
Syphilis or Venerial Disease, Neuralgia. .Skin
Diseases—no matter liotv old or Irtvetrate—
Chtonic Rheumatism, Sehrofulous Sore Eyes,
Glandqlar Swellings of tho neck or elsewhere,
Chronic Chills and Fever, Tetter; Weeping Sore
Leg, Ulcers of every kind, I’lrtpla* on the face
ringworm, scald-head, falling of the hair
allopecia, white swelling, hip-joint l)i case . 51
Morbus iVJo-itis]- chrouie erysipelas, driJ 01
Ague-cake. Ac
tofc. For the rapid and permanent cure of the
above Diseases this preparation stand unrivaled
A cure is guaranteed it» every case where it is
used accorping to directions.
Edward Wilder’s
This prepare!io lis specially recommended ns
affording certain end p ompt relief in Coughs,
Colds, ani Catarrhs of every description. In
Bronchitis, Larinjjytis, and Asthma or Phthisic
it gives inun -diate comfort and relief. It, is
also admirably adapted lo relief of the cough
and diflieiili vol breathing in Consuption. D is
in ispensabie in Pneumonia or Winter Fever,
Pleurisy, aud every conceivable form of Pulmo
nary Disease attended with cough difficulty of
braathi g. or p ain. Per taste, efficiency, and
pofvcr this medicine has no equal, and when used
in any of the above diseases lias never been
ku vtn (o tail to give almost instant relief fol
lowed by certain and peruinent cure.
Edward Wilder’s
For tbc core of Constipated and Sluggish
Bowels. T i .''esc conditions of the a imeutayy
canal thev arc Guaranteed to be pcrlectly, f»-
fnilible. Asa Purgative in all Fevers and Iti
flamnm 'o iof fit Liver, brain, kidneys, and
btadde.l, t.i erysipelas fever and ague, adnje
Opthalo'V. o - sore eyes, fullness of the head,
vertigo, dixxino.-s, blindness. <fcc., they cannot
be ejected. These Pills wifi be found, on trial,
to be fai-f.upcri l- 10 any other combination of
medicines in the reubl and certain cureot all
th > above disuas They should be taken with
Edward Wild-risSareapariHa and Potash in the
dis ases ; n which umt remedy is recommended ,
and with Litwaru Wilder s Compound Extract of
wild eheriy ‘n coughs, colds, etc;, and with
Edward Wilder's Stomach Bitters for cbi-Us and
ever and fever aud ague.
-15 Marble Front 3lain street
Foreal* is Greensborb
New Spring and Sum me r
O O O D st J ■
7j| Ip)
HAVE just received Spring Prints in new and beautiful styled, at from 12
to 20 cents. Beautiful Mozambiques for spring dresses, at 25 eontsper yd
Dress Goods in Silks. ..Hpaccas, Lenos, Embroidered Poplins, Plain Poplins,'
Poil Brodes, Grenadines, (silk aud cotton) Chambrays, Ginghams &c. Wliito
Iron j'.eregc. French and Irish Swiss, Silks (white and coFd) Tarltons, White
stripe arJ checked Swiss, all kinds of Domestic Goods in bleached and un
bleached Shirtirqrs, Sheetings, Plaids, Stripes, Tickings, Denims Ac. <fc*
Handkerchiefs, Linen Cambric, Embroidered Lawn, cotton and silk. Hosiery
and Gloves for ladies gentlemen aud children. Parasols %nd sun Umbrellas
from 75 cents (cotton) to $5 beaded silk, ladies' misses’ childrens’ and youths’
Hats and Bonnets—latest -tvlts aud at very low prices, Flowers, Wreaths, Rib
bons aud straw Trimmings, Notions, &c.
As wc receive Goods every week
From ISTo-W orlr
wc can give our customers the benefit in prices, styles and fa-hions. W’c sell
at a small advance on New x ork cost. Samples given: and goods shown with
pleasure. Goods ordered eau be returned rs fhey arC' not as represented in
price and quality.
/I addition to the above, the subscribers Offer to their friends and th* pub.
lie, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Provis
ions, Meal, Ac. »&c.
Having agon's ih Charleston, Savannah and New York, they will furnish
Goods a j cheap as they can be bought at those points—freight added.
100 Hogsheads Muscfvado Molasses,
at 75 cents per gallon, or 70 cehts fjy (he hogs-head. Country produce taken
in exchange for goods. [Greensboro’, Ga.' May 11th—ts
Horse anil Cattle Poxaers.
eases incident \%
thi* animal, such as GLANDERS,
use improves the
wind, increases M Wawfflf fp'
Ihe appetite -gives ft M »
a smooth and
glossy skin—and
transforms th eW
miserable skeleton into a fine-looking and spirited
To keepers of Cows this preparation is in valuable
It increases the quantity ana improves the quality
much faster.
In all diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcert in
the Lungs, Liver,
Ac , this article
nets as a specific. i
Mv putting f. in S
half * |< ii>-r '
to a paptr in a
barrsl of swill the ~-z===^-W
Above diseases ~
will be sradicatsd '
or entirely prsvtatetf If given in time, a certain
pruvsnttve aud curs for tho llog Cholera.
Trite 2$ Cents per Paper, or 5 Papers for sl.
S. A.. FOUTZ & into.,
Ho. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md.
For Sale by Druggists and Storekeepers through
out the United States.
For sulc by W. GRIFFIN, Grecnsboro,Go«
Improved Billiard Tables,
Well know i to be sup-rior to any now in use.
Miiimfactoi'V, 43. Mercer St.; !V. Y
fTNIIE great popularity of i-HARP'S IM-
led it neccawy to make extensive arrnn«'eni( its.
in ofdcr to supply tlie itfcfrSsiri'r dewiamf. and
he i. now prepared to fill tiny order with which
liis patrons, or the pnMic generally, may fav6r
him. , ,
W. .1. Sharp having had practical exp.-ticncr
for nearly twenty years, iu the inanufactu.a of
Billiard Tallies,and having made a number of
valuable improvements, he euarafilees a Table,
which l*r elasticity of toaeb. mi clmnical con
struction on seientitic winciples, and elegance of
appearance* will challenge competition. ,
His newly invneted patent Cushions having
been pronounced by tbc most competent judges
to su|ierior to any now in use, uc is enabled to
furnish the best Dillard Table manufactured in the
United States. ?hto sustain the name which Sharps
Tables so justly have a choired.
Balls, Cues and Triinings constantly on hand.
Old Cushions repaired at short Orders by
mail punctually attend' and to.
Seuif for descriptive circular and price list.
w. f. Sharp.
niayid—u. 43Merc’cr Ntreet. New York.
Bv virtue ot an order of the lion. Court of
Ordinary of Greene County, Georgia, will be sold
at auction, before Cos At House door ,n GreensA
boi*o. Iff said bounty, on (be first Tuesday In
October next, between the lawful hours of sale,
the following tract (rs fa'fid In Said county,
to wit : a tract ot laud silueted on the waters
of Kush Cfeek. adjoining lands of A. B. Phrlps
p.nd Frederick Havant, containing 91 acres, more
or less, the sa'me being the tract whe’etm Eliza
beth-Htint and John Pcrdee reside.
Sold as the property of the estate of George
W. Hunt, late of Chambers Ctfnn'ty, Alabama
deceased, for the purpose of paying the debts
and for distribute.
Terms of sale cash.
Adm'i of the Estate of George W. Hunt,
This August Bth, 1867. — GOd
Messrs, l. p. walker A do , Louiswiie
Ky.,are authorized Agents for the Bkh
xi.t. Business transacted b/ them wirl be duty
I ckaotvledged by me;
GEORGIA, Greene County.
WHEREAS, Valentine D. Gresham and
Marshal K. Moral I, Executors of the last will
and testament of William Do Maddox, deceased
petitions the Court of Ordinary Os said countv
for letters of dismission r.
These are ihefefore to cite and require all per
sons concerned t-o show cause against the grant
ing of the discharge of said Executors, and issu
ing to them Letters Djsmissorv. at thq Court o
Ordinary Übe held in and for said countv
on the first Monday in September next. * f
Giv< n dinner mv hand at office in Greensboro
FebVniry tltb, 18W. EUGENI US L, KrNG',
hob. 15th wtd. Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Greene' County.—
TWO months after date, to, wit ; at the next
August Term of the Court of Ordinary of said
county, application wifi be made to said Court
for leave to' Sell afl,the. Land belonging to tho
est'feof Gvoige W. Hunt, late of Alabama
dec’d., for the purpose of paying the deb's and
for distribution. A’aifl Land is situated inGrecse
eounty, G»,
This 18th day of May, 1867. .. -
uly6—tf Adnt’r of George W. Hunt.
ApptftsrtlCn will be made to the Court of Ordi
nary of Grceje Bounty, Ga.. at, the firstregu
lar term after the expiration of two months from
this notice, for leaWe tti sell the land befocgfng
to the estate of Avchibald Tarpley, late of said
county deceased, for the purpose of dia ribatiou.
This July 3rd 1867
of Estate of Archibald Tarpley
Application will be made to the Court of Ore
dirrary Pf Greene CoffUty, Georgia, at the first
regular term after the expiration of two months
from tiffs' notice, for leave to sell the land, [the
same being a tract of land in Lee County, Geor
gia, containing ]()| 1-4 acres, more or less,]
belonging to John R. Cook. Jasper T. Cook and
Jaitfts C. Cock, orphans of Elisha Cook, lafo of
Lye County, Georgia, deceased, for the purpose
of paying the debts, and for the benefit of said
This July 24th, 1867. THOMAS AKINS,
Guardian of she ofnhans of Elisha Cook, dec'd.
ncMce; i
Vpplication «ill b 6 made to to the Court of
Ordinary of Greerfc ctmUty, Georgia, at (fie
fir.-t regular term after the expiration of two
months from this notice, for leaye to sett the
Land belonging to fife estate 6f Archibald H,
Perkins, late ofsai.d connfy dec'd for the pur
pose 6f paying the debts Os said estate.
Tfifis Jirfy Ist 1867,
Martha A, Perkins, Adm’x,
of Estate of Archibald 11. Perkins
dec’u .
Notice so Debtors k Creditors
A Lt persons having demands against Solomon
rm P. Arnold late 6f GreeneConty G., deceased,
will present them to me ia terms of the Law,
and all indebted to said deceased will make im
mediate payment t6‘ me.
J* S. li. BROWN
A dmr. ot Salomon P. Arnold;
CoiftoK. Factoi’s
C rfier of Reynolds and Campbell Streets
Augusta, Georgia.
ACS.dTS FOR ReSD# PrtOSriTATE.-Vgißomf S'
HEAREAFTER, until further notice, Urn
advertispin'en'ts connected with (he Office of
the Ordinary County Judge, Sheriff - . Clerk of the
Superior and Inferior Courts of Greene Comity
Georgia, witl be Jfublished in the ‘-Opinion” a
newspaper published in Atlanta Ga._
Eugenius L. King, Ordinary.
Columbus Heard, County Judge,
J. H. English, Sheriff,
f Saac R. Hall, Clerk «
Superior and Inferior Corls,
THE object of the Pub'ibhcrg, is the dissemi
natfenof intelligeßie, rsUgfcms, »ml moral
principles, among all classes, of our people, the
Messenger, will also devote a portion of its
vp'ace to the interest of the, Masonic Fkatkum
tj, and hopes to receive a liberal patronago
from that class, of people; Subscription Price
two dollars a year. Address
August# G»»