The Greensboro herald. (Greensboro, Ga.) 1866-1886, January 16, 1868, Image 2

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XtfE HERALD. (JfEE.’VSHOKO’.^A. JdlK fc IK/tB, t(Hl»-n^ppri*tor # THOMAS H. MOHCA’I, Publiihff f • -- Thttndav, Jannnry !<** Removal of Cot» Jcnkiiu*. i* Kvcry lover oC this ones gWiou ß old commorgfcljj' will regret the removal of oSr*nToa worthy Governor. The refuel of Gov. Jenkins and Treasurer Jones to dirrcgtM-d -tliek sacred oaths and pay Pope'S Convention 40,p<J0' ofj ihe state money is the alledged) cause cf their removal. It is clear- 1 ly definedhy the actions of the radical party that it seeks power and plunder, and the appointment of a Radical Governor who is an alien to our soil, is » move that will, to a certain extent, satiate their greedy appetites. President Johnson, it is rumor ed, has ordered the suspension of the oilier removing the Governor. the telegraphic dis patches from Washington, we see that Grant and Staunton ore hnv ing everything th ir own way. Grant has turned over the war of fice to Stnnton, aho was suspend ed some time since by the Presi-, dent, and ho [Stanton] lias assum ed control. The President, it is rumored, will not recognize him. It is confidently stated, that charges of insubordination hang over Grant. Ifcai'-Tho .Atlanta Convention has been in session nineteen davs and has transacted but little busi ness of public note. N Consti tution has as yet been formed. lii Committee on Prauchisc lias made a report which provides the tol lowing oath: Sec. 4. All persons .before reg istering must take and subscribe the following oath: ‘I, ~~t do toiemniy swear, or affirm, that I will support and maintain the Constitution and laws of the Uni ted State?, and the Constitution and : aws. of Georgia/.and. /am not excluded from registering by any of the clauses of section 3, nr t;c[e _ ot the Constitution of Georgia: that l will never counte nance nor aid in the secession oi this Stale from the United-'-tales. Bo help mo God.’ M-ffß understand, Bays the Savannah Nows & /lonild, that ti e innney belonging to the Treasury of Georgia waa son e time removed to the City of New York tv here it was placed in bank to the credit of the Treasurer of the State, and lrom which it can only be drawn by Mr. Jones or hi« lc» gaily authorized agent. This be* ing the caso the military authori ties may yet find it a difficult mat ter to pet possession of the lunds of the State. It was ati easy mat ter for Gen. Meade to remove a laitWul, conscientious state officer, but he may find it a more difficult matter to remove the coveted trea sure from its place of deposit. Gen- Meade’s signature to an .01 dor rc* moved t'lo Governor and Treasurer of Georgia, but it will acquire Mr. Jones’ signature to an order to re move the money from the vaults o! the New York Bank UgSuTLe Houac Pill, which pa?s* ed l>y a very large majority early in ihe session, repealing the tax on c otton, has been ignored by the senate, and a substitute was pass', ed "by that body suspending the op& eration of the a l l for one year* from April, 1808, to April, 1809, This is hotter than nothing lor the de» pressed cottou'growmg interests but the tax is an iniquitous one, and the House bill ought to have been passed by the ii wcuiu be just as reasonaolu to tax the wheat and corn grown in the "West, the iruit of New Jersey and New York, or the cabbage of New England, • ueh a tax ion the pro' duct of the soil is contrary to the spirit of the constitation at least, and, wo believe, to the fetter, uc cording to the fifth article o ;h ninth section of mat inslruwtit which declares “that no tax or dc t j shall be laid on articles export ted from anv •State.’ Our «vii voaiug very toietaa TANARUS«.» «et Hr'' ’’ <*• f.*i e*ll th"* T .Harrow Eicap*.,;- * A few days since, a lijUff> tT °f .Mr. Bean, who reaitles this a severe illness, died to alfappeVance, nnii the supposeu corpse, was •tirouded while pieces were p!ac upon the eyes, as is e s»Omary, f° r , l^c P ur * pogyf closing them l ,e oV( f n ' ,iu the ‘ death,” two y° u ng * a ' dies, and a servant volunteered t 0 r Horp watch ’ during the night.— L2 o’clock, .the servant wrfs- noticeiK,lq be fsimfrjybtn One ot the young ladies pricked her with a pin—which caused her to suddenly jump and scream, whieh aroused th sunposecl dead child, alarming the inmates of the room I greatly. Upon examination twas 'found that the child was growing warm, and in n short time it was runr,ing around with the “pieces of money,” in his pocket which he in tends to keep until called for again. Thus it seems that this Tittle occurrence, of the servant screaming, prevented the hurrying alive of a human being. Aberdeen Examiner. A Top CUING Story.— I remem ber, though somewhat imperfectly, a touching story connected with tho clinch bells of a town Italv, which had become forooiis all over Europe for their peculair solemn! ty anils weetness. Thev were made by a young Italian, and were his hearts pride. During the war the palace was racked, and the bells carried off, no one knew whither, j’Zfter the tumult was lover, thop or fellow retimed to his work, but it had been solace of his life to wander about at evening and listen to the chi , e of his bells, and he grew dispirited and sick, and pined for them, unfi. he could no longer bear it, and left his home, determined to wander over the worl i, and hear them once again before lie died. lie went from land to land, stopping in ev ery village, till the hope thai j alsiiG sustained him began to fal- ter. and he knew at last that he was dying. He lay one evening almost insensible in a boa[ that was lloating slowly down the Rhine. He hardly expected to see the sun rise again that was now setting gloriously over the vinescovered hills of Germany.— Presently the vesper bells of a distant village began to ring, and as the chimes stole faintly over the river with the evening breeze* he. started from his lethargy. J/e was not mistakon it was the deep, solemn, lieavenlv music of his own bells, and the sou: da that lie bad thirsted for years to near were melting over the waters, /fe leaned from the boat, with his ear close to the calm surface of the river, and listened. They rang out their . hymn and ceased—he still lay mo.iun'ess in his painful j osture , his companions spoke to iiiin ; he gave uo answer— his spirit had followed the last sound of the vesper bells. Seven hundred and seventeen Missouriaus are enioviug the lios pitaiiiy of the State ia the peni* ten ti ary. x Memphis paper savs there are 20 000 starving negroes in that city, who will surely starve to death,unless they eat each other. Additional Supplies. Bnsht’*- hi 0 Western S«od Oats 3"* Dish s 8,..0k Weßtt»rn Sect Oalfl lODO *bs Clioiet* Mait oliu Sugar Cuwd Hams 5«H4) I*B o‘ioioe B» con New 7Uoti ba ‘ h"iue Ole r ! a«*on Side*. New rOO lb Lured Be» t II «mB, Now 51) S eks Extr.i F-ai ly Flour 5a S>c ? F t ity Kiour 30 o» Cauc es on the w*v CHAS A DAVIS jaol6 lm * New Firm. npIJE firm of Dougherty Turner having JL bo n dissolved, we propose to continue 'he 8 tmt' bassiuc* under the firm nud sty e asuo-fer signed We hope that, our fiieuJs ami the public gen fa!y, will remember us aud treat us at kindly as in days past. We will receive on consignment and sell to the bear adv. all g »ods en»rusted o our c-ire. We havo on hand Groceries l»ry Goods Ao., and are aso Ranerm Gn.*ro asrentf, would be > leased tc supply the I vroier» the coning season. - . 0. * DcL.iMAK TURNER Sparta Ga, # jaulo 1868 I Notice To Debtors and Creditors VLL pereons havnj demon's against the Estate us Isaao A. Williams, late of G • one county, deceased, are requ.sted to pre :hem properly made out, to e, within th,: „x( prieoribed by law A I per.-u, a in > btrd Kstate are required to owiw 1 raard as m ie lio.r.edUte payment t’OMJMdVS HEARD, Ada’r. Jao. 16, 1669—4Uds r T , HB CHARLESTON MERCURY-Sub _l ecription per auiiuu), payable in edv nee —Daily *B. fii-W?e»ly 4 CO. Addrcte R B Rtjeit. Jr A C'. • Dr. JOIL\ BILL S * Great Remedies. / Bull s fedron Bitters AUTHENTIC DOCUMENTS. Arkansas Heard From TESTIMONY OF MEDICAL MEN. Vfony KiM, Whit* Cos., Ark,, M.y 23, '6s. Dr-John Bull,— Dear Sir— Ltst February I was in Louisville purchasing drugs, and I got sotn. of your Sarsaparilla and Cidron Bitters. My .an-in-law, who was with me in the store has been down wiih rh-umatism for some time, commenced on the Bitters, and toon found hit general health improved. Dr. Gist, wbe has been in bad health, tried them, and he also improved. Dr. Coffee, who has been in bad health for several years—stomach and liver affected—he improved very much by the use of your Bitters. Indeed the Cedrnn Bitters has given you great popularity in this settlement, I tk’nk I could sell a g eat quantity es your medicines this tall—especially of yeur Cedfon Bitters and Sivp’arilla Ship me via Memphis, care of Rickett Sl Neely. Respectfully, C. B. WALKER. Bull’s Worm Destroyer. To my United States a id World-wide Readers I have rece : ved many testimonials from pro fessional an l medical medical men, as my al manacs and various publications have shown, all of which are ge uine Ihe following letter from a highly educated and popular physician in Georgia, •» certainly one of the most sensible commumcaiions I have »v r rcoeiv al Dr Clement (icons exactly he speaks of. and his testimony dkservesto be written in lette-s of gold, Hear what the Doctors say of Bull’s Worm Cestn y*r ; V-ljtuow, Walter County. Ga., ) June *9. 18fi« S Dr John Bail— D, ar Sir I have recently ffiven yaur iWorin Destroyer’ several trials- and And it wonderfully eftsoiciou. It his Hot failed in a single instance to have the wished-fer effect I am doing a pretty large countrylpractice, and h. tj daily u>- for sumo article of ihe kind I am free to confess that I know of no remedy re oommended by the ablest authors that is so ertain and speedy in its effects. On the con trary they are unccr ian in the extreme. My object iu wr.tfng you is to find out upon what terms I can get he medicine direettv from you. If I oan get it lipcn easy terms, I -hall use a great deal of it. lam aware that the usi of suoh articles is contrary to the teachings and proctioe of a great majority of the regular line of M. D’s, but I see uo just cau eor good senss in discarding i remedy which we kn w to he fflcient, simply b-'-aase w*. mav ho ignorant of its combinat on F-r mv p rt. I shall make it a ru'e to use all and any insults a.deviate S’..Sor ing humanity which I tuav be able to comm .1 nor hesita ing because someone more ingenious than myself may have learned its effects first, an i secured the -ole right tb secure that knowl edge. Howevi r lamby no means an adv o ite or supporter of the th'-usan s es worthless nos trums that f! od the count y that purport to cure all manne of disease to which human flesh is heir. Please reply soon and inform me of your best terms. lam sir pios respp ful v, JULIUS P CLEMENT 'M D, Bull's Sarsaparilla. A toed Reason Ur the Captain's*Faith, Head the Cattaiu’s Letter and tlie Letter from his Mother Bonlon Baracks, Mo. Anril 30. 186S, D Join Ball -ten Sir Knowing the cfll'ioncy of your Sa-sapnrilla and tSn hoaling and beu.6-id qualities it posmwes, I gesd you the following statement of my esse, l was wounded about two year ago- -was taken prisoner and confined for slxt .-en month*, He nj moved so open my wound, have not healed yet I have notsat np a moment since I was wound' od. lam shot through tho hips. My general beolth is impaired and I need something to assist nature I have more faith in your Barsnpa-iUa than in anything else I wish that is genuine. Pleaso express mo half ad sen botles and oblige Captain C P JOHNSON, St. L ui* Mo, P S—The fo’lowiftg was written April 20 1353 by Mrs Jennie Johueon mother of Capt Johnson Da Bull—Dear Sir, My husband »r (J S SobiisOß *lll ski'lful surgeon and physician in Central New Aork. where he did tearing the above C P Johnsog to my care, At thirtdbn years of age he bad a chrcnio diarriea and srofula for"which I Save him your Sarsaparilla It cared him I have for ten years recommended it to many in New York, ©hio, and lowa, for scrofula, fever sores, and general debility- Per fect success has attended it. The cures effected ia some cases ofscro"n!» and fever sore were a 1 most miraculous lam very anxious for my son to again have recourse to your Sarsapari'la He is fearful of getting a sourioua article hence ois writing to ynu f wit. His wounds were ter rible. but I believe nowi'l recover. Despectfully SENXIE JOHNSON Dr. JOHN BULL Manvf stum and and Vender of the Celebrate 1 Siniff. s Tonic Syrup! FOR THE CURE OF AGUE AMO FEYER OR CIIILLS& FETER. The proprietor es th s eelebrated medicin-, justly claim- for it a superiority o erall reme dies ever offer- and to th» public for tbe safe, oer tam, speedy and pci uunent cure of Ague and Fever or Chills . fever, whether of short or long atm ‘ir lie refers to the entire estorn ami B.u'h weslern couutry to bar h : m teetirao ny ih» truth of the assertion, that in no else whitevoi will fail to cure, if tbo directions are strictly followed and carried out In a g eat maony oases a single dose h ,a been suffici-nt for a cure and whole families have been cured by a sing e bottle, with a .perfect restoration ol the gene-> health. It is however pr dent and in every e s- more certain to cure, if its use is continued in smaller doses for a week or two nf ter the direass bis been cheeked, more espeoial ly in kiflicult and longstanding cases. Usually, this medicine will n>t require any aid to keep the bowels in good order ; should the patient however, 'equir- a c thardo medicine, after h qing t ,ken three or so .r doses o the Tonio, a single dose of B ill’s V.,getab e F.,uii!y Pi I, wdl bo suffice t. DR JOHN B CL’S PriuoipUOffl , No. 40 Fifth Cro s ' :.e . LOUISVILLE, KY., All of theab-ve remedies for sale by " ALKER. TORBERT A 0„ Druggist Greetnoore,' 0». )aol6 ly 1808 For The Ea«it 1868 GREAT SOUTHERN lit 111 EXPRESS lira 1 —VIA MEMPHIS a Charleston East Tennessee & Georgia, East Tennessee A Virginia, Virgin ia 4 Tennessee & Orange A Alexander RAIL ROADS FOR New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Ba'timorei Washington Richmond, L>nchburg, Petersburg, Va , 4c Two Daily Through Trains Leave Memphis ; Eqpress 6.40 a m Mail 6 10 p m This Route between Memphis and New York, passe-s thiough or near more points of interest connected with the late w>r. than any other line from the Mississippi to ihe Atlantic, and the un> rivalled moutain and river scenery is surpassed by no Route on the Continent. Elegant and Luxurious SLEEPING COACHES of the Rip Van-Winkle Line- on alt Night Trains. Baggage I hecked Through. , * i For ticks-ts and all information apply at Office 1 13 Court St., Memphis, Tennessee. S U. SHOCK Pa-senger Agent [A A. BARNES Gen I Ticket Agent bAM C. WE AV E R Ticket Agent GROCERIES Confectioneries ! THE attention of the public is invited to my well selected it ok of Groceries and Ocn feotioneries of which I keep a full supply at all times on band, Give me a call, and Iwi I sell, for cash, as cheap as can be bought any where fresh oysters On band day, and served up to cudtoiu e 8 to »ui the p via'©, The h#?t piuofof" what I s.y rs by ca lin*: on m“ at my «9»tiy fitted up and te.t the truth of n y 'i!»-erri<mß. JOHN DU3LN. Grienesboro’, Ga., Jan. 8, 1368 Errors of Youth. A Gentleman wh > suffered >r years from -Nervous Debility, Premature Decav, and ali’tln effects of youthful indiscretion will,/or the sake of humanity, send fr e to all who need it, the recipe and directions for mak ing the simple remedy bv which he was cored Ui yroftt bjriih* advertisers** perlence can do so by address it gin perfect oon* (Hence. JOHN B OGDEN. Ma. 14’87,1y 42 Celar srreet, New York Agi nts Wanted FOR The Gray Jackets, A NT> howthey Lived, Fought, sna Died for J. A. Dixie, with Incidents and Sketches of Life in ibe Ounfedarey. Comprising Narrativcsof Personal Adventut-e Army Life, Naval Adventure Home Life Par t’s in Daring, Life in tho Camp, Field and Hos p’tat Together with the Bongs. Ballads, Anec dotes and Humorous Incidonis of the War for Southern Independence There !s a ecrtain portion of the war that will never go into the regular histories, nor be em-, bodied in romance or poetry, which is a very real part of it, and will if preserved, oonvoy to snjceeding generationsa better idea of tho spirit, of the o-infliot than many dry reports or oareful narrative of events, and this part may be called the gossip, the fun the pathos of the war. This iliastriPes the character of the leaders, the hu morof the soldiers, Ihe dev. tion of women, the bravery of men the pluck of our heroes, the To rn inee and hardships of the servioe. The Valiant and Brave Hearted, the Pictures que and Dramatic, the Witty and Marvelous, the Tender and Pathetic, and the whole Panor »ma of the War are here thrilliagly portrayed in a mos'erly manner, at once historical and ro» mantio, rendering it the most ample, unique, brilliant and veadablo book that the war has . called forth. 1 Amusement as well as instruction may be found in every page as graphic detail, brilliant wit and authentic history, are skillfuly inters woven in this work of literary art. Send fir Circulars and see our terms and a full description of tho work. Addrf ss JONES BROTHERS it CO, nov3o 1567 Broad Street Atlanta Ga, WM. HOLLMAM, DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY GOLD PENS SPECTACLES, ETC., » bitehsll Street, 2d Door above M. Lynch A Co’s Book Store, near R. R, Ciossiug Atlanta . . Georgia Repairing done in good style and Warranted. nov9--tf POLLARD, COX & GO., GBNER.IL GROCERY AND Commission Merchants No 297, Broad Street, 4 few doer? bn'ew P!,ater« Hotel. oci«- !-f AUGUSTA GA, RECENT ARRIVALS AT C. A. DIVIS’. I OFFER FOR SALE 100 pieces American Prints. 50 pieces American Delaines 20 pieces Opera Flannels 20 pieces white Flannels 20 pieces Red Flannels 10 pieces Cotton Flanne’s 50 pieces Bleached Homespuns 4 pieces 10-4 Bleached Sheeting 40 pieces 4 4 Brown Sheeting 50 pieces 7-8 Shirting 50 pieces Sea Inland Homespuns 50 pieces 8 ox Osnaburgs 50 pieces Cotton Stripes and“Plaidfl 20 pieces Georgia Kersey 10 pieces Yankee Kersey 20 pitces Kentucky Jeans 10 pieces Satinets 10 pieces Caesinaers 5 pieces .4morican Coburg* 10 pieces All Foreign Plaid 5 pieces Ene ,J sb and French Merino 4 dozen Indie? Bi l moral Skirts 3 dozen Misses Balmoral Skirts 25 TToop Skirts 4 dozen Ladies Hood? 2 dozen Misses and Childrden’s Hoods 2 dn**n Ladies Nubns 3 dozen Ladies Cloth and Beavor Cloaks 2 dozen MVrlno Shirts 2 dozen Knit Drawers 20 dozen Ladies L : nen Handkerchiefs 10 dozen t.adies Square and *ong Show’s 10 dozen B’eached and Colored Shirts 2 doz Bleached Drilling Drawers 20 pipc r s B*»d Ticking 20 pieces Borwn Drilling 20 Dozen Ladies Paper Collars 100 do» Gentlemen Paper Collars 100 doxen Coat’s Spool Cotton 100 dozen Colored Cotton 10 keps Best Encash Soda 20 harroD Stewart Ex C Sugar 10 barrels Brown Su^ar 5 barrels Sfpwtrf. A Ground and Crushed Sugar 10 barrels New Y<>rk Syrup 5 barrel* Sugar House Syrup 3 barrels Honey Drops « bngahßflif.v Indin. Molnswew 20 000 lbs of Sweds and Refined Iron 2000 Dm of Ba"d Iron 1800 lbs °quare, Ovel and Round Iron AOOO lbs Plow Steel 500 lbs Hoop I’on 3000 lbs Iroo Tics 2000 yds Gunny Bsggirg 100 Sacks Steadinao’n Extra Family F’.our 50 Sacks Steadmans Superfine 23 Sacks Steadman’s Fancy Flour SOkegsNails 5000 lbs Hollow Ware 2 dozen Saddles 50 pairs Plow Trnces 10 pairs Waggon Traces 1 dozen nlow TANARUS, am.. fi dozer Painted Buckets 6 dozen Tron Boned Ovprns Bu'ketg 2 dozen Brass Bnnnd C„dar Buckets 2 dozen Half Bushel Meaiures 6 dozen Cyprus Tubs 3 Jozcn Cyprus Churns 1 dozen Eng)iah Shot Guns 1 dozen Pistols G Shot 25 dozen Pockets Knives 50 dozen Table Knives 5 dozen Kettles and Sauce Tana 6 dozen Collin’s Axes ""Augers, Chisels. Gimblets, Hut rhets and Hammers, Pad Locks Stock Locks. Boor Locks, Chest Locks, Till Locks, Wood Screws, Gurry combs. 10 dozen scovels weeding hoes 5 barrels shoe pegs 1 case tnisies sowed calf haimorals 1 case misses sowed kid balujorals 10 cases mens heavy pegg Shoes 5 oases mens p gg bal moral shoes 5 oases women pegg shoes 5 eases boys and misses pegg shoes 1 cases children’s v egg shoes G cases mens pegg boots 4 cases sowed calf boots 1 case hrnd sowed Frenoh calf W P boots 1 case Ud:e9 calf sowed halmorals 1 case ladies kid sowed balmora’s I case Ladies cloGi Boots tnd congress Gaitors 50 pairs rs Blankets Comple'e Assortment of crockery Ware Goinplete Assortment of Tin Waro Kerosine Oil, Gopperas castor Oil, Turpentine Soap, Ailum, Starch. Laudaaom. Paregoric, ets etc complete Assortment of Glotbing. 40 English Dairy cheese 20 State cheese 3 case, oo I Hats 6 cases men, Boys and children’s Fur Hats 6 dozen Ladies Hats Trimmed and Untrimmed 50 boxes Tobacco 3000 lbs Bccor 2000 lbs Lard. In ad.ii’ion to the above named articles * keep whu'ever the w -nts of v o trade demand sndmys'i' is kept up al tbe .• it wth sea son hie girds which I will sell at A til' ;a -jr Augas a pric-e, freight adde I an t I gu >r» tee every * rticla sold to be as represented. so. licit a o-itinuanee of the liberal patronage hitherto be*'owed feeling assured your ic'ereet will be promoted thereby deell -?os J. Clarence Simmons, BEGS leave to eal! the ailcnlion of tho com munity to his assorted Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DKY GOODS • Dtcm and White Good, Hardware, Hati. Cap* Boot* and Shoes, which he offors ’ LOW FOR CASH Call and examine b«f.»re purchasing elsewhere Spar a. Ga. nov23, 1867; SPARTA DRUG STORE Drugs Chemicals Varnishes Medicines Paints Paint Brusbee Dye-Staffs Oi’s Hair Brushes Combs and Tooth Brushes, PEBPUMERY SOAPS, PATENT MEDICINES, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, And a large arsortinett of Druggists’ sundries, Nov. 23, 1867. A. W. BERRY. MTE'W Fall & Winter GLOOOS AT WIIOLESALE-and RETAIL at tbeh old stand, Burnetts’ Building-, SPARTA, GEORGIA, HA\ E now on hand and are constantly re ceiving the largest and handsomest lot es FALL AND WINTER ROODS iftt it hi§ been their pleaiure to ahow for aor erai years, Dresg Goods, Gentlom»n end boys wear, Crokerv Gl«.««, Groceries, and »s general an a-sortment of any House in the State, Your patronaee solicited Nov 23 ’67 JOSEPH A FASB 2 DOUGHERTY* TURNER C3-st_. TYespectfu'ly invito their friends and the have chca'p •'••wWe'.^They DRY GOODS AND Boots. Shoes, Hat®, Caps etc;; groceries of nil sorts, ehosp as the cheapest Will recivc on consignment, and give their per sonal attention to the sale of all produce entrust ed to them. Agents for sale of Peruvian Guano from John Mnrryman A Go, Baltimore; WilooxQibbiA Go' Manipulated and Phcenix Guanos. Mapes .Superphosphate of Lime ecf. ete. W. C. DOUGHERTY T GLAYTON TURNERS DeLAMAR TURNER • doc 14, rs 67 S C SHIVERS ME LATIMER SHIVERS aV. LATIMER St ARTA, GEORGIA, DEALERS in Provisions, Groceries, Boots and ''hoes, Woodenwnre, Hardware, Crook ery French and American Candies, Tobacco Pegar,, F ru it», Notions Ac, Ao. Al o. Fine Ltqoors,Consisting of Whiskies, Brandies Wince Ale and Port Qr. nuy23 1867 W. W. SIMPSON Sl cn„ SPARTA, GEORGIA, DEALERo in Staple and Fmey Good?, Fa gar, Coffee, Toas, Ac, Meal. Corn and Peas, nov23, 16G7 JOHN DENEEN gPARTA, GEORGIA DEALER m Dry Goode. Groceries, Notices Toys. Earthen ware Cl.eks Ac., Ao. nov23 1867 G arNBJf JORDAN EUGENE P BCRNET JJRDAN & HORNET, ferARTA, GEORGIA. "I'XTHOLESALE and Retail Orsoers, Ti c: Is v * 'on and Graia Peelers, EOT 73 1857