The Greensboro herald. (Greensboro, Ga.) 1866-1886, February 06, 1868, Image 2

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THE HERALD. J. K. MPE.VC'E, EDITOR Md PHOPRIKTOR J. A. uKin n, associate editor IhurMlnt. IVkt-wnr.v <l. IW4IN. Order 40 Modified. We have b fore us General Or* der No. 22. from Gen, Meade dt ted February 3J, 1808. which mod ifies that infamous order, No 49, issued by Gen. Pope. The modification is such, that all papers, eiccpt such as tlireato: appointee officers with violence or future prosecution, arc to le al lowed to receive advertisements under State or Municipal lawn or ordinances. We have not, nor do not threat en will; violence or future prosecu tion any appointee officer conse quently we are entitle to the bene* lit of all legal advertisements.— The order says that opposition to the plan of reconstructs, when legitimately conducted, is not to be considered offensive We have and do op ose the Sherman’s Bill, through conscentious to tivss, but have not resorted to any illegal process to prevout its execution. We are now legally entitled to receive from any officer all udver tisements pertaining to his office. Why should we always croak and grumble and be discontented because tilings are not just, as we would have them ? What if crops fail, if trade is dull, what if we are compelled to bow beneath the grinding yoke of tyranny, must we sit with folded bauds watching the onward march of poverty and des olation without moving a muscle to arrest the destroying tide? Are there not other years before us in which, if we aie diligent, other cropßmay be made, business may be better, and by the assistance of a kind Providence, we may again enjoy the blessings of peace, >ros porily and happioeaa in a /j-m ««•<! just government. Because we arc unfortunate, must we always bo unhappy and make other* abo-t us miserable and un happy too ? Shall man always be the creature of circumstances ? Suppose everything looks dark and floomy ju*t now, and with our weak and feeble vision, we can see no hope in the future. There nev er was a man so miserable, but something might b« added to his weight of misery , uevor one so destitute of everything which has a tendency to cheer and comtor. the' soul, but what something might be taken (rom him which he would meurn the loss of. What were our nobler natures given us for, if not to sunnouniWl obstacles and rise triumphant over every difficulty in the path duty and vir tue. Surely there is a better da. ahead, ‘ the darkost hour of the night is iust beforo inorn ; ng.” and if we only do our part faithfully all will be well with us in tke*emi. Never while we possess life and strength, let ns despair, but strug gie on, earnestly, hopefully and then, if we fail, we can rest satis fied with the conviction that we have done our duty : and leave the rest wjth the Almighty A Mississippi negro was recent ]y fonnd dead in the woods by the body of a stolen hog. On the ne gro the following inscription was pinned : “The nigger killed the hog , the hog killed the negro.— Sola'll." The Yorkvi 11c (SC) Enquirer says that Mrs Henry I<etsoD, a very large woman, foil out of her l>od and factored her skull so se verely as to produce Instant death. Artcmus Ward said that the man who wrote I’m saddest when I sing, was a fool to sing much. A Movement has boon inaugura ted to erect an ns-v m for useless onng men. The only trouble • inch the ‘committee . fear will be nsurmountable, ig that of jetting the building large enough. Pen and Seissftrs. The Atlanta laleligencer has hoisted the name of Andrew Joliu son for President. Congress has taken the tax off of cotton. The bill is a law us er the 13th inst. Gen. Meade ha 9 gone to Mobile Alabama, A riot occurred in. Savannah on the night of the 4th. Several po licemen and four or five negroes were wounded, none killed. The rioters were dispersed. The cotton maikct is q let. Middlings are bringing 17cts in Augusta Nothing definite has been done in the Atlanta Convention on the sub ject of relief. ‘Father wlmt doo3 a printer live on ?’ ‘Why. child T Because you said you hadn’t paid him for three years, and still take the paper’ ‘Wife spank that child’ 6ne night last week Mrs Broome, the wife of the jailor of Decatur county, accompanied by. her niece. Miss Whitaker went in to one of the cells to give a negro prisoner his supper. Upon entering Mrsß. was knocked down by the prisoner, and her pistol taken from her. At this moment, Miss Whit aker seized the negro and succeed ed in holding him until assistance coold be procured from outsit'l to lock him up.— Sav. ./fdv. The Cleveland [Tenncsse ] Ban ner, savs that Rev. Mr. Wilson, a recent importation from the North, and Pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Athens excommunicated thirty of liis flock last Sunday, be causa of their having been identi fied with the rebellion. The Ireedmen in North Carolie;. arc being victimized by a Northern adventurer, who is selling them sticks at one dollar each, with the information that if they will stick it in any lot of land it will be re cognized by the .Yankees,’ and 3 deed given for the land. The Atlanta Intelligcncar ofF»*» ( daj says that tJie Boston negro wft* claims to represeut this city in the bogus reconstruction ( • uvention, lias departod from that city to avoid the invesiigatiou pending ia reference to his character. it is stated also that this worth less scamp used the following words in the Convention the day before his departure : If the people dared to refuse o ratify the proceeding of the Con vention, the burning of Atlanta and the inarch of Sherman through Georgia tvould be but a foretaste of what his race and the United Stateß army would do to Georgia. Sav News & Herald. The Tew I.lngo An exchange nays that the following is a .specimen from anew Grammar to be gra tuitously circulanul for the use of the Con" vent ion .- TllK VERB TO DO. Present tens9 —uot used. Imperfect. I done it, Thou donest it, Hu done it. Plural We uns done it, Yeu uns done it, They uns done it. V erf net I gore done it, You gone done it. He gone done it. Plural We uns gone done it. Y’on uns gon* done it, They uns gone done it. Pitt Perfect. I done gone done it, You done gone done jt, He done gone done it. Plural. We uhr done gone done it. Yon uns done gonedoDe it They uus done gone done it. Future. I gwine done it, Y’ou gwine done it, H* gwine done it Plural We uns gwinu done it, Yon uns gwine done it, They uns gv. iue gone d* ue it. Future Perfect, I gwine done it. You gwine done it. He gw-ice done it, /’laial, Wo Hits gwine gone done it Yon uns gwine gone done it, They on« gw ine gone done it. CITY IIOTIL. Mrs. J. A. B\F.LLI\(!S, I’rojrtU*, CJroen*l>©ro% <«a will be sou and at ever; tain, febU ts | .1. ft. & 11. MILL RESPECTFULLY take this mode onform- Ing the Ji ib.c g-uenlly, that vy are (>r< pared to do all linls jf I ARPENTERS AND ( Mil NET WIK p *ffins ftirnij<h»d from five to one hnnd‘l dol- Urn, n fine hoarse furnished when desir* Atidroi’M P.*t Office Bex 8. or at ntsence 4 milen from this city on White Plaint >ad febß 12ms DENTISTRY. Dr. 11. A. €OE, WOULD annoa-ics to his f isnd* id p»~ irons, that be has retnrned to tie sec tion for toe Winter, aud continue* iheprlti le of hiß profession, tie will vinit, as heretotre, Ox fi>rd, Penfield, White P.a ns and Meui Zion, aud will be happy 10 see all who may diire his Strvioes, at bis rooms id those places Permanent Office in Greensboro’, * fcorgia. Kooms in at Mrs. t-nelling; Ladies waited upon attbeir residences if desi 1. Pricee to suit the times ixaimn ttion oil ad vice Gratis, <jb(i3ui THE EDUCATICN OF THE THE utideanig ed having spent Tweoy Five idvrain the management ot floras, and great expense acquired a kno’-riadge »f their dispofit 033 ms an the proper euucoti ud training of them, now pr<>pt-s s to the pwlic to give lessons in the art, which will couprise, Fiist Bridln g Saddling and Hiding, Next Oriving to Ha ness lie will 'each you how to prtvonL his Kicking. Balking’ Break ng he Bri uie or Haiter, and now rocure bitu of Junp ng. My terms are Five Dollars for the oireo ot Ins.ruction, and if you are not satisfied tiat you ' an do uii that i prouiioe, your Money vill be rs'imed. W. T- DP?IKE feb6 lm WM. nORGiI, ,i l l v the pain to the patient. Unless professionally absent, be may be found at liis office out door north of Jtfuiray Jk Dawson’s. on Main Street, Feb 6, 1868 Additional Supplies. 300 Bushel? White Wostera Seed Oats 300 Bushels Black Western Seed Oats 1000 lbs Choice MaSnolia Sugar Cured Hams 5000 lbs Choice Bacon ?houldcr3 New 7000 lbs Choice Clear Baron Sides, New 600 lbs Sugar Cured Beef Hams, New 50 Sacks Extra Family Flour 50 Saoks Family Flour 30 Pieoes of Calicoes on tho way CHAS, A DAVIS janl6 lm l>l3oTo<'R*6>iLS. rjvllE citizens of Gsccnsboro and vicinity, are 1 respectfully inforiuo i, that by calling at the Town Hall, over Murray A Dawson’s Dry Ooods Store, they can get the above work don* in go*d style and any size they may wish, from a locket up to life size. The room is arranged with sky and side light, making it on* of the best light* I have met with in Georgia. LAG H EM jan23 3ts S2OO Reward. ESCAPED Jail in Grccnesbnro, Q», on the night of the 19th instant, Two men, one a white man maned n m M Carry. 29 years oi and. fair skin, blue eyes weighs abont 145 lb>, coach painter by trade, almost bald on top of the hand ono or two teeth out near the eye tooth limp*!, little in lef' leg thigh slightly crooked from having been broken The other a negro man, about 30 years old, rather spare built, one or two front teeth out of lower jaw bricklayer by trade His name is Thornton RoundfieM The above reward will be paid for their ap prehension and confinement in some safe Jail or one hu idred dpllars for cither Os them J. H. English, Sheriff, G, C. Dec. 20 1567. Lands For Sale. 25,000 ACRES AT ! MANCHESTER, OCEAN COUNTY, N. J. ' IN lots to tuit purchasers, at two dollars per acre, pavatoa iu tire years ; 55 miles from New Y* r an Pii ,ui**lph'H ; soil well adapted for firmi c pur; fra ts vegetables cran berries, c!im •* i ild tuA healthy, water soft and pure Several water manufacturing sites from 75 to 200 horse power, for sale or lease Machine car and repair siK>ps of raUl* i -it. thi# pi ce. Poblieatlo’s « t • -W i oi in sen tree n .pp e n ! J Lw Snhultze. General M . .p - Vr i . f i •s<j , Selling Agent, Ovtau Cos * j 1 & 6 8. Scientific American. THE Rest Taper in the World. PttMi bed for Nearly A QUARTER OF A CENTURY. This Splendid N- wsp- per, gieatly enla-ged and improved, is one of tb* most reliable, useful i and inferes in* jeurnals ever published Every 'number is beaut fully printed and elegantly il -1 lustraed with sevr.t Original Engravings, rep resenting New Inventions, Novoletie? in M», han ; cs, Agriculture,Chemistry, Photography Man- ufactures, Engineering Science and Art Farmers, Mechanics, Inventors Engineers. Chemists, Manufa-turea, people in every profes sion of life will find the Scientific American to be of great value in their respective callings— Is tounsel? and suggee ions will save them Hun drtds of Dollars annually besides ffording them a continual source ofknnwled e, the value of which is beyond pecuniary estimate. All pat ents granted with the claims puh’ished weekly. Ev.rv Public or Prir itu library-hould have the work bound and preserved for reference. The yeariy namberv of the Scientific Araeri • unmake a spleadii volume of nearly one thou sand quarto pages, equivalent to neariy four thou sand ordinary book pagrs A New Volume commences J »nu ry I, 1168. Published Weekly Terms : One Year, $3 ; Ha f dear, 81 50, Clubs of Ten Copies for One Year, 815. Sp. ci men Conic*sen' gratis. Address MUNN A CO., 3T l, ark Row New York [JF"Th* Publishers of h* Scientific Amerioan in connee'ion with the public tion otthe pa| er have acted as Solicitors es P . * nu for twenty two years. Thirty Thousand App ioations for Patents have bo.n male though the r Agency. More than One Hundred Thousand Inventors have sought the counsel of the Proprietors of the Scientific American concerning thotr iveutions ) Consultations and advice to inventor-, by mail, freo, Pamphlets onc rning Patent Laws of all Countries, free. A Handsome Bound Volume, containing 150 Mechanical Engravings, and the United States Censu Counties, with Hints nnd Receipts for Mechanics, mailed os reset t es -sc, SAVANNAH DAILY ADVERTISER. S YATES LEVY, Edit r E 0 WCiaiNOTON A.sociut rpUK Advertiser i Devoted *o ihe interests of I Savannah, of Georgia and of the South In favor of Reconstruction ou a sound basis and opposed to Radicalism in every shape A paper acceptable t*» the family and the m nos busi ness, For the present it *il! be published only as a Driiiy but at art ©ft;ly day a Tri w»(ikly edition wilt ai>o be isiired Po.-tmuß*-ers.a<j ing as .\gonc will bo allowed a liber* > per ©outage on all subscription Published at-$8 yer year ; $4 lor six months, S3 50 f»r three mouths, and *1 for one month. E. vl WUHIHGTON & CO-, Publ-siiers. IsOOK here, TH PC uadeiviged propose to publish in book form , short Biographical Sketch© of the officers and members* of ihe Georgia Convention 4 now in session in this city § They would be g’a to receive from friends in different portions of the State any facts and incidents [well authenticated, and over responsi ble names] going to illustrate the life and ohur* "~Af 1 "couimucalions confidential Address X. Y Z. Atlanta, Ga* P S, Papers friendly to the enterp iee are requested to copy. feb6 68 An Illustrated Weekly Jourcal of Fashion. Pleasure, & Instruction Harper’s Bazar. Besides the Fashions it presents a’so the very best specimens of U usebold Literature. No subject of domestic interest is excluded from its columns Terms for Harper’s Period! cals ; Harper’s Msgasine Cne Year 4 00 Harper’s Weekly One Year 4 00 H .rper’s Basar One- \ T ear 4 00 Ilirper’s Magazine Harper’s Weekly and Harper’s Bazar to one ad.lressfor one year 10J00 | jf An extra oopy of the Magazine Weekly or Bazar will sudplied gratis for every club of Five subscribers at 4 00 each in one remittance or sis copies tot 20 00. Pearson & Cos CIRCASSIAN HAIR REJUVENATOR THE BEST HAIR DRESSING IN THE YATOIFtILID Is now Offered to the Public. In two week- it restores the bair at any period of life to its original color, giving it all its youthful softness and luxuriance. Its Cleansing Properties are Truly Magical Reiocwing in » few :u s wit so ts of dandruff, Hi ir itafi n* or soreness of the sealp Thousand* of tetimoniais can be fa nished by the Proprietors, J PE ARSON & CO 296 Jay St , limok yn Price, $1 00 Per Bottle ; Or 6 Bottles, 5 tlO For Sate by all Drugggis a air-Drevoers geoer all*. A. A A F. L. LITTLE, Attorney at Law- SPARTA TTORGIA 'XVTIkf* par s*riot n teatien f r> a!= y V er'truv'ed to h * tare, n ( Dr. JOII Y KI LLS Great Remedies. Bull s ted run Bitters AUTHENTIC DOCUMENTS. Arkansas Heard From TESTIMONY OF MEDICAL - MEN. Stony Point, White Cos., Ark,, May 23, ’B6. Dr. John Bull, —Dear Sir—Last February I was in Louisville purchasing drugs, and I got some of your Sarsaparilla aud Cedron Bitters. My son-iu-law, who was with me iu the store ban been down wiih rheumatism for some time, commenced on the Bitters, and soon found his general health improved. Dr. Gist, who has been in bad health, tried them, and he also improved. Dr. Coffee, who has been in bad health for several years—stomach and liver effected—he improved very much by the use of your Bitters Indeed the Cedron Bitters has given you great popularity in this settlement, I th nk I could sell a g-eat quantity of your medicines this fall—especially of your Cedron Bitters aud Sarpnril'a Ship me via Memphis, eare of Rickett A Neely . Respectfully. C. D. WALKER. Bull’s Worm Destroyer. To my United Slates a :d World-wide Renders I bar© receiver! many testimonials from pro fession tl and medical medical men, as idy al manacs ami various publications have shown, all of whi-h are ge uine The following letter from a highly educated and popular physician in Georgi i, 1? rertainly neofthe most sensible cominunica.ioris I have ever received Hr Clement knOMF exact' y what he speaks of, and his testimony dkse.-ves t*' bo written in lette r of golds Hear what the Hectors say of Bull’s Worm C©Ptr< yer ; Villanow, XV llker C©nn»v Ga. ) J i’ll 1566. J P Jo bn Bull—Par Sir, T bare recently given your rWornj Pe-troyer* several trials and fl id it won-orfulh ofTi*'ciou* It his failed in a single Instance to havatbe wished-fcfr effect I am loing a pretty u*rgo couafc' and hoT i daily as f<»r s -mo artio a f h kin T am free to confess tb.vt I know o‘ no remedy re commended by the ablest utbore that is so certam and speedy in its effeo s. On tho eon«» trary they are uncer ian ir 4 xtrerce. My object in writing you is fin* ut von wb? terras I can get he mod\ i e di• ect 1 v from you If I can get it upen easy tones, I hull use a great deal of it. lam awarr that the us* of such articles is contrary to the fetching!* and practice of a gre:it majority *’ tho regular line of M. D’s, but I see no cau eor good sense in discarding a remedy which we kn w to be efficient, simply because wh may be ignorant ol its combination. For my part, I shall make it a rule to use all and anv moans alleviate ing humanity wbujh T may be able to command not hesitating hecau-e le more ingenious than myself may h i o - l its first, nn I secured the tr.e : tY t know’ edge. Howev r I* 1..: • : advocate or supporter of the - •? .loss nos trums that fl od the ’'• -a: r port to cure all manne of dist. aF tn » ;U:nan tlesh is heir. Please reply g w * t uform me of your best terms. lam m'«s respe fully, JULIUS P CLEMENT M D, Bull's Sarsaparilla. 1 Goo and Rmon fit tlie fautaia's Faith. Bead the Captains Letter and the Letter from his Morher Benton Baracks, Mo. April 30. 1866, D- John Bull Sir. Knowing the efflctoncy of your Sa-saparilla and the healing and beneficial qualities it possesses, I send you the following statement of my case, I was wounded about two yea- ago- -was takes prisoner and confined for sixteen months, Being moved so often my wounds have noth«aied yet I have not sat up a moment since I was wound od. lam shot through th* hips. My general heolth is impaired and I noedsomething to assist nature I have more faith in your Sarsaparilla than in &-ything else I wish that is genuine. Please express me half a d>zen belles and oblige Captain C P JOHNSON, St. Louis Mo, P S—The following was written April 20 1865 by Mrs Jeuni* J"hnson mother of Capt Johnson Dx Bull—Dear Sir, My husband Dr C S Johnson was a skillful surgeon and physician in Centrnl New York, where he di.d leaving the above C P Johes'g to my care, At thirteen years of age ho had a chronic diarriea and srofula for which I gave him your Sarsaparilla It cured him I have for ten years recommended it to many in New York, Ohio, aad lowa, for serofuia, fever sores, and general debility Per fect success has attended it The cures effected ■in some cases of sorotnla and fever sore were almost miraculous lam very anxious for my son to again have recourse to your Sarsaparilla He is fearful of gettiDg a spurious artiole hence his writing to you fir it. His wounds were ter rible. bnt I believa he will recover, Respeotfullv JENNIE JOHNSON Dr. JOHN BULL Manufacturer and and Vender of the Celebrated Smith’s Tonic S>rup! FOR THE CURE OF AGUE AND' FEVER OR CHILLS A FEVER. The proprietor es th> celebrated medicine justly claims fur it a superiority o er all reuse dies aver offered to the public f r the safe, cer tain, speedy and permanent cure of Ague and Fever, or Chilis and Fever, whether of short or loug stan tinr He -eiers to the eutfrn estem and South-western cotajr ob ar him testimo ny to the truth of the a sertion, that in no case wh itevet wiil fail to cure, if the ill e-ti-nis are strictly followed aid cnr.ied act la n gent ui&nuy casss a single d> so b . beet sufficient. for a cure, and whule families h - P-on cured b» a single bottle, wiih a perfect us ' olio: ol t e general health. It is hovr-ver prodeut aud in every ease more certain to cure, if is use is continued in smaller and gas for a week or two us ier the diseaite has been che- ked, more especial ly in difficult and longstanding cases, Usually, this medicine will n t require any -id to keep the bowels in good order ; should .be patient however, require a e tthart o medicine, after h >qing taken three or four doses of the Tonic, a single dose of Bull’s Vegetable Family Pills will be sufficient. DR. JOUN BUM. - - ripe;Office, , C u--« Street, “ i UK, KY-, Ail oftkeahivr r '« ,y ,i ALk - 00., i> .... ~ ' To/ Oa jin 16 !y RECENT ARRIV ALS AT C. A. D WIS-. I OFFER FOR SALE 100 pieces American Print*. 50 pieces American Delaines 20 pieces Opera Flannels 20 pieces white Flannels 20 pieces Red Flannels 10 pieces Cotton Flame's 50 pieces Bleached Homespun* 4 pieces 10-4 3l*aobed Sheeting 40 pieces 4-4 Brown Sh. sting 50 pieces 7 8 Shirting 50 pieces -a» Island Hotnespirn* 50 pi.ees 8 o* Osaaburgs BOpiews r '--too Stripes aud'Plaida Z 0 pieces Georgia Kersey 10 pieces Yankee Kersey 20 pi> ces Kentucky Jeans' 10 piece* Satinet* _ , . 10 pieees C issimers 5 pi-ees .ATrerisai, Cobnrg. i 10 pieees All '-Tool Foreign Plafci 5 pieocs Engiish and Fr neb Merino 4 dozen L'die* Botraoral -irirt* 3 dozen Misses Balmont Bkirta 25 dozen Hoop Skirts 4 dozer L'l lies Hoods 2 dozen Misses and flbildrden’* Hood* ? A 't n Ladies Nnbos 3 dozen Ladies Cloth ar Beaver Cloak* 2 uoxer Merino Shirts 2 lozec Knit Drawers 20 dozen Ladies L ; nen JI« adkercli eifs i0 dozen ’ adic» n 1 'ong Shaw'* 10 dozen Bleached un'd Go'ored Shirt* 2 do* B’r cd Drilling Drawer* 20 piec< ? Bed Ticking 20 pieces r : rtvn Drilling 20 Dozen Ladies Paper Collars 100 do* Oeot emen Paper Collars ' 100 dozer G nat's SpoqJ Cotton 100 dozen Golornd Spool Cotton 10 kegs Best English Soda 20 barrel ■ Sfcwnit Ex C Bugar 10 barre's Brown Sujar 5 barre’s Stewart A O' "tnd aad Crushed Sugar 10 barrels New York vrnn 5 barrels Sugar Hou 3 barrels Honey Drops 5 hogsheads West Ind ; i da*s*s •in ruv, 10. „t s».d« ... ;..<in«d fn. 2000 lbs of Band I'rn 1800 lbs Square, Ovel n . Round Iron 3000 lbs Plow Steel 500 lbs Hoop Iron 3000 lbs Iron Tiez 2000 yds Ounny Bagpirg 1 00 Sacks Steadman’s Extra Family F;odj r 50 Sacks Steadmans Superfine 25 Sacks Steadman's F tney Flour SO kegs ?T*Hs 5000 lbs Hollow War*' 2 dozen 9 « l.i les 50 pairs 'low Traces iO pairs V-.ggp* TraWS 2 doson silow Hames 6 dozen Painted Buck 6 dozen Iron Bonnd C: us Jln-keWT 2 dozen Brass Bound < 'v Bucket? 2 dozen Half Bushel 1 urea 6 dozen Cyprus Tubs 3 dozen Cyprus Churr 1 dozen English Shot Ji is 1 dozen Pistols 6 Shot 25 dozen Pockets Kni- ■» 50 dozen Table Knive -5 dozen Kettles and F tec Pans 6 dozen Collin’s Axes Augors, Chisels, Gimblete, Hatchets aid Hammers, Pad Looks '->ok Locks. Door Locks, Chest Locks, Till Loc , Wood Seraws, Burry conns. 10 dozen covets weeding hoes 5 barrels >e pegs 1 case m es sowed oalf b a’morals 1 case m roe sowed kid balntorala 10 cases <ns heavy pegg Shoe* 5 eases ir -p gg balmoral shoes 5 cases v en pegg shoes 5 casts h -and misses pegg shoes ! cases ch ren’s pegg shoes 6 oases m ns pegg boots 4 cases sou caU hoots 1 oase h ind sowed Fr- ac’i calf W P boots 1 case ladies calf sowe 1 b.tlmorals 1 case Indies kid sown 'i -nova's I ase L i lies ekiih Bi is nd congress Gaitora 50 pairs of Blankets C'-aJpleie Assortment of or ckary Ware Complete Assortment f T,n ' are Kerosinc Oil, Gopperas ct storOtl, Turpentine BoAp, Allum t -rch. L-iadaaam. Paregoric, et j etc oomp'eto Assort inert of Olothing. 40 English Da’ry che 20 State cheese 3 csss. 00l Hats 6 caie.< men, Boys »nd hi! -ea’s Fur Hats 6 dozen Ladies Halt 1 need and Uatrimmed 50 boxes Tobacco 3000 lbs Bacon 2000 lbs Lard. In addition to the a’o'e aimed articles * keep whatever the was r of the trade demand and my (took is kept up and the year, with sea son-ble gotds whieh I wib sell at Atlanta or Angus a prioes, freight added and I guarantee every article sold to be as represent -d. I go, licit a outinuance of the liber i patmnige bi berto bestowed your inter. .t wiH be promoted thereby, dec! 4 3ms