Newspaper Page Text
nmucsjuti) ikkhy rtau,
Af $m FER ANNUM, f? AM'l.Ml
tktckM 1 50| * (to flo;io<t Od
** lOWj 90 00-iVSOfltdO-M $lO6
{ * m*‘*
viujb! 1 yaipjYjS^abyi
nance n> tbk mui .
After thij dele. *ll legal advertfemi enu
far the oounty of MwrtwMher.wiil be pub
lished m the Itunmm Cap ay? Vu>ui
asm. IA& W. RAN N IN*.
__IMBWUi> knitUmte toy
Hav, F, A. KtrnbaP, on Thursday evcultg
Hi# jfchm' JWoetff, Ee 'W% Hjiui*
rn Tirt TTr~ \
JSvWlttfe BlK*,
JtMpgjr MU) CMff Abrg'iai.i
The UuHXMwiHio awni Ma#as. tfouay
,"Tw;ui hhh, An oncm-ty.--
mms, euud -r HrLeotoi Add w: r
" ia*,ri -
TV lamp iQMp n u’wr (sir mkmi gad
Amt aoocaa of heart* -lusM happily ; but
. whet* - '"™
Mu'c are*.’ a till It* v.aoptoMM
IMU? writ which #■>.
"■* 2 fy*/ if
Aid all wvut *i4ort4Mti fell
r- i.: m t** ifioaiU <r >* B-u- ad
(irotw i>' Invited to attend * luxgkw
£)roa is; h-sm <ft tk? ©os ii" i the rest
Aitini < r tT*n ttnry R If irrn,
T itr* Offiei*.,
*i. tjnerl m i‘--o>H-*tdt* *4 Modern
J, ngn'tifsf runs mi II tgiitt.mtfe t ••■♦Mue
lor 1874 , • ■ ■■■ ■ -
I I*“ “1 I.IT*
Tws twuy SM*w*f < Mr. Tbßnafeh *
tHanVFgris swwvt as# wAil be tiM
iUi nji f ilT.imt In sniff life column.
tir Avery eiit*i"f *tii< 1 ol Ki.m N
rvfuji it nfififH A MOOIIIi'B
I'rit'K i* **• it ncttiHf In unill
I C. <r iri ifliMßrttHttg fear <♦*
■*!•?. .
lit M'>t ttAlk; NoMimuko -Hy * torMM •
t > owrtAM Min- *>> fe wntr* tlx
(. lii ntun, alook HMtutblntl id Wan
vUiv on Ue *£<A |4*er4 In Kli <nrt!x
.*erHaat WltOM h*m* *!■
p t ilto bend <4 ntjr colutnti*
Tl*ry •“H*ty mml wWI <rtnUV<l,
tmti m 9 •* fc* *W ** "nly *
catva • nnnnfemrm rote, tmt llxt n*f pc*
j*r will tow Ottllfl full fwit nnii <le 11.
M naiarf* tbc la>g* WBMtfcry dtner**-
Tut-. 6e#r fVtntoi, in U'*mji*—4l'*
f*n rIT! fiiiTtiii' 1./r 1873.
HoSci. .
f roaatt Intiicc*? jPy im( owm vwat.
j.al7i( J. L BAH MM*
Tunw A-aMTM* JO-.3 l*t *1 •) Flour
' warnVl doertil fe Bulk* Ute cntilof ll *w;l
feMTtt PlAtr- W ft*rl to Wo
Jfct amt iwmmi, O. Ll tSmry Bentor
front Uh mb Hi In AtWtn
•m • curt of VtrfnMl, crtetrnOcJ
afaat Um mtmatAmg <N &.•
Wftek ■** *** px.u. |g- Kr Ptw~j
*f<pM4MAMm w wnleefetf tbi
frn w ImAßm. a mm mm Dr.
WammlhA btrlftwllßg pftyrieii*, to i
Nil r~-"T *--]-- ■••
4D#. to b mmjmflr
Tnnuiwm. 9VM *• w.ton. tw
IlfitiMflt of Mmi wether that fa* kM ret
ad the Grus Mill ds the Gold Spring Aw
tkm, io thht eoenty, for itafwurt ir,
sad emotif rsqamtaa swell aWe ef pat
jaaifb Hath* fami Practical Mdisr
far 1* yaaaa, m a mMrirm t fast****'a I*
ms* At*.
L tfffcms-Spttdw **£ will! "dirtoj
r yk naciariw. Ml FlMfli a*Ml tar-
* S\>r SUeanff:
For Oicniy t>xnn*isior*:
few4fino T'ritiay, inn. Isli Jai of Ffttru*
ry. 18TA
Drntrnlr Wocllutf.
fIHRt-WIU.K, It V{. 4 L
- J*mh>i>. 2JIIBTB i
ParMiant U] t prrviotw ntke the l>*m
liui -11 tf—l MII I 1 \i4
' ■ ntrt 1 ni c o u < mill *w CT TANARUS,, TJ~ a 1 i
J4TT J aortij
n*tp c*arfitt*ir* for She-.iff B-t Gocmty
CoxittitofoiM r*.
J E Kui'Unuwn ** called to the chair
nod A J Hiuion tm| rcqn*UHl to act t*
I'lw ihligatc* from the MiUtuk dUtrictr
acre cisrulle*! *> follow*:
l*i l),i. tet—Jii *. L llixoa, Wei, 11
'all D^rtoMtaMLellltoM, li*nl**
Ft J. Wil’inm*.
3td Oiatrtc.—-C. A. Stile*,
rth l)4rtet—ll -H M*-tt*i;<*tMer¥, Ti. N
Jno. O. IVikemon, U. VV.
foatet), J t' lUuhoii.
Bth Dwtrtd—J. W. Park, J. W. lUuninj,
A J llmtou, W. W. Jamil. A ll Free
BMW. j
Loiter dilt DuSrlci-TLJ.
Me K. nititt. U- V-K
Hu.^liWV- X N
]|- IMtlrirl- T T Mt'mt——i
M*.OutUict—No dcicitaio*.
njftpue Ihaulct-hi Uuilu, W. .J.
Fuller. M’ H" Wll iirnli uii" , V_
,4UblH*tr^t— 11 F 8
C% Smith, M'tu IViither
s of A. 11. lit Stffo
*tl)irtU rtiieNc** uuamVu n,
lit numfiMUoa tut v*mdi. t fm the ?rtli t
of rthetifi: A 1L W*t*oti, 0. 11. Muni
yniury. J W. Flwra iC* iul T. J. .ium< .
Altar a *pirit,ed cotiUwl A Id IV *lon w*
tuuulioiie*! ou ft® 4U LhUoI-V^
The names t*f U.' M U. M
le'VemU-and J “P ClyJ*o> wore presented
ar c*ndld*o>' lor ctuMily.
Toe Coiivviition pt.H'issi*
o’. ■■ ■ ■
O 1
si*. Do Ul<o.uiJ4| J. D II .Is on ;
noniliialiotis were iiiade uimiiiiiuous.
Jim. VV. Park, t.’iiamnau ol the #JK*m*a
eestie Emurtre icinlrreil hi*
lea.giiaifon a f nuntibur ot thul Comm it*
t,i~ ■ - ‘ .... I . rn mV .. 0,. A- . „r i I . ’
*T 4 w uK.H ft II IM*.| BM'l* T
0n motfoa ot Dr. VV. J. llama., the
tjacrutary waa juncunl io. mniitd. lbs
eilttof ..l otrr county |i*.p i w'tiji a copy <d
ihe mitino of ttii* he, witi. *ha
in|'t*si that tin*)'. jippcaritt the n. *t l*it#
•*i tt*e Yispit iSiu. Up iiisiu* ..g U. It
stellfra (fie Cn*#&lfoH adjoirtlil. r
J. E Bfl liltti v CT!iTiiiimi
A. J. iimfys, fo:a7y
Fun Null l r. • Om book I i li. I si! , i
tniial (.<• n uit J w. boil l*rl*f and ’UJ7
JacVd-r, JUuitiaA*.
Jadge Busuattd, <x A, to.'oilns!eil
• be r.cloSM'g J.i Uctol edu t liuoillic Inloh
1 reeclitllS , , ' ■.---..
:* I rOcns* cm l-a* **-vtc-l 'U*t a cjufaU
lerablv ptuiib, r *>f person* ulli iidii g on lids
eon 1, until 1 Into i> ptwiener wearing ft*e
mu* or **tber deadly wc.ipon- My ►onr
r*• of inf irr-*letn Uoise in* i.ami lo *hmb:
it* <orrection. To luing tbally wi uivm*
into • eawri uf joams', during the dttktg,
feat, idfeoce nl tlie fi|oWac|#r, ami
deM-rviug <*f *Maiu*’ puimthm* nl Jiua
flsfOtou* aad gcpaidon*;*bf **nlein|*t of
■be few, am) an i(Wm*ui ami u<*uou
* tbibltion of Ura felt ajatii* ol
■ nine I' tonal be met and crushed. To
. do less l)i*n .t: nol B • Bboininablt. wonlrt
| Is* a repioa, b to civilization, <'hrlstfenoy
; and few. Hie nisrabal slid b . attendant#
’ are ebaryed w ith the duly of e.cluding
fr<an the </utyl rwxti aay piv*o |uilty ol
| ihi. wlrt<d praefee, rnd ifoj atwWtior
! teedfo maty efforter®* knd (ICI muuiiin*-
tion of tins peraon, and any one refusing M>
tse w* namin/d, *bß not be allowed ad
(■haiirn Hi the evnift room.
Wt). (Tllarcb 11,1872.
TiHob. Hurhißibl:
Dir rYb dMidvat Cfeitult, chosen by
the National ljtfer Reform Citfivrrttl'.u, *<
i OBtoßitww. 4# arM upon you, and. In tb
j umsal NMWWey, render yon tbe nomination
mnh*ta*rfßi%tdbe OWatrjr lor tha
Prsaiaenry of the United WtßWa; igftii ffcfe
ogmartaathy t diarkarr* tkjrtP dtby. Wa
awraeady hope that you will aceept onr
a—haalkaryo* to aapaemfog ahedrdfeic
tion that yon will, wahrg toaakrhy heforn
jrm the piaiSiiru uptm wiuoh are aUmd.
And the ptmdpUm of tight
which we are pledged to mppmtL We
here the boaof lo be
(Mgtted) Yoor obedient aervanta,
H. P. Ccmmikus
W AIXSCB V. (jnooit,
Hni UkM,
it *(.*,
•.' , A*. • Jjjfl
To wbkWud*e ttodHfcSedaeitdfcMrw
WamhjkHMl. D. C. March 11. IWI
Ouflcnies: For lit* dfcUafuiabsd fcawwr
yew tae ?fn nr fnjr laadmias
oMLtl** soniastien of the L*bpr Party r>|
tb, l 4e*i to wuiro iv
l acks M/ eympstbiea bar* baaa add flat
oberarity npward, ssd (from it has haen
throoftewt of that esampiary character
*dh tril cMiawiai to fife tuaSdaooa
baa sot boas aaqgfct by am, add fc la there
fore particularly ;r*lifyiag to sic. , .
t aSt& | *
i*rv*s the hop* that your eftorta will b*tr
rhs effect fo cry*t*lie tlie movement Info
your own best inter.'*ts. Your obT rerv’l,
“ / lIATtP DaVMI.
.- :Um44f
Mann lecturin'* Aatuu and Dealer* iu .
all kind* of
tr-jurrs o l
m lI.DEt.S' nnd
cahhivok material. I
AijittU for But T ANARUS RttliigTs M*chtlk< *, SycJ.
UKire Powder l<*mi*tuiy'* Rifle •
and Blasting Powder, Mill
frioueaaixt Uotiing
Olollis, Propti _
tut* •( the * 7
CfttUi n4 lb* Sm* Ph^i
lehitiiT* aniL^nb^rp
~|Sa V .t.
W3A- k.. AW
. \ RE rewwoHwßr MepnilO dmM.l "
* \ JfHVr* |\ S'Si)U^wNadiyr l k *)l
uuuDlkifi= -m.t PweXi'kiin pßonuofc
w*hii\ wit) sell at a tetUt^a*.
Yife >* sVtttmt **b l heetwriAjJtg^y.
Plan tors.
N. PHosrir.^ffc,
and JNO M N A Ou’a
ftjf: AMSfoNIATEO Oi**..We.lHONE
HPkftWht. l Astt. or <'r.|) Lien* due Pint
N.,viHMiM i,fti at,
, pianin* wilt *'•<> V Mtppltrrt eb wnp
Im* w Hit n k Mf**t, lUej.u Fib, Cola,
o*w. Uy. Flour, T**bA< - crt, Wd, Biljfltt,
M<*!a**t'*, Syrup, Rice, tllovef, *t4 Ora*
H"'de, eic„ "i!.
Tiir CASH TRADE wilt !■ recelti 1
*i*i*i4l uUeiitioii Adtlreea
i>;vii A-JfAICV*9t Atlanta.
Irttf id OliltlM, tit ;
, J-iiiKir.
r.iLft Y.vNSaTDAILY NF*v\
•i ..r ~• • I - J Mnr„i,,_, V. w. I* Helot f
m iy *# fex Jfta* JFJ AJIP 4 Ift tl <Hh fl-tlfa'
~ZJl h rt_* JTiv rf j P-B-4 r/ Knfr-dfe nuh|.
iiy I . W llitl lli IP* ,!* *l*‘t trifi►>!•**/ >*f
f I h.! ID*' Vlf- RH IVH Mt> f| JR* rl tl * 4*4
4"4l*rjL * •*.
• few um nHdtofll jijMtf * '-■ fjpA.l^ 1
■ t?K; wHfTTi • jrpriW - i4'**t* *rf jrtiljji'i ——— — 1
Mlifi -{ L l ' >• *'> PftitoMiM' of lima. lal‘*r.
awt iiU.Ji.4 wilt hit gfitr. 1q I ccy i;B Mu; tlAUg .hjs^tSP..,
• m nil < tft *r*r A ‘.. Jontl*‘*i
Ah l Iu t )•* lUliijiiUl ti* .t|MBl
U(aa<u it ■ I 4'ft t'- ft I lifer ll* I*. ft" Jf*4. I#- W
fe- AiU jlt MlDfjfl t and lbJ liu AfeO itlict ,
Tint* jn+n*
**•>, M tl life’ c.’l.w-<J'tr*i **, * u. (*t( ||<V l Wifi'i ife
ip •* f4> Ml Um iiu at i lil (1‘ a ala* s 10. It* m ll|>
M**if ♦’fe > *w* I'.ca* ii t,f4gti|B.mlg ui
ti.- |. p. . hi - >rr!j rft;f ttiPfl ;.l itimm.m, <* WTtfc*
r 14* r' \t ,•> )>V *’* it *“ o|#4 *•* Wkftfl
; BfiDpii’ll I# IX BJ • *1 i; jfft elfeifli.pillg. > .
I N.'Mi Idb *w*< i . IfPiiftto ||b
,fe.ii,.„lA i_ 4uiuu r, jma4 .14 ■ ti ‘*4 fefop-i 4 i
'>** ifet*'BCu , and lily. tl ’♦ ; *t t ii *1
[ If<*fe U'* IP lid* 4 4lAin *# b'l* r Art. tog.te*3e>.
!'• i k 11*414' n, • *4 liNH* •• l. < ***•*> i fr**
• intt fw M**' rw* dm ru“r* hd-I t#* i K'f tli m*ttyr
hxD Dfijr will, f r in tiw* IHifeto,
U tr, IwrImp.. * *<!*• sto a?‘ik of Ur
|W:it!e* ol the "M'Wiihig N* W 4 Fof yen#
and year* luib!e 'LMfe. B'HWUiiUnkuwm
—it li ' Isa-n aPralo rf‘
pa|*:f, and frußl • lost,time in the | r?*"ii, in
alfetUtijUlM inrue, It hfueonefeivudv i.nWas t
alOemiy 'maintained DeiNtoVafteMvSftt*
RigiitaMMlneipie*, anl Isfemd, whh on
Hplor and devotion that know do abuif
tiMl Pi ptoinote and Breterve tho iuteiesh
and Isonoi' u/ the hintUi. „ m
TIP’ S|eida! feat ere* of the Morning
New* will fo retained *nd improved up |i
during the e tailing year, and several tief
attraeiion. will Is: added
Tbe (feorgis new* Items, with tlieh
| ipialat >ual pfegws ai bauur.fei thyyftd|ie
>*i FlorWla sT*Hs. wfil Is) donllmtei dnrmf
the year TiiS’hs'al d*'|artmeni will he, as
Ifttwriißß for*the p**t year, the moat
e ic and reliable to Is: found In any
Ha-auuali ps|*er, and the commercial col
twin will i*e full and accurate
. .The trih> ol the daily la SIOOO u#r sn
rram? V-<W fed- sIT moojhs; |fP M
<hrr* motiiba; $t 0© Bx on- month, va
lam ’*—* ' *N“> '**
The Trv Weakly Nawa , t .
TliU edition of the Morning News la
limt H* la. bK*' SUB* •>. ****<
kI.U edition k sfl <fr per intotot. |)F W f t
•ii foontha, and $1 50 for three tbontha.
' TbsWedHylCewr. * ‘
tbo*o who Jiao df tbs iiewtof fattened. It
ia one oi the. heat family paper* Is the
ijmmtf/. and H< cheapoem iwinae it wjthm
tbe reach of a*. It contain* thlrty-eT*
aolid e.*lua of mailer, and a
isailol *oaa ip icacb tobscrihcrt ,u* the
dmoat pfompasfo It h a carefoH* cd
lob ittlurff rdWtS awapendiam oflhe soya
MftA, Air| ftinliiin In mktititm *#>
iafllHta v.riety of other ehoies readier
matter Jiditortsw oa all topic*, aktreb a
of emu, maosom mi+**£*•*+, v^T
off • to prem, and la, is alPaoapMa^tfi
hKMeoaabte adjunct u. every borne.
MWta*..!,*. < Mkt '* ib
3^ , ‘i^aEj3s3V*
MlMnir Cfruftl; SfctrlfTs StkL
WILL lw> a4d before the Omrl
dour, iu the town of Oreeovlllc, Mit
iwvther eotmty, on the flrst Toesduy b>
Fclxiiry neat, hetwetm the r Ugt hour* if
sale, the toUow'mg proiiertv, to-wit:
Tbe Nmih half of lot ot land N<e 78, 1*
foft I* the lOt|i I Harriet of *W cotmtr, ml.:
<ining ttlli Al ien,more or bea, lerh<d tip
m u<) ® ■'*, laaaed trout ute
SttfwtWVourt of Mthl count v : One In fwv4t
,*t JiXin W. Arnold vs Willium Mslcoif,
and the other R. II Thrasher v* Willi*',
Malcnm. B,id levied tut® fr
Al'V\ *i ihp tame time and place, orit
flue *etriel hmse, sivmt 7 or 8 year* rdi,
and one btreuy, levietl upon by vlrnte of a
fi fa frotn Meriwether Sipwrlor Court, hi
J-, N- Mhaiiii j*. Jatp'* Lxcki l -r
i,c\ as the pmprrtv orlVftmUnt
i AlaarMUif wm tin's and/pli.**, „{
I^.^ or parccl ij faud, Ifuti Jb * thy
W. C. Br*y place, *nd whereon W. 0. Bi<*
now mode*, the dime lying and Iwtng ip
the Aid iMsttti t of Meriwether county, cou
laitiing Iw* all 11150 acres, more nr tens, ntttn
Iwr* pot known. Baid protteriy *m levied
upon hjf Virtue of a ti la from the Superior
Court of Mid County. In favor ot Evans A
ll iplsnd v*. W. 11. Rrav. and hi* wile, A-
A llray. Manager and Trustee.
JanStdx A .1 HINTON, Sh'ff ! „
/ YKORtl|.v. mismwKTiitcn CotiNav’X l
' T % virtue of * n order I rout the Ilotf
orsuh* CfMiri <d tirdinary, % and
county, noli he wild Indore thy Court iloiif
door. IfiMlm loKn of
the legal boor* ot sale, on
in Febrnitry. 18M, ail the fAds tolopging
to the estate,® M iJt '<>
UdLgUDAIi undceAs'Ofr Jtm* fuuct h
IyIngWWiRTH ing ill (h<* U|i|kt lh District
sakl cimnty. well iinprovtd. gin id dwell
Trip. A*., near Wsi nervilie 'fej in* t**lL , 1
LliflUl* J AS.
V I flv yiitue of an order IVntKiiieMLai*
orable IVturt o' Ordinarv, Jn. miTßlnr >aitl
,'ounly , wi* he'iad,| i>i iTWlie (’ourt
-thsiMjLtlie mi^^if^DreenvilkJtaftjreW
fl lie l*lriouia (IT Hale, on the tjot Tnehlay
te FeWmttji, 187 H, the Todowlog lands 14-
tidigliig to tintitainte of Noah II ram. .lec'd,
(35) twenty-flea acres off lot No. ‘J.'l, the
•atnejylng and being in the 3r.NJlW<‘t of
sahl ooimiy sud ladiMTUc N
<d’ S-nilli htn ot sai.ll lot. having on it n
miail MW good water power,
anil alsifabitfti tflih ucres ** hits -i t .i -<■>
eV'c irinfi*
- r.. .. ~ ’ -
(1 E'UtOIA, Mv.itnvKTtiKtt Coparr-*■
f By virtue of an or.let from ’ttie It,.>*
rtrabla c,*twl of Ordinary, In and for aidd
county, will be Bold tart ru the Court Hint’d
door, in tip* loan of tireenville, between
the hour* of *sUt. on Hie flri Tuesday
In February, HI?!), all the lands b> lonytng
to the estate >t James Clarit, dec'd, to will.
North half pf bn No iti; |)ij arm, m***r
or leas; N<s to, jtrjj acrcK two and a halt
JSj) aery* off lot No 4ft. all lying and being.
In ilm lower Hilt District oi said wmnty-v
g.std dw*ll ng, (liu house, and out houses, (W) slaty site* id timbered land.
'l'KnMa Note’ with g*>d raenrity, dny’
December Jlili, l?B Bond for iitle*~y
piauawahm *r>v—rt wli u t uriltaae money
,m 44, aud perh-c i 11 de made.
w, nnmm, AWr
bsrunir-s ftwtlic.
C, Mk'u Twci HK It CaUNTV.
th M ’liorsht*' Conn of Ordinary, In
Wttil for .al l county, w it) tat >.lid ’TO Tlli*
Fiist Tor artsy In Fetiruaty. 1K73. to rhp
! town ol Ilueii.lifer, In lore tfit-('.nilt llouf
rdtre, tirl WCsn fhn legal fttnoa ol sale, nil
1 ilm land btdmgi .c 1. lhuasLiXcul J unit
It •**’r, <|cc'.l , vlr,: (JSO) Iwo liondn and slid
filte acres, more or lv-*, nlsmf dfe-two mile,
ninth <0 tlrwiivllle. Joining the lands ol
J'lgu H Blank, Freeman McLendon Mild
A"* Rova-■ r --B*o*l-4n (Of ilm*. e|o(i-sie
us it*, iinikti'g setili'iH''On lor each,
-i£d—Tniui* caili Tl'le* pcikct.
FftA N*i MKAi'dAM.
0< ' I.! Id t‘l , 17*. ettto*
of Byo.
r DA , Dec, 8, 1872.
*j, | ,^ ,CHy N7 >Tli y'ALL PARTIKS
' , that I havo
having eloacj out my Dry Giscl* Bu.lriea*
at the obi stun I on the 'aniuh .Ida of tlw
Puldic fUjUMM*. I wfell all patlh-* indebted
Pi me to coim: howard at the stand I now
occupy, the
-<u) cm* f.uv iunax.
on the ftoiirfiwi t corner nf I’ublte donate,
and aettfe, eftln rby note or rash-—c.i*h pre
ferred- whom they will Dud me with t
full aPsck of
Lhjttors, of all kind*,
Boot* end Shoe*,
and atmoet any sad everything tor um, to
esi, to drink. or to wear, -II pf which I ofi
trig uer r imo t■ * uii ... ..I .... , .
B r<i w * i im*
Byingt/m’i Hotel,
griffin. Georgia
uperlor accomru-xiathm* to
travelers Stable* conveniently located,
and good attention to clock guaranteed.
Tbe people of Meriwether Invited to
five me a call Jy
Camp House, „.
flMrrw ........ fpftn^t*
-yymii.N onz Hundred yards
Pamaager Dapot. Meal* W cento— le*4f
hag 99 tests
A 'M Pjtipijp
w fttmtab SUPPLIES aest year os
bomi to
”[£tm " Pafeirla' A i
ig£*gimm * *' a * ■' ■’****
OAxatsA jawllry
ailkihl jf ' * 7 ....... art,
o*!ts u*Th l (i NS|jKe"U>-tlr Jcvjwn#>nf?avel
at *buri nntioA Atotf •
u| khwcclebrated 'Dhtmoml
mfe toadt vriwsd .m-s>o> we .
W i iliams
MRd . ,
PLANTRfPN IM7pnjrKll gewCnSly
™ '•* “ ptfpifwf uv ninuim fiiHwtir w^n
#:*• OB u*v lor too vaar I*. k
ho. burr, -
' ,,HW WTud^ ;^d
STOVES, gggrgi null ti&vm. FUJI
ATf kWi!* ot Plain and igpamicd )*io
WhffrTLSdltii and otirlng t %yxt
NTdtU'iv-Worli War ran tud.
T3p“ T_cn romrx*! wiOi any Atlanta or
-ktrdm-H<mw> to qfnaffljnsf CToini* on Hcbi.
rasfrMaaßWfaMi(W!r- uggr-wfi -*•■* -; —>
b drewret,
'Mv i*nrr.oisT,
Ijfofor ODD MCI. LOW ft' HALT*
■'+ ' . :
BRITfiK oa,
,|j. KK, ‘ " >'*ol o full line uf DUL'IIB,
, —NlfrDov?
-- - . v r ■; r : •' f f"Ti T "F' * T f** t
Olass, PalnlsTolla, Cl.amleak, and
Herylld Ivi copipuuwdlag
14 ". ano'a, eifual Ui ol bar Coal* .
* * mer. iat Ft’fll 11* era, *fi
lUbUI Utah Uiau half (lusir coat, fnrii(ah*d in
any ipianiilHia..
iy, Tlwi Bunk fniwrlnri are one ftf tb'
very lwt remvdlaa for ibe prtvMTtng li.trsa
malady. - mi ft.
Y TWHtoiA, MkhiwkthKu Ciolwiv.—l
V J w ill apt>ly t the HnnofkWk Cittm id
Ordinary iu and for said r<aaniwAiy BieJt.s
Monday In PrWuary hdt, for (iwva to sefl
nil Mm fend* ladnutrinf to life estate ot
W'uliop ik.tof, dic#asit.
/ (KOIIt; I,V ilupl WtHTtigll tfelMTH—I
V I will apply to fbft Honorable Court of
01-Minify Bi kTid Mir Sarirri,i)nty7TYr Trika
; in sell the bn-rts lirtonginp to tatr Mtatlf or
/,,- laMiili WnDlfeUb thic’d, l*U the flint
Monday fn F-dfritKFy rtegf ~ J *-
J*D4 itetonfa mm.
/ t KOKctIA, Msbiwjctijkn Comr.4
Y I Alien Watvan npedlea for luruti. 4
<+ fdfenOjip >d thn minors of A J Huck
abJL deceased. , , ?
Tlihr laifiDcforfl td rtt<r nnd aduionfeji all
<0 cetni'-qgio Vhonr rhitae, tf Any e*T*Loa
or ludore the flint Monday In FHaftnoy
lie*', why said letters should not Ijf grant
ed n.l* January 1. 1878.
J-Bt I 9W. BANNIffO, # i* i\
(\ F.OROIA, MmuwKTiisit CguATV.-I
T Abraham Turner, entnrrd, snptlha lor
Urttma of Gunidlittrslil)* of tfea t*m<at gad
p-opcMy of Ih-rry tfeWU. a cob-rad minor
Thl*la the**.fore to cite sud idawßfeh all
Phneemed, to file olfjfclloua, |) nuy Jlu-y
have, wn or beft*r* Mfe ftrst MrtMaytn Fvle
rwary n*t. This January 1, twtnf 1
Jan 10l J VV BANNING, o n fe
Ttt/VrfeLL & KjEITH,
i| -nsLLBon. i; I
Orf Os*ai,ftWß(Ma aAk&c,t4 k^abam,
Ml j : r • : *
~ i
: '*s? .' ! ’ ,?- •'
J- C. POPfrdßtßtea i it* iisd* to esil en ItUb. Dta* Mm
* fc % ' v •; |
Sfsftee it IMMeni nw Creditor*.
ALL PtRSUNf Indebted to tbeeatete
of Sant del Dardra.lsteof Meriwetl
er c maty, tbteewpd, see hereby smi%td
and mjofred to .come forward and utase
Immediate' payment. And Iboae havmg
'-hrtna sfatsafvsH swats. v*4#r>faa*in ihem
duly authenticated, la term* of tbe taw.
jemn v. wvm, .
dfrSl-fHM tic 4r Ja. * Ads*. -
j a f Mdjrro* * 06.
HM#liabVjHt* rsR Aw mHWfhrnW
Call and psy them. KO XiSTAKK.
Have diawdred co partseraltlp. They was*
user- Cali os Stmostoß m 9ns. They
sin receive it
ai£Xittßßttor fa
DRY aoa, HAT*.
.a Wrts us* -air wtfan ■*
FTTOn*' T AWvUvR. Itolllifl <vvl
•mTIL --- rwaMrvr*,iat*fArt*fift£:
pt*t.. (is Dr.-matr., *.. sow? s.*a| mu
feßnwUiS •-tad®it 14WSH'ii Me
M •** g.’toiwW,;,
*swaafe|M~P*Slto|to t wjfepi.
mmr ifek..... M*BHT 1 HfiueJr I
nu„ csjvthg,
< tosssana. a*aatm. - Apn.\aaaa.amwaa.
ihaiita.ii la* iSa*. yf 7
rgah<-s.;iasii*. B|oaijD'a.fc'ffSiss>t
> |IP JP" *
iosrmmum! HCTcBSBg-
Flfliort, Peas Ik., CrtOua- ftchlrdsai BrhBRPP*
i.i* w#TMi t . , c t.• 4 *#. mmm-
stand? and wdt keep constnntfy tdPglftg,
oae, Kdl onr tfnabraLiCuß'
Floor, Meat, Byrttk ffttgife, Qriffirt.'Tbato
■ IlllwP hivIIIIICiTwI 111 w*l*
hi* coti d^Til|ifagdf*m|s?^^fJjr
- BattdfoW.,,^l^-11.!^^
Motto* to Uif-f^tCdto
efs 'in 1
them will Iw; on tha Tth flgf of T%WRV
nagfetso *lt!thm held In and for said tNMM
ty, al the K vwsl uU'utlou uraetotMhfaMto
member* uf the uuatd ui (-umnMMMMf
It. *da 11 nd Rvvenni , m fill p, tt vifeamjCl
Also, at tbe gam# time aliil jilimw. aw
elta tlrtn Will Ife held for Sheriff; to 4mA*
viwamir woaatoned by? toe dattfrwftT.
‘ jsi f.iioku oJSt
Ottotototo. Xfßm M
Oiothinf t Jfo&mSL
■ mto m Bisi>to#sTM
•** v - r^J *K$f nsgS'
Wrraoa O Mirav. 1 #,
uawwa ornraa s. f Jll; *-**Hb—r||>n<to^.
-o. f-oiMM. 'jy
Clui-k sfc OX|<v
Hi . Bmmtht fc#m .
...... ..
tat Wmd-Ale, ilia StresL