The Greensboro herald. (Greensboro, Ga.) 1866-1886, February 22, 1884, Image 2

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XHF HIK VI.I. r rrr. —• Official Organ ot Greene comity. SUBSCRIPTION : $2 00. ! C. HEARD, Proprietor. 11, T’ l.nn is. - - Kf!itoi\ FRir.VV, FEBRUARY 22 , 1884. —On Tuesday, a terrific tornado ffwbpt from the Gulf of Mexico across Alabama aod through this State, de vastating (be country through which 't pesed ami iettvitg destruction and %ath id its pathway. It entered this State near Columbus, where it split, the one fork proceeding, in its fury, to the Northeast up the Chattahoochee and tbreugh Floyd Harlow. Cherokee. Fickcns and other counties to the Westwa-rd •*! possibly out throuh fhe Western portion of North Carolina sncl on through Virginia y the other firong passed to the Southeast and veering to the Ninth wet t through Jones, Putnam, Hancock. Columbia, Warren and Elbert out into Carolina. We take the following accounts of the storm from our valued exchanges : Macon Telegraph nod Atlanta Cousti tation- Coi.rMnrs, Ga., February 50—The tor nado came from the southwest, nml struck the city on the eastern limits. The round house at the Ceatral depot was completely tfetiKdishod. It *o*a large brick hull ting, And the walls fell to the ground. Six en gines were badly damaged . The loss is es timated at $16,000 to the railroad. One Winn was asleep in an engine and a number of men were at work in the house nl the lime. Two children were buried in the debris, and a half dozen men narrowly escaped with life. The Muscogee Oil Mill the First Africnn Baptist Church and the jail are all unroofed. Several warehouses in’tke city had their roofs mere or less damaged. No one was seriously hurt Many chimneys were blown down and ether slight damage done. The tornado seemed to pass above I lie city and scooped down on the eastern limits. Debris was blown two miles. Komk, Ga., February 10—A terrific wind and raiu storm visited live city this after noon. It comraenood about half past one o’clock, nml continued nt intervals until Broad street for several squares was com pletely flooded, while the signs and awnings flew in all directions. Tlse rainfall was tremendous. There was a sowsiderisblo fall of hail during thcsioria. In Fast Romo the handsome frame residence of W ,S Crane in course of erection, was completely t’e molished, and ntxmt 1,000 resiliences were de (royed in theewunty. The barn of .1 11 Dowdle, about two mile from town, was entirely destroyed. The lees is not yet know* ,1 number or small frame houses in the upper portion of the city were almost demolished. loss of life in the city i- Reported t-Ave Sriuxos, February 10- A fearful cyclone passed within ;i few miles of our Tillage at twonly initiates (o two o'clock, (his afternoon, from the southwest to <lie northeast. Such destruction was never seen before as the storm liaeleft in its track The dwelling am’, outhouses of Mr T fl. Gaiilard were all blown down, and Mr. Gadlnwl was killed outright. Tha beautiful residence of Capt. .1 K Lapsley. one mile from town, was complete- lv demolished, ind Miss Holt was wound ed aeverely. Dent & Conner’s fine merchant mill was blow n down. The homeof Mr Arthur Fold is destroyed and every member of hit family more or less iojnred by the falling timbers, t\nd much other damage done throughout the county Cartcrsville. (.a., Feb. 19.-A cyclone passed over this section at half past, ona o'uluck to-day. The houses- on Captain T’uckotte plantation, occupied hy William Average, were destroyed. Loss fiifteen hundred dol’ars. The tenement houses at f; c rarrott’s and Ham Harris’ places, were also ycd. Their loss is un known. No lives have been lost so far as have been heard ,’roui. Frankly, February 20. — A terri ble cyclone passed through a pait of Hoard, county to-day. The testilt is | Aot folly ktn-wn at Franklin as yet. | hut it is certain that one negro was j killed, and other negroes and whites have been badly wounded. Many hsitses wore blown down and the trees and fences have completely blocked the roads. Oie Ahite family on the farm of F. C 1/oore. are all miuiing, and all the buildings of every kind on the place 1 were blown away NfvVnan, G., February 20 —A ev done passed through the western p-T --tioo' of ttur county yesterday afternoon. Tt was a.bottt a u.ile in width, touch Atmage thing done, bul*io Hvos lost from thepaVt3 !l?ard from. N f AltlV, February 2fb —The track of the storm last evening was about three miles south of this place, unroof ing aud demolishing houses and tearing down timber, killing the wife and daughter of Howaid Cash, and injur ing: many other persons se rieu-'y- Tai.i.'l.ah, February 2# —A cy- I clone passed over a portion of Jackson about fo'clock yesterday evening, com ing from the direction of Dorswill ; a-s itig above Nickeleoo. Jackson' county, J utterly demolishing Mr. Charlie Nash’s I house, and seriously injuriogi his wife | and daughter and u little gill- It is | rumored' that many houses were un | i oof, and in the country. I The nest place it struck was at Mix's |in Madi-oo county. VII the buildings ~f Mr. Mix were blown down arid Mr. Mix and his son were seriously hurt. in Pickens county the ruin wrought beggars description. The county was devastated Twenty persona' were kilb od outright, and a great number wound' ed-. The suffering and destitution is heart-tending. Tlil E A STE It N CYCLO NE. Indian Springs. Feb , HO. The news of the storm at Montieello is ap palling indeed. Reports say the places of Mr E. A. Elder, Glover, Charping and Jordan's Monficeilo, were ravaged by tile storms. Few houses on these places were left standing. No loss of life jet reported. Mr Elder had his ann broken when his house was destroyed. Macon, February -to—Accounts of the storm in Jones county, are heart rending. The work dotia was fearful. The sturm swept over a tract of coun try two hundred yards wide, leaving de vastation and death in its path. Nu merous houses were blown down, fences demolished, and cattle and human be ings killed, Wot. Davidson of Jones county, Caute to Macon this morning to pur chase twelve coffins for persons killed yesterday afternoon At half past four no the place of Jack Miller, near Blountsville, a hnu-e blew down, and Mrs. Miller and her four children wore killed. One child, a Sunil baby, has not yet been found. It was earned away on the hosout of the wind. Gus Hunt and si* negroes were also killed at the sane lime and place. Mr Mil ler was absent from home at a neigh bor’s house and thus escaped death Dr. Dullard’s house was also blown down lliswifo, two children and two negroes escaped unhurt. Reports from Jackson, Butts county, show that the storm did hatful work there. Several peroors were killed. Sparta, February 20,—The torna do passed through this county yesterj day. Much property was lost. Eaton ton, February 20. —Two de structive cyclones passed over l’utnam county yesterday afternoon, about lour o'clock, sweeping everything before them and causing great loss of life and property, lion. Hoot. llumber’s dwel ling, barns and negro houses were- to tally destroyed. Mis. W 11. Paschal, i.-iting IPs house, was killed, and. her infant chill supposed to he latally butt. Colonel Humber's leg was broken, and Miss Bessie Randal severely hurt about the head' Mrs. Jackson's dwelling ldowii away, and he and his wife woe both injured. love negroes were k tiled, one fatally wounded and nineteen others injured moio or less The dwelling of Mr. Wu>. Dennis was blown down, and Mrs. Denuis's leg broken in two plue< Tin MM E, Ft. burnt y 20—A terrible cyclone and hail storm passed through this county last night, carrying desola tion and death in its track. It entered the county crossing the Oconee below No. 1 ( Central railroad, and moved in easterly direction, demolishing fences, houses and reaching the town of Davis biro on the railroad livery store and house wi re blown down and the frag merits scattered in every dir.etion. There ks nothin'* lift of the Urge and substantial brick warehouse except the hare walla and they are not ever six feet high. One store aid two dwelling houses are all that survives the wrack Wui. Varecn in charge of the wood sl ed and water-tank, was killed by a flying piece of timber, and Ms*. .J W , Hudort and Mrs. Cor nelius Jordan, were badly hurt. The former* is not expeeird to live. Mr. Jordan lost seveji.l mules ; a part of the wan house ronf was blown two miles. Haddock’s Station, Feb. 20 —A cy clone passed over thij place, on the Macnn and llrunswick railroad, about •4:110 o'elock last afternoon. Eleven lives lost and a number wounded; gr eat destiuetion to property. Two are re ported killed at Norwood- Louisville, Ga.. Feb 20. Last night at 7 oVI ck! a terrible cyclone p-ts-ed through Jefferson, doing oonsiderab e damage to pr party andatnek, It was about a mile wide, ami extended through the entire county. Lineolnton. tia . Feb. 20.—The cy clone passed through this county last evening about dusk, ranging from 1 southwest to northeast. It missed Lins | c-tluton about one mile. The large 2 story dwclliog kn .wn as the Warner place, was un-oofed. and all of the out huu-es cn the place leveled Two ne gro children were killed, ond a third . j one is iiiisS!Og Georgia Agricultural Sinciel.v Sv Morning News Tlie Society was organized' in 1846, and its formation was first suggested by the late //on. lArk A. Cooper, of Bartow county.— Among those who joined with him in urging the impoi t tnce <f its or ganization were Geo. W. Crawford, J. McDonald and Wilson Lumpkin, all three of whom have been Governor of the State. It was first called the .Southern Con* tral Agricultural Society, and was intended to incl de membership from adjoining States. Under this name it was chartered in 1854. In 1860 the name was changed to the State Agricultural Society, and a new charter obtained. Alter the war the Society was re-organized, in 18G9, end it has been continued up to the present time. Its many fairs have been notable events in the history of the St ate. and it was through the earnest recommenda tion of this Society that the State Department of Agriculture was or ganized. Its influence has bad much to do with securing the pas sage of the law for the inspection and analysis of commercial fertili- | zers, and many other measures j looking to the welfare of Georgia The survey of the Columbus and Rome Railroad extension to Greenville will be begin in two weeks. There are about 1,G()0 liquor dealers in the State and they pay into the treas ury sto,ol>o fur liemse to sell. Two hundred and twelve ciiizens of Milton, with shovel? and axes, met the other day t.od winked anew road. 0. Jennings Wise, of Richmond, Va., a grandson of Gov 11 A Wise and son of the late Rev. Henry A Wise, died at Thom*svi!le Monday. - The fire record of the country al ready promises to exceed the eonrmous losses of last year. Over $12,000,000 worth nf pmpafty was burned during tlie mcoth of January. The cattle disease lias made,: its np pearence at Washington, W ilkes couu ty, Some-call it e-p ziotic and some pneumonia. Several cows are reported ill and two nr three horses have died. The Cedar Falls (/mva) fjaaeite nl Fcbruuy 1 says: "‘And still they come. Letter* from farmers in Mioncsot... If’isconsin and Michigan, making in quires about Geirgia land-, widen tna ny will go Auvn during thi- month t" look at end buy Two Cedar Falls men go on Tuesday m xt, ami Mi. Garrison gone down soon with about iwenty from various points to buy if-siiited The new road law passed by the last Legislature of Georgia is meeting with earnest opposition in nearly every e.-m :y in which it has been adopted bv re •otumendatioa-of the gra-d jury. S one G&0 eitiaens of Cobb eouaty have met and demanded its repeal. The road question lias been a serious one in Georgia for several ye but the peo ple linvo hardly yet reached the point where they are willing to be taxed to keep up the public highways. The old road law was a very good one, and the only trouble with it whs that it was not Enforced, l’robably the new law is a better one, but with a large number of the people nf every county arrayed against it. it cannot be a success.-—Ex. Mr. and Mrs. Pitts are said to be almost heart-broken at t he marriage of th lir daughter to Frederick Douglass. They were abolitionists, preached social equality and entertained Douglass in their house as a guest and equal. The daughter thought they were sincere, adopted iheir opinions, became a kind -of private Sioreta vy to Frederick IStuglass and finally married him. The parents were foils and hypocrite*, the daughter is a victim to their folly, and Fred Dbuglsse is an apostate to hi^ own race. Recorder — The .l/etho li-n church in the United States claims n active membership o! 4,000,000 souls. Oto hundred years ago it had only ab mt 15.000, scattered From lL'S'on to Georgrtr. .lfurders and assaults on y.uog sir!® have become so frequent in Chicago that (he newspapers of that erty advise shop and *chnol girls to go to and from their work and schools in groups. A State Fair wflf be held at Ma cao next fall, provided, ih& city vill subscribe 53,000 to aid in the work. There are IS3 counties in the State, and 92 of them have adopt ed prohibition. Putnatn county farmers hive in vested 81 .>,OOO in mules this sea son. Some idea of the magnitude of the business of raising s eet scen ted flowers for their perfume alone,, may he gathered from the fact, that Europe and B'ritishlndia con sume about 15(J,()L'(J gallons 1 ot handkerchief perfumes yearly, thist the English revenue from eau de cologne is 841).000 annually, and that the total revenue of other per fumes is estimated at an- : nually. There is-one great per fume distillery ot Cannes in France which tiles yearly 100,000 pounds of acucfa flowers, 140,000- pounds of race flswer leaves. 32fct)00 lbs. of jasmine blossoms, 20,800 of tuberose blossoms, anti an imo:ense quantity of other material. W. A, MONNISH, Watch- M^er WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY j repaired with deafness and IKspafch AI "k warranted. Charges reason able , Shop nt Mr. S. A. Torbert’s Store, opposite Court-House. Ureen&tboro’, Ga., Feb. i, 1884— VESTED BY TIME. STRONG’S PECTORAL PILLS IN SUCCESSFUL USE FOR HALF A CENTURY. The best Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Dyspep sia and Rheumatism. Insure Healthy Appetite, Good Digestion. Regularity of the Bowels. A pre cious boon to delicate females, soothing and bracing tbs nervous system, and giving vigor and health to overy fibre of the body. Sold by Druggists. For PampUfets, etc.-addrcss C. JS.IIUXJL 1: CO. 18 Cedar%t., X.Y. City. SIOO A WEEK! We can guarantee the above amount to good, active, energetic AGENTS Ladie9 as well as gentlemen, make a success in the business. Very little capital requir ed. We have a household article as sala ble as flour. It Sells Itself l It is tried every day in every family. You do not need to explain its merits. There is a tick harvest for all who embrace this golden oppoi (unity. It cost you only one cent to learn otir business is. Buy a pos al card and- write to as nml we will send you-our prospect us and fu.ll particu lars- P Ami wc know you will derive-more good than yjou liave any idea of. Our reput a-, tioii ns a Ruxvufticl Armg company is such that wc •an not-■ alTwnl to deceive. Write to uf on a postal and give your address plainly and receive full particular*. BDGKGFi Manufacturing Cos., II *. RillY. Oli). S* i)<*emibcr 1? 1 , j w S') —v! THE PARLOR RESTAURANT, MA ry STREET opposite court ifo use GREENES OOnO’ GA Meals at all lioim-s. Oysters in any siyle at ■Jo els, per plate.. Everything neat ami orilevly Fresh fish and oysters on sale. E. C- CATLLN. February TANARUS, 1884. msm* FREE! SELF-CURE Caaaai* A favorite prescription of onef & most noted am) successful speeiaMsts in (flow retlred)for the cure of tost. Manhood, Weakness and Decay .SeQ Inplain sealed envelope/ree.Dniforlßt9<mnflll f Address DR. WARD & CO. Louisiana. Mo. 1884 1884 GIiEENESBOROUG II High School. For Girls & Boys. W. E REYNOLDS, A.M. Principal. Mns JULIA MOORE, Primary Department. Miss- LULA- BOWEN, Teacher of Music. O Tkraglmess is our Watchword. Spring c? mu Will opcu MONDAY, .laiitiUri'.V Will, (te* I, and continue 34 weeks. Course o. Study liberal. Instruction praclieal an<t thorough. TERMS—S 2 per month for every grade. During Public Term patrons will be charged SI per raoutli. Tuition payable at the end of each month, No bills will be carried longer than 5 days beyond the time tlvcy are due. Hoard in private families —$10- per month, A linn dictpline. tempered with kind ness, 'will be maintained. Those not wishing their children properly governed must not enter them. .4 Contingent Fev of 50cent- mutt be paid by each pupil in advance. The Tear tiers ail know their business. Satisfaction guaranteed. The School reached SO pupils during 18?:l. We want 100 the present year For further iuformrtion, Address, THE PRINCIPAL. December 21, 1883. TOWN and COUNTRY ■ DUiei STORE. rjn HE subscriber intends*to give more attention, in the BUSINESS, And will keep an assortment of I’ure Medicines and Chemicals, which lie will sell on reasonable terms for Cash. Mr. 11. F. TOII III:(IT, who lias had a large experience in handling Drugs has been engaged to wail on customers in the)gcneral drug department. The Proprie tor will give his personal attention to the Prescription department He will also ccntin ue the pracliceof bis profession, in all its brunches. JOHN E. WALKER, M.D., LICENSED DRUGGIST and APOTHECARY, (ii renoslxiro’. Oa., February jj, ,sS4_ completely chango tlio blood In tho entire system in threo months. Any person who will take 1 Pill each night from 1 to 12 weeks, may be restored to sound health, if such a thinff be possible* For Female Complaints these Pill3 have no equal. Physicians use them for tho cure of LIVEH and KIDNEY diseases. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail for 25c. ia stamps; Circulars free. I. S. JOHNSON <fc CO., Boston, Maas. GJ LS £s9® 5? El 133 Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Neural- N iS* vp. mSi (ft* --x: pc, ' \f ; M Kill Itheumatism. JOHNSON’S ANO ■I M W ® *Jjl fcfu P 9 Mp® W Hjl4 DYNE LINIMENT {for Internal and External g." rj toj ./-h I■! Iff gJ L-. iTJm • £ tfsef will instantaneously relieve these terrible H# H gfc?s| Ka Kf--'£E t ttS Htl diseases, aiid will positively cure nine eases i “if Pi r? n •> ‘ r/. y-t Vj j/x out of ten. Information that will save many jU? p- j' a ‘i * 3 t,£ .j A* t£j?j $5 lives sent free bv mail. Don't delay a moment. If y [i] gj l>T QBL mSi Prevention is better than cure. INODYIIE LINIMENT CintES Influenza, Bleeding at the tongs Honrsc- Diseases of the Spine. Sold everywhere. Circulars tree. I. o. JOHNSON & CO., boston, Mass. It is a well-known fact that most of the F*3 £*3 [3 Fj £.29 r'-X t, 3 I4\A $ Horse and Cattle Powder sold in this conn- |M Utf fcSft gft) bi rS •>] F| && n'' T™ M fti ZjS/ try is worthless; that Sheridan’s Condition Mga fiS gjtf r-j bb*l g** U W rowder is absolaiteljTßre and very valuable. Hjf p fas* tf* gfro kvJj SI fcflg SB Nothing: on Earth will make hens H|g MSm sS® frl 53 g p|,t Sjg $ fj®® lay like Sheridan’s Condition Pow- Rang &S3 fcj el BBs? Q fc! USu dor. Dose, one teaspoonful to each pint of , , _.. . .. OP . food. It will also positively prevent and enre l Hop Cholera,&c. Soldeverywliere.orsent by mm m /T\ nw W* P R Kf% 8 WT stamps. Furnished in large cans,pnce $1.00; by mail, SL2(X hClwEaa jj $-O 3o)Si&4 Af | Circulars free. I. S. JOHNSON & CO., Boston, Mass. CITT DREG SHE. Mrs. R. W. Grifßn, (Successor to John ,/. Griffin.) rnilis i>l I and reliable DIIUC. STOKE will be conducted on the same principles us by 1 the former pinprietor, with increased stock facilities; and 1 solicit a ontin ancf of t4ie bestowed on it. L ALWAYS keep.ii Laige and varied assortment of Cliemically Prist S zsm Jf* sw ed \ M Medioines. u^jgL^, Full slock of PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, COLORS. BRUSHES, etc All Sizes WINDOW GLASS LAMP UOCDS, ( Buist’s Garden Seeds. ONION SETS, POTATOES, etc., Cf-of TBB3 1 , warrasted fresh and Genuine. I<> papbrs sold at. 5 efitlll strictly, The best Seed for tins climata. Tine Cigars & Chewing Tobacco Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, Pomades, Tcoth-bruslies, and Druggist’s sundries, fie®*Physicians’ prescriptions carefully compounded and dispensed bv a licensed and experienced Pharmacist. Mrs, R. W. Gbit 1" IN, Grecnesboro’, Ga., January 8, 1884. Black smithing, WOOD WORK and general repairing. J. I. HOWELL & SOI, GUEENESBORO’, . G A, 117 ]•; have just opened husne-s at the ( ojielan shops, in Grccnesbora, and are t t pared to do all kinds of work 111 our line* BlacScsmithing, making Wheels, Turning. Shooing, Forging and rapairing of all kinds. He ask foT'lho public patronage. \Vcr do.first-class work, and guarantee it in every instance. Terms January 19. 1394. J M, HOWELL & SOW. AT m BROAD STRUT, A ugstsla, <3a., ■\TOl oan- buy Clothing Hats, Underwear, Neckwear, UatbreHas, etc., etc. X as cheap as anywhere in the United States. A full line of Ready-Made Overcoats Always on hand. The TAILO RING 1 )EPA RTM ENT Is complete. Overcoats, Suits and parts of Suits made to order at the lowest pos sible prices. I Min Oils a Specialty! Goods warranted, and entire satisfaction guaranteed to every purchaser. Visit ors to the City are invited to call and examine my stock. AUGUST DORR, TAILOR and GENTS FURNISHER, 371 Bread Street, AUGUSTA, (At. — LEGAL NOTICES. C 4 FOlUil %—Greene County.| ( Mrs. Sarah A Kimbrough, Adminis tratrix of the Kstnla of Alexander Kim brough deceased, applies for Letters of Dismission from sail Estate and such Let ters will be granted on the first Monday in May 1884. unless good objections are filed. JOEL F. THORNTON, Ordinary. January 28tb, 1884. (1 KOICUJA—Gi cene County. J Notice is liereoy given to all persons concerned that on the day of 1883, Samuel If Sibley, late of Greene' County, departed this life, intestate, and no person lias applied for administration on the estate of Samuel 11. Sibley, in said State; that administration on said Estate, will be vested in the Clcnk of the Superior Court; or some other fit and proper person, on his-own bond, on the first Monday in March next, unless valid objections are filed. Given under my hand and official signa ture. JOEL F. THORNTON, Ordinary. February I, 1884. TAEOIMJIA —Greene County. T?T Robert I!. Smith Administrator of the Estate of Mrs. Emma C. Sherwood, de ceased, applies fbr Letters of' Dismission from snid Estate and such Letters will be granted on the first Monday tn April ldß4 , unless good objections are filed. JOEL P. THOSNTON, Ordinar y. December 12th, 1886. GS'.Olt<ii lA—Greene County. Jesse P. Wilson, Administrator of the Estate of James IF. Godkin, deceased, ap plies far Letters of Dismission from said Estate, and such Letters will be granted on the first Monday in April next, unless good objections are filed. JOEL F. THORNTON, Ordinary. Januaiy 3, jBB4- p i':oie;i %-g reene County. VX Temperance 11. Daniel and Archi bald Q. Dickinson. Executrix and Execu tor of Cordial N. Daniel, deceased, and William II McWhorter and Robert E. Davison. Administrators with the Will an nexed of William Edmondson, deceased, apply for Letters of Dismission from the Estates of said deceased and such Letters will he granted on the first Monday iu March 1384, unless good c bjections are filed. JOEL F. THORNTON, Ord’y. Nov 30. 1883 NOTICE To Trespassers*. Vl/E hereby forewarn all persong from, V \ hunting (by day or by night,), hsh.r ing, cutting timber, or any otherwise tresc. passing upon cur Lands. We will prose cute to the full extent of the law, such of fenders. L. C. PERDUE, F. W. PARR, C O. VINCENT. February 1, 1,884—3tg, - , u J, ’'■-'T’iS'T An entirely New nd poaitivel? J 1 Hrmrdj far the apeedy and permaoaai Cure of Seminal Emi&hions and Impotency by the oaly true wt, vix., Direct Application to the principal Beet of the Disease. TW ns* of toe remedy ia attended Wth no or inconvenience, and dees ue* Interfere with the ordinary phruuita of life. Thin mede of treatmen: has Wood the teat in Tery severe cases, and is now a pronounced sucoess. The-w Is no nonsense abouldhis preparation- Kractical obser ration eaablas as t positively guarantee that it will giro perfect satisfaction. It Is eoa eeded by tha Medical Profession to- be tlie most rational means y#t dlsaov erea of reaching and cunag this very prevalent trouble. Tbe.Remedy la pat ap ia u**t Win, or throo sixe*. No. 1 (luting a aoatb), |3; No. 3 (nflaimt to •ffert a |*rniar,*rt cure, anl-ss in OTre can**); $5; No. 3 (luting o*er three r o ot*e. will stop giaiuki: 4 end rnlou vigor in tho worn i-um), (7. Beet *! caStl. HIH ia glain wregpere. Full dirertione for using accompany earl, boi. (Bend for ( a DWecripti** Pamphlet glnng Asatoruical IJutratiene. wbJ.h nobe the moet ekeptiral that they ran ba reeiered to perfeet manhood, aad At- ■ ted for the dtrtiee of life, tame aa if Drr aJTected. Bent eealed far etaenp. 9 HARRIS REMEDY CO. MF’G CHEMISTS. - Market mid Mth street*. BT. LOUIS. Z JJMHRIGHT & Cos., 237 Sixth Street, Louisville, Ky. r MANUFACTURERS OF SADDLES, HARNESS, COLLARS, Etc , Etc., Etc. We make a specialty of First-Class Hand-made Work. Our house is head-' quarters for GATHRIGHT’S PATENT MEN’S AND WOMEN’S SADDLES. GATHRIGHT’S PATENT HAR NESS, SADDLES, etc, • ('ASH DEALERS wili fmd it to their interest to see our stock, and get prices be fore buying. nov. 2,1883 — PROF* NERVOUS DEBILITY, * ■*■*■*-*■*■ m organic w eakness aud de- B. s i ca 7> An** numerous ob* qa i ■mupKatfua E secure diseases, baffling ILT /I U L 7 w ri a Skillful physicians, result re k a from youthful indiscre- W mg/ tions, too free indulgence, ___ 'uipr/ and over brain work. D VI rv /vVVW v not temporize while such % iVsAVVVy. enemies lurk in your sys tem. Avoid being impoeed. .*•. on by pretentious claims of A H&dlC&l Cur© other remedies for these troubles. Get our free circa* * wli lar and trial package andl. SPERMATORRHEA Take a remedy thAt has cured -A--e : T3D thousands, and does not in* IRAdfiTnAIPV terfere with attention to basi- Imr U I LtiUli ne3B or cause pain or inoon . vcnience. Founded on sef- KV- Tested for over 5 Growing in favor and reput*- yoara by use In thou- tion. Direct application to tW Bands of paras seat of disease makes its spe- Bftnas or caaea. cifk iuH ucn f <! r,it witi.vt — delay. Tho riatural func m ats Isi tions of the human organ- U' /i m isrti are rostt-red. Th If f s 1 animating elements ot TRIAL A a life which hare \*cs PACKAGE, fa m ™ted & vea btck and ghlatf SEND ADDRESS “rengtti r.pwij. HARRIS REMEDY CO., M’fg ChertUU, North 10th St., St. Louis, Mo. One Monjh'S Treatment, $3; 2 months,ss; 3 month*, ft. EH MONCRfEF, RESIDENT sssss Dentist Grecnesljoi v', Ga. Iliave all the Modern improvements no. cessary to render operations as beq.p able as possible, and expeditous. utmost care and consideration will be exes cised in all operations. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Feb 22 1883. NAMITARIUM. Riverside. Cel. The efrr rllmete etwee. Noee, Langs, full idea, 36 [. rquts, oost, free. MARRIAGE^fp S [All that thodoubtfnl curionsor thoughtful want to ► Iknow, Olotta and guilt binding6o cts.papsr 25c.Mar- ’ -riage Guide, 144 p 15c, sect sealed, money or ► iOR. WHITTIER ■ i 1 ae creat ai*ecialist. Nervous 1 Ability,lrapsdimdOSS , rto Marriage. OoD&ultntion and Pamphlet free, k I