The Greensboro herald. (Greensboro, Ga.) 1866-1886, April 02, 1868, Image 2

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THE MOULD. JjlO. it. *'l*fcrk«'Ks Rrtitor. 'I hui-«aM.vV April ", IWIt FOR GOVERNOR Hon. David Irwin OF C O Bit. f Bl FK LENDS OF imbt. iki jiIjEV. ■ !ColorfpJ Os W 11 r*'U aniiWnco him h* a enruliilute+t> »<•!•:• <at tft.- p oplo of tli "itti Cortgre u «iou *1 V -it >-i of fioorgia in (lie Cong rets of tbe ITnlt«/l DoiJiwratic Itl'iel-iii!? in Grcenesboro’. Af -’ll artj irnoil mooting of the citizen* r t (ir. ct)f’ county, to nominate candidate!* for Ftate and County office*, hold in Greens boro’ this day. 2-ilh of March, 1968. On motion of Uou - Thotnaa Stocks, chair man of tlfo Comtcittco to nominate candi dab s for Slate and Comity office*, Greene Moore and K. J. Dawson, Eeqre., be added as ruiwli ra of raid committee. Ou motion of Col. It. 11. Ward. Prof. Woodfln.of Mercer University, (in the ab sence of Dr, 11. 11. Tucker,) was‘Appointed to read th 1 Addas* prepared by Dr. Tuc ker, tveieb being taken up, was unanimously adopted, amidst enthusiastic applause of the people. On motion of Col, M. W. Lewis, the Ad drc*» was ordered to bo printed in hand bills and circulate!} throughout tbo county and that every planter be rerpioited to read it to tin freed men iu liia or their employ. On tnolion, it was ordered, that Hon. Thomas Stocks. Col, R. 11. Ward and Dr T. P. Jane* act or a Committee to superin tend the printing and circulating of the .Address. On motion of W'm. N. Williams, Esq , a collection was taken up to defray the ex pense of printing the Address. The Hon. Thomas Stocks, Chairman of the Committee to nominate candidates fo 1 Stat and County offices; reported the fol lowing names as suitable persons to be sup portl and by the voters of Greene county, at the election to be hold on the 20th April luAit; For Senator for the Senatorial District, composed of Greene, Taliaf rro ami War ion—Col, Wiley G. Johnson. For Ropiest uhi! i ve. in the State Le.ui/Jn ’ For Clerk Superior and Inferior Courts- Isaac 11. Hall. E.-q. For sheriff—J. H. English, Kq. For Receiver of Tax Returns -John K Finch, Jr. For Tax Collector—M. G. Copelan, Exj Ft r Gorontr—John L. Bruce, Esq. For County Treasurer—J. llenry Wood. County Surv-yor—Jefferson F. Wiigh'. The it, port was unanimously adopted. Resolved, That the foregoing be publish ed in the ’Greeuesboro’ Herald' and ‘Spar ta Nt-ws.’ The meeting then, ou motion, adjourned tint tie. Y. P. KiNC, Ch'n D. C Cos, H J Daw sox, fvc'y. The Comiriittee appointed to prepare re. solutions and an Address to Hie po pie of Greene Connty, beg I hve respectfully to submit the following, viz; !,vicn Ist. That we regard the Con r * '• :'■>■'. cf the United States a* the Su v ,iii' Law of the Land, snd thut having sworn f- innp-irf. su-frtlh. preserve, piffitect end defend it. w-shall as iu duty bound v« * -' . I < I\ , TV r< , Hi IJIJ 111 ’4 II I J UvUll'J kc»;i <ror oaths forever iariolalo, 2nd. T' ! I,) v’ew of the following f ■(■■; Fir t. t’:'* the Constitution for Coor ,;.i n-v.v oil red to us by tho Convon ton rt. -'Ey ass •tnl)ii>rt at Atlanta was made. by virtu* of a law which in in total disregard ol tho Constitution of the United Stale-, and 80, omllv. that said Co'ißtitu. tion for Georgia voids private contract made prior to June 1. 1805. in defiance of a provision to the contrary, th reof. in the < nusiitntion of the United States, wiiicii we are sworn to sustain: we cannot vow in favor ol said Constitution for Georgitwwitb oot palpable perjury 3td That for tho a Hove and other rra* sons 100 numerous to be m-.nlioned in these resolutions, we shall oppose the adoption of the Constitution offered to us; but we do not wish our action in the premises tub con-trued so as to imply that wc are oppos ed to rewtislrucUon, On the contrary, we arc ready and anxious to resume our former position in the Union on any terms that are - asonabie, consistent with honor, and wi h tho Constitution of the United States. 4 ‘-'t. That we are opposed to tho election °1 5- 1- *o tde office of Governor °‘ Georgia. I ■••cause he is virtually an alien and actually a stranger, because we have no con:; fence in his capacity, because we have no evidence of bis integrity, b-ctmc he advocates measures in which we do not concur, and because as a consequence of tui 4 * nig • lection would tei»d to produce nn antagonism bet ween the races, which would lesult it harm to both, and perhaps might end in blood. ‘ ” Oth. That wc hc-i’tiiy concur in the nomination ol Hon. Augastu- Rocse for the office of Governor, bat having l.sarued that be has declined being a condition, we trans fer our support with pleasure to Hun. l>u vid Irwin, and that we will make every ef fort to secure hi? election. 6th. That the following Address bo ij sued to the colored population of Greene County, to tr 1 ’ THE GREEN BORO ’HE BAID • i ID DUE S S lOf Hie White people of Greene Georgia, ip the Colored people of {be seme couaty. Wc v/hifp people wish to pay a] | few things to you black people who! were once our k'avop. We wish to i Htiy that, we arc still your friends, We do not wish to injure you.— On the contrary we are anxious to see you prosperous and happy, it, is to-our interest to be friendly with you for we expect to live with you ill wavs. It is also to your in terest to be friend ly with us, for the same reason. You will always live with us. You cannot get away from us, and we cannot gel from you. W e form but one com munity. Wo are like one family. Now you know a house divided nrsinst itself cannot s'and. The Uib'e tenches us this. So if wc wish to live*in peace we must be friends. This is what we desire. \\ o wish now to caution you against a great danger. Strangers from the North have come among us, and have endeavored to get you all together into a black man’s party. Without saying whether their motives are good or bad, wc wish to say to you, that if you al low you i selves to be formed* into a black man’s party, you will force us to form ourselves into a white man's party. So right at tho be ginning you see our hou.-fe is divi ded against itself. Do you not see that if the black man is opposed to tho white mau, it follows from this that the white man is opposed to the black man. So we shall be oppose! to each other. Now no good can cornc cf this. It will bring nothing but harm to white and black, But the greatest harm will be to you. These Northern adventurers who coine out here pretend that they arc your friends Perhaps some of them are. But they deceive you when they tell you that the Nor then people are going to do anything for yon ex cept so far as thoy can uso you as fools for their own purposes. If the Northern people love the blacks so much, why don’t they do something for- them at home ? Don’t you know that only a few months ago it was proposed in Ohio to lot negroes vote! The wny did they do it? It was be cause they hated tho black people. There are comparatively levy block people in Ohio, and it would make no difference whether thej vote or not There is no reason why the black people in Ohio should not vote except that the white people ihcr hate them. So if those peo ple want yon to vote, it is not be cause they love you; it is only be cause they think they can make something out. of you. You had batter have nothing to do with these Yankee adventurers. The advice they give you is bad advice. Now listen to another thing Loss than a week ago, it was pro posed in the Senate of Pcnnsylvas nia to let the black people vote.— The members of that Senate arc nearly all Republicans--the verv men that arc pretending tc beyouf great friends. Well, what did they do? Why almost the whole of them refused to give the black man any showing. That show? how friendly they a r e. That shows the cloven foot. You had better let them alone. Do yon kuow why they want you to vote ? It is not because they love you. You see that by tho way they aet at home. It is not because they think you are qualified, to vote; because they know you are not qualified, and yoti know yourselves that you are not qualified to vote, and do not know what you are voting for \ou hardly know what voting! means. Why then do they want; you to vote? It is only because they think thov cau control your votes so as to keep themselves in offico in order that they may steal. Do you know that they have been stealing your money already ? They stole two ceuts and a hall’on every pound of cotton you made; last year- Now remember who did this stealing. It was not the Southern people. It wa? not your ojd masters. It was the Yankees. I’hose very men who come out here and pretend to be such great Iriecds with you although they never saw you before, will pat you on the back with one hand and steal from you with the other. Now, we don’t want you to go with those people. We want you to come with us. if you come with us, then wc who live togeth er can ail bo friendly together: and wc can make the \ ankecs stop 1 their stealing. But if you go with them you make trouble here at home among ourselves. You di vide the house against itself. You get up a black man’s party here in | Georgia and of course '. shall have a white myn*3 pan * Now, I I ara you wiilii g for (’is? o you Ihink you arii pimpn <!io .-lei with the wmh' peopl"? ’f must) j recollect that when it com' o thei 'final strufreld. volt will i-o not i only the Southern pen pie con tend with, l.ut ail the whit eople both North and South. Now we. your ohl im p*. do not wish for anything,of tl kind. VVo pray Gtwf that it rm lifter happen: We remeinl er in faith ful you woi e when you \rct laves. We remember how you sto up to us during the war. H'e r< ember you as members of our fai ies.— We were boys together, j-vere raised together. He have >t for gotten our old friendships, H’e dc not wish to break them. c hope that no impertinent Yari o will come in between us and bilk our friendship and «et us agai t each other. These Yankees h e told you that wo wish to put j u back into slavery again. They re mis erable liars. Me have i desire to make slaves of you Bga . u e never made slaves of v in the first place. It was the ankces who did it. t hey will no lare to deny it. It was Yank! money that brought yon from /' iei.-- You came in Yankee ships nanried by Yankee sailors. The forced you on us as slaves wirer we did not want you. And m v these same Yankees come here with a lie in their rrouthand pr ten 1 to be your great friends. 1 1 be mo ney which thoy got foryo togeth er with the interest on t, were divided out among you, would give to every ouc of yo a farm and a fortune. M’hcn I icy tell you that we wish to put ou Hack into slavery, ask them \ 10 made slaves of you in tho first, lac ?-- and they will turn almost is black in the face as you are. No, wo do not wish :o mnke slaves of you again, xo-v that you &rr free, we want yoi to stay free. Under present circumstances it is to our interest Cor yob to stay free, The tirno never wjll come when w c shall wish to enslave yon. Wc would not do it if wo could, and weeou and not if we would. Wo know that we are the stron gey party, and do not think you arc qualified to vote. We know you aro no!, qual ified, and so do you know ir, Still at present you have the right lo do it. We acknowledge that right. If you choose to vote with these few Yankees who are trying to make use of their own pur poses. You cart do to. But you may depend upon it no good will come of it. It will set yon against jour former masters, rd it will set them against yon. You h i bc.- t keep out of that quer-el. We wi-h to kerp out or it-' We wi h to live in peace. Wo \r : hto be like or.e family, jv q- j n c . c , : f g, our our int'rctt is your interest. Let ; - c 1 stand together. We jnvjtc ;■ ito co operate with u*. J will be for your benefit and ours oe. When Noting time comes you had best go to your old master and, get him to give you a ticket that is a little piece es paper, and i.c will tell you what to do with it Von had best get your old Master to go to the voting place with von. For if one of these stealing Yankees gbf* hold of your ticket, he v, II take it away from you and vc vou an other ia place of it, vvl ,h will not do so well. W e should be glad tc tell you all about this, and the reasons for it, but cannot do so in this Address. icur old master will no doubt take pleasure in ex i plaining it to you. ! _ Now, it is g tii g,: efo st.p. ! Bat wc mu t say onco more, that it i will e impossible for tim white peo ple and black people in Georgia to get along - together, if tiny tr. voting in a body against ea< h olhc; . W hope you will remember : is, asd that' is all we h.iro to say, except this out word, that we are in all s no-rdv and truth your friends, and (’.sire to re uiu;n so tpiever, a»J :{ v -e hav any trouble it shall start with you autf the Yankees, not with iii. H. IT, TUGtvE :. Chai nr.i;.' THOMAS STOCKS, CM A C. J>.vVIK DAN. }i. SANFO3D, W. G. WCAIDVIN * _ Committee. Attention B^rtsnien I will sell in Greenesboro*, on A’>ril 20th, cfcotwn day, as --od spotting ROle as there is in the v. -mtv. Runs i 100 bails to the ponn 1. bold :ot no fault. JOHN B. FINCH, Jr. April 1 2t XCaVTON'S on of life rvr< ia *he ! ba-i, cot. - -1.---, - Uoahlcn ai. dyrtuic. • f . legal \;ptrVitEf:v jy ,~ BB^> L'.a[ IE ODD fii -,nc Comity hpreas WWimii A. C u.df'ncli and | John M, oeid-ugl’.«pply for of AdmiiiUir,. tiori on tP estate ol , J©hn Cole ough di. ‘'ased. ; These are tVeret no to eitfl and re-, ouire all persons., concerned W s J °w , iiause, if any tin y h ,ve, why ra,l Le* | tors fhouH got be granted to ap tiitcajitr. At fur Cofirt-of Or bn ny £tt-Wb iu'iHil l’"r hi,id c.yntyon the tb»t 3Lm ,a> in 'Jay ncs . G’ivcd under my hand at office ,n Groeneahtf o’. April Ist 1868. ’ EIJGENIU3 L. KING Ordinary HEOItll V, Orerne t ouefy. rWO month- after fate, lo wit t on the firs' Monday in May next, appHeotfoii will he madn to the Honorable Cov.rt of O-dtnnry of said o-tunty for loare to soil all the land belonp ing to the est 'to of Isaac A. W illiauje late of sai l County, dtej'ssed, iuelading the f«c ta re uiniridar in that portion of said land to he as signed to the widow as dower, for the of p iyii e tile dehts of said dtccased’ February 22, 18H8. ' : ' -COLI MBOS HEARD, Adas’r. GEORGIA. Oreene County VTrrllEa’BAS Lewis B WiHi* nppli-s fir Hie y V t. ,!>.!-(lton«hip of the person ami property of Luther Thom R Sanders. Orph n , under f-u-- teen years of age. of I'hhinas l.j S enders deceas ed. , . ~ Tliei"' are therefore to cite and require ail per son* pneoj-necl. to show reuse, if anv they have, why Letter? of Guardianship for the the perpon olid property of paid Orphan should not be srrsnt-d to Jni.l Lewis B, * itti! at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and forsaid County, on | tho fi st ;irtm ay in April next. {iiv u under my hand atofiiee iti ifreonesno.-o fa>2s I?C9 ECGENtUS L KING, Ordinary GEORGIA, Greene Cos nty 'YXT’HEREAS .Tame? A T Jsn’. lns uppUes for VA Letters of Administration on tbe estate of William S voders deceased. Tlvsp are therefore to cite and requ-ro nil pers-nsnoo orned to show cau«e if any they Ja-yo. why aid Letters sil'ii l 'd rot he granted to TMd .Tames A T. Jenkin. at the Oourt of Ordi narv to he h‘dd in and for said County on the first Monday in April next. _ . . Given under my hand at cm;ce in Groan ' boro )eb2s IBGB . „ „ EPOENIUS I- KIVG Ordinary GEORGIA, Greene County WIIBKEAS >frg France* A. Mupre applies for Lo’te-S of Administrafiou on the es t«te of Jesse J. Moore dgcoasedj ,r J arp ihorefi,.v to,cite and reqaire all to! to? fTVTP aniffik'A-Afflfiyft, V‘‘lfi'tt > ”l i ii Ordinarv to be heal hi and for said County on th“ first Monday in April'nost. G'Ven under my hand at office iu Greonesbor teb23 1863 - LCGE.GUS L KISTG, O.dinary Kclief to Mill O YiiiiCr.A. | k f -vYIXU fully te?t?a “Yv Hh’: : v Pa tout ’«! '. tune I : oss, patent, tl ~ . aivtix'r iith. 18o7—and found it to cou.p fully nn Iu all the claim tor it. I finvej e nsented to take eh -t oUii iatr<x!uctio:i i in tho- V> u.-t. 1 will a- , individual and county rights for Grc :ae. Uaucoci,. Putna, ' and Mnrarir r oHnt :< *, until Ist of May next, j .sow i; e Hi m n, if any of you want your i corn-: riVlt? to grit»(l ti tb'e n > fast us th’ev ir - now grinding, with setno pnvr«r shuh> j water same steam, same tael, and'm vice l t-etlcv meal, yon will write m« al Groetisbo roGa, immediately, and let in know who. I and where von fire, nnd 1 w ill come anu Ir.ive the dress put on for yon, and warrant tic almvo roanlts, or no pay. •Vnd •« who no ipfllsi. 1 wonW 1 s Ty* '‘-(Vi t aifT I--- b r--d. to luv.vsh von - j Wit* ,-t i : Ta' ic-S AiaTiegtop ant! iritis } cbmplete. hi! d.-'Moved,ina jiffl to mhinjptOj , grind from Sto 2t)busfcels meal per hour J irota :-g: 00 to S3 Og patent dress included'. Below 1 iittneTi-,i cm-UHL-ate riom gn tlnra. n. whose jipt y veacitj and ox-periSiice h!.« o sup, rior. and whose mills are said to be fhu'b»*t hi the ,B‘ate. J. J’. n \itfiis, Agt | marl 2 IPCS ’ & Dark's ■ftiill. Morgan Go.. Ga, ) Jauunry 25th 1868- j Tins win certify tjml >v - purchased ot Mr. J. !’. i'c.rri:-, -V..-cat. G-rccusboro, Ga.. the ' right to. use Worthapi’y, Patent ijillstoae I Dr- rs, a..d are now, using on our Oconee j Mills, The average grft:dinV«f--‘olddress’ ! was 8 bushel* per Wr, (Viter new dress was put on, we ground With c:v;e twenty tfve buK-icis cf superior meal per hour with some water. e inke pieuaur in rtcom m-irdnn? li:' ir Dr--s.'uder 1 -vl tri-d it u.s coming fully up to all the paries claim 1 for it. " -T. T'„ i>a;;k GuKii. MOOCE J. N. ARMOR mari2 ISIS Owners | I Offer For Sale AT WIIOLU'A BE AND RETAIL 100 P.u Wet Or--- 0 C» r „~Wo3 Zt),' 1 -i( , - ' ■ 10. )00 Ids *’,lioic» - ft oo Shoo] s*ya iOOO lbs Uhoice Hums IpOO lb-. Sugar < ured Maguolia Hams f’OO V s durvr Cured Mi. L,, ; f Ham? ! 3000 Dnfth Is Choice White Ooru 200 Bushels Cow Pen -200 Bus!) Is -Se.-d Oats , *>U iioxcfi a obfteco 3o pOZvjn Hues 100-pra Plow ii- '.ees U Barr .-'s Mbye-'r Potatoes 10 “Pi k-Eynd Pota-o-s 20 Choice E :gljsh Dairy Cheese 20 Krtia Go-hen Cbeese l.amlreths-Gnrfen St 1 100 Sacks riuui all grades All of which I will “sell at the lowest martini rulvxt- I Gif A?. A. DAVIS i Greßifthofo Ga, Marc’- 5 Isus ha TIT V \ ALSJgft, TOBBiyW > CO ._ i’. jells Kittnu’i? V - pwa-hc m ir:>2s’B? j I,£:i3332CALi. 1 le LA CEE Oculist And Aurist! 1-HYijICIANAKD aFRCUtON, I FORMERLY of Europe, Late ol tho Wt ? Indies, LOCATED OCTOBER 15th, 18G7, IN Aug'U G a. OFKICE ROOMS AT HIE AUGUSTA HOTEL, Ladies’ Entrance, where he caii lie consulted upon diseases of'tho V *- I EYE EAR CANCER OASTCEPOEA tV MOCR6• AND AEL CHON 10 COJIPArNTS Call at office and be referred to those that have been Kffltcte !f. r v**W wF IVijniini---, Dedfß andC incer (residents of this city anil vicinity), that have been hea’ed of' their sutferior? and restored to health O-A-INTOET^, IHr enr-bieehv'S and DTathe-i?, will he taker out root :md branch, in seven to twenty one days Without Surgery By tbe Celebrated French Partes and Internal Remedies T T sed in the! French Hospitals for the \ ast forty yoaci, On? opplic-tion is art that is usually, even in foul eatini! cti-eer of the fwoe, to complete an entire and permanent cure Under this treatment U'o career DRCP9 OTiT w hole to the tvertv- fir-t day. The parts quickly heal with a simple dressing of lard. All who snfiV r with this n u-h dreaded disease by callim; at Dr. liel.sceb’s ortiee will be re ferred with pleasure to many persons resid'-nsr in this city and yicinit'-, who havo suffered wiib Ceneer fir veers, who bay- had their Cancer taken out- io the abarq --fated time and now a e boiled of Cancer and restored to health. Dr. PcLaoee'.TolHd have p-l-'lshed the aboye facts lust Oe*o'whr-n be first located A re but preferred to fund b abundant proof fronts person*, residin here. aaiTstel! known in this erffirtnuni'y. wl. have been on* ' . and thereby bare the rb-ve f C.s go b-f-»r« this community a.,.i be siifi' ‘T - a- f .rt -f ;d not told nas-r HEALTHY. FRESH Xo fases Received l.mlcr Treatefa' Unless CnraMr. A few <>a the many CTli *ens of A «ig-nki’tj that [ have Leeii cutedl, Another R ;mirkabio Corn of Deaf,.cm atm'Ul eerati nOl D.s barr»s from tbe Bar*. This i» to oortifi that my ittle d.aneht r.seed 13 year* who bus I - rr snfTcrirg rom de«Tne;v> and d ; s oh a get from her onm from eo dv-or tiauted iu he- i limey, has eompletTy rcor.vcred her hearing ,a,id >s E.icn enti-o r r j -rod from ell svm’ - toms Ol filler Pr D- Ene tr->.i*mont it any painful turt'ui! operation, after art Other tr trti'nt had ir. ted t . y've relief. and J. GAMBLE Augusta, Jar ...r, 11, ICu- Still An-tber Citls, .. of Au* n .. a Cured of j v*ac«tr •ts. t* year* nuaffijr-, i carti . 2yW the fftsK-%; mv ri)H) f„ r „ b«ncfß of thos jth .ftli :ted with cancer. I h.yro snttorad | with oating oaaeer npon my face nn-l nose f,r iuj ■ pa-t - verty t-s I was .pri strated in gen j ° r nl health was went, as a child itnd vr.ts una bie to walk lo in the doctor : uiy son took m« in a carnage. My onn-or at that time was eating away and spreadipg faster every d*y. 1 applied to Or. I), bac.-C ~t, the Augusta j lot el, ; four weeks nro lakt Saturday, and now T. am healed ofe.-peer, rest red to health and strength and h .ve an excyUent appetite, and am gsuumg more strength'daily. [ cannot express uiy ! •frat’tttde f. r my dodver nee. i My i" err wa? taken- nt by one applicr-len, j ind dropped i>utth# *e enh day. Into dxty seven years of age, and have been a resident of (’Augusta nineteen years, iicd my health is as | r-iod now as it was twenty ye ;s ago. Hun- I -R-eda of cjlixcna of Augusta all attest to the t above* Mrs Mirrerct DuVull ( Augusta, Ga., Jau. 20th, 1863, : Remarkable cure cf Cmeer on the race ..f four-oen years’fiin ting. This will cert'fy th»‘ I have njffered.with cancer on mv free for th a past thirteen ye ir.~. It has resis tod all treas m-ot untit I applied to Dr. DeUaceo at the Au" , gusiK Hotel, the 10th lay of last month, lie ;■ took the cancer out. re ts an i ail. the Bth day, t |oy tned.cino It healed of its own accord, and, j now I am entirely c; red of cancer ard able to tsay to all that may be alliic’ed with this m-wt! j terrible disease tb.,l if you apply in time, while ! your catw ia curable you £ will be cured. The I •Do -or has cured others in tbe same time some ■hat. Imu aocqtiaiuM who live in this city. I am S'X:y ye ’3 of ago, aad have re-- -led in Au : .rasta i'-ur ye- rs' Mi--s f. ITUCE. j Augusta, Ga , January 2, 1868 : Moltfc.ES ItAOR DINAR S’ C LHK - Ibis V ill car Uy tha I have h«ea afflicted with ••fleer in the roof .? my mouth, it was so piiß‘ul that I conld not -get food oaoagh by it to iuppor’lite. It resisted all mcdie»l treatment ; an-l finally eat entirely thraugh the roof of mv mouth into my n -o. I app ied to D r DeJ.ace hos KHir weeks ag. t-.-d ift. a.pd am now able to announce, wr the oamti of those that may be j sufier-ng fr n this rerriMe dUiese, that f’ , 1!a entirely enre J of c ineor and restored to perfect I heal’Jft. and am as well as I was before being I u “ 3-liud Beulah Guiilard m ; se ; f h‘'Yc‘°i 10 cu.-»i.i« All tiiQ-e that Suffer wtth Direacei of a -rivtal Naiurc. Can Avail thejprelvee or the Ute Im pfovod. | i" H £ I* CE t EACT iLE J ARD A - •’•RT.UM AMD PERMATERT Cl RE OF TU: IR AFFUOTIOXrf, I By eallmj; upon Pi Dp HAUiIC, AT TUG AUGUSTA HOTEL. fcb2o 2:ns TIEftIAN’S TiAUKDRY BLIE jfe Tb.-i Blue is manufaetur /* ed express'y for Washing .*\ purposes by ibe. webs r 'it: A. and knovn Rotor nmnufa e \-A turers, TANARUS). E Ti*S'»n' A ' 'Vi-, ■ P«> ' . it supi lies ft K»ot eh <h |*« —4L hi? lonjf been b it, a IBub which wiP net irju e the Clothes. It i« put up in oonycnlrn* Sirm, in botls*, or, for thos i who prtfer using tho powder, in Peat wooden boxes. Sold bv grocers and Prugaisls J li.TIIIMAN S.deAg’t M M. A. 2JO Pearl Stroer, N Y. marl'J ly , OSgOBN Manufacturing Cos inpany, 109 Blceeker Street, N Y r vl/ \SLORN ’ Bird and An'mil Cages Mauu- V/ factored solely by this Company at Bridgeport, Conu., undvr Letters i’utunt of the United S’fttes. These Cages ate of a great variety of styles and finish, and ineiudo Canary, Varrot, Mock ing-Bird, Squirrel Ac, They are flushed in n superior uunner ; no Paint of any description—which is so fatal to Birds and Animals —being used in their con struct ion, They are Vermin Proof. B‘rd Fun. ciers will appreciate these points of exeellenc to be found in noother Cages, They received the highest promiums at the American Institute and New York State Fairs of 1867 Cnution ; all cur Cages are stamped with our name upon them. Send for Circular and Price I List M M A GEORGE G HILTON, Gcu Ag’t marl 9 ly sls Something Entirely i\cw. sls * Tile sls "XcYeUy v> ■ ajiSb Jet AND EMBROIDERING MACHINE. s CAN BE RUN BY HAND OR FOOT V GENTS Wanted, male or female, to sell the Novelty Se *ing and Embroidering Mi hine, to most complote machine for the price ever offered far sale It wil' da nil kinds of work that can be done with the high-priced machine I* m ke? tbe famous Elastic Lock Stich. that will not rip oj break, even if every third stich is cut It is durable and will last a life time Vi r, v ,nt agents, both local and trave ing to introduce 'h-s machine throughout ilm United Stti'-s It rnn be sold in almost every family, in inding ? "-o" many who have the hich t.jiced ma hi;" far it./ embroidering in which it excels all ofhert Send for Circular Price with table • 21 1/ *r"AII Machines warranted and kept in or der for one year—.Fr aof charge f HUNCH, GILBERT & CO, Sole Agents for the United Stales. M A A 615 Broadway, Netv York mar T 9 Tlie Florence -irßvvrrvu rviAOHJNE, !,e F,>t Preminm at tbe toll wing Fairs and lodsstrisl Exhibi i»ls during p,?r season A meric n Institute ..'Uviork Mary and'n- 1 it ate B.Hfin r<> Ma ehamc AysomtonU-vsilN.,. E„g, aßd Agri , ooltji- ,1 Fair ! royidenee -w York State Agri.- eii.toral Fair Buffalo I Besides numerous minor State and Countr I'.tire tbrougbou-tha Country thus estHbMshiai onre,aim that ri,„ Florae, «• th« be*; Fa mily e-ew ng Machine in the World Florence Sowing Manhiae Go. c , _ T ANARUS„ r >63 Broadway N Y b-nd f„r an Illustrated Circular m.rl«6„,s LimlciiiiiH & Sons’ j / . ■ ERR ITER and unexcelled Patent Cv- P-, J?r ! ore at the i.n r , M 1 ' * tnn H the Fir.-t Pr mi ;,^ 6da ‘ ‘ or ,aft''Velty Superiority and Es- Amorßan^nslhui- th * Fair of «*° ‘Therofo.o conslierhs tUe novelty and value Oftho n.em.on a I toe results which spring inanuf Yur-' ’ PGnilu eshlSMS 1 fe* Aiae-ic n Icjtitu’e.” testim nialr were -warded these sun perb ln trumor u the Biaj. e Fairs of Mi exhsn- a t ?tH * S a,ld "“Mover they have bees ei.hibued in cojupoliiioij Rea. t.i opinions (f great Artists CoR cußk the renowuo-i Pianist urs It is the finest me.rumen; of the Sqnme class hat I have Ras rY' r Tlla T °“ e °° me out flsricß »n.t sol I won d” f 11 i T ,v IJ I ' ,i J no 1 have tested it as t. woo and p, grand Piaso for points of delocaov strength nd 1 L... sfo and the tc?ln e “ e . John U Pat.i.-on Harry Panders n V J A . n?c . butz IV-0 K Bassford Charles Badel Atf:c.l A Pease C J Ilopkine | i.ham Mason Then Elefield / , Gustav -blocliol George W .Morgan TkO 8. Leroy B eecker street. block west Broadway N Y rearlD First Class Piant^T LOUIS BERGE & CO,, MAMUEACTURER9 OP First. Claw Agraffe Overstrung P I A N 0-F 0 R T E S WARE ROOMS 97ALEKEKSJ these rt-G.-- are recommended b> the most ommeotjudp and are poye, fullne-e el„t”i ty Piano-k g ? n,, 'l orab,lif - v ““surpasse Iby any l made in this country ** Cwna ran toed for & Year, Illu -rated Gat.ilague and Price Lists sent by mail on application M A A niarlfi F. L. LITTLE, Attcrni-y at taw. SPARTA GEORGIA Vi -■ - pavft'riet ai-tention to. all business v v cntn.stcd to hi* care, nov*23