Newspaper Page Text
Official Orpin of Greene
S3 00.
— ’—"
C. HEARD,— ....Proprietor.
If. T- I.IIU IX, - - i'rtilop.
FRIDAY, JI NK 20, 1884.
It i.- conceded that the candidate
of the democratic party tor the Pres
idency should come from the great
Btalc of New York. Since Mr. Til
den’s declination, the whole conutry
Ims been anxiously awaiting the action
of the democratic convcntiou of that
State. The suspense is relieved. The
convention assembled at Saratoga on
'Wednesday, and was entirely harmo
nious. The delegate.* to the Chicago
convention are uninstructed; hut,
favor Governor Cleveland, by a
largo majority. This settles the
question beyond doubt; and it
mav be considered as quite certain
that Cleveland will be the nominee
of the Chicago convention.
Governor Cleveland combines
nianv clement ', of strength, and with
a good man, with a clean record for
the second place on the ticket, and
a good platform, the democracy can,
and will be triumphant in the Pres
idential contest of November.
Of Washington, Ga., has recently
written communications to the At
lanta ('auditittion, urging the expedi
ency of making important changes in
our State Constitution. .Judge Reese
is a safe counselor and a wise legisla
tor. While we are not prepared to
indorse all the changes he suggests,
wc believe that he is in the main cor
rect. As we have not his articles be
fore us, at this writing, we will not
attempt a review of all the amend
ments to the organic law of the State
which he advocates. Wc will briefly,
however, call attention to his views
in reference to the election of Judges
of the Supreme and Superior Courts
and Solieitors-General by the Legis
Judge Reese thinks this feature in
the Constitution should be changed ;
and lie advocates the appointment of
these officer,- by the < iovernor, subject
to ratification or rejection by the Sen
ate. lie correctly insists, that the
only reason why the Legislature
should elect these officers is, that in
this way we would be more apt to
have an excellent judiciary ; and lie
urges with great force that experience
has demonstrated that this mode of
•election is not attended by the result
The pre.-ont system of election by
the Legislature, is one reason why its
s ssions, of late years, have been
prolonged to an unreasonubl.) extent.
The electioneering hv candidates and
llieir friends with members of the
Legislature, is not only very harrass
ing and einbarrasing to these repre
sentatives of the people, but is often
sit tended with a system of “log
rolling” rjvl trading, that is a disgrace
both to those who till the legislative
and judicial branches of the govern
There is no system that can he
adopted which would be free from
objections, and always free from
abuse. But it strikes us, that the
present method is about as prolific of
evils ns any that could be devised. —-
Our own view is, that the judiciary
should be as far removed as is consis
tent with mtr republican institutions,
from direct control by the masses. A
/Judge upon the bench should there
know no friends and no enemies;
jiud hence he should be hampered as
little as possible by favors .-liown him,
in his election or appointment, among
the people whose rights lie is to adju
dicate. Therefore, a direct election
by the people is more objectionable,
for some reasons, than an election by
the Legislature. There remains but
one other method that seems at all
advisable; the one proposed by Judge
Keese. The people of Georgia, at
different times, have tried all three
plans. 'Hie Constitution of 18b8,
confided tlii trust to the Governor,
with the advice and consent of the
/Senate. This method, however, was
not original with the Convention that
framed that Constitution; for the
same feature existed in the Constitu
tion of 1861. Prior to that time,
we believe, Judges wore elected by
the people of their Circuits. Ju
J 865; the Convention that framed a
State Constitution, went back to the
old plan last named. In 1877, there
was a strong element in the Con con
vention to adhere, in this particular,
to the Constitution of 186.}, and per
haps an equally strong element to
adhere to the Constitutions of 1861
and 1868. Election by the Legisla
ture was finally adopted, probably as
a compromise between the two con
flicting ideas. After about seven
years of experience, we think that
the public generally are satisfied that
iho present system of providing a ju
diciary for the State should lie chang
el. Its evils are growing ; and the
sooner they are killed the better.
The chief objection urged to an
appointing power in the Governor is,
that it gives him too much power And
patronage. This objectioirwould he,
to a great extent, removed by adopt
ing another amendment proposed by
Judge Reese: let the Governor be
elected for four years and not re
eligible ns his own successor.
\\ o do not h;.iievc that the evils
in our present Constitution are so
great as to authorize the calling of
a B.ate Convention ; hut, they may
be remedied by the methods it points
out. Its provisions are in the main
wise and wholesome. They arc in
the direction of political economy ;
and were doubtless deliberated on
with an eye single to the good of the
people. Jhit wherever experience
clearly demonstrates that a mistake
lias been made, then statesmanship
and common sense demand that a
remedy should be applied. We may
hereafter call attention toother points
in Judge liecsc’s articles.
General Hems.
Newton county lias contracted for
a Court-llouse to cost $25,000.
There have been three fatricides in
Laurens county, within the past year.
The wheat crop of Clarke is re
ported as the largest ever harvested
in that county.
Murrain i* said to he prevailing
among the cattle in the Northeastern
part of the State.
The New York Herald regrets Mr.
Tilden’s letter, but thinks some other
good democrat can defeat Blaine.
ii Hi 0
Col I loadly of Ohio, thinks the
democratic party should not regard
Mr. Tilden’s declination as final and
The republican papers which have
up to date announced their intention
to opp se tli election of Maine num
ber thirty-five.
Cos!. P. W. Alexander has retired
from the Editorial management of the
TUgraph & Messenger. Col. Albert
R. Lamar succeeds him.
The 18th annual meeting of the
Georgia Teachers’ Association will he
held at Atlanta, on Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday, July 2d, 3d
and 4th.
Heavy frosts were reported on
Monday morning, in New York and
various places in the New England
Htates. Frost and Chil Bluing c) go
The contest for the judgeship in
the Northern Circuit promises to he
heated. Judge Pottle, Col. Jordon
of (Sparta and Col. Sam Lumpkin of
Lexington are the candidates.
- aTB • 0i -
The democratic convention that
meets at Chicago, will he composed
of 820 delegates, and under the two
thirds rule, it will require 53.3 votes
to nominate a candidate for president.
Judge Honey has decided that a
judgment rendered by a N. I*. and
ex-Off. J. P. at a different time and
place from that fixed l’or the session
of the Court of the regularly elected
Justice of the district, is void.
The murder of Mrs. Rose, last
week in Atlanta, is still shrouded iu
mystery. Rose, the husband of the
murdered woman, and two young
women were suspected and arrested.
The women have been discharged ;
hut Rose is still in jail.
A gentleman residing on Pine
Level near ITawkinsville, owns a
sow Ilia, has given birth to 330 pigs,
and from that number she has suc
ceeded in raising for her owner just
300 fine pork hogs. The sow is now
fifteen years o.'d, and has not a tooth
in her head.
The City Coiiucn of Athens pass
ed an ordinance prohibiting cows
from running at large iu the streets.
It has created considerable bad blood,
it seems, and .Mayor Dorsey has re
ceived anonymous letters threaten
ing to burn bis house and those of
the Council men, if the ordinance is
The naval fight between the Keur
sagr and the Alabama in June, l s t>4,
is brought to mind by the sudden
death of John Laueaster, who owned
the English yacht Deerhound and
watched the fight. After the sink
ing of the latter vessel be succeeded
in picking up Captain Scmmcs and
about forty officers and men, whom
he landed at Southampton.
The recent decision of the Supreme
Court iu the case of the Southern
Mutual Ini*., Cos., directing the divis
ion of the surplus among policy
holders, it is feared will result in the
disorganization of the company. As,
a precautionary measure, the Direc
tors of the Company, have rescinded
their resolution declaring a scrip di
vidend, and directed their agents to
write no new risks.
'Flic Air-Line railroad lias adopt
ed an apparatus which entirely pre
vents the escape of cinders or ashes
from its locomotives. Now, the man
agement should adopt some sort of
an apparatus which will entirely pre
vent big, black, odoriferous negroes
from occupying scats in the ladies
coaches. This is the only road in
Georgia where negroes are permitted
to ride in the first class coaches pro
vided for ladies and their families.
The Air-Line is a bad citizen, and
should be avoided, when possible, by
all respectable people who travel. —
Evening News.
Nashville, June 17. —An Amer
ican reporter has been hunting for
additional evidence against the Mor
row gang of murderers and robbers,
and gives the following description
of the scene of their crimes. It is
known as the (’avert) of Horrors,
and is second in size to the Mammoth
Cave. Here the victims wore entic
ed and their dead bodies afterward
shot down a long flume that carried
them far down a ravine, known as
“Hell’s Hole,” beneath which runs a
gloomy stream that penetrates into
hidden depths. The failure of Dick
Overton’s bouy to pass clear through
the flume was the direct cause of
Morrow’s crime being revealed. The
body caught on some jutting rock
and held by the feet for several
months just oyer the chasm. At
last it was observed by Deputy Sher
ifFTaylor who rescued it.
BigTAVe have a full line of Jersey
ft loves unit Collars. Call and see
them — no trouble to show goods.—W.
A. Kimbro’ & Cos.
{STWc have a full stock of gents
and ladies Shoes at low prices. V\ .
A. Kimbro’ & Cos.
By Hen ty of base balls, from lhcts
to ijl 00. — (Jopetan , Net Ith & Armor.
/ < EORGIA Greene County.
\ I Henry <’. Merritt has applied
for Exemption of Personalty, and 1
will pass upon the same at my office
at ten o’clock a. m. on Saturday, June
21st, 1884.
June sth, 1884.
/ tEORGIA Greene County.
\ JT W illiam .1. Durham, Admis
truior of the Estate of Margaret Me-
Dormon, Deceased, applies for Letters
of Dismission from said Estate, and
such betters will lie granted on the
first Monday in August next, unless
good objections arc tiled.
April 28th, 1884.
Dismission from Administration.
f x ICOISGI \ Greene Countv.
■ > Mrs. Victoria ('. Daniel, Adin’x
of tli - Estate of Oliver P. Daniel, de
ceased, applies for Letters of Dismis
sion from said Estate, and such Let
ters will he granted on the first Mon
day in July, 1884, unless good objec
tions are filed.
April 7, 1884 Bms
cotrvrv cm ist
Bailiifs Sale.
YT7MLL be sold before the Court
YY House door, in Oreenesboro’,
(in., on the first Tuesday in .11 LY, j
1884, w ithin the legal hours of sale',
the follow ing property, to wit:
One Book waiter Steam Engine, 4
horse power, levied on as the proper
ty of L. M. Kimbrough, to satisfy a ti
fit issued from the Couniy Court of
Greene county, Quarterly Term. May
1884, in favor of James Lefi’el <x Cos.,
vs. L. M. Kimbrough.
ALSO, at the same time and place,
one nine inch Nisbct Cotton Screw,
levied on as the property of H. C.
Merritt, to satisfy a ti fa issued from
the County Court of Greene county,
Quarterly Term, Mav ISS4, in favor of
J. M. Story vs H. C. Merrett. Prop
erty pointed out by plaintiff.
J. H. ENGLISH, C. C. Bailiff.
dr. j. \v. qullt ian.
A Thorough Dntggid and Experienced Prcseriptionid,
Y\ ILL wait upon customers, and personally compound all Physicians’ pre
scriptions carefully and accurately.
This old and reliable Drug Store will be conducted on the same principles
ns by the former Proprietor, with increased stock facilities ; and 1 solicit a
continuance of the patronage bestowed on it.
I always keep a large and varied assortment of
Chemically A fullstockof
* /VI /.Y7’.v, OILS, 424/A
| <Ol BRUSHES, etc,
-j. AH Sizes Window G/ass,
MEDICINES. . a *** s? <!o ttc. c,,i,,me - vs '
lilt ST’S Garden Seeds, Onion Sets, Potatoes, etc., crop of 1888, war
ranted fresh and genuine. Diets papers sold at acts strictly. The best seed
for this climate.
Fine Cigars & ( hewing Tolwu*c*o
Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, Pomades, Tooth-brushes, and Druggists’ sundries.
fccg Persons having Prescriptions compounded, are responsible for the med
icine and A'oy’thc physician who writes them.
St/cecssoi' to John /. Grijjin.
Oreenesboro*, On.. Januarv M , 1881- jy
Cyclone of lltimhii"*.
AT present there seems to be a per
fect cyclone of patent medicines.
Remedial agents apparently flash
from beneath the storm cloud, pour
forth from subterranean vaults, and
gleam in the sunlight of every city
and hamlet. Gentle zephyrs of the
oveningtwilight arc laden with songs
of their prui?e, while the sombre
shades of night fail to overshadow
their demise. They touch the fever
ed brow with the pleasing breath of
hope, while they sicken the heart of
the son of Ksculapius. The code of
medical ethics lie?, withered in the
dust at our feet, while the doctor still
charges one dollar for writing “sod
ium cliloridi and aqua pura” as a gar
gle for sore throat, instead of saying
“gargle with salt and water.’’ Rut
the great wonder is the capacity of
A Jfl AV* smilß II
The writer knows a wholesale mer
chant of Atlanta, Ga., who says lie
drank 24 gallons of one patent medi
cine (SIOB,OO worth) before being con
vinced that it would not cure him.—
He had much faith, while his stomach
had abundant capacity. Another
gentleman, suffering with blood poi
son, drank 117 botties (§200,00 worth)
of a certain patent medicine before lie
decided that Ids condition was grow
ing worse. These are solid yet stub
born facts! (Suppose you hail a severe
case of Scrofula and a druggist should
say that he had a quick remedy, one
bottle of which would effect a cure.
You would he apt to call him
a at issi t>ni;Kr.
We know a man in Atlanta whose
son had a sloughing Scrofulous ulcer
of the neck, and the boy was nearly
blind undone bottle of a certain pa
tent medicine effected an entire cure
We know a certain editor who had
Catarrh and three bottles cured him.
A doctor near Atlanta cured a ease
of Scrofula with one bottle of the
same medicine. Another gentleman,
hobbling around oil two crutches, suf
fering with Rheumatism, was cured
with four bottles. A gentleman at
Athens, Ga., had a Scrofulous ulcer
of the leg, which had been a running
sore lift.v years, and six bottles cured
him, fliese eases are not myths;
they are respectable and well known
people, who were cured by the use
that new anil wonderful Blood Reme
dy known as R R R Sold by all
druggists. Three bottles for $2 75 or
six for $5 00 Expressed anywhere.
Address BLOOD BALM CO., Atlan
ta, Ga. No mineral or vegetable poi
son. Send for poof of all we say.
For particulars consult Oopelan,Seals
& Armor, Greenesboro’ Ga.
S" , and
vjlm-ssed the
broken down,
ture decay, know that in this supreme
tonic unit alterative there exists a spe
cific principle which reaches the very
source 'jf trouble, and cllevls an abso
lute niiffpennanent. cure. For sale by
all Druggists and Dealers generally.
June (>, 1884.
& Cos.,
237 Sixth Street f
Louisville, Ky.,
Etc , Etc., Etc,
Wfi make a specially of First-OlftfS
Hand-made Work. Oar house is head
quarters for
CASH DEALERS wilt'find it to their
interest to see our stock atnl get prices be
fore buying. n0v.2,1883 —
'ft An entirely New and positively effective
r-1? 1 Remedy for the speedy and permanent
cure ot Seminal Emissions and Impotency by the only
true way, vis., Direct Application to the principal Seat of the Disease. The
use of the remedy is attended with no pain or inconvenience, and does not
interfere w:tb the ordinary pursuits of life. This mods of treatment has
Stood the test in very ix-verc cases, and is now a pronounoed success. Th—a
is a? uonsciisa about this preparation. Practioal observation ooahles us to
positively guarantee that it will civ® perfect satisfaction. It is con
ceded by the Medical Profession to be the most rational means yet discov
ered of reaching and curing this very prevalent trouble. The Remedy la
put opts Mat 1,, of Hum -lie*. No. 1 (tawing • month). I'; Ho. 2 (auAriant to
rnoai(.t i-urs, uulrw in never. rw); *j; No. 2 (luting oscr thiee more he.
will Mop niu(MMa and i e-lore rigor in the w r-i com). |7. g* u v by mad, eeeled in
J tod for o Deeciq.llre I'xmpld.l |iv>i>| A Batumi.-a! l lntlroiiono.whlrh w|lleon-%
■ ine the Best (kept'ca! that they con be restored to perfect n.anlieu.l. o.vt lit- I
\iJ for the dirti.t ,1 iife. earn, ae if nr/r oAeeted. bmteeii-4 for stemt . 3
MarLft mu! *tR Strvet.*, PT. Lot IS, MO.
■ —.-" if
(Illustrated) by the use of a Buggy made by T. T. Haydock, which is not only the Leading Buggy in this picture, * but
A-k vour dealer for the T. T. HAYDOCK Buggy, with tiie Haydock Safety King Bolt and Fifth Wheel. Life
is insecure riding over any other. 'endfor <\ita/ c gue and il holcmle Fmcc L,hl‘X*M
A • IV, g or pjyrfj and l?lh Street?, Cincinnati, Ohio.
flfiYiM’jfifl XBhWPVTi ! NO TIWT7’.'H!StTIVEIiS 1^*1?
MiwGLm tvs\ ore the REST EVER MADE for Cosf.veneos, Indigestion, Headache.
ly *—One rood doso of three or four Emory’a Little Cathartic Tills, followed by ono
\Y) rill every night for a week or tv, o, makes the human rim as regular
as clock work; they purify ihs blood and put new life in a broken-down body.
HwnKlA Grew Vegetable, Harmless, Pleasant, Infallible, the youngest child may talto
them. Bold by all Druggists and Medicine Dealers i.t.iS Cts. a Bos, or by mail.
O LiW, VjxA* v STAKHtBB CJIIE CO., Proprietors, 197 Peari St„ H.Y.
ys/ *■ Emory’s Litila Cailiartio are more than is claimed; they prove to bo the
f best Dill ever used here. Worth twice the money ashed.—NY. W. D. Goher
Harmony Grove, Ga. Emory’s tittle Cathartic are tho most popular o£ all
_ the Cathartics.—Wm. Bishop, Mills Elver, 11. C. My aged mother used one
box with wonderful results.—N. W. Brent, LocnstGrove, Ohio.—-I recommend
CATH..RTSC FILLS _j ( , HM Collins, M.IJ., Athens, Texas. They aro cxceilent. —K. Bensoh,
arepraparad from j ®? son y riM- __-j hovaro unexcelled.—Mia, Ki.izvnrru Keyseb, Mr.berly, Mo.
M tmmi I 11818 - ' —a-.wiwvrr-.r.°xrr an mu lid. I" MT I■ll l *, , . 1
WJfiYjj flßJfi ancvQT-failiug remedy; they contain no tiiiaifs Stamlard Cure Pills,
SSe""" 1 * 1 ““” J
HBBtvumuaowCTa meamwmrmarrmrmmsm
rjBIE subscriber intends to give more attention, in future, to the
And will keep an assortment of Tore Medicines and Chemicals, which lie will sell on
reasonable terms for Cash.
Mr. 85. i<\ TllltKllKT, who has had a large experience in handling Drugs
has been engaged to wait on customers in the general drug department, The Propria
tor will give his personal attention to the Prescription department He will also ccntin
ue the practice 0 f his profession, in all its brunches.
joiin e. walked,,
. Gretnc-sboro’, Oa., Febru ry is, lfc>S4 —
And will completely change t!ie blood in ths entire system in tiireo months. Ary
person who will tako 1 Pill each night from 1 to IS may be restored to sound
health, if stick a thing be possible. For Female Complaints theso Pills have no equal.
Physicians uso them for tlio cure of FIVER and KIDNEY diseases, Sold everywhere,
orsont by mail for 35c. in stamps. Circulars free, I. S. JOHNSON & CO., Boston, Mass.
E£ 0 Si EJ£*3 iW'h S! C rot! F> Asthma, Bronchitis, Neural
mm □ M 9(8 i** ‘ gj? m m £s& fria, Kheum&tism. JOHNSON’S ANO
i'- fej m ri ES NM N3 Spj @ Bin DYNE LINIMENT (for Internal and External
Ngj gS tjWbg rsj KLjhß * M h£3 #m> will instantaneously relieve these terrible
01 8r! j£?*** / ljm Ls'*‘?9 ?i J * a la MBm diseases, and will positivelv cure nine cases
t|l g £§ fin H M ff j rlj fU* BJI out of ten. Information that will save many
Lfl §£2 LJ rl Edls U- fc*j 1$ sra lives sent free by mail. Don’t delay a moment.
at ”|§ Ed £3 Kl3 13 isi 38 31 *3 Prevention is better than cure.
JOHNSON'S ANODYNE LSNIMEKT CURES lnftuenaa, Bleedin" at the Lunps. Hoarse
ness, Hacking Cough, Whooping Cough, Chronic Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Kidney Troubles, and
Diseases of the Spine. Sold everywhere. Circulars free. I. S. JOHNSON <fc CO., Boston, Mass.
It is a well-known fact that most of tho El KJ U 0 |833 Eg B MS) S| fS&k 3 fifi B
Horse and Cattle Powder sold in this conn- fig Safi S3 @ fci II Ba §£ a& is tj H mBB
try is worthless; that Sheridan’s Condition fe/w B&- bG? Si*. |Sw bi Iffß Itf
Powder is absolutely pure and very valuable. ijsji'M KJ tA r*£-J i&jub ia 93
Nothing on Earth will make hens HBH H 3 gl m a BaS B s fc§ a
lay like Sheridan’s Condition Pow- §3 %Si IJji 3H Pa *§ U B*o S *8 BBawßffi B
der. Dose, one teaspoonful to each pint of m ® ma " m ™ w HOfiS “ J ™ ■ a
food. It will also positivelv prevent and cure 1 Hog Cholera, Ac. Sold everywhere, or sent bv mail for 25c. In
aj 1 CTO A stamps. Furnished in large cans, price $1.00; by mail, $1.2Ql
WlsUbbKAi |Circuiarsfree._l. S. JOHNSON & CO, Boston, Mass,
\\7F, have just opened business at the Copelan Shops, in Greenesboro, and are pre
? T pared to do all kinds of work in our line.
making 'Wheels, Turning, Shoeing, Forging and repairing of all kinds. Ti'c ask for the
public patronage. Wo do first- class work, and guarantee it in every instance. Terms
January 18, 1884. J. M, IIOWELL & SON.
Augusta, C*a.,
\ r 0U "can buy Clothing, Hats, Underwear, Neckwear, Umbrellas, etc., etc.
as cheap as anywhere in the United Ktates.
A full line of
Reatiy-Me Overcoats
Always on hand. The
Is complete. Overcoats, Suits and parts ot Suits made to order at the lowest po3
sible prices. *
Hi Oils 3 Snecia!l7!
floods warranted, and enlire satisfaction guaranteed to every purchaser. Vi
ors to the City are invited to call and examine my stock.
87 1 Broad Street, AUGL STA, Ga. noY.J,’so~
Sr* Hartsr’s Iron Tonic,
Tt will purify and enrich the BLOOD* regulate
the LIVER and KIDNEYS, and Restore tiie
HEALTH nnd VIGOR of YOUTH! In all those
diseases requiring a certain and etficlen TONIC,
especially 1 )yspepsia,"\Vntof Appetite,lndiges
tion, Luck of Strength, etc., its use is marked
with immediate ana wonderiul results. Hones,
muscles and nerves receive new force. Enlivens
the mind and supplies Brain Tower.
B c\ b &• J suffering lrom all complaints
La tJ? 3 v$ peculiar to their sex will find in
DR. HARTER’S IRON TONIC a safe and speedy
cure. It gives a clear and healthy complexion.
The strongest testimony to the value ot l)n.'s Ikon Tonic is that frequent attempts
at counterfeiting have only added to the popular
ity of the original. If you earnestly desire health
do not experiment—get the ORIGINAL AND Best*
(Scud your address to The Dr. Harter Med.Co.^
St. Louis, Mo., for our “DREAM BOOK.” ■
Full of strange and useful information, froe.^
Dn. Harter’s Iron Tonic is for Sale by all
Druggists and Dealers Everywhere.
& SRj SFS |“1 F" Send six ccms for
si \GJ l #1 postage, and re
jja poF| n | I SBa ceive free, a costly
■ 8 8 8i 1 1 bx of goods which
Is I !I!L &s B will help all, of ei
ther sex, to make money right away than
anything else in this world. Fortunes
await the workers absolutely At
onee address TRUE & Cos., Augusta, Maine,
March 14, 1884—
•To two COOT) HJaIiTII tlO T-TTFR Tttnsf. bo Popt In order,
Just what its name implies; u vogetable Direr
Medicine.and fordisens.-sresulting fromadorangoa
or torpid condition of tho Liver; such ns Biliousness,
Costivencss, Jaundice. Dyspepsia, Malaria, hick-
Headache, Rheumatism, etc. .An invaluable tam
iiy Medicine. For full information send vour ad
dress on a postal curd for ICO page book on th
“Liver nnd its Diseases,” to DR. SANiORD, 24
Duane Street, New York. .-a*
To Trespassers.
A liL persons arc hereby warned
against trespassing on ray land,
known as the “Daniel land,” lying
within the corporate limits of Greens
boro’. Persons disregarding this no
tice, will be prosecuted.
May 9, 1884.
■gjta gf-Wh *§3 jrojKßn NERVOUS DEBILITT&
organic weakness and a
nd f cay, And numerous ob*
Aft V 11 #
Wt K from youthful Indisero
tions, too free indulgencs,
. and over brain work. Do
rH. not temporize while inch
irvV < enemies lurk in yoor sys
\WdV%Wy tem. Avoid being imposed
, „ _ on by pretentious claims ol
A Eadical Care other remedy, r,,T the.
troubles. Get our free clrcu-
FOR lar and trial package and
A-ItTID thousands, and does not io-
IHaDP.TCMPV terfere with attention to bad*
!nrlrUlEi!UYs ness or cause pain or incon*
venience. Founded on scl-
IKff-Teßted for over 6 -
yoarg by use in tliou- tion. Direct application to tha
aanda r-n.a seat of disease makes its spe
aands of cases. cific influence felt witkout
- delay. The natural fua*-
® |1 rryi
PACifACE. tim tr as ted oro given bk.
f_ .Wfll ' rhn patient becomes
BHMBHcheerfu 1 and gains
SEND ADDRESS sm-ngth rapidly.
806J4 North 10th St., St. Louis, Mo.
One Month's TatATMtNT, $3; 2 months,ss; 3 months. $?
[C?”lluy the Tube Rose Flour. For
sale by, W. A. Kirabro’ & Cos.
To Trespassers.
ALE persons are warned not to
trespass on ray land, in any way.
Said land known ns part of the “Car
son lot,” lying in Greenesboro’ on the
North of Broad Street on the public
road to White Plains. All trespassers
will tie prosecuted to the extent of the
law. J, J. BURK.
May 9, 1884.
fhe Old, Welt Tried, Wonderful
Health Renewing Remedies.
Dvei Complaint. Regulating the Bowels, Purifying
i Blood Clean 1 m? from 1 unt. Af* r
foct cure fr MicU Headache, CoobtlpatiuP
at,cl all ililioit* I)i4irdci ■<.
KncunidtUui. It.sure healthy ipp- i;Umz(hxjuig***-
• :t v,t the bav.eL A gmtnux boon
to {ci’ utle iVr.iah* -othmc ami Uramnir tho
n.-rvoii • system anl giving vigor and health loevvry
• i.r.-i f the l dy Soldbv Drutctrist s,. l*or Pamphlei.,
J, I.idros: v V lICLLi ':.>..lK(Vdr,rSl..y.V.Clt.-
F " Kirabro' <fc Co's., is the place to
buy your Tobacco and cigars,