The Greensboro herald. (Greensboro, Ga.) 1866-1886, January 11, 1884, Image 2

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mvjiEiixu Official Organ of Greene county. SUBSCRIPTION : $2 00. ■i. - ■ 1 C. HEARD, ...Proprietor. 11. T* MSWIS, ■ • Idilor. FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1884. Tt> PhiL Ic phi Record, Inlo,ro dent, aajs ; “Within the lust ten year-, (lie peo ple ol th* Niiili aid South rutne to know riih ilk r belter titan ever before. Multitudi aof Northern men have penetrated all portion, of the South, and the social a. well as com mercial o( the two section, has lef ere’itiy intended. For tlii. reason, the p-np!e will turn with incre dulity and disgust from the usual par tisan stories of Kuklnx outrage and ba. bnrily. This is, in fact, an era of good Iceline. whn-li no 11111-111111 of sec tional calutm.) ruu seriously dutuib. Sectionalism has had it* evil -1 1 y. and with that its agitators must lc con tee*. For the pi merit, the country is too much occupied with quc.-iinti.s n( riMSUM and tnx ili -u to be diverted with accounts of Southern murage cs pucully when the cou-t. of the South are fully ahie to cope with offender, against the laws. The fact that a dis position to revive buri-d sectional con troversy is manifested so early, indi cates 1 hat tli i pr-i*ra ume of the ma jority in Gougiuns to tesolutcly reduce taxation is by no means sn gratifying to its enemies as they have pretended. If thsy really believed that an nbsti nate resistns to the policy of revenue reduction would bo acceptable to the country they would have no need ol resorting In anythinc so de-perule us a reuewal of ancient se-tionnl issues " Such intemely cold wnatli err has not been known in this country for many yeais. Relow will bs found the degree of cold at various tsoints as indicated by Thermometers. Louisville, Ivy., 19° below zero. St. Louis. Mo , 23° do do Jamestown, Dak. 48° do do Cleveland, Ohio., 14° do do J'ittshurg, Pa , fi 0 do do Columbus, Ohio,, S° do do Nashville, Tcnn,. l'l° do do Cairo H’ do and 1 Davenport, la., 0° do do Dubuque, G° Jo do Ks.kuk 12° do do Lacrosse, 7° d> do St. Piul, 8° do do Leavenworth, 8° do do Omaha, 9 deg. do do Yankton, 13 do do do Jliionark, 19 do do do At'hnia 0 Charleston 13 (said to be the coldest weather at. that place in 135 years ) —The election in Richmond Coun ty, on Tuesday, on the Fence question, resulted in favor of no- fence by a taajority. —There were 732 interments in the Asgusta Cemetery last year. The Douioctatic Caucus of the Ohio I egilture bn nominated II n. Heoty H Payne for IT. 8. Sen Mm to succeed Hon. Gee II Pendleton. Snow fell to the depth of2o inches on Tuesday at Wheeling, West Yir fcWia. —An election in Brooks County un der the lca! option law, resulted in n victory for the |troliibiuoui*t. —The cod people ol A 1 „nt have eontrionted most liberally, during the week, for the relief of the suffering pfe. ofthatcity. Over four ihousiud dollara 4 raised ad distribut'd among thaaufiering, freezing poor. 'J he year just ai an cod lias been reu.srkably disastrous on* io point of i •eeident* and calamities on land and water. Throughout its course have crowded on each other with unu sually gre it lor* of tile and property. Begining with the memorable ft and of the Phnttbe and the Khin ■. the Mississippi the Ohio ami . thcr 1 lant ern rivers, the series of di-sstci* cm* tinued with exceptional tornadoes, fir cyclones, ship-wrecks. railway inci dent*. etc. The fatality has been exceedingly great The loss of life, not Inking into account the deaths from w ir pestilence, eritne aud suicide, an 1 not including those accidents in which tHere were less than fbree per- n silled, amounts to '>4 307. The manufacture ol paper pulp ml a substi'ute fit wood is fa vorable attention. It is believed that it will prove much cheaper than wood* equally us durable end fully as go and for fine uoik. The pajer board will takt the finest polish, as well a* any tint, shade or color. It may be made water proof, ami c;.n be uini bh-ized and grained. In the construct ion of build ings a- rorfing material, in making br d,.l ea-kets or for furniture purposes it i- believed that paper lumlt-r will, ere long, come into general use. • • - • - • • William and Mary College, of Vir ginia, Ins clo<eJ its doors, havin' LiA onestndenl at ihe beginning of this school year. Next to Harvard, this was the oldest College in America, having been founded in IG93' and was the only one that recicred a rot and charter. Am nng the m ■( vuiinent 11 an edoca ted in its halls were Washington, Mar shall, Randolph, Tyler, Rrtckenridge tid General Scott It is related that California farmers raise sixty-two bushels of sunflower seed to the acre, and alter grinding a gallon of nil from each bushel, feed the ; u-fuse to chickens and cows.” A b") wiih a patch uti his knee can’t be bin and lo go on an errand to the next house, but lie will follow a hand wagon all ever town nod uever realize that he isn't dressed in broadcloth. Arc nding to the New York Exfren, it is the bay on top of the molasses hogshead who -ings : “Oh for a thou •and tongues.* I— S> • There are übout 60,000 locomotive engines in ihe w rid, and 12(1 000 pas senger and 500 000 freight cars. There are 200 000 miles ol track, and the capital invested is 820 000.000,000, —-♦ A Toronto man died ol small-pox lwertly-su years ago and last week his grandchild slept upon the same bed and took the tlistase. The doctor says the germs of the di-ease were there all that time ftOYAI P K ROYAL MR®* Jh LtoA “ I*ijiT(LY n s ny POWDER Absolutely Pure. This Powder never vine**. I marvel of purity, strength and wholosomeneßS. Mure economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold in ro/nputi lion with the mulliPtido of low irsi, short, weight, alum or plnv.jdiiite powders. Sold only in cans. Royvl Uvking IY>wi>Kit Cos., 100 Wall st., N. V. tub. 1, ’B3 gukene county Shi I'iir.s Sale* FOU FEBRUARY, 1884 The following preperty, in this county, i.i advertised for sale by tlie Sheiitf, uu Ihe lit Tuesday in February next : One Irnct of land containing four hit tidied acres of laud, more or less, all that tract of land situated, lying and being in Greene eouiiiy~-said land lev ied on as the pn porty of Inman. Swann A Cos., the same being a part of the es lata II J. U tilts, deceased, to satisfy a 11 fa issued from Greene Superior Court in favor of F. 0. Foster, trustee, vs louian, Swann & Cos. Also, at the mho lime and piano, one tract ol land containing sixty-lour and A aerosol land im re or less, Ihe same situate'! in the 1 11 I).strict G. M in said county —levied on to satisfy a Superior Court li la in favir of David k Xewsot.i lor u*e Columbu* C Odver vs Win. 1! Dilvin principal and John A C 1 1vvr’ghf, security A>f", at the same time and place two 'rads of land in Greene county, 1 eon. laiiiing HOG avrei, more or less; the other tract containing 80 acres, more or lo**, all being tin hind whereon tho defendant new reside; levied on as tl. . rnpertv of 11. C. M trill t ■ satis fy a fi la issued from the Superior ( Hurt of said 1 .cunty in farm of Charles \ Dtvis >s 11. C. Ml rritt. C. C NORTON Sheriff 4ET FREE! SELF-CURE. CSS * favorite prescription of one of t ; nmht note'i mni mcct ssiul specialists in tlit l S. (now retlretl)for the cure of Serrou* Debility, JjO*t Xfanhood % WrakMa9 anti Decay.Sc >:t In plain scaled envclopc/'rea.DnijarUtscaiiflU it. Address DR. WARD & CO. Louisiana. Mo. (a ICO 1C 4- l*% Greene County. I Elijah M. Philip**, Administrtlor#f I the of Mftay A It Philips. Applies : for Leifst*3 of Dismiaf ion. and such 1 otters will be granted oil Mi• first Monday in April, JSS-4. unites good Tdjectious fil ed- JOEL F. THORNTON. Ordinary I)cec*'er VS. |g?3 - list Monday, April LIVERY m SALE STABLE. INGRAM 4- WRIGHT, On BROAD STREET , uuivfsHouo, - - ca. \T.W vehicles of every description. Good saddle and harness Horses. ('artful ami attentive drivers. Patronage respectfully solicited. .lAMKM l\GK\n JAO WllliaiT January 4. ISB4 AT 718 BROAD STRUT, Augusta* Ciia., -y()P c;in imy Clothing. Ha s Ciid*-rwear, Neckwear, Umbrellas, etc., ete. Y as cheap as anywhere in (he United Slates. A full line of Ready-Made Overcoats Always on hand. The TAI LOIIING DEPARTMENT Is complete. Overcoats, Suits and parts of Suits made to order at the lowest pos sible prices. J Well Outfits a Specialty! Goods warrant'd, and entire satisfaction gun*gjit<'ed to every purchaser. Visit ors to llie Gity are invited to cdl! and examine my stock. AUGUST DORR* TAILOR anti GENTS FURNISHER, 718 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, Ga. nov 2,83 J.T.GATHRIGHT & Cos., 237 Sixth Street, Louisville, Ky., MANUFACTUHIiUS OF SADDLES, HAHNESS, COLLARS, Ktc , Etc., Etc. Wo make a specialty of First Glass Hand-made Work Our house is head quarters for GATHRIGHT’S PATENT MEN’S AND WOMEN S SADDLES. GATHRIGHT’S PATENT HAR NESS, SADDLES, ete CASH DEALERS will find it to their interest to see our stock and get prices he fore buying. n0v.2,1883 — SANITARIUM. River*idn, Cnl. Th dry climate onto®. hoo, Throat. LunK. full idea, 86 p., route, cost, tree. MARRIAGE^!IP All that thedoubtfn! curious or thoughtful want to knw. doth imd guilt bin din:.’6o ete,paper 25c,Mhr-i | rlrtgo Guide, 141 p 15o,sent sen led. money o- stpaby , tOR. WHITTIER i Tbo great specialist, Nervous Debility,l rcpetlimente to Marriage, Oonsn Nation nnd Pamphlet free, _ . EORGI V, Greene County. (lo ugc W. Moon, Guardian of Henry Moon, now of fullßge, applies for Letti-rc of Dismission, and such Letters wid tie granted on (lie first Monday in .1 tnuary, 1884, unless good objections are filed. JOEL F. THORNTON, Ord'y. Nov. 30. 1883. NOTICE To Trespassers. WF, hereby forewarn all persons from hunting (liy day or by night.), fish ing, cutting timber, or any otherwise tres passing upon cur Lands. We will prose cute to the full extent of the law. such of fenders. .1 N ARMOR. W. F. ARMOR, O. II ARMOR Mrs Mary A Park Nov. 23, 1893—3 ts / q i:oit<;i %— g reeue C.omily. \ I Frank Hall, (c d’d) lias applied for exon ption of I’ersotialty and setting apart and’ ablation of homestead and 1 will pass upon tite same at ten o’clock a. m , on the 20th lav of October, IbBB, at mysffice. JOEL F. THORNTON, Ordinary Oci ober 12th, ISBB, n i:oiu;i %—<; recnc County. VIT .tesse l’. Wilson, Administrator of the Estate of .lames It. Godkin. deceased, ap p ies for Litters of Dismission from said Estate, anti sucli Letters will be granted 01 the first Monday in April next, unless good objections are tiled. JOEL F. THORNTON, Oidinary. Jnnuaiy 3, ' S ?L / A KOIIKI \ Greene County. \T Temperance 11. Daniel and Archi bald Q. Dickinson. Executrix and Execu tor of Cordial N Daniel, deceased, and William M- McWhorter and Robert K. Davison. Administrators with the Will an nexed of William Edmondson, deceased, apply for Letters of Dismission from (lie Estates of said deceased and such Letters wilt be granted on the first Monday in March l'!S4. unless good e hjections utc filed. JOKE F. THORNTON, Ord y. Nov *>, 188.5 NO NEWTHING. STRONG’S SANATIVE PILLS Used throughout tho country FOIL OVER. 40 YEiVUS, And thus proved Tiis Best Liver Medicine in the World. No Griping, Poisonous Drugs, but purely Vogetable, safe and reliable. Proscribed even by Physicians. A speedv cure for Liver Complaint. Regulating the liowolflk Purifying the Blood, (Jleansing from Malarial Taint. A perfect cure for Mick. Xleuduehe, Constipation nnd nil Hlllona Disorders. Solti liv Druggists. For Pamphlets, etc., address C. r. HULL. A CO., 18 Cedar HU, 2S.T. City. 1884 1884 i> R EE YU 5 B OR OU G H High School. For Girls & Boys. W. li REYNOLDS, A M. Principal Miss JULIA MOORE, I’rUtluiry Department. Miss LULA BOWEN. Teacher of Music O Thoroughness is our Watchword. Mpi'io &*rl Will open MONDAY, .lantiar.v <Alli, 1884, and continue 31 weeks. Course o. Study liberal. Instructioa piaetieal and thorough. TFIKMS —$2 per month for every grade. During Pnblie Term patrons will be charged $1 per month. Tuition payable at the end of each inonLh, No bills will be carried longer than 5 days beyond the lime they are due. Board in private families—slo per month. A firm dicipline, tempered with kind ness, will be maintained. Those not wishing their children properly governed must not enter them . A Contingent Fev of 50 cent- innit be paid by each pupil in The Teachers all know their business. Satisfaction guaranteed. The School reached 80 pupils during I**B. We want 100 the present year. For further inforuirtion, Address, THE PRINCIPAL. December 21, 1883. MI.MONCHIEF, Deiifixi Green e aboro’, Get. I have all the Modern improvements n cossary to render operations ns bear able as possible, and expeditous. The utmost care and consideration '•ill be exer eised in all operations. S ATI? FA CT ION GUA R A NTH F. D. Feb. 22. 18S3. (NKOIMiill— Greene County. T John A. llrttle lias applied for Ex empt ion of Personalty, and 1 will pass up on the same at 10 o’clock a-ra , on Salur dny, December l*t. 188-1 JOEL F. THORNTON, Ordy. Nov It, tsfi-J 11 P SIBLEY Wm. J CBANSTcN. H F SIBLEY Cotton Factor, Commission Merchant, 734 and 736 Beynolds Street, ggjy-Liber al advances made on Consignments. Bagging am! 1 ies furnished a lowest rates Strict personal attention given to weighing and sampling ( otton. (. on igntnnts of drain solicited. OL,, Assignee’s Sale! • —i • THE ENTIRE STOCK OF CARRIAGES. BUGGIES, WAG ONS. SADDLES. HARNESS. LEATHER, eic., AT THE OLD STAND OF R. H. MAY & Cos., WILL BE OFFERED FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS AT Greatly Reduced Prices ! ! rp 1 HE above Good* are all clean, fresh stock, made by the Best Manufacturers in the United States, and comprise tbs well known makes of Studebakcr, Wilburn and Stan dard Plantation Wagons, all sizes. Best quality of Open and Top Buggies, Phaetons, Victorias and Extension Top Cabrioletles, made in the Northern and Eastern Elates; also seventy-five Open Top and Top Buggies of Cincinnati Work, Spring Wagons and Road Carts, X_jcix*g*o Stock Of Single and Double Harness, Stage Harness, Plow Gear, Haines, Traces, Col lars, Bits, Buckles, Plow Bridles, Umbrellas, Whips, Ilotse Blankets, Cap Holies, etc., etc. Leather end Rubber Belting, all sizes. Calf Skins, Sole Leather, Shoe Findings, Hemp, Jute, Seap Stone and Gum Packing, etc , etc. These Goods MUST BE SOLD ! AND LARGE INDUCEMENTS will be offered to CASH Buyers. Call early and examine the Goods and secure the Bargains now offered. N. B.—Every Vehicle sold subject to the regular twelve months guarantee. John S. Davidson, Assignee, 704 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, Ga, Of ROB’T 11. MAY k Cos. September ‘2B 188:1 • PLOWS, CUTLERY, LOCKS. HINGES, BELTING, SCALES, And Agricultural Implements OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. AT LOWEST PRICES ! ! IIENItV I*. HOOKE. September 28, IBb3 AUGUSTA , Ga. ei>. fit. *il>ley. Aslnn-v Hull, I* I” Toliiu. GEO. R. SIBLEY & CO., Cotton giSatu Factors, 847 and 849 Reynolds Street, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Liberal Casn ait ranees on Consignments. Personal attention given to Weight* and Sales. sept 28, ’B3 JONN C. FERRIS. CIIAS. 11. FERRIS. FERRIS & SON, Merchant Tailors, 820 Broad Street, October 20, 1883 PARSONS'Wz'PIi LS And will completely change the blood In the entire system in three months. Any person who w 111 take 1 Pill each night from 1 to IS weeks, may be restored to sound health. If such a thing: be possible. For Female Complaints these Pills hare no equal. Physicians use them for the euro of LIVEIt and KIDNEY diseases. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail for 25c. iu stamps. Circulars free. I. S. JOUNSOH & CO., Boston. Mass. JL; ness. Hacking Cough, Whooping Cough, Chronic Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Murhu-*. Kill:toy Troubles, and Diseases of the Spine. Sold everywhere. Circulars free. I. 8. JOHNSON 6c, CO., Boston, ilass. It is a wpil-knoirn fart that most of the K3 H 11 ■ O §2H BS Egs32 El P [S ffi? a Horse and Cattle Towder sold in this coun- to % S T 4 '& £} laaW try is worthless; that Sheridan's Condition sf E i S,& H” if 3 !£■£■,£ m a Sri I > o*rdf'rls absolutely pure and veryvaluable. EsTs M U L.A ‘,2 3F p ; G? - > dr Nothing: on Karth will make hens BVB EE S® k B B S "53 b m m 9 1;y like Sheridan’s Condition Pow- EVE S E ■ fiL 8 Li &*Li ss & '■* & dor. Dose, one teaspoonfnl to each piatof ™ ™ m m mem w 3t* m food. It v ill also positively prevent and care I ITog Cholera, Ac. Sold everywhere, or sr nt bvrnaM for 2f*c in CHICKEN CHOLERA,! i i KOKI>I A-<>iTtiii‘ 4 (Mint > . * I William P. Patillo applies for Letters of Guardianship of t lie property of George L and John W. Patillo, no i resident minor children of Mrs. Aram&nda 1,. Patillo. de ceased, and such Letters will be granted on the first Monday in December next, unless good objections are filed. JOEL F THORNTON. Ord v October 3a, ic^j. Gi:ok4,ia —Greene County. John L A. Warner, Administrator of (be Estate of Kicltard Stocks, deceased ba * applied fot Letters of Dismission front said Estate, and such Letters will be grant ed on the first Monday in February', 18S4. | unless good objections are filed- JOEL F. THORNTON Ord’v. n-tnKpr no ]S?3. (VIGOROUS fI L% LTHroRM£N dBftSV NERVOUS DEBILITY, JrJrtUJr • aeukucas nud do i caj, 4r*d numerous ob . __ aM wk I f senro diseases, hflffllng HARRIS is / ■■■•Mltiona, too free indulgence, 'BsU and orcr brain work. Da TV .*VV not temporize while rack VCV <iA \ V \ Cl. enemies lurk in your aya \ wd\t\l\lV Um. Avoid being impoaad on by pretentioua claims of A Radical Cure °i h fcr >•• A v trouble*. Get our Doe eircu- FOB lar and trial package and SPERMATORRHEA K3S3S _A-!N"ID thousand*, aud doea not in- Iftinr.TrilPy tcrfcre wilh attention to bari llvlrUl tllWli noaa or cause pain or lncoa* renienoe. Founded on act* fnwnrnrrt entiflo xuedioal principlee. ter Totd for over o Q rowlnf ln fcTor ud r#pit# . years by use in thou* tion. Direct application to tka scat of discasa makes its epe- B®* l **® case*. c jq c influence felt without delay. Tho natural fuae- tlone of the human orgaa- U' liu Ism are restored. The ■I | u 1 animating elements ef A TRIAL # § A life which have town package, fSI :■<* f v “ ** The patient beoomsa MSHHcheerfu 1 and galae SEND ADDRESS r P idij. HARRIS REMEDY CO., M'fg Chemists. 806% North 10th St., St. tonls, Ho. One Month's Treatment, SB:2 months,ss; 3 month*. $7. Coiniiiissiomr's Sale. GEOR GI A— Greene County. BY virtue of an order granted by the Hoi orible Thomas G• Laweon, Judge of the Superior Courts of the Oemulgee Cir cuit. al the September adjenrned Term of Greene Supet ior Court, 1883, appointing the un lereigned Commissioner*, with au thority to sell: pftll.,l, he sold before tlie Court- House door in tlie city of Greenesboro’, said county and State, on the firat Tuesday in Febeuary, 1884, within the legal hours of sale, a certain Tract or parcel of Land in said counly and State, containing One Hundred and Sixty-seven acres (dfore er less), adjoining lands of L D. Car ton, J/rs L. B. Houghton and others, near tho vil lage of Union Point. ALSO, at the same time and place, by the authority aforesaid, Will bes tld a cer* tain quantity o*' personal property, princi pally consisting of Household and kitchen furniture, lately in possession of James M Houghton, deceased. Terms of sale Cash. JOEL F THORNTON, - ) Corns CM AS C NORTON, l m i,. JESSE P WILSON. \ ion er* December 20, 1883—tint Tuea-, Feb. tX 1.01t1.1.4 — Creese County. J William J. Durham applies for per manent Letters of Administration on the Estate of Margerct Mcdermon, deceased and such Letters will be granted on the first Mouday in February 1884, unless good obj ectiens are filed. JOEL F. TAORNTON, Ordinary. December 12th, 1883. ( \ EORGIA-I jreene County. V T Robert B. Smith Administrator of the Estate of.t/rs, Emma C. Shot wood, de ceased, applies for Letters of Dismission from said Estate and such Letters will be granted on the first Monday tn April I£B4, unless good objections are filed. JOEL F. THOSNTON, Ordinary. December 12th, 1883. An entirely New end pn.itively eSeetie. J Remedy for th speedy and permaneul cure of Bemmal iSmissiona and Impotency by tht only true war, via., I>irec* Application to the principal brat of the Ihaoaee. The •*• of the remedy ia attended with no pa:n er inconvenience, And doea sol interfere with the ordinary pursuit# of life. Thie mode of treatment he* •touxl the teet in very serere caiei, And U now a prenenneed iteseM The*# la no iionaeiia# About thia preparation. Practical obeervation enable# ata poeitieely guarantee that it will rive per/cot eatlafaetioa. It ie oeo ceded by the Medical I‘rofeeiien to be tb# meet rational ntanf yet dtaeer ered of reaching and curing thia very prevalent treuble. The Remedy It Pet op la oeot be lee, of three oiooo. No. I (Insting o meolN). |J. No. J (>ts£Uion to effect s ponosn.nt euro, aaleoe in oovoro raooe); gi; No. S (looting over tbiee omils wiU nop so-.iswoao and torture vigor io Ue wont 00000). |7. Son* My *•*. eealed la platß wroppoie. fuß dirostiooo for o.iog soconapso, oacb hoe. (Hood foo o Doornptivo I’ampklot cinn AoaUmioal In metro tioow. which oDIm-V ‘he m** l ekopticol tbas tho* coo bo reeiorod to perfect osonbood. oad At I tod for the d-rtiss of life, mao ae if nos.r affootod. 800 l sml.4 (br otaap. M HARRIS REMEDY CO. MF'O CHEMIBTB. Market anand *th WOOL WANTED BY THE Laurel Mills Manufacturing Company. In exchange for good honest jeans tweeds and linscys. we exchange our cloth to farmers, wool-growers and merchants on favorable terms, and will give you better value for your wool than you can get by selling for money. Fort 10 pounds washed wool, We give 8 yards Doeskin Jeans. We give 10 yards School Boy Jeans. We give 10J yards Tweeds. 'Ye give 12J yards plain or Check Linsey s FOIt 10 POUNDS WOOL IN THE DIHT. We give 6 yards Doeskin Jeans. We give 8 yards School Boy Jeans. We give 8i yards Tweeds. We give 10 yards plain or Check Linecya Bnrrv wool subject to discount. Special terms on lots over £OO lbs. ITe will manufacture your wool ini# jeans for 221 cents per r yard, tweeds 16), linscys 12.1, We pay freight on ail woal sent us. Send for circular and sample#, and you will send your wool when you tea our goods. Direct to Laurel Mills Manufacturing C ROSWELL, COBB COUNTY, May 4, 1883—ly. Cut shows No. 8, ready to get Into. CS— C A,tr c° Ru shrill e, Indiana, —Wholesale Manufacturers of — TWO-WHEELED VEHICLES. The ONLY thing on two wheels that Itiilesi as easy as a Carriage. Goods made of the best materials and war ranted. Weight from O© (o 150 lbs. PRICES LOW Ask your merchant to get prices for you. C SPRING CART Oornp’y. August IT, 1883— A. A JERNIGAN. >V. E. ADAM*. Drs. Jernigan & Adams, :0: Physicians and Surgeon*, :0: fitaT’Offer their professional services t< all who may need them. Greene County, Gn.. March .2, 'K -