The Greensboro herald. (Greensboro, Ga.) 1866-1886, September 30, 1869, Image 3

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TIIK HERALD THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30. 1809 NOTICE.—Found on last sab bath a gold Coin, which the owner canjhave by proving property and paying for this advertisement. Apply at this office. Sept. 23 1869. I A Handsome Inducement. —Every person who sends 83 50 to the ‘'XIX CENTURY” Publication Company, at Charleston, S., receives that superb Magazine for one year, and a copy of either of the Waverly Novels, or the works of Charles Dickens, that may be designated , Specimen number with Premium list 35 cents. New Advertisements. Among the many active and en terprising merchants of the city of j Atlanta, our friend Dr. J. Brad field occupies an enviable position. He is a skillful and experienced Druggist, always keeping on hand a full supply of frosh and pure Drugs, while he is noted for liis fair prices. The Dr.’s “Female Reg-1 ulator or Woman’s Best Friend,” has given him a world-wide fame as a man of science, while it entif ties him to be universally acknowk ed as the friend of humanity. No woman in the land should be with -out this valuable remedy. Messrs. Meador <s• Brothers, have established the fact satisfacto rily to all who have called on them, that there is no better market north or south for the country merchant to purchase his supplies of Tobac co, Cigars and Snuff, than the city of Atlanta. While they keep al ways on hand a full stock of To* bacco of all grades, t,hey have es tablished the largest Cigar .Manu factory in the Southern States, in Which twenty skillful Cigar-makers are employed. Country merchants have only to try them to be con vinced. We would respectfully recom mend Mr. A. Ergenvinger, nl At lanta, to all our friends who may wish to purchase fine Furniture, Beds, Bedding and everything else in the upholstery line. His stock is full and embraces all qualities of house furniture from the most com mon to the finest, and at fair and reasonable prices for cash. To Correspondents.— We have received quite a number of interest ing communications, among then! a letter from Arkansas, and one from Florida, giving an account of a re ™nt. sJjOr*n at coa, which wo liave not space for this week. We con sider the question of the removal from Penfield of our Baptist Col lege, one of great importance to our community, and we, therefore yield all our space to our esteemed correspondent “ Ventilator.”— We will here remark, that while we have our own views on the subject, our columns are open to both sides. CSeoreria Baptist A ocia TlON.—This body is to meet in this city on the Bth of October, and prepa rations are now being made by our cit izens to entertain all visitors who may be in attendance - The Georgia Rail road will pass all visitors to and from the Association fin - one faro. M e hope to see a general attendance and a plea sant reunion of many old friends, on this occasion. — Religious Revival. —For more than a month past, a protracted meeting has been held in Greenesboro’, m the M. E. Church, and has continued to in crease in interest daily. Ihe Rev, Mr. Dickey, the pastor in charge, lia3 prov ed himself a faithful laborer in the Lord’s vineyard, and seems to not tire in his good work. Mr- Dickey has been as sisted by the Rev. Messrs. Fierce, Bass, Farris and others. The meeting still continues. The Fall Business.— Our mer chants have returned from market, and are now receiving their new supplies of Fall and Winter Goods. They are all busily engaged in opening and preparing their stocks for the reception of cus tomers. We notice many new and beautiful styles of Dress Goods, and we almost envy our female rea ders the treat which is in store for them. The lords of creation, too, have not been forgotten, for we see our friend, Mr. B. Johnson, i3 now opening a stock or Clothing, in quality, not to be surpassed in :this city. The prospect for a brisk fall trade was never better, and our merchants have only to advertise freely in the Herald, to insure a good timo generally. United States Hotel — This ex tensively patronized house continues to 1 grow in point of popularity and good keeping. The dining room is large with separate tables, families may be accom modated to separate tables, waiters clean and attentive to their business. It is sit uated near the depot and convenient to the business portion of the city, ( all this Hotel and yon will receive every accommodation usually furnished by any Southern House- < m , Big-We will publish when our space will admit a very interesting letter from Arkansas from a gentlemen formerly of Greene Counts ■ THE MILITARY- —We welcome the arrival, in our city, of a small squad of Federal troops, and hope that they will make themselves per fectly at home. We only regret tlm the company does not consist J°f Seven Hundred instead of seven I soldiers. They have arrived at a ' good time, our people all at peace, a religious revival going on among the Methodists, and our merchants all receiving new goods. The boys in blue, who are sent here, no doubt as conservators of the peace, will now have sufficient leisure time to devote to the improvement of their morals, by attending Church, re fresh and invigorate their bodies! with rest, and dispose of their greenbacks among our merchants; in short to have a good time gener ally. ‘•The flag of our country 1 O, long may it wave, the land of the free, and the home of the brave.” respectfully call atten- 1 tion to the communication of our! fair correspondent, ‘Georgia Vigil.’ The article is well-timed, and dis plays ability and talent as well as that patriotic, proud, honest and true spirit which is so characteristic with the fair women of our land. If our men were en dowed with more love of coun try and patriotism,possessed by our Southern women, wo might look for an honest administration of our public affairs, and a proper respect for the memory of our Fathers, as well as for the Constitution, which they framed for and bequeathed to us. We hope to receive more fa vors from our esteemed correspon dent. Our Augusta Friends. —Will please excuse us for not calling on them all when visiting their city on Tuesday last, as our business re quired us to make but a flying trip to their city. We return our thanks to those whom we did see for their liberal patronage, and regret our inability to publish their advertise ments in this issue. They will ap pear in our next number with ap propriate editorial comments. We are happy to announce to our pa trons the rapid increase of our sub scription list, and assure them that wo shall leave no stone unturned to render the Herald one of the best mediums for advertising in this section of the Empire State of the South. Immigrants Coming.— We learn from the Rev. Mr. Knowles, of this city, that on Saturday last, seven gentlemen from Wisconsin, Now York and New England, arrived in the neighboring town of Madison, in search of lands, with a view to becoming permanent citizens of Georgia. Their visit at this time to Madison is to attend the sale of lands belonging to an Estate which will lake place this week. Come on gentlemen, there is room for cs all and a hearty welcome awaits all honest, industrious and well be- : shaved citizens, let them come from ; Boston or Jerusalem. J© 1 -Many thanks to our young friend. r A. T. Finch, for a nice melon placed upon our table on Monday. We acknowledge the receipt of an invitation to attend the Aniversary Celebration of the Few Society, at K i ery College, which took place on tlie 29th , and regret very much that our business was such that prevented our attending. _ Nfav Stoves. —Judge Zimmerman has just received anew supply of Stoves which are well fitted up and are now on exhibition at his store. fifS“Our friends Torbert & Bro. are rapidly making ready for the fall trade. They will open in a few days in their ' New Store, a most elegant stock of gro ceries, wc wish them success, their en ergy and industry certainly deserves it. (communicated.) A Woman s Protest The crowding events of the pres ent times, the changes in men, and manners, what is right to-day is wrong to-morrow, the elevations of the negro to political equality, in a government whose complex system he can never understand, and above all, the unwise off' rt to take woman from the high pedestal of Queen of Home and Heart, and place her in the lower strata of partizan politics has so bewildered the Philosopher lin assemilating the teachings of History, with what he sees and hears, that he has almost lost the reckonings of his latitude and lon- gitude. The past is no criterion to j fearn the future, and uhat we knew j men to be, and to do, when the' loved, and honored South, stood j firm to principle give no asusrance that the same spirit animates them now. We have seen those fore most, in the defence of the cause we loved and lost, still most fleet, in ; their embraces with those who j knew nothing of honor, and less of principle If it were possible we !had become almost indifferent to the treachery so common among men, who claimed to V Southern horn, and Southern-bred Wo had learn ed to dry our tears, over the innu merable instances, of yielding to personal prefirmeut, rather than bo encumbered with the sacred mem ories of a true nobility and great ness. We could not excuse the plea of neocssiiy, we could not even admit the cry for bread which some urged for their suddon con version. Abraham would never have illumed the world with his bright example of fidelity to his God, had he hesitated for a mo ment. Daniel’s fate far worse than companionship with Lions in their den, hud he obeyed the decrees of an earthly potentate, rather than ser\u the only true and living God. And Job, sought a still lower repen tance than “sack cloth and ashes,” had he followed the advice of her “who spake as one of the foolish women.” These instances to fidelity are cited to illustrate by contrast, that “lower deep” of which Milton speaks, to which Georgians have sunk in inviting to the State Fair, at Macon, the most unprincipled the vilest of the vile. Can nothing stay the downward tendency of the times, will this ever-beuding and ever-yielding adoration of Mam mon continue till we as a people, have lost our own self respect ? Can no inflluence be brought to bear on those who are the custodi ans of our honor, to pause and re flect ? The men of the South have properly as wejthink, appropriate the graves of those we loved and lost, to the keeping of our sex. We trust the honor will be faithfully guardod and like the vestal fire, at the sa cred shrine of memory kept “ever bright and ever-burning.” Animated with the of our annual decorations, aid in spired with the higher rememvran ces of the principles of the gneat cause our beloved heroes died to de fend, in their name and ours, q j justice to the dead and the in all our hopes of seeing the young men of the South inherit the noble sentiments and high standard of honor, of their sires, by the sacred ness of the cause we lost, by all we hold dear on earth, by every feeling of honor, and every impulse of pa triotism, we enter our protest against the c induct of those who have invited such men to be pres ent at our State Fair. It is false to principle, false to country, and false to God. We trust the press will let it be known far and wide that it is not the voice of the peo ple of Georgia, and if,they confired language adequate, visit the au thors with the execration they so richly deserve. A Georgia Vigil. •ever the graves of our Honored ; dead. Gen. Grant has contributed to the widow of Gen. Rawlins §1,00.0 Wyoming Territary, on the 2d inst., tlected the entire Democra tic ticket. Hon. S. F. Nickolls, Democrat, was elected to Congress, The official figures of the Uni ( ted States Treasury Department place the agricultural produce/ , tho South at 550,000,000. / i Prices Current. Corrected Weekly by C. A. ijiris. Wbol( Aj^jf. I rale/ 1 BACON—Clear sides $ 28 Ribbed 21 j 21 Shoulders JBJ Canvas Hams.... 24 , 25 Country Hams... 25 25 Common Hams... 25 2» Magnolia Hams.. 26 26 BULK MEAT—Sides 00 00 Shoulders 00 00 BUTTER—Country 25 30 COFFEE—Rio 22 30 Lagnlra 32 4 331 Java 42 45 CORN—Per bushel 150 Ito FLOUR—Per cwt 350 550 * Fancy 5f5 675 LARD—Per lb 24 26 IRON-Per lb 6 4 7 4 Steel—plow 13 13 Cast 28 30 OATS—bushel 100 100 Sugar—Brown. 174 l 8 Extra C.... 18 184 A 174 18 Crushed and pow and 19 20 POTATOES—Sweet 100 1 00 PEAS—Per bushel 100 1 25 Syrup —Per gal 80 150 Molasses 65 75 SALT —Liverpool per sack 275 300 Virginia 250 275 WHEAT—Per bushel 150 160 CHICKENS, from 20 to 25 cts. Barley—per bushel 82 25^ Rye par bushel 1 7d Factory Cheese 22 25 New York Sept 28—Cotton 2rui at 28i cents. Savannah, Sept. 29—Cottonj264 cts. Augusta, Sept. 28—Cottou 20 ets Gold, buying at 1 20; selling at I 33 Silver buying at 1 25 selling 1 30. Jlailr.|aiJ rt"'-k . Western and Atlantic Railroad - UP DAY PASSENGER TRAIN i Leave Atlanta 7 80 a m Arrive at Chat-uuywa 3 55 p in DOWN DAY PASSENGER TRAIN ; Leave Chattanooga 4 30 *na i Arrive at Atlanta P m UP NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN I Leave Atlanta , Arrive at Chataneoga “ | DOWN NIGHT PASSENCEU TRAIN ewe Chattanooga 7 P UI ; rrive at Atlanta 3 45 am 1 DALTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, j Leave Atlanta P m I Arrive at Atlanta 10 5J a m Dr. Click’s All 03 fA TI DISINFECTNT. AND INFALL IE ST,II\ ERADII TOR A PURIFIEIt of the ETII and HREATII. THIS is a chemical combinatl if rare val ue. the result of muoh thrt and labor From a Ion;; series of tes's ann eriments I know its value and practical us< While it is as wise as a serpe: t,* it is ‘us utle33 us a dove’ It will remove All Fruit and Vegeta Stains, Ink spots and Hj'cw Prom while cotton or hnen poods from prints and muslins when tho colors a fast Those stains can be obliterated at a cos not more than one cent to tho inoh squa It will re move Fruit Stains from your lit lips and teeth iu cne minute This preparation will disinfect ct of artifi cial teeth, of any bad odor or t:< at a cost of one cent a day, aud keep thefbright and clean At a cost of one half a it> t morning and evening, it will disinfect deefed teeth and purify the breath and prevent ht nausea so usual with those who have bad eth It will blench any dingy spot on white rments, and maktis them as when rew It wil sinfect of its purities any substance to vvhi;h may be ap plied It is an excellent mouth for Thrush iu babies’ or sore mouth in any c A potent gargle in sore throat It cleans ulcer* and makes them heal It wiil iuos re ly disinfect tho impure air of a sick chamber hospital I It neutralizes tho poison from st: ;s of inserts & bite* from spiders and serpents or burns, it acts like a charm It removes eui an and sun uade freckles from the cheeks, 1 1 beautifies t*e skin, most efficiently. Try ladies nnd satisfy yourselves directions round each l*tle Put up neatly in 6 oz bottles and retalleiverywhere at 'iß cents Prepared at Covinyton , (by the Proprietor , F. M. OiIEJ fiY, M. D Where all orders should be ad Jr <ed IfefP’For sale by Walker, 'orbert A Cos., W. Griffin, Greeiiesbor, Ga., J* B. Hart, Union Point, liars & Cos., Penfield, Ga., and Druggist! and Mer chants generally. sepi O’GO A CARD. ( I have a thousand sheets, of pitted matter, on the Preservation of Female beiith. designed especially for family use, none arfis-ued with ovt application Any one wishinso do ae, can prooure one of these lijtlo sheetsTby address ing me at Covington, Ga. And i] the meaDS are employed ihat are inculcated herein, they will prove a rich boon to woman. Accomy aoy your application with 10cts te pak actual ex penses, , Give name and ptstoffioe plaint}- written. — And prompt attention will b« F M OHENRY, M D. Tax Notice. TaX-PAYEIIS of Greene *■ Unity are hereby notified that lam now 'icSJr \oollect tho State and County Tax for Ibbil o H THOMPSON, T C, G C &18C9—lm to oU,ls is Officers, THE Public Laws for 1869 have been rewWefrt ‘'no .Ordinary’s Offloo- All persons emttlo to receive them are reques ted to call and Ordinary. .Sept 9, 1869 Sale. ~-,,11 * sold before the Court VV -n door, in the CUv of ' roenesboro’ o "ft , Gi . on the Firet Tuesday in Green* on«W , , fcou „ 0 f sale j N; i ve( ?Vj Estate, he! m Ing to the Estate r'ryffnfi' Kina deceased, viz A house oontam more or lesL the s one being} “Xsidc ca of aild deceased Also one h.u Surest in twenty two and a half acres of Jh.,1.1 near Greenesboro in said county 7‘,'lXat No 38 in originally K.rly now Deo i- , ~'Uunty. Term of sa'e Gash 7 II H KING, Ad’m Do bouisooo - /Sept 23 ’6!) A}' £ Kt “g f Administrator's Sale. WILL hi sold before tbe Court H -use -loor in the City of Oreene*iv>io' Greene Cos Ge. on the First Tuesday in November next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property to wit—All tho right and title ot the fco in remainder so that Tract o. Land now .comprising the and -wer Estate of the widow of K C Bouden, deceased , JNO A CARTWRIGHT, Adm r Sept 23 ’C9 of Robt C Dowden GEORGIA Goeene County A LI. person, are herab. notined that Thom as W I,andrani has applied for Exemp tion of Personalty and sotting apart and vaina tion ot Homestead, and that I will pass upon the same ot my office on the 9th of Ootober Given undrr my hand end official signature this ept 22d 1869 _ D A KB* SOM Ord’y Notice TO DEBTORS and creditors. All persons having domands against Will* Tam S Davis late of Greene county dee’d will present them to me within the time pres scribed by law, so as to show their character aDd amount All th se indebted to said deceased ■ire hereby required to make immediate p»y< m«t ANN A DAVIS Adm'rix Sent 23 ’69 ol Wm 8 Davis Notice 1 HEREBY forewarn all persons, white or black, from tresspassing, passing through my plantation for any purpose whatever, without my permission* Peteoafi latngjthis warning alter due notice will be nunirbed to the extent of the law r sept 23 ’69 4rs M M ARNOLD AVA Vl'Kl* AG■UVI M toMll a now book of i rent va'uo to Farmers, Mechanics and Working men of all trades and occupation, 13th Edition now ready The FARMERS' it MECHANICS’ MANUAL, Edited by GEO. E. WARINC. Jr. Author of’ 1 Elements ot Agriculture.” “Draining for Profit and for Health, ’ and formerly Agricultural Engineer ol Central Park, New York TJ , 500 Octavo Pages ana aver 00 inns t ration*. The New Oleans time says : “A is n book which should be in hands ol every Fa: mer and Mechanic. The New Orleans Picayune says : "bo valuable a nook should ba found in the house of every Farmer and Mechanic its eegant i'lustrations will make it welcome everywhere Active men and women can make more mon ey and give better satisfaction 'n selling this book than any work in the Add Send for 16-pave circular teninuansbout ,t E C TREAT A CO Publishers Sept 2 1869 No 654 Kroadw.iy N Y Notice, I HEREBY forewarn nil persons white cr blsck. from trespassing or passing through my plantation for any purpose* without ray per* mission, Persons violating thu warning, after due nodee, will be punished to the full extent of the law 8 T PEEK i Sept .16 G9—4te Bry Goods Emporium AT B. F. GREENE,S OLD TAND. 18. OToltnsou VV IS HRS to inform his friends an i customers That ha is now opening !u GRh a full Stock, consisting of FJILL, and WINTER ‘lll>a*y <iS-€0O«l.Si! e A " " """ 3 °15 0 9 Don’t Rend This BUT if you will, pause in your mad career, and purchase of the undersigned First-Class Drugs and Medicines. I ahorina rather for reputation and sound commercial standing than wealth, I can afford to eell my go ds at cheap rates, aud those who may want a pure article of DR.TTOS MEDICIOT3S CHEMICALS. PAINTS, 01LS ’ WINDOW GLASS Talent Medicine cheap, and Lastly, lucau-e lam delcrminc 1 ro(1 to ollL . r t 0 the public Business. You may rely upon what I say. tam also p c ii otly ii e CoH gli Syr up. An excellent thing for Children. It is retarded n.p a legitimate Medicine, and stands upon Its merits alone. It is a safe, reliable, family rae<|icin n ; for old and young. In Croup it has uo equal } for Whooping Gough, Bronchial affections, diseases ol the Chest It is most excellent. Pryor’s Original Pile Ointment. I nm prepared to offer to the public. In Burns. Scalds, Sore Joints, Bruises and Rheumatism, it is highly recommended. As its name indicates, it is without a parallel in Hemorrhoids many good people can bear witness as to its virtue. Vasils rnm Proprietor of. nnd beg to call special ntTention to tbeir atom neh Nausea. Si«b Headache, general d-bilily, . nd the unpleasant effects of late boors, i The above named Preparations inm prepar'd to furnish, eitaer Wholesale or retail I i.ffering large inducements In A Trade. „^ r ,_- - Win. A. LAUSDELL, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, Whitehall Street, July 22, 1809. _ ATLANTA OEOAfeIA Croat Reduction IN Prices / W ITH thu view of closing out our J Spring and Summer GOODS, from this date, wc propose Belling our stock of Clothing and Dress goods at A VERY SMALL ADVANCE on New York cost. All other goods as low ns can bo bought elsewhere. J. M. STOREY & Cos. July slh, 1869. Selling Off -/A-T COST! THE subscriber intending to relinquish Merchandising, offers his stock of Dry Goods at cost. Groceries at a small ad vance, sufficient to pay expeuses, call at the old store of Howell & Neary O. 11. T. Moses. Grcenesboro Ga , August 5, 1869. C. E. DODD. J- j H. L. MEALING C. E. DODD Sl CO., DEALERS IN HATS, CAPS AND STRAW GOODS. Wholesale and Retail, No. 258 11road Street , jnlyi, T>9. A Hirin' a Ga_ Barber-Shop. PERSONS wishing to be shaved, cr their * hair dyed in snperb style, at short notice, arc invited to cell at my Stairs over Hall A Alton's Dry Good? store T ANARUS,. constantly on baud a line assorts menlof oil's.' •!*. Ac., and fully !>•«- pared to do ail work usually done m CYRts - MOOBF - Notice AuL person? infested are hereby that the notes, books, and and aecoun.s, of Howell A Neirv. have been placed in the hands of l imes L Brown Esq, fur collodion And if FheyTe not settled by Ist December next they will be sued j NE VRy Survivor Sopt 6th 1989 Carriages & Babies w w WOODRUFF OF GRIFFIN, GA., Has associated with the Tomlinson-Demarest Cos. Manufacturers of FII-TUI CARRIAGES, G2O Broadway, New York, It HERE they are prepared to furnish, by Wholesale sad Retail, any style of CARRIAGE, BUGGY, OR PIeVVrATSON WAGON. MR. WOODRUFF'S Inng experience in the I Carriage business in Griffin and Atlanta. Ga . will er. title us to give better satisfaction in fill ing orders Ur good rubntantial work, such as the country demand*, than any other house, and at as low prices as can be possibly famish ed for the Cash. We will keep constantly on hand the LIHGHT CONCORD BUGGIES, The same as formerly sold by Mr. Woodruff, and which becimo so universally popular ail through the South, ns the best in use Also the Woodruff PI .ntation Wagon for 2, 4 and 6 Horses We most respectfully invite all who mav want any style of Carriage, Buggies or Wagon cr write ns f r Photographs nrd prices TOMLINSON. DEM A REST, Cos., 620 Broadway New York Japan tv 21- 1869 ly , “For Sale! for. sale rp L HE Subscriber is offering for sale the Urge BRICK STORIS HOUSE known ax the Don building oue .of the mast o'eg intiy finished Store Houses in (Jretuesboro Dented, and no" uited f a selling Groceries. Terms of sile reasonable fiferX'lu my absence apply to J W Winfield. " EATON J. MAFP- Green esboro’ Ang 20 1869 _ GINS, GINS, W rare AGENTS for the colebreted PRATT COTTON GINS, W' ieh h itp been man if ictured for thirty-nine years, by Mr Daniel Pratt of Prattville Ala bam. and nre now beiDg used with goncral sat iafaotion from Virginia to Mexico FOR J ASt GINNING DURABILITY, SIMPLICITY and LIGHT RUNNING, the PRATT GINS have no superior*- basides, thj a e the cheapest first class Gins in the South wnELK3g&( -„ Cotton Factor* August* Ga i aug 26 Dr. ST A. Prepara w , Th esc Medicines are compounded vntn great care expressly for family use, Mid are so admirably calculated to presene health, that no family should be with out them. ■dtn. DR W. H. TUTTS EXPECTORANT. All have used (Ills Invaluable medi cine fur Asthma, Houghs. Croup; Whooping Cough, Consumption, Difficulty of Breath, ing, and every other disease ol Ihe Lungi, attest its truthfulness. Bronchitis, is a dis ease that i» annually sweeping to a prema. tuie grave uuiier the mistaken name of Con&umytiou, is always cured by it. As an Expectorant it has no equal. It is composed of the active principles of Roots and Plants which are chemically ex tracted so as to retain all their medicinal qualities. Ministers and public speak, ra who are af flicted with throat (Uncases will find a Bure rotti- dy in tho Expectorant. Dou’i despair • because all other remedies have failed, but try this remedy nud you wil 1 not be disapn pointed. DR. W. H TUTT 8 Syrup Sarsaparilla, AND QUEEN S DELIGHT This valuable preparation combines all the medicinal virtues w hich long experience has proven to possess the most safe and efi ftlcient alterative and deobstruont propers tics for tho cure ot Serofula, Kings Evil, White Swellings. Ulcers, Scrofulous. Can cer. nnd Indolent Tumors. M'-reurial and Syphilitic affections, Goitre, Enlergement and Ulceration of the Bones. Join-s, Glands or Ligaments, or of the Womb, loin, Spleen, Kidneys, etc ; all the various dis euaoß of the skin, suali as Tetter, Ring worms, Boils, Pimples, Carbuncles, Sore Byes, etc. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint Nervous Affections, St. Vitus’ Danoe, Drop sy, Constitutional Disorders, and diseases originating from a depraved "state of the blood or other fluids of tho body; also ma ny affections peculiar to females, as Cfpprea siou, Irregularity, Leueorrhoea or White*, Sterility', Ovarian and Uterine Dropsy, eto. Or. Wilt. li. Tuff’s VEGS TABLE For the curs of Liver Complaint, Jaun dice, Gout, Rheumatism, Affections of the Bladder and ICidn iys, Fevers and Nervous ness, Erysipelas, Diseases of the Skin, Im purity of the Blood, Inttaination. Melan choly, Sick Headache, Costiveness, /’aina in the Head, Breast, Side aud Limbs, Pile*, Bilious Affections, Female Diseases, etc. There is scarcely any disease iu which purgative medicines are not moro or less teqvired, ai.d much sickness and suffering might fie prevetued were they more gener ally used No person can feel whileV to*, tive habit of body prevails; bmides it soon generates serious and often ft tal diseases ffirMbtliilsto?%b i prbper Cathartic Med’. cinos. The proprietorcer. confidently recommend these Pills believing them far superior to those in general «», being more mild prompt, safe and uniform in tbeir operation While using them persons may eat and drink as usual They may be taken at al( time* They arc u-arrauUd lo contain no Mercury. Or, T utt’s IMPROVED LIQUID UJUR Dr El Warrant' 1 superior to any other Hair Dye in use, Fuv imparting a beautiful natural Black or Browu color to the heir- Warranted not to injure the hair. If.i effect, is iitHaidanc'/us. Any one can apply it. Jt preserves and />, antijies the hair. It has been i osted by thousand'of Bar* bers and Ilair Dressers nud they universal* ly pronrmneo it the best Because it takes less timo to Dye Because it imparts a natural color Because it does not injure the hair Because it does not elaiu thu skin or bed ilnon- Because Us application is perfectly aim* pie v» ISR. Win KS. TUTT’9 IPJ3JI.ISS ALLEVIATOR An Internal and External Remedy. For Neuralgia, Sprains and Bruises, Tooth ache, Sore Throat, Colic or Cramps, Rheuma tism, Pain in tho Back or Side- Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Liver Complaint, Indigestion Canker in tho Mouth, Kidney Complaint, Painters’ Col ic, Cholera Infantam Scalds and Burns., Frost iioto ad Chilblains, Slings of Insects, ets It should he kept in every family. For Burns* Scalds or sudden Cramps, it is 9 certain relief iu a few moments Dr. Tuft’s Jamaica Ginger^ This is a Hydro Alcoholic Extract and pos sesses all t*ie properties of Jamaica in concentrated form To penoits debilitated by age or disease, it is particularly recommended as a tcnic, impart ing Btrong.h and appetite without the debilita ting effecs which fol ow other stimalsaxts To the Dyspeptic, it 13 invaluable To the Inobriate, it is a great blessing To the it is indispensable To the Nervous, it affords instant relief To the Melancholy, it instantly revives For Sea Sickness, it is a ?ura antidote For I)i it is a certain remedy For Colic it is a specific Persons traveling should always tak© a bottle along, as p it paevents any bad offec s from change of water and diet. All these Preparations are for sn.le by W, Griflin WALKER, TORBEERT & Cos., Greensboro', Ga. »nl J B IIART k Hon, Unioa Feist.G* April 1 1869