Newspaper Page Text
W*. T. hEVII.L. fewr .h *l'h'> k<i <n
"■ 1 !■•' ■ ■ ■
I'rHtl Hu!.l!l<r,
On nor Aral f>*p wttf fou fntmd afi !i e>
Connl ol the tiv no 1 i *tory id ll,* ( r : •
*f driller, it pnmtArn. ft<: . hh n rj;.u
nation of the a*.(wile. nv stirf'l.
der 0 large portion •>! Mir j hum thi? w•->.i
-that ott* reader# may fill) inn i| f.hrrß'l I: *
aohjnt I* M * Lr.ll'?! trirk and In 1 >•.j
Radical C.*grin.eri, IY<- re >t,r;f orr.
ißwiner*,). J-Mte* Ur -,fc, w*a Hin*.l ri|.
With 11. A Cornm-He-e wa* ralwd In look
Info the matter, whk h htv? eri'leavor.! t,
W lipewasli all the pore lt#.! Wu., had at . k
in iho alra lng tmln' # e4,e(it '.ld
Arr.r* Thia Commit*' e fn-omm'<rf *t,- r>j Arne*, wftn min t from < ~tj
jrre** any way k, and Brooke, the
only Democrat <<ifil e'ni-d NoW lbf* f
at frmat n if. /mu f! Congrcssnm,
criuafly gulliy w.llt Arirea who ns {•*,.. ed
l.y. Among thwMi guilty <rna are tan Vi"
President# n( (hr L'nlted f*.ttrr, Ctrifa* arid
Wilson Anil thia m_llii yearly rftfW)
mural Idea*! lionm of ihe* men are run j
idujr tu ainl ku u rtt UiC tuuuKy ;li i kti iiig
lecture! tn Temperance und t.tmetian n
a** U'f'.na ! Of a truth they are lit im a
"Win. at<-4i lfi livery of ihc ro-irf til
ll'.mn i
T<> aerve llx- ft. vill In " " I'ai'MM/ia" on riik VViii.,
lltat AT WaIUK.'H.B -A W-1.i..ri." ,
It .11 raj * rfttl* If! t.i lit** Al.'iliin If* oi*. l-.i
I.iahiM ibal |.Jn l l hi. 11.1J0., llig i'li.m oh
tot* subject
Farrow la fieri!, Aiklha ia hern, lb iliiioc |
la Imlr, a well at4<riltl d>Jig?n>ii Ol rolnr
•and brethren arc hern and l.timlr. la none
lafe on Hu. iiajij.y way Ilia president la |
overrun with d>*orgjn , mttmg m jwt i
their reajm U. Whi.ioy ia Iwankm! w.IIi
apjtilcania, wlio oruy want Uh. ' w rt< li ol
Ilia lain" n> luukn lliom lia|>|iy, an.l in *
the whole < aiiojiy of the hlHicih.lJ. r‘a
loavtu Ik Hi tiow.luil with Of.i|(i.i ko
hull alayara, with tleorjtu |wt*mta ami
fila/rjlTa aTaiiliai Hiai “ Uiii I’l <■•.' lit lmr
aaaitly arrivul al tlia l.iaioii that tin
whole S'BW o| Uri.f|{i* r.ilnl "* "nw- *"■>
him. that Tom llardtiiiali alom ui.ainla,
hie aotiiM lull itrrf In ftrrarra tiwl, with hta
U’iltK’htalrwl -h‘.a. in lfl*lrur I tn; M iron
iiiaaaarie (f) not hy llcnry I' farrow in
IQ/ fritter man. VVn mni 'le.l you" nil .r
Inn <in..l4.a ulllcoa* 1 kfl", Iml w ill glvi. you
u ahoft ayiiojKiu for lb# Auj(ul4 jm-l
o tlce, I'iitice. Ih'l.j t/onlfy, au.l YVi.t im l' '
THTIoiE I’l nun wiTTarr.lf - Tor Ui.'TT.h ■ n'.
)i(iolll< c, |loti,J mol ild, Inn Komi w ill
•In h, ilronl Mif* 1 , aJllioiijjli I In- "ro|om.l
triaijw awtwi that he a#l*'.| towm.lly on III!
day ol Inn Hoi, un.l refuaed in jirou-rl" forfijn cal Amuul of tin. pot
VlllCe OBlfliflim'iit, vio# T II V> ooilwar.l,
iratiati 1110 tiuijiofartiy 1., the home ..1 in*
iau.l... Cuetnethtit, Wm l pjjlon, o
cenlly 1.11 mo out (hy Prim#) ol ihi. Aoii'ia
ta OIUI o lor "fnui Kir 4 nnw ll.rtkl
Uoutl Mod Jujljtahiji, I hi. 1 y p farrow
Koehow For LaUrunjfr roetofllcr, t/”phi
luinllia out 11.11 Jinai'u'l fill iiinliriit. Km
prtopvua ol ai.c uio For Pollvrlor ol ihe
port ol Huvammli, Jamm Aiknia, mult
lor lied until Hohh jjotH hark from Tfaaa
for Mimatrr to ttogotw, Win. I. rwr itnja
Well uilviimij ami lair |iroj<ii of hoc
teat, for tron-ri.ur ol Dakota, a
i/otinlnjt and t will kpi>p lliijjan,
Kor to Lilirrta, t rait, mlomt,
with jpwnt prmprrt*. Kor. Mmmtrr i
Jmj.hii, Jo.!#'■ Ki*n*i, ol Amjii U. No
ciiauue. Tuuie are a "few” ol tli** r||.i on lliu In llic, vurioua ilr(inrtm#nla
nlid hunted out hy your tHHr(aj'.'iiduit/\ t>
CoiKTT Piiimimi The Katotiloti
aciigiT id last week contain* a cl|di r o.
county adn-rtlalug. t *“'* ‘ v “'" ""
tenor of the article, eUhoUfh Um
I* not made, lirrcily, thel the Ordinary ol
Putnam county, aOer runutpf up a hill wi"
‘the tnllior of the Mesaengcr, trainlni'd Uhl
adrerOalnjj In the MaconT#h*ratdi, tatho
than pay Up old acoiea. Tlda le * vir 1 l ' u
rioue at ale f nal- < urioua In tho la. I
that the Ordinary doea not aerm to know
anythin* about the law of the matter, and
ctirioue lu the fact that the Macon T.di
graph ahould conaent to be a party to n
plain Tlolatlon of the Oik of Ooorgla. The
whole thing amount* toebnntthia: Ihe
citation* and application* for homrateml
and personalty, which appear* hi the Ma
con Telegraph, orer the aignaturc ofth.
Ordinary of Putnam county, are of no mon
effect than if they new had been pnbluh
*d. Letter* of adininhriraUon and home
ateade granted in thl* way are illegal and
Told, end the Ignorance of the Ordinary
may lead to troublesome litigation in Un
future. The editor of the MesacugcnshoM,
lu the person of hi* attorney, protest against
the granting of home*tea.!*, letter* ol ad
ministration*, etc , in thi. illegal manner,
and thus do the people of hie country a ser
Tice—[Has— Nc w -
About "Chow." —The St Paul fVeiwer
think* Ilk the D<einocrals ft*> w "who shotrtf
ask the Radicals how they like “crow"
The sugteatlou to very pertinent. The
JVmser il'uatrelee m follow*.
Let us ak Grant partisan*, then, how
they like Coltoi crow • far aa they got ?
| low do they like swallowing Wilaon
crow.Dawaa crow, Hatfield crow, Logan
crow. Kelley crow, P- mrrov t row, and the
bustard gorge of CmtH Hobilier* How
does liOUisiana crow art upon their atom
•ebaf How about the foul bird* of Neva
da, South Carolina. Arkansas and Ala *
llow do thev relish the posthumous re
mains ot 8k Thad Stereo*, with his
000 bribe T What but'nastinee* and reek
tug foulness kare the puty leaders furnish
ed for the delectation of the followers* No
“Greeley crow” in theirs, eh f We think
not. Instead of purity and virtue, they are
goMtiur on tie ‘dll otaer-d bird of night"—
the rotten ness and sten of illimitable in
It to staled that the counsel of Stokes
have found the woman arbo picked up the
pistol alleged to have belonged to Pk, up
on the landing of the ladies entrance to the
hotel Her presence at the hotel i* vet Wed
|iw the register, and her absence town pre
Ttoos trial* wtll be aattofoctorily explained.
Other impotunl evidence it is said has
been diacorered, and it is now believed
that anew trial for Stokes ran be secured.
(fen. tlurico Bishee#.
We slat- C iaat wek tbi Col. Il tfi t u&i
4me toTk.Vriti.ii to allend tne in, ■*
Unit *4 the ailr.mwi of Marion ikt. .'•*
•.1 A rra ;'i sii r, I. - 1\ 1 ‘<i
ite<| to <onteat the Coi a right to **.< 1
10 neat We arc Mthe-lked -h*
iW’hufec I<M to apjieaf eiihtr m per. o
/by prosy. hrnge to aay. IJwhutA- ><.
0.-ifi* 1 tin . to lw at I*l
t//ton 'A, tut 17 and 1. .1 roo ilarria r
atirrel Ho,- (lain pratina '/ft ltd- *C .1 •*'
,Uy t.ia. it. t:.v '..1 #>'!*#• :ir- '•:*
tot a untrau io-. C II >rr* to *j<{ *- <
Vt 1: u/ldcntai.d t*i 4 fjeahow* e *•.. >!*• *
n e • to V. sninrm *,•* M-rr-*
• lien ft)* |>r< r <tr was a- s.rcd *’■ I t v.t
tryf tj *, t;.U |U.*' i k ’!* *h.t ** -ft K-f
'l,* rr**,-' ‘/f tv* fUul vfcfi il Ur4* tiir
•frifili.fiittj ntj '*
f>ri Krrtf-f; rfi ?/k U* • *
lUffr li* < ***
i*' uiity t/f t * Isfi t? i in ‘T
< btul g' v*: t#|/ *<* I.Mj.-f f l/AA.k
w4k> t# xii a;
*vr tiUnmiJ 11*‘h '/ n'
r"f. **r- if Jf. If *; :
A Wnf IlfllllftlMrtirr.
a *vi fi rr 7|tt -*-rrr*-T -
A <Bfy#riwwp#rji<l#?# t .r : .r r (1 - f
rii*tl H M. !/ ftytii -l
I !.'• fj*i y I ffOlfil/i >iM 'd r/i
rirM rv*f**l tUy* *.v j hru.f Hi iii>. •rn*'Trit#-e •
I ufi<) }'i y wrH Iff’*-’ f|/‘f> U !/ ♦ ■**
; II'; ifl f# I lively 'Mr*! r;-x :
1 JV) C'fl i'.i !/ ft / *t.‘l ‘ej*i
Liza. ft*- O fiif-jf* f t ' A >H*S
f fu* * lift ' <*fi iftlti
* •* ftf.y iiiftf- J*
I licni'J Hfi/ry ftiefrMt ihm ol <f
/lighi wtilf )i <|rdM7f V* ft ft plftt n w hiat.efy
A jrnn-/ u|[ ? -rrr ftr f mn f l *l* ti. yr
!•>* i il‘ \inU£itkK olrjift ftfi'l f iy\f ■
P' Jittl iHfl fit xUf, wsr J mut nr#\ j
wl.'mii fiffe tl Wft ffi ItH Htlinihintf
“ I iHiffib nirmi i)iWo m.u onr mm,uy w.
iji l ft itfty fr* CI Vftf)k> T**y
fle'-An > I li *ft f'f '*p* r' y n) writ- ■r♦ # / i*m,
fftllh nhft'p fti*' If ' l Hi III* tin
1 1< '4 fto-i \iffU fr U- I t*tm i% n/ti Hr.iti *r
trill ft |iTi! , r i ill"VIflg ifrr iii
M' 'rfrftVi 'l < iffftf-, f *fl IlHh Il*<r Hd+lrft fttfi)
IffrjJy Ini! my urif km w *!.. l wft
My !♦ '• hrjit #i r*iinfry
ftllll I U<- .-..Uf -WiAf 4 -tV iveikl.
rfiftfl •!*• |fi|'*ift Ofift Uy <* fof liiffin
hy rjl llfifi fn-l * *<! <J*t jirti uUm
tf T'wjiiih‘ 11^.11• l"f it w • f’jr'if i
l'<| lIH 11 *% I K*"ir liil'lf* Ui.J|,(*r :|4<ffl
T.I yf ? ry fUlfmtiy ly *• lim a |.ffßft >% .*
t* •hftrp if* iftv iiiffo ftiifj i#'f H" T dilitM
• f( ii iihii," *fiW *h r inii Mi F.t rmili r. i
4j m ' 1111 I. ift < I y-*in * i>. Hi* Ann
hit I tril y*“. *4 Hr* 1
4iiiftM*e! nm u wf I’vrr lift*’ in iIiU CMUotry
Yftft,” ftfti'l Tf*rHi!>*i, Ifwrkl *■ IrM"( * •*'
nil >i UtU, ” In wm ft prrlty ftiitftfl in *h , I
kmw I* i rti wrll * I It? *ft a >i J )H) ft i '*'ttilUf
ftTrttttJltHK***. hm 4-
* vrr rit turd .n Im>)1 i>l**u*ii I wmul'r w4*i
th Yn’ikfft'ft mmmiM !• If ih‘y 4mmid
(ilrti V* “ T!m7 vi • .nitl ttiM nmr
t*| Umß,'' pul lu iioii nf thp hfryii- !
I Min t sure I.ut liny ought to," p-it i>.
mi .tier At ilila Tiwmilia>e.| ml’,
an rlorptenl *lfonre nf T=*ml, Ite ! 'f l l
ever heartl, au.l lie w till jel v .Ik r,r,,
Uy hi? tionea iviuh r, tfeorijla “oil f+m
old o.| frliowr warm' and "C ' •>” -W# *d
I m .. .•,•.!#>■ IH*l ll.e I'onveraalinu
waa taking anther (irraimtdnrro, rti am e I
it T.iomh? I'-m iiii"d >silh m a ii. u #.
olid wm k ' Wtioii I v" 1 ■’ . .tie To an
lie h'-urTf titfineTr I ilk>-.| i r >..lit men
tlint monlh. prohnhly, thnn r tn t l*
Hngm Rand*.
y I'n’il Piy. In the H.iv ui'm . New, iliv-m
irry• thcp.aynn ill I'f ii• - ~i
-*ay pithily iLuut ejtmidlv. p •< i. al'y
let all Hi Rtmhain Irie >■, t r-e’ #<?
From Kurrow down to Kali# ll irr *,
,\if\ Tom L. Sjied lilow up lit? beiiowa,
Vnd apliidire all way’ring li ll.iwa,
I.ei (iardner out a? ?|wa \ il pleader,
l lie Hun shine forth in irruclianl -trader,
Let Lochrane, with that eye iu.srn. rn-,
Kalw friends ns with a jraienl derrick,
let Jenkins, Smiili, or, ave, by Hearens '
It .twrt Toomh? or Aleck Stephen*,
Pleail, i>iech, or a Iv. H-ate com
I'd nail them a? a Yankee would s#aa**ion
Let valiant Joseph, with his patent pike,.
Who trims hia sails where c'rc the wind
will stiike.
Come forth In column* flve tn dT<>c*le
Dishonor lo his native Stale
Will Georgia yield her honor f Not
,V ( d cry a for #/w/.A, for Jm
Court.itustiTAßT We find the follow
itig in the Atlanta Herald, itt a letter-con
certting t' e late session of Campbell Court.
“The Solicitor, Mr. A. II Cox, continue*
to grow in lavor with all cla*e. In the
ee of Smith, Adraiitiairalorof John Hal
com v c J. W. Beck. Judge Buchanan hav
iug hoen of counsel for the claituanVre
signed hi* scat upon the liench and Mr
Cox was complimented hy being unani
mously wdected to preside in it* adjudica
tion. lli* quick, almost intuitive appre
hension of the salient (mint* in the ee
ly* easy familiarity with the lew hearing
upon it elicited the respect, admiration and
hearty congratulations ol the entire bar.”'
W 1.. Scruggs, ol Atlanta, ha* t>een ap
pointed by the PreaßJenl United Stale*
Minister to the republic of the United
a.'atfa nf.L'ulumUix with head quarter* at
Bogota The salary is seven thousand live
hundred dollars per annum
Nrw Partß— Trial ommkrcialAdvkr
tiskr —Messrs. John T. Shecut & Cos., have
just issued the first number ol the Atlanta
Commercial Advertiser. It is printed at
the low price of $- per year. As its name
indicates. It will be devoted to the manu
facturing and commercial interests of At
lanta. Mr. Shecut has associated him as
editor an J publisher Mr. Lou. L. Parham,
well known in this city aa a practical news
paper man. —[Sun.
Mr Colfax's Bad Mkhort.— “ Tiraoo,"
the special Washington correspondent of
the Richmond Despatch, says. "By the
way, It items to be the late ol the Vice
President to be contradicted al every poiot-
At hts last appearance be lore the ciunmit
tee, in attempting to acrount for the large
deposits shown by his bank account for
18tB3. he stated that be had owned and af
terwards sold a share of snx'k in the New
York Tribune w rrth fit,6oo, and to day,
Mr. Rooker, the Secretary of the Tribune
A asocial ion for years, state* that he never
knew of Colfax's owning a share of Tri
bune stock, and hi' tColfiax's) name does
not appear on the books pf the Aasoctolkm
as an owner."
i fold>s*
V*i?T3 1 u* •.• '} i'ct* i ' .•
Jjrf 4 £ ! t.‘/ A *"i Si v J* ti.’lL'S i'X *
* fit ('i** f: 'ftkw>4
.< • #
—j-f 4 illji -r iwfjj ‘.y fillT£S;a, _
3fr— ——
' 'T;
. aa< w><( ng s gynsti .* y eaaa* <-i
, .i.'ffyriitt -Kwavat My WltK -BWftpsfthrtw*
*r lt. l . l ;rt-
I ... !,-i lo I, ,7 a !e/*..0 an Ii *.--.r, j
- i~r,vat urr '|-hn and T—. - a*-* -■ • -w. e i
h,b t.. p,ff haae> lk itgh- U* make
..)(,r iu. <3:* .->* i|,.a 0.-ist) f-r polling
**# -. s ,
. lull tliCiWi: hft V f'-ff Raft. ‘/I Vfe-*
r dr rTTii'T 7 ~7£7*r7 f frr4- l tf*47 1 4 < Jj h
(ftlffMMg ''tt ft fttr l r#T'.f .*#.
liil'lf rtfhL f t , f‘f * * ft ffti f Witi •
}f# ftr ft/llyPfrffi' r !'r ' .u J f'eftr | t ft. 7 .
Ijr f||# W* r •’ ,;:4 •’ r ' { UnI fci M f (M
■ — aliian ■ i f*, 7,ati . _
ftli llt4# * fldsw ?. ftUrmJifigC U*r *t< li wil
)> , > rot > D-#. il,, !t• ■ ■■,,—■•.
'Ei ij,tin? sfe .ii 'ft ona'irf the W?
'|,IVE( hi ,'.i- ,r* u.* 'not. and .o'. .
KemaJ. 11co \e *. S'C h a? f l tiguitl Mo,
struaiMHi, f ../ tl# W. i(i'>. Wbila
d*elling,,f the t. J4an I het, S l '* ll#?l
• t - -- - ■
m he, OttinM ii W< *krhU?, Ac Wftifa Ho j
'in w.-re jia'* ..*-# *1 u* J to*’, ia#A, Ali i l##r*
i *t# .<! it,c i***i ~f (he list twelve yrara, C>*.k|
i among tlie win; ■?, and for ah •!(. •* ■
mimtiei of year* among <hn i rnrok## |u
■ o I
10,..-, - 1 !■■ , o**y .?. 11. .-.’O-,. ■■
under any * irciimalan.?.*. In o*g -■■'*.)#-— -I
i-utiri ly >1 r’"iii i ■ I ‘e* a i
■ This til- til and... wm tb- rtrp=- Kcd Tt erery :
(Hlhllr pin in The enunly Hirwi Mom* r. ’
given oh din-Jafk I elixli w.. 1 A* ,14pailT :
. rh -ly.-mro-tm-Jt til-’ Imthwhie ~r i .d :
nenvny, mn ih" .p—c. il ffw mfff. irit i
TiiTciT.lie-tn.' d.i-J It an r-rH^-rrmre-Thi-tK.'-i -
■ - or a day
\Yu. 11 lu. I v■ J !*•. * ' I TC . u y *T "
tad. I I "Hid .uy ... .1 lo r *> Vef . i ’ I,‘ ' 1
pin - . * 1 d'- l ■ ! n 4
■ Jor i.on- *n - li, , o ; V 1 ' 1 It ’ i D
I *rn-o ■*?i tyt' *o..*n—-i • ~ j
-■ (
HOlins INDIAN nnrETd,
aiuUiefore she n'<! one bottle was restored
to good health (-shall give iiy two cer
tiftcatix at present one from * prn. tiein'g
phyduan and one trom a widow lady :
* '■*
\ swKT, Pot* Cos . G*.. ) s
vtctvoi '- 1. is ; j. f
I do hereby certify that I hare used
Hobbs' Ism.v.v Bittkrs, ani lim satisfied
it will coiue nearer curing wiiat it professes
to cure than any patent medicine now in
use. Hundreds iu Polk and adjoining
| counties can test fy tojbe te pure- ]
ly vegetable—l know eyery roA and bark
-iaiU. amiJhctLare so combined >a to more'
morbid and diseased matter, strengthen the
stomach, create pure and healthy biool
Ladies should use it two or three weeks
previous to confinement, they will find it
C -
Bvhtow Cocstt. G\, >
Sept 16, 1872. f
r iTeerHfythat'rhy'a'on, 13 years old. was
cured >.f Fever and Ague of over one year's
standing by the use of Hobbs' Isotas Bit
nuts Iwa is bad•-health at the same
lime, hardly able lo be B[* I used one bot
tle which restored me to good health. I feel
proud to be called on for a certificate. I
want the afflicted to know the good of the
lrr YfitiTß A. JOHNSON.
’ /
l.r.'i \£ AD'. LH TIT? Ed EXT
/ >tl lii.: .% M k ivl *f.!le. e. < • -sill * >
* X Mir • ' >rv life. K< 27, I*7J -J
! A. Park If J *i..aai>.. i. a. ng
' . ml to tne * r* of A-mm. - r , ..
i> !- c. 'ee- e- an 10 -i
tt r:e Ol f>r Aoote* l'.n ■ *
■ i ti.ertiore t>' <iw and dnim.-t
■,j.r i,* . i .I*o * -n o*:. . O- '
,r ' ' o ■!.< fir: M , n Aprk u< i
*1) as . it *er- si, Uid fi ti g‘a'. -
- *'• o. ~■■. ll ms r-ftg*K etg •
2 5t 0 ary
<4oi£i*3u ii't rtliri 4 ftp ii my:
i U il-t: ii.iU.-4 '• #
. f Jz4ift-.vfy. eilid I" fcau-'l -■}"*..
... ij - M .. - , 4fti i ■ s • ■, •
'■•> * -• '-*• Iv'H? s>., . . n‘.y iy*- t
t t| li ft * I. *> HI •
M*. H . /> -•*
.v : JyiiN >1 W-iitl v
J*. 7: 4* ‘ w t*
nmu ntirr 4 ftftftty:
|.* y -jo * .ft rVf ‘ ‘4lt ri.
fj j.' fi - E:'. •--4-"* . w,>. ■
*/-' f.ftU.r / ~'*< li !- <ti
iff t ;**-!kffr. t/.- t tft" JfU't fte-lffaMt. rdhl.
ftii C--r. r-f twrri i/f £* lUe'i#’ .UaLMaft. 4 jf <
ii A , L'i* '.>#* Ij*k4 w#t: iik-C i’-Ifti ii ft-.* O
“rr- Mvi fa'- 4
* a 'Tr-fJ K-~r~.iroi 7CJf ItJhfrkl fajj-l e-
— A- HAN A A. Jb. LI.
’ , y
Po*ipae4 44aimi!ljrUr' S*l
|f V / t 'A ‘1 O ■< 'ne II •'
| ) i '/ - • a. ' '
'■■■--inly WTTJ se arid lC> -He- *>—<—
-i* T --v1 eT is H ,*o T®T? T*. a**-'
t.Ur ,egTl ?-■■, s -if •* e -e,. iwmj K*
rr-o •••• e— ■ >. .t I ■—-i Li.—i— .
f ,■, —--.-J ■ —,, - - w—. -J . W g ■ 1
Ik# #5 aur V.f N ,*!, It ** ia* ! ■*
~; .a . ‘ f.i ~# '#■ at# - ■'. ■’ ' A -'■.
*, r#a ,1 - J ’..1 1 ■ f . 'r'r '
films (-*?', ItEISEd * A Ih' A V
fan )! I V
/ ■, , j.
>K(ilt’l t M i.aMio t . .if
r M M tit 1 1 a. ■. !lo O* 1 w U--er* o'
tfijar iia..wJj i '-L~ ne' * •<. a J- , # /
Win If a t li. fl * J n, •• • an-1
■ nj,(*w *- I W /. M.-ssat •! 4 f * ,
■ m-f#! wail atlta , *k. a I tn #'o ;
rei- r-, .1 *■■< il. .J. JTJLf. ni,_
Ufa a,n> .-J a.,1 ).*-u IW, in* *{>,. # ant
■ , tk* neat W•, !* r . ku ■■
’ uAf O - ■ '■. . .... -x. mi " fit s
~- -k, -it 7 A tn? • ?rr -
, s * v.-: ' ... "... n Kd .
The La(*rißX? kfep*r'r.
rt'Hle ,l lad w# “
I atiUfir.* -n—• -a .
(•Mil 'l'lll ISll ,
it#, j . ' " da
VJ i ... .f ii#J aopt-OTi :t ®>aa J.*
.) in h jMaal Tn l. Jar
draw* #* aa>w*a# Ow #*#rwntr.aje-ia* -f
. ii liar st*i *.a a- *ai #*4. I
'■ ...a*# A w.-TWtry -J a#* T ma—# J-J*a 1
tl T#a* #-r,## a I# (~-a#l#t n lw*a-f f tl a
*a#a ■- l It '■*■•
C* -a— * a -u*, #f:*i- - Ia r * r ,
■ -~;i J t ' •- a f V *•
y- f-.ti-an*e Da.
tdmiaUiiaiar's foalr.
! i *W- -*=--* to ( \Srmw*n* 1 •< *rr By
t I , - ,t *<t 1< r H
: r--7T ..f riMlnarr. in ant f ■’ *a-l * -t--
f ■jPfJI If* *ri’.s fM fR* f* f If*to Mart ttf** f't**
. '.. •< lies', t-.f-v* o>- II ••*
" i ; -rijrrrT-■ jr*- -*-***■. -n
l, t„ • . ... t/, '
mi., ■> .i ' !• '.le Iml amt ■
• s • "re* * c
jf. I , nri'l I- .5 fttl.l t t! -U • - rv
( I if , i. | - i
"VO I.: ' • ' * '
V .f .*m l' ii t ’ l. j . * e. ’ l
;. r „ r .„. ■
rr- T : . r •--'t -O. -.o aafST
t 1 - 7 j. I
F-Ktt-;. .1 v> 'ill . iiA~M.
i fi; A ’*i-.w 9 t~-
Uuurillnirs str.
1j v nrt’ie if sn i rdvr from die ifon
) ( Hurt of t >-dinary. to *n t fur tbi *aid
( Hilly, -will lie e* id m be town of tr*er,
vllto, before the < mart I! wsa tteer, between •
! the legal hours -dsaie, on th* first T-iewlsy
m April nest, the land* hrii®*ng to Eo
i ward W.. John M amlWibie W Martin,
| minor*-of .1 -hn tl Martm. t M Tb* Allred
j Weit-irn II nv P are. awl known a* <*k
i 'anil.” lying and being in O.rejnd dirt. o£*ai i
County, trntii ing twenty fire hundred
>.V*>i ariea ft"rer less, being •!* N<*. t**.
i 121,122. t*t. t il, 125.'1i. CM, m. l-, 13d.
IM, snd lOfi acres off tot lfti This b**dy
• I land i sell w uered aa 1 Hp'oe.l, !n
g.*vi section of cona’ry near the Warm 1
: Spring*, and now occupied by >lw Hon
Frank Williams This February 17 ti 1*72
fiw j Guardian
AdwtaiMratarb Stole.
nY virtue of an oiler from the Hon
Court ol Ordinary, in and for *a; I
County, will lie sold bet re the C-.on House
d.e>r. iu the town of Geeenviiie, between
the >g*l h mrs of sale, oa the first Tnewl*,
n April neA two hundred acres >f
S land more or iess, known as lot No -the
same being an nn wcuptrri lot of iand in
the wiHids. lying ami being in tbe t*tb d**t
! of sahl County and joining tbe lan.Ja of
ileo. U P* aw, Eeq, Noah Hambv. and
Hoo Tyre Reeve*. Term* Caah. Febru
• arv 17th, 18-73 " - — : —
gt Adm wistrator.
Seooia, Ga.
tl r E keep a large and well assorted
\ > .in,! of e’yerythiag to oar line of
Business. tehteMJm
griitih. GEO.
IWOi LO rwpert jDy a*k nl Ike :r.4iay ywSHa s
share uf Ibeir patroaag*. hara* oa lad a fai
woriiei tof Orwce end I'Wmieaia. T •. On.
iteo. laupa, gayoein*. Cx>*ia* Bawacwl
jTsLSceT. PW 'ewer, ud Toitf SoS*. wwi .y
arTih'hC asaaily hef-* i* * IrWytaw Dnsc St. ra.
a-d whi-rh t propow* V> *eil •* to* “*IW warfcct
HR KP B. AWTHOXT • with me and will
utoea aa a apartal Iheoc e ha*a hi* fnewda and ac
'"jlnl'rTaiT . HARRIS.
Moss &■ W illiams
Wilt be prepared to ftirniah Farmera Sapt
pIKB on time for the y**r 1873 fim-
i ! i s t:i !
\}{V - 1 f -Hied ■•#*’ 1 I
, .., ■l V ' I'okK > Li r ee .■
.n- kit! l > .1 ■Vt EdT'KiiX Pi. Dl T
i.i. I m. m Mt wed tt-rtne •
,nail)d a* *, *#~# tu lheiiiy
Ktein ee##
* i-
Important to Planter*.
r*-u ■; i ( ■■ ■ ■.! I.•: Sle fa
- B*>f Ter ’"xrrs *cr?: *
WherKHA 1 *.
w..; MEHKYMAN ft C *
Aid! HUTIP frieenlret
iy Tttom C * rld -J L-en* due First
Ms,>,o.*a*r Neat
Pan'er • a'> he ewpplie.f . h i-roj*-
neu* a '■=■ Bfilh Heat <. K-sn Con,
<i •. May. K"Ur T 4*s .■>■ C ice, 8-4*r.'
Uf,lSyrap it,*. ' . ir aui* Dta-a
flerila t,Q. , e<i ’ _j
Id i A-fl TH.tlftf .*>■ iwoei#* .■
it* -.*!• j; - A ' ■ e— ~ ' 1
A K -fAiiO AU*al*
1-ate of ti( ffe#., Oa
f*;. 14 J i
Jam** L Baftkn,
fTit: r ri ngohulA
j have .tod ih Muitr. and
• p ib • t*> f ftfthi*
i >. tifitoA, ifftUEh run irt * (
a “ ■ j
/'u// *tHti Hi ntrr ir -Otl*
—HT ; , *#,; :.:e-
IlUla I" A IIMj*NA <U ia 'jKk4o to Mut, I
••'-n**- F- • * ft iff ifc#
, f J. (~a < r s fff r*fa ; f ft l f 4
v rthK'f * i 'tfa#4a.-we*4fa Ur tit r*/ mm
Wl>ff Q r ‘ ftTr rMft|..ynftfg----y -
V-, r *r, >r t % * ’tkftft ftt r nm \m \
• .- ft* <• Hfllft tnftri x*ftTuli ftf7y Ift Um i
!ft": M* t 4rf„ ’*• ft- '-I A4 I ■
g, r, -** t A- I- tfc*t lau c m jaft ;atJ
• * ** * ft. r-t WV tfteft ?AM- ■
);• T ‘ tfj rr.U —“t Walt nrrt tr-rt -f—*- j
; -gyU %A*4tx| i tft! J A HKtK-
Jf . •
UItKR'H 11 4 Ml,
~ ~. i
HHFrA & 130 YD S
git WA-*r,J| I . *K.p llt . _.
. • - r # 9 I
P-a-m* —ilj -'-i w o>
•" • 1 woi a • a- J *'•
l;#.T .r<lera, *a - • ;'- •
aarr hr tea-hi *n tkal •
tr. '.Ea n-rn sj i *}r .g
rpilß OREAT
Corn Sl Cotton Madutm
iHMlttfil IHltoltfi l—H.
Price, S7O 00.
Price per toa, (tiroei sl2 .
Price $70.00. j,
' Price, S7O 00
I give choice to Planter*, to pay in mo
i dct or cof-00, at 15 eta per pound, when
due. The no rivaled auccem of ilxrtr n>*
oure* should ftetace every plan tec to Men
weiber county to try them.
The PONT PLOW -la stßl growing in
favor as to tbe Bert Plow made.
I can furnish anything to the ime of Ag
ricultural I m piemen U, Machinery and
Seedy demred at Manutorturer'* pnec. the
freiaht added. Cb-wea set of Seed Wheat
oa hand BUS. P JOHNSON.
3ra ; Gnffln, Ga.
Have dtomlTed 00-pertaership. _Tbej wai
money. Call ow Srmoßto* m Sub. They
will receive it.
Important llotioo.
ri-ittmst who are owing for Good* at the
1 Warm Spring* Store, bought during
1770. 1871 and 187*. will plcaae com lor
ward and etHe their accooau at earn.—
• Jaa 34 lm
f.a iIRANOK STOyi ffTMUt
1, B JON! rs.
iXuvccAuf lu Juo f Siaiighter j
Mauiiiiacturer oj and
Wbt\Csie and RelA.. Ihot'tr ta
P.aia, Mamped wed J ajamed
Of i.wj 4*a*np<*>* a-aara ia nan ana wiC
Aa cheap a U#e tame quaoly ut Blclaa
iwi- hr ixid wnywliere.
-f _t t-T -rre now awle,- feomfead w*
To Htrohaoto.
Me# tiatla . at, uata any AUauVA hill of Tin
wait d#jii,..A'-aii w.vh added
r •
A t ,n;. .eU Aaa ruiiri.' of
ur Vf. > i**ft4 fft*i tai m
.* 5.#.5..-) *'ieaKo%
fly WIT
W* ia (be Tlf lo Pa; ;r Debt;
\U. * • r ffi rf 4k
Jif ■ ’ f ft * ♦ , **** ! to i itjf
- --fcriii ftn f ftri'li" ftunjiiitii fen In .-y*L
a • * *-a IT- bof fft|>rrft
Ifcj-f 'fa 7 r. l; ! *.ff r; wT; la ':t '| H If‘
'*)' J- - '* * .fa r f I’lfaff
Ik* ‘aftd if V' "k of* * -i
. 7 , ! n- t A Jill' >
JSA \K lilts,
i; i; > K Id HS
* •
* A Mff * m imu V IfUM.
Bankers, ?
Btossk ef Eirtongraad Pepaatt,
T*~ ”
•Btota. OBOMIA.
B ATING provided onr**iva with a
. fire* dam
Fire-Proof Safe,
are now prepared to do a Gear rai Baaking
aad Deposit Boaiaeaa We allow in ter eat
oa Deposit, by speesai agreement. We boy
■ad veil Etchaage am At aota, Savannah
aad New York at current ravsa.
Liberal advances made cm Cotton Stored.
Couoo bought aad Sold on Future Con
tract*. Jan 2-4-tl
v For Sale.
SOUTH BEND on Flint River in the
lower fob District is for anle. I wil!
take cotton or money in four payments. —
There are about 350 acres to the tract. I
aa rtoolved to quit—aa tfswi of Awe ne
groea Titles good. Come aad look, and
we will trade. BEN. GARRETT.
Jaa *I-73-lm