The Greensboro herald. (Greensboro, Ga.) 1866-1886, October 12, 1882, Image 1

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ile ’ HreewstoM’ leeali [EETAIiTJEITED TX THE YEAR. 180-V). . ....... . ■— C. HEARD, | PROPRIETOR. J VOL. XVII. ■ tap Raimi Ciw, Office General Manager, Augusta, Ga., JULY Ist, 188 2 . Commencing Sunday JULY 2d, 1881, Passenger Trains will run as follows: \o. S, West-I; iy. *'• 3, linst-aij. Leave Augusta 10:30 a. m. , Leave Atlanta 8:20 a. m. Leave Macon 7.10 a. m. 1 Leave Greenesboro’ 12;03 p m Leave Miliedgeville 9:05 a. m. Arrive Athens 8:45 p m Leave C'amak 12:25 a m. i Arrive Washington 2:55 p m Leave Washington 11:20 a.m. Arrive C’amak 1:57 pm Leave Athens 9:45 a. m. ( Arrive Milieilgeville 4:49 p m Arrive at Greenesboro’ 2; 16 p. m. Arrive Macon 6:4.) p m Arrive at Atlanta 5:45 p.m. Arrive Augusta 3.50 p m \o. a, West—l) East-Ilaiy. Leave Augusta 8:50 p m Leave Atlanta 8:45 p m ”Arrive Greenesboro’ 1:44 am Leave Greenesboro’ I:47am Leave Macon, 7:10 p m Arrive Milledgeville 4:27 a m Leave Milledgeville 9:15 p m Arrive Macon 6:40 a m Liave Athens 6:00 p m jAt rive at Athens, 8:30 a. m Arrive Atlanta 0:40 ain Arrive Augusta 6:30 am fitSfFuperb Sleepers to Augusta and Atlanta. HI R, IDOIFLJSiJIErsr, General Passenger Agent. J. W. Green, General Manager. CITY DIOS STORE. oo J ALWAYS keep a Large and variedassortment of Chemically Pure DRUMS and new goods Wjf Medicines. Amviog every wk. Fl ,„ „ oe k of PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, COLORS, BRUSHES, etc. All Sizes WINDOW GLASS. LAMP GOODS, CHIMNEYS, etc. Buist’s Garden See^ nvifIN'SETS, t’tuaivuo, ...., ONIUJn ; „ „ 14% naners sold at 5 cents Crop of 1879, Mrarrantedftesli t Se ' ed for tins climate. Fine Ciirars & Chewing lobaeco 4 s'sssa John A® Griffin. Greenesboro’. On.. 9annum 29.U-'' 11 - .. —■ .. ■ J. L. BOWLES k Wholesale and Retail , % I 'i' No. 717 Broad Street, Augusta, - - - a-\tJR Slock is complete jo every*7'"cime for prices. We Wire Mattress Company,'“J „ j M,i, also ... Featker.' DtarUel. W BOWLES <fe CO.. f * * \o. 717 Broad Street, Augusta, G Jan. 20, 1881- mmi CAMPBELL AW. DEALERS IN Paper, Paper Boxes, Books And Stationery, Office and Salesroom No. 29, Whitehall Street \TLANTA, - ” Al plain whiting PAPER. : WRAPPING paper. FANoY Jo J PAPER BAGS of all ”• * BLANK BOOKS. - wciglrt at inks Uottomjiffures ESr-;::::r- SfllicM. .( every description. l UiUUiU WU* October 14, L ~ Central Hotel. Mrs "W M THOMAS, PROPRIEW® 3 ' 1...d-rCo.r,.mr, re M—a, it -a*nl Street, ""*** KI OA<l 9U Clerk. Servant, foratortable Rooms. Licelßnt laie. 6pt. 30, 1880 — Devoted to the Cause of Truth and Justice, and the Interests ol Iho People. GREENESBORO’, GA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1882. if •GREENESBORO’ “ fhQ QMcial Qrgm of GREENE G@uuty. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK (Except Two). COLUMBUS HEARD, - - P H. T. LEWIS, E...r. No Patent In or Outside. jjTerms of stibscrifitiott, TWO DOLLARS, invariably in advance. the cheapest and best Advertising Medium xtst Middle Georgia BUSINESS MEN WILL FIND IT Greatly to their Interest TO ADVERTISE IN THE It visits nearly every State in.the Union, and i. ■ ** always brimfnll of LOCAL news. R llb , Ta i diteonat will he ei Acbertisements by the column or by the y our regular rates. For furthur partlcul&ri addreii, “HERALD OFFICE,’ GREENE SB OR O', GEORG l 1882 HARPERS 18S2 BAZAR! ILLUSTRATED. This popular journal is a rare combina tion of literature, art and fashion. Its sto ries, poems and essays are by the best writers of Europe and America; its engra vings possess tho highest artistic excellence; and in all matters pertaining to fashion 't i universally acktrowleneed to he the lead ing authority in the lurid. The new vol ume will eontain many brilliant novelties, HAUK’KIt'J* PERIOIHCAIA. Harper's Magazine, One Year, $4 00 Harper’s Weekly, do !84 00 Harper’s Bazar, do s? 4 00 The THREE above named publica tions, One Year, Any two above named, One dear, S7 CO Harper s Young People, one year, $4 50 Harper’s Magazine and loung People 5 00 Harper's Franklin Square Library, One year (52 Numbers) 10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. The Volumes of the Bazar begin with the •rit Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, it will be under stood that the subscriber wishes to com mence with the number next after the re-- ssipt of order. The lost Twelve Annual Volumes of Har per’s Bazar, in neat cloth binding, |will bo sent by mail, postage Paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar por volume), for $7 each. Cloth C’asos for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt ofsl 00 each. Remittances should be made by Post- Office Money Order or Draft, to ovoid thnnoe of loss. otp not to coyy this ad srtisement without the express order from arper & Brothers. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, Jan 2, 1882. New York. The Old Reliable, OiNT OF 1 In "Flic South! No Sensationalism!—No Immorality! A U USTA Chronicle AND Constitutionalist? 1882. J ub scribe for JJt! T JL HE Cußoxrci.K and Constitutionalist is the oldest newfpaper in the South, and perhaps the oldest in (lie United States, haring been established in 1785. While thoroughly Democratic in principle, it is liberal, progressive and tolerant The Chronicle aontains the latest news from all parts of the world, and is recognized as a first class paper. As an advertising medium, it covers the country in Georgia and South Carolina tributary to Augusta. We endeavor to exclude sensationalism. Wo publish no articles of an immoral char sttor. rwr m<i ns. Daily, one year $lO 00 Weekly, one year 2 00 Tri-Weekly, one year 6 00 Address VVALIH WRIGHT, Jau. 20, 1882— Augusta, Ga. DR. FLAGG’S INSTANT PAIN RELIEF Is a Wonderful and Immediate Cure for all Aches and Pains. Neuralgia, Headache, C uts > Bruises, Sprains, &c. Sold at all Druggists. Wholesale Depot, 83 John St., N. Y- Send for Circular. (VI X <P, 'b % INSURE Your dwelling, barns, etc., In [ First-class Companies at lowest rates ever offered in Georgia. W. M WEAVER. fe)“Hop Bitters, Iron Bitters, Au gust Flower, Boscher's Geruian Gough Syrup, Moody's Malaria, Patent Medi cines and Standard Drugs for sale by C. A. Davis 4 Go. liISUCL FOSS lUVOlttll. GEORGIA: Greene County. Lula W. Medlin 1 vs. >■ Libel for Divorce. Chns. W. Medlin. ) IT appearing to the Court that flic Defen dant is a non-resident of this county; and it further appearing that he is a non resident of the State. It is ordered, That service he perfected by publication in the Greenesboro’ H Kit aid once a month fit four months prior to the assembling of the next Court. TIIOS. 0. LAWSON, September Term, 1882. Judge. A true extract from the minutes. JESSE P. WILSON. Olerk. Sept. 28. 1882. \[®f|Cß IV KA\KItH*T IN lll'.—District Court, United Mates, Northern District of Georgia. NOTICE s hereby given, that a general meeting of the creditors of P. M. Moss, Bankrupt, will be held before Win. W. Lumpkin, Register in Bankruptcy, at Union Point, Georgia, in tho office of the undersigned, at 10 o’clock u. in., Septem ber 9th, ISB2. JOHN C. HART, Assignee. August 31, 18H2—2ts ISTOTICB milE contract for re-buildi; "(lie Bridge l_ ncriiss Sandy Creek near Powell’u Mills, will be let to the lowest bidder, on Saturday, September 2nd, 1882, before the Court-House door in Greenesboro’, Ga., the usual place of Sheriffs sales. Plans and specifications can be seen at the Clerk's [office, By order of the Board of Comity Com. JESSE P. WILSON, Clerk Ang. 10, 1882 —4ts FOR SALK. milE following tract of Land, now be- L longing to Mrs. Mary E. Tolbert, is for sale: Forty-five and 4 -10 (45 4-10) Acres near Greenesboro'. Ga., adjoining lands of J. T. s cotl, B. F. Bickers, aud Estate of O. P. Daniel:—being the tract formerly belonging to the Estate of Nancy Bickers, deceased. All who wish a good haigain will apply to tiro Editor of this paper. April 13. 1882—tf. Thousand yards of Shirtings, Sheeting and Checksjust received. Also a large lot of Kentucky Jeans to arrive in a few days til E. A. Copelan’s. jjjgTOne enr load of 5 and 2j lb Bogging A.Copelan's. - Feed Oil in 5 and 10 gallon cans, can lx* found at E. A. Copelan’s. Buggies! Buggies! —E. A. Copelan is receiving every week anew supply of Timken Side Bar; Whitney Side liar; Brensten Side Bar, ami end springs; Open and Top Buggies. Two and three springs Doctor’s l’luetons; three spring Wagons, etc., etc. you are in need of an Engine, call on E. A. Copelan, who is Hghnt for the Book waiter. This class of Engines occupy but little room, is ns simple as a wheelbar row and no trouble in raising stenm. He is also Agent for Schofield's Portable En gines of Macon, Ga. Terms easy and prices low. I # > —— fiSf-Do not buy till you see the large Stock of new Goods to arrive at C. A. Da vis &*Cu-’s. ffiiyllead new advertisement of C. A. Davis & Cos. K7”Tlie buyer ef €. A. I>uvi* A Cos has been for many days in the great Eas tern markets securing nice Goods and low prices for the many patrons of that house. §®“Kentucky Jeans will be offered as low as 10 cents per yard this seasou by C. A. Davis & Cos. Quite a good quality at HO and 25 cents. Hgs„The new Dress Goods, “Chudas,’ Flannel Suitings 25 and BSj cents per yard; Pin Checks, combination Suitings, etc.; al so the new Tubular Dress Trimmings in Sets; Tubular Braid; Passamentarie Trim mings and Ornaments; Ihe new Ball But tons all colors, to arrive at C. A. IDt.vis & Co’.s. B(i3a„.V full line of childs clothing; hoys clothing; young men's and gents clothing —new styles arriving—o. A. Davis ft Cos. —• mm —How to make money hold out:—Buy where yon can get the most for the money —where? A great many s,y at (1. DA VlSjdfc . Examine tbeir stock of uew Goods constantly arriving. —You can get not only the lowest prices but every item you want of C. A. Davis & Cos. —The wants of humanity from the cradle to the grave supplied by C. A. Davis <fc Cos. —— —The merchants who supplies the wants lof the people at the very lowest possible I prices is truly and emphatically ft pttblie benefactor. Please credit the account of C. A. Davis & Cos. and give them your pa- Itronage, ——^--- of7”Go to E. A. Copeian's ar: see the celebrated Wtnship and Ball Cotton Gin— Self-feeders and Condensers. nf%„-lust received a lot o'' those fine Co lumbus Doggies, wellj finished, well made, and offered low by E. A Copolan. m • 07?“ Store your Cotton with E. A Cope tn and hold for higher prices. — - .033 U, Exchange on Augusta, Atlanta, .'.hens ond New York bought and sold by E. A. Copelan. B?%Ouly a few of those Webster Wag ms ieft at E. A. Copeian's. BkThom.'is Smoothing Harrow for sale by E. A. Copelan, —Simmon’s Liver Regulator both sold kind and new kind at C A Davis & Co’. — — Corn, Meal, Flour, Grits. Rice elc., always in store at E. A. C'opelau,s. (H. T. LEWIS, \ FI) IT OR. Mercer UNIVERSITY. MACON, GEORGIA, rnilE FaU Term of fids Institution wilt JL open on the last Wednesday [in fi*p tember next. Students may pursue the regular collegiate course ef studies or a se lect scientific course. Barge and valuator additions have recently been made to tbe aparalus of flic deportment of physical sci ence. The School has a faculty of three professors, whose duirrnraifc i* ffc* Hon. Clifford Anderson. Board in “Students’ Hall” can be had 1 at sl2 per month,*lnf! in private families rt from $Di to S2O. For catalogues mid oil - er information, address Kcv. A. J B ATT BE, D.D., Pres., or JNO. J. BRANTET, Sec’y Faculty. July 27. 1882. Ml Herat RESIDENT Greenesboro’, Ga. I have ali the Modern improvement* cessary to render operations at bear able ns possible, and expedites®. Tk utmost care and consideration will be exec cised in all operations. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, dec, I .*,’SO. A. A JERNIGAN. W. E. ADAM*. Urs, Jernigan & Adams, :0: lliijsicians and burgeons, jPrjyOffer fherr professional servicos It ] all who may need them. Greene County, Go., March, 2, 'B2.—if. nKOUUI I—UfCCIIC t'OIIUIy. v* ®.i l A „- vtlnTm t). Vni , iy“oWft4. l v. B. Underwood ana Eli A. Veazey, Adia'trx and Adm’r of the Estate of Benjamin F. Underwood, have applied for Betters of Dismission from said Estates, and sash Letters will be granted on the first Monday in September next, unices good objections arc filed. JOEL F. TIIORNi’ON, OrdV May 24 1882. Gt UOEtfJl.%—Greene County. Y Jasper J. Copelan and James M. Williams, Executors of tbe Estate of Fran ces E. Moreland, bavo applied for Letters of Dismission, and such Betters will be granted on the first Monday in December next, unless good objections are filed. JOEL. F. THORNTON, Ordy. Augnst H>th 1882—Sms. GBSOIMiIA —Greene County. Mrs. Ella O. Sanders, Guardian of Julia Dickinson applies for leave to s)l two contiguous City Lots fronting on Society Street, in the city of Albany, Georgia, on one of which is a two story dwelling houso with outbuildings, known as the Dickinson residence; for the purpose of changing in vestment; and an order to that effect will be granted on the first Monday in October next, unless good objections are filed. JOEL F. THORNTON, Ordinary. Aug 24, 1882— NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. N'OTICE is hereby given to all person* haring claims against Oliver P. Dan iel, late of Greene county, Ga., deceased, to present them properly made out, within the lime prescribed by law, so as to show their character and amount. And all per sons indebted to said deceased are hereby required to make immediate payment. VICTORIA C. DANIEL, Adm’trix. August 7, 1882—6uks —The Buyer of 0. A. Davis & Cos. will soon be in the great Eastern markets Look out for handsome and cheap (.ond* Do not buy until von see the stock of C A Da vis & Cos. —A new lot of animal yokes, to keep horses and cattle from jumping—only 50 cents each. C A Davis & Cos. —Buy all kinds of Chairs and Furniture of C A Davis & Cos. New Saddles. Harness nnd Bridle* just received by C. A Davis <j- Cos. —Barley in slore—Rye to arrive.—C A Davis & Cos. —Early fall Prints coming in this week at C A Davis & Cog . gf§ fg" Outfit sent tree to those who Sra tocngage iu the most pleaso *r and profitable business known Everything new. Capital not required. W*. will furnish you everything. $lO a day and upwards is easily made without staying; away from home overnight. No risk what ever. Many new workers wanted at on#-*. Many arc making fortunes at the bnsinaasv, . Ladies make ns much as men, nnd young buys and girls make great pay. Nw one who is willing to work fails to, make wove money every day than can be made in a week at any ordinary employment. Th*M who engage at once will find a short roarf to fortune. Address H. A Co.* Portland, Maine. april 7, ’Bl. Il*U Everybody busy at C, A. U ii & G'o. NO. 40. DENTIST