Newspaper Page Text
The Meiiwether County Vindicator.
VOL. 1.
!) w*- 4 wk* B o i v ,•
Frock |l mu 2a# 4 jr* *in Off
2 iedMa '1 ’> *on t S ..... '. <•
S ittChin- ; 2 txi i *J 4*l i lu.yu, (*,, jViin
2 cm! ISOO j 10 Uff-t £t) 00 1 ’*s 00 35 00
id 1? UM -IS 00-SAOO- Harwr w* -rr
1 ooi (10tX‘ !00 3500 tSOOO s,<•
tW A Ht.r*! ilctim’.i a u.^.l, i.i
i4mtitiui by vi*** mouth r yew.
”•* 1 .■SI" '
_/Y (jfelMUmi.LE, Ll*
Will prsdi.'r in the PiatHoi Court* snd
Ordinary's Court i l Meriwether Coimly,
*u.d the- 2|)rty_(Wn of the counties
<siinijMih>{ the TaJfkUoa Circa L
1 ‘ Tthttpulpily u.
Urim,* first door fcMHb of Prin iiif
OBoi - . ~ '-■ '~ r ~ -
P 11 UftWWltM.; {
.!< ‘itN W. PARK,
\ I roUM.I.A I LAW
w ,/ \ Oti+SvH I* fry
\V ii practice in Meriwether ami the a
J• .m ttig r> .until k. r
‘ *H \ I ii iiw lh—
ij 1 Ai L& aSu IfX XTTDKYCOOtSS,
• -
1 ■
} |.i; l\ * N- I • X k
it* r**H as*. Irw Nnrtrr " <*•
l< t*. i r . n ii. hi \ IM k* Hti l* A%ll.
A ■ N■. ~Rrrtrr.nv
o raOATt 3 N s ffi * N
Are nr.Wing.
t .. .V t h. ntn-'lliem *
v i N ;• it A. A-— l~L*- A A -*- tfy-
(>'•' )l • ,n:UWA,::
o . r, >
i n r' . n.Li. <i.v
-V;.. -r 1 S' . -f t j * * .
II :
Is ! ■ 1 . .i~ C '
n K ■ -! •V !' I l .. 1 . i
rit MJ i.l! ! Y )U h ‘?|4
Byt&tDlt T s
TjTtTFFTir: .. .. .(ifaMioi
t }'t 1; C:i s.yW.i l 1 i*.ii til* -iL.
t rtD'V * ’ ■ r * *
Hm* ut M-'fi A-•••••? • >- • *
■t’ • .
!***..(,-er Jt t *? ,V < I. "U
. <
j :• - v ’!• •• ■ ■ •
4 < ug'T.KIE-h, PUoi.i;< r, V<\
v i
#'W foritsb FUFFLIKt t.r*t y>nr on
hem*) 3m
Hb. Bmim A (~
jjßgrtt* -- •*
•Jfc UAUA A I fcK PithßH A -PI 11E
Itmn> TOILET urn I f.t* LAM
a~ W‘i *id- Hill Ktraet
Moss& W illiamH
oßocncnuEs, oar goods.
7 *nd
t planteics buptlie*
Will be prefered to forr-wh Kriw.-ri ’•up,
pi res on time fa* (be jrM IK7<f Am
assns-am n~
its Lied* of Flam so) Jspwrocd Tin
Roofing end Guttering a! .Short
Riefkn—Work Warranted,
yy I cm compete with any Atlanta or (
EmMI HnM in quality of Gwb or (***
K?* *>>. •
*“ kio -* BADGES AND ftINGB |
no bend sad Mule to Order. and arigrsved
U short not**- Alan, aMI ■apply
gf the celebrated ‘Ommuid
■ Reprintw of y kind* neatly e*eco !
ltd sad warrasted, ly
THS lU lN StiS
Mi l scrtww nJ V.tittw< I'm deetlnel tc
rum, ,
E.tfttTm *nrf liirs.kcri I Mn)<r alone;
The rk. oi art ar>! tialaic me lii.l ironi,
my view. < p
The {vtrwmtFf M'lEt','"nKtt?On-J thcnn mTw-u
1 lu-M -ttm ;.■ !■*-b-r-ts at 'rarTKrTS •'n
jirwtMS to tiixl L r ;u<: no a .
iltw-b t.’mt
1 kwu; t • ta.boUi Jbon Ut 1< i.. , ‘ u tc
It s. ;i l it sa all .iask I. liu. Lirrr !s i'.
d *y
\ Ml ihv cyntU? bfvc/.’ us it swive l
*v<r thr liciti> ,
ti,* 1 lT44iuiUv tf The Ut‘\vtra y\ii‘vi j
liit y \ ii lvi y
TbtWe tel r>, dtlivn. iu i.’
But il 11 guy I 'ioia 1 ii?vcr thalH
I lie ..eejling |it -.i.i. a ■ y r,4i—err -
* keif way.
. Idle. ■ uu, a. Uah. r4wi...h Uir
•*9l -
TUctl sole get;lie UltU lUoi 3, br>Wr- lie i'gi'.tmi •
tv lit* ,
Dut tbe Urijjbl h|tflttkbog waters t not.cci
& ball 3. 0.
t henf tbi merry langh rf the gay ~lwty
; ,r '" ,|r 5i
Ft iti.dg gft‘i 1 t'i U 1 1., n- ttirv burr* along.
WbovV tr. ih on li'v way mini altcitex t.
Jl 1 • _
< >b, C-trNw-bat sn All U.>; <! i!o iw bit ml.
( jit. t r ’ 1 1 1. ti i‘i. I I.t rtu 1x...1 it .it* US*
•'—*Tave. s'"/-
I oL< I|> Mi|>|virt mit in rli MlI, .* ci-1 eotira< <,
l l.nry to si<’p.ut - Id tlr V . ■| l Mi 1 l" ‘'
111 the rpn it .ml wist re list; liliml >ls.i.l >v* |
t.l YL tMHikltl
tuulhir < igt(il<r'lu tin- MIC ol
111,- Won - !.( I'll ( litt llam.
INt |7f A tTt tV i : r \X ntST TIY ;
i A ft I *i, i\ ) i'er, r /i'i4l .•• rjf rtlJ! , t’tMifltl
J.) I TDrtl 1* bl > V lilt 1 K * „ __
Asi till (UCs I u'lift rliMi t.'kf uul in
t 1> 1 c-- u! lift krUiiJ (\*!ctlt t|<
’I K l. j r M i?i *p !gI GUI
•:< |i>, Miifi 1 hid !D‘t Mi*JMt-* I Ifiul Uit: j
\ v% JI W‘ 11 l lufcVcJ
j {.mnishitj iiic ( *mi rlt ,r*’Un;a‘ It n\&* Ihh’l! * • 1
dit u it’gi by U < j. n*4(| ibvrnuu |
‘ „ JiH
■ i * V im*h;'*l \ GtutM /' Uk* jicblit* sUrn n
v* iDtb #4.*14 to at** (nr ro'o.iul * M u
j ••• ! It' Ii lt. JiUjAl Jits ♦'*.. '-<■< | iUbftf |t< Ui . I
}jv '' * { i-bitU -* t lit It) lit Lt'li j I!
, 'pi Hoj m'l t!i uit i*)| IJm- *l oil'. |
MMli III* <ti ilt* tortllt ol *‘i t tt*i “ 111 !
to 4N, itsv it S * *rmtv U* WitlkfH* 1 li'
b f4 xl l > Vv LU It li- c ' tiiun,
r t-: * ?: jftr-r’ rnff ft ti: ,14*- t?tu> ] •} (fit- ( M'.-t ,
! -iit-f '.*# [Ltpii by Ittp f'irtUvt'o to |>i>imoU.
i. ’ • M M ".NAMMI IV, ■0
\\ H Ail mcylutu ji int Oft Bm! ft %v
i lb . I.*# Vt-f*- 'iy!i ii''..''-* o
' ffri-s rt id fr,4iit v Vtijfo-Ujo j -fo *f.
i rr~; i7-~T.u j to a* ■ih > r.tiii*
[}) * .. -jo i* v tr of . !,< V j kMi'i-t < ‘ and
i-w ,( b’ b-gj brr-ft r~TininTt)itTtT
: 'I -h :( • tA. U.L \ Mj'li-ic* I* *4 ♦--*•••, rr*T*4 —
itii-lul- -ft *■ If wto i*:il h* Njjoillt! I.Jtvi
j I- .'ii
. t i is, .Dm i tji’fi’-
Wt ,1 }, .
m • ■
1 jjl J c jeliliil: Midi. At 111 to-bu b terMl- -
W ;TTHT7 FtTi v. v%TT<TT"to * 1. * V -J t< r, i^iy - J
HMtllO'.ly If il W'/ to > t ‘ (!;)•*•] I.i iby
M hilii 4<l, <'• ,< ! p*' .fii{)‘-y fv.t
!, v i,t Hn , i |4’f 111 V lo.i ,4* 1 .
i,l ii <ej'l* if dili'.m) Ut H*
•ir *f t1o; <;-roo. ‘.!v be to , * |-*c
la-’-- iI y Vi ‘il f J .* tjf t dkc H j tIU olit, |lr J *1
ti-tl -'! <••>' It *o vH h ,*'* ;(*■ i •
\{ )i<- i;oii fj illM* V; < •*.•
:■, I, . W Mt‘ ‘ 11 1- ; - | V *
i f>(l i tt ! *1 H to it .
movt*.f■ uuitu i.*j)ii>!i•-fjoi if* •
tiuti tb** V >)•* (u,liifi utm iu tb* 1
j 5 f ilv liT-h’V.
H>*n hlurr th* W* Virginf# >yt) m
j W till* <|*#f b* V* *J J* i• M) Mi** *■ VAM
% Inin fw fi'jl 1, 'nhfl
! r a *. In* * iJ to TimJmih’v
r* J liby*! Jtai/til mik) I :ii ***st-f'i* -!
; ilnt I oiuH )w' a v.< ***sjr. But
tin 1)1 tl f• of 1)1- .r/Ulit V " l !■<,' It ()•’< I
would have pmveu a Ikm* a tit-tin v. -*-d I
It ><t >•))< rI. |u ■<* my Brito mt t p h'io*
atcl <pwUy ft t under tbe *t_ r .ju**t cest-ur*
tins i< .iniißie tinii"e*Hr 1) Uie life of a
* ; *igle nil** of my wr-n.”
Kt President Davis, i fit* add.*** *t flte
(treat mAt'ier* memorial nt< i-ting •**'ld i"
Ktcbtnood la Noyf iole-i, IH<O. *t ! rxi tli*
on but r**t"rn from tbe mitj|r*tjrn Jye (tarr
iilm an aceooot of H tltaf > bowed twyoml
all r-avit Uiil tlie fellore # due to owft
aod not to Ami jet lie urged tlie
I*-eide()t ti' * to make b •• atom- >•< pglritl,
•• be w ituld rather i*at Under OuJ' t cett
; to e btrotelf iiiau to injure in tie |ru*r*ie H
,(i tut any woo were bravely •Irikmg for Ute
' Common r-aune.” • •
m> romorrrt ijriae or a^iur.
I Gettert !>♦ fafet* l-'pt in ibw—b**-
I t*r out*trie of bit does—dtrrin/ rbe wr 4
and wlhsw n the m >reb somy errv*-niei)t
1 place Irt b'touac. Ymrf orfriepinde;;! bat
nA unlrerpienHy evwaimt rj*iirt rmoU-r
or cntr.ianv entertrirtet) in prtaceiy tdvie
at a hospitable lawxion. white ha and by the
C'rmmandef hi chief would btrorsae in the
open air, ttwrchance in a t<eltig atoria.
He newer permitted' hi* <wa to draw
horn tbe cotnrniaaary more than their fair I
proportion of the r*tk* <*) hand, sod br'
would, in conwrutence, often ait down Ur a
meal mesgre in rptatUy and acnt qweiitf,
A grt*; deal has been wrU'en oi the fa
■too*-dinner of tweel feeatoe* to which
Marion, the Ante, if-an partisan, invited the !
Briteh oftcer. General Le cunaidered
bimeed fortunate when be had e good aup ‘
p!r of aweet pefatoea or a jug of better j
milk. *
General Ewefl wrote to your c'lrreepoad- 1
ett that “being at General’ Lee*.# hei !<(uar
teni r few daya bektre tbe eeacaaiton of
Prterahnrg, and being unahie to remain to
dinner, the General inited apon bit taking
bis iascbL, w%icb be found to he two cmd
street potatoea, of which be anid be was
r err firnd ”
L ;v(B tbe occasion Generral Lee projroa
ed to“lrewt' *one of hit odium a, remark
ing, “1 bate jnat wet ted a demijohn.
wbkh I know D tvf lh* beat.*’ Tb doni-
Nu, tigbliy cvMkod, * pr.hino.hl, On it*
" ! wi re iMviuglit out, ami all s**h
snutl m eager t \jdawy, hen the
tTr-fui i (lio a ,„| runs l the
Srun-mL ((h t , l( y H ', >jnac '> „r -Botir
.. .n --InH - h hutUrnulk, wMoh
!.uut lady, M.,;,, had mnl him
‘ >, < " ,-a ijtvailv tli* evidenl <H*
i-• ■ tioit-of <*., of t y, t , oomttany when
bet actualtuvl lilt character oJ lhelf
"tntaA ——
L x;i..(-c w hich frit no WM , f or t,ia area*
I.V rlll legttOHy to fiC hW tyoUllA
.1 in,ilo- hiopilaia, ami lie w 4 mscuslomeil
. mv, *1 t-u cotwoui to ahau the ralbmv
•i my men "
in the winter of A'{ —4, u<, Aj Inid at
l int . Ii :•• tiin.the arnit W*vit sl f*i
■> a it *!iitt ok-cs a. to eXiitc Uie \-epe*t
nti.-u oi the coouuatwlvr. He ijulM lit
hi. bovver to rcniejy the mil, und'h.atled •)
iti<f invops a stil l ing a.tdreaa, w hich dosed
i< MLottrs: ers, you tread with no
ii m i ll * .p. tin- road by which yo"r ladi
<• . m.vvtmt, lll.Hugh ►uil.Vmg, privation
ami blood n . in te c and nee. ’
B in. inv ti and a out ti.i* 1m to dine at >
Ti -h. a in .t* ail-eiegaeTTliitner tv is sa rvett,
i l' said tliat lie dtvliliial n|| o! 'he risk
rvi *mt. t>i7 red tilth, iTim-.l on tneaii ana
! beet, and <| ii.-tly mn>itked in ekphination
t i the la iy of il>e i..i.i.c, “Yfwwmn hibmiil
to be tiaurtutg w lule ntj (wnir soldiers ara
nearTy staiviug.”
In tlie same spirit be wtole to some*
ollit'ers who were getting iip a giaihr lulil'
taHr ttali: “t do nor TtTtiik IhTs a fit tiuin lot
feasltng merrymaking t ant
a .r g'ad to nee your name figured
among .he gallant delemlejj..iil.lhfi "nf•
nxr IL:Tsifoii Vnid I iegret to are than)
1 is! now coiianhmoua auiong the promotel*
o a 'grand mitllaty ball,' oj nnylbing oi
that ebaraeier.”
Not i ng a*Uf bis Wert Virginia cam
paign. In Was tmrmillrlaltne n enrtatn ntH
r.T i.,"i prouHiitoti, when a friend urged
■ inm not in do so, ilmi Ids offl,-er
Was an siiiuicd to sjm ak very dls|Htraglng.
iymt.l ii;,ien|a . llul of (icuetal lee, The
ipih k reply was, ''l'm queslidn U not what
hethrnk* or (s poised to say about me,
bit vt Lot i think ot him I have a t'ljfk
op.nton .-I thts i lfi. r as a soldbn, ami shall
_ 111 'I II ~'K s'l ■' i- 111 I'l-lt I hit |1 'll
- .tom, and do all in my power lo s<cure
n," 1 '
t sen iatmi < mi'ahimi.s is namk
tit*! i 1 rai Lee hail nothing ol
a 1 ! lilt him, but bated out Hie ( I CMJ.O Jtl*
lice to ail, i vet pi that be ploltably did not
rjn i.. I. bis tilaiivis as tepidly m b'* ll
Hi.- soiipL'iberi served as a private in the
,biuL id U- | i.-t,imt+ge artlT'ery, sjlal'litg ]
\ Dili his <aiiHt ides . I Unit crunkottrpa ail of
M'.n-n dangei , lint J.hip i, ilmdgiiy, gild
I pfiVallons, II hint ItotH Ills lot lie I
\ wniid bavesietired bun w nut itlou to some
jt'laveol lei ut'. I lie ti. il. Ia) tni.l, W'ltll
: . vi.tini lelislt, that dili.ii.; the battle of
j wtiat jo'etii n lie lieXime very not'ttsy alenU
I bits'it knowing rtvjit Ilia litlfety bad suf
: Ivied amt not ite.tlng ntivHiing
in up io Hi, Imili is, wbn ti bad Just been
. i_.oA.~t O-nri n Very pe 1(1011* ;aiwl Via I wlivlv
in wlu ntiiLoed lertnl bus, and bad lit*
;ti linetbi ti.iod tiv not t... .art*./ano 4*os*wmm
„.. ■( ,•!. Nl • T • •> IW M ..I
I ill. la ale lettnws Ir.- rep! itC' I Veil I yilU
i at’ . l-ue no try to I iy, but 1 -.iiail im <joHi
; :f. -i t . id >u in iig.iot ~
"Hill tot, Genet ir' anlld a jailvdir Im‘
n.i' ('HI I -I . Unl_.aih.-m lie did. Uul leiaag
- ill/ T. nrml tie s[>. gv, aa bis *nlj |( lif 11 1.
Weii, boys ! _iquie on. Hie o<lniXl say*
we 11111*. go in ugiijii, and yotr know he n,
;in III* In,no baring Ills owtt Way atKJUI SUi II
liiatli i ' "
Tlei ilie anv ■ly ol l||e l ommmdei in
i ln* i ai.’ ult ii >l, ami til i m#ii wi nl gai y
to wink ai ins Ktio. unit eoiilribuied bis
r.lo vi, ii. i■. a in.. ,-.cpi eg LUxoai
r I,’.'' _
Vo ii i ' .11 * ji idi e I 111* ill" lolio.'slng
:-...n il, of lin distil.go; ed < Hi' il
who relat. In
Wren- vse-iTTit was comp led by
i■ lie 11 ii-v • ■ I 1 1 .iin a
i■ i a a 11 ..0 , .a i omrmn'l 1, fie Went lo
!(.* lu'mih Ii w tin Eli aeleiit |).,vi*
*s lo hi. sM'a.ysoi, an i lit .embavoi to im
p . •>. n-n Ibe vi iy gloat liii|siM>im *
ol iln tie lik’t and i I the eoiumainjiu In mg
> in,aii o| lito Ml .Davis lully
Si nipi'ii /.. .J wi b til views, and, niter |e
I! i lion, Sul l l I know ot no In iter man lot
>bai p/.ui in than G* mml < a,*ii L'' To
Stem you my ocmi i'i of hi* aotlliy J will |
say licit win i. some lime ago 1 thought ol !
semi i.; Gei.i tif Hole H iy elo isnnimuid ,
the We.n-in niiny, 1 bid de eimdicd that j
l,i* sou t.iiciis should mince,,.l Inin In coin |
min iof iln Anny of Noilhein Virginia —i
Now | wish you to go up and IMB Ul ntial
L <’ cud ted nha w liNt I say. and a*k him i
to order (hm tal t osur Iwe. to the coin
nemd of Ucatdepartmeid, 'le|i him i will]
u ak*- Ins soil ltij. i general, tlcuteiisiit gen
m*t, or )( need Is-, full g**ner#f, so tlial be
may rank any officer likely to be sent to
that dc|iai ‘menl.”
..1141 . pfUMpUjr sought Lee’s
bead .placers, delivered Mr. Davis'* me*
sage', and urged a (oinj/ltams! to alt ol In* arguments and entreaties
the old ( Ibe!lm ban but ouu.ieply: 'T am
very much ohligrd to Mr, Davis for his
high 'ipitii' ti of Custi* !/•. I hope that if
he bud the opportunity he. would prove
bim-e f, in some measure Worthy of that
confidence. But he is so untried man to
the field, stiii 1 cannot apfeiint him to that
command.- Very much against his wishea,
hod my own, Mr, Davis naa kejn him tui
hia (teraoual staff, and Its .has had no op
j p'irtuiii*/-fr>-pngg| fnr stjpJry.Whandle ao'
army in the fienT Whatever may he the
i opto ton of *f,n rs. 1 1 all no' pass hy my tried
offlceis snd take lor that important position
! a c*J*nparalivr-ly ik;w mau—ertiecitliy when
llhaituanis my own son Mr. Davis can
| make the assignment If It* see* (M(/per ; f
' shall certain!/ not do so."
Itev Dr T. V. Mmre, so Jong pa-tor of
the Tirol Presbyterian church in Hicn
rndnd. and who reeently died in Maabvfffe,
T* nn., related the following m f. s memo j
| fit! sermon:
# After the carte! tor the etdiange of pri *
1 oners during the sir su suspended, one
lof bis own *<ras was taken prisone A
Federal officer of the same rank in JJhliy
prison sent for tne, and wished me to write
:to fJeoertl Lee, begging him to obtain Ute
consent o' tne Omferierat* kutltorillek to
bis releaae. provided be could, as be fell
sure woe! ) be tbe case. Induce Ceded
(state* authortuea to tend General Lee’s ton
through Uic Ur eflcct this special cz
change *
• Ju a tew days a reply waa received in
wticb, with .* he lofty *pTit of a • Homan
| iirui j■, be inspection/ but firmly dwJintd
tiwk# ■ftlTor I. r in* own vn that could
not he tejfeed tor the btimbieal soldier tu ine
anwir, JEbc ottcer, While disapindwwi, w as
ystaolSfto'k With tha unsein>b mdilem a*
of tlli'ijppt.v that he lacgwd !l. Inter from
tnw ■Mtfifauh-ntn of G uieral Li e, adding,
with trtnpt.asts, 'Sir 1 regard him a*
the gnu put wan now living.’”
If W# add greatly to the force of tin
abnvWjfcMent to mad the fact that the
at'o H, F I,ec) was at Umne,
S6#vSH®Hivnuded, at t‘>o time he was eaj*
tqreqflfctt bis accimipltsli..l wife was iy !
in 4 “f death, and aelilally died
■w'fAfareleu*e (the FedrUUt antltorilie
rM(Ms4ldjpv allow Gen, ralCuslls Iweiotsk.
the pi* inf his brother, its be nobly otl* red
U> that lie was i lonely eon lined in i
* ts*%4i|de at Fintre.o* Monro*- and Ihtea.
etLHi jBP devtta by lunging in letalialion '
lof alt'fpd cruelty <t the p *rt ol the Con
fodarypMilborii!,.* tow ards certain Fodur
(iw|oe who know h.iw devoted to
bkjphit Qwwiral L o was can appreei
abijfic liotolc welt w hirh he • aerei*
ed Rt rfi, tiin'er Iheae ciionmstanees, tin-
IfttflßpJbiUngt* ot the lovttig taiiier were
saeißjtHi to In* SU.IIWI of duty Ui 111* tout*
P at hhtory will lat •eairhe.t in
valn example of *. |f d* tor
tko o/ggit wther* than that affr*led in tin
motW*lftoliatrnslvi. )ile old it* Christian
•ailtjt&Mi I>*triot Hohelt E lere.
' ■■' Lamhav.
gave a lett. r of (nlMrlm lton i
Ul * Ot'puc e ntirntt to visit Lt lp te,
to IWI himself under the in
stfsftgitt 'tar’-fero „ taitmits
RWlimiiMlwMc in tlic latter oily. Upon
lit* eijfcm* return home, Un- genilem n
did ymi like t’mfeoi 7"
‘ <)bi |f*ldgrbt!l) ! 11. gave me flint b - j
M’ttgjfflil Jar I* a vary janyttlat man ll
ketd twin* all TluTtime lie was leaching "
‘‘Jt*r*ykg ! Why, what tin ynu mean r 1
“WiTOrhil* I was plnylitg, he clasped his
hamfiyiilled hi* eve* to the ceiling, and
kept iCting, ’Good laird, what sill Itav. t
eutuutSad to diootYe t(t{* pnntshmout 7”
|ii ■ i |il —.WWSS3IH
TdJpMn axplalus tba'diilkuttie* of the
CiUt,|WIH r pitwetbiUon by a si,>7y toh'l
by Pnteont {.tiiootn, in Lincoln’s call)
|iTS, R(p,* w as employed lo defend a mao
eharggsvHlr stealing a lot of hams. Tim
evtdei*) wm Cfinclur*) ve, and eotmi I sat
drrwn jwtl..aprtt determined to make no
ddtthlß Not so W'ltll file pri* mer '‘Get
U|\"'h#* he, "an I pitch Inin the wilncs-c
--—it wl| il I’ ltur. out rlgh 1 ." Ami so Ii |
■lld.~Tßft}afy retOTiic.l a vi.l.. 1 ~l not j
gitfHy, liiiih to the ssionDluiii'iit of the
ctHtrt wl conn <l ’'Jlow was it linmuhi
si#ml fm asked Lincoln ‘‘Why, you see,"
said thl't'tuinjili.ini larccner, ''every man
on Ihatfu' Jrtt y had some ol them at bams 1
Tbcr#lt*ti touch (t.'l.t ui'illi'i among
to admit ol Very rljual results
~ Cd**4 ibiooTivi Nsmrtosv Krt vee
—4'ii*l Thire one o'ciotk M. inl iv night
StaatMe 1 BXStlltlg s'lillg the slti'd, threw u
Tiar.t JnFsTT,:ot f V (’lnk *V Cos,, on
fViacbiejb* sotooi ’I be (e.rbr henrirjf Thi
noise,* tjnneii mi l llolltnnl went lo
ab l LL wi.i! standing ~t the <i,e*.
ex.ktniuf.K I **. In.,ken glass, one of tin*
e'i*iks f li-an ti.e Inl I*-, *np|.. s lng they
Wnie bil.lkt*. Ilnd tlu*o ebol* at them
til rough ilm glass | in' 10l I In- d'MO Gib er
(Jin on has abHI 'lng in Ibe i rntre ol tile
I double door, and one b ill oil -ol liim
übOTTTWiTtTirhi mi uni llili'. all 1 auulluu
Hitirpirtnr • itiii titlnuri on lii < ilt<t ait If
I'bl*. ol ' it u, < ull-iml it u ihi'iiiig of tlii*
! M'lnhlbgi’ Ini u wltl'f, iinlil mi iV(ilhiiu
ii-ki t-oe'ij In 1 li'ijl/ 'l’l.i* i!• i k fvMemh
tui Hill liUO'ii* h lil>i in ' lit lug Hln' It il
Ih- ii. ij* 11 jI ! In- A’llii i l l it <'oil"rnli,
giHtiiuifi m-liuwl hut dUcovi'iiul lh! unit ol
ti wrioii* <)il, to wit. Tin* i until of tbf
xplVHil rig *li 1*1(1**111 li’u t * *mg' wliiH'l r’hil
dyed in hit i* port "I tbf ppigime of hi
iHhiiol, In my* ’’ i* iin * h viiv
gri-al itlii*rlnyi‘k 'luting lli'> |m>-l two
month* t'jM i:i!ly,' parla of (In- ardio'd li iv
lug, tit In.i'i, h‘*< ft ilfjiopiiliiti and, I In" iit
cuiuaia .< <! it non ahi thy : Thu prf.tiilliiig
ciiiiltre-*. iuuii to have liihl i liffliiu*! par
tiulny lor tin; fuiniiioii, oiily one of tin*
first .*.ni gnl* hating eK'Hp<;d a week’*
irlhulihm. 1 lidiihu!*; title Id a will
known oMtorn. fr U conatdfred hnihaiioti*
lor two ur more w boot glrla who burn *►**(<
af&btd hi oftl half an boor. Wort with
out an of Uniilur guah-a and
I'ailmni.r.iu gruetinga. The **ilt-11-*. Bob!'
of the u '.* 'ili c l )f*a demonatrative hut
iinne pr ifltahtu, In Hr'iiillarv view. 1 inun
lion (hi* hirsute H I* a bjaaon, to my nrlnd,
iJ,,a may hr worth ruuiuuiliuliug in norne
ItiUirt (.}■ kly M-aaon.”
Tiifcv Kuair, lit T Doe't Far, An e*
gbange ba* Ik* foiiowlitg : ‘’b not irafrw
q isptly (jsiiura. wliL-XJ- pcrsuiut juu askit-if
they will subsetilie lor a Ira-al newspaper,
Of il they already taka it. that .they repl*,
I Brighter! B I ake* H and I liafu the
fr# ting* lit it every week.” They are heoe
fltted every week hy tbe iw-rptecitle*,
aid expenditures ol those who receive uotit
big from them in return.
To which the American Newspaper lb:
porter add* more at feug'li:
•‘The alrova truth should Ite cojie<l and
(•copied in every country piper until llte
tfiuble is ohitrl. The publisher of anr * §
(taper, depending as be >loei, jn a measure,
Bpoa bit auhs<:M|itiou list for support, nal
rally ei(iecta each family who desire to
read bis subscribe fir it, if they
Can afford it. Bahacnberr themselves a*
well aa pulrlUhers, find tbe newspaper bor
rower a flrat class nuisance, for be often
fe-rrow* it aa tbe owner is about to read tt,
retain* it at certain times wb-n he rniswa
it, and too ofn o it be return* it at all, the
;*per is in **:b a condition teat no oue of,
aloe aeoiihilit l would care to read It.
Stair llouac OlUrm.
Tlie servants of Ihe people cannot be
bst well known. Wo find in the Atlanta
San of Sunday, a short blographirnl no
tiro ol the newly installed Stale House
olfieers gentlemen already Well known in
political circle*; ami that our reader* mar
be fury p.**tr i as tu their autocoednnU, we
copy Ihe nrin le :
w u tnu.twurrtt
waa born in Souil* Carolina; removed to
Barlow county, Ga , when a mere boy, from
Charleston, S. (’ lie \vn* educated at Ihe
Cherokee Baptist College at Qnssvile,
ludii and isw tyuj < tilt red tbo !avv *J*.pan
meut oi our Slab* University, but dnl not
complete hi* legal education befote the
beginning of ibe late war, when he entera l
the army as a private. On the organ!/, *
Hon of the I4tb Georgia Regiment, lie *\a
elcele Ia I dent n int of liU Company,
II * reg.mcnt ws* ordered to Mia depart
meat o' Wr*lern Virginia, at Uiat lime
undor Gen, Lee, but aib-rward* It formed a
part jf the Army of Northern
and tbo *ul>j*a'l ol Jfti ake eit passed
thrott. b Ibe euiim
By cotilitmous service and gallnntry in the
ti. Id. lie b. came Cojowd of bht regiment
He was lu every important engagement of
ihe Army ol Northern Virgin.a,.and, luck
i ) I' *"* and tbioiigli Ibe enUre aw Wftfo nit
receiving a wound.
AflerHtu war Col. Goldsmith received
111* diploma from lltu law department ol
the Slate University and begautlte practice
• T Id* ptoieasion hi - Drtfa b comity. Fie
Was elected to the lrt-t l,< i.i'dnl r - lr>iU III*
emtflly, and was f,laced tiy Gov. Htullli.
then Speaker ol the House, upon the coll)
nil lies’ of iiiv<a(lga'duu ol Ibi. allair* of file
t-4. UoLUmbtli is married Hi* wllo U
Jin ilattgltl*** *4 Gh-*L-N Hwift, ut Id ItIQT"
nit, Ga# ill* father U a eiU** nof AUmda,
w )tr h lia* several brotherajjaMl wiiom
is an al ferman of flit) e.ity for Ibe frerep.
tear, an I au .liter (lie of Ibent II tlie .City
ioi.oni i. r Ai'ti \s ciiAwroun n\nKTT.
Colotii I Barnett belong*, lo nlld i * lyeel.t
related to mine of the oldest and best bunt-
He-, in Georgia, il, ws* trorn hi Columbia
county. 1.(.i lather, William Harriett hav
Ing died when Ihe subject of (Mis sketch
was about four year* ol age, hi* mother ru
moved to Oglethorpe county, Georgia,
white hfl was reared and educated, com
|u<Hlng Ills course of academic sludla* al
Ma im Academy 111 Lexington, under the
‘lustiucttoiro! SieitlUf Latte, who was a
mail ,and Ulent nlld UWWtUd CIWMtW. He
alter wardshstuaved to Wei too county, nl
widen Im was a chi/,in for five or sit years
G. pa) h* inutovid- Ui XUpii* ttWMIDU.
will,-It he re|npNniied in Hot lower branch
ol lb* General Assembly in IH.ttJ and 1537
( Nil. ItameH lead law tinder Edward Paine
<>l VValkillßVilkv Mrs* ailutilUul to the Imt
ami pracdeed only a short while, when hr
idiminished Ihe prolission upon being
circled Hi’crc ar v ol Ute HI ale (ft HMD, uil
! 'b r tin- adinlnliltallon of George VV Claw
told, ionl lemoved lo Mllledgcivllle.
lb 1 wg* again re eiei led, aucectisively Uil
| .ter■ Hire 'lidininlii!ll l ljotis .ol GoV*-t t|oi>
Towns, t’otili, Itrown and Jenkin*. When
i lie olti, is ol fi'cirlaiyol Hlale and Hut
veyor General were < iiiiaolbiated In Ihtil,
lie was niucied io fill tlieill, lo whicli lie
was again le elected hi IHdi mi I IHdA. •
it will be remembered Hull Gol. Barm ft
was n iiinved liotii oltlen by lite inililuty
lie* ..**.! he rebued to Hi teiJ. fil/tle tlotnt
tm nls and by Ueu Huger, I ben Mitllaty
<J lycmnr'—hehcvhig Im could not do *o
undyr the somimj stm. tity of hi* oulh of
011 l .
Kor tlila he wn fjufited from ofHcu and >i
j tiiiliiaty oflici r onleri'd to dlacltargn Uu*
idUdf* lliori of. Ti u to the State, to him
; a* If, and to hit rhilitn il, lie pn-ar-rvecl flii
-j Grand Hoi! of the Stale which waa return
. oi!.'ul )ur hi <oveinor Smith, llm Krai
! h-gal Kxucutive tine* Goveinor Jetikiut
wae ffiiinved hy order of Gen. Motile
Thu* lie auflured pollUcal martydom. Ilia
■ vindication It maile by liia reatoraiion to
| Ida o‘d ofttcu hy the Uupreaei.talivea hf tbe
| (iv iple.
col jnum jonk a
! waa horn In Baldwin count/, Georgia, on
| i he 3d da/ of July, IHj4, and cona<npiently
!ti now in the fifty ninth year of lit* age
He U llm aou of lion. Jo in A. Juuea, at
■ [ir'-aent living in Folk county, Ga. Col.
Junes waa edueafed aJL Fiauklln College
. Hid the United H'tte# Milliar/ Sclnird, #1
j Wei Point, it" waa admitted to Ibeprac
I lice of law In IH3W at Columhua, 0a. t and
. ramtli.ne4 in ihe piofi artnu hut a ftrw yegw
at Van Wert, Fauhlfng count/, wb*B l>-
ahan<l*med tbe practice for oiber purauita.
In 1544 Col Jonea raised a company ol
volunieera for Co'. Jack arm 1 ■ regiment for
service in Mesico, atnl while there was
comm Mooed a captain In on ol the new
regular regiments (tbe Voltigeura) for that
a* rvkw. In- which be remained until tbe
clone of the war wHh that evmfmny. On
i hie return borne be wan elected as Senator
in tbe Leg stature of IS4V 00, from tbe
District composed of tbe oojntiee of Car
roll ill CdumiMl la IHOO be married
the eldest daughter of Mr. Feter J. Wll
liam*. of Milledgaville, and tor saverai
years continued to pursue the hna neat oj
mining tor fold near Villa 11 lea, In Carroll.
In ISM, e vacancy occurring In the Trea
sury by the resignation of Cot. J. 8. Tripp,
Col. Jones wea a|ipoin'ed by Gov. Brown
to All out tbe unezpired term, and he en
t*-red m it# duties on tbe let of J sub ary,
IHOO wasehx’tei el tbe ensuing session,
and again in IWI, \mi, ISM, I*F3T, and in
J anuary, 188 H, wm removed hy €feo Mead#
for refusing to oliey 'he ordinanewof IW7,
en lorse I hy Gen. Pope, to advance Bon
Ute But* Treasury lorty thonsadd dollar*
ut pay tu*C<mv*tvtlon, nd Ibr refusing to
diaclcwn to Gan Unger where lb* fund* of
the State were deposit*,!; wa* wrested by
Gun Meade's order end paroled fey Geh.
Huger tu the limit* of the State. During
rbe b<*t summer he hfut tatty and ssiMac
ipirily settled with HD Kvisllerwy, Go'-,
Smith, and accounted for all rcce ptt by
him up to htfr rrmnvnl hy Meade. ~
Ztitb, i'liuifrler l ayered with
Blood nnd Rolnwea.
[eldergo Tribune Washington Letter.]
At great expense, I have obtained • orsr*
picte n urative ol the celebrated light be
tween the firm. £ach. Chandler, of Mich*
gan, and Hr. TTaintegan, of Indiana, aoe of
ex Buuatur llannegan, who w*t MinWtcr to
Prussia. It occurred In the Natiowai HeSat,
at meat time. Zueh. look advsntage of tha
fortuitous concourse of several persona to
abuts Voorltee* loudly while In hit pm*,
cure. His remark* redounded all over tha
<Hfg rrairn, *tich m "irsilor” “tcouu
drol,” etc,, (dentßully consorted with oath*.
*'■ "Dan,” said riunncgan, *’t wouldn't
.stand Ihal I.mi mouthed vlntjirnrthm."
‘T won't," said Dan, and ha walked over
to Chandler un i struck him a bock bend
ed blow, which resounded Ilka a whip*
crack. '
= Chandler, wbo got up wrong and
totemust, imtnedj.'itety struck mil at Voor
hues, and Uannegan, iutrposing, remark
-od: ' Gentlemen, -this ta not tha place for
peiwottal collision—a dlufng-rootn where
you disturb other people. Think of your
positions, and do uut disgrace your constl- _
. “Who In h—lf are youf exclaimed
Cbandltr; and wlih that he struck Mr.
Hatinegsn, will all kla force,on the side of
lit* face,
U#""'R n wat atimned by the blow,
which lot Imd not capnctcd, being a peace
maker, and not a fighter; but he (ricked op
a mnlnaae* pitcher and brought U down m*
Ascii’s forehead, so that be was covtred
with blood and mohsaee, which strange as
it may appear, seemed to Improve his ep
pcarance. lie lookup the nearest Jug be
could find lo strike Itannegan with It, but
llniitieganf dm ked Ills head, and Zaclt
strmkan entirely harutleaa person In Ute
abdomen, who forthwith got the cnMßpe
and walked out of tha dining room ou hla
'Hdly. Hanncgnn said that he uow under*
stood that Zach meant business; fa forth*
with bo took that great.patriot by the top
knot, and, puthtog hla bead down Atiwtij
the BOOT, li4|g*d Mb Atohg, .pTaottot
blow* all over hit frontispiece, and nearly
making an ihioltlgcnt couutenanca out af
the Senator. Much ut. gasping fir
IfOlhlftff. /.lirhurl** fbltowed bla Itolr
the floor, and pmveral ladies, rushing Hj*
cried :
“01>t don't kill flmt man I"
"No, Indlej,'' said llannegan, “I just
wtini to km p him from lujurfug ine, end If
you wllj luke earn of him. Isbell let blot
If A Immediately."
With fills, ll iuncgan gave Ztch. a Inst
ilioi, which i-fti!ctisfly'nulshed him, aa<t
the Michigan Ajax rollc 1 over on
and wus wind h.iimwid away by come of
the servants.
Mr. W. 11. DlckWh, who live* near Dg*
Arc, while pasehig t|irougb an old field
gtown up with weeds, Imd Ids utii-ntion at
iracted hy h noise a few yard* distant, and
went to ace what caused It. He discovered *
two large rattlesnakes lighting, end watch
nd, tbe bat tie lor. some lime. They would
islsu jtbrTf heads nearly three feet from
the ground end stilkn et each other, Insett
ing their poisonous fangs In tbe .body of
cadi, sod then release themselves sod do
the seme thing, over again. During the
light they would • cceeonelly vomit while
looking fluid ftoni theif mouths. Mr. Dick- 1
son shot one of lUera end tbe other escap
ed. lie afterwards found tbe other deal
near where the buttle wee fought. One of
them tree five feet long, largt*, ead bet
seventeen raUlvS Tbe other wee sis fret
long, slender, end bed twenty-six rattles.
This la the first time we ever beard of ret
tlettnake* fl -btlng It to death to tbe via
tor as well ae to tbe vanquished.-~[D* Arc
A newspaper of lowa CKy girt* rather
a discouraging account o ( what tbe far mar*
ill tbrnw ‘‘diggings” are doing, or rather not
doing. Mara la tha price currant : jk pair
of winter boot* ooata two load* of potatoes j
a night'* lodging, a load of onta; tbe wife
wean five acre* of whoat ; tbs cbltdran aacb
ten acres of corn; fba prion at as overooai
I* a good four ywar-old stoar; of s sonday
suit, twenty f*thogs. The fsn% too, wears
a mortgage that Is worse than bardpan to
the soli, and tbe annual lax rots fba ranf
faster than rain.
—— sail *iw 'O'
Tmb Dead Kara bob Uidm Fanex
fbub-r-At the funeral of Napoleon own of
the person* who name from Franca brought
with him some soil dug from tha garden of
the Tuiiler ins, which be strewnd over the
coffin after it waa deposited to the nabty
of the chapel at Chisel hn rot. Many F ranch
funeral services wan taking piano.
' I bow pronounce you man ~~t
over tbe ten dollars before I go say firth
erla the way Connecticut clergymen
bare of securing the it fee.
NO. 7.