The Greensboro herald. (Greensboro, Ga.) 1866-1886, September 28, 1867, Image 4

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God Bless Them. _ c , the “nice girls” hns written an nn* io the verses entitled “Uud Bless the tree » .i., thus: God bless the boys, Who thrill our joy s, With loving, tender kisses 1 Who squeezo our hands Or loose our bands Os flowing silken tresses; Then romp and swing Is o’er the spring, Ailown the shady hollow ; 'Tis all the sainf. They're not to blame. Love leads, and they hat follow. God bless the men 1 We say amen 1 Who buy us shawls and dresses, Or candied drops, Or lcmbn pops, Stand treat when heat oppresses! The ducks and dears, We’ll soothe their fears, And sltow a heap of sonow, ■ Just as rt suits, For gloves or boots, That’s wanted for the morrow. Oh, can’t we wile. And coax and smile, When they of cash seem weary To get the “job” And ease their fob, Leaving them ne’er a •“nary.” A Remarkable Fiibkomknon. — Under the title of “The Earth Burning,” the Corinth News relates the following ; Several persons were in Corintli last Sat uiday, who gave some startling accounts of the earth’s being on fire about four miles west of Hamburg, Tenn., Mr. Brooks who lives fourteen rnilis northwest of Corinth had a pasture in which was a pond of water about twenty-five by seventy five Let, and the water during the summer having disap peered, he cleared off the ground to sow it in turnips. While burning the trash from the piece of ground, the locality that had been covered with the water, ignited from the burning trash, and the entire space where the pond had formerly stood has continued to blaae brilliantly for the past ten days. lie becoming alarmed and feaiing that hi* entire (arm would be consumed and turned into an embankment of rislies, dug ditches around the burning space and filled them with water, lie has poured largo quantities of water on the burning earth, hut it did not extinguish tl e flames. Thesmell from the burning earth is represented as being peculiar and marked. m «• •• m» A certain negro was so convinced of the lowliness of bis race that he was indifferent as to his future state, believing that “dey’ll make niggers work eben in heaben !” A clergyman tried to argue him out of his opinion by representing this not to be the case, 89 there was no work in Ilaaven for him or any one else to do. His answer was, ‘‘You gwo way ma»ra, 1 know better. If dere’s no work for cullud pussuns up dar dey’ll make um shnb de clouds along !” T>ark Hours.— Some writers says: To every man there are many, many daik hours —when he (eels inclined to abandon his best enter pi ise—hours when be feels unequal to his burden, when all inspirations seem w orthless ; hours when his heart’s best hopes appear delusive. Let no one th:ok that he alone lias daik hours They are the com inon lot of humanity. They are touch stoma to try whether we arc current coin or not. Tract distributing has its funny incidents- During the war a lady passing from cot to cot through the w ards of a hospital, was ehceked to hear one ftllow laugh at her. She stopped to rebuke the wretched patient 4 Why, loik here, ma’am,” said he, “You have given me a tract on the sin of dancing, when I have got both legs shot off.” A story is told of a man named Walker, who went to a Dutch tailor and had his nuasure taken fora pair of pantaloons, lie gave directions to have them made large and full. Wa'ker was a heavy man and liked hi* clothes loose, aud w hen he came to try on bis unmentionables, found that they s' lick tight to his legs, whereat he thus remonstra ted r “I told you to make the pants full.” After some o! jurgatoiy expressions of a pro' sane nature, the tailor ended the Controversy bv declaring t ’ I dings dese bants is full enough, if dey was auy fuller dey would sphlit P There were some amusing scenes at the polls at Nashville on election day. One new born freedman presented his mar' riage license instead of a registration certificate. Another brought his wife with him to the baliotsbox. “She can t vote," said he "but bress Gsxl, I fotch her along to see that 1 kin, by g°hy •” A person having purchased some Ha vanas, commenced smoking them, when his eye caught the notice “No smoking allowed.” “ Well !” he exclaimed, ad' dressing the Druggist, “that is ad and pretty joke ; you sell a fellow and then won’t let him smoke them." "Yes,” replied the Druggist, "and I sell emetics, too, but I don’t intend to have them ta ken in my store." It is a good thing to have utility and beauty combined, as the poor wash'wo man said when she used her thirteen children for clothes'pins. Slanders issuing from beautiful lips are like spiders crawling from the blushing heart of a rose. Why is a man that fails io kissing a lady Uki a shipwrecked fisherman 1 Because he has lost Lis smack. lIER M A N N , DEAIKU IX Flue Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, anti Silver-ware. And Spectacles of all kinds. I have on hand n splendid stock of DIAMONDS. Gold Watchis, Clo.ks, Silver Spoons nnd Forks, Fine s>-(» Jewelry, Etruscan, Garnett,’ Coral, Jet, Onyx, Carbuncle and P. arl ; also a tine stork of Chains nnd Charms. Old h orui oes’Corner, Whitehall and Marietta, Street, Atlanta, Ga. Watches carefully icpair.dnnd \Yarianted.— Diamond* lie-net..—3m4l yy m~ boll m an , —nu a i r.a in— WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, GOl. D PEX S,, ScO., Whitehall Street, 2d Door above M. Lynch it Co’* Book Store, near 1!. It. Croming, Atl an ta, Gc o rgin. Repairing done in good Gyle nnd Warranted. .1 m 41 POLLARD, C 0. Cotton Factors WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSI ON MEll CIIA NTS C ru c r of Reynold* and Campbell Street* AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. JigT Aokxts for Rued* Pm>«riiATE.“%SH3n]4s FALL & WINTER IMPORTATION! —1 8 G 7. — RIBBONS, Millinery & Straw Goods, ARMSTRONG, CATOR & CO., Importer* nnd Jobbers of BONNET, TRIMMING, A VELVET RIBBONS, Bonnet Silk*, Satins and Velvets, Blonds, Nett*, Craiio*, Rnohes. Flower*, Feather*, Ornnmonts, Straw Bonnet * and Ladies ’ Hats, (Trimmed and Untrimmed.) Nil AHE R IIOODS, Ac. 237 and 239, Baltimore street, BALTIMORE, MD. Offer the largest. stock to be found in this Country, nnd unequalled in choice, variety nnd cheapness, comprising the la e t Parisian nov eities. Orders solicited and prompt attention gven. Aug. 24,2 m POLLARD, COX & CO7 GENERAL GROCERY AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 29 7, Broad Street, A few doors below l’lanters Hotel. octl2 3m45 AUGUSTA GA‘ ~J. E. GULL ATT, BRASS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE Sll OP, Atlanta, Georgia. REPAIRS Saw Mills, Grist Mills and Cotton Gins BOILERS MADE AND REPAIRED. BSiF’t'mnkc Stacks and all other Sheet-Iron and Blacksmith Work executed.“©B Will fill all Ordeis for Guage, Steam and Water Codes. Also Manufacturer of a Superior ail tele of ANTI-FRICTION METAL. 81,| 26 Shop opposite Ga. R. It, Shop. ATLANTA MACH iy WORKS AND IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY ! PORTER & BUTLER rjiorniKToßS. We are prepared to manufacture ami repair M acliinory, Such ns Portable and Stationary Steam Engines nnd Boilers, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, die House & Brown’s Horse Power, Wright’s Patent Cotton Screw-, Gins, Fans, Bark Mills. Also Lt uid ing Fronts, Iron Bailings, Sugar Mills, and Boilers, Pipes, Pulleys, Car Wheels and Railroad Castings of every description. C.4F"l'aitings made without extra charge for patterns when in regular line of work.'tysa JtagpSaws Re-Toothed and Gummed in the best manner, “%S8 TERMS CASH! Jas. 11. Torter, ) Old Stand of J. L. Dunning, R. ]L Butler, J 6m26 Atlanta, Ga. me-mv CARRIAGES, ROCKAWAYS, Buggies and Plantation Wagons The Manufactory of A. 3’. Finney, on Forsyth street, Atlanta, Ga„ is daily turning out substantially finished and fashionable work, to v. hich the attention of all wishing to porch.,se, is respectfully invited. Several Pleasure Vehi cles nnd a number of Plantation Wagons are completed, and will be disposed of at reasonable figures. Orders will be promptly filled, and are respectfully solicited. Charges moderate, and all work wan anted. Manufactory and Warerooms on Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga., nearly opposite the Opera Hall. 1y26 A. T. FINNEY, Atlanta, Ga, TOMMEY & STEWART DEALERS Hardware, Iron & Steel, Cutlery, TOOLS OF ALL KINDS, HARNESS, BRIDLES, COLLARS, Leather, Buggy Materials, Ac. At the Sign of the Mill Saw, and Gam« Ccck Whitehall Street, t : ATLANTA. GA jan.4s6-ly STEVENS HOUSE, 21, 23,25 N. 27 Hroailway, N. V Ojpo’nte Buttling Green, . ON THE EUROPE AN PLAN. rpilE Stevens House is wall and widely known 1 to the traveling public. Tne location is espocailly suitable to merchant* and business men ; it is in close proximity to the businefr part ol the city—is on the highway ot .Southern uud Western travel—and adjacent to all the principal Railroad nnd HVnmboat depots. THE STEVENS HOUSE ha* liberal accommo dation lor o.u-r SUO guests- it is well furnished, aud possesses every modern iiripravment lor the comfort and entertainment of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and well Vcntillated—pro vided with gas and water—the attendance is prompt and respectful—and the table i* gener ously provided with every delicacy of the season at moderate rates. The rooms having been refurnished and re modeled, we are enabled to offer extra facilities for the comfort and pleasure of Guests. GEO. K. CHASE & CO, junels-Gms \ 11,AM 1 A MARBLE WORKS. B . OATM AN, Agent, And business Manager. "W 3VE. C3r Id. -A. Y PROP’B, Importer nnd Dealer in ITALIAN', BLOCKADILLE, AND WHITE RUTLAND STATUARY MARBLE. We are now receiving and have in store, a large nnd desirable stock of finished and rouhg Marble, which we ofTer to the public on the most Reasonable Terms. Owing to the high price of Marble at this time, many persons are kept from purchasing, I propose to reduce prices so that all can buy.— My facilities are such for purchasing the materi al, that 1 will be satiefied with sma 1 profits and quick sales —such is my motto. We are prepared to furnish, in thebest style, Monuments, carved and plain, Box Tombs, ’lab lets, carved and plain, Head-Stones, Urns, Vases, Mantles, &c., and furnishing Marble of all de scriptions. With good nnd experienced workmen in all depart ments ot the business, we hope to merit a share of public patronage. Designs of Monu ments and other work in Marble, furnished gratis. Orders solicited nnd promptly filled. Office and Yard adjoining Bellvue Hotel, and opposite Georgia Railroad Depot.—3n;2G HENRY, MOORE & GENUNG, Manufacturers and Jobbers of CLOTHING. At>. r»*£‘£ Uroadway, Opposite St. Nicholas Hotel, isriErw Pniur Henry , Jr., formerly o! Henrys, Smith A Townsend. John T. Hunky, formerly ofSaulsbury & Henry. Ahkx. T. Moors, 1 formerly with Henry*.Smith Isaac P. GKxuxa, \ Townsend. Wo have ready a large, handsome and well assorted stock of Urady-Made l.loUuivg, manufactured by us exclusively for the SOUTH ERN TRADE, which we are prepared to sell at Low Prices and on Liberal Terms. Our Stock is adapted in mateviaf, style, lengths, and sizes, exclusively to the South, and 'comprises goods from the Lowest Priced to the Finest made, including a large assortment ol goods for The recent decline in woolen and cotton fab ric s will ei able us to oiler Clothing at Much Lower Pnices than it has been sold for at any time since 18(>0. Cash and Close Buyers from the South are in vited to examine our stock before purchasing, as we believe we can oiler them great induce ments. We will be happy to receive orders, and our long experience m the Southern business enables us to make selections which will be certain to give aiitire satisfaction. Descriptive Catalogues with prices scut by mail if desired. HENRY, MOORE & GENUNG, 622 Broadway. New York, July, 1867. 3m New LIQUOR House! |> M. ROSE, & CO., No. 2, Granite Block, Broad Street, ATLANTA, - - GEOKGIA. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BRANDIES. WINES, WHISKIES, GINS, RUMS, &c IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS Os every grade, offered at Low Pi ices Those in want of Pure Liquors, For Medical nnd other purposes, will always find our Foreign Liquors ns wc represent them, and wc fftrthcrmora Warrant and Guarantee them to lie Geutiine and Unadulterated. 7in26 TO SPORTSMEN’ (1 UNS, PISTOLS, and AMMUNITION. Just JK cccived, a full assortment of Single and Double Barreled GUNS. Colt’s Repeaters, (all sizes.) Smith it Wesson, Merwiu & Bray’s," and Remington’s PISTOLS. Powder, Shot, and Gun Wadding. Best quality Water-proof Capa. All kinds Pistol Caps, Metallic Cartridges, for all Pistols. All kinds of Powder Flasks and Shot Bags. DOOR and DRAWER LOCKS, (all sizes. 13 oil II angi ng* ANI) KEYS FITTED TO ORDER. at shirt notice. A general assortment of every thing to be found in a well stocked Gun ai.d Locksmith Store. REPAIRING done promptly and in the biet manner, and on the lowest terms. Remember the place. W. D. BOWEN, Over Barry & Batty’s L>rug Store. 6m22 290 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. Q A. WILLIAMS, & CO., 'commission merchants, In («raln, Flour, Provisions, Kc. 259 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. Cash Advances made on Shipments, without charge,for advancing Connri sion. A large stock of Bacon, Flour, and Grain, always on hand June 14— CONYERS MALE AND FEMALE A. C ~DJE M Y ! rpilE TRUSTEES of tlii* popular Institution, .1 lake great pleasure in announcing to the public that they have secured and associated the services of Mr. A. W. ROWLAND, A. M,, w ith Mr. R. A. GUINN, the former Principal of the Stdiool, who will now jointly tokechnrge of the Institution, and at once enter upoh the r labors in the School Room. The Seminary is located in (lie Village of CONYERS, in tlie upper part of Newton coun ty—easy of ncccss from all directions—the Georgia Rail Rond passing through the heart of the Village. If a combination of favorable circumstances to secure n good practical Business Education, will tend to induce parents to send their children (o School, the Trustees think they can safely promise advantages here, seldom enjoyed in similar Institutions. Located a* the School is, in a healthy section, excellent pure water, the tone of the citizens moral and religious.— Ineonnection with these advantages, the Prin cipals are both high-toned, moial, nnd pious gentlemen. Mr. R. A GUINN has a large experience in Teaching, and has been successful in making himself universally popular as such. Mr, ROWLAND is a native of Green Co.,Ga., is n graduate of Emory College, has some expe rience in teaching, and comes to us highly recommended by the Faculty of Emory College. Arrangements will be made to accommodate all in the Sehool who may apply, as the Trus tees, in connection with the Teachers, and citi zens generally, are determined to build up a School here, second to none. No pain* or ex pense veil! be spared to make it such. Every reasonabla advantage will be afforded, so tliat no applicant need go away for want of facilities on our part. Board can be had in Good Families "in the Village, at the Lowest Living Rates. Jsalfßates of Tuition moderate. JOEL BTANSELL, 1 J. L. STEWART, J. A. STEWART, J. REAGAN, J-Trustees. T. SAPPINGTON, N. HOLLINGSWORTH, | D. TANARUS, WHITE J April 8, 1867.—20tf CHAS, E. CI.AGHOKN. WM. y. HERRING, AND W M. JACKSON. CLAGHORN, HERRING & CO-, COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION ME iCHANTS, No, 120 Chesnut Street, ) No. 7 Warren Block, Philadelphia, Pa. f Augusta, Ga. Consignments of CQTTON, WHEAT, anl other Produce so’ieitel Have ample and excellent Close Storage and will make reasonable Cash Advance* o i Consignment* when, desire 1, aud will give personal attention to the sale of the sa no. Agent* for the sale of Augusta Factory Goods in Philadelphia, and will furnish them in Augusta, at Factory Prices. A stock of Bagging, Burlaps Rope, an 1 Baling Rope kept constantly on han 1, and for sale at Lowest Market Prices.—3m4o E. E. BLOEG-ETT & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN BOOT SAND SHOES, 27 9 BROAD STREET 1 , AUGUSTA,:: ; : G E 0 R G I A Will Keep a Largo and Well Selected Stock of n d> O T S an dL s XI O US S From some of the PRINCIPAL MANUFACTORIES North and East, and some experience at our command, we feel warranted in guaranteeing to all who may favor us witli their patronage, entire satisfaction. VVe arc constantly in receipt of as fine an assortment of Ea atD3IB S s A53 S3 S3 OSS S§" 8 3©gS, g.lyly As can be had in this Market. Give use-all at 279 BROAD STREET. DR. 11. SELLS, ANDREW DUNN, I. P. GLENN, President, Seci etary, /Treasurer. GEORGIA LOOM & MANUFACTURING C 0„ MANUFACTURERS AND PLANTERS T . o o Ik. t o Y our liitci* os t . AND DON’T FAIL TO CALL AT OUR OFFICE IN EMPIRE BLOCK, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA. AND SEE IN OPERATION MENDENHALL'S IMPROVED SELF-ACTING HAND .AHSTD POWER LOOM. PLANTERS CAN BE INDEPENDENT By "Weaving all their Goods for Home Wear on the MENDENHALL IMPROVED HAND LOOM! From 15 to GO yards CAN BE WOVEN ON TIIIS LOOM IN ONE DAY. It A\ caves as Fast as any Factory Loom. Half the Cost of the Clothing of a Family can be saved by its use. From §5 to $lO a day can be made by it. Its Parts are Self'changing, By the turning of an easy crank it lets the Warp off, winds up the Cloth, treads the Treadles, and throws the Shuttle. It weaves Jean*, Satinets, Linsev, Blanket Twill, Double- Plain Cloth, various kinds of Ribbed Goods, Fencing Twills of all kinds, Flax Cotton, Tow, or All-Wool Cloth, Bagging, Toweling, Table Linen, Balmoral Skirts, Woolen, Linen and Ilemp Carpets—in fact anything from a handsome Silk to a Rag Carpet. It is small, neat and light—not larger than a common breakfast table. It is made in the most workman like manner, of good material and handsomely varnished. IT IS VERY SIMPLE, AND EASILY UNDERSTOOD jssg=’Everytking is performed by Turning a Crank.^“©B. LOOMS & COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE. For further particulars, Dexcrij. ve Circulars, and Samples of Weaving, Address PUSH PRATT, GenT Ag’t, ATLANTA, GA. T SIBLEY, & SONS, •I. Warehouse and General Commission Merchants, No. 6, Warrc-n Block, AUGUST A, GEORGIA Will give tluir personal attention to the sale and storage of Cotton, and other Merchandise, Consignments Solicited. Cash Advanced °n Gofton or Merchandise in Store. Also keep on hand 1! \<« <« IIV G, It Ol* E & SA E T Kept. 13 8m43 A. A. BEALL, J. 11. SPEARS, W. 11. POTTER. ]| EAL L, SP E A R S & CO., W AREHOUSE and— COMMISSION MERCHANTS,— Continue their business at their old etand, the j commodious Fire proof * Warehouse, No. 6, Campbell sLreet, Augusta, Ga. | All business entrusted to them will have strict personal attention. i Orders for Bagging, Universal Ties or Rope, and Family Supplies, promptly filled. Liberal Cash Advances made on I’rcducc in Store.— 3m40 “BON TO TV.” The Greatest Blessing of the ago BON TON SOAP. Its use will ave TIME ! —ns clothes wash quicker : LABOR I ! —as clothes need less rubbing: MONEY I . I —as one pound wiil go ns far as two of ordinary soap, It will not injure the finest fabric. It will remove Grease-spots, &c. Get it and prove for yourselves. We also continue to manufacture our CELE BRATED FAMILY SOAP. DANFORTII, & CO. 33m6 70 Murray street New York DR. n. A. IIORTOVS MIASMA ANTIDOTE A Speedy and Permanent Curt fsr CHILLS AND FEVER Bilious and Liver Complaints. MRS. P. A. BF.EBE hawing purchased of Dr Horton’s widow, the sole right to make aud vend this valuable medicine, will keep a supply constantly on hand; ready to fill all orders. IjPiICE, —Single Bottle f 2 ; Single Bottles pa in Tin Cases and sent by mail |2,60; lit* extra Fifty Cents being reqnirsd to pre pay post age. One dozen Bottles eeourely packed and seal by express, for $20,00 —exclusive of expressaga A liberal discount will be male to those wk* purchase by the quantity to sell again. j y Printed direction* for using tiiis mediciai will accompanv each bottle. Address MRS. P. A. BEEBE, Signs of the Times Office, Middletown, Orange Cos., N. 7 Read the Following Testimonials. Panola, Woodfprd Cos., 111., Jan. 22, 1866. Mbs. P. A. Bkkbk : —I feel it due to you to say that I think Dr. Horton’s Miasma Antidote is tl r most valuable medicine in use, nnd the only ps manent cure for Ague. S. R. PATTON Middletown, N. Y., Jan. 1*66. Mrs. P. A. Beebe :—My family were all dova. w th Fever and Ague ; when I obtained *dme et I)r. Horton’s Miasma Antidote, and we are all cured ; and I nm satisfied that it is as good as stated. 1 use it with success in bilious cases, and can recommend it to all. L. BRINK. Middletown, N. Y , Jan. 1*66. Mrs. P. A. Beebe: —During the last summer was attacked with the Fevei nnd Ague, and pnrehased a bottle of your medicine, whiek Cured me immediately, and I have not had it since, I have also sent a number to you, among whom Ida not know of a case where it failed 10 cure. A. H. COItW IN Middletown, N. t., Jan. 1166- Mbs. P. A. Beebe :—While traveling ia tko western part of this State, last summer, t vraa taken with Chills aud Fever, and sufferad tram .them until hearing I)r. Horton’s medici*# ro commended, I purchased a bottle, which cared me, and have been perfectly free from it aver since. JOSEPH KIRKPATRICK. 0. S. PROrHITT, Agent, ■ fek. 8 lUf. Ceviuftea, Sa. o. v. waLkEif, W. zi, ejuaxox ITT. WALKERTcoT 273 Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia Auction and General C2(4eufitmta> ; Will give prompt and personal attention ta all Business Entrusted to Them. FAVORS SOLICIT IP We refer to the Merchants generally at tk< city of Augusta. We will give particular attention tio Forward ing any Goods consigned to our care, and have at our command facilities that warrant at id promising the utmost dispatch in thi* matter. Special attention given to the Sal* of Kaa. Estate, cither at Private or Public Sale. Cotton Sales or Purchases will be carsfnll* made, and wc hope to be able to give entire sat 1 isfaction in this branch of our business. Psrli# ular attention given to the Sale of Grain ee* signed to us. Wehavc ample Fire-l’ioof .Storsgd Room for Cottos and Merchandise.— ae!tra46a. STOVEST STOVES! Wc have in Store a gnat variety of cx«*U*K< i i Cooking and Heating Stoves,. : GRATE RAN 0R 8 Ami House Furnishing Good'# of erery dcscriptiort. Our COOKING STOVES consist of the Olive Branch, Empire State,- Henry Clay, 4 e. As we have no Clerk Hire to pay, we can sell as Cheap as any one in the South. Call and ex amine before purchasing elsewhere. SCOFIELD, WILLIAMS k CC Jackeon Street, hoar Bell Towet, AUGUSTA, OA wIIE AT. AY II EA T .o: I Will Exchange the Genuine WOODRUFF CONCORD BUGdY, For 90 Bushels Wheat. An Excellent End Spring Bug %y , For 115 Bushels Wheat. rLocltawny, With Pole, Shaft, nnd Double Harness For 225 Bushels Wheat. Light Three Spring EXPR ES S WAGON For 79 Bushels Wheat. Address or apply to ANDREW DUNN, No. 5, Umpire Block, hitehall SI. W ILtIAM L. W EBB, (Formerly Webb <t Sage,) IMPORTER Ob CHINA, GLASS AND Eartlion w arc, VO 5 BAYNE STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C, Will supply Country Merehants w ith Good*, in their line at as low rates as they ean buy- in NewYork or elsewhere. — seso-l\a3 "A Few Days.” THE NOTES and ACCOUNTS due the lata. firm of STEWART .t T EADWI LL, are in my hands for collection. The time on which, these accounts were made, is consider-d as hav ing expired- Those indebted to the above firm. will please call and settle at once. Aug. 23tf J, C\ MORRIS.