Newspaper Page Text
tth: imik:i kveus . kuiuay,
R-mp* f AdVirtKlns;.
&pa* t 1 \vt; -! whs 'H mo 4uo 1 >c..i
1 inch ! t Or- 1 a .Vi* 4' ’•> T tk) V?
*4*K-P- T-.V*- V K- A SfrHtmt: IV 01J
4.iiicliea.i-a 00 - aOOI HI IXl|4A4>> ■US 00-
J col j 7 iKI V> 0); 3itk > .’t'.oo dO/ftr'
I c..l I>ooo -Jj 00 . AVOO l tk>oQ *LtM 1
yy* A deduction Lii t!c to those j
QwS uir it} Bis mouth -r year. 1
Hr 1 . 1 , 1 ..; . - 1 ■• 1 """".Tt j
JgAfler dies (bite. I( legal advonijeti cel
lar tint oouiitr of Meriwether, will be pub.
bahed mi the Mtuic* aruKtt Cotmv Visiii
oartta JAB. W. BANNING.
J.WN’RS \V. Ft'LLKH, Sheriff.
a. i iun roy,
ft,3an 4th. 1873 licit Sup r Court
local topics
jf Correspond* > waiting us lOiniuu
nty'uu'ut written oil In Oh sides uocd iiol
expect l.t imve ti-ciu published. I ideas
plainly wriiteu they will also be consigned
U- tin wa-ic basket. linn will Iki uiTex
iwaiau to '.lie above r ules. 1
)„l,- A M.-.-r’at w ili aUttW- Drew prr cent,
ik-i'iwnt . r all ueutey f*iid on thU year's
—'i .in. -, u it..;.kat't -A' Unui;
11 V!. A A,..., u.y. ,W,
;,„v. i.v* ive*V -t oar Im-to -0 Hnrr. 1 rcrir front
#ai‘l-►! V, ttii.i .M‘if m kb., 'a u*o mo
tlt .ill Ull It* b"Utl 1 ' ilk’ V 111 to. ,
11 | W>Sf| >lls|
Xti* 4.0|^ U) Ih :
I * l *f no-!* i a ‘ U i in- i-.iiii. tUiu
f l v I* * s I flisiristVi V UHf* I ) v |
by fitulijal rms’'-
Ail fttrrfXT-r ■t; 1 ik’ h!i ! H:.'■>itl hi lld |
* U j. ~-sHi.i I'itii t*!!!j*i' ul thru* promptly j
t \• • f 11! 11 f til brluiQl |>-U l
wr* ; —*
;** . : <<*
71 /!*, 'r< hyicbv '..*4y <i tbut^tli*
|)d!<‘k n.iit ui'Ct ftlllli Alf 111 ttjf* IlflfVli *>l J
I K A 'turns nn i ATtIUTT tt*lt}lTTiOri, ‘
Wi.ttfll vkHI rW*t | ♦>> t j i
MolitN"! till ” fO ti' |ll ‘ I Ot lolm’l |
A(lf •Hitt’ Mi •■. •)> • -it unpaid will iw
’ Vi M* i f | •? -
~— .v .TV t *nri|iUt || CMMttllil j
Misifeati.ll.T'ot' rr- -d Mr l K '
A-Ism*, wdJ trrtrmc knurnt itFUtt tie lsl
~iit (anoti-r. 'F Tl TTiTTis
ksgit | "ft .1 K. Adkins
N z ti< ••„
She itadei egm-t tiit*'*-i).,s -..f'port'mhy
of Mtltlimiiy 1 hank—t-e Hrf—Hbmrt —patron—
hitherto extindifl hue, hi• I would
n ni-'t 1 i__ u: -:.u .11 ■7 *1 -tbe-wnH
f-rlbe ftl'llre Ilf V '! r.jV.n it aboi:
tint l; nt tu 1.J,.", tft 1 wip keep r ;nr n .
well '!s*o?J•:LiUll- ' “t xn —umi—
y-1 [bug 1 1 >•'< pt I.‘ i ■ .. . '•* .we! *•!!
i>w tur, fro ll 11 .f 'i ;•>■■ tT.T- piolll In
tif ~iTn;i> 7~~"'7 r i~ ' !■■■►• ——
ii I K ADA MS.
•).• t Ytlli in.
An cm ifi*! v imni 1 <mi ilia-doncr f have
tuif ii ij'itifl'ni by I’r-if lir• >ai I’fori lent ol
lie- Htit' t i'l- 1■ , il'i'ii Du r m :i Vacancy
If 'lit 1 i C" 11. y 1 lit' l /rcoit ir tl
l*-g<- 'll Atn*ii* ll* infer'.. u Uni be ml,
i'i-;vi- any '■ * city send, Tui*. n
t- 'r*-< Any on* 1 lb*; ring >i. )■)••** <u
bvv<: it liv |.’.lyiii iln III*- mi 1 "*'•itted
A|i(i leant* must !• ’d year* <>! • , ,11.
have l, l>iii knowledge <il Ertglub, Urumii.i
■ti l Orography. vfif, Iryin* the I*l nt
tjf.toltef, '>ili*r In'ir Inn 1 >f 1 given ou ap
plication W. T. It*iu.h, L. H. C.
ISTot ice.
Prof. Wrc WK I.h de*ire* ipe r. i’ j fi-i,
jf Aire* nville ivl Meriwether county to
know hat l.e <* prepared to rrjmif and
lune I'nrntg, Organ*, &*-., so a. pi -ytye or,
lire - rtral.e im, If* i !**> agent tor lti<-
#• .w of Piano anil oilier i.ruaioai irr’tTu
tueuU. Old Piatioaiaki.ii in exchange lor
oiw or,t in reanooahle price*. Orders lot
or > |niff!ji*' , < ot net rum (.!.*: ni-' U ;
ir>> (~!*to him at Nevraan 'i*.
MEAL myi on hand at
Ai * .:i be seen rt*!w)Kre, some of he
-cad rtC j>Hti K ’ I.g hObt-os a/.. becorr lev
“iruaky," Wid CoW OO ijH- jx) con ~J'<j irr (>
taken a sodden tumul- l>;t every one 1
take ic alii and look oul foi l -eaio r,
■ticad. j
HoiOa.K.— VV have been requeued' b, !
tail attention lo the insecurity of the bridge j
over Wain cl creek, on the Eastern aide of
Ue *OWD ty .'■ |, f . ;jn , r 1. , 11i 1, SJk-m bc'.fc'l
■lter :i ?
A fresh lot of JeiriJ, Floor, Bacon, Rai*
aud “jrup jest now red,-and for sak- by
Will all obt friends when trading with
oor adv*rtiv;r? pleaae state tlrat they saw ;
notice of Uiartic’-a :Kty were needing in -
the VrsDiCAToa.
If yen want good bargains be' sure to
trade with Lboae who advertise io our co!
nmna. You will find ocr patrons ail right.
If you don't report to lbe*e iirujijnviera
Fine lot of £ugs-s just received by
wislow a heck wit h.
The Court House since raeeivinj its new
. dresa looks almost kke anew one. Other ;
, improvements arc in. contemplation.
N'kW ADVKhiIiIi.UKSTS.--J. C. King
j ouc of the leading merchants of Griffin,
fnnrs to the tVout '.his week aim aiks hi.
Meriwether trienri* to call on him when
rTst> visit the city. h c Knc w 1 fanrloy to
os: a clever buy when *i v>, rc in *> luol
together, and "‘they do say ’ that the older
jUuAresrs * e more clever he hecoowa. As
J lye dkl.e only Gudin merchant who riming
- hr PSN Si H'l , liasili-mgM enough 61
! Mmwelhei unde to ask hh it m our cob*
i lfitius, we h -pc all Vm[Mother will give
i him ft call. Long lint and success to Char
l lay fh-e bis advert iarternt.
See the new legal notices of this week.
Dsvrus.—Josiali Sheffield, aged atioul
' eighty, died at Ms resilience, a tew milts
from Greenville, on Saturday the 13th.
The tie.a rued had been, we suppose, a
cttiieii at Meriwether lor thirty years, and
was one of the owiWsi men in the county,
j An.auuel Findley, living one mile loom
! town dievl ou-SaUrr.iay tHottong the SOth,
gdl 6m y.-ais Mote than forty years ago Al..
* Ftndhty MeUfed-m tiii* youiu v, tk bTg iiiioiig"
the rtrst settler' Quiet and unassuming,
honest and upright, he won the conlldenoe
and esteem ol his Mlow lit tens IVat'e
to (In: ashes ot these two old neighbors
| and friends.
■i n Jau Has wall, dtajgad with the
minder oi ClilSirii vVoodrutf, wtil, we sup
! (KKt<t,lie sent to Lat Sw safe kts’ping
t Havnwt a fai>he|ti! ibst was completed
and intned over uv tht* county but Hit,
over twelve months ago, we ara compelled
t lo semi our prlMUieis itlsewhere t, ptevent
hell evape VV HbouL du>i.ii. r to Ik?—of
uuous we would reiptvtfully suggest that
| to. proper steps be taken ’o n ndei out
pi m l secure. The gland jury of t'.nr; !,
.. . i . ;I.i i new jail to alrnit i:.. .
“ini' "') 1* •■li ,, "i —, .■. n 1 ■
■ i.-l nifli. HOi'imm viinl Ili“ niuiily
• : s'* " tiave Hie W< st 100 m•: i .
JaFWa wTOT a g<xMl quality "of builor
iron in HUcli a mainiei m n ill umki il mrnu . '
.ml pul ■ .i< jrisfnl iieil ul non in t' . \\ ,-t 1
' loom. >a't >i. 11•'In'i InHi)w s-nl
' Moat 1 m-mi 11 s . lAi i'ami w. o
~"ti. !■:— l. .1 VV ..'mi ink —i v 1
uittuin llogatiavilifl nwl about niglit unit 1
i limn UlivliTllif, \s ' itlailv Htstl.H 1 tiy
I >li. M.ixwfii, ■si , lust fi tiuniity '
■ it nppcsrJrnmT !ifr AP,, WIT lml liooh l
; ll■■nHintvtlfa? uinl mn ii'tiiriiiiig —|
aniernUly Uitnxm alCfl. Arriving at Alt :
WiHhlrulf* nliiiut rl-trk lu: calltnl an.l i!r
nire>i ti/r'ay u l ntglit Woo lmlf li
■ T'l-y slik fiunlly Infortmai Maxwell tint In'
O'Ttif in it ni < (ViniKwlatf It ini M txwell
-ftnrl in the ntwtmtme A-l Ut yard and
iiiiniiliin i l liTif (li lei in ualtoll to Klny tu
*l*ite oi all lemoitaU ttice. Mr Wowlruß
1 .iking dm inim/nr tty t t ITW TUrmptr 1
U load lllut tfr itte gate, wirn i he wit* m
I liy M ,swi-li witii a lmito and COTatr
so <-o-ty —t ■< if ,- at iaft jf’/rwirila, It wax
Lnonylil lif <••! r.| live hit : lew InmfH _ j
jlaxwt.ll Itita lo’i.n i,rr<—led amt *hr mntti-i
ia itinleig'drg Mr. Wo.-i! id'
Wat- h yoiiasf ttt"t*i, nil I oni id inn l,v
'JI. /. :tu. M tkwnll-Uan old lU'iti, .ptwbafal.
.ti.'dt vmi-nl nmi ta npo •..; bt
i.d n.ii f and : iiolf. in lye when no! winli 1
m e m-—,r-or It i’ i-ann til All iT“
i <• tln r only a few yeiim rinte, temovitijf
I irom VViiiie* oouniy
I mmu wilting tin air v< wu lean, liiai
I Air W. lina ii<l and .Mhxwi 11 w eying an
i 1 xaiii nulion hw b*cn aent Un Pronp i.oindy
gultiia* ill IlnnliiMflff.
r tn the J.Sllt ft Grange **n organ!/,i dhy
i f it. lung at itocky Mount. Tire follow
• or tin 111* era
\l,utter 1> < IjUirlitji,
Over*eer Wf n Wlllifighalil,
Irietimsr T It Howe,
CUapiaiir W'tri Howard,
hieward (J I M nauhain,
A*t. Steward V It Annan,
S retary .1 T Dunlap,
Treixurer ll A1 1> verett,
Oat* K.fct*er Wut Him,l. tor,,
Ore* Mia* Kmiua Dunlap,
Flora Mr Fannie W'niingharn,
Pomona Mra JJ/tiu Fuller,
Lady Aral. Steward Mr M>MatUtWr
Choice Liquor* for tuuiily use l>y
A Piitate fMMI.
The Madison Courier teiu tiiu of a rw
, nut officer wlo waa sent u*V, 11, jlfii.-it
wliaky uisuiiing district io Kentucky -
He iwv illicit diatiiiing w**a gotsg on, l>ot
he cotrfff get 30 boats P/work from. Com
ng to an irishman wlio ra. tolerably
'!( Jtik, the officer lapped bin. on the shoul
der, and said, “My man, do you want to
make ter' dollars “ “I* it ten dollar* v "
•.aid Pat’ cure and I do. Tnen, said tiie
officer, show me a private alii! I’li do the
same ; foilqw tae, yer Honor. 'I be officer
followed 9' w T'* iota and fields to the camp
[of a company of soldier* that i-*-!
cent then to aid the revenue oiTivts
The noldien were in a line—drew; parade.
Ho you see that red* hoa led maxi ? asked
Pat, p- inung to ‘me <1 ‘.f.c soldier* Yet.
replied the r/fScer. He is, **id Pat, toy
brother. He's been in tbn service twelve
year*. Hell Ire a corpora! after a while,
bat he it a “private atill.” Ten dollar*
gone and or- illicit whisky found, moratl
red the officer as he wended his way hack
to his hotel.
mm 1
A Norwalk paper allege* that the judge*
ot the Connecticut Superior Court are, with
bat one exception, lot erected in rsHroed
compar er*, and it follow* that it b.n ft-come
impoaaible to bring a railroad oaae to the
decision of a fury.
AVe clip the follon imr f; an tkc tfriiliu
- Hill Hsrrtneu so Id two h„lrs of rotten fin
Saturday last Irotn bis farm near the city
vvh'ch is only the forenmner of n big crop
ilUlALylkee a-lj.dtts thirt of t>r. Btlia. and he
is happy itrjlie fhought that lie 'boat the
| Doctor to market with the staple and had
some “new - money fuvt
1 On yc.-tcrd iy Mesjts. Lt vtll, Harris, Me
! ('ustlun anti Di. Hirnea came over from
-Met i wet her, bringing about 40 .logs for the
pnrposu of hsvhtj a big ft’x hunt tjo >us
lenlay inorri I v , Tj.t\Li uccoiupanied
**>’ several gentlemen from this city, with
i!s pack met iiie party at doe Santos’, and
l ined out w ith fifty one dog*. They had
i.l g lie la? when ’hey "logged" one, and
fnpidttgdt rtp, started! wo other*. In a
run of a half hour, they caught one, and
in a few minutes tl.e remaimler of the dogs
—which hail b. en in full chase—stopped
dl at once, and l atne up to where the par
iy were, tliiw ciiiiyinclioji them that tfhpy
Ift.d caught the third. The pack starteifiiut
again, and run snothfl a Tong distance,'
haa tl.e g. nrioman tollowlne cattail thetu
ami returned, aa he was unaciiusinied
Wit h rtic cormti V Tl.e UitHV—fOturiMitl die
town by 11 o'clock, iiuviog caught thtce
They arc out again thU morning, and
doubtless having a high old linn*.
Tlio Politiriftl C/Rlup&igu in
A dispatch bom Mi-mpui* anys ax-Gov
eruor A Ovett, white In that my Ob Monday
•lvc.iThtd if rill IViifk* rati, who were ,to
meet at Meridian . u VV . duett lay, put In
uiit.tiualUm a Democratic Sta u tiekel he
wowd Is- f treed to with 1. >w fPilii Uu* gu
berttntmm: ia. u in la. r ol Allies, who 'lie
ban r'eun'Jy _j biu. iiy de:u uiHed. It is
i’* 1 ilntt the withdrawal of Alcorn
> ' v-iblii- -e id 'tit *s, to
■i.'. 1 -s — -f —i;u..''rn*’:'. 1 iin'"' -
"il !. i. I ,ti:hltf*tUe. The Aluiupiu
1. u! Il_ia.l4>’ r a.,y iU rojun-l, . had
in. niter .lew on Monday " A icon, w!n>
tv is nil u;„ Wit) to .i.tOaX 111, w here' ItC
would itw.'tH ih> m'li hi ot t l,v Deiiroerit’lo
i.’onvenl rn We ’iitoiDy,— r ——
Tl.. Appeal .Sts *• lit. Senator a.<aul
.'d fd< nil.!, lenei , Id* iPdli') to ■ nrry hln
'I 1" i/'t" —' ——i~r;- ti', 1j: A,. ! iJvm>S tahl,"
ttonvi nil' ll :ii itd.l mm inaiu it canuldale
if vt dl he hirn-.i to tt i!ln!r:tVV (mUI the
lin’d.' Pf 1' no , todid-.t-- .a: and, so:n.t'.< and L'J'
the TXunoi ittiie t . Hive it. ii.ii'
■d_-t.L tvjl! mi, lamin', ,1 Id Jin Is anil HtjlillUtr
t II A me* HisJett! .fid Mlftlk‘ti|>|d
ntitv liu 11 li.'jxii'J-li’Xi wii TWiitsowm and
\*ftme l n, .:e> : '..e\ e|, li.l! wUUi p .l|.,
Hi repi, ~1 .dud at Meridian, tfaltih ttiny ctut
it'diieve vietrjry tvillioul tho lulei vi ntlon ni
Alcorn, of c v , < tfltrj a ttt Lit idow*
ed when a xtralglil Demneiatii liakol ia or
—Hnator Afcnrn hw rvct ri'ly Jcnotineed
Ameianiit liL etirpiet hag negro ring in H i-
Ui"ittnlle'l u riii.i, aa a gnjjg nl liii.ves auek-
r lng In pit'll,'ll Mle iil.d*- mid MiVnlve 'll in
"■i I';I' . ulile Tet.ik I ijpiey lU.a-4* .^.o<oie
tu lie •*: demmr — t TT it i- ililHenT 'o Tee,
noelle "lieii rliifXlil) with lit* tl.u tlt to
tvjlie iin from tie eniiU-Hl m,,l Unj* in iri
o, • u'ocliun of Ahltifi. 11 Ali Vie>ru Iml It
1 i|'.' Alia; ,-.. i;t4.i lti ...■•>, f y ♦,*■—nrh a \ i s
I'll th;t' I), .t loll.g a 1 the
eiroiluh ni a Iftail viliuin in: hail [ i.liilely
dfimhiioeJ u 1 an alien kniivt; itin! 1 ohbci,
r .iln i lint;, iu 1. Utu Dun data oUUtiu po .
wut*!on .ll Uw State govCnunifftt, an uMi
•i wippi Dtmoriai, tve iiniid hav. veiy
little, if any cho'Ce liclwuen him and A Una
tin! would j in lei tiy {fat upon ntan inatio
Tif Denimu-jiuc ju-iuciplua to aiding in the
elfcttnu nl either Mritfn-.
'I ue tliviii'iiA Miurwav Imhtiiiitk *m>
'•i.n .lot, K .loitwarow —Tla Aitlleig.--
, ville Heeorder Hay* At Ihe lalm :*non ol
the Catleln of the Lunigia Mllitury Irmti
title, at Atluida. if live uieaauick w ei 1 in
ungulate 1 tm to hui.dmg that hone led lq.
' tutintl ttiiieh Slteiiiiau a vandi.L deutol
lahod in IW4. Very gratifying, indeed, ant
lb? lUtlenug proupc t* of nuioais then:
climiuatod Inreinoxt among wide It wna
the oiler of tjea Jolmatoii, “Uj do lor ijeor
gia, whtif J*ec itaei done for Virginia ” That
hnllitut galaxy, that i!!uiiiio<l Houtlorn
le 'nntin and Soutlierit getih *, lenii IH(H in
IHO7, piej iita r.o for ot gn-ator uragnitutlfc
thanjbla illuMrioun chieltain Ilia Prurhlou
hy will la: the ample*! guaranty ot a high'Ur the revived Inatltute Hut |g it
tint of utteationable propriety t<- ptdut au< h
heavy artillery at i'jeh r.-rntil /mhu '' Hu
mor nay* the C’liartceiloraliip nl the Udl
veriety will tndii Ist vaeitnt, V,']iy uot
jtthz* th*; vur:ed awnpiMUiTiottU gd (Juu.
JoPredor,, in adtttiobdett'ig and werngto a
higher levei, tur. m.'-ny hranehed Lidven*'
ty o! t/eorgia ratiier than a 1 it gle-lewturcd
military o.ltOo! v i
Look DoadLboad Story
A young man, reviden' in tbui ci’y, 'mu
was recently in a v**y b< you! the Mi * : sip
pi, found hini2,‘ twenty ft , c
cent* and longing .'of home. Nm It-i.ip
’ ah’c hi iniae any more h'ud*, he shipped on
! :urcr.l u'-.-t oof car.i bound for New York
Ila u.a* he waa met by tat conductor, but
' wa* uisnoie to pry ui.ii, and was put of! at
the next station, lioardiag the first nigh'
tram altes tba'., he took oft bis ibvt, an j
wh.n ;b*; conductor queationed ion; bis
anoec were not to be touud. Jteiog kind-
the conductor .ct him ride until be
focr.d tbcoi, wuitb waa not at once. In
tbia way, and by olucr taiics, Uie young
feiiow actually rtacbed New Yoik last
week, lie waa Uihoat starved to dcatb t
having ccten nothing ix.t a few cracker* all
the way, On bw urrtral here he learned
that funds to enable him In touie in the
ordinary faahion, without to many change*
of trains, had Keu -.-111 uiui.
M lutes uud Bkn ki mi Alalg>im.
The po"tjeia.: i rnatiou iti Aiahamn is fts
suming k grove appßiraage. With notable
unanimity tha Detnoc’i Stic p.cs ay reel
> tu ilic the f-sn cl iftv n'\t elcclivm be
ai'cu tl.e whiles and the blacks Under or
dinary circumstance:. ,vc would bith.rcv.l to
condemn sueli a puli, y, but as Alalmtn i i
sitimlcd.wt look.-. >, rv much as :l this dc
plorable conflict of iac._a was torc.-.l u jhc.
.he whiles. They have done everythin
iQ their power to eauclliata the r.c ,m
attd tit guarantc. them piotcciion in the
exercise of all ih.-ir riglits. Not content
with that— or rat Iter distrustiirg the white
-ibo negro*, hav e Ridowtal the connsc’a
of *dventurers and .•calla,wagi, _a ; a- dm4M4-
ilie iaana, which tha tupeiioi has ac
Uulllw LottHHivr.a, Alabama has a large
and compact white pipula'Vm uuoierk atly
suporior to the nrgroesy and not at all like
tytiJTotik with favor upon ••tinlficaliou”
moveinouta. 11, then, the struggle is Ui lx*
between races, even though it he g violi'iU
one, the negro uniat gPV< the wall, ami it
did not Us.'vd-UlciUlica an.ft-api'als of our
Alabama cotSiUporurles to' explain the
gravity of Hid Conflict and its inevitable re
sult.— | Herald.
HutU‘l on the Koftentmti Ntotd.
The I mill bticcani'cr of A* inker: politics
uu hail otiiin M |K.*ntsiit .p.i.ilnis VV r l.o
wouul have thought ;i f l mmUu his hold
bluster on the hack pay grab with lilt, jink
mg dove Jk'giiT-' liowj ami we have some
idea d>f the p'rutcucy of |xiptilitr .l.dcit tui
etch natures. iaicet
The VVOfueahji corn j t. tli Chi
ettgoTribune writes inat (icncra! IVullei
made tills cun i .ion to a dufegme on tin
bij |trecwii!ug thi ..onventio;.;
1 i ought uol Id have run tins year. It
was bat) J a Igterut, but rlicr ul of mb • cl
Ulj I lib 1* I'C'l me up ' Abel t! .: C'lll
V.e*|l|i'ii, he ■■. 1 "(I ctbai' i.i.l !i-• lit me,
any way. Mj cit i- sc ill. lit ('oiicie.s,
.uil t. n,.. . ill. i. . n*. timk a' mo
t'.uj bt ctnitf! hi i**‘. kp .y m. as’li't, and
hairy H. I never n'lt.i. • tit. bad. pay, il
me Hreai tent .ltd." DoeMI. .. ilil acliou
of the lepv. 1.!...., 1 1 a.- convinced ilu lien
• till that Die pm;' 1 , ur. pretty tiu.tnilno *■-!_%_
opposed ip thcTnnbi p y WliKti.', imd
he can iKhit win lavor by mg eg tlx rcpeul.
LBT63: fi~7H
~ - 7T !
*f. c;. K f N (i .
l\K(;i; s ro( k !
I lur,;i st airn kof goods ever brought hy
mr to tlilti utnikai
My Emhi accN
(iroceM* au^'J{srvl*lon*
r - "
flanlwafe wad Wooilcii Wore
-f - iplc Dry Ooojh.
Hoot' *n<'. dho*--
,;*jr '• •, {.!! -goo., is dick 15
■s' • ;*■ 1 j
Clio .u Leal it'Jpi; livery yard warranbr •
7j ':<•!)<. , '
r i ■ '!
—'* *• '* i‘
1 fee! under obligation* to my friend*
who have patronized me ao iitrexaliy in tbi -
past, and am determined lit merit a -on
tinuance of tiseir fa voir, by offering them
go*ula a* low aa can be had in any market
in Middle bieorgi*. in the same quantities.
I am Determined not to be under
sold. Call and examine prior*.
Tilf J. C. KINO.
Host Mnohme ! !
Do Not BUY 11,1 ’’ Y ,;1 tTtY The
We dosuv h> call Uwi attantitoti of Uw
people of Metiwulhei tai the gupeiiority ol
over all other Hewing M.tch.m-S now in
Ist ft has more room uudu the iimi;
Veal adwautttgaln .Ire.) n.uklny
—.tvo-m-rnmirr, an iHihiivri—ivr
astl in* ' i' t
adieu will '.es'ity
del. | w Hrdlbnfi ilohTWIIr ll'H ll‘l 1 *tf
lilt. Hu- Bell' rcg.lbmng leitsi ).t, l.diipt. *1
to .til kinds ot llinnil
At),. Letts c.nfi'plicitted, buying about, hall
tin: machinery nt nthrrF, rcndvritig tl lc"*f
h,title tit gel out of order
(lili It lias no cams nor cog wle el*.
r pfo’Charge unde tor Trying ~IC '' l
Lcliinc, an the agetii ilemn a all to become
ae.|ualntid with its Mm’iiM. '*’hc uu
dcltigned, .1
litr M. liivwhci, will lake plrasure bi- wait
ing on any on* wiitili.g to try oho ol his
Machines If . Post Office is LaOrnnge
Airliners adtln siul to liTfii at tirwiiiville
ears nf VitnlicaUii. will Ti ceivc pmmitt al J) ll V, Kl*.l Il’K'l I’Klf
atlg 1 ’)
(rrorci mid
—— ■ -A —--
C)iumi*i,itn Mt-rfhiiut.
itiifm.VNUE, u.v.
■• i 0
| HAVE .11'HT returnbd iftotb Ntiw York
1 and sill now able lo allow my friends a
-'J.lcmiid avaorliMCht ol Groceries, Domes
Ui, titttblo find Fancy Dry (Jonds, at! of
which i shall •ell ui very iow Ugure..
riu- b ns
Grain, Flour, Hulk Me..ln Coder, bugui,
Tobacco amt Uuklwh <•.
H r V A. L > L. K
-w ...^ v .
... I
fc.r Winsbip A Carver GINd. IJrrr k k
Bradley’s (Wctt I'oini; Sciews.
1 wbi be glad lo li.,vc a call irotu all my
Met iw'itber friend*. Yotf will llnd me at
Ibc Buffalo’s Ilevi
Vert Re*|awtfu"v,
spll- tf ' JNO N COOIJiIC
51 <*[
son fit fVATEVV Alt t A HEIR ,
r ' * “
M .milactnrer's Agents and Dhalrrs In
ail Xln-ls of
f..-‘ .J.*. OTKKUi
"" f’TTTLRRY. ~
• " -
'difLTLDKHrt mid
Wf *&m‘~ - '
frrr ifin’s isijiti£lc! By^i
mon* l*iiWikr t 'ofU|HtUy' itilio
MllJ Wlrtttg HHH
HlomjM tml
Of tb4 i.wwa
Colton and Way f hrtw FrrM
t# We are doing a Whohiaale Hu*l •
an*l nlwaya keepon hand an ample to< k
to supply Kutail Mi iuhaiibt und LniMrac
tor*- Jangktf
Tue Undersigned taken thin occaeibn of
returning Id* thunk* to thbcitizen*.of Meri
wether county ior their lllgtral patronage
in tho part, and of inviting a continuation
of the tlhinii for the future. We nhall have
In atore hy the Ist of Obtobnr, a ogsauAi.
•T-Cit of well luaorted Mterchandlae, which
we propose to Bell
We have adopted llie OAsit systkm, not'
•iione Isscsusm; it ms impciatively demanded
by these |eculiar times, and seems lo be
growing fb public favor, but for the addi
tional reason that wo ooneeive it to lie the
wihiyvi and iiKst for hotii ukulkii and
ncvi r. ( ;l| on us Rt the -old stand of
Harris & Adouis, examine our stock and
learn our Cast! f’niexs.
r;r,sr.fieffl wifi'iftod"otir cTeiks, Messrs.
Artliir and Clarence Rol.inson, courteous,
prompt and reliable.
S2J rewardT
fpHE undersigned will pay the above
1 amount tor the apprehension an<f dc
ifvery fojbeji! ip Hucky Mouslorf a tiegit*
man named Demiwey Fiuiiley, who broke
Into the boii’esof Messrs, (’lark and Teagir,
“ n the oigtit ol ;be 11'li,sad osasped from
custody sfiei arrest. Said negro 1* about
47 yea-s old, weigus about i.JO pounds, baa
a soar on, wo think, the rlgbt side ot bis
forehead I of an inch long, ig medium,
height, nt'iops a little, teeth wide apart.
HMnk* slowly, is neither black nor mulatto,
but a cross between the tw>r feet turning
j ”Ut considerably, was former’y the slave ok
; R'ky Fridley. JNO. A. GILL.
| suglb- TU<>6 EDWAMtdhs