The Greensboro herald. (Greensboro, Ga.) 1866-1886, January 30, 1868, Image 2

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THE HERALD. .1. u. EDITOR and rEQI’RI KTOR .1. A. CKIFFI.^ ' ASSOCIATE EDITOR. Thurxdflji Jamuirf SO, . ( Editorial, We arc plcapeu to announce tliat \re liavc associated with ns, Mr. J i A- Griffin. as co editor of the iler> | nld, who will henceforth .lend his time and talent in bringing >hc paper to tie favorable notice of ail JNO. K. SPENCE. From the foregoing it will be that 1 have fieco i e associated with Mr. Spence, as co-editor ot the Herald. 1 shall make no lash promises as to my 1 i'ur course, but will endeavor to preserve uh larnixtied the laurels air udy a chieved in its past nianagemeuf, J. A. G PUTIN The Ilelief •^Hesilon, Tho question of Relief which lias lately been agitating the minds of the eoplc of Georgia, is being acted upon by the Convention at Atlanta. The' majority of the! Committee on Re.icf lias made- a Report resolving, ‘‘that from an i J after the passage of tbi< ordinance, 1 n < Court in this State shall have . jurisdiction at any time to hear or ; determine, or render ju Igiueni , ii.gA.aaC any citizen of this State njor. any contract or judgment ! ide c.r cutes,. I :tf - . or >r auy , *tr*. ot injury ammuied mr, to) the ard ihy of June, Ig’fiV nor shall a*n court or m'• : teroffi-, ccr of this State ever have jut is-j diction to enforce any V"' fftaent or execution rendered or issued i pou any contract o; agn eiuui, or for any tort or injury committed prior to said first day of June, 1865." .Accompanying the Report was a Resolution instructing the Judi ciary Committee to insert in that ear! of this State the .following sec- i tion; ‘No c urt in the State shall have j jurisdiction at any time to hear or j determine, or render judgment i against, any citizen of this State, u ion any contract or judgment made or entered into, or for am tort or injury committed prior to the first day of June, 1845; nor i shall any court or ministerial offi cer of this State ever have juris diction to enforce any jufi" incut or-j ex eution rendered » ■ "ed upon * any cqntrnct or ng. .imaeuC or for ' any tort or ii jury made or commit' ted prior to said first day of June, 1865.’’ A. T. -Ikorman and T. P. Sal- | fold, members of the Committee, | disagreed with the report of tho majority and argued at some length their reasons for dissenliug. They recommended a change in the Bankrupt Law, so as to ameliorate the condition of the debtor, and the postponement of all ordinances and resolut onsbefore the Comen" tion on the subject of Relief rx. oept the one 'niroduccd bv tn-uai selves. . — Rail road (’oiivention, A Railroad Couveution was held in Atlanta on the 15th instant. Cob E. W. Cole, Superintendent of the Georgia Railroad, was re" quested to issue a circular to the Southern Ruilioads, calling their utten'ion to the South, which reads as follows: “Believing as we do, that the p osperity of the a well as ever , other interest ol the .South, is dependent on attragung , to it an Citensive iir,\a!ion from the North as ;vci» as lium abroad, we especially invite the a! j lentiun of Railroad maiiugors to 1 the importance of earlv umi getic action, with th t -w ul a I fording ail possible . . . ts to immigrants and mu. r.. ; och-> ties who may wish to > or up crate in our countrv. To this end wc th.t the .Southern Railn- ids shall adopt the! fallowing tarih for the transporta .on ol ‘bfma lido 9 settlers and I the ir goods : For each adult pdsscmrer one c<jM per mile. Tor children bsiween flva and 12 years of fljSfr liaT? price. For children under five years old free, and that each full nassjeng- r 'be allowed ore hundred and fifty i pounds of baggage, w!u«ii shall be; !carried Tree of charge, and that they shall bp charged at the rate of Iwo cents per ton per mile for ! extra baggage, which shall include 'household furniture, farming im ■ piemen ts, mydijLflcn' and tqyU in tended to be. used by such per spa. An ’, fli tliermoie, that that road ! tin which immigrants shall settle, : .-Lull transport Lim and his goods i ft ec of charge. It, is the wish of this -Coiiven* jtlon that this suggestion should ; bot oini an agreement, anu you are jiequested to comuionioatil to E IF. i Coin .-'u per iu ten dent Georgia rail road. Augista, (la., your accept ; lance or disapproval of tins pro-, position at as early a day as possf j ble. When a y twenty roads or more shall have agreed to this proposi i tjon a second circular will be is-. J sued by E. IF. Cole, calling to' 'gether the General Ticket -Agents lot the roads agreeing to the tariff, 'at some convenient point, to u. > ■ range the details aud carry the agreement into < ffict j fine mem bora of this Convention jarc fully impressed with the belief tin t an increase of tho industrious population in the South will add greatly to our prosperity, we con fidently ask the pie.-s of the-c-yiin- j tty to give this circular p.blioitv, ud i equo-t them to cal! the atten tion ol their renders to the action of tliis Convention, wnich action will «ltoiv that the railroads of the Bcnib. are and de’enrurv'd to do all in their power to restore .the country to its fonaer prospers i tv. i Hv ord vofE. (S ’’otr. f’rf'-Slt nt CIIA-. 11. I VIN, 8 c'y. From Texas. It is apparent from the foliow {iijg that the citizens of Galveston | Texas, are not experiencing "hard i times” like the poverty-stricken j people of this section. Hear what ‘ AeT’irfetl rs at Gal ; veston that they were having hard I times down there , but we do not ! believe ol it. Wlm : lus that j people who ’ . • ck and fat | and con o a , who wear I such gi'od clot.jC‘3 and spend somuc , money, arc haying hard, times ? Nothing of the kind. A more mag nilicent displav of case and comfort and luxury and elegance t-.n hardly imagined than Trcmo t street exhibits of a mpttyjSabUatli after noon iu-t taffe a stroll on that asui nabfc thoroughforo auil sty t’h . dashing chariots, the mag. n ificeut horses, the waves of silks and muslins, uud the rolls of cloths and satins : or, if like not sunlight and walking, step in of nn evening ! to one of a hundred saloons, see : the patrons as they enter, observe | t.heir laughing, jolly faces, and the i purple and fine linen in which they i are nrra ed. Watch them at the billiard table with what, lavish hands they dispense their green-, backs. And call ye that “hat'd | times ? There i3 money enough |3pen iu Galveston every day in dis • -ipaiipu ami in superfluous p!eas> u.cs ,o supply for a good ro ;u 1 month all the people of our county' ;ol Washington with every thing es j seutiat to comfort or eujov moat. I Aud yet Galveston talks of hard I limeS 1 Lamestaiieu Api-ajr.-Fiorn „ j reliable gentleman we have i<- .is led the particulars of a ho ude and lamentablo occurrence that iiappened near Fort Valicy yester I day. in which a father was shot and ; killed by his own son. The unfor !lunate man was Dr. Jackson a bother of tho Jackson who l killed Col Ellsworth for hauling down a Cons der.iteflag from over |nrs hotel at Alexander Va., during j the first year of the war. Dr. Jackson removed to Georgia {during the revolution, and lias boon j residing here ever since, i tie cii - jeum-eai :es of the kiliibg we have \ hem ro a our informant were l these : - - There had be* n an-ang. y fauv'v altercation during which i he doctor is said to ha ve ejected his son from his premises, who there upon turned and li oj up, n Ids father - HU'tig hi*n U e have not fe irntii whoflier * * W;n'*r parricide had been arre etc,] cr not but presume lu * * ‘* “ • *v 7 '• A Good Chance.—. 7 negro ini the Arkansas Convention said the! )thcr day, 'Give us t.lio rliance of j eigliteen hundred years like th.| white man, and we wilt show what I we can d<>.” Upon which thrj Louisville Jonrual oj^qjjvcs: ‘ But; the negroes have had the chancei not only of e ghteen hun ired years, but all the years feuice No all’s flood. They have had that fhancC in their owif country where God planted them. In Africa they have been unmolested by tho w hite {race except ,-q farjas a few ol 'heir ( tribes upon the coast have been able, after taking prisoners fio-n each other, to iiud a uiarket for them with white trailer# instead of putting them to death Let that vaunting Arkansas negro point to i Africa for exemplifications of what this race can do, not only in eigh teen hundred yeai?, but in a great many additional centuries. An Irishman, driven to despera tion by thestr'ngenoy o< the money market and the high price of pro visions, procured a pistol aud took to the road. Meeting a traveler, 'lie stopped him with ; ‘Your mon ey or your life!’ Seeing Bat was green, he said ; Til tell you whaf I'd do : 1 II give you all my money for that ]ri3tol. ‘Agreed.’ Pat re ceive i the money and handed over the pistol. ‘Now’ said the travel er, 'hand back that itrbney, or I’ll blow your brains out !’ ‘Blaze a-, way, my hour tv !’ said Rat ‘for niv era dhrop of powt-lmr there is in it.’ Lands For Sale. 25,000 ACRES i MAN CUE ’T f'H, 00 ; N. J. | I XJloljt to suit pxivn.«s -rd. at fto dollars p©' ! jit e, pa • h © . s fiv’yi Mars ; 5> oi iiAS t‘r-/in Y«*rk un i P&rftrfejpMa $ s »i 1 well ada .ttjl lor firmin'-' purpose*, frn t<* ernn u »r»Us. dim t© and b -It : , ,vnr«*r .-»f --j itui ptiru 8, r©t*l muiuf o tun at .-if from 75 u 2-fQ hou over, f r - v.e • r .is Mntfhine. Ctf i 1 repkir #n ; » r•- i <r f bU p'. ice. Fttfclicatlot s doit' *.a . ; "u‘ : i-f *r to 'tioti een* on to -K.Ln > Souultze Gener»l M-in.tger, »ir t*. <J. rit*t » j Stl in< Agent .\ta*:icbeiiteri Ocean C V 4 J * Pearson & Co’s HAIR REILVENATOR THE BEST iitll! IMdXSIV(ii IN THE WOELD Is now Offered to the Public. L In taro weekiit restores Uie h.iirat any p«iiol of life to it* original c -lor. giviog it ull its youMifjt and tux-iii tnce Its Oieansing Pr fnerttes are Truly IVlai, cat, tUncving io a fo.T ,lu*s all s*-t« of dandruff ill ir itati-ns nr snre-ieas of fhsso.i'p Thousands of tetimoaiai* can bo fumi.hed by ibe Propriators, J PBAItSON * CO , 2SC Jaj St, tirookiyn. Price, ?1 00 Per Until* ; Or 6 B.tfios, ." CO For Sale by ail Drogg-jis s air D-orrerj gener at iy, A. A. A PiaOTO(»R\IMISe e eit*r©i»B of £r*roe«sbarQ and vicinity, ar 1 respectfully informed, that by calling at Town Hall, over Murray A Drv GfOfls Store. rh©y evn the above work done in gwnd style, jtnd anv thev may wiah. from ib. ket up to U. si*?. The room is arranged vlth ukV HvhC it one of the bo. t lightr I have jiet with in G*o-gia. L A GAV ES jan2 3 3ts Vdditfoiidl Supplies. TOO Bush#’-' Whre Western ?eed MU Btisfaels Bh*o|c VVestein Seed <s f oofi ins Choice Ma&.uolm 'u jar ’ured Unas ( Vh»o ba Ciioice ?hou (Mrs New 7000 lbs 'hoief* Clo.*r il&emt Stdep, Now I'alX* lbs Sugar Cured Beeii lUmj, New *0 Stv Kxtra F imily Flour -i ”»• By Flot;r . U 1 cos of Calicoes on the wnv I CUAS A DAVIS i jaulG lm ! __ . I New Firm. I I'ptlEff-o ,f nso-'-.-T A ror*i.' haring I L he nit .oln onrpos. v» foaliuu« hr | «. « basdiicuo i : o firm «n I sty'o ,« uudar i oiu.-l W. hojw ibe our frirn's .u <( the üb'tc g n iri 1 rme brr u. un tr«at u j e*i dly a* n and ivs p■ r. 'l’e »iil rr ire i, j I <«...eai ui i t, h bait Jr u.a «. .. ' (giodsi-u ruated o our *V h.i - ■ : r.l • J'lrr ,ies 'rr ■» -4.. A !». , ’..uvr I‘- i . '», » uld br ~ a . • ii- to; -o uiug >-ea r. C A DdL.lTAit TL'KXm | Wexttru and Atlantic Railroad. ON and .r.h«Janu.rr I*. 1960 P^ S .f| Train! /un »s fallows , GOING NORTH. J Lrayir; AtiaMs. 1 If ! k Ik qyi A M ****** 1 1> ion .« Arrtr. at Chaltano**. a 5 00P.H o nnecting with F'»> ■* of Naihril'e and Ca.ttanoo** RUlroad fur N*»b»i‘U. Louurillp. und tbe WtM !TrTTneofM.mj.Ma J Cb»MT..-| 100 U*ilro»i tor Meini b * Orleans 4 15 P M D.ily Sundays HaAun Aecom mod alien Arrir. at Marietta 6 5o Pi Cartcrsvillc, « 18, Kingst n. ‘J 29, Dol -7 001’ U l>iily Oi*at Norrliern Melt. Arrive 7 ° Ch.luX**- 400 A M oonnaotlag with trains ol Nashville and Chattanoo K u H.eroad tor Nashrili. : aud the «ud fn 1 in nit inf close «Om eet'ons fcr Mem phis, New Orleans, e-o via N-hwll. ilso einurecting »Uk K i' s ‘ Tel,D t, , ® n * ™ Guorgi. R.i?troad for v* ash'ngton Pbiiap tlpbia, New Turk and othern cidea Coming South- Arrive at Atlanta el 5 V D.iilv Great Mail, Leaving mooga 5 35 P M wiih Train- Os Nashville nooga Railroad and Oe'teD 8 r M . comi!) f i g >vith Trains of leaner ree nd Georgi i Railro«d 102 OAM Daily exc t Sundays Da’ton Accorn mod at ion L ave at 2. la A M K ngston 5 lj ''ariursv-110 5 05 Ma rFU 845 A M 315 P M 1).,i1y except Sundays Kx-r-ss PS9- sang r Leave Cbtttta. ooga nt 6 3a A M maaiuffelo-e conn cti ns >n h trains of Na hvil e A Chattan oga end Memphis aud Charleston Rai roads- Pete's Patent Seeph? Geestes ea -all Night Tiias. . JOHN IV PECK jnn 30 ts Master Tranportetitob facts so! the nmm fufeift f No I>t ,, ooption Practiced MEMPHTR V Charleston mako’ 1 ol - ee i nectlona at Cb. tt-inooga- is the Sootiest, Best, and quickest ATjTL. H-AHXj x , Mobile, New Orleans, Sel ma, Me id an, Jackeon, Canton, Vicksburg and Memphis leaving Atl n*a. at 820 A M ARRIVE AT MWIUS THE SEXT BAY, At 2 34 P M!8 heuiN an 141 rcrnuto* in ad vmce nf on fch* seme traiu woo go via Nashvinee A < 'hattannooga and Nn hvilJ® A North Western Railroads. Passenger by s.tiLe train going x v outh Make Connection at Corinth with Mobile A Ooio Railroad, and at Grand J n tion with Mississippi Geatral Railroad X* «niy-Foot Hours in fid imce of passengers q tbe same by Na-bvil o A Chattanooga and Nashri 1« and North-VVestern iiailroads at Cor in h Pass libera lor Jackson Tcnn , Columbu-q Cairo, St. Loni-t Chicago, and the West Take the through train on tho Mobil* A Ohio It. H . 8 Hcursand 12 Minutes fn Advance of pneseogors on same train by Naihviii* A Ctmtianong * »n 1 Nxs-nvi 1* A North •>S es.erii It j i r ixus Fare as U'.v as ey h] pint:me. For tic ! ets to all thrso points apply at the Tic) et Offloe ofthe Western A Atlantic Hai road at the Genet 4! l’iLs-ien_,ei Jtepot. A A BARNES, General Ticket Agent. TV J JlOi-S. General Superintendent, JVUUS lIAVUSN, jgn3o ti South-Eastern Ageut. The Galveston \ews, Published Daily, Tri-Wr kly and Weekly, GALVESTON TEXXS. Tenns of News tJ. S turre cy. Daily, per ye r sls 00 I ri-M’evk!y. per ye tr 12 00 Weekly p r ear 5 0 W. R.JCXIARDSON i CO., jin 03136? Editors & Proprietors DR. JNO. R. GODKIN r> KSPiiCTKULLT Offe-s is Services to the V > itixt.ns of Greensboro ani vicinity Ln toe piavtiee of Metlieinr. Inrrery and GWcries lie may be found when m t professionally en» gagej t in-Office north ■ f the Ocurt House ■ ipiere Juring the dav. and a< th- ie.-idene* ol J vV G.dkm north of It K Wpol'at mgkt uovl6tdec2lpd BALIFF’S SALE. X l T ILL be sold before tb c tort hi use I too i \ > in tb- town of *r,u." -b> <> n l-'.e firs j i F- rua.-y next •.t agi evi and j ,s ■ • tiro, yof W. 1). Reives Friueipa' W ; I >i -Wuorter I misty i3 fa i.. f«V/r-; It > .ct’ I L Tsorrrt- W D Reavrf prind*t ' dd'! ii ,'lc'V'oorter Garnishre JNO. C i’AL.MLIt * deel4 30 Sir. JOIIY BULL’S Great Reuieclies. ■ ,« I -4—# Bull’s Cedron Bitters AUTHENTIC DOCUMENTS. Aiknnaas it eard From TESTIMONY OF MEDICAL MEN. Stony Point, Whitt Cos., Ark,, May 23, 'b6. Dr. John Bull, —Deer Sir —Last February [ wee in Louisville purchasing drugs, and I got me us your Sarsaparilla and o*dron Bitter*. My scn-in-Inw, who was with me in the store has been down wi:h rh-um itism for iotne time, commenced on the Bitters, and soon found his | general health improved. Dr. Gist, whe has been in bad health, tried them, and he also improved. Dr. Coffee, who haa been in had health for several years —stomach and liver affected—he improved very much hy the use of your Bitters. In lend the Cedron Bitters hat given yon great popularity in this settlement, 1 tb nk 1 could sell a great quantity of your medicines Ibis full —evpeeia'ly of your Cedron Bitters and S*r»4rlll* Ship me via Memphis', Care of Kiokott A Nce'y. Respectfully. C. B. '.VALKEU. Bull’s Worm Destroyer. To ray Tailed States a id Wcrld-wide Headers I have received many testimonials from pro fessional and medical medical mm. as mv al manacs ana various publications have show-,, all of whir-h are g» nine Tbe following letter from a highly educated and popular physician in Georgia, is certainly on# of the most sensible conimunicvions I have ever reoeiv>-d Dr Clement knoas exactly what he speaks of, and his testimony diticryis to lie written in letters { of gold. Hear what the Doctors sxy of Boll's Worm Cestrryer j Yili&uow, Walker County Ga., ) •Ton, 29 1?«6. \ Dr JiAp R';il— Dar Sir, X have recently /it. , \ ,m I'Vrtt-m 1.t.-stroyer’ several tria'r nnd Bid it won 'erfull. eStf'cioua It h'*s mt failed ; in a single insunoolo have tbe wish* t-for effect [ nm doing n prefy large cnnit ..*pvaerice, snd it vj daily as fur suite arti-'e ct the kiqi T am free toconfess th-t l know o p no remedy ra cotnmetided by the ablest authors that i* so ertain and speedy in its effoc's. On the c- r.- 'triry they are upcor tan in tho extreme. My object in writing you is to find out ure.n what t rms I can get he medicine directly from you If I can get if upen easy terms, I shall use a great,<iea s pf it. lam aware that., tfe us- of such HTtie'es is centracy to the teachim*. and practice of a great majority nf (he regular line of M. D's, but X see no just eau-e or good sense in discarding a remedy whioh we kn iw to be ffleient, simply Because we may be ignorant of its combination. For mv part. Tsh'll make it a ru’e to use all nnd anv means a evi ite suffer ing hum mity which I may bo able ty comnnuid no. hositaiiog because sou.e one tcoca ioguuivus tiau myself may have learned ■ i vfftivts piaJ., an 1 ieoured the sol* right to soeuf* that knowl edge. Howev-r I am by no meins an advocate nr supporter of the tbousan s es worthless nos trums that fl od tbe eount*y that purport to cure ,l! uianne of disease to vr'uich human 11 sh is hiir. Please reply soon and r.f.<rm me of your best terms, I am sir m r >s-. reane fully, Ji.LIUS P CLEMENT M D, .Bulls Sarsa]»arjllii. A Go (mI Ecaxon f* r the fajitain’s Faith, ticad the Captains Letter and the Let ter from his Morher 8.-uton Baracks, Mo. April 3&. ,1365, D John Bull -so r Sir Knbwing the effleinnr-v ofyaur Sa sapanlla and t o healing and beneficial qualities rt posses-es, X send you the following statement- of my c .se, 1 waswoundeii about two yearagb--was taken prisoner and confined for sixteen months, Be ng moved so ofieD my wtiunds have net healed yet X have up a moment since X wac wounds ed. I am Bhot through the hips, My general beolth is impaired and 1 ueedsouietUiug to assist nature X have more faith in your tsartaparilla than in anything else I wish that is g -nuine, P,ease express me half ad sen botles and oblige Captain C P JOHNSON, Si. Louii Mo, P 3—Tbe folU.wmg wm written April 20 lgfifi by Mrs Jeucle J..button mother of Capt Johnson Da Bull—Dear Sir, My husband Dr C S John ou was :i skillful surgeon and physician in Ceutral New York, where be dii and leaving the above O P Johns 'g to my care, At thirteen years of age he bad a chronic diarriea and Brofula for which I give him your Sarsaparilla it oured him I have for ten years recommended it to many in New York, Ohio, and lowa, for scrofula, fever sores, and general debility Per fect success has attended it. The cures effected in some cjs/s ofscro krla and fever sore were almost miraculous lam very anxious for my son to again have recourse to your Sarsaparilla He is fearful of getting a spurious article hence his writing to yoa f rit. His wounds were ter rible. bin I belicva he will recover, Rcspoetfullv JENNIE JOHNSON Dr. JOHN BULL Manufacturer and and Vender ofthe Celebrate! Smith’s Tonic Syrup! FOR TUB CURE OF AGUE AND FEYER OR CHILLS A FEVER. The proprietor of thY celebrated medieine justly claim, for it a superiority c eratl route -dies ever offered to the public for the safe, cer* t uo.speedv and permanent cure of Ague and Fever, er Chills and Fever whether of short at long stau bn*. He refers to the entire «" csturc and A.uth-western cooutry *o h-ar him testimo 'ny to the truth of *he a s .rtion that in no ease whitevot will fail to ourr, if ,he directiora are j stiictly folioweh aiut cor.reU out ja a manny css •« a single dote been suflj .L ift f , a cure uni v hole fatni.ies have been oured by a ring « beUie, with a perfect restoratioi ol t: e general Usalth. it if however pr uent and in every e s» more certain to cure, if Ks use is continued id «ur tiler tlOai v fivi a wsek or t»o nf ter tbe diseese hus been checked, a ,re ofp»oial Iv in difficult and. lepg-tanding < es, Ljually this medicine will ti i require ncy aid to keep the bowels in good order ; should the patieut however, require a cithartic medicine, alter h-tiing taken three or four ands»» of the Tonic, a single dose nf Bull’s Vugetat. e F rnily rill,! will be suCicieet. Dll. JOHN BIT LL'S V-.r-’OSr, Nj. X'J . a f’-v. -reef t LGLJWiIaLS, KY., [ All of the ,b .»e rerne j<• . py Vi ALKYL 3'. ’L j .j),, . . , i’ ngv.; t G. cj-LVr • • I t.,c.0 ly j RECENT ARRIVALS AT C. A. DAVIS'. 1 OFFER FOR SALE 109 piece! Ameiienn Print*. 50 pieces American Delaines 20 pieces Opera FUnoeU 20 pieces white Flannels 20 pieces Red Flannels 10 pieces Cotton Flanne’s 50 pieces Blanche'* Homespun! 4 pieoeg 10-4 Bleached Sheeting 40 pieces 4 4 Drowrn Sheeting 50 pieces 7 8 Shirting 60 pieces Sea Island ii nnespu ns 50 pieces P ot Osuaburg* 50 pieces ity.tgn Stripes and*Plaidß 20 pieces Georgia Kersey 10 pioooß Yankee Kerrey 20 pi oes Kentucky Jeans 10 rieeas Satinet! 10 piece® Caggitnerg 5 pieces American Tobnrpik 10 pieces All *Vqul Fureigu FSaid 5 piece* Radii sh and French Meric.* 4 dozen Lrdie* Skirts • 3 25 d« , se’* F(no r ' s kirts j. 4 lii'Me* Gf>nd.® 2 df>f Migsftaanrl "hildrden*! Hoods 2 decer Tidies HnHas 3 doten g fiotb-end Beaver Cloaks 2 dozer Ph T rf* ? dozen Knir Drnwcrs 20 d<’7. ‘n Lodies L neo 10 dozen T 9<inr»»*e and ’ony thaw’s 10 jozen Bleached and Colored Shirts 2 dor Rlennhed DrifMng 20 pieces R«d Tickt®»y 20 pieces Rorwn D r »tlfnsr 20 Dnxor, Radies Psper Collar* 100 d f >z Gentlemen Paper Collar* 100 dozen Cost’s Spool Cotton 100 dozen Colored Snool Cotton 10 kejfs EugHah Soda 20 barrels Stewert Fz C Sugar 10 barre’s Brown S^n^ar 5 barrel* St'wart a Ground andCrnahed 3u£*r 10 barrels New Yfirk Syrup 5 uatiiHs*jitnfty i Traps^F ru P 5 hotheads West India Molsgse* 20 000 lbs of Sweds and Refined Iron 2000 lbs of BW Inn 1800 lbs Square, Ovel and Round Iron 3000 lbs Plow Steel 500 Jbg Hoop I. on 3000 lb* Tiei 2000 yds Gunny Bagyipg 100 Sacks Steadman’a Extra Family Flour 50 Sacks Steadmans Superfine. 25 Sacks Fancy Flour 60 Nails 5000 lb* I folio v Ware 2 d 1 z-n S jjdfe® 50 pairs Plow Traces 10 pairs W ajgou Traces' 2 dozen plow 0 dozer Painted Buckets 6 dozen Iron Bound Gyprus Bu ‘kets 12 dozen Brass Bound C*dar Bucket! 2 dozen Half Bushel Measures 6 dozen Cyprus Tubs 3 dozen Ovprus Churn* ! dozen Enslish Shot Gun* 1 dozen Pistols 6 Shot 25 dozen Pockets Knives 50 dozen Table Knives 5 dozen Kettles and Sauce Pans 6 dozen Collin’s Axes Augors, Chisels. Gimbl-ts, Hatchets and Hammers, Fa 1 Looks Stock Locks Door Locks, Chest Lock*, Till Locks, Wood Serews, Gurry combs. I - docea scov.-’a weeding hoes O barrels shoe pegs I case misses "wed calf ba'morals 1 oase misses sowed kid balmoraU 10 cases mens icavy pegg Shoes 5 cases mens p-gg balmoral shoes 5 oases women pegg shoes 5 esses hoys ad misees pegg shoes 1 oases childri .’s pegg shoes 6 cases mens pegg bools 4 cases sowed calf boot* I ease hand sowed French o*if W P boots l case ladle.- calf sowed ba moral* 1 case ladies kid sowed ba! aora's 1 rare oio h Boots and congress Gut ore 50 pairs if E ankrts Complete Assortment of or- -ste-y War# (souiptdt* As.-orl meet of T , ,-e Kernel ue Oil Copperas ci s ( Od, Tnrpeo-ine Soap, Alinm, ft rch. Lau laanm Paregoric, et! eto comp'eie Areurtme- : ,1 Glotbing. * 40 EnglLn Da-rv cheese 2.. b ate cheese 3 case., 00l lists 6 cases men, Boys and chi! '-oil’s For Hats 6 doaen Ladies flats Trimmsd and Uatrimmcd oQ boxes tobacco h oooo !bs Bacon 2009 lbs Lard. In addition to the above named articles f keep Whatever the wants of ihe trade demand sa l my stock is kept up all the year, with .ea rn b e golds, which 1 will sell at Atlanta or Angus a price*, fre,ght ad.lo I and I guarantee every article sold to be as rrprereut and f licit a continuance ol the liberal patron. ' bi'berto bestowed feeliug aviated vour interest *ill be promoteJ thereby. U CCi -i~ ->LDS