Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator.
vol. 1;
pcbusoei) tvKiiv rmiujs,
of famii<>ia(.
•'<' ' ■* " - . --
t*MKC I l Vrk j 4 win* ! 3 Bl<> j* mr- I VMf
1 tank Iff! hjhUjo iiio so 00
inches., IMI 1t (WI SOW 15 W
8 inch**i S tl> Hmi 10.01) i 150" *5 0
i ctJL -| S on* 4*oo S'. tift
I col I 7 00 1 15 OS S-S 0)* 35 W ; ftO 0
1 ou] J 1000 2*S 00 3500 WW SIW
Qp“ A. libera! deduction made to Uvo*e
advertising S.y the month or year
OmcKSVI! IJt, t*4
Will practice in the District Court* auT
Ordinary * Court of Meriwrilmr County,
*ad tha Hupeyinr Court* of the fotiWio
<-oipo*mg ibeTwlftpoo** C'teeaJ-
Coileoiion* pruu>|Wlf attended HV
g^p-Office Best door south eTTiTn tug
tiHBKKVti.t r., <•*
\tiouney at law.
nHkK.'inx, tf*
f|'| practice in Meriwether anti tl.e 'i
|lt At Mi’ tN
cioniTOgrtt™^'^ , rr^T' r v
Hard want, giHMaa. SnL
ftarnm ’"" tl*UtWta#o
1 t fcfflß rt *g raitmed m*n-
A New Broom Sweep*
|t|M(N I<|N AS HON
P : -
Afe nx-eWIM WK W <IOOI>H
<h.-p tor’lftai S6S • < ‘* n '
i.i.jhai ui*iM>tN
| ji y <;i ii if) . tt A HS\ A HL. Httl ' •
i i Gtoccfle*. Pt-ift'oic, A
■’• !! !>: .. (,A
* £uV
*1 T"OW|tr)*'4MtV\ iNTI M ArPWXK AT
BUff Tgy.T.AIP tit TP AL _ ‘ASiK SI , ait
</ "■' r , ITI7 Hi -ttiily titx k thil..
Byini't on’s Hotel,
mtivn i. •
Vt • < •.!*• it -is-: ' 1
< )
;itriE*c ' ‘""V ''~ JZ
... t , '—* * ■ <—■ iu ,44 ■•: • ,r
' 1 ' 'l,"
£$ * ti* i
Camp Houso,
urjTJiisone hundred yahi>h
IVwnj' I' l >J ,1. M f/dg
in|f V* i * ♦’*
J H. CAM I’ Cfr^uc.f
u IX „
/ t JtO< EIOB, IMtom ' B, Ac.
' * N
Win furnish BUFFLIE* next I"*'
bond 3,n
C Wb. Iwei Aۥ.,
wmrrrv 04
j„, Weet-eide. H*!l N‘r-t
Moss &Wi 11 iarnß
Wffl be
mi ms * fJA -
Whotoxste and Retail DeaSur to
AH kind* of Ptein tnd Jspenool Tin
wane. RooAng and Guttering at Short
Notice—Work Warranted,
rjr- I can compete with any Atlante or
Mama Uopee to quality of Goods or (rices
_ tx,* Made to Order, and mgraved
-j notice. Atom a M smxply
pf the ectebratrd ‘Dmmocd
Spectacled ways on
figITFIS.- * GA
i j- Of nil kinds neatly exem-
wsrrsit. and. If
I*iwer ami Haadnew of **>d.
Then '* not a tint th<U pa*nts ll.c rat,
Or deck* the H!y (*ir.
Or streaks the fcumhiwat ft user that grow*
Hul heaven ha* placed it there.
At early daarn th-tv's uot a g*le
Across the landscape driven.
And not a bm'ae that *wce| lho v *'e,
That ft not *rns Sots heaven.
There’* not t.f pens, a iwiijite Wilde,
t4r leaf of mil u,
Wiieie heaven!) .kili i* not dLplaycd,
And heavenly i* udnm seen.
ThaeaV not a teiujieal dmk ami dre id,
tlr storm that tend* the air,
t>r blast that sweet or .s'ran's tst,
Hul heaven's uwn voice Is there.
There's Viol a slat le*e laleUltlf llfkl
HlotWes the dishuit enith.
And cheer* the atdemn ghstm of night,
Btft inert y gave ti lanb.
Tliwfl am a ctnnd whose ilewa rlisMltl
Pjvon the patrhftv * hat,
Aivrehilbe with verdilre vale and hill,
Thai is not sent hy tJo.l. j
There’s not a p'ace in earth’* vast round, 1
The iweaa or air,
Wliere skill and wtsttobi are not found,
Put UiidiS even wueie.
Aroia4, beneath, lielow, rttK,yp,
VYWefevef sjwne extend*.
Thetehraven ilispiavs it* Inamdlevs love,
mud |*iwer vi tilt tnetey blend*.
i:\-t tmiDi um ;|:>l'.i(Aia
. . ——
W here I tie) are mill nliul the)
are detag • liil imit liihe.
hmub finin tin* se leth
Itetietni Ixt fsltan. .0 V*ai 1.
a istvyrr in the quiet town of tan,den,
•and I* making a Inilthood, Ii f'cnHl"i
Qhotnnt i* also al*n .m in ihe_ emu ui.
Thuutletf, and- nrakr-a a ha ttving
tleneial 1) 11 lid! U*'< pa a sii*o l at the
Sow ii ol liiUUi ■■ lon ot me edit*
a iveriiioksai jHdihsh*-.1 nee a imni h,. ailed
Jltt ' Land W* Lova," mid ink< * a liy liig
H* taemator Y’lliee, ot Plomla, lias been
rotimu Uul withaonn: laiiioad ailaosin that
Stati-, atnl t* in a rmaleiaie til
i proaperity. Oetirrid William M.ilnme is ut
| Lynchburg, V* , pre*ident ol the Atlantic.
.Vpisslaslppl aod Ohio talhoiid, mid etnleai
■•ri g. tn v?re it from ’ftej i* t TofiJ !'■ It
Who 1. it 5 ftniiK I’d hiet f.X lift I lao vtl ie it mil*
kltd IM<> >te<! tttiinet lion t.f tin’ same. M t
Iron* wa* out' tp tin first ii'ht l ofliteo, It.
prltm 1 1 in hs*t, and In is a minhinatltm o;
TAijewr.T Pistr,i anrtt'o ii dr Lion, mighty
■hf wort I* ami tn. rgit:.-. If : t i .an i,
j much lmptoveti oottyiAhtf, Jitfißtlti'l V
j ot, who ran on tlie ticket w ith Su<
• jifit-t A Dougtai hit the Vita- Preahltmey
i a jrhttrrr fit Jtlfrreti rormtv, <in . nn!
an-, a t nil did nt a ftit Hit ('tilted Slid."
1 Hroate, Ilf J* said *0 tie smr.t wtiSt tmaaly
| and downhearted. Fotct, the *fe*l t aval
;ry .<lO,l an<| el n*g"> 'l adt i lets been *
railroad presldstll and livery atahle ket pei
..1 M <uul *-ill- huio* ~ ui In
ll* 'll HIH"
Joe Hrowo Ik till) five ynn old, mid j*
i|i> li*mar<k of <>• mgta. flu t pti-tH.
ri< l te worth any wiwic fliiivxi
mol 000,two and l Fiini Unl of l c
Weetertl and Atlantic It > Ir.HuJ. 11
r-;*d connection Is Iho t to Is* lll** Rit"ftitft
In' ll>s Booth, end him-m ‘Cmma
to Iw Inu-i •<■•• lln it. Hi own I* so hide
atigable worker, • g<wid writer, lofid of
ti<riorie*y, *Md plain to Ills Mess <kn I'M
11. Young, • leading isvf!ry <>fll,--r In th*
ri linl smiy, I* a planter at CsfteisViHe. Os',
In lit* sir rate olfciiUMaU'***, nd Im tins Juki
!*- fi nwlsi;tid to Cong"J s Jolinsoii
to thriving * Lading Ills insurance innii
at havsnnah lls is glowing "l<l wiifi oom
p,u is Gen Lsfu) Kite M/Law*. who w*►
•pnte mil lit#ls il during _llis wat on tbs
i/ontedeiate sids, Is lbs Ffssiilsnt of g.Con
federate i/ionumsut itStoClaitoti. fr-sb!** si
Augusta, where hr Is lawyer of moderate
jnvtKss. Tbs sons of ITowsll Cobb srs
lancing, stld get along tolsrsbljr slues tbs
dens—s of their Ntfbsr.
Ben Hill teX-Ooi federate) Is practising
law at Atlanta, and la said to be lbs best
lawyer in ilia Stale. He was a Senator ol
tbs < oulsils'sts rtutss, an 1 bad a pirso-isl
collision wllb Yaoosy Alsi H (Stephens
Urea sar flrawtorilaTills, f*a. tea atnall
and not rsry lyunfortatils bouse, wbirb lie
dlgnrfisa with tbs name f “ tdlierf/ Hal!, H
He ht ehantabls, and gf*w sway ail the
etesa* l*s mabea after iiroriding for him
asff; and be writes long and abstract lss>ks.
•bowing bow nothing ought to be as it la,
and wbat trogbt bare been the cans bad
sonseUong siae hapjisned taslre years bs
fore. He is antiirut to respiiar m publte
Ids, and bis recent risit to A'lanta was in
rrp~ , Td tl “* *Hb'-lriimila.lo.bSL-n*~
eteeU'*nesnng camjHMm for the United
•Mat St sate. Aslrtelepast Crawfords
rltte a fat fieurgia feiy, a bo bsiked aa if bs
bad been sating rbicaens all bia life, point
ed owt Use diaeition of A>ep* Jt *,’ bouse,
and aaid, “ The greaisat man in the Unit'd
dulse lies* jrsr. Use. BSbiey, tits inventor
of tle Hib cy tent, and the opfwneot of
Caobji on the plains of Nsw M'tieo during
Use rebellion, is now a brigwjier general
under Use Khedive of Egyi't, in orrmpany
with bin eon, wlsi U aiwi an officer, and
with braenlt Kbeti, Stone. Jfvtt aod otb
not Tbeae officers get abbot ait lb rueand
doflari a venr. General Bil/tey's wife and
Hssrrted daughter rwaide at Atlanta, where
bis son indtw. John Bfoksa, is supervisor
of peansms under the United States Gov
Bet* Om. J. H. Clanton, of Ala., was
the leading Omservativa la Use Btal* op to
the time of bis union anal* recon tre with
Kcbon at Knoxville, Tcon, where Clanton
was killed. He raided at Montgoasery,
and wee by many thought to t the bend
of the Kukiax. Gee. C. IL Battle is aa
toenraooe agent at Tesfcegeee, Ala, and la
dung only tnoderahdy well General K M.
Law, who is the beet flgb'er Alabama pro
dtwtd, is Pnaideat of a military ianttwie at
Yorkriile, 6. C, where be w so ugly Axed.
Gen K. JL Pettoa, of Bobu, ia alswyer In
good greetwa, and was a prominent Uemo
irifle r—itiifetri f r H rrrnrr for Alabama
last Mg Goa. Grant, who waa one Of t be
ball dons brigadiers in fko Ooofcdkr*t t
army np|*tdiitwd from Arkansas la'canv* s
R<t| nhlican licfore tlieclo** of the ivar, tinsjl
lie now holds ati office under
i iik tuvni* isiVKiisvk.xT AT uryfiA
tiea. Albert Pike, a britlUir from Ark
auaaa, I* rxaaelimng law at Waahiugtoii city
w ith rx Senator Johnson, ol Ark., and lisia
Inst rcpubtlshed hr* delicate poems Oen ’
’nkell, w ho obtained $75,00t' fiir th<} *m*l!
hh documents which were purchased by
he War 1 department dining the laat jadilt
.1 campaign, Sluctuates betweeß Washing
in city amk t'anada, ami in the luttur f>o
diihni hr ia said in have atlvertirnd tbr
wire doeuments and to have undertaken
.t rec.ivar the great number the State pa
per* which were starrltsl there during and
ttb r the war. This i* about a. ipmer a
Intsinrsa as any (’.mfederwle otlioer ha*
.I.ssumod. I This l la!*e, tleii. Pickelt 1*
hi inauranee agent in liu hmoitd. ami never
sold any archives Ui the KetUual (o vorn
meiil —Elia. Dial Oen. IVu-k TnyFir l* -
prt'bably the richest of >lu’ t’onfhjeraie
geneial*, and 1* engaged in Itankhni and
other large o,>craiitina to Hew Oricana.
abetting Wannouth
-t.Ua* I.nStHI MKKT
ha* a public position which *utli.t%i to
maintain him amt ilia ntuner.-uis lautiljr
liauregard is supeiinteu.iant of at reel ran
ways in New OflvAns, willi a giakT salary
llikiil ha* la-en n cotton I actor and inau
lance agi lit at New Orieana, and niakev
out I>ul tolerably well. Dot, t'arter, of llm
rrbrf wrttty, is now acting with Piiicliiunlt,
ami, like l<ongatr-et, ha* la>cn on all side*
is presidt nt of tiie Carolina Insurance
romp.o.y at Memphis, under tlm patron
;tgr ol a Mr Yrrrtr. whose tunlr rrn ntty
went up'when the Houtheru Security COMfr
ipmydirw a clink u,mu it lorn*u unfoiti
•mm ii amount. Davi* long lesub.L,
but lias now n>ovi and luto
I'tiiVatc ’tJaarttßA- lit made a re*,ice.table
itippon. !* ii ItiieifHei 1* aa!d in lie in
thriving iiii K anlile bfiiiiie**, and to aland
much ta tter tie'll the t tilk ot lit* **ociatea
~myn;Ttvr-t:u' lives in fyyinytntr: Ry , mU'
W- g’u in an inipoi In hi plricu Ui OllC liilltL
b\ lln* t'ln’*'t|witk and Ohio iililro’id. ]. (1 at Ye tpl a wln ro he woitiiT
tiaie a nil good Woihlly ciindltioh If ha
wl ie not .lUiiuyed lly some old lawsuit*
crow e g out of tin- wto Ol the thiee
( aiiMiUiiu isynuhiulottcta rntiil tin l'ontiel
jam', ntouraoiv "j
La lit lug . 11l UL'ltkJAlC t illMlllnUlUie* *L
Mi tnpli C. G ( lay t- hriTTi 'l nt llmita
vTHe| wTiem Ilia pio|Htly wa* ptelly mupil
torn up by Mu rman, ami 0. Handera it att|t>
l*i*i dto la. tn (t Y, city Morgan, who
i* said l" la' tile liesl oialor in the Hoßtll
mi the slump, in Inwyel nt iHi'ltnn, Aik.,
oid doing fairly well W. W, Alien, tfie
cavalry matt, is planter hem Mouigwßiitryv
wfiere hi* aureva* ha*—-md la in uniform
.1 M Wltfacfs. a Watt Fointar, l tin* eiti
tor ol tin- Mobile Tiibutis, and wa* a can
■lid ft for Mayor dm fug l in p bw.'Ut year
I, I' Walkei, ex Rceielary ol War of tip
t 'onii'deiiitn Htataa, wbn aviiweil hi* Inltn
1 |on tn ]it ant ttir lbita-1 (Tig over Kauenii
IlaJi <>> uioiiik* after tlw war began, ft
praflfttnjr law wh -m. *.*w~-a *i
Vttte. Ala dodge fTe-l fem ur Mt
|Hd ewloti < 'onvailtloil of Ala , I* i latliei
alii iom'i <t iirnT wfl ht.a! old geiPieman a'
.'v ltns ; lie i* a fine ajieakiT, a prominent
lurry* - !, ttttd it ItlHsr Conasrvativs, HksGi-n,
Fsitai Jotspli Hint lit, cutimtandar ol
Wlii clsiV. ot l< brnti and < 'onludi iiily l avairy,
mol it \\Vhl F'diilt r, lias iimitiwi n fish
lady in Northern AtSKaiiiy, and fi vet ai bi
fs'. Hurt filing t) ' .ill King G. olgs bis
uncuji —■* —i —
Gen. Fatty 11 ;*.:nt .u, tnrmvily >,f If..*r.
division, i< ii pUiiii r In ii in. Harry
lliijw, s Cob no I ol tin Ti-ves,
I, is mo it'’,; H Udy of insrtiis, mid lilts ill'll
on.c Hli< i ilf of Ni w Orleans \V<ll fixed.
okni.Hxi. run.* rrr sn,'
h iiiitg muds mi imsuco.'ssful inn f'oi (,' m
gri's against Itoraci Maynard, has rslirsd
Ills. Ex Governor Wuits, ol Aia, who
was tbs Aitoitby General ol tbs Con fed
stale fitales, Is practicing law in Monigoin
sry. Moor of Abo, Is a planter, and not
h iving inueb luck The Imnily of lienl
FnziaUriek, aie sll rieb, Inlisriting iba fruit
of Kllr I ilk trio's l hnltioeas. 'ilm lamllv ol
W. L VatM'y resides on a farm near Mont
gotnery, and ate in only moderate clrcutu
Hragg lives hi Mobile, and ia superlutsn
dent i/f street railways, wllb a lair salary,
Comrimdore K*ttami, keeps a hotel in Ala.
at the town of A Male. Ibrddy la a
hanker in N. Y. Gen. Hannon y a leal
eaiao agent in Tstaa. Geu. is
•gent <nr a Br<sklyn lib- insurance corn
paiiy at Atlanta. Gen Wright is the fdi
utr of Ibe Hally Chronicle, and lias |usi
I seen slculed Ui Congress. [He ia dead. J
la prsctialiig law iu Mobiie, aud ia in giHxl
circumstances, which leads g<'*eipiag bilk*
to Imagine that u must have saved sown
prize money. Hi I* a favouic in that town,
ratlmw btuer lit teebog, ami bis son be*Just
bem cl'H-ie-1 to Die Legkilature. Hcmmiw
Is bard m Ui Ob, *o<J foci* i Im: hand of tim<-
U*pi Maflct, lnugiif the Florida, is said to
be in Europe. Judsb F. Heuismia has a
gofto law ptactlsc in iymdmi. Eng., hut bis
c i<*i.l l ae neatly all Americans hum the
Souther* State*. Ex Senator Robert T.
M. Htotter ha* a poor la mi oo tbe Kipps
t.nnfii rlvMf and is as A to he dtapiiOrAl,
.*1 bough his couuael Mubwrful at all time*
Mid lila teudiect ri-imo* it* foil rigor. Caph
James Faxosner bos been one of the 00l
eoccessfut iocvi in the Confederacy. He
reside* to Martifisirorg, Vs, and practises
law at ttbep'rilowQ and throughout the
htale of West Virginia His income Is
about a year. The sons of Geuetai
Imw, as well a* his nephew, Kitzhugh. are
so lair ctrcoasatances’ and Guslis Lee is
baa ail hi* father’s success at Washington
College Robert Tyler, ex-eferk of the Hu
pretbe Oxurt of Fcnusylvatiia, and ado of
Preekleui John Tykr, is the editor ol the
Advertiser, the Iteimicratic State organ at
Montgomery, Ala Gen . Henry U. Clayton
to a lawyer at Clayton, Aia., and successful
Gen. jsipheu* Baker live* at Kufato, Aia,
and was detested last time for Congress at
large. Gen. S. A. M. Wood to a lawyer at
Task stoma. Ate, and he ha* bean
ouamij M ajttzk or me MAsoas.
Gov. Homan t a planter at SC James, La.
Gov. Moore, of Lm,to s piatder to Rapides
parish, near Alexandria. Gen. Wailoo,
to aa sttuiooeer. Ex-Gov. Kobe Wicklift,
of prsctwc* law at Bayou Sara, aad he
voted for Grant
tox uubtxo la wren*
to New Ortemss are U. T. Hemrnes. cousin
of Raphael, aad John A. Campbell, ex-a*
•totant rebel Secretary of War. Berntom
has a practice of syrar. Neville
Soule practices law to New Orleans. Paul
O. Herbert to a p aster at ibervilie. Robs
Oiftd aad Bradley Jobnsnfl are antoeg the
cwdjMfetawyeiwht the Hichmond bar.
JAaiKPS 51ms Federal commissioner ol rx
Change. ftk*r mutes at Hichmond, and acts
twith Mrti rr n'ii i
has jWmtlOal practice in the courf* of Ya.
ha* just ascended the aabli
4'aniiiiia, Is, like Yulee, o'
Florfmlh XfnfU'f l '.'’ Lev )of tines llebrrw
-Uicfe In tile {batik. Hub* Witt (Iwlte
baa very valuable mhiiug projH'rty 111 o,l'
loifti*c*hd ia one of tin> uuquenciiable me
tifYliv Confraiciacy.
Kaßrr Awl. Ilie (■'nnltfltiiler.
Tha Rvilow ing story I* |nerled for th
lieMit ot all Clir mic grumblers into whose I
hand* it may fall Lei all the reulers ol I
thn-YrnincxTott sttlTly the moral It true ho-;
Mi ster Awl was a little, lean, active man
never a moment at test- lift face, from
which * long turned up note projected,
lik* V handle, was |>alo and jvick mat Wed ,
-Itfrßii"'*? grey ami bristly : hft eyea were
small ami bright, and flashed In all direct
ihfthl*' incesaantly. lie saw everything,
knew everything, blamed everything, and
hadevod htinsalf Rlwaya lit the tight-
When tie walketl, hft arm* awiiiig so vio I
ietatfy to and fro, that tmre It liaptwneti, a
maiden being bafore him carrying water,
iWHßntckr tier pitrhrr so high into-the air,
that it wa* emptied upon lilpiwdl as It
cam* d^wn
“Sheep’a huad !" oiled lie, ns he witicd
away the p!"*titn'’, "could youuuL sec lint
I was liehlml you ,n
gy trade be wa* a shoemaker, and whi n
ft* JVW ktsr)o 1 hi* thread with
sucli a jerk, Uiat those who were ptudeiit
kept at a distil lice, that they might not re
ceivc a ,iniTi from him No Journeymen
ysifr*laye,l Imif'er Ilian a umittli willi him.
fiftTie bated fault wHh the twin wwk. -
don!t|iue* the sticlu * were not even, or
OKU) allot, wa* longer, ot till, lim I liighm
than it* fellow ; aomeitinc* the lea,her wu
Harwell baateii.
ttWatt,**. lie wnntd X’ly to dit" npttrrttlice, !
fJTwill show you hi. 1 a p.isoprn avkio, and j
he would mum a sirup and >**' 11 hr .bint
#* 1
flu washing days, when Ida wile row
Wb loßgUVitie Urs, h would jump bom
idi bed, alid ruali Imrelonicd afn i her.
l)o you liileud hi hum the liouae down v '
lie ai rentiu and **l>o you want'!o loaat an’
tjif t docs wuihl cost nolldng Y"
#Ttn* be Imuneed Into ilm wash roiiin.
gtei.ig ibe maids were wasinng jitid laugh
tte neat the tuba,
4 ‘Carkting getne f'crital Im, “wlial latbalV
New soap r What Motiui bd an i ! wbui
Jyti.rat'gia tdlmisw 1 You want apaie
jtrwlfy hands, do ynu ! You’ll simic
K?” r ltuii.a, T law* t"
! 'J In ii milling In wrath lo depml, heollen
! upact tii<- 'ye, and Ml Hi'' bile-hen <>vei
! ftoW'sl
Ouce h'.iiise was In lag built opposite
lo lib, and he wan lied lire woibmeii from
j his window.
• { hey uie Using Hgaltl Ihllt IIUI)' Rud
s',ms," Slid In- “It never illb • -no man
• an ttrop lor Imftti Jur a day In ttrat teni'
and how badly tluani men ll' tin* atones!
That nioriur, 100, Is good *oi nulling! It
! ought to to- inixtd w|!|i a •liv'd instead ol
ami. r.l! w Mger Hull b'Une will tumble
i about Ihe heads ol the tlrst people who
, dwell in it."
After a lew suicbei, be look *fl his apron
j and deU rmliied. lo go and ap|real to the
. conscience ol ih'* bidders. I lie It ISI niari
i b>- C4tighi c wsi lint inipcnler
"W'nit are you alKiutY’ he cried. Vis
i ihat lire way to handle your saw■ * i> < you
I ihlok these Imams will si and * Why 1
i (eel them giving away under my lei I.
Then stl itehllig tin’ saw, in* was going lo
i show Ihe carjamUir how lo uv: 11, when a
i * agon, laden with loam, cams liy. Oil In
f ran lo Ihe driver.
•it la a comfort to thijik you arc lo
stupid to know wlrat yon alwut f < rb and In
to the man. “Who ever harnessed inch
I young horses as tbeae to such a heavy load?
: The |>oor Irtavls wdl die In the rmnl.”
Til* peawut made him r,*> answer, and
j Maatex Awl returned to Ida workshop full
[ol anger. As he sal 'iown one of lira up
prentice* gave him a shoe.
“What Is this?" growled he again ! “have
I not told you a hundred limes not lo cut
a ibot so low as llist ? Who will buy a
thing that ia all sole V
“Master," said tba lari, “you may be
right when you say that Ibe shoe la worth
nothing, but it la tire one you yourself cut
‘out xud worked'it. ‘When you went out!
Jmrt now, you iloew it off the bench, and i \
picked it up. Hut were an angle to work
(at you, it* would not please you.”
Master Awl dreamt one night that he
waa dead, and on the road to heaven.—
When he arrived, he ktxx;ke<] at fire gate.
Ik. i'eter opened it, and barked to see who
de-iied a'lmrUaoce
“Oh! if ia you, Mater Awl" eald be
'•Well, come iu, but don’t fb*d fault her,
or it may be the worse for you."
“Y.rtt may apare your coaaael,” answered
Awl. “I know how Ur bebxve myaeff—
Here I know Ml is [rerlect, aad cant go
wrong aa on earth."
&i ire stepped in, and afroil *<rme
time up and down the apacious walks ; bs
occnstoiialfy, however, shook bia Iread di*
eoohmiedly, aa be looked about him, and
muttered between bia teeth. At length he
aaw two angela ca> rying a beam ; it waa
the beam a man bad bad in bia eye, whiiat
be wan necking the mole hi bis brother's,
Their mod* of holding the beam did not
please Master Awl
“Wont s way! Hid one ever see au?h
ignofioce !* Ah .uglrt he—lrul be remain*J
; prudently liico*, and Uwd to ice) easy. “1‘
in truth, not much matter how they
carry It, so they get it to Its place. They
go on smoothly enough, too ; no stumbling
—no pushing. - ’
-dhsMi abr, lie perceived two other* draw
•ns water from* well Into a leaky cask,
mm which it poured nut uu all side*
"Hailstones and thunder*" he burst out
-but Immediately reinemliered himaell,
md Ihougiit—' IVrhap* it I* muiely a pas
line—some kind 1 sport. People wfton
m protUlens things for am meinont, and. I ;
lara say, here e*|>ecially, where there seem* \
) Ire plenty of lime for idleness."
Further on ho mat a wagon, which had
stuck last in a hole in the road.
"No wonder," remarked he to the man
w hi*lmd charge of It, “when it 1s so nu
reawHialdy overloaded. What have you
got In it,"
"Pious wishes, ’’ was the reply. "I did
uot know tha right road, hut happily-1 have
pushed ft up a* fur as this, and I do liot lie
llevu I shall lie permitted to atick here,"—
And indeed a* the man spoke, an angai ar
ilved with acouple ol ho ram, which were
quick ly I'aslened to.
“PivU- well,” Ihougiit Awl; “but Iwo
lioroea will not piill that wagon out ; four,
at lessl are needtal."
t*rcsenUy came anfrllicr angel with two
more ; but these were attached to the hack
of the wagon. This waa too much lor
Master Awl.
“Wax ai.d end* I" ho ctied, "what are.
jou doing there ? I).d one ever see, since
itie world began, a wagon drawn In Dial
lasliton TANARUS"
lie w*'going to say. more, Hut one ot
tlic liystnnd. r* K' him by the ro!lur<
and pualii'il him vlulcnll.y, tmL.oi— I‘
A- he whirled thmngfr tfrn gate, tNTMUghI
sight of tin* wagon | four winged horses
.vi ie tufting il alrift.
At tliis moment, Master Awl awokf,__
"It. certainly Is pleasanter up there than
down fihrh," saliVhc lo ItlmwTf "and one
can flicrctorc r.xcini’ many lit tin tilings;
but who can, wiili any patience, sen imisia
putfte Hr* back as wall Ur the front ol a
wagon? They had wings, It is true, but l
iltd' not pcrcelvo them at first. Wbet an
.tfimirdlly, 100, that iiorscs, wlifcli have tour
legs for Uic express purpose ol running
tditylld liavu n pair of wings lieshlvs. Hitt
I must get up, or tilings sill bn at sixes
and seven* in the house. Il Is well for my
rath* that Ism not really dosdf’ 1
[t.'i iiul.m iK ) } i urn V Hat ini' in tli' liWilfeVill"
<l,lll In Jhuihhl |
Itriitli of ii <Tiil<‘<|’risl<i lleeo
llii' Mery at ttn> Cnptnln of
MorguN's ftrautu.
T'.ni vraslinm at Tinloo, oniint y
Ri , ry, Ii eland, January I, IN4I, and died
in UiiK city Hits monitng at four o’cfock of
consuniptioti. At lliu agn ol fourteen lie
iHlided lu Hit* ronntry without motley and
w ilhoilt tl letid* Alter struggling along lor
awhile lie name to tills city, whom lie real
tleit tlj+to tile time ot hft deal tl, enteihlg
ilie uiiiiy with Gen. Moigan from hero.
Win u tin' wm ivus eoinmenood Quilk
was one ol the first to uiillul 111 dhbmilM ol
tticttotnh in Heptumbvr, HUH. he left the
c ity oi Lexington a private in company
A, then led by Captain .loiiu II Morgan.—
During llm career of that gallant olfroer,
Qtilik wi* under Ills commaud; by cool
ues< and g illaul comluui winning III* way
to ihe eoiunisiid ot tho scout*—* Imaltlori
which Morgan ofiou sold lie would lather
have than lift own.
A short akeft li of record as a aoldnr
will la- read with Internal by many of ills
oid comrade*'and by ibe public at large.—
From lh limn "the Old Houadron" Iffi
Ja’singb'ii, lu RapUiuilar, IMfll, until April
of the billowing year, li'nrk aerved aa a
pilvate, when Im waa promcUed to Uic po
a inn "f H*rgwiot on the bailie flabi of larb
•non, Tenn. In this pniifi'm he aerved
nutil AugUsi, ai which lime ilm command
vvn- hi JforlMvllle, Tenn, Rergeant
wnh foriy in’t, -ode down to Gallatin and
boldly allock'ii a regiment ol Kuderal in
tour), drove ilicm Horn tin/ town Into a
Haiti o| cars, and followed them on horse
back lour miles down lit* railroad. On bia
return to lift Isvill* he was promoted U> a
lieutenancy and Iran IWred from old “A"
to a in 1 w company. In Novcmfa-r, \hiU,
for gallanily ii|hih various lisUle fields, and
for coo!rica and soldierly bearing be was
again tu*<le Uis raeipient ol distinguished
honors by Morgan. The command were
t lieu fighting at Black Hliop, near Mur frees*’, Tenn , and during the fight General
Morgan rale dowu ibe hues ami ordered
Lieut, to coin* U ilm trout. Vi lilt
out dreaming the cause of the order, Tom,
a* lie was familiarly known, rode forward,
and Morgan, then and lltnie, before thawn
tire command, |*roi .oted him lo a captaincy
and put him in command ol those fatuous
scouts so Infiniu.-ly vitluaU* to-Morgan
dining the remslndcr of the war. AI tne
bulk Aif Hear. Wallow, to iioijcu OWIUUf.
CapUiu Cg-ixr to was wounded twice lu tlie
head, having first though, with his own
piotoi, in close combat, caused two of hi*
enemb-s to bite the onto.
Hoovering from thi-se wound* be rejoin
ed Ills coirnnaud and reiualned with it,
doing yeoman service When M'Vgan
started on hi* “ Olno raid" CJuirk, With Ida
men, took tlx* sxlvanoe, aud kept it until
alter the Cutnlicrland waa crossed, when,
by an act of so during on bis part, be was
again aeverely wounded, and deterred
from participating in that memorable af
fair. The Uoopa had reached “ Marrow
lame" creek, the scouts to advance, when
Giiirk espied a tol of “ blue oali" ahood,
aud, leaving M* Utob, gallupnd forward
some HM) yard* to advance, and to within
twenty step* of a regiment of infantry iu
bailie tine. Ilk purpose was to bare a shot
for blmaelf; but juet as be drew hi* pistol a
volley was fired at him and bit ptolol arm
broken. Without aeemlug to the aUgbteat
moved or conccroad on aocosnH of the
wound, he rode bade to his men and re
suined rwmiuand, insisting upon being per
on tied lo accompany them on Ike march.
To tbk proposition, however, Geo. Morgan,
appreciating hi* services, would not lltoeo,
iweferriug to lose him far swhil# rather
then run the risk of him forever. In
that skirmish tbe Federate reported tf
kilted and wonndnd, and Mcrgsn's men say
that (J/uk, individually, did most of the
firing on th Confederate ride. Morgan,
nftrr tbe flgbt. bad tba wottu scat back,
s”d with lift army pushed on. Two toa
afterward wa* eqnurod la bad by *
Federal *c<wtt aad paroled. Five moatba
clapaed befora he ws exchanged, aad da
ring that time many flirting event* had
The sketch of hit lift thus hr vlvm oar
ers U*c years IM2 and IMU. In 1*64 ha waa
with Morgan in bis Kentucky mid, fighting
n>l materially nasftting In the capture of
lojxlngton, Cynthiana, and oilier pi arm,—v
lu the battle of Cynthia * he dialing* t hid
himself by hft tr*v*ery and won Ute almi
ratiou of the entire army. Ilad be drwred
it he could have oaaily moved ontrard in
the *cle of rank, but an we l did ha love
hft men and the exciting lift of a scoot that
he was content to remain a captain aad
serve lit* country and lift General in that
capacity. A* an officer he was devoted tn
hft rm n, never losing sn i>|*portnnfty tn
show Hist dewlion, sTwsys providing fog
them whatever they needed that be could,
ami in one instance committing an act places upon lift snny record tha only
blot It wear*. Tha army waa at tha tfrae
lu the inotiHtaina of Kentucky. Damped
near some small town. Quirk, having some
money, rod3 Into town ami contracted with
one ol the merchant* for the purchaae of
certain supplies for hft men. A short time
afterward iic rcituaad to the etoea and
found a guard ugnt ft. -=•
iia demanded admittance, which wasrt
tttsed, and not having lime tojiroenre a paaa,
lie gave hft ttsivw anj rank, awl In company
with Uta us tier of tha atom fcreed the gaaad
and |,rucured lift auppifta, CHiargua want
prelerred uta>n this by tha officer tdlfhoae
command the guard belonged. “ fled tape
gentry" tried him under a court martial,
and fro was cashiered. In a vary stum lUfr"
aWward*, at the earnest nollrluiioguf
Gen*. Motgun and Hicckenridgc, Ua Wa*
Gnßtfutcd. I aa.d till* wa* a blot upon hft
reoord. While atrietly spaaking It waft in
that it wa* n violation ol army regulation a,
yai tin attendant cireums'ance* made It in
*lt eyea of bis men anything but a blot
111, needless to say that lit* reinstatement
w- mfrntftd With jrTy-tjy rtlirwlmWmmmtUl.
Ijuiil. Wsi under arrest at the time ot Oen.
Morgan’s dentil, and old sn-dtora who
served with Ur* use and tinder the other do
uni liesltnta to say that had tha Intrepid
commander of scout* la-en ia Oremvllft hft
General would pol have been killed. Ha
waa one of the six men wiio rnda Info (tuft
place and brnogbt Ihedoad body out.
\ ■ an ex impteof the bra vary •I lim ruan,
li t me relate au incident that occurred, am*
tiy which as gallant a soldier as aver draw
a’siilne was saved : At Hulling Fork, K/w
during tint Christ litas raid oi 03. Cotawel
(he was then a Cuhrnel.) Hull India waa
siiot through the head and hidiy wounded.
Thu cotnmaitd bail bet" re ibis crossed tha
river, deriving Duke with only six men on
the Enemy’s side. Qui'h, on seeing th!*,
turned lift liotao, plimgtx! into the Hear,
•warn ncrosa, and, placing tha WWllfiw
C 'loitttl beforl hlm ou tha horae, reutewad
to lit* own able- -- -■■■ •
In apiieanuica Cap*. Quirk seamed BBT
tiling buftdXe lion iUta man he waa*
tuigbwlßua* something over 5 teal, aad
compeKtly built, withs
wrakJMtlmt but law Btau of atuak iaiwac
A Mfrllßjf lUffiiPgs
lii lire New York IMapetek of i recrut
date ft an Incident grow ing Out of tha Hh
liclliou under llm above beading, and the
juurn and referred (o relates flow on au eva
iling or two preymmi, a good-iorrhdgg mau,
a laborer about thirty )eara nf age, took
the cart ut Centra sliest dsjrot, Newark,
or New York. Tbete waa but one veoaat
seal lu tbe car that lit entered, and that
waa by a handsome and elegantly dressed
lady. Th* man sat down, and after hft
lair cntu|>aniutt and removed bar veil ha
rerognixed In Iter bt* wife, whom be bad
not seen tor more than twelve years. Tba
lady threw ber arm* around hft aapk and
kissed him tenderly, and urutuaf* txpbuMft
tiona followed.
Il seems that they had been m anted juat
before the breaking out of tba war, at th*
borne of tba lady, Id Missouri. Iter tethar
waa th* owner of a large tract of toad, btst
had only a liiti* money. He Joloed th*
relwil iusi, and ibe daughter also warmly
adhered lo tba opinion# of bar fistbar. liar
busbaml, however, was a decided Union
m ii. hhe abused him violently on aoouuat
ol his irrlnclpU)*, and fold him if Im sifted
wllb ilie “Uioody Yankasn” be might laavn
tie place, and aha never wished to aw bia
fan* again.
11a took her at her word, aad Usa aama
nlgkt left her and Joined ffieinost’a army
as a privatet. lie whs sevarsl lima* taken
prisoner and asoiien escaped to omr Mnaas
lie pressed on with bberman to the tan,
and ft lb* conclusion of bia term of anihd>
mein. Joined a New York regiment, and bjr
i bia means, at the end of lb* war, fond
hi* way to Newark, when k km Mae*
worked quietly ia a factory.
HU —He', kUldml >1 -
and the was left pnmmior of bis nneuMi
rated farm. Hhe supported heneif kg
working In ajnlilinsry selsbHtement in Bt.
Louis till alter the war. Her land raw to
vain*, aad (ha sold it for a gaod pries, aad
realized about |MJW. With this MM
ah* started a millinery of her own in Be
Louis, end wwitsdsi apieodidiy. She ia
reputed worth at gfti.OUO. Hhe
waa on her way to Mew York to bay geode
when she met the naan whom ah* bed enp
posed tong ago dead. Re marshal gar driv
tog tons sway, ah* had refused ail oflkM at
marriage. The Joy on* mast teg earned the
hesbsad to forgive the wile** error, aad a
present of anew salt of cteiksa, adiesnnwd
Hog, aad a splendid gold watch, whan they
arrived in New York, served materially to
ioCfiiM lllanifMOi nTHI tfffflini f?t hft
tong-toot Wife. They art now itoppiog at
a iaah ions bin betel, Joyona ever tba scat
dent that rensMed thorn.
“ Good moratog. Mr. Grimes! I sated
over to see If rosrd toad one dad year plait
are, to aqar off a beard to make a chfche*
coop to pot uor dog la; be raaa after oar
neighbors' cows, aad they won't aotne
ahmtt any morn, so w* have Ii drink agr
coftea wuhoftt mtlk or safari
NO. 8.